tv [untitled] February 22, 2011 11:30pm-11:59pm EST
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with the cia which doesn't really much for shock to anyone so sure american newspapers have reported on much of the world already knew or were they right to abide by the us government's demands and coming up later in the show we'll look at the released manuscript of a tell all by one of her former aides gives us an inside look at the former alaska .
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seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. news in your headlines thousands flee political unrest in north africa and the middle east but as they arrive in europe looking for safety they're accused of bringing violence and instability with that tiny island of lampedusa and italy has been overwhelmed with refugees from tunisia. libyan leader colonel moammar gadhafi rejects calls to stand down despite hundreds killed in that high government protest this is prime minister but british prime minister david cameron is slammed for taking defense company representatives on his tour of stricken cunt. in the middle
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east. president medvedev warns of extreme volatility in the arab world as the government pulls hundreds of russian workers out of libya moscow's concerned islamic militants could seize power in north africa and set the whole region on a destructive force. and the red planet has seen its last i guess for an hour with crewmen making their final walk on a mock martian surface of the part of a simulated mission to mars project as an eighteen month long experiment to bring an actual mission to the plot it one step closer. back now for the alone to show in part two they take a look at why the u.s. media may have helped cover up a cia link to a u.s. diplomat held in pakistan on murder charges stay with us. it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to our favorite bush era hack former defense secretary donald rumsfeld now rummy has done the world
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a favor and he's built to this digital document archive from his time in the government all the way back to his time in princeton on his new web site also the world can really get inside the head of this terrible man now the site is called the rumsfeld papers and aims to get more information in the people's hands he even went so far as to describe his digital archive as an approved and legal version of wiki leaks which is interesting because i don't really remember rumsfeld or the bush administration being the champions of a free and open internet for free and open information i seem to remember a concerted effort to lie to the american people to get them to go to war with iraq but anyhow while searching around this morning for romney's opinion on libya our friend and frequent alona show guest eric thompson of the atlantic came across a genuinely amazing memo written by rummy to undersecretary of defense for policy douglas feith on april seventh two thousand and three and it reads we need more
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coercive diplomacy with respect to syria and libya and we need it fast if they mess up iraq it will delay bringing our troops home we also need to solve the pakistan problem and korea doesn't seem to be going well are you coming up with proposals for me to send around thanks now i don't know why he didn't just throw in a request for proposal so all the whole mideast peace process while he was at it i really just love this because i think it truly gives you a look into the mind of donald rumsfeld not only does it sound like it was written by a fourth grader but it also shows an utter disregard for i don't know the complexity of international issues oh that little pakistan problem solve it korea yeah that sucks too. the world according to neo cons black and white good and bad now unfortunately for romney the little pakistan issue was solved korea well that's still bad too and as for libya i think we know that isn't going so well so far rumsfeld blahs a casual attitude towards issues that are complex serious and very real we're
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giving him tonight's tool time ward. now this is a story of he said she said and the presidential palace of afghanistan according to reports general david petraeus met with afghan officials to discuss a military attack that went wrong and somehow left up to fifty civilians debt was an operation in the cone our province which was set to last three to four days where the u.s. military used a patchy helicopters to fire on insurgents and a very mountainous region however upon closer investigation and reports from civilians several women and children also perished in this attack even though the u.s. said that there would be no threat to civilians now as afghan officials investigated this attack on wrong to transpose miss the allegations that civilians have been killed and according to people who were in the room at the time the trains that accuse afghans of burning their own children to exaggerate the claims of civilian
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casualties now there's no official evidence of the statement being made when betrays was approached about it he replied simply with a no comment and other u.s. officials have made statements saying that they've reviewed this attack they found no evidence of women and children amongst those targets but the military has offered up reports of parents disciplining their children by dipping their hands and feet into boiling water but they did not make a connection with this attack. so like i said this is a true story of he said she said but the fact that the trace hasn't offered up a comment has many people thinking that he might be hiding something as betrayal is finally snapped and we know there's video because the u.s. officials have refuted so if there's nothing to hide why not release the video to the public but at this point there is no way of knowing for sure frankly at this rate tensions between the u.s. and afghans will only become worse so much for that whole winning hearts and minds approach. now the case of raymond davis
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a former special forces soldier who shot and killed two pakistanis on january twenty seventh has sparked a diplomatic battle between the u.s. and pakistan for weeks the line that we heard from the obama administration was that davis was our diplomat in pakistan this despite a widespread belief in pakistan that he was in fact a u.s. spy and what do you know it turns out that they were right but we didn't learn that thanks to our government or our media but rather the british press the guardian reporter david actually works for the cia and the pakistani officials believe he had worked for blackwater in the past they also report the u.s. media organizations knew this information but it had withheld this at the request of the obama administration and yesterday all of that was confirmed by the times once the story was already out so it makes us question again the role that the u.s. media plays is it the government watchdog or is it the government lapdog here to discuss what it means jamie mcintyre c.n.n.
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former senior pentagon correspondent jamie thanks so much for being here thank you lou now in this case obviously this isn't unusual especially not in the u.s. for the u.s. media to hide certain identities especially if they're you know perhaps working for the cia if they think that someone's life might be at risk but let me tell you or my issues you know it's one thing to withhold that information but what the new york times did is they not only withheld that information they then reported on what the administration was saying for the last couple weeks which is calling him our diplomat in pakistan which they knew was wrong information well it's it's not you know when you say you are diplomatic the president would use that phrase but he was accepted this is ruben davis was accepted by the pakistani government as a member of the administrative staff of the embassy and therefore would be entitled to some diplomatic community not as a diplomat per se but as a required director who works for. the cia though a diplomat i mean well i there you know with every way but every employee of the
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embassy whether they're in a support role or whether the providing security if they are accepted by the government under those conditions and there are people who work the u.s. embassies around the world who are from various agencies some from the u.s. military some from you know department like the department of agriculture all kinds of people who work there but yes it was it did the u.s. government failed to disclose that he was a cia employee and a contractor for the cia yes they did and this is you know gets to be the problem that you have if you're in public affairs at the cia is that the cia has very little credibility since they routinely. don't disclose the truth but the key question here again is under what conditions should u.s. news media withhold information. that and it's not for me it's not a question of whether to reported this question of when to report it you know you said it's not unusual for. these organizations to withhold information that could jeopardize someone's life or perhaps jeopardize national security well actually
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this is pretty unusual doesn't it's not the routine and when use organizations are requested by the government to do that they rarely promise to do it they consider it they usually are not going to sit on the information forever and pretty much if you decide you're going to hold a story at the request of the government you can pretty much guess that somebody else is going to report it first i want that's what happened what happened here right is that the guardian of the providing us first but do you think they have the guardian not reported it that the government would have been told the new york times and the a.p. or other u.s. media organizations go ahead of them but the information out in the open well some point the news organizations decide that they're not going to sit on it anymore and this happened with the case of the new york times and the the secret wiretapping authority that was going on in the united states they sat on that story for over a year because they by the way bill keller doesn't like to really talk about he likes to brag about the fact that they still printed the movie why are you going story for us even though george bush had tried to persuade them. well because
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eventually the news organizations are they're only going to give the government the best of the of the doubt for so long as more time goes on and this becomes less likely that the information is going to be be damaging or they decide that the importance of the information outweighs the possible risks but no reporter wants to be in a position where they're reporting something that could get somebody killed especially if by waiting a few days or a week or maybe even a month they might be able to report reported more fully without putting someone's life in jeopardy you know but any time the government says don't report this because it's going to be a problem you have to wonder whether it's true and you know it's good to give the benefit of the doubt but also at some point you've got to go to press and i think that both the washington post and the new york times had this information and sat on it because they were just being cautious but i also think if we look at now what is out thanks to their reporting on this issue be it from the wash post or the new york times or the guardian is this is another way disclosing this secret war that the u.s. is waging in pakistan right that are been this way as ministration seger were also
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doesn't necessarily like to talk about who is really out of all the time to and we know that there are cia people in fact we know they're alive we know it is right we know there are legal issues now being brought up so don't they also have an obligation to report about all the american people have you know the right to find out about wars that are and the reason we know as much about it as we do is because of the press and because of the press reporting of the drone strikes that are operated by the cia and you know so and the united states by the way has the freest press of any country in the world including great britain which has an official secrets act that can actually stop the press from going public with information we have no such law in the united states in fact the only real recourse for the government in the united states is to prosecute a news organization after they go public there's no prior restraint except in extremely rare circuit do you think that sometimes you know if it did whatever your opinion on waking leaks is there is not. that some cases like this put you know
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point out there and need for stateless news organizations that are on their own abide by anyone's rules are you point out a real difference between someone like wiki leaks in the new york times and that is the new york times where everything of the new york times is weighing very seriously what the impact of what they report is going to be and how they're going to report it and when they go to reported whether could get somebody killed i think we can be leaks and julian assange only pays lip service to that idea they really are not that concerned certainly they have no particular concern about u.s. policy or u.s. citizen why don't we think so i think there's our careful there but at the same time they don't blatantly lie to us which i think the new york times did in this case jamie thank you so much for joining us you get the last word. are no most of the world has their eyes glued to pictures of violence and revolution across the mideast some western governments are thinking ahead to what some are calling an updated marshall plan parties lore and reports. in the battle for hearts and
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minds in the middle east a new front in dot influential voices from the heart of europe to washington urging western politicians to take advantage of rest by pumping in false sums of money in eight to show you the new the liberated people of the region that democracy does carry rewards but it's cash that many europeans feel they have braved the recession i don't with well give it a broad go many of those that i think we should be close to. the political i mean obviously they did so someone may start to have to do more to say but we need to be accountable really farce this crazy shit but we try to look at what's going on a whole face before you strike the lake and try so every day at this moment our country is going through these big cuts and that money i think could be used for our own ben that's the aid package being proposed by ear. you and us leaders is
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potentially the biggest since the end of the second world war it's being dubbed the new marshall plan after the money that america gave to europe after the war to help rebuild the decimated economy and create jobs but robert oulds from the british group says we should be concentrating on trade not eight countries such as egypt and tunisia and other countries developing nations are hurts their agricultural policies are damaged as a result of the european union's policies we need to have trade policies which stop hurting the third world would stop hurting developing nations and that that would be the better way of securing a long term prospects but i would say for countries that are these emerging democracies instead europe in the us are talking about handing over between two and three hundred billion dollars to the middle eastern mediterranean to countries torn apart by revolution and unrest and despite the opposition in the u.k. there are also some who believe it's the duty of developed countries to help those
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in trouble we're lucky to have a democracy. democracy throughout the world i think the middle east needs our help it's going to. question transition that's the moment and yes i think despise our problems are told we can't just close up we have to look at the world this place we live in but it may not be as simple as that unlike europe after the second world war egypt and tunisia our own tool toward developing economies going through revolution and it's very unclear at this point who is going to end up in charge and who would take receipt of any aid package the government's made extensive attempts to build relations build up regimes which are now being destroyed by religion is whether we're looking at military over the years to egypt so what we're looking at its big deal tony blair was shaking hands understood few years ago. in libya was gadhafi so we need to be really careful particularly when
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we don't know what the final route for the final government since there is will be that we don't wind up with resources when we have the road home so if the muslim brotherhood takes over nature of the we want them to be taking over was institutions which we've built up with western taxpayers money westminster has been the scene of ugly demonstrations against government proposals to cut funds to some of the u.k.'s most vital services while so on the undoubtedly believe it would be a sad day when western countries refused to help build democracy others say it's the wrong help potentially going to the wrong people at the wrong target for a cash strapped euro your average forty. we've got one more break but coming up the most expensive domain name in history just went off the market and not surprisingly the word sex in it than what the world has finally been waiting for the pale and lakes yes elite copy of
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a disgruntled former paling employee you tell all book has made its way into the media's hands and while the writing may not be quite up to par the e-mails from pale and definitely are also down with politicos and the bar after the break. culture is the same or different and there's a huge musician on the mark with a decent brain revolution in the arab middle east is the era of dictators coming to an end in this vital region and as the west. does stress nutritious and delicious products on the price of healthy eating. lead to testes toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition for environmental contamination don't you feel like a bright sun consider the experiment dehumanised treatment. significant
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differences between the g.d. have both at the g.m. that. they were treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question. and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's the end of your career. won't come to the. period in a blizzard of winter blues should get to slopes and try out some new text brushes got a looping calendar excitement in its southern melt stitched trainers to keep you in top form and a watchful eye on the goal line carving the trail to sochi twenty forty one technology update here on we've got the future covered.
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looks like france is having issues with one of its ambassador for you one year old boris boylan used to be the french ambassador to iraq but he's recently shifted roles to becoming ambassador to the fresh off the revolution tunisia now since he's on the younger side when it comes to diplomats he's caught a lot of flak from within the french government but when one of his enemies got ahold of a scandalous photo all hell broke loose now one of the members of the far right political party got their hands on a photo that boylan posted on a social networking site and i think we can all agree that. would be an understatement here now the pic shows the ambassador and his euro style swimsuit flexing as washboard abs and flashing a sexy smile at the camera pretty hot right now some are saying that boris himself may be too hot for tunisia combined that photo with a few unethical youtube videos offending tunisian journalists after a public press session and making enemies of politicians back in france guys
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definitely not on everyone's good side now granted i'm not entirely aware of all of his policies off the top of my head but let's be honest just because a guy has shirtless pictures of himself doesn't mean that he can't be a good diplomat right french president nicolas sarkozy has been spotted sure it was on the beach we all know the prime minister who has absolutely no problem with shirtless pics what about republican congressman aaron schock from illinois scott brown ones pose in a centerfold i think we all remember this one right here and what about our own president barack obama we know that he doesn't like being seen without his shirt but honestly i can't figure out why but back to the issue at hand here i think that i've presented enough evidence to prove that hot guys with no shirts on can still be successful politicians and frankly boris might be too sexy for tunisia but he's just fine for me. now the cyber world has approached a guinness world record domain name sex dot com was bought back in november for
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a whopping thirteen million dollars making it now the most expensive domain ever sold in history now the site has had problems in the past being up and running it used to be back in the ninety's by the same person who started match dot com but now the name is under new ownership the outcome of the lucrative domain is still undecided now the new parent company of sex dot com says that he's gotten a lot of offers ranging from adult companies all the way to pharmaceutical corporations but the domain gets so much traffic just by default because of the name that it could stand to make millions each year since x. dot com is actually posting anything on its website right now it's considered part but since it still gets over one hundred thousand views on a daily basis all over the world like i said there's a lot of money to be made kind of crazy right that a domain can make millions just because of its name like i said this new anonymous owner is taking his time deciding to do deciding what exactly he wants to do with the newly purchased domain but i do not blame him milk this for all that it's worth
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but i do have to admit it kind of inspires me maybe i'll have to look into purchasing a loaner dot com although i'm fairly certain that that one i'm not going to making millions off of anytime soon. now this is the moment that we've all been waiting for the biggest leak of all time the paling leaks now of course i was kidding about the only biggest leak of all time thing but i do have to admit it's pretty damn music you see a disgruntled one time pale in a disco written a tell all about the former alaska governor and although the book has yet to find the publisher the nearly five hundred page manuscript was leaked just a few days ago to the media and not only does frank bailey detail his one time obsession and the following decline in disgust with pale and he also base it on sixty thousand e-mails that exchange with paling over the years to give us a real look at how she thinks so what gems have we found on joining me as political reporter andy barr thanks so much for being here thank you ok first starters i am
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not a penguin fan by any means but we should we look at this with a little bit of skepticism since the guy is this disgruntled former employee that one time i looked to me like was kind of obsessed with her and then left really angry or did these sixty thousand e-mails validate will the e-mails themselves speak for themselves and a lot of them are pretty ugly but it is very selective in what you chose i'm sure there's some good material out there for but the fact is like she comes across as very self very petty about her media coverage at one point trying to game paul want a local t.v. news website to make it seem like she was more popular than she actually was there's all this like really embarrassed of. governor not not running as governor sure thing running for anything but what's not i mean i know there are also details in here about the fact we know that sarah palin likes to avoid the mainstream really stream media as she calls it but she even has surrogates go out and speak for. there's all sorts of course easy like media stuff with taylor one thing is she
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claims to hate it but the book shows it in the e-mails show really that she's with her coverage i mean talks about individual porter's individual networks and eventually makes it clear that she lands on fox that's the only one that she's so. well with but even then she has issues with occasionally like this all many bizarre incidents involving the media with her you know one thing that i find personally hilarious speaking of the media is the blog one cat resided to do digging and basically they dug through the e-mails found one e-mail address that happens to appear quite frequently of their age i put into facebook to see if there was an account that went along with it and that there was an account and they think that this might have been a fake sarah pailin account because she not only liked herself like sarah pailin did on facebook she would post links to our bed but she also would have comments for restore a right washer was on dancing with the stars and this one is my personal favorite that i'm going to have says hi bristol i love how respectful and gracious you are
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to the judges of her and you are the very very best to this woman have no shame at least not identify yourself right the sad part of thirteen friends. but instead of that she is not identified you know you have that only you know what else was in these leaks or that she wrote letters to the editor from fake names and you also know. how wonderful she is it's really crazy if you ask me i mean just get back to the facebook thing this identity that we think is hers goes around in liking everything the pale in account says it's really kind of bizarre but it sounds like she has too much time on her hands a few days does right she see like we always hear about she has all these scheduling conflicts there's a reason she can't do all the speeches and political events but now when i was like thank you i'm going to i just like to. see this good thing. there are some rumors because the authors of this book are apparently just shocked and appalled about this manuscript got leads so what's the rumor that swirling around as to who did it
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first before trying to sell it for nine months successfully in large part it's because four hundred fifty pages and almost totally focused on like inside politics in alaska which is just. not that interesting it's also very kind of poorly and put together but there are arguing that joe mcginniss who is the guy who moved up moved in next to the palin's last summer to do research for a book got a copy of it and leaked it to the anchorage daily news and to a few other outlets to take down his rivals ready to take down his rivals because he is only one book coming out in september this year i was talking of us earlier i'm not a palin family if somebody would write next door to me to write a book about me i would be so angry i would have really i would do whatever i could to get letters now in my day before wall they did all sorts of they were really that are really you know it just seems kind of rot while you know you mention the fact that they've been looking for someone to pick this book up they still don't have a publisher after all the media attention that it's getting now you think publishers
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are going to be jumping at the opportunity no i mean i don't i really don't i just inflict what he needs is if you read through the thing what he needs is like an editor to come in and really refocus it on the vice presidential campaign her time after. after leaving the governorship of alaska and get away from like some of the like petty score settling about like alaska bloggers in alaska and stuff like that about a little of those who are in or around like the staff in this guy bailey it's not enough it's not focus enough on bail and but if you have a version like we do where it's a p.d.f. it's searchable it's pretty entertaining yeah i mean who's really going to write a book about pail and then i'll make paying land right out of me do you even have to worry about here i mean the great thing about the the book as it stands now is it just has these like long block quotes of e-mails from her just like all the exchanges and everything else and i would be extremely ticked off if i were her because i mean the guy had to make the rest of us happy. but it is access to
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a personal e-mails too because he had the password and username too or like hotmail she was to do a lot of business i got to wrap it advantage thank you so much for joining us and everybody go check out the palin links now before we go it's time for excite to today republican congressman john. has crushed the hopes and dreams of many namely david brooks by saying that he would not be running for president in two thousand and twelve so we're wondering what when women voters tweet only think they'd say there goes the republicans chances of winning over our hearts minds and libidos too bad you got to admit he's a bit of a looker now is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow with more on unions is spreading throughout the midwest corporations have been waging the war on unions for decades and recently they've been blamed for america's economic woes but are they really the problem that warren lister will bring us that story and that's it coming up next is the news of the latest headlines.
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