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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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jeff rafter. went under small grass and was looking for closer ties with the collective security treaty organization made up of former soviet states the u.s. was quick to veto the idea after a private dialogue with the u.s. representative to nato rasmussen took all mention of the two organizations growing closer out of his address to the alliance in two thousand and nine but why would the us try to pressure its allies. as one of nato as key players u.s. tries to prevent the alliance from growing too close to russia in the former soviet bloc because the region is of strategic interest to america they of course would prefer to build exclusive bilateral relationships strong ties between two military organizations such as nato and the c.s.t. is not in u.s. interests. this is an odds with the image of the alliance tries to project a strong union what. matters even the people in the street understand that washington is calling the shots so. left right left right and we
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march. this is what is happening in reality people know the documents published so far haven't exactly uncovered anything groundbreaking but if every member a nato is supposedly equal it has raised questions over whether the u.s. really trusts the alliance our gas runs our of our r.t. . and william spring from a u.k. foreign policy monitoring group says the us started to sniffle nation's top official when they realize that he had doubts about they are lies as a. nato is a group dominated by the united states of america that in fact it's not an alliance a tool in the sense of being sovereign states. it's a bogus alliance united states works under various aliases nato is one of them. i
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ses mr gandhi strong is another this general rasmussen he has seen live in villages of the current strategic concept of nato and he is endeavoring in o.c. own way to make build bridges with the. country with russia has been regarded by hillary clinton i think for some from these cables anyway so it appears some sort of pale pink lefty and hillary clinton seems desperate to stop. anders rasmussen making any positive reach to russia. he will is the upheavals in tunisia and egypt have spread all across the greater middle east with opposition protests sweeping through other countries in the region clashes between rival demonstrators who once again proved to yemen and what's now the eighth day and rise until government activists have been do using social networks to call for as many people as possible to head the streets on friday
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demanding the country's president ali abdullah saleh to step down after more than thirty years in power clashes also erupted in jordan's capital amman go on to government demonstrators calling for reforms and abolishing the peace treaty with the zero protest and violent to me there where twenty thirty five people have been killed in clashes with security forces police are reported to have these firearms to disguise the crowds meanwhile in egypt people once again gather in square to celebrate a week since hosni mubarak bostic huge clash on him to quit the presidency and lead the military council which runs the country suspended the constitution and dissolved both houses of parliament and leave in a british journalist and policy analyst says it's not clear yet whether the military is going to give up power in september. what we've heard so far is basically a military coup the question is whether the military is on the one scale by now of popular protest to hold free elections and on the other hand of course
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believes that it can to a degree controlled in other words that it can. see it can manage the elections in such a way that the next government and elected government. will be allied to the military at the moment that's all. bought and clear. and if the army is willing to open fire on the crowd and go on shooting into the crowd then the revolution is probably crushed. less the killing reaches such a scale that the country completely disintegrates. soldiers in bahrain had by a tank gas at thousands of protesters evaded a government ban and they can't tell us the now at least thirty people have been injured this comes a day after at least five were killed in demonstrations against the current regime in the country british authorities are now revoking some arms exports licenses out of concern that of weapons supplied to bahrain could be used against protesters but
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human why it's almost always are calling for an embargo on all our supply. we can see across the middle east that the government is selling to repressive regimes all over that this could happen to any a point in and we've got to be aware that when we sell you both non-lethal and lethal equipment those will be used and. generally at some point they will be used on someone innocent the u.k. government needs to seriously reconsider how approaches arm sales in the first place not only have these arms be licensed to be so good overseas in the case of bahrain. they are actively promote just such the u.k. government and actively promotes arms sales to a number of the presses of regimes this very weekend the u.k. government is sending representatives out to the large arms fair in abu dhabi is good idea. which the arms industry trade body in the u.k.
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claims ten percent of its exhibitors will be british and this is fair and the u.k. actively encourages is these companies to sell including the very equipment that is being used to protesters in the middle east the u.k. to seriously look at not just where the selling to a specific country is and which i is a good idea but whether but how it should be selling arms and if it should be selling arms are told. is the least weapons are widely misused and the u.k. is a. criteria which look good on paper very rarely applied with any regular. as those tensions rage across them in leeds debate is heating up over which country is going to be next in having its leader toppled next hour in cross talk about ask his guests if iran is likely to follow the examples set internees in egypt or whether that would just be wishful thinking from western governments. i'll ask you the question just point blank as i always do are people tired of having the islamic
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republic of iran i didn't vote for mr ahmadinejad and i've said this on numerous occasions there's there's it's clear but there's no doubt that he is highly popular throughout the country every province that he goes to is like a rock star you have tens if not hundreds of thousands of people who surround it but it's easy it's really this was a priority demonstration it's very important to do you know and that's not true if that was true then the gyptian regime could have done that no it's it's obvious that it's that's not the case. take your men from the mars five hundred program have carried out the second of all on a virtual surface of the red planet and it's part of a unique project that simulates an eighteen month mission and run a shell from the european space agency explain the meaning of pain. we have
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to us we know it's this is xander from russia. from china doing their second last walk and you see a simulated martian surface which is no more than forty square metres and what we see are the two when the space suits which are produced close to what you would expect for your martian mission and what the two were doing is collecting soil samples and preparing them to bring the symbols because it is me if the cord which of course would not be there well in the real mars and their. supplies to us to know it's. electricity and also. and of course in the real martian mission that all would be in the big pick or to us to north korea on their. they're doing very well . everybody was really surprised that everything is going to go their thing
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one of the reasons for that it's that they have a really really interesting goal. simulating the first wark on the mars and what we can see you know is that the two are going to take a break in this special chairs because each of the space you would see is a board thirty five kilogram and also if you would expect a real mission or nurse you could expect that after ten or fifteen minutes astronauts would would have to take a small group of the major point here is that they're really all everybody of them is really focused on their toes and that's that's the main reason why this is so so real and so close to reality. and you can follow the whole mission to mars now outside back home and if you know it calls make fun of ad british cartoonist might have something for years while the story of the first man in space you regard this trip gets retold once again at comic adventure but based on the true story.
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of the past no other professional life of a modern to change the wild nobel prize winner fast and the only president of the us the sun. the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has harshly criticized the tire but on the given it a stark choice in a speech in new york she would be out of the militant group or has to either give up on those and abide by their country's constitution also as the course it was buried as where america is entering its grounds as washington tries to secure the support of afghanistan's people to split taliban out from al-qaeda the international terror network has been siding with.
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japan has halted the whale hunting season following continued pressure by an anti whaling group the fellowship lead to kill almost a thousand whales this winter but it's said to have returned to shore but activists say they will continue their pressure as commercial whaling has been banned for almost two decades but is allowed for the purposes of scientific research. if. this really isn't palestinians have been long time enemies but for mothers who are desperate to save their sick children the conflict takes a back seat and israeli clinic is saving thousands of youngsters lives from many neighboring countries even those e's rowe has had tense relations with out his policy or with. every our way is touch and go for fourteen month old whose little heart was born with a hole in it though of the operation in this hospital my son would have died and in the next ward fourteen year old one young who was almost did when she was wheeled in one of five iraqi children flown from baghdad to
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a month and then driven across the border to jerusalem she was almost she was so sick that you could not walk very dark she was very blue these parents faced the most difficult decision of their lives bring their children to israel a country at war with these and risk punishment and even death back home or prepare for the alternative possibly losing their child initially it was very difficult for them because they were was their enemy. the parents were very anxious they didn't know what to expect i was very scared to come to israel very frightened. and she had good reason to be her country iraq forbids us citizens from traveling to israel just fire them there is there might be a layover in another country like i know for instance from africa are they come in there because it's the only place in africa that was. before the israeli doctors that treat these arab children the decision is simple doing what they think is
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right to do and doing. that. in the last fifteen years more than two and a half thousand children have been brought here on third and treated half of them come from gaza the rest come from iraq indonesia and across africa the main goal of this organization is to help developing countries create the medical ability to treat children with heart problems by themselves in order to achieve that we bring children from these developing countries to israel we also bring doctors from these developing countries for training here in israel and it's a vision that's paying off not only say do you turn a league rate full to the israeli doctors that saved her daughter's life she's now brave enough to tell her neighbors back home. i will tell everyone we were in israel and how these saved my daughter's life i'm no longer afraid to say because my daughter is alive and so while the politicians continue to have a go at each other and israel and her arab neighbors were further apart on the
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ground at least in this spot a very different story is unfolding policy r.t. . and i will back with our top stories in less than fifteen minutes and up next it's time for our culture show moscow about this week martin enters discovers how to make life more affordable and the russian capital known to be one of the most expensive cities in the world.
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hello and welcome to the program now moscow is famous for being one of the mess expensive cities in the world. and just how low we can find prices in the capital there are hundreds if not thousands of deals sales and discounts to be found here. the faces six of. the good. times you don't have to be a. wife to enjoy shopping it's an interesting if you know the city has several locations around the capital. down high street alleyways in the basement of the local shopping center. and the force of shopping in such places it's in the. millions
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still every town. thank you ok sure some of the items here. but still to be found i love it especially when it comes to branded goods. cost of the full time season and they do in other supermarkets. rocking. paper tickets and goods to. the really good. and well we moved to an explication let's take a look at this week's news a psychological thriller by american film director. black swan has recently premiered the story which revolves around a ballet production by one of new york starts companies has been influenced by the russian ballet not only do they perform one of the most famous composer. in the
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nineteenth century but the film's director. who search he watched the bolshoi ballet several times. has taken place several criteria to judge the traits which includes. the presentation. the winner will not represent the country's art of making drinks . jump into the. contemporary art. interactive objects. show computer codes. people leave behind. tori and albert museum in london. beauty comes in a variety of films this week it was depicted through fascinating crystal artwork by
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such items here in the russian capital as the french company back another story this time in the village despite the snowy weather a world renowned luxury brand organizes spectacular show market. access from said tonight entertain the younger guests and they presented a thrilling show created specially for the grand opening. moving to our next location as they say the best things in life offer a. cage in the center of the capital is a true it's a treasure popular with everyone from students to local business people this low key spot is that it's a sign of any crisis or recession it simply gives you the time you put in coming here. on armand's we practice haircuts blow drying and
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make up everything is for free so everyone who wants to be pampered is absolutely welcome. so in underground b.c. school students need real guinea pigs but don't worry that you'll come out looking like students in the final levels only allowed to practice on real people. and ok it might take a little while researching what venues offer free trials office or free treatments but it will save you a lot of the same time you get to visit a whole range of different places before you have to part with any cash. coupon collecting could be seen as uncouth but i think it's really about having common sense and being proactive in a very very expensive city. moving into the strictly central market here cabinets to splay fresh produce stated to be affordable to the question in the extreme world of. industry it's also where we're meeting this week's guest.
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it's to tell me how i've been living here in moscow now for about a year. nine months initially went back to the u.k. and saw this come back and stay for a little bit longer now maybe a couple of years between. now what you think about the prices here in the russian capital the prices vary i mean there are so many different prices for different things some things are really expensive other things are really cheap and so it's a big mix of getting used to walk costs one compared to the u.k. . moscow is famously said to be one of the most expensive cities in the world what you think is cheap here because there are lots of different things public transport ridiculously cheap i love it i use it quite often so for me this really great tight seas if you want to pick up trucks or even a gypsy cab a couple of pounds can get you several miles which i see in the u.k. you're paying in these ten fifteen pounds if you're in london i really like the business lunches if your lazy and don't want to cook you can riaz is going to be anything three courses two three four pounds you know it's fantastic what you think
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is free you know here in moscow the galleries a free there's some com says an exhibition which are free and there's a really good website which i use where people exchange information about where you can go evenings you can go to conversation classes all these different aspects which don't cost anything and it's just because people want to share that information i also think that with with all these new restaurants clubs like clubs i've been on times i think that there are more promotions in moscow and opening nights and anniversary parties and so much terrorist parties going to other cities new york paris yeah i mean i've been to a couple of days which are either cheap or free and i've heard about those three other little the ministry all the time that if you've got the time and the inclination then yeah absolutely i don't know about them i've got to stick with you a little bit more to get more freebies closer to me you know your time here thank you very much and i say. moscow is known for some of the most luxurious and expensive hotel rooms in the world so finding an affordable place to save might be
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difficult but not impossible of course not everyone is ready to pay hundreds of dollars for a combination of such a budget travel as there are several stalls here to the rich capital. located in central. florida offers a watch let's shoot including climate control room with up to ten stats prices start in the sixteen dollars a night. although some cities in the. but there is still a chance to see rich actions on specific days of the week. anything for. which boasts a collection of about one hundred. items including. three. sides and of course. free.
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and happy. free. websites. with no tickets or. whatever you find in moscow whether it's free or cheap you'll also come up against things that are frighteningly expensive it's up to you to do your research and get the most out of such a diverse and thriving metropolis and that brings us to our final location. for free. there are many ways in which we can escape the stress of. living from traditional. today's latest fad. to attract new people to yoga who have an interest in it but have never tried it over them virus practice is for free so they can
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choose one suitable for them it is also essential to choose a yoga teacher that feels right for you and no free classes provide such an opportunity to help each weekend. and. the motivation simple the center helps to recruit you save money and improve your health at the same time says to pave yoga classes during the week only a few hundred dollars. for the most. expensive cities in the. capital full of extremes been explored and is and it in opportunities private jets oligarchs and champagne aside for most it's a regular megacity full of cost cutting committee says he didn't watch what they spend and as the aspiring middle class flourishes in moscow it may be cheap and cheerful will be the way forward. well i feel better already and it didn't cost anything well unfortunately that's on that's how we have on this week's
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program about. i'll see it at the same time next week for more cultural inventions around the russian capital until then for me and the rest of the team by now.
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are. going to. be. will sell lots of beer will. they will wear uniforms that will damage is in the black for them but very little damming the white. they are the key to our problem are already. wealthy british style. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. says. the headline. disclosure exposes us spying and. it's a fact of the organizations relations with russia the documents. the office of secretary general rasmussen reports confidential information to washington. also shock waves in the greater middle east with more. rain yemen jordan and libya in bahrain troops find injuring at least fifty after thousands gathered after friday prayers. make a second space walk on a virtual emotions as part of
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a simulated eighteen month mars mission based on mars five hundred program has just passed its way mark. thanks i was special report on the damage corporations are doing to the rain forest and the indigenous tribes living. why do you believe the locals were affected by cancer. hygiene conditions are terrible actually all the drinking water in eastern ecuador is. we have a malicious results that show the water contains excrement residues meaning that it comes from the native stepha cations that is what causes cancer and all other illnesses.


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