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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EST

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and then i was about seventeen. not long after that i got involved with the church of the creator i started writing a column for women i used a false picture and a fake name and i would write different articles about the role of women and hate groups and that kind of stuff i felt a sense of belonging somewhere and being in an atmosphere where people wanted me around. being a woman people did start to know me so when i did travel around and meet different groups i started to find that my reputation got there long before i'd. got the tattoo on my lip for the first time when i was seventeen and i had it read john to darken it that was almost like my racists class wearing a swastika and assassin a tricycle on. angela first came to our attention through her involvement in the
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domestic a group. got invoked in a crime in which a jewish businessman was pistol whipped. and we came upon and it's all video store that was just a couple miles from where i live. we all sat in the car except for one of the guys and he went in and actually rob the store. he made the guy put his head in a cabinet and he hits the clerk with the gun and pistol whipped him and told him to stay there. our sarge with conspiracy to arm robbery and i was also given a firearm charge because there was a firearm involved i testified in those proceedings and had a pretty low opinion of angela king and her associates and quite frankly i was glad to see that they receive them. on the good news. she fell into
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a real neo nazi skinhead life and the result was that she participated in a major crimes so you know ultimately and went to prison for four years when i was first incarcerated i was struck and really surprised because there were so many different people women you know of all every color you could imagine every culture and they treated me like a human being. after being there for a couple months i started to really question everything that i had on what i was doing there and how i had gotten myself there. i think the first person i actually revealed my tattoos to was an older jamaican woman and i sat down after rooming with her for a while and explains who or what i used to be involved in and showed her some of my tattoos. i went from one end of the spectrum where i hated everyone to the complete
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opposite end of the spectrum where i didn't see colors or different countries i saw all just people. when i first met angela i have to tell you i was absolutely amazed i didn't know what to believe and what not to believe i was very impressed with her courage and conviction she had quite a story with skin had an her former life. i never believed in sitting there listening to all the story trying to make this information i have another story and my mom and and you know the stories person
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a family and you know many years from now when i'm talking to you i'm going to tell you where and how much time and i'm going to. see him. actually call him i want to have my leg my arms at one of our first student awareness day she had an experience which was amazing when she pulled up her sleeves and shared their tattoos with everyone said these will never be removed these will stay with me forever this is what i wish i could take them off because of what they represent and i have to look at them every single day. in the audience that day happened to be a daughter of a holocaust survivor whose husband happened to be a dermatologist and. that is where a lot of times they. were americans.
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the southern poverty law center was formed in one thousand nine hundred seventy one by two more years from montgomery joe levin and morris dees it began as a very small kind of storefront nonprofit agency and it was really about things like discrimination and voter dilution such lee social justice issues especially in the south. the center became probably most famous in the early eighty's for bringing a particular type of lawsuit there are often called vicarious liability lawsuits against take groups it's white supremacist groups chiefly and that really was a completely novel approach and never been done before trying to hold the leaders of hate groups responsible for the criminal actions of their members. probably the most famous single so that was the soup brought in early the knurling one nine hundred eighty s. portland oregon against tom metzger the lawsuit was brought against me because morris dees and a.d.l.
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saw that we were making great headway i mean we're appearing on all the big t.v. shows and i was running for office and winning elections and stuff like that he said well we got to do this guy actually lived in southern california in his white area resistance group war was based in southern california but he and his son had very strongly encouraged skinheads in portland oregon to quote unquote take back their community and had produced all kinds of literature shown what they meant by that. very shortly after metzger sent a representative up there to portland to talk to some of the skinhead groups several people in fact murder and graduate student the accusation brought against his were totally baseless really because we didn't have any members or any cards or anything and we had no agents. you know i could get a decent jury so all they want that case and i never advocated killing any
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black person i think that that case was very important it is essential you know destroyed matt scar and his attempts to create really a unified group that would have undoubtedly spread you know if i would submit among the rest of us that kind of put the southern poverty law center on the map it made the place very well known and it took me a per turn ten twelve million they said the press always used to ask me what did you do i said well you know i wrote him a check what do you thing. the intelligence report became in one thousand nine hundred one there seemed to be a resurgence of the klan at that time this is sort of the era of david duke and there was a lot of concern among law enforcement s.p.l. see decide to put out a small newsletter that was really aimed specifically at police officers that's kind of keep them up on what's going on what klan groups were active and so on and
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that is ultimately what grew into you know what now is a big serious seventy plus page mixing it's all about monitoring these groups of publishing high quality investigative information a measure of how effective the center seems to really be today is how very hated it is by actual right wing extremists and one nine hundred eighty three when the southern poverty law center was still very small a little storefront office one night about four in the morning three klansmen literally crawled up out of the sewers they probe the back of the office by coming up through the sewers broke into the office sprayed kerosene and gasoline around and far beyond it. the office was almost entirely destroyed but the irony was that put the southern poverty law center sort of into the new york times and into the nation's consciousness in a way that really hadn't been. people like my parents heard about it and said my god you know there's this you know white lawyer in alabama who seems to really be
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doing something about the quite am and you know we're doing so much in fact that trying to kill the guy. there have been just a series of attempts to blow up the center to assassinate its co-founder morris dees to kill other people here like myself i often kind of joke that you know it's not the right wing extremists who live in armed compounds it's us we live in a very heavily fortified building we have security twenty four hours a day three hundred sixty five days a year sadly enough that's just the cost of doing business. the internet has become a bonanza not only for that but for us as well because it's a really a window on to this world and you know you're not going to find people on the internet plotting to blow up the federal building up but you may come to understand what the dynamics are of a struggle between two groups for leadership or an ideological discussion about you know is it more important to kill the jews first or should we go after it off
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a sexual zur packs and there are all kinds of things that you learn that really do help you understand that for a typical hate group the availability of the internet is a boon people who are tied together not by physical presence but through the internet they are able to troll for new members target the next generation of young people raise money meet in a virtual environment all at a very very low cost. and for those of us who are in the fight against bigotry and extremism and terrorism the internet represents a challenge which we to try to use. the lone wolf is i think without question the most dangerous kind of attacker you can face because you know if it's a group or a subgroup within say the area nations that is plotting some kind of attack or
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series of bank robberies or whatever it may be there are enough people involved that more often than not if not in avidly word of these plots gets out you know when it's a lone wolf operating as long steppers that keeps their mouth shut you know you have absolutely no way of preventing the attack or knowing it's coming. the wolf is a soft contain. all animal but each one is strongly individualists. and that's what i want i advocate law will. i think because it was very smart. i don't wire and coke at the rog but he was a good soldier i mean he made a decision about what he thought needed to be done you know grab the federal
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government by the throat make him pay for waco and so on and he went out there and it and. it was a transformative moment i think that after oklahoma city it no longer really mattered who you attacked it's just a matter of the kind of results you got and in fact i think it's clear that one hundred sixty eight deaths became sort of the minimum right if you want to really to a big thing you got to get at least a hundred sixty nine got to add to make say and you know for people who may think that sounds crazy let me just say that after mcveigh there were a number of plots directed against various institutions the federal government and so on from the radical right the contemplated the deaths of thousands and thousands and thousands of people to me there's no extreme or not extreme or simply expediency of what. they have a long war feels must be done. i don't refer to terrorism and all this nothing but unconventional warfare. but very accurately.
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saw the picture when he was over in the middle east he came home and he saw what the government and the. people who run the government are doing and how they killed the people in waco how they killed the people at ruby ridge and as a military man he decided as a general of one to let the government know he didn't like it they didn't even pay attention to the growth of this right wing always does it's good ol boys no problem and then you know oklahoma city bombing just was totally beneath their radar they did send a message but they didn't get the message. they may behind the scenes admit the message. but the public didn't get the message it was simply he was a horrible guy who blew up all these people well that happens in war.
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right after the oklahoma city bombing in one thousand nine hundred five the f.b.i. in fact hired about five hundred new agents and they were largely tasked its mastic terrorism the american radical right and there were a lot of people arrested and rightly arrested as a result this wasn't some railroading into prison of a bunch people who merely had noxious ideas these were people who were involved in criminal plots but since nine eleven we've become concerned that the federal government really to spots seem to be paying much attention at least high political levels and we've tried very hard to kind of remind law enforcement officials not that al qaeda isn't that important obviously it's a threat and a serious threat but boy we have to remember there's a very serious movement here in the united states and it produced a lot of. sort of the johnny appleseed of the racist movement i plant my seeds and. many of
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them now become pretty good trees they're out there and the most important people that i have influenced nobody knows. i don't even know. so i can't tell a good pull my finger nails i can't tell. my personal views came from my own personal self education whether it's reading or observation of racial groups. it was until i entered the army at the age of eighteen that i began to see racial differences strongly because i was thrust into mixed race situation with blacks from south chicago it was culture shock and i observed them and i don't want to be like that so it was an evolution my education . you know they always ask me did a black steal your bicycle or some no i have never had
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a black person beat on me or steal anything from anything like that i observe through observation of the way people live the culture the general race and then i form a conclusion. the reason i ran for congress was the illegal alien problem i wanted democratic nomination would set the bells and buzzers ring and all over the country but then the whole democratic party disavowed me. then i tried to go to the state central committee meeting in sacramento they barred me at the door and so i turned away from politics and i said there's no way we're going to accomplish what we want to accomplish simply by politics it's a fixed game right down to whether they tinker with the voting machines.
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develop war wide american resistance. why they're in resistance and tried very hard in the early one nine hundred eighty s. to kind of gather skinheads together into a kind of army you know as tom metzger used to say the skinheads would be the shock troops of the revolution and at that time in the early eighty's there really were a lot of neo nazi skinheads in the united states and it was a growing movement but you know now these days this is a movement that has come to realize that it's very short of leaders that it really needs to create a kind of new leadership pádraig. to lead the revolution tomorrow well they also understand that skinheads and people who like to spend their time essentially breaking beer bottles over other people's heads are not going to be those leaders.
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twenty years ago i told the skinheads i said look you better let your hair grow get into college get a good education get into the military get into the police get in any place where you can go up and have power standing around on a street corner in uniforms waving flags and arguing with idiots is not going to get you anywhere so a lot of them took my advice and i told them to keep totally covert totally. don't tell people your beliefs never try to recruit on a job don't a danger to your career and sensibly operate like you're behind enemy lines what goes on in the right wing racial movement is it just keeps going around and around a dusty doing the same thing all the time and the leaders are either not intelligent enough to see that they're not thinking out of the box or they find it comfortable
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to do this we'll have a rally we'll sell lots of beer will rob ron little sieg heil will wear uniforms and it will damage use and down the blacks and everything but very little damming the whites and they are the key to our problem our own race. as far as the other so-called organizations with real violence would break out. they could be very useful as the soldiers. there's this very acute consciousness on the part of the radical right that we need to reach the smart college bound middle class upper middle class white kid before that kid gets college where they will be inevitably brainwashed into the terrible paths of the multiculturalism and so on. when i was at the end of my involvement there was one source of literature or
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a flyer that has made me think for all the years to follow and it was of a skinhead who was almost an disguise he had a wig on and a uniform like he was a government worker and it was basically showing a message of we don't mean to be so outspoken we can keep our beliefs to ourselves and kind of get in the places where you went next back them to be. it's impossible for me to operate covertly because everybody knows me so i'm the aboveground symbol that people can look to. the insurgent is a voluntary association of independent white people working for the common good. and survival of the white race and insurgency is a resistance to the one world government idea the white race poses the
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greatest threat to the white race we can only blame ourselves. we have not kept our own house in order. i despise this government in washington i think you're discriminate. but they're all hooked together to this octopus of the transactional corporations business people and political people are working for a one world plantation damaging the demographic distribution of people around the world because of their incessant greed factor. and i see the heads in the c.e.o.'s of these transnational corporations to be our ultimate enemy they have the power now but they're losing their grip they're gradually losing their grip the end. it is broke. and it's gradually going to self-destruct. we want to go back to tribalism other words they want to go
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bigger we want to go smaller i think the only thing it can do that is the rising of the working class because any racial war starts with that konami and then it turns racial. then whatever violence needs to be perpetrated intelligent violence then i would advocate. the racial hostility is out there and these groups represent the tip of the iceberg and it's much deeper involves a lot of the power structure that's been around for a long time. racism is used american example. he's very. recently right here in people who don't. know the class history. i'd like to be able to say that something as monstrous as the oklahoma city bombing
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is that possible but i really believe that it's possible as long as we have hate crimes and as long as we have scant heads and as long as we have people that. think they're better. i don't think we'll ever have a world where we don't have races i think that's a fairly easy predictions may. get out that said the world learned at least partly learned a very big lesson out of the second world war which is you know where this is really all lead in the end establishments that's that's the end point of all these kinds of feelings one of the worst things that might happen in america were people to feel the hatred and bigotry and hate organizations and streams go to the solutions are irrelevant to our future but there are other until there's no need to pay attention to if that should happen we risk our future as a nation of dollars in our people to train yourself. get educated to babble is.
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stay out of. the big. big. demagogue. multiplied by.
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live. world. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered.
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in the united kingdom is available in the house bill and if you want to turn the old way even in return they get a little certain the mill stone which no country house today is the. mentos remembering the crim that used to feel the montague the turn the world the
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rubens hotel. the week's top stories on our t.v. the middle east is a gulf by violent protests heard by unimpressed in egypt and tunisia but experts warn it's too early to talk of regime change while the military has remained in charge of. the turbulence in north africa and the middle east sends thousands of immigrants to europe but as leaders there did now it's multiculturalism one activist sponsor self on trial for doing the same. leaks deals a blow to nato as new cables reveal washington spies on its own how wise to influence the blocs policies. touched down during the longest ever space simulation experiment mission to mars half way.
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twelve noon here in moscow this is our thanks for joining us now the wider middle east region continued to be ravaged by anti-government protests throughout this week in libya one estimate puts the number of dead at two hundred as a result of the surging violence i witness is in the eastern city of big ozzies say the army has been using snipers to target rioters who are demanding an end to the fourteen of her fellow gadhafi in yemen and. rioters continued to pop in the capital sanaa with gunfire on the streets while in a bar hearing the opposition is discussing strategy before talks with the authorities after deadly clashes with government forces saw five people killed and dozens wounded middle east expert. to that although the region isn't a.


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