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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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on monday left is down and in egypt where the military has replaced the government at least temporarily strikes there are gaining force. takes a look at whether civilian rule is any closer to reality. mubarak's out the army is in and the question now who's next. to this. country's going to see. barak it's nearly a week since he gyptian generals promised to lift a fifty year state of emergency but there's still no sign of when that will be the army knows his limitations when the decision was taken not to door open fire not to do any slapping him with within their own people most of the ability to be the next the controllers the controllers of egypt but they do want to be the controllers of the peace and therefore the army if it once can keep the state of emergency in place for as long as it says it's necessary but not everyone
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thinks its intentions are noble finian cunningham is a middle east expert in bahrain from way visual and internet communications have been cut by the authorities in egypt schimmel and. protestors refer to supposedly that actually live in the state of emergency that creel in a country where nearly thirty years but the mobs of dodgy rebuying we chuckled assurances among didn't want right to be skeptical or. intentions the military my mind is a photographer who couldn't wait to capture egypt's revolution on film but he was stopped at the border by gyptian soldiers. so just how different is egypt today under the generals from the egypt of yesterday under mubarak which an emergency all of the. central component of the government apparatus were not up. he had
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a bad thing or like for the president. it's inches or more or. generals and for as long as a state of emergency remains in place the hopes that brought millions of egyptians to the streets remain up in the air that he took not the only country in middle east that lives in a state of emergency across its border here in israel depending on who you talk to this country has its emergency doors our marriages even the small he is because we live in a bad thing they have. in israel to most missing out elected politicians. that israel doesn't understand in the region and. in part or somebody and didn't even bond in a country democratic major on it but israel routinely released wars of aggression against neighbors and karen trained. children in the zone is often a state of emergency his will is his living its usual life no one moved from from
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the center for themselves or from the north to the center but whatever it is there's no denying that a country in a state of emergency is a country where democracy is ignored and if in egypt the generals don't make clear signs to move towards democracy soon and many protesters might be wondering what exactly they were out on the streets for the r.t. tel aviv. and with the united states voicing its support for the revolts one expert on the middle east believes that the wave of demonstrations can actually pose a threat to america. one so we definitely do have the peoples of different countries of bahrain of the round definitely of the rack of libya of yemen of egypt we've seen it school really want to have change now the other aspect that i think we have to be very careful about is that this will be and i think it is probably being either macro managed and controlled even and probably is going to be used to favor the interests of certain global power structures no doubt it. that is would
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like to see regime change in iran but at the same time they would like to see no regime change in bahrain and in egypt they probably knew that regime change was on the way because of the age of hosni mubarak and what iraq is another problem altogether so i think that we have a general way situation which the united states is for the state that part was finding very difficult to control. it with r.t. live from moscow three years after declaring independence from serbia cause of continues to face social and economic turmoil the recent elections there were widely criticized russia's envoy to the un and pointed to a number of violations and voiced concern that a radical parties were able to gain votes with high unemployment and rising poverty for self-proclaimed balkan republic of cause or vote is offering fertile ground for hardline islam there are now growing fears the region could be turning into a major terrorist hub right in the heart of europe and as artie's sarah ferguson finding out extremists are rhetorics being imported alongside foreign aid.
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time in causeways capital and the mosques overflowing ninety percent of the population here are muslim and known for their liberal interpretation of the faith but there are now growing concerns that a fundamentalist strain of visit a hobby as is taking. the most fundamental a strain. on the mental strain is from from the harbison so i think when you have this kind of ideology saying you have to literally follow the child from the qur'an . you can quite easily have a situation where for example terrorist acts can be justified hobby is a ridge nature in saudi arabia and many mosques destroyed in the balkan conflicts are being rebuilt with saudi money in fact this saudi government has poured tens of billions of dollars into building mosques schools and charities worldwide charities
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that in course of a helping support for members of the community. not only have jobs sure the charity bring in food which we need for i would children of the order but with nearly half the population employed and widespread poverty closely it could be becoming a fair to hold breeding ground the influence of well financed. the impact of saudi financing in course of a now is clearly evident and the fear is that it's not just the money that's being bought in there will be ideology as well a lot of the saudi money is i mean this is tied up in ideology and i don't think saudi arabia massively keen on the west especially for. building a democratic structure which we. see as being right for for muslims the mosques is the place to be carefully monitored by the islamic community in course of a to ensure that their adhering to moderate teachings. cannot be under
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labor control because really how to appoint. some economists to really do appoint a month we control however recently a mosque was closed down after a petition to remove him and he was allegedly using money to win a for the pool it was the legally built mosque in the town of marina the v.m. i was able to operate but ten years those being closed down now locals are asking why it was left of them to take action because you could tell there was something not tried going on there were young children full body calmer and she was taking the religious trips abroad so we felt we had to do something about it. the moderate muslim community here has made it clear that hardline teachings will not be tolerated there are warning signs the fundamentalist islam could be sneaking in through the back to the right into the hearts of here. because they.
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don't want to remember there are always plenty of stories for you to explore dot com here's a look at some of the items you'll find there right now facing jail for speaking out through any and politician is in trouble for his views on who's to blame for the deadly unrest in the country some twenty years ago and his ideas don't match the of the show. and in the freezing wilderness of. read about how artie's ashong thomas go to war welcome and exclusive interviews with his most famous in the habitants he's currently filming you can follow his blog at all or. if you.
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when you are with r t know about one of our top stories so called on the un security council to launch an investigation into allegations linking cause of us prime minister to organ trafficking during the war for secession in one thousand nine hundred nine a report by dick marty from the council of europe also linked former leaders of the cause of liberation army to abductions disappearances and executions let's get more from austrian m.p.'s now and speak to johana who's a member of the council of europe so these are these are serious allegations we're talking about here do you think there's any truth behind your well there legations a serious and there is a serious investigation necessary so i agree one hundred percent to the report of mr marty you can discuss this costs about certain ways in formulating things but
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you cannot discuss about the essence and the essence is there cannot be justice for the loser there is to be universal justice so we as we have to look into allegations concerning the so-called winner of this conflict as well if these allegations are we known about for years then surely why didn't the e.u. investigate them as soon as they were made. well i can only presume the reasons because i am not in the. i'm not in the heart of the european union what i think is that these allegations they didn't fit into the whole framework of looking on the conflict the european look was that the serbian sides is the bad side the evil side and that we have to investigate the crime of the evil side the evil side which was also the loser of the conflict in the end the military might of nato and the united states prevailed over loses and europe and the united states were on the winning
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side and it was in the interest of the winning side to find out a lot about crimes from the losing side from the side they stood up against and it was not so much an interest to find crimes of the allies which was the albanian side in this conflict. pumping billions of they've been pumping billions into cause of a for some time now but even today there are locations of drug trafficking human trafficking misuse of public funds what were the countries that recognize cause of us independence expecting when they do. what i think they didn't expect cause the world to be to be a paradise or be a haven of justice and haven of transparency and corruption free administration this no one did expect the seeing was after the need to intervention and the de facto creation of an independent kosovo state under nato and protect the rate as we
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saw it in the last years before independence well the things we're so father to return to serbia of the problems was almost impossible because this would have resulted certainly not a round of war the permanent administration of course a war as a colony or as a protector it was not feasible as well so in the end there was no other way than granting independence which was to my feeling not right because it was against international rules against the law of the people as we know it you know people talk about ethnic tension and violence and certain other difficulties in the region that but what do you think can be done to to ensure stability in cause of. to ensure stability so what is in place already so you will x. mission so they are supporting the build up of a rule of law they are trying to get clean administration to get clean courts to get independent judges to avoid as much as possible public and political
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interference into the legislation and into the court process procedure to stop corruption as we see still in the legal system and all that this is done as to how much it will succeed i don't know it will be also dependent on cleaning up dark spots of the past because of the leading. let's put it that way taste of the state is not punished for what it is. ten years ago and we will have the trouble of explaining the peoples of today why days should stick to little you know who austrian m.p. member of the council of europe thank you. ok. well the big guns of america's military establishment are taking defensive action on capitol hill to protect their budget defense secretary robert gates warned that cuts any deeper than the seventy eight billion dollars proposed by president obama would have quote
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tragic consequences christine for solid looks at who's really starting to benefit the times are tough for many on main street but most in government agree before assisting people like this it's more important to assist people like this. perhaps this is one reason the u.s. military budget is more than fifty percent of the entire world and once again the top brass came to washington to defend defense it is my judgment that the department of defense needs an appropriation of at least five hundred forty billion dollars for fiscal year two thousand and eleven for the u.s. military to properly carry out its mission maintain readiness and prepare for the future defense secretary robert gates also discussed cuts he's made to the military budget on programs no longer needed what you may not know is that most of the seventy eight billion dollars he's cut would take place in twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen when there will be a new secretary of defense and possibly
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a new president still and this was his announcement last month that i'll describe how these reform efforts are followed through to completion will make it possible to protect the u.s. military size reach and fighting strength despite a declining rate of growth and eventual flattening of the defense budget over the next five years as far as that flattening budget here's a look at current spending compared to previous war efforts and even after the cuts experts say in twenty fifteen the military budget will still be about one hundred billion dollars larger than in the bush years and about fifty billion more than the reagan years so what's going on here economist richard wolfe says. it's simple all the beneficiaries of government spending the companies that get subsidies the military producers who sell goods to the government the working people who get some benefits even if they're small all of them have mobilized to hold on to what they
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get to make it politically costly for any congress man or woman to go against them here's congressman buck mckeon chairman of the house armed services committee who has fought cuts tooth and nail there will be winners and losers in this process tough choices must be made but i will not support initiatives that will leave our military less capable and less ready to fight. in addition to the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the health and safety of men and women serving and there are also other expenses more than eight hundred military bases in places like the marshall islands and the seven million dollars sponsorship by the army of notecard. usually pleas for money come close in the name of life or death drastic reductions in the size and strength of the us military make millet armed conflict all the more likely with an unacceptably high cost in american blood and treasure but the real
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treasure lies with those with the real power according to trends research institute director gerald solent it's a simple as they had writing on the wall it's called the military industrial complex is in charge of the nation and until that changes there will be an invisible cloak around the pentagon that will allow no one to touch its budget what you will think by the things that are sacrifice the basic cuts in services the roads that go on repair and people who are forced to live on the streets and a continuing decline in the health education and overall quality of life for most americans in washington christine for them now are getting. back up from the anti war coalition says america is a wolf a state and the military budget will only. it's just a slowing of the general increase next year for instance the defense budget goes up by five percent at the same time that the federal government with the new budget
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eliminates two hundred federal programs and other words if you look at all of the aggregated spending for war in america it's about one trillion dollars a year so they will be ten trillion dollars or more over the next ten years so if you go back for the past fifty years the defense chiefs the captains of industry the captains of the military industrial complex say the same thing there is always a some new enemy some great scare some catastrophe lou mean unless the defense industry the war industry really gets everything that it wants and so this country is not a welfare state is the conservatives claim it is a warfare state it is in many ways the hidden hand of politics in washington is that war machinery itself it's becoming a completely militarized society well nato is keen to get the few remaining western european countries not members of the alliance on board sweden is one of the latest to be enticed but as i get a swedish activist tells us he regards he the expansion is simply part of u.s.
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attempts to strengthen its influence in europe and beyond. what are they doing to get them on the hook what are they doing what are they promising them or i really i don't have the answer because for me it is insane this policy it's pure insanity oh many things can the united states government show that they don't care about peoples when they show they torture in for instance all these terrible torture place in the you know bill good i.e. being one in every place they are by labeling international law all their allies labeling all treaties all treaties and they come away with it. and you can catch the full interview in just over an hour's time right here on artsy arter let's get to some other headlines making international headlines around
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the world a series of blasts rocked a military base in tanzania killing at least seventeen people because according to the country's prime minister it happened at a munitions depart near the airport in the country's largest city in dar es salaam the airport reportedly closed as a result of the explosions which also wounded dozens police have set up an evacuation center for people living near the base a similar incident at another tanzania and ammunition facility in two thousand and nine killed three. u.s. senators voted to extend the controversial patriot act for ninety days giving lawmakers time to discuss its future the anti terror laws allow enforcement agencies to tap phones access to business records and carry out surveillance on suspects but the act has faced huge criticism among those who consider these powers an infringement of civil liberties the extension was passed comfortably approved by a vote of eighty six to twelve. colombian rebels have released the last two
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captives of a group which had been expected to be freed last. weekend so far freed a thirty five year old police may just seized in two thousand and seven and an army corporal captured in two thousand and eight it brings the total number of hostages released over the past week to six but the country's president criticized the rebels using them of kidnapping of two factory workers during the same period of. time now for the business news with your dad. have very warm welcome to the business of dade gas from his joining the elephant oil field project in an over the talent energy company ending the deal was sealed during russian president dmitry medvedev visit to easily on wednesday on the agenda of the visit included a number of other economic issues archies and logical isn't rome with the details
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both first of all an agreement was signed on russia's involvement in developing the elephant oil field in libya russia's gas from will acquire thirty three percent stake in the project taking half of the shares from its hourly is any company in the south stream project was also discussed during president visits to rome the gas pipeline that's meant to deliver gas from russia to the south of europe of course energy corp is crucial for russia and italy but also the two countries have agreed to invest jointly into major infrastructure and energy projects in the north of africa and members of the russian delegation have also said that they expect up just thirty italian companies to participate in russia's skolkovo innovation center where we're discussing a number of projects with italian energy companies including as well as machinery manufacturing firms i hope will reach agreements with both big companies that will become our partners and with small research groups that are interested in
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cooperating with school. it's really is russia's second largest trade partner in the european union after germany and according to preliminary reports trade volumes have increased by nearly twelve percent since two thousand and nine reaching up to thirty six billion u.s. dollars last year. time let's see how the markets are doing this hour european stocks a positive but just marginally on thursday as a flood of earnings news. set some stocks in motion europe's biggest defense contractors the systems is down three point eight percent after its profit missed estimates but banking shares are pushing the indices higher growth bank of scotland is rallying four percent and lloyds banking is gaining two percent resource shares is suffering its structure is down about three percent and beach with pollution is suffering a loss of more than one percent. and in russia the indices are continuing their upward trend taking from wednesday and their standing good chances on positive
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close in the u.s. and asia and higher oil prices and another bunch of statistics from you as to later in the day will be i'd buy investors here and this time who hasn't played will be in focus let's have a look at some figures all the blue chips on most of the blue chips are climbing that salas turbine continues to gain for its second straight session and most will be an issue shares are gaining world carly is down about three percent. russia has almost tripled its exports of diamonds during the first nine months of last year bringing in almost two point two billion dollars in overall revenues at the same time the import of gemstones fell by more than two fold it is russia's may diamond producer with ninety seven percent market share and goals for twenty five percent of global production. has south african business delegation has arrived in
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moscow to boost trade agenda investment ambassador of south africa told business archie that energy would be among top areas for future cooperation. africa has brought a big need for energy we are not short of energy but we have very tight margins we are increasing our investments and we are calling for investments into the area of energy because we are doing a number of things we are working to increase our capacity to produce electricity but we are also diversifying any just sources so one of the areas we're looking to cooperate with russia is in the area of nuclear in the area of alternative and clean our sources of energy we are also attracting and we have russian companies that are involved in initiatives in south africa. the listing of the russian rail
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operator freight one may take place in london though the issue is still open to question that's according to president of russia great ways this is the government to decide what will be the formula of profit is a share of this company that is not settled yet so you know if it will be a sort of procedural fight pure then possibly in london but if it will be if it is the direct selling their trail be a russian. that's it for more join in less than one us time for more business news .
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on. morning news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day. for the full story we've got it from. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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our one thirty pm here in the russian capital you without the will to your headlines now demands for political reform and met with violence and uncertainty in the middle east and north africa as the domino effect continues libya is not the latest country to see clashes on its streets. america's top military officials stand guard over their budget as defense secretary robert gates warns that productions would have quote tragic consequences protecting the military is pushing massive cuts to the rest of society. and three years since declaring independence from kosovo continues to face social and economic turmoil there are now fears it could be turning into a training ground for terrorists as aid from saudi arabia is coming in along side
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extremist islamic. on next we take a look into the life of former soviet leader nikita khrushchev who was brought into power by stalin's followers and the one who spearheaded the launch of the soviet space program here with us. a politician full of contradictions and paradoxes for nearly two decades. in the soviet press many continue to remember him. i think he was the best emperor of the soviet era yes he was. publicly that the serbia would catch up with america and do it to. his country. and compelled to share that belief. nothing came out of it anyway communism was a far cry from reality.


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