tv [untitled] February 14, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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oh so you stop stories that a double suicide last has rolled through russia saw the republic of dagestan killing two all this is in a dream open twenty people in attacks near a police station of a couple when told just hours after a woman described explosives as she tried to enter the building. western european leaders culture it isn't as if the potential threat to security threats in the ground. instead of criticism. that tensions remain high in egypt as the military takes control with her turns to the west and by the dictator hosni mubarak fearful that quest for democracy may again both alter the by u.s. interest. as barack obama unveils his three point seven trillion don't know the
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federal budget for twenty twelve well schooled. that's involved small in the next from our washington studio. we've got. the biggest issues good voice seems to face with the news makers. welcome the ilona show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey working live out of washington d.c. now the president has released his budget for two thousand and twelve today the numbers are kind of surprising well tell you what cuts made the list and what did it like the three huge elephants in the room medicaid medicare and social security was because business insiders july's involved and a new report shows that the us has never been the leader in education globally well
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if we were never ever number what does that mean there are entire approach to the concept of improving our education system needs to change will join me to hash out all the details next on this valentine's day we wanted to share the love with one of our favorite guests sarah bennett caso so talk about crazy justin bieber fans g.l.b. theme g.o.p. themed valentine's cards and we'll tell you how the crazy burgers are clamoring for some more attention then comments from the governor of wisconsin are reheating the workers union debate scott walker is proposing removing public bargaining rights all for the sake of filling a three billion dollars budget hole was that really the right thing to do well debate the issue is see like elk and the simulated mission to mars five hundred has reached a major milestone after a crew has been mimicking space flight for two hundred fifty seven days they finally reached the planet mars author andrew trike in will join me at the end of
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the show to discuss this foam mission and what it could mean for the future of space exploration but now to move on to our top story. today president obama released his by. for two thousand and twelve a whopping three point seven three trillion dollars budget which means it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better now this new budget projects of the deficit for the current year is going to surge to an all time high of one point six five trillion dollars but it also pledges one point one trillion in savings over the next decade two thirds of those savings would come through spending cuts and one third through tax increases so let's break it down those cuts would include four hundred billion in savings from a five year freeze on domestic discretionary spending that includes cuts to community and develop block grants heating assistance to low income people and grants to states for water treatment plants and other environmental projects now the biggest tax hike comes in a proposal to trim deductions for the wealthiest americans where they can claim
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deductions for charitable contributions mortgage interest and state and local tax payments forty six billion are said to be raised over the next ten years by eliminating various tax breaks to oil gas and coal companies and just a measly seventy eight billion dollars in reductions to pentagon spending as proposed over the next ten years while billions are requested for new drones new vessels and new f. eighteen now overall obama's budget comes way way short of fortune in dollars in cuts that is bipartisan commission recommended at the end of last year and my taking on only discretionary domestic spending which only makes up one tenth of the total budget all that means are the three big elephant in the room social security medicaid and medicare have all remained completely untouched so what do we say about obama's plan and what will a republican led congress undoubtedly find a critique joining me from our new york studio to discuss it is joe weisenthal
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a deputy editor of the business insider joe thanks so much for joining me now i want to hear first of all elise from the spending that is. those to be cut that made this list who do you think the winners and the losers i mean if you ask me i think the defense far away got to win out here that you know really if you compare the fact that the domestic discretionary budget is still only half of the defense budget and they've got bigger cuts i think defense wins and i think the people will lose are all of those you know that need how about heating assistance the poor. yeah i figure absolute correct on that i mean look cutting heating assistance to the poor and other things like better community development grants those are the kind of things that make great headlines as someone put it that gave obama quote street cred unquote in terms of being a budget cutter because it showed you could kind of be a bit ruthless but those are just drops in the bucket as taking a scalpel to the deficit and yeah you know there's probably
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a lot more room we could have cut on defense especially if we actually made a commitment to not being it is being used in as many wars are not being the policeman of the world and then obviously the fact that obama didn't even broach the entitlements at all means that you know the older generations of people who are on an entitlement now are about to be did very well i like to view the term street cred there because i'm pretty sure that if obama went for a little walk down the street you know in a neighborhood where he cut all these people his assistance to heating the probably they might get him up on that street but you know i'm sure the fact that he didn't even touch entitlements here right and that is definitely far away different from even what the commission who himself pointed the bipartisan deficit reduction commission expressed last year they said everything needs to be on the table so i mean if you don't touch entitlement spending then is this entire thing kind of a joke. yeah it's a farce if you don't touch entitlements spending in defense of obama or in fairness
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to him the republicans are going to some point come out with their own version and i would be surprised if they proposed anything major on the title and front either they've talked about cutting fifty or one hundred billion in spending this year but in terms of actually of the and a few really vocal budget hawks on their side you know what paul ryan and what not for the most part of the mainstream wing of the party doesn't want to touch them either so they'll complain and people are going to say obama didn't express leadership on this issue but ultimately the g.o.p. is going to have just as hard of a time going out to be sacred cows well we've already heard a lot of complaints from republicans from tea partiers that obama didn't go far enough here of course there are going to be a lot of unhappy democrats that don't want to see some of these community service programs have cuts in them so where do we actually expect it to go politically. i don't know i think it's a pretty big wildcard to be honest i'm not sure how this is going to end up politically i mean i suspect that bill probably will be able to get some kind of
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compromise the cuts this year are going to have to be deeper than what's proposed right now simply because this budget cannot pass the republican controlled house. so it'll be a bit deeper and they'll probably be a look the more brutal on terms of the discretionary stuff in terms of the assistant to the poor in terms of the biggest of those defend discretionary spending i think they'll be able to come up with something that satisfies both parties which will basically end up being no cuts i just don't see either side really having the political will to to attack the big ones but do you also think that perhaps obama is showing his true colors here i mean he's making a few cuts. and like i said a non-discretionary discretionary spending and maybe that's just a signal to people that sure i'm kind of on board but fundamentally is the proving that his philosophy is that he doesn't believe that the government needs to cut spending in order to get out of this economic recession he thinks the government needs to spend its way out. yeah i know you know he basically admitted that in his
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state of the union you know people pointed out most of the talk in the rhetoric that's come from him you know the word invest and invest in infrastructure and invest in education and that means spend so it's obviously the view of this administration that the best hope for the country is to spend more and hope that growth becomes more vigorous and that ultimately growth will close the deficit and you know historically that's actually how deficits get close not just in the united states but around the world it's usually countries have had a hard time spending their way to balance budgets but when they have robust growth that becomes possible so that's the gambit he's preferred to take and a lot of americans if you look at polling right now are more concerned about jobs and they really are about the deficit or balancing the budget here but you know very quickly to what's this whole deal with the tax i mean obama signs a bill that allows tax cuts for the rich to be extended which you know everyone's
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saying add seven hundred billion dollars to the deficit over the years now he's saying that there might be a few tax increases for the rich just in terms of the deductions for charitable contributions but i'm sure republicans will never let that happen it all seems like a game to me why even bring up tax cuts yeah it is again republicans are going to let that happen but look there's always been obama's stance he never wanted to continue the tax cuts for the rich in the first place he always said it was just a compromise you can get the tax cuts for the middle class you know he said he wanted to eventually see those tax cuts sunset so if nothing else just to be consistent he has to keep pushing the idea that he was do raise taxes back on the ridge again their prime not going to happen as long as dim republicans control the house the prime not going to accept it but that's a stance and then they'll come to some kind of compromise that nobody really likes and that won't help either growth or the budget lovely if they were consistent on paper but who knows what's going to happen in real life joe thanks so much for
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joining us. well speaking of the budget one area that's getting off better than the rest is the pentagon the u.s. seems to be dragging its feet when it comes to cutting defense spending and a very crucial element to the d.o.d.'s money and involves u.s. military bases in other countries you know maintaining bases all over the world isn't cheap especially when you can't even keep tabs on the total number your country has cartegena kosofsky investigates. was. they are signs of american power and might. military bases spread all over the world just how many apparently too many to count what i've read of we. know about one thousand and seventy s. bases or cycles and. there's more than that we just can't be sure but what we can
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be sure about is that the us defense budget is now about the same as military spending in all other countries combined and since nine eleven military and security expenditures have soared by one hundred and nineteen percent military expenditures in faraway places like new zealand colombia and japan and have you ever heard of the marshall islands quadrumana told specifically well the united states is there too and some locations serve dual purposes like kuantan i'm obey and they're all sustained by hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money just how much money i don't think. that's good actually. i'm just going to spend and speaking of those miscellaneous expenses there are other reasons why i don't i think i'd rather. golf courses and see long in ski launches. that's
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a little bit extra isn't it and brian becker of the answer coalition says it's. not just the golf courses that are extra clearly there is no need and from the point of view of self-defense for the us to have military installations all over the world it's really part of maintaining a far flung global empire into place the us has a military base the us has political power economic power and it's a matter of coersion a corps and that isn't always welcome in fact usually breeds more anti-american sentiment for example in kyrgyzstan. we are living here and raising our children why do we need this us or an aco now where locals have to give up ten to twenty percent of the island to the united states for a military base that they associate with noise crime and pollution and take a look at this in the wake of demonstrations in arkansas well last year activists place this ad in the washington post trying to tell the obama administration that they don't want to base in their hometown all of the proxy governments that accept
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u.s. military bases in to their country become vulnerable once the people actually start to rise up and mobilize which they almost always do rising up against a double standard the u.s. would never tolerate china having military bases in canada in mexico in haiti in the dominican republic in other words in the countries that ring the united states the united states is the seven hundred pound gorilla it sets wherever it chooses to sit and choosing to sit down wherever usually means that those most affected by these bases both here at home and abroad don't have a place at the table for our t.v. . and what comes to america's education system the line that we've been hearing from politicians pundits analysts everyone lately as that we are falling from grace but america has always been the world's leader and now our kids are getting dumber now the panic really took hold last summer when data from the program for international student assessment tests revealed that out of thirty four countries
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the. yes ranked fourteenth and reading seventeenth in science and twenty fifth in math while china smacked the top spot but here's something that just might shock you according to a new report by tom loveless of the brookings institute our scores aren't falling the report in fact states that the united states has never led the world it was never number one it has never been close to number one on international math tests or on scientists science test for that matter it's more accurate to say that the united states has always trailed the world on math now nine hundred sixty four american thirteen year olds took the first international mass study and they ranked eleventh out of twelve but here's the best part our scores compared to what they have that over the past few decades are actually edging up so what does all this tell us or join me to discuss it is liz dwyer education editor at good list thanks so much for joining us. this is really it's quite
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a difference from what we've been hearing especially the panic call that came out last december so should we take this is good news. well you know it's very interesting that there was this whole entire panic created over these numbers really saw the headlines from its official china as number two you know american students are getting dumber and it raised all of these years about our station in the world particularly economically where next and thought that china is going to be the next superpower and you know the only times our debt is so in that sense it's a little bit like the whole there are weapons of mass destruction in iraq argument it's just simply not true as you said it's a complete myth that we were never never never been number one in math and that wills those that study that is tested nine hundred sixty eight working out we were only ahead of speed in math so no it's not necessarily
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a good thing to say that we are just at the. mediocre average low when you think about all the inundation that we've developed just a dad to mediocre level it is a little bit i'll be comforting to know that. many perhaps shouldn't be freaking out as much as we are well you know if i find so interesting here is that really tells you how much the power of perception comes into play because even though the u.s. has never been number one everyone thinks we are everyone thinks that we were you know we have this feeling that we've always been number one we've always been on top of study last year said that a lot of american students thought they were the best even though you know their scores could be horrible so you know does that tell you perhaps that these tests don't necessarily. coincide with how successful your country's going to be if we're still the top economy in the world if the majority of patents are still coming out of this country but we've never been number one should we say that something specific something unique about america or just that these tests aren't necessarily
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the proper way to look at it. i think with any sort of test data you really have to look at where it's measuring so for example a piece really measures literacy in a particular subject so for example finland was the number one nation on the peace and tests right well their curriculum in their nation actually lines up very well is the way that the piece of measures map so are employed as a necessary measure things in that way and you get other nations so at some of this is how have my networks what you're doing with how these these tests are at minister on how that has been let is now the number one nation in the world and when you look at china and india for example when the results in china were specifically only on shuttle high students the rest of china students still are further behind in other economy is growing as you said we've seen so much innovation coming out of the united states who didn't tower he came here last month
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to visit he went to school in chicago to meet you in chicago and was incredibly impressed by the level of creativity and innovation that was going to have him school so it's not a matter of what we really need to be asking ourselves is how do we ensure that children across the world are really getting an excellent education there's no reason that we should want as we've seen in the revolutions going on in egypt and what's happening in iran today we don't want any kids around the world to not be getting an excellent education clearly but there isn't just the we don't need to create an education arms race in order to justify american students getting a good education. yeah that's the thing to write is that you know even if people are still panicking over the results that came out in december or people look at these results from the brookings institute here regardless it doesn't mean that americans should get lazy or think that just because we've never been number one we should strive to be there and you know that doesn't mean that you shouldn't still
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consider reforming our education system and making a better i want to thank you so much for joining us on this one thank you so much for having me. now still to come on tonight on this valentine's day we have a very special treat sarah but it causes here in the d.c. studio to run down several stories including the drama of the grammy win and the image of the person you are in the crowds of protesters in cairo stick around for all that fun. for the feel we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.
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i. i. i. i. one latest chapter of the ongoing saga between wiki leaks anonymous and team tennis it appears as if the hackers still have a leg up the last week we told you about how to group of tech firms teamed up and efforts of taking down wiki leaks and anybody who is working to protect their cause like anonymous but when the elaborate plan alternately backfired with a massive hack of emails belonging to h.b. gary federal needless to say the firms then struggled with finding a plan b. and the three firms who form teams that was have since disbanded and the two other organizations working with h.b. gary federal have since disowned the company and their efforts do you think of that
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would be enough to shame them but apparently the hacktivists are out for blood they've now set up their own whistle blowing web site if you will called anon leaks now on this page it gives a full access to the seventy one thousand e-mails that were hacked by anonymous and offers up every last detail about the original plans to infiltrate companies or anybody who was pro weiqi leaks now the in on the page start to fancy but it does give you full access to nine gigs of information and even tells people how they can set up a mirror sites to show the exact same emails now even of pages solely dedicated to h.b. gary federal e-mails as of now i'm pretty sure that they're going to continue to debut raw and it information to expose companies who are out trying to stop the had to face and at the rate of these hackers are moving it seems as if any organizations i.t. department would prove to be no match for the players at anonymous like i said there are more than seventy thousand emails from h.p. gary here bloggers have been skipping sleep to pore through them find the dirt so
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we're going to keep updating you as all the goods come out. now happy valentine's day everybody in honor of this holiday and well just the plain fact that a lot of people in this country are crazy and the fact that one of our favorite guests happens to be in town we're going to have a little fun mash of segment today obama and biden have valentines for you courtesy of the g.o.p. burgers are somehow somehow still going strong and bieber fans have proven that they are as cult like and disturbed as we always thought they were so joining me to discuss it all is wonkette blogger servant casa so it's a pleasure to have you in the studio and i was so happy to meet you here you have a valentine day how do you know and you know linda let's start with that the there's a website here that put out a few valentines courtesy of the g.o.p. they involve a lot of democratic lawmakers we picked two of them are going to start with the valentine's from barack obama the president he said bill clinton suggested that i
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wish you happy valentine's day to have anything to say back you know what would you wish obama on this found i would wish obama on this valentine's day that he and michelle not argue ever because her arms are so fierce that i would be concerned also i would wish him that michelle always stays as in love with him as she is because she is so pretty she could have any guy. i review i mean if she looks like she could be totally and you know i bet bill clinton that i love that this is my favorite day of the big you know deal i sent this to my mom my dad my grandma or grandpa and my brother granted all fans of obama and biden but still i think this is delightful this should have come out of the d.n.c. rather than in the r. and c. i agree why aren't celebrate a little cussing every now and then you know it was a big deal at the sign at the start treaty and i with. me i support him all the way
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or health care excuse me now i want to talk about yesterday the grammys were on. i stayed up way too late watching them and then later regretted it but justin bieber didn't win the best new artist award which. i made his band totally came out and attacked and they have to the website or the wikipedia page of the girl speranza spalding who actually did win and they put things like changed her middle name to case a dia racist. they said she now has the two thousand living grammy for being the best new artist even though no one has ever heard of her yeah that's true and this one is good justin bieber deserved it go die in a hole who the heck are you with. this girl is getting the selena gomez treatment this is what these kids did to selena gomez when those pictures were released a few weeks ago of her with bieber noodling on a yacht and people went nuts and sent her the meanest tweets ever because they were jealous because they were going out these were these women and by women i mean
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thirteen year old girls are fierce they're just as mean as they were when we were in middle school and now they have the internet but that's what's actually shocks me here do thirteen year old girls really know how to like hack web pages and go do things on wikipedia because i assume the thirteen year olds aren't this tech savvy so i was really just surprised with maybe start questioning who else might be just out there they come out of the womb now with i pods you could get them installed feet away these kids are out of control i'm tear i'm so afraid of thirteen year olds and below terrify me i'm so afraid of generation. whatever it will be omega i don't even know. i guess it is kind of scary makes me feel old realizing that you're right they're born with these things in their hands now i want to talk about something that came up on the fox nation website my favorite website. boxes are so easy to make they really just using it but so we know you know the protests were
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going on in egypt or eighteen days until president hosni mubarak stepped down finally on friday. it happened but fox station decided to put the finally clip i think we have a clip of it on their website let's play. junior it is a little a little green cereal. thing here is so funny you should actually as is this the fourth horse horsemen of the apocalypse oh i think that the representation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is that fox news is so huge and that people actually go to fox nation to me that is clearly slimer from ghostbusters and that is trailing some ectoplasm in front of and behind him and i will go toe to toe with any of those fox people and argue my case ok well i hope you get on there i want to see it lastly berger's you know i thought that somehow these people were dying down
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that maybe already tate's was the only one leading a small pack but it turns out that more than ten states have now drawn up legislation which is being called berger legislation to force any candidate to show their birth certificate. you know i'm not surprised that orly taitz has influenced all of these people because she's a genius and people who are burgers are generally out as smart as the thirteen year old girls attacking. esperanza so i'm not surprised that they look to her as their intellectual leader and that now this is their mission in life is to get people to show their birth certificates great job guys america looks really smart yeah it's all this is the mission and of course the other mission is that proving obama is a muslim which he says and everyone knows. it's there well thanks so much for coming on and happy valentine's day i think again thank you for having me thank
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you i sort of come tonight we're going to call out the speaker of the house for being stupid on t.v. tonight full time psychics. and is there an assault taking place on humans in the us several new republican governors are talking about threatening force against unions the backstage workers while the basic issue on workers rights of schools which are. they faced this is not a public option but more and. let me show you just everybody you showed us a pretty trace because they have no idea about the hardships the face. plate one it's businesses are all going to need to. bring in the army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. of self-centered.
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