tv [untitled] February 17, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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leave in global warming he says that it's not a true science it's just an idea so really decided to double down on his ignorance and he's now introduced a bill in the montana state legislature to actually praise global warming and i'm not even kidding here take a look montana house bill five forty nine finds that global warming is beneficial to the welfare and business climate of montana also reasonable amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere have no verifiable impacts on the environment and global warming is a natural occurrence and human activity has not accelerate it so i'd just like to ask representative reed how in the hell is global warming beneficial to the welfare and the business climate of montana i mean i guess if the temperatures keep rising in the state could one day have a tropical climate and that would improve tourism you know what i find most telling about representative reed is that until he was elected last november he was
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a farmer and a firefighter so how do the farmer and a firefighter come to the conclusion that global warming is beneficial and then want to outlaw science on top of it you know he told thing progress that he knows his idea is radical and i'm going to agree with him on that but please please just keep your ideas as ideas and don't turn them into crazy laws and that's why montana lawmaker jo reed is tonight's tool time winner. and it seems that ice still has no problem flexing its muscles ice or immigrations and customs enforcement is one of the sectors in the homeland security department that's continued its tirade against web sites now we told you before how they've shut down sites even in other countries they were streaming movies or copyrighted material in general but this time they have really gone and done it and piss people off you see their latest project with the ridiculous title operation save our children was designed to take down websites that show. child pornography and the warrant they got from the judge
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was to take down approximately ten sites but somebody screwed up in the ice department because when they see is the domain move dot com they also seized eighty four thousand other websites now it turns out that mu dot com was a domain hosting several thousand subdomains so when i say seize to move those other websites had this unwelcoming message that it's a warning saying the site's been frozen the punishment for posting child pornography is a two hundred fifty thousand dollar fine out there the worst part is that when a domain name is seized it typically takes up to three days to get the site back up and running again to all those thousands of innocent subdomains are wrongly season they didn't have any traffic for up to three days and the best part was that their sites had a message saying that they were suspected of child pornography for three days now these websites are mostly personal or for small businesses so can you imagine how
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that's going to look to their customers and here's the even better part in a press statement all ice did was congratulate themselves on the ten domains that they actually sees that were related to child porn and they didn't even mention their quite gigantic mistake so are you kidding me you don't even have the decency to acknowledge that you're idiots and that you just violated the right of free speech for eighty four thousand sites now i'm not sure how this division of homeland security operates but somebody better get fired for this one. now this recession has cost millions of people their jobs and left taxpayers on the hook for seven hundred eighty seven billion dollars and bailout money for wall street and j.p. morgan chase was one of those bailout recipients they've since recovered from the economic collapse but here is the work part the bank is now making millions thanks to unemployed americans living on food stamps artie's marina portnoy has more. americans are generally known for their healthy appetite eat what they crave while
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others like gabrielle jemma can't use the food stamps here for me to express of only eat what is affordable is there a way to give me two dollars worth. of these really for the sixty one year old is unemployed and maintains a monthly food budget of two hundred dollars gabrielle is among the forty three million americans relying on federal food subsidy here's. the electronic benefit transfer card allows food stamp recipients to spend their allowance the plastic lifeline for the hungry and unemployed is also a money maker for j.p. morgan chase the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the u.s. meaning an increase in food stamp recipients equals more profit for the investment bank yes that this is the way off that every time i use my debit card goldman sachs or j.p. morgan in this case make a little money off of my transaction j.p.
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morgan is responsible for the fact that i want to play so it doesn't surprise me that every every aspect. of this program and everything else has been privatized j.p. morgan chase provides food stamp debit cards in twenty six states and the district of columbia the firm is paid per customer and in the state of indiana j.p. morgan makes roughly one hundred eighty six thousand dollars. per month critics say the investment bank is making a fortune off american poverty as long as the out of line rate remains high as long as families are struggling there's sort of this perverse incentive for j.p. morgan chase to continue to benefit off of high unemployment and they're living up to this person center because in many states they're actually offshoring the jobs related to processing stamps to save money j.p. morgan has been routing benefit card customer service calls to india where
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employees reportedly earn no more than three fifteen hour. meanwhile in the u.s. abyss of economic hardship nearly fourteen million americans like every else are unemployed i imagine that if you were given an opportunity to work as a customer service rep i would do it millions of people would do it j.p. morgan has refused to say which states dial up customer service centers in india it's just completely inappropriate that this type of public service is being outsourced to a private profit driven company especially one that was bailed out by the american taxpayers bailed out to the tune of twenty five billion dollars in two thousand and eight j.p. morgan has bounced back reporting a seventeen point eight billion dollar profit in two thousand and ten the same success can be said for the people forty percent of food stamp recipients are working americans unable to keep up with the cost of living with food prices set to
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soar and few bonuses handed out to the common folks j.p. morgan anticipates profits will grow this business that is very important business to j.p. morgan it's a it's an important business in terms of its size and scale volumes have gone through the roof in the past couple years booming business arguably feasting off the hungry and disadvantaged. archie new york market. did you know that there's an. american university of iraq or afghanistan beirut nigeria the list goes on are not seen for more than one hundred years american business leaders have funded christian missionaries to set up universities in foreign countries with valuable resources to exploit those are the words of a new article that takes a deep look at some of the little herd of projects of our wars abroad and in the case of the american university of iraq so the money us specifically the picture is not a pretty one unfinished buildings under-qualified teachers scandals and an overarching
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monopoly of neoconservative thought before we get into those details don't you wonder what purpose these institutions serve trying to discuss it as russ baker author of family of secrets the bush dynasty america's invisible government and editor of who what why ross thanks so much for joining us now first starters i bet that most americans probably have never heard of and have no idea that there's an american university of iraq why do you think that is. well i myself had not heard of it until. about a year ago in the meeting began researching the seems to do to figure out what it was because of course we're all wondering why is the united states in iraq in what are the long term needs and so we learned that a university has been set up and intends to be there i suppose forever and ever you want to know more about it what we found in our research in which you can read on our site what why is that this was set up by people closely connected to the
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american department of defense the secretary of defense donald rumsfeld into key figures who have been in republican administrations over the years involved hold true affairs in the shaping of values the perception now where the funding for this university is specifically come from those are taxpayer money go into it or is it entirely privately funded. it seems to have been at least a little bit of taxpayer money going into it we don't know exactly we are told that huge amounts of money and i mean amounts like fifty million sixty million dollars have been donated to this university by a handful of officials in this area which is kurdistan the northern part of iraq very interesting because these officials are the same people who are very active in in pushing the u.s. government for a long long time to go in and to overthrow saddam hussein they're also very much
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involved in the oil business and this is really i think where the story comes down is what we found was that it seems to be largely about oil kurdistan is full of oil very very sensitive spot the largest plant track for drilling in iraq was actually given demanding ray heintz who is a close friend of george w. bush but how does all translate to university and educating young iraqis. what they're doing is they're they have actually stated themselves that one of the principal purposes of the university is to train people to work in the oil industry so their training at least would save mid-level people who can work as engineers it is business people in the oil industry creative base strongly pro american you point and have been educated with i think you know it's very interesting where one of the students we spoke to told us how the textbook in his class of sat him because it was a book about american history and portrayed the native americans of the american
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indians in a sort of a pejorative way a negative way and sort of you know glorified of the american expansion into the west and i think that in some of these people see this is very very problematical but a big day over all of them as a few of the students most of them are just focusing on getting the kind of grades they need to get those jobs and yes i think they're going to end up working in the oil industry and it's creating a critical each of these large american companies what else can i say about it as an educational institution from reading your piece other articles about this it doesn't really seem like they have the best professors in the world it's they don't even speak arabic they don't have you know a basic cultural understanding of their students. right faculty by and large the vast majority do not speak either arabic or kurdish students barely speak english they seem to have kind of rushed this whole thing together and it makes you wonder what the purpose of this obviously these things if they're going to be done right
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they're going to really educate people and they're going to create a favorable response from the local people they've got to be done with some sensitivity instead they rushed it through so they say a lot of the students don't even have a real ability in english and the faculty there are a lot of questions whether they're already been a number of scandals is tremendous dissension there in our article on who what why don't we actually describe these battles going on there are websites anonymous websites critics of the one of the original top administrators were forced out of a sexual scandal other but other things going on it's really quite a horror show actually and i think compared to almost any university anywhere they're off to a very very bad start. yeah definitely i think a horror show is a good way to describe that and you know keep in mind like you mention also in your face that there are other american universities in afghanistan nigeria and beirut and so you know if these things are poorly run it doesn't doesn't make us look too
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part of time for shell and now we've spoken about the protests in egypt which ultimately led to a revolution change in their government and now there are several other countries following suit like yemen bahrain algeria iran but what about the u.s. could america ever see another revolution that was what we asked and so here's some of our answers which our facebook page and reading it responded doubtful unless it just gets so horrible that no one can take it trials because america needs to have another revolution sadly i think it would come to martial law beforehand are we. do it now michael wrote on facebook if there are any signs of revolution they'll quickly be quelled by biased reports of homegrown terrorism everyone is similar with the quote one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter and tommy tells us
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what would encourage him to protest if the government cut social security i'm willing to find the us version of town here mason sky is hopeful for another revolution he says we need to get this country out of the control of the corporations bankers and wall streeters and back in the hands of the american people only that we have a chance to rebuild for a better future now as always we thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you yesterday we spoke about i.b.m.'s machine watson going up against two human players in jeopardy and some say that this is a glimpse into the future of computers being key players in games but which games are going to feature robots versus people we've already seen happen with us now with jeopardy so we want to know what you think what do you think should be the next showdown between man and machine you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. let's move on to ana is there anything that she can't do the former russian spy anna chapman has now
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got her eye on designing uniforms for the russian space programs ground specialists while details are still up there reports say that when she heard about how certain crews needed a uniform she and those yeah stickley offered to participate like i just said what can she do now to do this for the red headed female. has used her assets to advance her business career and her name for that matter last time we discussed this heidi we told you about how she had trademarked her name to keep other women from stealing it and her global image so let's review a little bit of what ann has done to expand her empire now we all know how she started off in the business which mind you she has earned the highest medal for for her participation now she's modeled in several magazines like maxim and playboy and she's also launched her own vodka line and poker site she manages a bank and she's currently the star of a reality t.v. show called secrets of the world with anna chapman the let's add
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a new line to that resume fashion designers to the cosmonauts at this rate she's going to be of a cover of forbes magazine hello she could very well make ranks on the forbes five hundred list and frankly i'm kind of waiting to see her singing debut and she's got to be better than justin bieber miley cyrus and i am predicting an album dropping by twenty two. now it's official man played against machine on jeopardy and as the third and final episode was aired last night we all watched man lose i.b.m. supercomputer question answering machine watson now ken jennings even wrote i for one it welcome our new computer overlords it's incredible stuff an artificial intelligence for a computer to understand respond to the human natural language and it can also be a scary one how long until your job is replaced by watson's offspring and i.b.m. has announced they're already planning on creating a position as a system service where doctors can ask questions to
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a cybernetic assistant there also discussion to create a version of watson that would be able to interact with consumers on subjects like buying decisions and even technical support to house a new computer age officially arrives where you want to discuss it is chris wilson associate editor at slate purse thanks so much for being here my pleasure you know this is kind of incredible kind of demoralizing or hard saying i think i want to do it and it was mostly exciting was there anything out there that really shocked you in watching this watson versus man competition on jeopardy sure the thing that shocked me really was that jeopardy goes out of their way to make their questions kind of a little pun there's little bits of french mixed in doing everything to do with the clue there's this clues that are kind of compound where you have to name one thing and figure out another thing for example is the question who was president when sixty minutes. so first you have to figure to break it down you have to figure out who when did sixty minutes to be you and if you get that right then you've got to
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figure out who is president and the fact that watson can kind of deconstruct kind of complex questions into simpler ones then put them back together. is to me one of the more remarkable parts of what we saw but we also learned that watson isn't perfect of course that he can make mistakes like that all toronto and surgery for. us cities so it is that kind of gives a little hope to that he's almost human is it's almost like he had a bit of personality or i have to say that i just. moved departments and got a new. d.s.l. service and so i. spent about thirteen hours in the last two days with you know. tech support and i think i'd actually prefer to talk to watson over some of those people. considering the rate some mistakes that. were due wasn't me i'll actually take i think it's not about what do you think but let's say the average consumer of
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people like you and i that now we're just not going to be satisfied with our laptops and our i pads and whatever we have now and we've seen what technology can really do you want to know why better products are now on the market possibly but you know a lot i mean if you think about how many of the things that we do involve just kind of searching a huge amount of information often text based the most obvious example being a google search google's amazing and we all use it and we all love it but you still get a lot of responses that you don't want because particularly for kind of complicated questions it's just hard to free is what it is you're looking for you know it's not so much google's fault that it doesn't know where to find things it's sort of both of our faults that we don't know how to talk to them and so if we can sort of bridge that and on whatever gadget i happen to be using i can ask google a question as though on how extra bag and it can come up with the right answer or at least you know lead me in the direction of the right answer then to me that's
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a huge step and i'd be perfectly happy with you know various electronic devices how big of a step is this for and let's say it was fourteen years ago right the character. failed and lost two machinery in a chess game and i would honestly ever think that it wouldn't take fourteen here is for us to come up with a watson is very moving. slower than we would we imagine you know this is really interesting that. the whole thing feel that game theory was founded founded by this mathematician named johnny by newman and he used poker actually as one of kind of the examples of how you could analyze games mathematically back then they thought that the way you would make a computer that could beat a human at a game was to teach it to think like a human but just not making mistakes so you know when i play chess i understand the rules but i'm not very good at it some constantly making moves that are clearly not the best move i can make if you take the computer the rules and you kind of thought how it works that turned out not to be at all the case with the deep blue it was
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the i.b.m. computer that beat gary kasparov that it was much more just kind of brute force that i have so much processing power that i can analyze two hundred million different possibilities and sort of figure out what the right one is i can think a couple of steps ahead and and so in a way it was almost more of a hardware victory than that you had now the machinery capable of making all these calculations really fast. at the end you know there were complex algorithms are responding to what is right i might say or do you are saying that perhaps a three person poker game right might be the really crucial next step how long we might see that. there i think we've moved beyond we've moved beyond deep blue we've moved beyond watson because those are. programs that play the game really well but they don't worry too much about their opponents you know basically with jeopardy i
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mean there is some strategy involved but the way you win is that you know all the answers. do you know more the answers and your colleagues and you can buy as a factor faster. with three player poker there's a whole different element of psychology that comes there is the poker face you got to know how to read your opponent so that to be more of a a behavioral exactly that's where you're going to bring in the behavioral scientists and the icon. it's the people who model behavior not just strategy you can do computer to play to person. limited you know but limit hold'em pretty easily but not so they can be they're going to be so i hope you know you will expand soon chris thanks so much for joining us it's a question now before we go tonight it's time for our twitter today donald trump was on m.s.n. b.c. today saying that if he were elected to be president he attacks everyone and everything outside of america he says that we provide security around the world so which attacks them for our services so tonight we think that the american people should tweet to trump would you also turn the white house into a casino and put
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a hotel by the washington monument just wandering out there for a night show thanks for tuning in to make me come back tomorrow for a brand new installment of happy out in the meantime never going to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all of you tube dot com plus the money show post interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and all. the stress nutritious and delicious products on the price of healthy eating. lead to testes toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition and for environmental contamination don't you feel like a lab rat so consider the experiment it's human treatment ready i believe
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significant differences between the g.m. felt that they both had they don't yet. but they were treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you get the answer and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's the end of your career. from phones to. stunts on t.v. don't come. wiki
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leaks latest revelations showing that the u.s. has been snooping on nato as a top official and using its leverage to prevent closer ties with russia trigger further calls for the alliances dissolution. and as a strong solar flare heads towards it will be looking at what it poses for human life here on our blue planet. and saving young lives is building a bridge to peace thousands of families from our event middle east countries find a cure for their children's hard conditions in israel. and in moscow i met good to have you with us here on r.t. our top story it's no secret that nato revolves around the united states but latest
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week of these revelations have shown that its domination of the alliance goes much further published cables reveal that washington has been snooping on top nato officials and exerts heavy pressure on its allies to get its way. as a. cat among the pigeons whistleblower strikes again this time at the very heart of meat. according to documents published by two european newspapers a u.s. mole was planted right in the office of the alliance's secretary general several of the cables revealed by wiki leaks indicate america is trying to control nato from within reporting confidential information back to washington this point of view is supported by some of the documents allegedly sent by u.s. diplomat jeff raft. went under spog rasmussen was looking for closer ties with the collective security treaty organization made up of former soviet states the u.s. was quick to veto the idea.
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