tv [untitled] February 15, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST
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medium of speech on trial and activism austria awaits a verdict after being accused of inciting hatred of critical lectures on islam and sharia law. two in suicide last rock russia's volatile republic of dagestan killing two people and injuring twenty eight others. and putting differences aside moscow and london hope to overcome diplomatic tensions as russia's foreign minister visits the u.k. .
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eight am here in moscow this is r t thanks for joining us now after decades of mass immigration into europe major leaders are lining up to say multicultural societies is not working but in austria free speech activists is on trial for saying more or less the same thing elizabeth some of their faces of three years in prison for inciting religious hatred after she criticized and shari'a law r.t. if you got that he got reports from vienna. it was just a night with. a european citizen peacefully debating islam with a muslim is nothing unusual in a multicultural country like little stream but it's a topic not always discussed in such gentle fashion but i do mean not to burn the koran out about your readers. studying what is. learned how to. know your enemy elizabeth subject to change has been on trial in a vienna court on charges of may. what is described as a hate speech against islam
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a left wing all strand magazine recorded and published a speech at one of his seminars lending who are important i have nothing against people who want to practice their faith. but i would like them to do this in the privacy of their own homes your ideas she says are nothing new and when europe's political elite express them they are not prosecuted for the same views multiculturalism has failed this is nothing new and my group and i have been saying this for years now all of a sudden. and others come out of hiding and agree with us i don't know why but elizabeth subjects wolf opponents say she crossed the line here a speech is upgrade not only the muslim community but also made. it's not a matter of free speech that i can spread hatred about large groups of society now we have to respect individuals in our society and we have to ask them to
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integrate and we have to help them to integrate yet european leaders such as german chancellor angela merkel french president nicolas sarkozy and british prime minister david cameron say mostly culturalism in europe isn't working there are huge muslim communities but frequently such as in all strata they leave in their own areas a physical sign of non integration there is district in vienna is known as the little people here speak their native language they prepare their national dishes and wear the clothes which they are used to and this is exactly what elizabeth subaverage wall found here a fellow like sounds taking a stance against self segregation at top pick which was once taboo is now at the top of the european political agenda with multiculturalism now open to multi criticism from some of the continent's most influential political leaders we've yet
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to see how their views might fully influence debate on the ground and the future shape of europe exiting the church over our team from vienna. well danish writer and columnist says europe's push for political correctness has gone too far and is now limiting citizens' freedom. we've got that too much multiculturalists to. it being represented in the public sphere and now we've gone even further to practice against hate speech against the defamation and limiting the free speech and and the soul which is european heritage that that we should really care about so we've gone too far it with with all these soft spoken tolerance basically all of the government's not. facing the facts standing up to reality standing up to the social phenomena popping up in belgium and holland and germany and throughout
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a few throughout europe in sweden and denmark as well you can't you can't blame a whole. group of people for not doing this or that but you can you can blame the politicians for not dealing with the problems not not turning them into subjects can be criticized and be paid which is exactly what they're trying to do now. coming up later in the program martial law after protests force of the military are filling the power vacuum left by. but for how long. by terry base we'll take a look at how washington has spread its military might around the world. and moscow and london will be hoping to turn a page there factious relations when russia's foreign minister visits the british capital on tuesday well events over the last two years have cost diplomatic tension but with a relatively new government there is hope for
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a fresh start laura reports russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is visiting the u.k. at a difficult time for the two countries relations earlier this month the guardian correspondent was expelled from russia he maintains it was because of his work with wiki leaks. requirements. in moscow office it was widely seen here in britain as a climb down by the russian authorities but that's just the latest affair and what hasn't been an easy relationship for some years most notably the murder of former russian security officer alexander litvinenko in london in two thousand and six disrupted relations in a way that hasn't been overcome yet the u.k.'s chief suspect in the case is russian parliament but i lugovoy and the two countries can't see eye to eye on the u.k.'s also harboring people who are wanted criminals in russia tycoon. akhmed zakayev person so far refused to extradite them despite repeated requests despite
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difficulties they russia remains one of britain's most important trading partners with more than a thousand british companies working in russia recently we store a huge deal signed between b.p. and state oil giant nest and trade between the two countries is estimated to run at seventeen billion dollars that's always a positive that lavrov can focus on when he meets foreign secretary william hague he's also said jill to see prime minister david cameron and make a speech at the london school of economics on the agenda for european security cooperation in europe's missile defense project russia e.u. and russia nato relations and the situation in the middle east and afghanistan together with iran's nuclear program those last two points russia has allowed allied forces to use its transport routes for troops and supplies crucial for the war in afghanistan and it's also led fruitful negotiations with iran on its nuclear
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program the fact remains however that while russia has good relations with all the european countries and the reset button on russia u.s. relations has been pressed and appears to be working to visit to the u.k. may not be an easy one however slowly progress is being made in particular with person expressing interest in resuming cooperation with russia on securing. the fight against terrorism that's expected to be officially voice during last visit. egypt has been gripped by fresh strikes with thousands of workers demanding better pay and conditions and it comes as the new opposition is trying to build bridges with the supreme military council which is an interim control following the departure of president mubarak well the military which has dissolved parliament says it ordered a new draft constitution which will be put to a referendum within two months the army is calling for an end to protest by threatening to impose an outright ban on gatherings strikes but while the general
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seem to be moving to set the country on the path to civilian rule in the east expert all over a mile says the military is plans for egypt are still unclear. we know from bitter experience that revolutions can go terribly wrong and the fact is that egypt faces appalling problems. the same problems essentially that it was facing in the mobile are the same problems that other countries in the region are also facing economic problems over rising food prices unemployment underemployment and so on problems of corruption problems of ingrained habits of brutality in the security forces all these things can perhaps be put right but they can't be put right overnight now the army in egypt and the secretive and probably nobody outside the the egyptian army knows exactly what their intentions are of course of plenty of other examples where revolutions have been hijacked by the military what we need is to see which way the military are going to take egypt and that for the moment we don't know. well the
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impact of the uprising in egypt continues to be felt throughout the middle east large crowds of anti-government demonstrators have clashed with police in iran well police fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators in tehran throwing stones well it's the country's first such clash for over here now the days before the protests the u.s. state department began sending twitter messages to rein yes r.t. contributor when says u.s. support of the iranian opposition groups is only giving the current government a good reason to crack down on that. but the problem is with the so-called green revolution it had too many u.s. fingerprints on it from soros to usa id national down in for democracy so the regime in iran can always point to that and say this is the united states behind this whether we are behind some of the groups but legitimate opposition is suppressed because of that mantra that's put over all the opposition by the iranian government iran's a little bit different although there is
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a steering from morocco all the way across the what we used to call the the islamic crescent into. iran is under economic embargo from the u.s. and u.n. it's also facing us straight as u.s. troops in afghanistan in iraq so the regime there can point to the fact that they're under siege and also under the threat of a military attack by politicians in israel the united states they can point to that and say you can't be you can oppose the regime or under siege that's because we have basically frozen iran out there was probably a mistake on our part to by doing that were suppressing the legitimate democratic opposition in iran. remember there is much more of that story at r.t. dot com and there's plenty for you to explore including in the news coverage analysis and blogs well here's some of what's on line right now early release and their queues of training people involved in the two thousand and five london
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video. twin suicide bomber of russia's southern republic of dagestan the explosions happened two hours apart in the village of well two people were killed and another twenty others injured all of them police men well let's get more from our teaser peter all of for peter i know you're having a hard time hearing me can you just take us through exactly what happened. well it around eight pm moscow time on monday a female suicide bomber she turned out approached a police station in the village in the southern russian republic of dagestan through objects apparently at the police station and at officers to draw attention
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to one of those offices approached she detonated the device that she was carrying that this device is believed to have been. with small particles pieces of metal that have resulted in the injuries to another three policemen who were nearby some of those are in a critical condition at the moment. caused police to step up security security interests in the area in the village of. about two hours later. police pulled over a car that was then another explosion was detonated from within one car killing a nother policeman and injuring seventeen others so that's the situation at the moment as a stunt two policemen are being killed. many other wounded some of those serious shrapnel injuries from these blasts of some people.
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what security measures are being taken to prevent such attacks. in the wake of the suicide bombing on the. president was very forthcoming in saying that security would be the main watchword that he was wanting to completely revamp the security system here in russia to make sure the terror attacks wouldn't be allowed to happen no he's being very dissatisfied with the current level of security that has been in place he was scathing in his criticism of airport security chief. blast occurred less than a month ago and just recently he visited the metro station train station here in moscow and was equally left. who is in place to try and stop now he's promised that this will be addressed we're expecting very shortly to see a major overhaul of. russia police say russia as well as the
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inputs on high alert and told. them may alter over the day that is to try and make sure that no further terror attacks can take place here in russia all right thank you very much for that update our teams are all over. now russian officials have dismissed claims that the sentence handed to the former oil tycoon. was influenced by political pressure a legal assistant had suggested that the judge had nothing responsible for the guilty verdict but according to a court official the judge was the only person who had access to all the details of the case and could not have been dictated the terms of the verdict called ski and his business partner were found guilty of oil theft and money laundering last december that saw their prison terms extended by another six years in two thousand and five the two men were found guilty of several offenses including fraud and tax
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evasion. that the u.s. is cutting its next deficit budget through spending cuts and tax increases with president obama saying tough choices and sacrifices have to be made but there's one place the administration does not want to make major cuts to and that's defense spending now with u.s. military bases located all over the world are to be found out where american taxpayers' money is really going. back. home they are signs of american power and might. military bases spread all over the world just how many apparently too many to count what i've read. about. mr suttles and. what. we just hear sure but what we can be sure about is that the us defense budget is now about the same as military spending in all other countries combined and since
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nine eleven military and security expenditures have soared by one hundred and nineteen percent military expenditures in faraway places like new zealand colombia and japan and have you ever heard of the marshall islands quadrumana told specifically well the united states. it is there too and some locations serve dual purposes like kuantan i'm obey and they're all sustained by hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money just how much money i don't get in. and speaking of those miscellaneous expenses. i think i'd rather. golf courses and see live in ski lodge yes. that's a little bit extra isn't it and brian becker of the answer coalition says it's not just the golf courses that are extra clearly there is no need and from the point of
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view of self-defense for the us to have military installations all over the world it's really part of maintaining a far flung global empire into place the us has a military base the us has political power economic power and it's a matter of coersion a corps and that isn't always welcome in fact it usually breeds more anti-american sentiment for example in kyrgyzstan. we're living here and raising our children why do we need this us or an aco now where locals have to give up ten to twenty percent of the island to the united states for a military base that they associate with noise crime and pollution and take a look at this in the wake of demonstrations in arkansas well last year activists place this ad in the washington post trying to tell the obama administration that they don't want to base in their hometown all of the proxy governments that accept u.s. military bases in to their country become vulnerable once the people actually start to rise up and mobilize which they almost always do rising up against
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a double standard the u.s. would never tolerate china having military bases in canada in mexico in haiti in the dominican republic in other words in the countries that ring the united states the united states is the seven hundred pound gorilla it sets wherever it chooses to sit and choosing to sit down wherever usually means that those most affected by these bases both here at home and abroad don't have a place at the table for our tea. now a brief look at some other world headlines thousands of demonstrators the capital of yemen have taken to the streets in the fourth straight day of rest before marchers clashed with police echoing similar events across the arab world the demonstrations in sanaa are aimed at removing president ali abdullah saleh who has ruled the country for thirty years meanwhile in a nearby ring protesters demanding more political freedoms from the ruling monarchy clashed with police in the capital manama security forces hard tear gas and rubber
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bullets in an attempt to disperse the thousands who gathered. a small commercial airliner has crashed near the one during capital killing all fourteen people on board among the passengers was a senior government official and a union leader the cause of the crash is being investigated but it's no wonder that there was fog in the area at the time the crash happened south of an airport considered dangerous because of a short runway and surrounding hills. a british soldier has been killed by a roadside bomb in southern afghanistan the latest death comes as two security guards died in an attack on a shopping center in the country's capital kabul a suicide bomber trying to force his way into the complex was stopped outside the building before detonating his device. on our coptic straffing submarine has been discovered by authorities in colombia well it's believed the vessel is able to
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travel from colombia to the coast of mexico the submarine was found in the river in the state of about four hundred kilometers southwest of the capital. gordie's found weapons nearby but no one was arrested and no drugs were found when they made the discovery but now preparations for the twenty fourteen winter olympics in russia city of sochi are well advanced as part of that process the slopes of the brand new ski resort will be hosting the european cup in alpine skiing which begins today well the chairman of the assault she organizing committee. told r.t. there's a lot riding on getting this event right. it's billed with the first international exam. with the presence of international olympic committee and i know that. from the. from claude killy the great. checks of the slopes. again i said the first proper planning is the key
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focus to success and that is why we have to be ready for unpredictable things like you remember what happened in the region which was so secured for the snow for one hundred thirty years suddenly we're suffering with the local small so we have to predict every scene and to be ready to deliver what we promised. or you can catch the full interview in around five minutes time here on our team but first it's all the latest in business news. hello and a very warm welcome to the business desk russia's second largest bank p.t.b. has decided to go belly up one of its rivals bank of moscow be to be wants to buy out one hundred percent of one of russia's top five banks in the first half of the
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year currently the biggest shareholder of bank of moscow the moscow city government estimates the bank gets six billion dollars whether someone or shareholders estimated it up tonight in the heart when. the unemployment rate in russia is showing signs of drop resurgence having gone down by one percentage point in the past year but despite its downward trend present but that it still sees it one of the country's top problems and data compiled by the international labor organization says the number of russians without a job aspiring to five point two million people in twenty eleven from six point two million a year ago as it stands there are currently about seventy five million working people in russia president vet of urge the government to shift from anti crisis measures to rule long term actions when technically unemployment. and imported futures or new cars in russia will be cut to twenty five percent from the existing
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thirty after the accession to the world trade organization that's according to. the country's chief w t o negotiator he also said the text may be cut further to fifteen percent up to seventy years accession the next meeting on russia's beach would be held on march twenty ninth the site still have to come to an agreement on seven issues for the negotiations program including autos for meat and poultry imported to russia from w t o states. let's have a look at the markets now asian stocks a mixed at the moment japan's nikkei average held the nine month highs in trade funk. as hank saying it's almost half a percent down at the moment bestest are concerned that china may further increase its interest rates in the first quarter because of pressure from rising consumer prices which rose four point nine percent in january from a year earlier or all the chinese producer price index which measures wholesale
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inflation rose a faster than expected six point six percent. and here in russia they are testing by six ended the session in the red on monday despite higher oil energy stocks at but despite high oil energy stocks were the main drags on the day let's see how the markets will be performing during the day into what was time when they opened and the euro which was already under pressure by events in the euro zone continued falling this. fear this will fall into tendency countries in europe face some deep restructuring issues you have too much debt deficit too large about being is that the euro is going to be unfortunately fundamentally weak currency what it's going to do in the next two or three months well i mean that really depends on on the how things look with the dollar another currency actually faces a lot of a lot of issues so you know my view is that the euro will tend to weaken over the.
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