tv [untitled] February 15, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST
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that you have to live a. real life stories from. nineteen forty five don't. you're watching r t m b's are some of the main stories we're covering for you today an activist in austria accused of inciting hatred in her lectures on islamic sharia law is awaiting verdict as major european leaders are lining up to say that a multicultural society has failed. two policemen were killed and more than twenty others injured as twin suicide blast rocked russia's volatile southern republican just on the explosions happened two hours a park near a police station. moscow and london work to turn over a new leaf as russia's foreign minister of business the u.k.
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well events over the last few years have caused a diplomatic tension but there are hopes that those problems can be overcome. and up next we put russia's culture minister in the spotlight asking how the upcoming visit of spain's king to the country could boost a multicultural ties between the two states that's coming your way next. hello again the welcome to spotlight the interview. today my guest in the studio is alex on the. cultural ties between russia and italy they back to the fifteenth century when italian architects built several cathedrals in the moscow permanent spanish and russian cultures have often been compared as standing on the western
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and eastern fridges the european civilization maybe that explains why two thousand and eleven is the only russia. here what are we to expect from it and why these two events being held together russia's culture minister. the russian change will see many cultural events held in both countries there may need join to navigation and to show the similarities and differences between the nations during the year the best italian exhibitions theatre groups and musicians will be. and of course the fever will be returned as. this exchange will piss you mainly economic. neglect the cultural side and will bring the prado museum collection to the hermitage in st petersburg.
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thank you very much for coming to our program today. is the year of russia in italy and russia last year it was the year of france why does russia think it to be a big important. i have to say it seems to me that the broad they don't pay so much attention to these things do you feel like that. the french were delighted by what we brought to france this year of russian friends and france in russia we showed french yeltsin culture in all their glory across russia. or your across the whole country. the russians and the french were delighted. i don't know who logged more but i think it was beneficial for all of us only. last year it was around the year of russia and france and the euro france and
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russia this year you doubled it russia in italy and italy and russia and russia. and russia what was the reason to intensify the cultural ties thank you but. there is no finance oriented plan behind this idea simply get to get acquainted with the spanish and italian cultures that we love and value. it turned out there waiting for us in spain and italy for all the best ballets trickle performances and dark exhibitions. and another reason we still have the money for eight. years. of the money is coming to an end. is huge funding investments in culture are not the same as in business they do not give direct returns. should do so by forming culture and intellect culture and education and all the two things
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that form. the nation's intellect the intellect and the values of every person's. culture is so important. to me information transport politics and medical care all of them can stitch of this fear in which people live since childhood so every person has their intellects continually formed in his mind. beliefs and city to other people. and to the nearest and dearest such concepts as courage fairness honesty love to arts commitment to democracy and civil society all of them are formed by the means of culture. you can't learn it by heart school study that school culture is an intellectual concept there is no culture the nation will be wealthy and prosperous if everything is all right with the economy but. russian culture is great not only because we have so many talents is it because culture is
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among the main values which form the mage of russia the essence of it. the essence of life in russia culture. i can actually speak a lot about it. in music it's a separate. a canadian was a kit for us culture is more than just an industry. some of the most outstanding art collections from italy and spain are going to be brought to russia as part of this year's cultural exchange spotlight limited me that has bore. the moscow museum of fine art is a place to get the feeling of italy visitors are welcomed by the stage of michelangelo's david what's on their replica their real ones in forums jinyan masterpieces are already on their way to moscow to make a thing of the two groups within these walls last year the museum hosted the biggest ever display of picasso works in russia. the pictures were brought to the
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russian capital from paris is part of the cultural exchange with france the exhibition was such a success you had to queue for an hour to get inside the museum this year in a half curve i'd shown this way through nano his works in moscow at the moment so the exhibition is bound to draw crowds it was told until. caravaggio exhibit is very hard to put together but not so many of his works a left in italy in exchange for caravaggio where sending a very good collection of impressionist to milan at the court rooms russia will also swap art with spain the bulk of it will be between madrid's prado and some to his brooks hermitage moscow is going to send one of its most precious masterpieces because who is growing the ball to spain and who host an exhibition of the best known of surreal east salvador dali by mere court so many exhibitions of salado
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dali around the world have nothing to do with dolly at all his works are excessively county heated at our exit besh and it will be one hundred percent authentic it's from dolly's famous museum in catalonia with the. exchange in exhibitions is just part of what's planned for the russian italy and russia spain course culture here the bolshoi theater is going to host some of the major events at the moment it's in the final stages of her innovation and by the end of the year russians are going to see performances by milan's le scala and madrid's royal theater in the war shorey. is about what would you say is more interesting in a cross cultural exchange of this kind of idiocy were talents for example go to a rebellious and they would be the both a theater or say a tree fall dancer chukchi than the. last we should ask italians about it judging
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by the very questions very interesting. in everything from. health ski as well as russia's guard and post having gone artists. for example the days of italy will open with a beautiful exhibition of alexandra de meco. who was underestimated it's who all italians consider him a genius he's exhibition will open in russia and will then be transported to magic paris and other countries who want to see. is there any use in this cultural exchange can you tell us for example while the euro frowns i'm not speaking about financial profit but what's the practical use of. it because the benefit is great we're drowning in a sea of markets valley's numbers on the flow of information and the masterpieces of the culture created in russia and france falls in the background. so we can
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refresh our memory by looking at the best masterpieces from both countries here it's great to have the opportunity both for us in our friendship partners to plunge into the russian and french cultures. at the moment there is an obstacle for culture in russia just stumbled over the part that is really for it's happened in the countries of the european union and now it's happened in russia. in this country we have always evaluated the products of culture according to their intellectual value but nowadays products of culture have become certain markets items. i say have valued by the markets a price order which does not depend on the. greatness of the mass to base the promotion is. on the people who promote the projects.
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real culture is being popular culture. culture or simply body show business. but in certain circumstances it's very useful to come back to the basics of russian and french culture a little skit. says alexander the culture minister of russia spotlight will be back shortly we'll continue this interview in less than a minute stay with. are . going to come back.
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we'll have a rally we'll sell lots of beer will. they will wear uniforms that will damage the black man know that but very little damning the wife. and they are the key to our problem. are all right. download the official location. touch from the top story. life on the go. video. costs and feeds in the palm of your. question. call.
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welcome back to spotlight i am just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is alexander the culture minister russia. proud of the exhibits will be shown in the heritage. pictures exhibited in the. bolshoi. highlight certain events as more important than others we did it can you name a head since we were. little is there something with her special the key or would you have listed all the events i mentioned more. i would like those culture exchange events. to pieces. i love the prada museum. it's one of the best museums in the world's age famously in russia. exhibitions from it's very few and we're waiting for them it's as important as
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the least of all the great painters of the italian renascence. we're also waiting for them in the pushkin museum. and how to use those words it's always been a secret to me. better ask them what they like best do you really ask them or do you decide on your own what we. receive from italy. is it your request from them do you have tools we ask you what we are interested in and they order from you yes they order from us do they ask people or make balls. judging but. this way officials gathered to discuss what to order i think of the mechanism so less complicated they also have the bass we have we can satisfy all their requests. for the best to you and the qualities equal.
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few words about languages russian italian and spanish they are an indispensable part of culture just because he has does a language constitute part of the cultural exchange. so we've italy we've arranged a year of the russian language and culture where the language is a part of the we. will arrange a contest for the best interpreter try to address translations from russian into sally and and from italian into russian or the issues of languages and communication of very important but i watched all the three languages russian spanish and italian and been ousted by means of market economy and soon they find themselves on the fringe of the international exchanges you mean nothing else yes but with all my respect to the english language to deal it's not somebodies evil plan which but a natural processes. say. oh he's english is simply convenient it
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has become today's esperanto for use. for everyone for us. i mean that ask around so it's not exactly a language but a means of communication business or business in for diplomats right maybe for tourists but not for anything else you see it does not spread to cultural saw us we have a great interest to telly and spanish languages in russia in russia because we have good schools especially since spain and italy we have strong translations schools of literary translation translation of poetry translation of c. of on to among the best in our opinion. very difficult to translate poetry specially from analytical languages like it sal and spanish but nonetheless we are writing great translations of the same is with the russian language preserving respect and interest of the languages of each other we preserve our own culture the
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world's culture and languages. more russian speaking foreigners are coming to this country. only my impression think it is simply your impression so the russian language has to sing. in french italian spanish being ousted by the english language look at the number of schools where they teach different foreign languages english the number of schools with russian painter unfortunately the number of such schools is decreasing. very used to seeing the ball. image of the theatre painted. moscow has been planned for. some mistake in the last mean that the reconstruction works will be finished. electrician is a work as musicians will move into the boy showing symptoms and will start working
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and rehearsing their. sound equipment fighting and technical equipment and they will start rehearsal so that script and we promise to open the theater and give the first performance is in the. first. dances of last column but. you see. does not mean to drop the curtain it's an opening in season amongst the performances we are glad that we've agreed with the last call and it will give the performance. director of the hermitage of st petersburg recently said in an interview to this kind of paper that senior russia badly needs a museum of modern arts like the new york museum of modern art you don't have a personal. contacts
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a lot and business. be able to have the. project. from the new york museum you definitely know the pompidou center in france. is really so we need such a museum there is no one to take care of it it's such a museum was to be built forty or fifty years ago when the pompidou center was built our remember when it was opened. it was very different every one of the french made a wise things and a museum is among the best in the world. but they did not want to create such a museum for ideological reasons and there was a famous crisis in the ninety nine to the moment we're planning to build such a museum we've chosen the place the architectural project is ready. in moscow in the city center we're hopeful that the construction will start next year. all the necessary approvals will so.
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scandalous character. of the american courts passed in the us this action. after that ruling. became cautious when sending their exhibits to the us i guess they're afraid that actually the exhibits can be detained there how can this situation and. this ruling the reviewed and. cautious when they send their collections to other countries such as . france. or american partners created this situation. and it's become an obstacle in the way of our partnership in this sphere of culture purely american situational american since you danger for your. point on expectedly. of the collection of manuscripts never been.
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in abroad and has been legally stored in the russian state library since one thousand nine hundred eighteen. no one has legal rights for it. americans can vent of the term spiritual rights. the moral rights yes moral rights but if so we should give away all exhibits from our museums it's absolutely unacceptable it's a common american courts were judged actions according to international law actually. it's absurd to do no one in the most good court will judge the state of italy or spain because of international law forbids it. so we formed our counterparts in the u.s. department of state about our position we said that the state is an extra digital by the way the us shares the provisions of the international law. unfortunately the
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court's ruling was in favor of religious organisation. there is similarly just organisation exists in russia but. we speak about spiritual inheritance good russian religious organisations of this same religious kind of activity have far more spiritual opportunities needs and rights to be interested in the fate of this collection. so the situation is such that despite provisions of international law a common american courts made a ruling on this state of russia. it's judged the right to receive russian prophecy on the u.s. territory. so if this happens pollution theoretically any exhibition or any property uncovered by diplomatic community may be arrested or american would
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. so with a bitter regret. we made a decision vance exhibitions of russian culture actually you could be organizing the moments in the us. unfortunately. do you think you will be able to change this situation we've talked to the u.s. diplomats on the we are waiting now for the business of the u.s. and nobody else. sponsor vera lection can paint. the part in the state will realize it's a mission. and will explain to us schools and community and it is done it long time ago that the reasons are national law. should not be a host in such circumstances we send our exhibitions only to the countries which give a hundred percent guarantee. a connection. when we speak about
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italy and spain always give such guarantees. as well as gas that's why there are no pretensions. question about the system of education. my child goes to school and as a parent i have certain apprehensions he was going on their usual secondary schools i recently read an article in a newspaper that said that there is the threat of several large schools being closed in moscow. arts education the russian arts education among the best in the world media it's a legacy from the zon period of russia and the soviet union but well this is the case with its high level back then first of all it is to be properly financed. to preserve national traditions and the tradition of education let's take actors
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abroad as they are taught for two. two and a half years in russia we preserve the russian necks and schoolchildren where an actor studies for four or five years we did not join the bologna process in the past which relates to eighteen us professions a specific is what one should study for five years to become a theatre a film director cannot do an orchestra conductor is to study for four or five years should be no bachelors and masters and these professionals and the same is we've actually. preserved our traditional system and high standards of education is a question of now we have to finance it for police and to give attention to children schools but you should supply them with good instruments teachers should be socially protected as much as teachers in secondary school that's what we're working on at the moment where. thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio was. the russian culture minister and that's it for now for a while if you untap your life drop and i would be back with more first comments on
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