tv [untitled] February 18, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST
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control nato from within reporting confidential information back to washington this point of view is supported by some of the documents allegedly sent by u.s. diplomat jeff rafter. when under spog rasmussen was looking for closer ties with the collective security treaty organization made up of former soviet states the us was quick to veto the idea after a private dialogue with the u.s. representative to nato rasmussen took all mention of the two organizations growing closer out of his address to the alliance in two thousand and nine but why would the us try to pressure its allies. as one of nato is key players the u.s. tries to prevent the alliance from growing too close to the russia in the former soviet bloc because the region is of strategic interest to america but they of course would prefer to build exclusive bilateral relationships strong ties between two military organizations such as nato and the c.s.t. it is not in u.s. interests. this is an odds with the image of the alliance tries to project
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a strong union where every opinion matters even the people in the street understand that washington is calling the shots so. left right left right. so this is this is what is happening and in reality people know the documents published so far haven't exactly uncovered anything groundbreaking but if every member a nato is supposedly equal it has raised questions over whether the u.s. will really trust the alliance at all gas trainers are about r t. in other news shock waves from our peoples in tunisia and egypt spread all across the greater middle east with opposition protests sweeping through other countries in the region clashes between rival demonstrators have once again gripped yemen and what's now the eighth day on rast and government activists have been using social networks to call for as many people as possible to hit the streets on friday they
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are demanding the country's president. to step down after more than thirty years in power but clashes also erupted in georgians capital amman where anti-government demonstrators are calling for reforms and then polishing the peace treaty with israel. protests turned violent in the area where at least twenty four people have been killed in recent days in clashes with security forces and police are reported to use firearms to disperse crowds thousands of mourners gathered in bahrain at the funerals of anti-government protesters killed in a brutal crackdown on thursday. for more analysis on all of this happening and developing in the middle east we're going to cross live to london where i have told the even joins us he's a british author journalist and policy analyst. they serving with us mr levin anti-government protests we've been hearing have been spreading all across
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the region why is that what do you think is the force behind these movements. it seems to be simply that all the governments in the region have failed to meet the needs and expectations of their people development has very widely failed or where it's occurred in the gulf very large numbers of people have been excluded from it and of course across most of the region the government officials are corrupt and the police are both corrupt and extremely brutal so it is just a kind of general revolt against the oppression of government in general the fascinating thing is that the the people who are doing the rebelling come from the widest possible variety of religious and social backgrounds so it's not possible to see
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a common movement across this region this is not some joint ideologically motivated revolution although of course different ideologies do play a big part in different places with that said do you not think that the government of bahrain libya yemen jordan can learn from what happened in egypt and tunisia. well learned was. well you know one form of course perhaps like we're seeing that well that's exactly what i was going to say i mean the one lesson which undoubtedly is being drawn is that you mustn't get into the business of beginning to order to offer compromises because that simply ends with your disappearance that you must crackdown as hard as possible as quickly as possible but now we're going to see whether that actually works of course one very important factor in bahrain which was not present into his year in egypt is that in bahrain the army and most of the population are from different ethnic religious groups that say in bahrain the army
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is sunni but the population is largely sheer that of course makes it much easier for the army to crack down than in egypt and tunisia where the population were the same. do you think that it's possible we'll see a completely different make up of the middle east in the near future. i think it is possible the key will be egypt if in egypt the existing state system disappears you get an islamist government which rejects the peace treaty with israel then the cornerstone of american power in the region i mean that see american diplomatic political power has just gone and the implications for the gulf states could be very severe indeed if the army in egypt and the middle classes would have you would call them the westernized classes
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manage to keep a grip on the situation and maintain the treaty with israel then i think you will see slower and more incremental change what i think internally you'll see all over the region is a very messy process with different countries moving in different very different ways with very different outcomes many now see iran as are perhaps the next target of antigovernment on rast in the region what's your take on that. it's very difficult to say. iran has already had its attempted revolution which of course was suppressed essentially but it's not clear that the opposition forces will be able to get that going again the other absolutely critical factor that we don't know yet is that all these revolutions have been urban revolutions by the peoples of the capital cities we don't know yet what the attitudes of the mass of
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the population are in the countryside in the small towns that's why the future of egypt is so much i we don't know how these people will behave how they'll vote when when there are elections or when they start to mobilize after what has happened the big question in iran is just how many people do the protesters actually represent or does the government in the end does our time and they have the support of the majority of the iranian people who live in the countryside in small towns. if because in order to prevail against the iranian regime with its very deep roots in society you are going to need a majority of the population on your side. it's not clear yet that the iranian protesters have that you have to remember that mubarak and ben ali in tunisia and obviously the king of bahrain gadhafi in libya are all open or were open autocrats
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open dictators the election was openly rigged iran is more complicated there are widespread suspicions that the election was rigged but the possibility remains that actually a majority voted for ahmadinejad that could make iran a very very different case from these other ones let's go back to egypt if we may you said it yourself it's such an important. country to focus on right now the constitution was the spender the parliament dissolved the military now control what does that say about democracy and the chance of democracy in the country. well it depends what the military does of course i mean strictly speaking you're right what we've had so far is basically a military coup the question is whether the military is on the one hand scared by now of popular protest to allow democracy to to go ahead to hold free actions
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and so on and on the other hand of course believes that it can to a degree control the process in other words that it can. see it can manage the elections in such a way that the next government if it's an elected government. will be allied to the military whether because they've picked a liberal like oh baradei or whether they've done so some kind of deal with the muslim brotherhood all they've been able to create some kind of third force at the moment that's all up in the air but what is clear is that in the end if the army refuses to open fire on the crowd the revolution prevails if the army is willing to open fire on the crowd and go on shooting into the crowd then the revolution is probably crushed unless the killing reaches such
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a scale that the country completely disintegrates that's at least was the example of algeria for example where the islamists won the election the army was willing to kill enough people to prevent them actually taking power. just finally do you think that it's possible i knew mubarak could be elected after september the elections. no i didn't think so not not yet. i think it i mean somebody could be elected to could but ultimately become a new mubarak but i think for the moment. probably we're going to the population will demand something more democratic and popular and a military dictator would only come to power again if the military saw. the population believed that all this would lead to to chaos and disintegration. and actually in a sense there was
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a popular demand for another dictator i think for the moment we will see something like quasi democracy though as i say probably heavily managed by the army as far as they can right live from london leavin a british author journalist and policy analyst thanks for being with us. two astronauts from the mars five hundred program have carried out their second walk on the virtual surface of the red planet it's part of a unique project that simulates an eighteen month mission rene purcell from the european space agency explained the meaning of the invitation. so we have to ask. this is xander from russia and from china doing their second work and you see a simulated martian surface which is no more than forty square meters and what we see the two when the in their space suits which are pretty so close to what we
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would expect for real martian martian mission and what the two are doing is also what we would expect the first humans doing on mars namely collecting soil samples and preparing them to bring the symbols back home if the cord which of course would not be there on the real mars and their core supplies to the to us to know it's. with electricity and also with air and of course in a real martian mission that all would be in the big take to us to know it's carry on there or. they are doing very well so. everybody was really surprised that everything is going so well everything one of the reasons for that it's. really very interesting goal of simulating the first walk on the mars and also if you would expect a real mission on mars we could expect that ten or fifteen minutes astronauts would
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would have to take a small break the. major point here is that there really of everybody of them is really focused on their task and that's that's the main reason why this is so so real and so close to reality you always have to do a first step and this is a very good first step because it is very clear that. the mission the main mission to mars would be international and it's a very good simulation it's also an international simulation if you participation in chinese participation. if you look at the future you know that you. know in the process of. extending the international space station for another ten years and then afterwards. we would do maybe the next steps but this is no discussion which would be the exactly very next steps for human space flight
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there's a crew of six and of course i'm really a russian project or if international participation. has quite good relations with the in situ for biomedical problems and that might be the reason why we are involved but there's no particular exclusion of anybody from the project and in fact nasir is participating scientifically but not driven through their owners to know that. well you can follow the whole mission to mars on our website. and if you're a cosmic fan a british cartoonist may have something for you a story of a heart to paint your god heart and strip gets retired once again this time in a comic adventure book based on a story. and a glimpse that the personal and professional life upon a man who changed the world nobel prize winner in the first and only president of the u.s.s.r. . japan's
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chief cabinet secretary yukio edano is going to view russia's lesser creel change from an airplane that comes after recent visits barbe russian officials to the islands which tokyo claims earlier russia said it would not tolerate japan's radical approach towards the territories and announced reequipping to real military garrisons the islands in the pacific ocean were handed to russia as part of agreements at the end of the second world war however it seems that other parties are interfering in the dispute with washington once again underlining its position over the last circle real change saying the territory belongs to japan. from russia conversely newspaper says the u.s. is pushing russia to review history. again comes as
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a double surprise because of the let me remind you that. was a sign from cisco agreement or flying to fifty who gave up all the claims for cory lidle and and in addition to that as you knew united states were are fairly in the second world war so now there's an attempt to reconsider the results of the second world war on the part of our area because they keep pushing us through it. more and more americans are bearing the brunt of the recession but major banks profits are still on the rise one of the starving companies is j.p. morgan which cashes in on food stamps used by those struggling to survive on a daily basis is more important i have found out how the rich benefit off the back of the poor. americans are generally known for their healthy appetite eat what they crave while others like gabrielle gemma can't use the food stamps here for me too expensive only eat what is affordable is there
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a way to give me two dollars worth. of these killings for the sixty one year old is unemployed and maintains a monthly food budget of two hundred dollars gov ryall is among the forty three million american. relying on federal food subsidy here's. the electronic benefit transfer card allows food stamp recipients to spend their allowance the plastic lifeline for the hungry and unemployed is also a money maker for j.p. morgan chase the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the u.s. meaning an increase in food stamp recipients equals more profit for the investment bank every time i use my debit card goldman sachs or j.p. morgan in this case make a little money off of my transaction j.p. morgan is responsible for the fact that i want to apply so it doesn't surprise me that every every aspect of of this program and everything else has been
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privatized j.p. morgan chase provides food stamp debit cards in twenty six states and the district of columbia the firm is paid per customer and in the state of indiana j.p. morgan makes roughly one hundred eighty six thousand dollars per month critics say the investment bank is making a fortune off american poverty as long as the out of line break remains high as long as families are struggling there's sort of this perverse incentive for j.p. morgan chase to continue to benefit off of high unemployment and they're letting this person say no because in many states they're actually offshoring jobs related processing steps to save money j.p. morgan has been routing benefit card customer service calls to india where employees reportedly earn no more than three fifteen hour. meanwhile in the u.s. abyss of economic hardship nearly fourteen million americans like every l.
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are unemployed bailed out to the tune of twenty five billion dollars in two thousand and eight j.p. morgan has bounced back reporting a seventeen point eight billion dollar profit in two thousand and ten the same success can be said for the. people forty percent above food stamp recipients are working americans unable to keep up with the cost of living very no portnoy archie new york. let's take a look now at some other stories dominating world news this friday a suicide car bombing eastern afghan city of course has killed at least eleven people including two police officers and wounding thirty others the incident took place at a roadside checkpoint police say they grew suspicious of the bomber and opened fire prompting him to detonate his explosives missiles have blamed the taliban who frequently target security checkpoints. japan has halted the well hunting season following continued pressure by anti welling group before shipley to kill
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almost one thousand wells this winter but you said to have returned to shore activists say they will continue to protest martial wehling has been banned for almost two decades but it is allowed for the purpose of scientific research. israelis and palestinians have been long time enemies but from others who are desperate to save their six children the conflict takes a back seat and israeli clinic is saving thousands of lives of youngsters from many neighboring countries even both israel has had tense relations with. as more. every our way is touch and go for fourteen month old dollar whose little heart was born with a hole in it without the operation in this hospital my son would have died and in the next ward fourteen year old one yell who was almost did when she was wheeled in one of five iraqi children flown from baghdad to a month and then driven across the border to jerusalem she was almost that she was
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so sick that she could not walk very talked she was very blue these parents face the most difficult decision of their lives bring their children to israel a country at war with this and risk punishment and even death back home or prepare for the alternative possibly losing their child initially it was very difficult for them because it was their enemy country the parents were very anxious they didn't know what to expect i was very scared to come to israel very frightened. and she had good reason to be her country iraq forbids its citizens from traveling to israel they just fire them there's there might be a layover in another country like i know for instance from africa they come in there because it's the only place in africa that was. before the israeli doctors that treat these arab children the decision is simple doing what they think is right to do and doing. in the last fifteen
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years more than two and a half thousand children have been brought here on third and treated half of them come from gaza the rest come from iraq indonesia and across africa the main goal of this organization is to help developing countries create the medical ability to treat children with heart problems by themselves in order to achieve that we bring children from these developing countries to israel we also bring doctors from these developing countries for training here in israel and it's a vision that's paying more for not only is so edu turnley grateful to the israeli doctors that saved her daughter's life she's now brave enough to tell her neighbors back home what i will tell everyone we were in israel and how these saved my daughter's life i'm no longer afraid to say it because my daughter is alive and so while the politicians continue to have a go at each other and israel and her arab neighbors will further apart on the ground at least in this spot a very different story is unfolding policy r.t.
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. that wraps up our main news block three three here next with this. thanks very much and modernization again one of the key issues of the krasnoyarsk economic forum being held and russia's siberia how to further attract capital was also a hot topic can you undersell founder of terra capital says that generating the necessary funds is not difficult once proper management and skilled labor allocation are addressed as soon as there is difference in traditional diminishment of government although for some of the brains in greece you would see i am absolutely sure that you are doing sure frontin. professional investor will come there because you know which of sectors of the poor me money is not the key resource but it is
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not your source receive it is the number one russian finance minister said the inflow of foreign direct investment into russia dropped by a third last year to around thirteen billion dollars. stays about the growth of investment is vital for the aim to annual g.d.p. growth of more than four percent but chris we've heard chief strategist also says at the same time russia remains very interesting for portfolio investors. we're seeing stock market flows coming in and. we get this data in a weekly basis from from an agency in the u.s. and that does show that this year in part for you investors prefer russia to the other big emerging market funds for example the last four or five weeks there has been net outflows of money from countries like brazil china and india where as russia funds have the track to money support for you investors are betting that things are going to change and that is a hopeful lead indicator but we still need to see a pickup in foreign direct investment and frankly we really don't expect to see
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that a little after the election i think the second half two thousand and twelve is a more realistic target in two thousand and eleven and maybe doubt and two thousand and thirteen. when is most likely to the market barely any movement in the us there's no important date or earnings reports were expected and today investors were decisive as the g twenty finance ministers gathered to discuss the growing risk from global imbalances that is now stuck up point two percent. mix in their clothes and go american is down three percent despite the company's profit jumping ninety three percent on amazon prices in russia it was easier down four point one seven percent of the close of friday's session was on the q three shares the biggest drag but overall the week has been positive we are gaining one point two percent to my six point eight percent. more detail in friday's close noisemaker with the biggest loser so much for yet another session. losing streak
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hydro down two point three percent because of news of planned measures to slow the pace of an interest rate increases nucor wasn't positive territory of the point seven five percent on news of proposed changes in the way of russian oil industry taxation. ford motor company and russian carmakers saw those have agreed to create a joint venture and russia the new company to be called ford solos will produce passenger and like commercial ford. also be responsible for all imports and distribution of all ford products in russia and this plan to start its business activities by the news comes just as another car company yet declared a stop negotiations on creating a joint venture with russia and i can see this edition of business i'll see i'll be back in one hour's time with an uphill battle on the next.
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human voice face to face with the news makers. crosstalk is coming your way here on r t but first a check of the headlines alliance distrust wiki leaks cables. how america has been spying on nato's top officials around closer ties with russia. and roaming the red planet the crew of a unique virtual mars expedition carries out a second mock up spacewalk in a simulation that's hope to bring the real thing a step closer. plus bridging the conflict to save lives and israeli clinic is taking in children with heart conditions from some neighboring countries disregarding tense relations between states. now as public anger grows in
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the world are two spear of the velazquez gas whether iran is political establishment is next to be toppled that's coming up in crosstalk. will. review the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future of coverage. and. welcome to cross talk time peter live oh as protest and people's power rage across the arab middle east there are those who say iran's political establishment is next in line to be toppled or their objective facts.
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