tv [untitled] February 15, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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a domino effect in the middle east as unrest in egypt resonates across the region. demonstrations take to the streets of yemen and while the u.s. struggles to in show its interests of. a new beginning a major russia's foreign minister meets his british counterpart to try to put the past behind them and work common interests and. practical steps towards improving a rocky relationship developing a strong partnership i'm here in london to bring you. russia's security is back in the spotlight after. five people dead in the country's troubled northern caucasus region. class they're looking for a better future bringing other people's lives in the process in the place of a multiculturalism. seek refuge in europe.
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live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day the revolution in egypt has sparked an avalanche of anti-government protests across the middle east it's a strategically vital region for the u.s. which is now trying to balance its approach to the demonstrations while pushing its own agenda a middle east correspondent has the latest. in yemen for the fifth consecutive day violence broke out between pro and anti-government demonstrators it happened a number of cities a number of people were injured and analysts have gone so far as to say that the next few weeks a critical the president abdullah abdullah saleh who has been in power for more than thirty years we witnessed also in play in two protesters killed by the violence happened in a funeral procession that was mocking the death of one protester yesterday monday
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and here to the violence is almost unabated between pro and anti government demonstrators the problem of a flame is that you have a seventy percent majority that is shiite and you have a small sunni monarchy and that is what the confrontation is over we witnessing violence all research in iran today members of parliament called for the execution to linda's of the opposition parties they charge them with the constraints in these anti-government demonstrations on monday there were protests across the rally tens of thousands of people taking to the streets there and even a new revolutionary guard used batteries and tear gas injuring a number of people and killing one person not egypt too has not seen an end to the upheaval there the parliament has been disbanded the constitution is frozen while the army that is in control says it is reworking a new constitution the strikes in egypt are continuing and the army insistently
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calling for calm a lot of concern from the united states and israel that and other people watching the developments here in the middle east the united states does not have a stronghold in the rant and that is why we've seen harsh words from the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton she called the radiant regime could be critical she said that on the one hand president mahmoud after the image that had readied behind the protesters on the streets but now when he's witnessing it in his own country he's used hosh violence against them this is a big. turn for the united states what to do with iran and at the same time it's very nervous that as it watches events in egypt which supported president obama for thirty years it now has to redefine its role there and also send out a message to other regimes in the region that it has a bet that it will not leave them in the dark as it did many say in terms of mubarak not israel is very cautious about what is happening certainly is concerned more long term that it could be some kind of
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a radian state some kind of islamic republic now much closer on its borders than is iran. staying on the subject author and researcher adrian sole gucci believes the u.s. is pursuing its financial and political interests in the middle east. clearly the united states will support anything that will promote what they want all regime change in iran especially considering that you ran is such a powerful country from the point of view not only of its potential military and also its potential with oil but also its potential as being a theocracy we're in the slimy worlds of the house of dollars based in tehran hold great sway over the literally hundreds of millions of muslims or whatever happens in rand is far more important than even to what happened with saddam hussein in iraq we have to understand that what the united states now i believe is trying to achieve is a way to promote change in a way that will facilitate things for them the best instrument they have to control
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the country is so-called democracy because only for a democracy it is basically a vote counting system handled by the mass media where you can get the guy who wins whether it be a president or prime minister or a senator or a deputy is the want to counter with all the support of the money power whether it be for his campaign for media and t.v. time and so forth so for example in the country of origin tina democracy is the best way they have to control the country against the people's interest and i think when they hear that they are promoting democracy in egypt i tremble for the egyptians because it was going to be a democracy when the brand as it was promoting argentina horrible or or those sort of throughout latin america it will only help to support the long term objectives of this global power structure operated from europe and from the united states and not the actual interest of we the people to say that in a very local and generalized manner. the visit of russia's foreign minister to
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london has seen a promise of stronger future cooperation with the u.k. it's the first high level visit since ties deteriorated following the death of former federal security service agent and xander litvinenko in london in two thousand and six the british foreign secretary said disagreements between moscow and london should not stop them from working together it has more now from london. we have seen a series of meetings today which have really focused on the positive points in what has become a rocky relationship between russia and the u.k. and because of that a lot of what was talked about were economic ties and trade ties of course trade between russia and the u.k. amounts to around seventeen billion dollars and russia is one of the u.k.'s most important trading partners foreign minister lavrov outlined six priorities for improving the trade relationship he talked about finance he talked about working together in the nano tech sector energy efficiency of course one of these big projects coming up for us here is the end lympics corporation on olympic
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infrastructure strengthening the small and medium businesses in russia and also including the president environment in general they also talked a bit about modernizing communication links between london and moscow this is obviously a lover off first visit to london in this particular official capacity let's hear what he said about those communication ties that they're looking at him. it's my first visit to london an invitation if you could government. relations based on partnership interest economic cooperation between countries on the strategic. the green zone establishing a direct line between the british prime minister and the criminal it's an important element of our communications that's meant to take a. little she. talked about how important u.k. was its partner in it and with the e.u.
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i don't partnership that hasn't dialogue with nato and on improving european security and william hague the british foreign secretary also underlined the importance of that relationship let's hear him. patient steady improvement in relations it will take time there will be no giant leaps it is a very measured. this welcome visit is an important steady improvement in relations which we initiated on our side when the coalition government came into office. working practically relationship. issues issues it is undoubtedly. trade but it does seem that in the past every attempt has been made to put this relationship back on track has been deemed railed in some way the latest example of that is new carting the guardian correspondent who was refused entry to russia earlier this month there was something wrong with his
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accreditation that's why he wasn't allowed back into the country but of course that's not the only thing which really this relationship was the merger of alexander litvinenko in london in two thousand and six and the british law enforcement main suspect is a new gulf war who is now a dual deputy and it's against russia's constitution to extradite him that's something that the british have been calling for for some time now but it hasn't happened also there are forty people around about living here in the u.k. who are wanted for crimes in russia and refusal to extradite them as well the most notable. bodies but it's old ski the russian tycoon and also. the former chechen leader and alongside the bilateral relationship that these two countries have are trying to improve there's obviously that cooperation on the international stage and in terms of that they have issued a joint statement on afghanistan which talks about the transfer of power in afghanistan also talked about troop withdrawal set to talk assessing
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a sort of timetable for that and also the fight against the production of drugs in afghanistan which is a huge problem with russia in terms of transport routes they also. russia has been an important negotiator with iran in terms of its nuclear program. said that rather than introducing the sanctions iran should join the. try to become part of. that and convince the world. that it does indeed. the domestic. reporting on the visit of russian foreign minister to london was sort of speaking multiculturalism. we have to respect. have to ask them to.
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help them. happen to a free speech activist who didn't agree with this viewpoint multiculturalism. stories to come before taking new measures in its fight against terrorism in the special operation five militants were killed in the northern caucasus region three policemen died and three were injured in the ensuing. this report. a number of terrorists were surrounded by a local law enforcement a gun battle ensued and which five militants were killed one is supposedly on the run and this of course is just the latest installment in the ongoing battle against terrorism in russia specifically in the volatile caucasus region one of the a suicide blast that was a detonated in a village in the republic of the guest on that was a car that was detonated by
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a suicide bomber he himself was in the car of course and died on location another suicide bomb that also took place in that same village in the a woman who walked up to a military outpost and detonated a suicide belt with a bomb of course killing herself killing one. security officer and injuring many others russian authorities specifically the russian president dmitry medvedev has ordered security forces to be stepped up a lot not just a notch on all major transport hubs in russia of course including airports train stations metro stations the investigation into moscow's airport bombing is still ongoing but we do know that authorities have now managed to confirm the identity of the suicide bomber and facts are coming out as soon as the identity of the suicide bomber was established the authorities or so now gathering more and more
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information not only about the man himself but also about all of his accomplices who helped him put together the detonating device who actually need to make sure that he got to the airport that he detonated that device everyone and anyone of course who came into contact with the suicide bomber is now under even further scrutiny from the security forces the president ordering heavier police presence and a lot more devices such as metal detectors to be implemented. train stations. airports and that of course. as we speak the full effect of those measures is of course yet to take place as it is quite serious for the security forces and that was our. reporting on russia's fight against terrorism. the controversial debate over multiculturalism in europe has now taken a new twist. troubled countries in search of stability and security europe has
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given them the cold shoulder more than five thousand arrived in italy in this past week and its interior minister warns they could jeopardize the institutional and social structures of the continent and come to the back of harsh criticism of multiculturalism. leaders and free speech activists who described it as a failure. for speaking out against religious groups charges of inciting hatred and violence she was found guilty of denigrating religious symbols. appealing the case should not be prosecuted for expressing. afraid to speak out while others are not. a european citizen peacefully debating islam with a muslim is nothing unusual in amman to cultural country like france but it's a topic not always discussed in such gentle fashion i advise you not to burn the koran about your worried. about studying what islam stands for with learning how to
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play to know your enemy elizabeth supper to channel has been on trial in a vienna court on charges of making what is described as a hate speech against islam a left wing all strand magazine recorded and published a speech at one of his seminars lending her. i have nothing against people who want to practice their faith. but i would like them to do this in the privacy of their own homes your ideas she says are nothing new and when europe's political elite express them they are not prosecuted for the same views multiculturalism has failed this is nothing new and my group and i have been saying this for years now all of a sudden. and others come out of hiding and agree with us i don't know why but elizabeth subjects will proponents say she crossed the line here a speech is up raged not only the muslim community but also made. it's not
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a matter of free speech that i can spread hatred about large groups of society you know we have to respect individuals in our society and we have to ask them to integrate and we have to help them to integrate yet european leaders such as german chancellor angela merkel french president nicolas sarkozy and british prime minister david cameron say multiculturalism in europe isn't working there are huge muslim communities but frequently such as in all strata they live in their own areas and feel. sickles of non integration there is the districts in vienna is known as the little stumble people here speak their native language they prepare their national dishes and wear the clothes which they are used to and this is exactly was elizabeth subject wall found your fellow like south taking a stance against south segregation
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a top pick which was one stop bullies now at the top of the european political agenda with multiculturalism now open to multi criticism from some of the continent's most influential political leaders we've yet to see how their views might bully a debate on the ground and the future shape of your seat in the actual art from piano. to turning seventeen minutes past the hour here in the russian capital let's have a quick look at some of the world news in brief is around two thousand kurdish protesters have clashed with police the demonstrations twelfth anniversary of the capture of a prominent kurdish rebel leader has held rocks and bombs at police and twelve cities and towns and demands for the release of. who was sentenced to life in prison treason at least thirty demonstrators with. a senior official of sudan's ruling party has accused the north of backing rebel attacks which killed some two hundred people last week the death toll is twice that
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of earlier estimates with most victims being civilians with children among them secretary general called on both sides to immediately implement a cease fire agreement this comes one month long from southern sudan voting to secede from the north the split is sure jod for. the town in georgia is given the go ahead for the trial of prime minister silvio berlusconi he's facing charges he paid for sex with a significant number of young women including a seventeen year old girl and uses influence to cover it up but it's going to strongly denied the allegations in our faces three years in prison if found guilty of paying minors for sex and. from six to twelve years for abuse of power the trial is to begin in early april behind kind of the three judges all of them women. the nasa spacecraft stardust has started beaming back the first pictures of a comment it's flowing past the encounter will give scientists unique information on how these great balls of ice and rock change over time is taking more than
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seventy high resolution images it's the first time the same comet has been examined by two different spacecraft. where you can head to. the stores recover one screen twenty four hours a day here's a taste of what else you'll find there right now in space russian cosmonauts make their first simulated steps. in the experiment replicating a mission to the red planet. and hollywood actress julia riches now a star of a russian language movie and check out lucky trouble at a cinema near you. finding a new home in canada it would seem to russia to help this endangered species those stories. don't call.
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the winter olympics in the russian city of sochi a fast approaching with only three years left to make all the preparations well i. caught up with the c.e.o. of the twenty fourteen organizing committee. to get the latest on the build up to the games and that interview is coming up next on r.t. . thank you.
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is there jessica thanks a lot for being with us today my pleasure right so three or so ago till the opening of two thousand and fourteen in sochi you said in one of your recent interviews that time is your main challenge how ready are you what does this mean that maybe you're afraid that you're not going to be done on time you wrote we just in the middle of four wonderful journey to deliver the most in a way to ever olympic and paralympic games which will celebrate this period when you more than russia sustainable positive changes and which interim will inspire the world with him we can now report the changes in the region i can tell you that three years to the games away in the good shape we deliver and everything within budget and on time so no doubts that russia will be prepared
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for the games at the highest possible level so you have test competitions going on except very on the slopes in sochi how do you think they're going to be assessed the european cup will be the first international exam. with the presence of international olympic committee and i know that. both from the i.o.c. and from club killy the great will come at the church of the slopes and how well we . again i said the first testament well it's been one year since to vancouver olympics what do you think you've learned there and what are some of the things that maybe you're implementing in sochi the first to fall we were very much. inspired by the success reach over again eyes or so in terms of the
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creating the wonderful electric i would say atmosphere in gauging all the nation around one or the project. secondly we were very impressed with grade school too so which international team canada. that's also great. there and certainly did the proper planning to keep photos of the success and that is why we have to be ready for any unpredictable thing like you remember would have . the region the which was secured for the snow for one hundred thirty years suddenly was suffering with their luck or small so we have to predict every scene and to be ready to deliver what we promised now there's been criticism that canadians both bills to so-called white elephant to thank or if the saudis weren't being used enough do you fear the same thing about sochi where trying to be in the
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way to frame everything we created and submitted for the i.c.c. consideration very soul it and sort out a legacy plan what will be with me until after the games were and the rest some interest in it if again we're trying to be innovative there are three venus which will be disassembled and then moved to another region and assembled though that. this month will it's not. temporary this is completely permanent i mean it was but you can imagine how excited. that region who are now between the two hosts the real olympic venue in the city which member horse the game but that's close same thing they did in london right the venue that they had for the olympics was completely dismantle it. yes but dismantled that means that they will be disappeared but will be working and sort of
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a real sport and multipurpose mean you. in a different region but in accordance to the same limp expander let's talk about the mascot everyone is dying to know what mask is going to be do you know what it's going to. who knows this will be a democratic election how does the process go. there are several stages of the selection of the moscow the first to fold it was a mission a white complain and then really proud to say that this is the first time in the history of the olympic movement when all the nation express on these. and the must quote candidates their nation. submitted to the candidates more than twenty four selves and different pictures did you expect so much people to participate frankly no we didn't expect expect that it will be
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a real national interest and we're very happy that it was a completion and you clearly. are your world trade center all stars. very good crew bream goes on moscow it is a candid to be on the top of the rim then a professional jury. presented by most to the cognized and respected presented from the leagues for science of course culture and art selected the short least. eleven candidates they must quote which will be. then said immediately to the audience and the people will be. like for your vision the same approach. the same system for those can do that which will be the most desirable who will tell the most interesting story
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