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tv   [untitled]    February 17, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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has made change any closer to egyptians. mubarak's out the army's in and the question now who's next. time to decide. which way the country's going to. sit out say it's nearly a week since he gyptian generals promised to lift a fifty year state of emergency but there's still no sign of when that will be the army if it once can keep the state of emergency in place for as long as it stays it's necessary but not everyone thinks its intentions are noble my mind is a photographer who couldn't wait to capture egypt's revolution on film but he was stopped at the border by gyptian soldiers i. think. so just how different is egypt today under the generals from the egypt of yesterday under mubarak finian cunningham is a middle east expert in bahrain from way visual and internet communications have been cut by the authorities to emergency all of the. central component of the
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government apparatus we're not. like the president. or. generals and for as long as a state of emergency remains in place the hopes that both millions of egyptians to the streets remain up in the air each. day. for the last six decades since the birth of the state of israel we've been in a formal state of emergency which in israel has set into power and number of laws that were strict civil liberties and civil rights in ways that we find problematic whatever it is there's no denying that a country in a state of emergency is a country where democracy is ignored and if in egypt the generals don't make clear signs to move towards democracy soon they many protesters might be wondering what exactly they were out on the streets for. r.t. tel aviv. and marty darrius not from the center for research on globalization told me earlier the real change in the region will come only when constitutions are
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altered and elections take place these are revolts and not revolutions yet people's mindsets are revolutionary they want change they're fed up with these are revolts until the structures in place change in what we consider revolutions in order for democratic position to occur people need to elect their officials right now we're not seeing that we're seeing the status quo in egypt the military state an alternate nothing's changed it's a formal change because the more barak was a part of the military the military housing all right one the united states and its allies are politically heading their backs what they're doing right now is something that we should call creating a counter discourse counter discourse is we have a party in governance and in opposition to get control of both sides now i'm not saying that the protests are genuine the protests are absolutely genuine and organic but the fact is that the united states is trying to put its own opposition
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figures into position this includes the wisemen in egypt which are unelected the individuals billionaires people who were it part of the status for part of the regime in fact who did nothing for mubarak who's in power. coming up in just a couple of moments here on r t it's a religious affair in rome russian president to be that if this is about to come and we have all the details on his meeting with the pope and how it could change the relationship between the countries churches also still russia's wealthiest woman finds itself in the middle of a multibillion dollar theft scandal all the details coming your way a little later in the program. u.s. congressmen and pentagon officials are debating how best to trim the country's fifty five trillion dollars debt president barack obama has already proposed cutting the massive defense budget by seventy eight billion over the next five years but the president is making sure the cuts doesn't come at the expense of america's ability to wage war while non-essential programs are being slashed the
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proposed budget will actually see the pentagon spending grow this year salty's christine for example ordinary americans are paying the price of living in a war mongering country. times are tough for many on main street but most in government agree before assisting people like this it's more important to assess people like this. perhaps this is one reason the u.s. military budget is more than fifty percent of the entire world and once again the top brass came to washington to defend defense it is my judgment that the department of defense needs an appropriation of at least five hundred forty billion dollars for fiscal year two thousand and eleven for the u.s. military to properly carry out its mission maintain readiness and prepare for the future defense secretary robert gates also discussed cuts he's made to the military budget on programs no longer needed what you may not know is that most of the seventy eight billion dollars he's cut would take place in twenty fourteen and
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twenty fifteen when there will be a new secretary of defense and possibly a new president still and this was his announcement last month that i'll describe how these reform efforts are followed through to completion will make it possible to protect the u.s. military size. breach and fighting strength despite a declining rate of growth and eventual flattening of the defense budget over the next five years as far as that flattening budget here's a look at current spending compared to previous war efforts and even after the cuts experts say in twenty fifteen the military budget will still be about one hundred billion dollars larger than in the bush years and about fifty billion more than the reagan years so what's going on here hunnam is richard wolfe says it's simple all the beneficiaries of government spending the companies that get subsidies the military producers who sell goods to the government the working people who get some benefits even if they're small all of them have mobilized to hold on to what they
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get to make it politically costly for any congress man or woman to go against them here's congressman buck mckeon chairman of the house armed services committee who has fought cuts tooth and nail there will be winners and losers in this process tough choices must be made but i will not support initiatives that will leave our military less capable and less ready to fight. in addition to the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the health and safety of men and women serving and there are also other expenses more than eight hundred military bases in places like the marshall islands and the seven million dollars sponsorship by the army of now. usually pleas for money come close in the name of life or death drastic reductions in the size and strength of the us military make millet armed conflict all the more likely with an unacceptably high cost in american blood and treasure but the real
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treasure lies with those with the real power according to trends research institute director gerald solenn today it's as simple as they had writing on the wall it's called the military industrial complex is in charge of the nation and in. will that changes there will be an invisible cloak around the pentagon that will allow no one to touch its budget what you will see are the things that are sacrifice the basic cuts in service to the roads that go on repair in people who are forced to live on the streets and a continuing decline in the health education and overall quality of life for most americans in washington christine for our. political analysts says the defense savings plan is a fluke and is completely proposed cuts to the social sector defense secretary gates is talking about major cuts the seventy eight billion dollars in cuts seems
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like a very large number but in fact much of it actually comes from changes in economic assumptions such as just changing around the projected inflation rate is so many of these cuts that are even being talked about are not even cuts and as a result the defense budget is still growing by a real increase after inflation of about three percent but how does the way to point five percent and when that's compared to cuts to state and foreign aid at twenty percent in the current continuing resolution that's being talked about in congress it's it's really pales in comparison to those major cuts that are being made everywhere else because you could i mean this. kosovo is marking the third anniversary of its declaration of independence from serbia but the republic continues to suffer from huge economic and political chaos and the crisis has been further deepen by a recent critical report submitted by the council of europe it accuses some of course of his leading politicians including the current prime minister of being
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involved in horrendous crimes during the nine hundred ninety nine war of secession among the allegations are executions adoptions and organ trafficking on wednesday serbia called on the un security council to investigate the charges well let's discuss this further now with mark who got sick from the british serving alliance for peace who's joining us now from london now some serbs are saying these allegations have been public knowledge for years so why do you think they haven't been investigated before. well i think they've been known about it for the almost need investigating but the key thing is we go back to those eleven years to when serbia was being bombed when people were being butchered on bridges in schools and hospitals and roa stations where people were being killed in the name of a supposedly good albanian leadership that needed protecting with its population the those crimes that were committed a great service at that time was so huge that to admit that in fact the reality was
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that the albanians that the u.s. was sponsoring at the time were indeed all steelers sexual. enslavers and villains in a variety of different kinds would be to delegitimize one's own propaganda operation so they couldn't go back from their original claims without admitting that they'd be lying all along particularly in one thousand nine hundred nine and that would have meant that those who bombed serbia were culpable in criminal terms for that bombing and should answer before an international court so of course it would be very difficult for them to say actually yes we are indeed wrong we were wrong we supported the wrong side and under that and that was one step too far for them man of great courage which was marty to actually articulate what they've been hiding because you saying well investigation is not necessary because it's all known but surely an investigation will be necessary now but perhaps which even a thing if indeed the u.n. security council does carry out investigation. well it the question is who will
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carry out the investigation because everybody seems to be as a colorful ponce the former chief prosecutor put it rather too afraid of the albanian reach that the reach of the extremist albanian leaders who actually volunteered to investigate there seems to be nobody charged with the task of actually investigating technologies findings so it will require a brave brave security council and the committee security council one that wants the truth to actually appear and i have my doubts whether that will appear out of the security council looking back at what happened one also surely should look forward it was a terrible time a tragedy for all involved now we're seeing a time of reparation in a way where countries are sending billions now in aid to kosovo surely now it's only a matter of time because for kosovo can actually stand on its own two feet isn't it the it's this will take a long time and it's happening is it not well sending billions of
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euros in aid to criminals and murderers and drug runners as far as far as i'm concerned not a good policy those criminal networks already standing on their own two feet and they can send aid to the e.u. the people are on the knees of the serbians there and indeed the albanians in general were among the poorest populations in europe the serbians particularly have been targeted by all kinds of nationalistic stream isn't there but nobody is having a good time and this is the fake states that the u.s. experiment has created it is a one step towards a greater albania but this is actually greater poverty greater evil and greater instability for the whole world that's been created in kosovo today there is a chance that there could be some dialogue between serbian cause of it what do you think you can expect from that. i think we need to understand that serbia in that dialogue has to have the position that it is trying to decide the future is own sovereign territory or which cost of what is inalienably apart should there be a temptation to legitimize the criminal authorities in prishtina as in some way
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equal in so it's a lock it says that will be really. legitimizing the criminals that really deserve to be behind bars rather than in front of them so we need a committee from serbia because we need a proper discussion about a future for serbians and albanians that will solve in a way the problems of both through a mutually beneficial agreement not one that will be zero for the serbians and everything for the extremist albanian criminal leaders in please do not today well let's talk about that future for serbians now serbia has clearly made it absolutely clear to everyone that he wants to join the e.u. and certainly there are hints of a softening of belgrade stance towards kosovo but what do serbs care more about let's hear from you i mean do you care more about joining the e.u. or getting possible back i think intelligent serbs understand that if the price of joining a club is that you give part of your house as the price of joining that club if
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that's the price is not a price worth paying because it shows that your status in that club will not be the one that will be of benefit to you serbia has five hundred years worth of results in kosovo for five hundred years coming up now will the e.u. be subsidizing serbia to actually sacrifice all those resources and be paying the people who ethnically cleanse the serbians from kosovo for the resources of serbia in kosovo the economic figures don't stand up so he needs both it does need the membership but it's not ready for it yet but it certainly needs it's possible back and it's certainly ready for that or it was very interesting what you have to say marco gets it from the british serving alliance for peace thanks very much indeed for joining us live here on r.t. . now pope benedict says he wants to learn russian that's what he told me to meet that if he's currently on the fischel visit to the vatican is just over a year since moscow and the holy see restored toys from decades of disagreement alters the tone and over to the house more. this is the first visit over russian
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president zuma vatican city after russia and vatican establish diplomatic relations back in two thousand and nine president dmitry medvedev and both benedict the sixteenth touched upon a number of global issues as well as their cooperation has been russia and italy within various international organizations but they also talked about the cross concessional dialogue between the russian orthodox and the roman catholic church as members of the russian delegation have been saying that their relations between the churches have been improving recently and that right now a possibility of a meeting of the leader of the russian orthodox church patriarch cureall and had all of the roman catholic church who benedict the sixteenth is now much more possible than it was several years ago so in that respect this visit has been very symbolic also during president that if state visit to rome a number of energy deals have been signed russia and it's really have agreed to
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jointly invest in two major infrastructure and energy projects in north africa also it was decided that plushy is going to be involved in developing the elephant oil fields in levy it together with its elite and career its really is russia second largest trade partner in the european union after germany and according to preliminary estimates the trade to volumes have increased speed with the two countries by nearly twelve percent since two thousand and nine. well still to come free of space fashion courtesy of a renowned former agent who spy scandal made headlines around the world. and not chapman it's not a mission to get the russian space industry to look fabulous all the cosmic details are a little later on the program. still to come first police have raided the offices of russia's richest woman. is the wife of moscow's former mayor who was sacked by prison dmitri medvedev last year and explains what's behind this raid.
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officials are saying that these searchers are part of an investigation looking into the embezzle mint of thirteen billion rubles which is over four hundred forty million u.s. dollars from the bank of moscow which is russia's fifth largest bank and they see that you and about to know the wife of moscow's former mayor. or directly connected to this case which actually started in december investigators believe that the in measurement was conducted through a loan deal between the bank of moscow and several if you go up in companies and they say that the money simply ended up on a personal bank account not what's also interesting is that investigators say that this transaction happened on the same day as the government allocated around fifteen billion rubles to the bank of moscow for other purposes and there's already
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speculation that this state money may have been used by about two dinner to cover up the debts of a company in teko for recent years both the union about and you to school of moscow's former mayor have been subjected to controversy although neither of them have been found guilty of any illegal activities there's a lot of speculation that you don't want to know who is the russia's richest woman and the only female billion in the country she was able to gain this fortune with the help of her husband's resources as the mayor of moscow her company and also always got the most attractive deals in the city when it comes to its development and what's also interesting is that since i stopped being the mayor of moscow in tech are also stopped getting all these good deals. and her lawyer so deny all the accusations saying that the investigators have absolutely no grounds for such claims even the martin a says that neither she or her company in teko were
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connected or involved. in any criminal activities and said that these. are pressure on her and her husband meanwhile the investigators are ready to call up everybody including you for questioning if it is necessary now some other news making international headlines at this stage of the day in a world update a series of blasts of the base in tanzania thirty people it happened near the airport in the country's largest city. explosions it started in one arm's depo before spreading to others in the camp four thousand people have fled the area and have gathered at the country's national sports stadium a similar accident of another tanzanian ammunition facility in two thousand and nine killed three people. were among twelve people killed when a boat sank in north eastern vietnam the vessel went down before dawn when most were asleep in the cabins it's believed there were twenty foreigners on board those who survived nine people and six crew members jumped into the water where they were
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rescued by other vessels it's the deadliest accident since the country opened up to foreigners twenty five years ago. religion has now gone two hundred forty nine days without a government which some are saying equals the world record held by iraq eight months stalemate is divided on language lines between the leaders of the six million bucks speaking flemish and four and a half million french speakers hundreds of people from both sides organized a flash mob in the french speaking student tele liver the creation of a unity government the event was one of many being held across. renowned former russian agent anna chapman will add a dash of glamour to the country space program the redhead now wants to try her hand in designing new uniforms for the space industry. over this report. the british are taking center stage in business it seems so and on a chapman is just the latest to try and cash in on your v.a.p. status well to begin with she registered to your name as a trademark so no official if you can sell her name as
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a brand and the latest of your creative ideas will be reflected in a collection of quote sport ross course most people spacemen on the grounds that a space control central mosque and also the country's largest oil strewn all straining center will be trussed up in what we believe might be very glamorous and patchy outfits it's not specified though in what capacity issue will be participating as a designer or she will take pause in the projects financially would not have told the last year for the first time in her life on a chaplain visited the baikonur space cosmodrome in kazakhstan where she soit a rocket launched a into orbit and perhaps it was there where she followed inspiration looks around at those brave men and decided that her next mission will be to make them look small idealists seems july last year when she was deported from the united states of america it seems that the sell shoes spy service has become the least kept
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secret in russia she was offered a job on television she's now hosting a t.v. program where she's supposedly uncovering the world's secrets she was also appointed an advisor to the phone surveys bank which shares the initials with the country's a top secret service the af is beyond just recently she joined a program in youth movement so yes it seems that these days she is here and there and everywhere that brings us to twenty four minutes past the oh i'll be back with an update on the news stories that made his business news is next with dimitri in just a few moments stay with us life here. zob .
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if you. are from france to. start on t.v. don't come. half past nine here in moscow you're watching business your company russia's leading search engine yet dags has landed in the top fifty most innovative companies and twenty eleven placed higher than global i.t. giants like i.b.m. and microsoft fast company magazine which compiled a list put yandex of twenty six place in the list of the most innovative firms in the world this year this is the first time yandex was actually included in the list noted for its prowess in search systems that bypassed amazon which took second
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place in the list last year the top three spots were taken by apple twitter and facebook. the markets now go first to the united states new applications for jobless benefits and consumer prices grew more than expected and this is offset at the same time by a strong manufacturing report there for the markets are flat positive european stocks ended the session mixed europe's biggest defense contract to be a nice systems was down four percent of the close after its profit missed estimates . and in russia there was a dramatic change of mood they started off with have to games in the morning and stocks ended in the red most of the blue chips were losing at the close but burbank was up slightly on the news that it could sell off its well related assets worth over one point two billion dollars as soon as this year gazprom was down to pursue . despite securing the acid swap deal with any innocently and polymath always up at the close as the price of gold reaches thirteen hundred eighty three dollars
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nation's capital says the ongoing tension the middle east continues to shake the. g.p. number that came up. was. four point three percent blue from december versus december two thousand and nine and i think that's all right so people are very nervous you know there is the inflation is eating into. real disposable income declining almost the pre-crisis levels but the real terms because of the. inflation in january. and standard and poor's has raised its long term corporate credit rating for russian dairy giant wimble down from b.b. minus to b.b. plus the upgrade follows pepsico its acquisition of a sixty six percent stake in all three point eight billion dollars which brought the soft drink giant so low in shipping russian company to seventy seven percent
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also expected that texaco will offer to acquire the remaining shares of this break . that's it from sal be back in one hour's time with not by bill is next with headlines don't go away.
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our. stock we are going to. come back. we'll have a rally will sell lots of beer will be wrong wrong they will wear uniforms that will damage is in the black family but very little damning the wife. and they are the key to our problem our own right. if.
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top stories now. push for change the. rest. americans are already in the. economic and political turmoil. radical islam is gaining ground in the republic. brings up to date for the. meantime we take a look into the life of the former soviet leader nikita khrushchev stay with us for
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that here on r.t. . a politician full of contradictions and paradoxes for nearly two decades his name received no mention in the soviet press many continue to remember him with his resignation. and i think he was the best and . yes he was. that the soviet union would catch up with america and do it if. communism in his country. and compelled to share that belief. nothing came out of it anyway. cry from reality. when he was in power. descended into. the author.


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