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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2011 4:30pm-4:59pm EST

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broadcasting live twenty four seven from central moscow this is the r t news channel thanks for choosing. the top stories for you tonight thousands fleeing from political unrest in north africa the middle east but as they arrive in european countries looking for safety they're accused of bringing violence of instability with. anger at the government reaches boiling point in libya with clashes and strikes against protesters reported colonel gadhafi denying fleeing the country and refusing to step down. meantime president dmitri medvedev warned of decades of turmoil if the protests continue it comes as moscow sends in planes to pick up
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hundreds of russians working in libya. plus the red planet seeders last guests for now with the six man crew making their final march to the surface as part of a simulated mission to volunteers and halfway through the five hundred twenty day experimented a loud but. next venture james brown head south to the pens region to get to grips with the shooting skills and indulgence of nineteenth century poetry to enjoy . in russian terms the pen's region is just a short hop from moscow around six hundred fifty kilometers southeast and only an hour's plane journey away it's an area that any travel a should explore. the capital pens are is home to more than half a million people and although it's a modern city with a thriving business and cultural scene there are plenty of twits possed around the streets. so this is where the history of penza began back in sixteen sixty
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three it was founded as a frontier town and the very first wooden buildings went up right here. in fact much of the region still consists of forests and if you're interested in seeing some of its best preserved historical sites you just need to head out to the countryside. back in the early nineteenth century these grounds were the home of the famous russian poet mikhail told now you can see it's all very picture post-cards but that doesn't mean that it's extremely killie. find somewhere to get out of the cold. is widely regarded as russia's second greatest poets off to alexander pushkin and he lived on this estate until he was twelve years old nowadays are preserved as a museum to his life and times and that means you're going to bump into plenty of contemporary characters conditional having trouble getting quite good at this stuff
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and it these little rag dolls were given as presents for birthdays christenings and weddings and each one has our own individual outfit. it still is supposed to walk away the evil eye from its maker but according to the ladies here there are certain attributes that are particularly important we don't know let's take a women's pride to breath and tie them under the mat has my little completed dolly and apparently. the larger the breasts of the dill the more love and tenderness you will have in your home quite fortunate to have quite a well in doubt girl here is what i'm watching also i finished my needlework my hostess introduced me to the rest of the hardworking family but it seems they have an open house policy here. no. well come rushing out to get to see you it's a holiday today we can celebrate with finn and soon
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a few more guests turned up for some fun and games. this year traditional my friends our officers. they certainly go out of their way to make you feel welcome and if you're looking for some period drama just take a walk through the white house. you know a good puppy dogs is great for warming the pool for a while but i think that all mr newman for probably was used to something a little while ago. i might not have been appropriately dressed for my hostess the leno was kind enough not to comment on dr i'd been introduced to the local smith society she pushed me off to the dots for i knew the poor mr letterman told had met his end in a jewel so i was definitely on my best behavior and fortunately i was able to finish my waltz with my dignity and yellin is totally still intact. thank you very
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much limits you to glad to see you here again and me too. i'm just outside the gates of your state there was even some area transport available. so sadly it's time to get back to the twenty first century but at least looking leave the nineteenth in an authentic fashion. to fall. unfortunately for me i'm like calls horses get tired and i was dropped off still a fair distance from penza it was time to get hiking. up and walking for ages and i'm absolutely paul i mean even quite tempted to start eating some of this snow but hopefully i think i might be able to find something better than that around here. luck. i think this might be the place.
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coast. like. tar balls very much that's. the stuff. they had the right direction. and it turned out i was right. hello believes the coup marcus wareing this yeah this is bring us a fall in the bucket springs with us could have a drink please show us. this underground want to source was discovered almost a hundred years ago and it's been here ever since. this water has many useful properties it needs no prior treatment before it goes into food products from serious to what it drifts towards a plant no com so used to bring it up that. is only the second was still on the russian throne this was because production line each bottle filled labelled and
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sealed by hands before being locked away in a trunk for delivery across the nation. nowadays the water is still sold throughout russia it's just produced a thousand times faster. it only takes around twenty seconds for the water to flow through to the plant and the factory bottles are ten million liters of it every month and it seems they've branched out into one or two other products as well. ok now this is what i'm talking about the soda tasting. wonderful bit of this. is too many oh the hell. they make six thousand bottles an hour. refresh them responsible and i was soon back in pims but i had a serious sugar rush to burn off. and when better than at the local.
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if you watch the show you'll know just how big the final things extreme so more could be more homeschooled honestly i'm not saw it in the middle of winter. oh my god this is crazy. ok. so it's thirty degrees in here political the count's well. maybe splashing around among pens and housewives doesn't exactly count as particularly extreme but if you do have a taste for adventure they're all want to place you cameras. but when this area was nothing but forests there were regular scum issues between the soldiers of the saw and local and nomadic tribes mut now of course the further away you could kill your enemy from the better off you were but it took practice. and the art of dealing death from
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a distance is still alive and well. dimitri is the chief instructor at this medieval style shooting club. james this is an older weapon a sling is more like it in the past they were made out of wood and this is a modern version of loading up a catapult me back to a misspent youth. but it did take me a while to get my eye in just in case you do a find yourself in the forest with a catapult out of bed does walk out in front of you probably best to leave him alone. i was ready to try out something a little bigger and dimitri and i moved on to the archery range although i swear the sights were awful knows both. us quite a long way. down a little bit. but after a little practice things started to improve. oh yes oh good shot.
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i guess in this case it wasn't a robin hood performance but at least i was regularly hitting the target now. nicely done jim you're quick learner but we have a more powerful weapon for you the final test was still to come on this weapon i'd only ever seen in movies in museums and it's a pretty deadly piece of equipment. this one is even more effective spoke can be fully loaded well before it's used. but anyone with a loaded weapon can hide an ambush waiting for an enemy or wild animals the weapon is used for hunting and fighting it is still popular to this day so to me and. so it was only appropriate that we had some authentic forest game to a much. wild boar take down one of these and it just so happens that we have. to have a go at ok one poor friend. if we can. or
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but he could sandwiches for everybody but of course you should make sure that your prey is really dead first i think i've definitely found my weapon of choice so i've learned how to enrage a poor fake bear and kill a poor fake pig. i'm ready for war. now i just need to find some people who might be able to make use of my new found skills when i go about doing that and and so. so now he's looks like a motley band of feiss but. i knew that what train he was going to come in and they . just greetings and who are you guys we are fighting school israel we're going to do the rounds in the forest there are plenty of bad people hanging out there. you have gay me and his brothers in arms the members of pens is oldest mediæval club for more than eighteen years they've
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been recreating bottles adding to their all marie and creating some very fetching costumes and after some intensive sword fight scene we were ready to head out on patrol gentlemen are you ready yes let's do this apparently there were rumors of toxins in the forest where are they hiding. it was my graze on the to die for my brother. who own a second. i'm through
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miraculous of bumps as in thirteenth century medicine everyone else was able to make a full recovery that's going to be some upsides mediæval war. i guess if you're going to get stabbed and beaten up and covered in mud this is what makes it all. my friends glory to russia. it had been a pretty intense start so much travels and american blood on the chance to eat drink and be merry for a while was just hoping for a few. activities around the corner. in the blizzard of winter blues to slopes in try out some rushes got to live. in southern melt stick to trainers to keep you in top form and watch lying on the goal line carving the trail to sochi twenty four to one technology update here on.
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the future. the stress on your trisha and this is products on the price of healthy eating. lead to test his food toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition in for environmental contamination don't you feel like a law brought some consider the experiment each human treatment idly significant differences between the g.m. felt that they both at the don't g.m. . but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you could be uncertain and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's the end of your career. after spending
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a fair bit of my time in penza getting wet cold an ounce of breath i was more than ready to visit somewhere which got me out of snow. so when you're dealing with a long winter cautioning plenty of things that you can do with those like us now. i know pretty much all the rules to. even though not all that great but the russians. have got their own version but they're all the forms. of let's do this meet it not in this case a prince of denmark but the undisputed king of pens is russian billiards scene the former champion is head coach of russia's under eighteen billion team and he's had plenty of success. over the past four years they have achieved impressive results some of them take part in national and international competitions also teach kids here. the game takes elements from both snoop and pool but it's considered to be
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much more difficult than both especially when you're trying to pull off shots like beads. or. i was going to attempt anything quite that fleshy but i thought i could at least most of the old breaking . part of the idea is i'm going to hit the bottom right hand hole. and see what happens. all. on the knock it in from twenty centimeters stuck if you can get that far away from the pocket off to such assess the game itself held few beers and i was ready to challenge the most but apparently the most had other ideas i'm going to play with. it should be fun except it wasn't not one bit. his getting worrying value moved around the table like
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a seasoned pro and i was left trying to remember exactly what i was supposed to be aiming at. ok so you can use the red ball to pot the white ball but you can also use the white ball to poke the white balls and the white will spot the red balls but then you have to take away a white ball. i was getting seriously behind and obviously with my level of skill it had to be the full tape. why why would you create a game where the pockets are obviously too small for the boards. and then with horrible inevitability as over. time. i think i just got hostiles. with my ego severely bruised i slunk out of the club and back to my brain off. i needed cheering up any one place where it
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wouldn't matter if i drove like a plane and. never really got used to it rushes driving conditions. on the road just snowy and icy it makes it really difficult to control the car. to get a little extreme condition fresh. this is your school yes this is a safety driving school. most of them said gay is a professional racer and founder of pens a safety driving school and if you want to know how to handle your car in winter. games now i'm going to show you how you can stop your car from so. getting there's a technique to it. you need to learn to use the handbrake as well as the steering wheel in such situations.
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but when you've got problems begin with you keep your left hand on the wheel not sure you know when you are under right and on the handbrake. of course said game made it look incredibly easy but would my chevy be up to the challenge. rushes out on your turn now. it's time to run the traffic cone gauntlet. admittedly we did up facing the wrong way a couple of times but sick days a patient instructor but i was beginning to get the hang of things. i got is tougher than you expect. some just big cuddly
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boring drive really used to driving through. getting one. going to tell them is the toughest but it's slow practice i mean he's off the accelerator. the gate. it wasn't elegant but it was effective and after a few circuits without incident i was ready to go. but it does get a little cumin it's so cold police turn will help you get out of trouble when the car spins out of control then why did the driver freezes up and just holds on to the wheel waiting for the car to stop but there is a way out. you simply put the car into reverse drive back quickly with and turn the wheel. and start with we need to step on the accelerator and then press the clutch to make a sharp turn. now we're back to normal. ok
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rice we have some dramatic driving music so this maneuver. being chased by the press is still to nearly. one. mile it is well done. my brain kicks in. i manage to pass the course and you never know when these new but do this point come in handy. now i can dramatically we my way in and out of the moscow traffic police go off to a just a school. but i couldn't hit the road back to the capital for i picked up
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a few keepsakes i mean the pens a region that means glass. be a little pricier than your average souvenir but this region is famous for its lead crystal and this museum has a collection that goes back all the two hundred. into the curator particularly historically spiffed. little james known shames you can see this unique collection of both in terms of age and content. is can will be used to study the history of glass blowing in russia and the rest of the world. although it originated in the late eighteenth century it is still being replenished and of course before it can be transformed into something beautiful the rule materials need to be assembled. at this mixture it will make crystals it is
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melted to under one thousand four hundred fifty celsius. although the work is here a famed for making valuable pieces of art there's also a lucrative souvenir business and had glass blower on tray was ready to share some secrets with me. on the spirit of it but now i have heard the green word of molten glass that. i'm going to keep rotating. but it doesn't fall off. speed really is of the essence here otherwise the most and last quickly falls. shape. oh oh oh. oh oh oh and this is going to turn out to be a bunny rabbit. maybe andre can do a little bit of rescue work. once the body actually looks like a rabbit the designers can add on finishing touches and then the pieces bakes in
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the oven to solidify in a few hours later it's ready for the show. so any flooding lacking in a glass blowing but on the right is a patch up last coming up one point be realistic and the rabbit. more time in things was all my stuff but i was still hoping to catch a little more culture before i went on the legend of one man still dominates the local fare to see. this house was the childhood home of one of the real greats of russian bit of lot more hold revolutionize the way people thought about acting and stage direction in russia and the early soviet union and his techniques are still practiced today. hold move sharply away from classical theatrical practice abandoning stage curtains making actors before without makeup and encouraging him face ation and he is in his former home a company
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a following in his footsteps. haunt him christmas. oh he could. switch the bomb use a condom so it. shows here attract visitors from far afield and often sell out weeks in advance sadly i didn't have time to stay and see one of the tasha had another surprise for. james i have to make a confession i like you and tell actors like you to come on i'm going to show you something must lease the to has no parallels in the world mere whole devised it introduced quite unusual thinks so literally what we have here is a house production every show takes place here it's marigolds personal home she was a different person his attitude towards life was quite bizarre and here we have to prove it. holds most piece was considered to be his
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version of gogol's the government inspector and it turned out the natasha's trooper was just one baritone short. for. a. proper theatre without a little bit of discourse on the pave the russian soul. of approved. it was certainly a memorable and my trip to the panzer region by time travel to the thirteenth nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the space of ten days and made it back in one piece if you're a fan of history nature or simply want some top class entertainment this is a great place to visit.
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i am a. good samaritan. excellent professional. and then extravagant possessing an extra ordinary car. the doctor who helped many people in his country. the political criminal responsible for thousands of deaths. was it an attempt to repent. or just escape a fair trial. the other line twelve round among courage for an artist.
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petey's. sixty two feet.


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