tv [untitled] February 21, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST
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father fled the country made logging on last continues to spread further through the pretend with protest in yemen bahrain rocko regional expert adrian that that global dominance her time home while. they might be getting rid of of thirty forty or fifty euro regime but many of these countries certainly in egypt certainly in libya certainly in tunisia and back ring that might be getting themselves into just as bad or even worse trouble if they don't really understand the social proof so this is going on and we our full interests that may be driving them from outside of the middle east because i think this ties into a more global pattern where we have to understand the major geopolitical long term planning emanating from such organizations as the council on foreign relations the trilateral commission and the bluebird group who afford to take the cake it's been fighting the arab world and have been fighting the sovereign nation state as an
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institution on a global basis so in a way if they can get rid of these strong mad men whether it be hosni mubarak in egypt or colonel gadhafi in libya and try to transition has always seen before to a more rural chaotic and more controllable western style democracy that would serve in a privilege to serve i think we have to be very careful about the various readings that we make of this is very important that both the pro protesters on the one side and the government. in egypt whether it be in libya whether it be in a back rain or in tunisia should understand powerful social forces they are up against the psychological warfare tactics that are being used and they should not allow themselves either side to be used by interested objectives which are completely outside the interest of libya because all the egyptians or we are tunisians or the iraqis or just about any country that is having such turmoil in the middle east the president. in other news from the middle east two iranian
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warships were delayed entry into suez canal this comes after israel and the uighurs expressed strong concerns over the dispatch of first terror brandes navy earlier egyptian officials check the cargo about. to pass the class which was attacked by israeli minister he called for the world to act against iran reoccurring provocation. following developments in a television. there's many prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he views with most gravity the posturing of these two iranian warships through the suez canal to the mediterranean sea he says that it's really an attempt to take advantage of the current situation to exploited and to extend its regional influence we also heard today from the israeli foreign minister avigdor lieberman and he says that this is nothing short of provocation israel and iran have not had diplomatic relations for the past thirty years and israel is concerned that iran is
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sending weapons to its neighbors that will ultimately be used against the jewish state is really soon relations are strained as well convinced an israeli official saying as much over the past few years that iran is supplying weapons to syria that ultimately land up in the hands of his but. not the united states is adding fuel to the whole situation the u.s. state department recently set up a twitter account and it is using their twitter account to post tweets in flossy that supports anti iranian government demonstrators out on the streets of tehran we haven't seen the u.s. state department do anything like that supporting or even expressing any kind of opinion on the same kind of demonstrations that are happening in yemen since nine hundred seventy nine since the iranian revolution they have been no iranian warships that have actually passed through the suez canal this is the first major diplomatic headache for the egyptian interim government for the ruling military council as you well know. president mubarak had
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a close relationship with the united states he was an ally of the u.s. and at the same time relations between him and the rand was strained for the past thirty years it is not clear exactly why they gave permission we haven't had any insight on that but what we have been told reported is that it took in officials have checked the cargo they are confident that there was nothing suspicious on board and as a result they have allowed this gate on the supply ship to go through. but coming up next hour and cross talk peter the valen his gas discussed why countries in the middle east spend so much money on the military and how the u.s. justifies its big business in the region saudi and the g.c.c. states to me in part are somewhat comparable to what singapore switzerland they're small populations they want people to know they have weapons system basically want to be left alone saudi arabia does have some incursions into yemen and he's using it charnock it purchased from the u.s. and other states so i don't want to about that but not a missile or one could of course discuss the problem or but to say that they're not
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using it at all i think it would be a question. if you. watched the is divided over claims that the countries do should be compensated for the property that the second world war many including the government say the contre was fighting against also that occupation at any cost necessary but jews claim that was just a pretext to steal from their families peter all over discover. thousands of law being jews were robbed of their property money and in many cases their lives by nazi treats one of the major issues is how much in which on the side of nazi germany of today so really. unfortunately many believe the lothian waffen s.s. who fought against the bolsheviks were liberators after
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a while but they in fact were bandits and robbers they have seen documents listing real estate that belong to jews killed in ghettos i think that property should be returned the amount of reparations claimed by latvian jews is around sixty five million dollars the country's government says that they will continue to hold talks with religious leaders in order to come up with a solution however those in power draw their support from nationalist groups who are far less diplomatic when it comes to the issue. lottery and administration is not responsible for the night you're doing on the holocaust began our country was under occupation by definition lightly and i thought at least cannot be responsible for actions of occupants local jewish leaders say that they only want what was stolen to be returned however they realize that this may be difficult with current attitudes in latvia while they wish as we need to broker to solve our social problems and they would like developed education culture if it meant say no synagogues and cemeteries of course it's hard to find hours when you need to take
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back certain property but i hope people will understand and justice will be done a short distance from the capital is the forest where thousands of jews were executed it serves as a poignant memorial to those who lost their lives but in central riga there are equally chilling monuments to the holocaust like this synagogue which was burned to the ground with worshippers still inside over sixty five years after the end of the second world war the burnt out shell of this synagogue serves as a reminder to the tensions that still bubble between the local jewish community and those latvians that consider the s.s. troops to have been heroes while while the government continues to draw most of its support from nationalist organizations a resolution to this conflict seems a long way off peter oliver r.t. riga latvia. still much more ahead for you this hour including the having price for
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miscalculating operations in afghanistan. the insurgency thrives on the mistakes of the government of the international community. and look into the surge and civilian deaths in the north east which nato denies also. they say that dog is a man's best friend but of course if you're blind a guide dog is so much more than just companionship and a duty of care is a two way street we meet a blind man who went to every length to save his helper. first sight as well. recessions proving that getting to university is not the meal ticket to a study career that it once was millions of american graduates saddled with college debts from funding their future find they are also latin with skills with skills employers won't pay for. discovered only a blue collar option remains the international children's fund has worked for almost
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a century to help the less fortunate for another nation now we want to tell you about a problem a little closer to home. for only fifteen thousand and he said today if you don't get everything needs to survive the idea of adopt a grad may be a joke but modern day post college survival is most certainly not have seventy six thousand dollars or hunted by tuition debt larrys one of america's college degree owners facing a job market that has long ago thrown out the welcome mat young people have twice the unemployment rate of most americans college grads are stepping out into the world in the worst time to try to land a job with around two million of them unemployed forcing many to forget about their skills and agree to any job are now for over three hundred thousand waiters and over eighteen thousand parking lot attendant. working in the us are said to have a college degree moreover the u.s.
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bureau of labor statistics suggests as many as seventeen million americans with college degrees are forced to work jobs requiring less skills than a bachelor's degree provides raising an entire generation of janitors with ph d.'s as we have an ever higher percentage of kids in college and ever higher percentage of kids graduating at the same time as ever more kompany are hiring fewer people so what better time to question whether education really is the best investment fed with america's traditional promise of a dream life after college what students aren't told however is that the cash and time they are investing is going to come back to bite them. at twenty two charles with a bachelor's in film and a dream of directing is already getting ready to settle for less. because of the economy or he's looking for any available jobs to pay off his
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student loan debt but has not been able to find any paid work. sixty five seventy thousand college. tuition. apart from weaving a dream career goodbye another big trend according to analysts debt driving much more than career choice if you want to help poor children as a physician good luck with your four hundred thousand dollars and other words peoples college and university that is beginning to pick their careers who they marry where they live with the economy and other countries pumping in full mode job hunting overseas is becoming a lot more attractive than in the us a lot of my friends are considering jobs outside of the us in india they're considering i don't and try to sri with fifty thousand dollars of college debt says debt walk hand in hand with american culture take it or leave it but it's the cost . living the american life to education or. dead and taking out loans.
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car isn't safe so you just live one day to another in the us wants to hold top position as world leader in the number of college graduates at the same time not enough jobs are being created and dead piles up forcing millions of americans to settle for less than what they dreamed of when coveting that higher education and. now all the stories we're covering are available for you are to dot com let's take a look at what selection we have for you today its cover why are twenty million dollar twenty million dollar fleet of yachts belonging to the self exiled russian tycoon but his office has been seized in france. and the spy in the sky former russian agent chapman's turning her attention to the cosmic catwalk with plans to add some glamour to the country space industry details are our team dot com.
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a suicide bomber has killed at least twenty eight people in the northern afghan town of come police say many civilians are among the dead as the bomber targeted people queuing outside a government building. the latest in a string of incidents claiming innocent afghan lives officials there put some of the blame on nato forces they claim that coalition raids killed sixty four civilians in the north eastern congo konar province over the past few days but the alliance says it was armed insurgents who were killed even so it has dispatched investigators to look into the claims by afghan and he. says such incidents only help the taliban recruit new members among desperate locals. it's an ugly or nor an no one wins but the insurgency thrives on mistakes of the government out of the
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international community civilian casualties are the perfect mistakes for them to thrive on and to to seize up on in a news public opinion and they're all in favor and also government inefficiency and government problems so this is something that the international community and afghan government has to. learn and also try to isolate the population from insurgency. and in about fifteen minutes time we hear how u.s. operations in afghanistan are not only doomed to failure there but how consequences will reverberate for washington's wider global role peace and conflict. has been studying america's moves for years here's some of what he has to say. it's good to have been two of. the bushes in my view through the axis.
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of beijing. to. russia. increasing irrelevance so. some will even come to the conclusion that enough is enough that conclusion may not be drawn publicly but the truth be kind. to the faith of the usa but just decide on the outside the implications of it there so i don't even see it. as american politicians and congress wrangle over slashing the world's biggest military budget some republicans suggest putting a stop to foreign aid as well the idea has been slammed by the council on foreign relations of think tank that says the money helps for contrary stand on their own but as our military contributor explains in reality the cash brings very different consequences. see if our experts came up with their case at l a times
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trying to save the state department and id budget from the incoming solution burn attack by rand paul and other republicans the main case in favor of saving or even marginally increasing the us state department and d. budget is based on a false premise that id officially stands for american international development allegedly does develop their client states and consequently promotes pax americana all over the world oh i'm a shoestring budget in reality it's quiet the opposite because for the recipient countries ideas stands for american international dependence not development consider egypt for example the us a id have invested one point five billion dollars annually in promoting self-sufficiency and independence of egypt agricultural
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sector but in reality egypt dependence on import off you as grave as big as it's ever been and that's why i strongly and sincerely support senator rand paul initiative to completely abolish the us idea as a counterproductive and totally on effective reach in the way spreads anti-american feelings and resentment toward state department hypocrisy all over the world. let's take a look at some other international headlines now a string of attacks on terror in the mexican city of acapulco has left thirteen people dead the city has been the scene of bloody drug cartel wars here as taxi drivers have often been targeted for and recruited to transport drugs and act as lookouts for gangs mexico's and during one of the bloody. periods in its recent history with increasing gang violence killing fifty three people in the past three
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days. ten children have been killed in a blaze at an orphanage for youngsters with disabilities in western. adults and thirty seven children were in the wooden building when the fire started most of the children at the home used wheelchairs and were unable to escape the flames because of the fire has not been determined the government has declared monday a day of mourning throughout the country. one hundred seven pilot whales have died after becoming beached on a remote island off the south of new zealand authorities were alerted when a pair of hikers discovered the whales about half were still alive at the time but were euthanized to ease their suffering time constraints approaching storm made it unfeasible to rescue the. dogs devotion to its owner is often reciprocated but one blind man in the russian city of numbers to be has
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gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure that his guide dog gets a second chance however as our first found out these gifted animals are in short supply. when alexei shiloh's began leading him astray he realised that rather than a visual aid this might be more of a case of the blind leading the blind the trip to the vet confirmed his worst suspicions. we find cataracts on the dogs eyes and how to take urgent measures. but as they say a dog is for life and despite the large cost of the operation lexie was determined to find a solution. i don't like to think about how much it cost me i took extra work and saved my pension for surgery it was worth it. we had to stop the inflammation and then remove the islands from the dog severely damaged the surgery was successful and the dogs now able to see again. in a country with a very quarter of
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a million blind and visually impaired the number of guide dogs available is way fairly inadequate training center in the outskirts more scale is one of only relatively few and the only one that's government funded there are eighty dogs being chained here in the center at the moment now the training of the dogs typically start somewhere between ten months and two years old and many of the puppies are bred in the third. but the schools in a catch twenty situation it will receive further government funding to increase the numbers trained until demand is higher but the demand remains low as many simply can't afford the expense of keeping a parent and in a country struggling to adequately provide for the blind guy don't complete it valuable as alexei. is like a member of the family which is always in the same room as me and i'm one. they say the dog is a man's best friend but of course if you're blind a guide dog is so much more than just companionship it's
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a chance to mobilize is so to really get your life back and it's why it's so important the more guys like this are trained up surfer. back with a recap of our top stories sort leaper you who's here now with a business. that's right time to get the latest business news a very warm welcome yandex displayed to place an initial public offering worth up to one billion dollars this summer russia's leading internet search engine has hired dortch bank and morgan stanley as underwriters for the i.p.o. and plans to trade on the nasdaq stock exchange the search engines offering could become one of the largest y.i.t. companies in twenty eleven surface mail dot argues nine hundred twelve million dollars i.p.o. last november which recently landed in the top fifty most innovative companies previously planned to issue shares back in two thousand and eight but halted its
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plans to tour the crisis. in the book zero project europe's answer to russia's backed north and south stream gas pipeline project has doubled in cost after every since evaluation the proposed three thousand and two hundred kilometer pipeline which the e.u. hopes will help reduce dependency on russia by transporting gets from the new twenty billion dollar project in the caspian sea was the mission was supposed to cost nine and a half billion dollars but a recent assessment by b.p. has the cost of nineteen billion dollars many analysts have questioned the project's viability as the majority of the gas fields intended to supply the pipeline have yet to be developed. and the ongoing dispute between shareholders the new rules committee could be coming to a quote soft to the company major new offer to buy about twenty percent of the chairs from what's known as a good bus cup since the middle of last year two of the world's nickels majority's
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stock holders the c.e.o. . and the head of interrupts but i'm at the time and have been buying full control of the nickel producer with herb both bill and those serving twenty five percent walking sticks and refusing to yield to one another any further development of the company is being blocked chris with a moral sleep believe however that the us standing issue in ending the route is no just a matter of price. it does appear were no entering the the end stages of this long running dispute we noted some key minority shareholders and russo are pressing. the board to accept this deal and even the controlling shareholder himself has no acknowledged that they're likely to sell it's no question of price hiking so we certainly see that we are more likely to get a deal over the next few weeks or maybe my you can take the next few months but at
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least the principle to we're now talking about the price of the exit rather than the principle of the eggs. i think that's now been established. let's have a look at the markets and it's a sea of red in europe investors are not making any big moves so far in memphis about tensions spreading across the middle east and north africa retail shares and pharmaceuticals are higher and a solid performance of the decks is german pharmaceutical for merck point two percent off to reported better than expected results and here in russia the equity markets are beginning the week on a sort of to note world continues to rise due to the political upheavals in the middle east and this is helping push energy shares a little higher what may keep the indices treading brochure is the local news from the u.s. as the american markets are closed on monday for president's day and taking a look now at some of the individual share moves brant crude for a pro to liver is trading at just under one hundred five dollars the spread virally
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get some support for the energy majors as you can see gazprom leading the pack up over one percent this hour to talk will stepped in with boyle are also making headway on one percent. russia stage a diamond mine of letting to increase production by fifteen percent in the next seventy years the company which might hold an initial public offering this year plans to produce and every just such as six point eight million carats of diamonds annually and aims to generate thirty five billion dollars from diamond sales by twenty eighteen meanwhile a rival de beers is expected to win back the title of the world's largest diamond producer in current terms in twenty eleven as a targets production of some thirty eight million. you're up to date now you can get more stories from website are two dot com slash business.
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did stress do you trisha and this is products on the price of healthy eating. we need to test these foods for toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition in for environmental contamination don't you feel like a lab brought some consider the experiment is human treatment ready idli significant differences between the g.m.
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fed that they both at the chia pet but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you could be uncertain and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's the end of your career. wealthy british style old so that's not on. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on . blind. little beasts. trying to. move. from phones to.
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me don t don't come. at two thirty pm on scout time these are the top stories on our raging middle east on the grass that has already led to hundreds of deaths just putting some countries on the verge of civil war their leaders and acts words are blaming foreign meddling for fueling the massive protests. for a suicide bombing hits afghanistan killing at least twenty eight people it adds to the recent surge in civilian deaths in the country many of those apparently occurring during nato operations a claim the alliance rejects. cultural black to induce called for the return of properties seized during the one nine hundred forty s.
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holocaust thank you to the countries of the guard use of greed labeling the war as liberation from bolsheviks and glorifying nazi collaborators to justify robbery and murder. now some experts believe that the us bogged down in wars and pressed by emerging powers well have to rethink its role in world affairs in a region sociologist yohan gulf and peace and conflict expert goes one step further by predicting the fall of the us empire his interview is coming up next. our chief i'm down with professor johan galtung an internationally recognized founder of peace studies and author of more than one hundred fifty books his most recent book is titled the fall of the us empire and then what. professor galton thank you very much for sitting down with.
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