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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST

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not through. all terrain vehicles through severe. now third. the traveling. public attention to the problem. is it working here's the head. of the third transacting stage of the travel is the most difficult one the international group will have to cover a distance and several thousand kilometers through. the expedition starts in russia and will finish in canada five months later. the explorers are using the vehicles they designed and assembled themselves they also decided to give up the g.p.s. and will test the russian. they will conduct scientific research on the climate and
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try to gather more data on life and habitats of polar bears. and thank you very much for being with us. tell us a few things about this poll arena expedition. back in two thousand and two. and want to current objectives. well originally the ideal for the polar expedition was born towards the end of the last century. our goal was to make vehicles suitable for arctic conditions that would allow us to travel along the age of three parts of the world thus making as circle around the arctic ocean.
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and we decided to use ultra low pressure timers. as you can see on the screen. it is a very interesting invention. the tires look like slick there is no tread pattern as you can see. all the chains of the time is no those are not jeans those are belts that keep the tire from going off the rim which you see when pressure is high the tire can't go off the rim but when there is practically no pressure perhaps just ten percent or even less it can come off during a turn that is the only purpose of those belts low pressure makes the tires elastic which gives the cars a very good traction to kill this expedition be regarded as a second navigation well bill does an expedition have to be closer to the equator to be considered around the world trip technically an expedition has to cross the equator at least twice to be
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a circumventing an expedition that is limited to one of the hemispheres the northern one or the southern one is not a certain navigation so we're stretching it a bit when we see our expedition is a circle navigation strictly speaking it's a circular poller expedition. they expect crew has two canadian members yourself you're an ethnic russian but a canadian citizen and then there is another canadian also with a russian so all you guys russian or canadian and how did you join this expedition . well we're both russians and i just live in canada and to how we joined the expedition i can only speak for myself. i found out about the expedition in two thousand and four i saw it on the internet. i had been dreaming about travelling to the north pole since nine hundred ninety four. told me about his trips in the arctic. so when i found out about the project i
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first tried to join this position in two thousand for. the roster was fool so i didn't make it but. told me that i was welcome to take part in future projects. is this a full fledged scientific expedition or would you rather call the next extreme signs tourism. well. i certainly can't say it's a full fledged scientific expedition. because none of us are scientists. with them of course we're all well educated people but we're not researchers. yet we do our best to keep in contact with scientists. and we're in gauged in certain scientific programs like you. mean only school acting data
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and samples there is but if you intend to make a trial section of the. by collecting ice and snow samples and making measurements why would you need to do that. because it's very interesting for scientific purposes. of course but we are not presumptious. to the scientists to do something. we take up the tasks that we are able to handle onto the stream condition soft traveling across through think ice flows we presented these scientists with a unique opportunity to collect career specimens and they're very interested in work within modern mental scientists zoologists and other groups of scientists trying to provide materials for each of those groups going to observe any animals.
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the flora and fauna. well i think we will observe the ones we encounter so you will not try to seek them out you know we will do what will study animals to begin with but. you may be killed a veteran industry and i read that you are the only person in the world has reached the north pole full time zone ski and this is to them that are there is through but it's a bit o. dated information. you see about five years ago. i was the only one in the world. but there is an international independent group of travelers and several of its participants have repeated that record anyway the point is you've been doing it for quite a time back in one thousand nine hundred to you but this is an expedition to the poser on the plane right that's how the story started cock in your opinion has the changed much since you first went there can you confirm that the ice is really
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melting and the things have become was and the all it is doing it. i wouldn't say that the arctic is dying. it's changing and there are a few climate changes but i'm not among those who dramatize the situation. we need to study the situation instead of pointing fingers as some do. some say it's all because of human activities i'm sure well human activities do you have some effect but i would say that ninety nine percent of the change has been caused by other circumstances. the earth is a living organism and all changes in nature follow certain laws and we need to study those laws. so these are just regular fluctuations of course and it's going to go back to normal it's not like it goes normal for good i can give
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humanity examples confirming that those changes have already taken place many times . they find cowen swot board and we know that coal can only be formed in places with forests this proves that many years ago everything was quite different centuries after the exploration of the are taken began expeditions to the north have not lost that thrill these days frozen eggs and says attract not only scientists but tourists as well spotlights to me that has more. all alone in the outpost how to survive the loneliness and desolation is the theme of arctic circle grips is through how it ended this summit exposed how a young man's personality transforms when he's cut off from civilization in an optic station the director was inspired by a russian pool researcher you are good. one hundred years ago he traveled the arctic so they in their region islands rivers and glace years have been named after
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him by news of the arctic well left by the russian people and revealed by the government this building in the center of moscow always called the house of the poor researchers in one thousand thirty six it was built exclusively for the arctic explorers so they could take a risk here in between their expeditions now days more and more people want that cooler experience and tourism is on the up going to the top of the world is no longer a matter of survival the lower temperatures are still a challenge for those wishing to enjoy the nice quiet and the beauty of the frozen north but this doesn't come cheap a true cost ten thousand dollars many of those involving think it is worth every penny to quench their thirst and regain church and the spread of thing with more traditional tumors and firms selling treats to the north we haven't seen a decline in the number of customers ready to tread in them for food stamps.
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which in the minute it is certain that you are going to save the animals we should encounter. clima do you think that the climate change as actually animals and you know of course. well you know i haven't truly studied these problem for ali but i think global warming if you like forces polar bears to leave their usual habitats. i've read reports on the internet seeing that they are hybrids now i mean between polar bears and grizzly bears. really and they don't have gobs. they have doubled polar bears now are you serious we have pictures i uploaded a couple of such pictures to my website so they've got spots like as
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a nation not exactly they just how big brown spots on their coats amazing some people saw them in chicago or know alaska alaska well that's unbelievable. well you know things are changing because the environment is changing. just the way that we're talking to the head of the polling expedition and canadian traveler. spotlight will be back shortly right after the break we'll continue this in less than a minute so don't go. hungry for the full story we've got it first the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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welcome back to spotlight i'm going off in just a reminder that my guests in the studio today are the head of the polling explanation of legume of the choke off and canadian traveler said he. going to use the globe system in this expedition which is the russian version of g.p.s. g.p.s. and i think this is going to be its first test on those such extreme conditions with what. can you tell us what equipment are you going to use for navigation
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family's privacy and yell blood in there what kind of equipment i would going to use let me answer this question as surrogate is a newcomer to our team and that's why he's referring this question to me but we've always used the global positioning system for navigation purposes. it has always worked fine. this ystem tracks are automatically on our on board computer and the information is transmitted via the same system to any user to our websites and so on but this year we have an opportunity to carry out the first task on ast system. previously the russian system did not have enough satellites to cover the entire globe but know that this group or whatever it's called satellites has crude there's a fleet of satellites i think they're still the satellites by now yes as the
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satellite fleet has occur we will try using a steer but it doesn't mean that we have given up g.p.s. so you still use it but yes of course you know some people were very anxious what will happen if something goes wrong but there is no need to warry because what we are doing is just testing the system and no one should worry if it works or not we are pursuing a very important and a very difficult task we are testing how the new system functions and highlighted to you it's that's it. being a newcomer do you think this is going to be an unassisted expedition or will you be in constant contact with the mainland receiving food from helicopters enjoying g.p.s. and other communications oh will you be mostly. well would you mean by tone of us it means just going on on your own and whether you reach your destination or does well it won't be exactly the case i think i say. yes and any
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a tournament expedition uses communications in our case we will have refusing stops on the way we are also making fuel reserves and the pull as well as sending clothes that will need there so we won't be complete. we don't have such a goal. we're not interested in autonomy talks that. way. you once said that the arrival of new technology deprives us of something important but there's no more of that psychological tension that kept you gripped from the first to the last day of an expedition as your equipment and food did not differ much from that used by the first explorers. did you miss that feeling don't you think it appears that today you like some of that risk and adrenaline don't you. i cannot talk about taking risks in terms of our goals. try not to use the word
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extreme if possible. but it's true that it used to be more romantic before the option was we mean. well. because of globe as so g.p.s. yes really. absolutely when we made our first polar expeditions were doing is if we had been living in the eighteenth century they must have had a compass then yes we need have a compass but you know the chinese had invented the compass long before we reach the pole but how captivating into wants to be looking at the sky thinking of whether in the sun will appear or not if yes we have to stop and measure the height of the sun its upper and lower brink and then we had to spend an hour making necessary calculations in a frozen tant as there were no computers then and the calculator was freezing
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anyhow to warm it up above a gasoline still with plastic dropping into your plate and you making the calculations and now you only have to press a button to get your exact location is that wes. it's not worse it's safe for but it's no longer romantic. because we expect a lot from new technology and we don't even give a thought to what we would be doing if not for those smart devices. but we can't reject technology can we. know we current is just things that used to be more romantic in the past for you as a newcomer it is a romantic well yes pretty much so well there are a lot of such things like you're wearing modern clothes and you can't reject it. of course we can't is so romantic wearing fur is the frozen limbs then get
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asians. oh yes it's her magic and we've been through it. even though your expedition is not autonomous didn't check your candidates for psychological compatibility do you have some tests for them is something. that the q. well we don't have tests any longer but when we were younger and went on physically harder expeditions we had doctors and psychologists working with us the same people who prepared the consonance for long flights. so we're like. absolutely the media's go through centrifuge tests and a minimum temperature test psychological training as well when did is the psychological training really important. you shouldn't neglected it is important
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you know for example sorry for interrupting you always seem to me that psychological compatibility is more important when you're going on vacation to the canary islands because if a person misbehaves there you can ruin your vacation but in extreme conditions people off to act as a team it seems to me. when they're working hard and fighting for survival psychological effect is no longer important fortunately it's not always the case you still may have psychological issues yes a person without a bad bone will think first about himself the instinct of self-preservation overcomes in such a situation. they realize that they can only survive as a team and that they will never survive on their own. unfortunately they don't it's a big problem many cannot act as part of a team because they do not realize that if you go on an expedition all by yourself
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your a self-preservation instinct helps you but when you're part of a team you are to behave in an absolutely different way there is one person who's in charge and he makes all the decisions and you are to a be otherwise you'll be in trouble for that as far as the north pole you're going to see bottom a time capsule with a year's b. drive carrying information for future generations with what kind of information does it carry it to know what you're going to say to the future generations. neither an enormous or again know what will be on the u.s.b. drive you see when you provide an opportunity to those who are interested in it. so i can add something to. your welcome. there is a website cup so a mere adult are you where people write what they want to be on that u.s.b. drive. spotlight program on it but yes you can.
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as for the form of presenting the information it can be absolutely anything it can be fought to a video store in order to message it will take all of it transform it into a digital format and put it inside the container. what we're interested in is that there won't be any political slogans but something from ordinary people some people may write something funny others may write something serious some people just like the idea of writing to people live never seen i think i would be interested in reading such things if i were born some three hundred years later. i going to just drop it into the water and want to sink this time and how are you going to fish it out you know we were asked this question before in my answer was it's not our problem if the future generations are interested in it i think they will figure out a way how to get it to the surface there's a beacon on it right they will find
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a way if they're at the same technological level as we are i mean are you going to install a beacon and there is a beacon but i was against it i think we should not provide assistance in what may not be even a problem in the future if they're interested they will find it but if they're not interested it won't be of any use even if they can scenery comes up to the surface on its own it's going to hit the part of the store is it true that your roots may later be used as a route for extreme take a tour is an offshoot of would extend my. duties in the way. you know it's a very difficult because that's what tourism i wouldn't call such trips tourism atoll. tourism is when a person is interested in a region and goes there to look around and take a few pictures. in this way he said he's phys he's curiosity but what we're doing is more serious. we are gathering information about what we see
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do there to present it to those who do not have the opportunity to go there. but you know almost everyone is eager to go travelling because we're all born to be travellers but we don't pay to. but when a man is born it is the beginning of his long journey in this world. i'm sorry we're wandering off the subject into philosophical issues a little bit here. something that's possible should thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guests today were at the head of the polling station of legend in a check off and canadian traveler in sydney. and that's it for the after all of us here spotlight will be back with more first and comment on the well to be going on in that said russia and then sanity and take. place which.
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be sure to type the hotel hotel will show his the groom's photo. her photo from him hotel. the old photo. springs resort and spa tied to the hotel while she plans most of the town. evergreen closer to. the full point. hotel in touch your group the photo. how would. she ever.
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live in protesters hold out against police pressure mounts colonel gadhafi refuses to be priced from power. russia joins other nations in the race to get their people to safety. planes have been dispatched to the country to ensure the innocent. over. and finding. the marsh five hundred crew prepare for their final walk wash and surface.
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from our studios in moscow this is r t thanks for joining us now world leaders are calling on libyan authorities to end at the surging violence as anti-government protests continue across the country well libya is a major world oil producer and the rest has cost prices struck it demonstrators and security forces clashed in the capital tripoli with protesters calling for an end to the four thousand one. hundred seven killed and over a thousand injured after a week of abreast with reports of airstrikes by libyan jets on monday rumors spread that the libyan leader had fled the trouble but gadhafi later made a brief and defiant t.v. appearance saying he was still in the country i want to gadhafi sons blamed exiles and outsiders for taking the country to the brink of civil war and he denied that munition was be used against demonstrators. have quit over the use of force.


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