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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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i don't know some of the world's wealthiest families to teach them how to become proper titans of business lo came up with the idea when he realized that high net worth people have a really hard time raising normal kids that these quids are full of questions to which i say so are all kids but i digress now according to the wall street journal who sat down with loeb the summer camp would be a six week program to give the next generation of rich and titled children the tools to wield their influence including your partnership with and why you don't worry less these children get bored with classes about business management and charitable giving there will also be exquisite weekend getaways to cape cod and a hamptons ammi availability of an array of experts on travel dining and lifestyle experiences because what summer camp for the rich is complete without a jot to the most elite vacation spots in the us or how about a lesson on how to die at the world's finest restaurants now lobel argues that this camp which be exclusive to the wealthy is not about being snobby he said the
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following he said it's because these are the people that frankly have the resources to really make big changes in the world because what the children of those who are wealthy really need is to be further alienated from children have a normal upbringing and instead have yet another person an experience to tell them that they're more important than everyone else that doesn't sound snobby at all now i understand that being born into money comes with certain responsibilities and more opportunities but i suggest that these parents instilled the values of i don't know hard work discipline charity in their kids rather than send them to an exclusive millionaire summer camp and i've got another idea for mr lope how about you use the tens of thousands of dollars that you've already raised for your little endeavor on a summer camp for children who have real problems like growing up in poor troubled neighborhoods who don't get a proper education and that's why michael lobe is tonight's trial time winner. now
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earlier in the program we were talking about the positive role that social networking to play but like anything else it can backfire as well now in the past we've mentioned how bosses and managers are resorting to sites like facebook to help them decide if an applicant is fit for the position that they've applied for however it seems that some government jobs have taken their new found it methods of background checks to an entirely new level of absurdity for example officer robert collets applied for a new position within maryland's department of corrections and well one of the questions that he was asked in his job interview i think might shock you take a listen. this is just it's for this is the customers were this is what was. with us. that's the word or. it's this is. did you get back
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during his personal job interview he was asked for his personal facebook log and information talk about invasion of privacy if they have your log in your password they can check everything including your personal communications that have absolutely nothing to do with your job performance or qualifications forget about setting your page to private and preventing people from seeing those oh so naughty photos from a college years or forget about privacy in general how is this any different than reading your personal emails or hell even digging through your trash this is overstepping boundaries and frankly i cannot believe that an employer would have the nerve to ask for such personal information before you know it there's going to be a line on written application is underneath name address social security number for passwords and usernames on all of your online sites now in this specific case call ins and the a.c.l.u. are investigating how long this practice has been in place during job interviews.
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so let's hope they win this battle if they make it stop because this is seriously crossing the line and if somebody tries to do the same thing to you during an interview just say no. now after watching the successful and fairly peaceful revolutions in tunisia and egypt the world is now watching and rest throughout other arab nations turn brutal and turn violent that iran security forces are on high alert parliamentarians were calling for the execution of opposition leaders last week behinds police launched a brutal crackdown against protesters and over the last few days libya seems to have become the most violent eyewitness reports say at least one hundred seventy people have been killed more than eight hundred wounded and human rights watch said that at least fifty were killed or protesters marched in a funeral procession on sunday morning and security forces once again opened fire now colonel gadhafi is son released a statement promising a bloodbath if protesters don't back down saying they're going to fight until the
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last bullet and warning of a civil war over oil resources that's when much of the hypocrisy comes it is he libya reportedly has approximately forty billion barrels of oil the largest proven oil reserves in africa as well as a healthy supply of natural gas and firms like b.p. and exxon mobil have lucrative drilling deals there for the country which was once a regional pariah has transformed itself in recent years to a location to which foreign investors happen to flock to so when we hear government leaders condemning the violent crackdowns of recent days do we also blame them for shaking hands and turning a blind eye in recent years all from oil or earlier i caught up with steve levine contributing editor at foreign policy i first asked him how large of a role libya plays in the u.s. as well consumption habits. the united states so. on moving away libya is about one points. seven million barrels
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a day that run the world supply for day eighty seven million barrels but you know we're we have a world oil market so when one place goes down and one place is in trouble which it seems like libya is today then it affects the oil price around the world that how the united states. would save in response to the violence that we've already seen in libya prices have already jumped up today so if any of this continues if it persists how bad do we think that it could get you have to look at this in two ways one what you're seeing is that oil companies european oil companies are pulling out from libya they're saying that when they pull out they're going to shut down their operations if they all shut down if you take it to the limit that's one point seven of the market that can be replaced by other countries like saudi arabia soledad that's a short lived problem where you get into all the longer range problem is saudi
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arabia and what i've been getting over the weekend and today is that because of libya there's more credibility around conjecture that saudi arabia could be in some trouble as soon as there's any unrest even if it's not something that could disrupt the supply from saudi arabia you're going to see pound ammonium in the oil markets and the price will go very high right. now i have a first one to start with labor and then we can move also the how much do you think that the need for foreign investment and these resources has really shaped u.s. foreign policy laura in british european foreign policy towards these countries that have regimes that have been in power for decades and has really been known to be brutal. well speaking of libya in particular i think that the that oil has. been
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a central factor in the change of relationship just over the last few years why have it's been britain and the united states so exxon mobil in the united states and b.p. and britain both have wanted big new oriel deals which they have done over the last four years since two thousand and seven it's all wrapped up in the negotiations over lockerbie this plane that was blown up over scotland and everyone died on board it was blamed on libya. negotiations were were done that frege is the one and the libyan intelligence officer who was convicted he came home and suddenly you had these oil deals go through why did all of this happen why was this warming of relations with libya oil. now you know the u.s. also has pointed a few fingers at the british government and really denounce the fact that they found out that the v.p.
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was in fact lobbying the british government to release the lockerbie bomber so they can go in there for oil but are we the ones to talk if you look at the way the less we conduct ourselves. right think you're right the united states goes around the world in the middle east especially but all the way around the world to oil rich states makes deals is willing to cut corners to work with people who you wouldn't want to sit down and have dinner with necessarily so no i don't i don't think that the united states is on high moral ground when it comes to libya. how about oil companies themselves i don't think anyone really place any oil companies on high moral ground but is there any version of out there to brutal any country just violent too dangerous that an oil company wouldn't go until. one is that. one has to stay clear is that.
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all oil was not was not created underground and in liberal free democracies all around the world look at where the oil mostly is and it's not are it's in places of almost all if not not always but almost all so if you're an oil company what are you going to do i think we're all companies draw the line they try not to get involved in the states where they draw the line is use the politics of such a character that it makes the place to unstable to operate that. the redline. that long now we see some of this instability we see protests they say unrest spreading through many countries throughout the middle east and north africa and you mention that there are some chances that it also could turn bad at first sight a arabia here that we would see global pandemonium in terms of oil prices.
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explained further what would a millennium really look like. world this is let me just briefly explain why this could happen so you have this trouble in bahrain which is the the shiite majority unset with the louis minority. the stern saudi arabia is a major oil fields are in saudi arabia but it's bahrain it's connected by a fifteen mile cars way it is majority shia and so one one can see that there can be unrest serious unrest in this in the eastern provinces called the eastern province of saudi arabia that could happen saudi arabia is the linchpin of the global oil market it provides ten percent of global oil and in addition it has the majority of excess supply of the eighty six or eighty seven million barrels of oil that are you today. it has an additional four livia goes off
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the market saudi arabia can come in quickly and compensate for that so if there is an arrest in saudi arabia people who are are going to be traitors specifically will be very very worried is saudi arabia going to be able to provide that ten percent and can provide provide that spare capacity and ammonium mean that the oil price today brant the european benchmark went to one hundred almost one hundred dollars that's its highest price in two and a half years since. the financial crisis. you know take your gas one hundred ten one hundred fifteen one hundred twenty you could really go high it would be anyone's guess definitely is an unsettling prospect i wonder in that case whether the u.s. government to continue to stand by whether they're at the same type of an involvement
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going on on the side also stay thank you so much for joining us. thank you for having me. next on the show we'll tell you about what women would be willing to give up the name that's going to trust me it does not sell but could it be worth of data turns out that our war in pakistan hasn't been quite effective as we've been led to believe so what does this mean for our already relationship with the country a lot of blogger marcin please.
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welcome to the. lead in a blizzard of winter blues to slopes and try out some. excitement in its southern. trainers to keep you in top form and watch. carving the trail to sochi twenty. one technology update here. the future.
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we've got. the biggest issues good voice ceased to face with the news makers. ok it's time for show and tell everybody now last week we told you about i.b.m.'s watson the supercomputer that took on jeopardy's biggest winners and well absolutely schooled that so some say is a preview of what's to come computers becoming key players in games so we wanted to know which game do you think should be the next stage for battle between man and machine and here's what some of you had to answer on facebook on o'brien a good shoes is american a gladiator's scott jackson thinks it should be a family feud but tommy drug now hatfield says cells like they could use watson at
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the defense department now on twitter we heard from deserve the knowledge he says watson doesn't really understand the questions so pattern matching capabilities might be enough to play a game of go fish on you tube nine eighty seven chimes in with since watson is given to repetitive motion as in buzzing in a nice rhythm a challenge could be a reality speed game show hybrid who wants to milk a million cows now quaking i think you get the award for most interesting response in this segment so now we're on to our next question we've spoken extensively about the union strikes underway in wisconsin and governor walker's attempts to fix a growing budget crisis but we know that you at home might have a different opinion than our guest earlier tonight so what do you think is governor scott walker a union buster or a public sector unions driving states into debt you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air now here's a poll to blow your mind what if i told you that i'm
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a. jordi of women would sacrifice something they love all for the sake of being thin fitness magazine asked twenty four hundred women if they would give up sex for a year if they could be skinny and surprisingly fifty one percent said yes now take a moment to let that sink in fifty one percent of women would agree to give up sex i guess that really shows you how image of cessed we've become in today's society but then again i do have a few questions before i give my full input here first of all can we define skinny i mean are we talking super thin like runway model then or is it just skinnier than i am now because let's be honest some ladies out there you know might be working off to fight more than just five or ten pounds secondly when we discuss skinny everyone automatically things. right so i want to know just being skinny being beautiful to walking around with a gorgeous body and strikingly good looks and lastly if you do give up sex how long
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do you get to be skinny i mean is this an internal stipulation no sex for a year skinny for life or is it no sex for a year and skinny for a year just curious but all these questions aside i find this study a little contradictory i mean you would think that you know you burn off calories when you're rolling around in the sheets but what's the point of being skinny if you don't get to have any sex i'm not convinced. now some are calling it a troll on troll battle between the westboro baptist church and anonymous according to the heads of the baptists they received an open letter threat from anonymous saying of the baptist will be their next target when it comes to the latest string of have to vist working towards taking down the bad guys now in response to this threat by anonymous the westboro baptist church created their own press release and in big bold letters they welcome the threat and said bring it but they hacktivists came back with their rebuttal saying of
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a in fact and never. hearted trouble with the westboro baptist church that rather westboro baptist church set the whole thing up so they posted their own response on anon news dot org saying while we appreciate your interest in us we have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment and they told the group from kansas next time don't call us we'll call you now we've also posted a comment on facebook saying that while they have yet to take any action they have posted a discussion board for all anonymous members deciding what to do in response is either all or nothing according to that now at this point this is going to be a he said she said argument as you have professional hackers in disguise putting their words against the westboro baptist church which is clearly show that they're not the most same group of people as of last time when we tried to go to the churches website it wouldn't load but it doesn't show any signs that it's been taken over by the people of anonymous like we've seen in past practice missions but we've had the pleasure of speaking with members of the westboro baptist church before i mean to say the information that they give doesn't usually coincide with
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the facts so maybe anonymous has them figured out the church in need of money goes to the group making headlines right now making trouble for the sake of getting some attention like i said this is just my opinion but i'm sure anonymous will figure out the best way to keep the westboro baptist out of their basements. now what if i told you that this past year the cia carried out a record one hundred eighteen drone strikes costing more than a million dollars apiece and that they killed only two militants who would appear on the us most wanted list that make you want your money back it should considering the budget cuts that we keep hearing about as well as the apparent allies of the success of the drone strikes that we've been sold not only is our money being spent to take out low level militants while some of a lot of runs free but our drone strikes are quite the sore spot for relations between the u.s. and pakistan or yemen and now the fact that a u.s.
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spy. has killed two people in pakistan makes an even worse combination joining me to discuss it all as marcy wheeler blogger firedoglake marcy thanks so much for joining us let's start with this report of the washington post basically a look at some independence of his pigs what they could gather from the cia said that we've only killed two high value militants that would have been on the left in the past year after we've had a record of drone strikes is that supposed to make us feel like these things are worth the money i mean even if you use a slightly more expansive definition of who we got that was worth getting we still only got maybe sixteen people which works out to be about nine million dollars for top target it's a lot of money it's not clear that it's getting us anywhere and it's really pissing out. well we know one thing that i find interesting is when they first launched the drone campaign really this was used only to go after these high value how valued militants people that we had on the list now they're congratulating themselves for
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getting the low level foot soldiers you know they're saying that this is a new strategy that's keeping us safe but do you think that's a good tactic or is it a little bit overzealous we're just bombing everybody again. well you know one begins to wonder whether we keep the drone program because we want to keep a program there or whether you know in other words whether we're still inventing targets low level people to go out there because the people who we really need to get the top level terrorists are either hidden or know how to avoid the drone strikes at this point or are being targeted for whatever reason so you know i think that the report is really important because it raises a lot of questions and it really you know the whole droom program really really. increases tension in pakistan and there's already enough instability without with our allies there are that really that and not just there but if you if you think about the big terrorist attacks here in the united states things like the. times
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square bombing last year the reason people are now saying that they're bombing the united states is because of these drone strikes so they're they're militarizing other people their people are so angry about these drone strikes that they're making more people turn into terrorism and so you know if we're spending all of this money and only getting sixteen people and then return we're creating another sixteen people who are going to hit hit us here in the united states it seems like not only a bad value but it sounds really counterproductive now what do you think of course there's a story now of essentially we haven't had any drone strikes in pakistan there's been this odd silence for the past month and some people are speculating at speculating out there especially news or newsweek that it has to do with the case of raymond davis this man who now we've had confirmation who that he was
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a spy working for ace a cia contractor and you know several speculating that they're trying to not have any drone strikes while they try to get davis brought back to the u.s. do you think that there is some truth to that i mean isn't that kind of a cheap concession to make. but i don't think we know you know i'm not sure who knows what davis was doing it may well be that he was involved in targeting and with him arrested we've lost one of our ties to the people who are helping us target there were actually two drone strikes today one in northern waziristan one in southern route was nearest and so that that that halt to drone strikes is over now the other thing is that i think the last. he was arrested on the twenty fifth i think so for the. last almost month the u.s. has been trying really hard to be nice to the pakistanis and not exacerbate things in hopes that they might get davis released into our custody and that's looking
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less and less likely and so it may be that we resume the drone strikes just because it's not working to make that pakistanis happier with us but again i mean there have been people protesting about davis since he was arrested and you know it's not clear that our relationship with pakistan the so don't you see right now anyway it's not clear you know we really need to think about whether we're just putting gasoline on the fire at this point i want to thank you very much for joining us we had to wrap it up but definitely makes the situation more complicated now before we go tonight we have our tweeted that rumors are swirling about libyan leader moammar gadhafi whereabouts after reports that he had fled tripoli so what would king abdullah of saudi arabia tweet we thought he'd say don't worry brother there's a tent in the backyard of my palace with your name on it that's it for tonight show thanks for tuning in make sure we come back tomorrow laura dickinson the author of outsourcing war and peace will be on the program in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and to follow us on twitter you missed anything you can
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always catch the dollar dot com national coming up next is big news with the latest headlines from the u.s. sentimental. these stress nutritious and this is products on the price of healthy eating. we need to test these foods for toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition
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and for environmental contamination don't you feel like a law brought some consider the experiment to use human treatment to freddie i believe significant differences between the g.m. felt that they both at their own g.m. . but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you get the answer and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's really end of your career.
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move them protesters hold out against police pressure as violence ballots but colonel gadhafi refuses to be prised from power. russia joins other nations in the race to get their people out to safety. special planes have been dispatched to the troubled country to ensure that it's an expert on close up in the violence. and finding their feet in an alien world the mars five hundred crew prepare for their final walk on the mall martian surface.
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live from our studios in moscow this is r t thanks for joining us now world leaders are calling on libyan authorities to end the surging violence as anti-government protests continue across the country well libya is a major world oil producer and be unrest has caused prices to rocket demonstrators and security forces clashed in the capital tripoli for a second night while protesters calling for an end to the forty one year rule of the da feet hundreds have been killed and over a thousand injured after a week of on rest will rumors spread that the libyan leader had fled the rubble but gadhafi later made a brief and defiant t.v. appearance saying he was still in the country well one of gadhafi sons blamed exiles and outsiders for taking the country to the brink of civil war and he denied that live ammunition was being used against demonstrators government ministers have quit over the use of force on civilians while some living in bastards have resigned in protest and.


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