tv [untitled] February 14, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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a double plus is hit russia's southern republican delegates the two says side bombs were detonated outside a police station that killed two police officers and left many more injured we'll bring you the latest on that story. the french before i don't visually show you which they feel really comfortable. western european leaders law multiculturalism as a failure and the potential threat to security about immigrants demand solutions instead of criticism. also tensions remain high need the military takes control with protests those who answered western backed aid to hosni mubarak therefore their quest for democracy may again be thwarted by u.s. interests. to boldly go to calls went on to make their fellow
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simulated steps and laws where mission control and most care for the experiment replicating exactly the rigors of a real life return journey to the red line and. international news life this is all see was me thanks for joining us to a suicide bomb blasts have roamed the southern russian republic of dagestan killing at least two policemen and injuring dozens more the explosions went off just hours apart in the village of good ben so referred to brings us all the details. the first bomb was detonated at about eight pm and those searches by a female suicide bomber he tried to enter a police station in the village and issues coming through the security checkpoint
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had been stopped and at that point that's nature of the explosion now we know that that killed one police officer and injured many more and then less than a few hours later at ten forty pm a male suicide bomber set off a car bomb also killing another police officer who seen the tactic of some says i've got this just made the first explosion you could see then have the investigators and the people help take the stage and then just take a second explosion a few hours later because causing even more damage with a standard people there the scene we've heard these two suicide bombs now leaving eight twenty people injured and of course a bus case now we're working to try to stop us exactly who these suicide bombers are not the last was suicide bombing them a day to the plate thirty six lives we see security in the country really being stepped up in fact we heard the media the also the times they present it faded and the message beyond and saying this wasn't just about ensuring that security was
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tightened at these major trouble hugs that really the systems were put in place country why we've seen a major push to ensuring this is happening which i think carried out throughout the country in region such as the good stuff is interesting to note that when these suicide bombings went off as he said the first one the female suicide bomber that she tried to enter the police station but had been stopped at a checkpoint a safer tenchi they could have been many more lives lost perhaps not so security measures have been put in place coming into a fake but of course they're really going to be wanting to know now what more could have been done to try and find out whether these people could have been stopped at an earlier stage as we said the security measures in this country are being watched very closely to make sure these systems are in place to ensure that terror attacks like this aren't a common occurrence. there are calls among european politicians for a new approach to immigration out of the german chancellor and other leaders declaration that multicultural integration in the u. has been a failure the issue remains high on the political agenda with continued migration
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from increasingly volatile north africa. reports. the concept of multiculturalism seems to be failing all around europe we failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. this approach has field . my answer is clearly yes it's a failure. the heads of state are now admitting what many observers and radicals have been saying for some time more to culturalism will only function if the people come into the country have a job to own their own money and feel responsible for the for the community otherwise was jobless people and if they live a passive life with social welfare and the passive approach can sometimes devolve into extreme action denmark is home to more than half a million immigrants making up almost ten percent of the population or didn't see it white danish town the birthplace of hans christian andersen one of the world's
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best known storytellers but the story unfolding here has nothing magical about it clashes between danes and groups of somali imposed union youth have rattled this neighborhood for more than a year locals say car burnings and violence between immigrants and police are a familiar sight one neighborhood to different worlds and their voices are being raised about doing something before tensions involves was get out of hand the situation remains far from being a fairy tale there have been some suggestions on how to ease the tensions if we take those two hundred persons. split from all over the city. with the help from the state and police and kick them out of the country we won't have any problems but some immigrants believe the main issue isn't the different issue of integration. the danes think that integration means becoming fully danish
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immigrants have to eat drink and live just like the danes but those who come here think integration means earning some money having their kids speak danish and going to danish schools here but that's why there's a discord so perhaps until this difference in expectations is resolved the cultural tensions in europe will persist but admitting that the problem exists may be the first step on the way. to finding a solution. and. that . policy has failed more complex than people. say. it's a fall of the government's not facing the facts standing up to reality standing up to the social phenomena popping up europe in sweden and denmark as well you can you can't blame a whole. group of people for not doing this or that but you can you can blame the
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politicians for not dealing with the problems not not turning them into subjects can be criticized and be paid out too much multiculturalist. it being represented in the public sphere and now we've gone gone even further to to. practice legislation against hate speech against the defamation and limiting the free speech and and the soul which is european we have to start opening up to criticism and start forming a new policy. egyptians have ousted president hosni mubarak with all its next to the country's yet to be determined but the military taking the place of the mubarak regime questions remain about whether egyptians will get the democracy they demanded mubarak handed power to the armed forces in the final day and in thirty years of dictatorship backed by the last in the west the supreme military council has since dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution under which mubarak
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ruled the militias had told opposition leaders they've had a new constitution to be drafted by legal experts were told to put to the people by referendum within two months but while the eternal seemed to be moving quickly to side the country on the path to civilian rule made mistakes but oliver miles says the army's plans for egypt are still not full because. we know from bitter experience that revolutions are going to go can go terribly wrong and the fact is that egypt faces appalling problems. the same problems essentially that it was facing in the low bar the same problems that other countries in the region are also facing economic problems over rising food prices unemployment underemployment solve problems of corruption problems of ingrained habits of brutality in the security forces all these things can perhaps be put right but they can't be put right overnight now the army in egypt is secretive and probably nobody outside the the egyptian army knows exactly what their intentions are of course plenty of other
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examples where revolutions have been hijacked by the military what we need is to see which way the military are going to take egypt and that for the moment we don't know. there is a retired diplomat and middle east expert other miles. and ways from the uprising in egypt are evacuating the middle east on monday large crowds of anti-government demonstrators clashed with police in teheran police fired tear gas to disperse throwing demonstrators. clashing the country for. the day before the protests the u.s. state department sending twenty messages to iranians in their native language farsi that country and middle east expert way that's an open american support for israel in opposition groups is only giving the regime as good reason to crack down. on the problem is with the so-called green revolution that had too many u.s. fingerprints on it from soros to usa id national down in for democracy so the
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regime in iran can always point to that and say this is the united states behind this whether we are behind some of the groups but legitimate opposition is suppressed because of that mantra that's put over all the opposition by the iranian government iran's a little bit different although there's a stirring from morocco all the way across the what we used to call the the islamic crescent in. iran is under economic embargo it's from the u.s. in the u.n. it's also facing us as u.s. troops in afghanistan and iraq so the regime there can point to the fact that they're under siege and also under the threat of a military attack by politicians in israel the united states they can point to that and say you can't you know you can't oppose the regime or under siege that's because we have basically frozen iran out there was probably a mistake on our part. by doing that we're suppressing the legitimate craddick
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opposition in iran. and then later we'll tell you how tales for pensive futures are flying off the shelves in the u.s. . firm merican say it's another example that shatters the functions of industries and one about. two cosmonauts have taken their first steps on the red planet part of a historic simulation led by russian scientists to replicate the exact conditions for every turn journey to mars. has more on the mars five hundred mission from star sky. italy's. and russia's isle xander smiley and ski v. made their first steps on the surface of mars the installed the flags there they took the samples of the surface and measured the imaginary magnetic level of the red planet of course this is
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a simulation but it is pretty real for the volunteers who spent over two hundred days in isolation during the simulation of the actual trip to the red planet just previously they were broken up into two groups one group stayed in the mothership simulator and two three people cheney's an italian and a russian volunteer they went to the martian surface they're going to spend around a month there and are going to conduct three or walks in total though after that they will be reunited with the whole team and will begin their simulation of the journey back home even though this is a simulation it's a real step forward. towards a mission to the red planet because scientists on both sides both in european space agency and in the russian space agency they say that before a real flight to the red planet it's possible hundreds and hundreds of various
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tests and experiments are needed to be conducted this is definitely a massive psychological test for these people since these six men are locked in this. scientific model absolutely isolated from the rest of the world with the limited communication even messages from mission control or received would be delays simulating a real space flight and actually a russian the russian space agency has now announced that the see a real flight to mars possible in around twenty years so that kind of give some time for some more tests and but it's just really important who are these scientists to see how people can live together and work together most importantly in isolated simulated conditions there even beam being given simulations of emergency situations which can also turn up during a real spaceflight so there is no t.v.
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no internet no radio there's only the six of them and mission control with them from whom the you get these messages to very difficult psychologically and also this is only the middle of the mission since they still have to come back and that is going to be over two hundred more days that they will have to spend inside of that module lock so perhaps the most difficult psychologically part of the experiment is still ahead. there is also his correspondent reporting that on the five hundred project. russian officials have dismissed claims that the sentence handed to the former head of the yukos oil company hail holder was made under pressure the judge's assistant that he was forced to quote only tycoon's jail but according to a court official the judge was the only positive had access to the detail of the case and good nor have been dictated the terms of the verdict and his partner were found guilty of all soft and money laundering last december which saw the prison
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terms extended for another six years in two thousand and five to two men who found guilty of several offenses including fraud and tax evasion. let's take a brief look at some other international news headlines for unrest continues to spread throughout the arab world with protesting yemen and bahrain to give an account of cells. for the fourth day in a row just twenty four hours after police with sticks and knives beat crowds opposing the pro you as a patriot of president sign that he's been in power for over three centuries yes he's pledged to step down in twenty thirteen has broken similar promises in the past meanwhile security forces in. the nama find tear gas and rubber bullets at thousands of demonstrators demanding more political freedoms from the ruling monarchy. at least two security guards have been killed and what police say was a suicide attack and there are going to capital kabul the blast occurred in
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a well known building in their hotel and shopping mall in the center of the city gunfire was heard out of the explosion and is said to be continuing in all share the same building was heavily damaged in a suicide attack on nearly all the nearby hotels. there but to go out of murdered governor. has admitted shooting him closed court hearing and the case gripping the nation. quadri said he killed the liberal politician because he didn't oppose the country's blasphemy law which itself carries the death sentence for defaming the prophet muhammad contrary claims he was following the koran saying that politicians have forsaken his religion and deserve death tens of thousands of pakistanis have held demonstrations in support of their keys. if you prove his feeling a little these days these are companies that claim they have just the right pill
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for it canine approach is one of many pet products in the very lucrative market but as the pharmaceutical industry is growing something needs turning into a cash cow lauren listed best to gates if there's a cut is that a consummate of interest when it comes to profit and quality. the most common things that we prescribe medication for in dogs are aggression and anxiety disorders. you have project works great on dogs you heard it right doggie prozac a b. flavored version of the well known human anti-depressant government approved and being perscribe by veterinarians for canines in crisis there is a significant population of dogs that really have suffering from separation anxiety the drug company one of the largest is banking on that they believe up to seventeen percent of us dogs are suffering from this mental affliction it's an idea some would scoff at i definitely understand being skeptical so is this really
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a quest to help feisty fido's or is it a sign of this. desperate to keep their profit margin. to keep the margins go up even though the drugs that are important. is that it turns out those companies don't need doggie drugs in order for critics to make that case medical researchers crunched the numbers and down the pharmaceutical industry now tops the defense industry. as the number one de fraud or of the u.s. government that was a foreign that i didn't expect nor ever looked at before and it shows you how out of control before. in some cases criminally out of control perhaps helping this industry go from selling forty billion dollars to two hundred thirty four billion dollars a year in prescription drugs or over the last two decades companies have been cheating and in danger in patients their biggest violations are overcharging the
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government by billions and illegally marketing their drugs for uses they are proven safe or effective for while side the world headquarters of one of the largest offender one of the biggest criminal penalties that ever levied against any american corporation and volved this drug giant pfizer their illegal practices included eventually hiring physicians to spread buzz about a drug telling their colleagues to prescribe it for a condition it wasn't approved for drug pushers. we've described and difficulty for again and when it comes to the drug companies disease pushers may not be an unfair way of describing them either that's what one filmmaker found tracing a newly minted disorder female sexual dysfunction itself was definitely something that the pharmaceutical industry really pushed for and had a hand and creating that's the conclusion cancer came to after following the process of a drug company developing a female by agra she says only
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a small number of women need it but the company has other plans their marketing and the amount of money that they were pouring into it really says that they're trying to sell this to the whole population restless legs and with commercials for prescription drugs airing on t.v. in the us companies are in a position to do just that you feel better with billions being made and not much to lose. critics say even in the case of crime for this industry nothing is likely to change it lest people go to jail less the fines are much larger than they have been the companies will find that it's cheaper to cheat stopping short of nothing to find some syndrome someone or something new to medicate lauren lyster r.t. new york. coming up next our interview with u.s. congressman ron paul and he told. me that washington was largely to blame for the shortcomings of the mubarak regime and was behind the revolution that toppled him.
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a very different take on the situation in egypt something that many lawmakers most lawmakers aren't even talking about you say that this is our thirty year mistake that this this mass happened because of us foreign policy what do you mean by that we had a lot to do with mubarak being in power and staying in power like we subsidize them we own them he's our puppet dictator he does what we tell him because he gives so much money he's gotten probably sixty to seventy billion dollars and i understand his family has sixty or seventy billion dollars stashed away in swiss accounts and other places around the world so we won't hear and. we're supposed to get you know perpetual peace and cooperation but in times after a time the people rebel against this they know about it and they see dictators as being nothing more than public he. they sell government and they rebel and that's what they've done so even though there's been stability and we could afford the over those years now there's no stability and we can't afford it anymore so the
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sooner we quit this foreign policy of subsidizing people they said well he's our only friend if we have to pay that much money for a friend he's not much of a friend the way i figure but your critics would say look we have to look out for the best interests of the united states therefore we can not have a noninterventionist foreign policy intervention hasn't helped us very well very much at all because if you look at how many americans have been killed in korea and vietnam in the middle east and around the world and how many others how much collateral damage there's been and how many civilians are being killed around the world i would say hasn't done us a bit of good in this helped move us toward our own bankruptcy so i don't believe our our national security required it i think we're able to say for it the threat of terrorism is related to our foreign policy so i feel less safe because we're over there i never feel safer for the foreign policy that we have today here's something that shocked a lot of people this is something that you had mentioned the telegraph reported on
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it it was part of the wiki leaks revelations the fact that the united states was actually supporting some of these activists that we saw on the streets for several years now how do we make sense of that where we're always involved on both sides here if if if our puppet dictator can last we keep propping him up when we see the tide taint changing then i'm sure our cia is involved in the opposition they can be in earlier and later they try to pick up the pieces that doesn't mean they have total control you know we controlled the iranian situation we had the shah in there for a while but eventually the next revolution we didn't have control and then we end up with the ayatollah so long term i think it hurts us on the short term we will always try to buy the influence and stay involved and can be seen merican people that our national security will be threatened if we don't control. these governments i just don't believe that a lot of folks over that conservative political action conference is a disagree with a lot of your especially when it comes to foreign policy and now especially this
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year with go proud being included in the conference and you winning the straw poll last year there's this sort of fear as as they say that sea pack is becoming more libertarian why do you think that for some folks that's such a dirty word some people who call themselves conservative are big government conservatives so my opposition are big government conservatives and big government liberals i want libertarians and constitutional conservatives who say they will follow the constitution we believe in personal liberty and they come from our own right tradition there is a tradition in the republican party that objects to us policing the world so although you hear that and they've had lots of influence these last several decades there's still a lot of influence in the past at least by republicans who believed in in limited government and a noninterventionist foreign policy what do you think their ideal america looks like their conclusion is because we're exceptional and so special that we have this
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neo jacob in ism where we have this moral obligation to spray on our goodness even if we have to use force we reject the notion of using force to move people survive and change the world so that's where the separation is a big government conservative and more libertarian constitutionalist because we believe we can persuade people rather than forcing people to accept our views and act the way we do and you know see pac is usually a platform or perhaps a task for future presidential candidates are you going to be one of them and twenty truthfully. no decision to make i am undecided and some days i am sympathetic to the idea because i have a lot of supporters urging me to then there are other days i think well you know maybe i have better things to do or other things to do so i am still undecided i have a couple month. to make a decision i don't know if you got a chance to see this but there was an article circulating on the internet amongst your supporters and the title of it was a radical idea ron paul runs as
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a democrat in two thousand and twelve and if we listed all of the quote unquote good reasons as to why you should run as a democrat for example your anti-war views the fact that you want to end the drug war and many republicans associate you know smoking a joint with him where ality i have you ever considered that running as a democrat. but then i realize it's improper to go but it would be great to do it because it would just just drive the progressives nuts because they would be agreeing with me but they wouldn't be able to stand the idea of supporting somebody like me because i don't address i don't endorse their principles of redistribution of wealth you know from one group to another so there's a limit they might agree with me on civil liberties and war and they would in we could expose the. the conflicts and the inconsistency of a president because he has the endorsement of the progressives but they get annoyed too because he's up there promoting no already been doing about the drug war and all these things and we promotes a patriot act and endorses assassinations and secret prisons nothing really changed
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so that would that will really stir the hearts of all dress and the progressives would say oh you know he doesn't want to give more food stamps through the american people and you know it's back to that but it's an interesting thing it's fascinating to think about congressman paul as always thank you so much thank you.
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the above. the law by. law the beyond the one on. this street still keeps its secrets but now it's time to move feel that the soviet files nikita khrushchev's between black and white on oxy. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. if.
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