tv [untitled] February 14, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EST
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if you just joined us this is our team in the russian capital top stories this hour doubled lost in russia. two officers have been killed and several others injured in the. explosives as she tried to enter the building. western european. the potential threat to security. solution instead of criticism. and tensions remain high in egypt as the military takes to troll with. a quest for democracy may
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be thwarted by u.s. interests. and a revolutionary. space. project locally a trip to the red planet part of an experiment. to make this journey a reality. or news in. special people. and. there was one klan plot out of texas nine hundred ninety seven where these klansman attended club a natural gas refinery and they succeeded the authorities said after they were all arrested no one was hurt thought they likely would have killed thirty thousand people that is ten times the number of people as died on nine eleven the world trade center if there's going to be any south salvation. our culture white european culture in north america. all violence is.
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you. remember speaking at interval a c.p. branch in dallas about nineteen forty seven and after i had spoken and people were shaking in one i felt a hug around the neighborhood and let down there's this little girl looking up at me and saying i know that you do you go on to mean my folks in income tell us what
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a fiction to do. stetson kennedy you know was something of a legend i've heard about him for many many years and he was a guy who worked with congress in all kinds of racist groups to try neuter the klan infiltrated the klan and infiltrate it very very effectively and i think it's a great mistake to think about the klan in terms of a few nuts or french people who are psychopaths. racism has been a part of the american system and as far back as you can go. and the question was simply didn't care or just unfortunate arm of it. in the mid one nine hundred twenty s. the klan and over four million members you know at a time when the country was much much smaller than the klan in the twenty's controlled state governorships they controlled big politicians it was really quite different i recorded a deathbed statement to phone or imperial. president warren harding into the klan and the ceremony in the green room of the white house. should he was so nervous.
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the left in the car and the president harding had just been for the white house bubble. the token of appreciation provan harding gave old number of elections. could run red light for me something. like. stetson really was one of the pioneers and getting the klan to lose credibility on the national stand on making this an acceptable behavior that people who are in politics and then the police and whatever they should not be part of this and that
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it actually ends terrorism. when the civil rights movement essentially was successful the klan really did fade away. what they call the fourth era klan want to came back was the klan of david duke which peers in the late seventy's and really david duke was all about the idea of kind of let's get rid of the ropes let's put on business suits let's hold meetings and motels we need sort of get out of the cow pastures and into the motels .
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greensboro was an amazing moments that came relatively late. in the century at a time when people really did not expect the klan to be picking up weapons and murdering their enemies in open daylight let alone on t.v. the fact is is that's precisely what happened. part of the route it had organized to have an anti clinton inspiration and conference and when the third symphony no. i was one of the coordinators of the march so i was kind of busily looking in on this new thing and was actually standing on the street corner for
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a little while not far from seeing the smith. line of cars. moving very slowly came down the street. and cindy said it's weird so once we said no cops here. she was right and cindy dead moments later. i saw this caravan of. confederate flag on. one of the cars i knew it was the klan and the first car in the caravan was a pickup truck a guy leaned out with a long barreled black pistol waved in the sky a couple times shot one shot into the sky and yelled something in the car a stop and point a group of guys with sticks jumped on the car began beating people and drove back into the housing project to gather. totally confused what was going
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on and who was happening but you know running and running with people i reached the point of relative safety behind someone somewhere and looked behind me and i saw that caesar. was a very big fella was standing with a stick and appeared to be fighting off some other guys with sticks. and i was carrying a stick with a picket sign on it so i turned around and i ran toward caesar thinking he could use some hope but i had a stick. there was just a deafening roar of gunfire tremendous when the noise people screaming sticks cracking all kinds of things will happen to what was going on. all of
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a sudden. i got hit twice in the head in the arm by what i didn't know. i saw my very close friend cesar couse a lying in a strange on his chest and face. i knew he was hurt i knew by that time he was probably shot. i ran up to him as soon as the klansmen drove off and i tried to. turn him over and a whole lot of air came out of his lung and i thought oh my goodness at least he's alive he's still breathing but then the air just kept on coming out and. it was it was his last breath it was all out it wasn't he wasn't breathing and. talk about a cold. i
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ran over to paul and he was shot right in his head and it was bleeding it was also shot his arm and it was the most helpless feeling. i kept trying to get out because one foot you know could be useful one doctor going couldn't get up i couldn't figure out why i was terribly confusing. i moved around and i was able to see there was blood on the grass rheumy and what. he was in five hours of brain surgery that night and they really didn't think he would live. the surgeon already knew he was paralyzed on the left side. he did survive but has been you know. seriously crippled. since that time. here we are where planning to have
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march and conference. you know part of hundreds of demonstrations and then suddenly caravan come in and then in eighty eight seconds kill five very close friends and almost killed my husband. for me it divided my life and in other words it's like before. november third nine hundred seventy nine and after. because we believe life is valuable and because five lives were lost. and ten people were injured in the tragedy of november three nine hundred seventy nine we must examine the beliefs and issues that brought about these events written akim agreed burd they put the poster and did to the clean it was hard not to rock we were not good it really made it work for america she'd say on me.
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and i'm not a prude mostly and i don't that's why i'm here today. i'd be marching in greece bursting night thousand sixty three. and the police never would leave you alone well the one in there not they would they all the time to help or hinder them both this is the first time i've ever been to a rally where there was no policemen they they were there and then it was sent away for lunch. police officers were assigned to be on post they were told get to your post what is not been clarified if their post was not winter center for every car. they post with a high school. i had access to these documents read them back as i read it ot write a play and watch the clock and believe. you don't let two groups with the extreme
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political views from each other. come together without a buffer. and the buffer would been. painted yes we should have been me. i did not keep a record of the race of the jury was selected all rejected but if i can't trust my memory after twenty five years i believe an all white jury was selected. this was. one thousand nine hundred. now and this is still happening. and i was naive in not the milly nor. the set up for the first trial was such that it rivaled the set up for the murders themselves in terms of the careful planning that went into it the district attorney who is the prosecuting attorney
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who was supposedly representing the interests of the victims said people around here think the congress workers probably got about what they deserved the d.a.'s office chose not only all white jury but a very very racist pro klan jury including people who thought it was less of a crime to kill a communist people who thought that. their neighbors and friends were klansman and i was really ridiculous. that they acquitted the klan up this big surprise both the local and the federal court acquitted the shooters so no one ever went to prison on those killings it was quite amazing. the jury for the first time had a black person and a liberal woman and that trial and the klan and jointly liable
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with employees of the greensboro police department the survivors pool the resources that we gathered from the civil suit which warless a certain amount of money to set up the greensboro justice fund which is an organization to fund grassroots groups in the u.s. south through funding racial violence and that's really been a tremendous positive legacy this corner of the greens were a massacre i'd say a civil trial was a partial victory but other than that it was just lots of justice. documenting the klan is something that i feel is a calling in my life. my goal for the project is to document as thoroughly as possible they have vents the
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actions and the beliefs of the klan members. attend rallies ten marches. cross lighting ceremonies on private property i've promised these groups only to be fair and objective and documenting what they believe even though a lot of what they do i don't believe it and. i've tried to stick to that promise. no one child that i've hurt with was just five years old when i saw him last he was a fifth generation klansman and i've got this picture of his father assisting him and teaching him how to hold a lit torch very across lighting ceremony with him in a full row. there has been one instance where where a father of a child and i photographed was extremely upset about about the project and in this
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one particular photograph that i took of his child next to a black ball hanging from a noose the members were joking about stringing up blacks from the nearest tree and i wrote their comments in their jokes and the captioning of that photograph and it was published and the father of the child saw the picture. and i was very upset about it. and some months later i came to an event where i had not had an opportunity to ask for permission to be there. the mother of the child had come out to greet me she said her husband was still a bit upset and it would take a little time for him to get over his anger. about the time i turned around and noticed the father had a rifle pointed at me with about ten or so of his buddies i circled me and told me that it was time for me to leave and they were counting to five and i had best be gone by the time they finished i made
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a decision to leave at that point. so i got my car and unlocked the doors driving down the road with a truck full of klansmen behind me yelling and shouting and. coming up on my tail so i was able to stir up enough dust on the gravel road to lose them. and i never turn back you know and i feel fortunate to have gotten out of there without incident most of the clan groups that i've been dealing with feel that they're called by biblical scripture and by god to be separate races they tell me that the lighting of the cross is not a burning but rather of a live aid that represents the life that jesus brought into the world. today we're looking at not a single clan like we had in the twenty's and during reconstruction but in fact about thirty five thirty six different clan groups and in many cases these clan
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groups all despise each other right where the one true clan those other guys those are you know f.b.i. agents are there you know they sleep with black women or they're secretly gay or you know anyone any number of things like that so you've got this so what the klan seen today are these thirty five kind of squabbling little groups all of which together might comprise six thousand maybe seven thousand of the most people around the country. and they're not taken terribly seriously. the ku klux klan is not what it used to be made today but unfortunately there are still many many hate groups out there and they just are known by other names and i think without question that the most important groups out there in terms of scary and significant are neo nazi groups.
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us. was. was just was there i just got word of god that. was. the one person was what. was coming up. in the national socialist movement has been around for almost thirty years for about thirty years but in fact it was a non-entity it was a tiny little group that had essentially no importance at all in the larger kind of radical right or white supremacist world but that has changed in the last year this group has almost literally exploded the next generation. of the working class because we have the skin of. the right.
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words and tell us marxists and and concern concern for our youth was a. big supporters of. the right wing racial groups of which i am not connected to i know a lot of them but we disagree on a lot of things they have the idea. the mass recruitment there we if we get enough people we just got to sign up enough people that we can when we are here stand. fast gratian people get worse. we will not be sorry we are going to grow we have been growing our growth for nothing stuff and we are going to get. your point of back on track rich evil evil one tough race if people wish. and for nothing.
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i'm. not. free i'd like to get stage in there and i think if. they have. these people have to be put in special buses and transported to the demonstration by the police and that to me is the ultimate insult i will not be put in a changeling enclosure here i will not cooperate with police when i talk about my rights to free speech or you are with. the white people in this country on. one thing about the national socialist movement is that they are very specialized kind of outrage tactics they go up to lead oh hi oh and they march sure they try to march into a black neighborhood and what happens is they're stopped by the cops but there's riot.
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or not it's proven that. it's you know he said there was no city center it wasn't ok. we marched streets and against our rights that i will say was from the national socialist movements point of view and untrammeled victory you never had to march at all and so you know there are a. home and watch on t.v. as the network television of all three major network shows you know black people rioting in toledo and assam sits back and says see that's how they are. thank. you. you will be. tell you.
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what we have found over the years is that perhaps surprisingly the absolute number one recruiting mechanism for bringing young people into the movement is five the music scene i have talked myself to many many people who've come out of the white supremacist world and have said just that you know when i was seventeen sixteen years old angry about this angry about that didn't you know i was i mad at my parents for some race on this music interest. of course the real moment of recruitment doesn't happen from listening in on your walkman or whatever to this music the moment of recruitment happens when that kid actually leaves his parents' house and coast to his first in concert.
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