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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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all that being tough on crime is the only way to do things and we're to scared to even question whether there might be another possibility you know i think i think he was basically popular he was reelected to a second ten year term right after the local paper in what sperry ran a story about how tough he was people for the most part admired this even defense attorneys were saying you know he gets there's oats the recidivism rate is way down so i think that's that's quite striking and even though he was routinely violating these kids' constitutional rights people seem to think it was ok until they found out that he was also receiving money. turns out a lot of money about a million dollars there if you had to make a guess do you think that there are other judges out there in this country they're probably doing the same thing well i think he was unusual at least until baby was quite unusual and how severe he was how are she was with the juvenile offenders i think he also is probably unusual in getting this amount of money as kate back but
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you know you can't know for sure until people look a little bit more closely at how vendors are being treated and it's typical in these cases because they're traditionally shielded from public attention supposedly to protect the kids but it actually ends up hurting them if you don't know what's going on and yeah it's definitely something that we need to take a look at and it's good that this story is finally on the up and take up thanks so much for joining us. now it's time for a break but coming up next with the help of fox news our total time winner tonight isn't very impressive logic to explain why he is not an islamic despite repeatedly spewing hate and venom about islam and then why does the g.o.p. hate women so much they don't waste it any time since coming into power to redefine rape fight abortion and define planned parenthood so will america finally wake up it's not symbolic. for the. we've gone to. the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. news here headlines world brings the alarm bells fearing a tidal wave of immigrants pleading the turmoil in north africa could overwhelm literally thousands of refugees have already reached the italian island of lampedusa with as many as three hundred thousand more feared to be on the way the interior minister is appealing to the e.u. to help provide the resources needed for such a large influx of people. using the proposed mideast outrage protesters in greece where a general strike is paralyzing the country fierce clashes rocked after those thousands rallied against strict austerity measures many fear the new government will have to
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pick up the tab sending aid to the troubled middle eastern countries at the expense of their own population. hiv patients in ukraine blame corruption and mismanagement for delays are receiving lifesaving drugs somewhere supplementing their treatment of with alternative medicine in the hope of finding really. time now for part two of below to show stay with us here on our. well time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we bring you everyone's favorite islamophobia tea party star allen west our public congressman from florida now wednesday has a bit of a checkered history of making ridiculous comments about muslims their desire to kill all americans and take over our country one of my personal favorite alan else outburst was about a sticker that i'm sure all of you have seen hundreds of times you've always seen
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the stickers on the back of a subaru i definitely saw my fair share in places like santa cruz now they hope for a peaceful coexistence between all religions while the person who has this sticker on their car they really piss allen west off. the. let's see. if. you. like. the great. thing. is. he. now fast forward today and it seems like west maybe has recovered from taking on hippie bumper stickers but he is back at it again this monday he got in an argument with a muslim attendant at a town hall meeting so when the man asked him about some of his more inflammatory comments about muslims in the past west replied don't try to blow sunshine up my
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butt and tell me islam is all warm and fuzzy but a run in with a tricky muslim a would not be complete without a victory lap on fox news allie went on fox and friends this morning where he and steve doocy showcase some of the more impressive logic that we've seen in quite a while this interview kicked off with a really really tough question from d.c. . not only that colonel but you stood up for the principles of the muslim countries you served abroad and you tried to keep freedom alive in muslim countries. so alan wholeheartedly agree with this one i think i've done my share to make sure that i have brought the light of freedom into the islamic world and for this young man to come up and try to castigate me is some type of enemy of islam i will not tolerate that. so do you get it because allen west participated in the invasion of iraq because he fought in afghanistan he must love muslims he brought freedom to
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all of those muslims in iraq therefore he loves them and no matter what he says about islam being violent and evil it does not count. and that's what makes allen west tonight's tool time warp. now almost every day on this show i talk about the wars that this country is waging abroad in iraq in afghanistan in supposedly secret and pakistan and yemen and i think of the loss of life the money the purposelessness of it all and i get depressed and i won't stop doing that but today i want to focus on a war that's going on right here in america a war that's being waged by the religious right that i find utterly disgusting dehumanizing and plain vile and to be honest i'm sorry that i haven't said more about it on a continual basis on this show it's the war on women and women's reproductive rights and really their rights to basic health services and sadly there are enough examples to prove it that i could probably spend an entire hour of the show talking
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about them but here are just a few of the ways that the g.o.p. is waging its war against women first of all they've attempted to redefine the term rape saying they can only be a place called rape if it is forced so basically if there wasn't any violence involved then you were asking for it even though the outcry against this was immediate they have still not stopped pushing for this legislation in georgia one lawmaker has proposed a bill that would criminalize some miscarriages make abortions illegal and make the punishment for abortions the death penalty here in d.c. congress has their hands on a bill that would let hospitals allow woman to die rather than perform an abortion to save her life if they feel so morally inclined to do so now in south dakota there was a highly contentious bill put forth by one lawmaker who would redefine it justifiable homicide to include killing in the name of in the defense of a fetus in other words opening up the door for someone to go out and kill abortion
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doctors and of congress has just recently voted for all federal funding to be cut from planned parenthood keep in mind ninety seven percent of what planned parenthood does is s.t.d. hiv test. cervical on breast cancer screenings providing contraception education not just abortions and on top of all that republicans are now pushing to eliminate all funds for the only federal family planning program but get this they are considering funding contraception for wild horses and you heard me right on that one wild horses so i just have to ask have we gone come pool equally crazy well joining me from our studio in new york to discuss this is jill philippic filipovic editor of feminist jill thanks so much for joining us now you know it's one thing when you have individual states coming up with this really crazy legislation but then when you have congress pushing for it federally things like defunding planned parenthood is there any denial that there is
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a national war going on against women and their reproductive rights in this country . no there is there's definitely no denying that there is an ongoing war on women planned parenthood and title ten funding like you discussed are really just the tip of the iceberg this isn't about abortion very few of these bills are actually focused on decreasing the abortion rate this is much more focused on shaming women for having any sort of life outside of you know the very traditional gender roles of being a wife and a mother. in creating very real and very harmful disincentives for women to express any sort of normal human sexuality or to have really any normal lives outside of the role that republicans would like to see that men now let's talk about what defunding planned parenthood would do right planned parenthood provides contraception family planning cancer screenings hiv s.t.d.
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tests so if you get rid of planned parenthood aren't you creating more abortions more cancer more age i.v. isn't this a bigger burden on this country's health care system which republicans you know apparently are fighting against because they want to enact budget cuts. it certainly is you know last year three million women visited planned parenthood to use their services planned parenthood for scribe contraception for two point five million americans last year they did hundreds of thousands of cervical cancer screenings of breast exams of hiv and s.t.d. testing and treatment very little of what planned parenthood actually does is abortion and it's also worth noting that federal funding never pays for abortion so none of these cuts not a dollar of these cuts is going to be a cut from abortion services it's going to be a cut from preventative services from the very things that prevent abortion in the first place which i think is worth emphasizing because it really shows that this
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isn't about preserving life it's not about ending abortion you know it's not about certainly not about improving the lives of children or women or men it's just very much about reinstating this idea that women shouldn't be having sex and if they are having sex they should only be having it in the confines of a heterosexual marriage and it should only be to make children you know plenty of married women use contraception to and this is going to affect them just as much but you know the fact that they're willing to. at the same time put people in danger you know not being able to have cancer screenings or hiv tests in order to make this point makes me feel like the priorities in this country are just so screwed up the fact that there is legislation on the books where a cost bottle can allow a woman to die because they are morally don't feel ok with providing her with an abortion even though they are morally i guess feel ok with letting her die but at the same time they're totally cool with providing contraception to horses are we
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are evaluating you know are we more animal friendly than we are human friendly suddenly. well i think the horse example is an interesting one because you know they're republicans looked at a very real problem which is that horses are animals and they mate and they reproduce and the horse population is out of control and you know they have two options you can keep those horses pinned in and you can not let them live free lives or you know you can give them contraception. with women obviously we have higher cognitive abilities than horses. but replicants a very much decided they'd rather keep us pinned in and offer us a variety of options that we can choose from in order to pick the best life path. so it's been an instructive few months to see where publicans prioritize when it comes to women's health as soon as they're given any motive of power do you think that americans perhaps me identify themselves as republicans that they necessarily
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agree with this new yes of course abortion you know often these religious issues become very contentious but at the same time the hypocrisy of it all of wanting smaller government and yet wanting the biggest government possible when it comes to what you can do in your bedroom and what's in your medical you know what is in your medicine cabinet and how much money from the government goes into your health care it just doesn't really seem to add up to me. it doesn't i mean it's incredibly fiscally irresponsible in the long run to cut services to provide preventative health care and contraception it is much more expensive to pay for the care of a disease that could have been prevented or caught early than it is to catch that disease early it's much less expensive to prevent pregnancy in the first place than it is to support millions of children who were born you know unintentionally and maybe end up in the foster care system. and aren't adequately
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cared for so this is an incredibly fiscally irresponsible to cut planned parenthood funding. you know also the vast majority of women in the united states use contraception at some point in their lives i mean it's somewhere around ninety percent so the idea that contraception is somehow a divisive issue in this country and it doesn't exist but it's worth noting that there isn't as far as i know a single mainstream pro-life group that supports contraception access even though that's the most efficient and proven way to decrease the abortion rate. you know these these very extreme right wing groups have sort of taken over the republican agenda and i think a lot of people that identify as pro-life or identify as republicans don't even really understand that this isn't about abortion anymore that it's very much about your access to contraception that it's about your access to health care generally
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and it's well worth getting that message out there and making it clear that the g.o.p. right now isn't interested in preserving life or promoting life it's interested in punishing women you know it's going to hurt people and i hope that somebody out there notices but how far do you think that might go right i mean we're forty years past roe v wade but now we see this national war going on legislation in many states we see congress acting on it how bad do you think it could get. well i think this bill in georgia is an indication of how bad it could get i mean the bill is essentially the logical conclusion of the pro-life position which is that if you're a human being from the time sperm hits a that anything that happens to that fertilized egg or the zygote or once it's a fetus is potentially murder so this georgia bill basically criminalizes miscarriage it's very clear that the only way that a miscarriage is not prenatal murder is if there was no human involvement
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whatsoever that's the word they use in to sing this miscarriage so. you know what that actually means if a woman doesn't know she's pregnant and she goes and falls and has a miscarriage or she is a murderer you know if a woman it's called comes from the deli or doesn't take her prenatal vitamins or doesn't have enough money to get adequate prenatal care and that contributes to her miscarriage is georgia really going to investigate that and potentially prosecute her i mean that that's what this bill makes it sound like and that is a very very scary proposition and a very frightening encroachment into women's bodies i'm with you there definitely is a very scary step and hopefully when the georgia want to actually take child thanks so much for joining us thank you now we've got one more break and we're back with the latest google scandal turns out the drawing contest the tech giant was holding for children was requiring it social security numbers that just me or does that seem a little evil and harry reid is shocked about it by saying that he favors outlawing
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brothels in the state so we'll speak to one brothel owner who says that reid is going to have to quote private cat house keys from his cold dead hands at the richmond. with. the police or the winter blues dislocation try out some ten oh she's got a little caliber excitement it's something. triggers to keep you in top form and watching the game. carving the trail the sochi twenty one. days here. we've done the future avar. now tom.
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the threats to your trisha's and religious products on the price of healthy eating . we need to test the same toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition and for environmental contamination don't you feel like a lab rats some consider the experiment each human treatment ready i believe significant differences between the g.d. have fed that they both at the chia pet that. they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one carrier if you ask one question you could be uncertain and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's really end of
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your career. is he used to just. to feed. you to eat. as the world watches the revolution unfold in libya it's become evident that many people many governments aren't really sure what to do about it only a few leaders have come forward including russia russia's president dmitry medvedev cuba's fidel castro the turkish prime minister the bolivian government and the arab
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league they've come forward with abstract generic statements about this uprising meanwhile president obama made a statement condemning the bloodshed in the country but if you blinked you might have missed it he had to bate extremely generic and frankly brief statements about how violence is bad for a whopping five minutes today venezuelan leader hugo chavez has remained quiet but the past relationship is proof of chavez's support for libyan leader could offer and only nicaraguan president dan ortega has called gadhafi to express solidarity with this leader but everyone is wrangling with the question of what to do condemn him intervene while he's killing his own people media outlets seem to have a bit of a different problem even though the colonel has been in power for over forty years media outlets can't quite seem to figure out how to spell his name check this out on fox they spell his name with a q over to m.s.n. b c they prefer to spell his lame with a k. age and on c.n.n. c.n.n.
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they prefer a g a d h a. so ok that's that's already three different spellings and the blog ground actually explains that there are over thirty seven translations to his name but isn't there a guidebook on this stuff an official spelling we can all just stick with you know all joking aside we're going to continue to cover the protests in the country we'll bring you all the latest updates as we learn about them and from the looks of it and off you won't be able to hold on for long the entire parts of the country are already looking like they're not under his control there's no end of the border of egypt to stamp your passport military officers are clearly and openly joining with the people and let's hope that no one else has to lose their life in this struggle . now while back we told you how google c.e.o. eric schmidt admitted that his company likes to get real close or right up to the creepy line without actually crossing it well now it seems as if google's gotten
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even closer to that creepy factor when they started asking kids for their social security numbers get this google or apparently created a contest for children called doodle for google and in order for the kid to enter themselves in the contest the parents had to give their kid's birthday the city of birth and the last four digits of their social security number which really makes me wonder what kind of contest this is now apparently the internet giant was getting away with this until one parent was smart enough to catch on and alerted the federal trade commission about what was being asked of them and here's where it got really interesting one city f.t.c. was notified google apologized stopped requesting that information right away and then released a press statement saying quote to be clear these last four digits were not entered into our records and will be safely discarded and they went on to explain that the city of birth helps them identify whether contestants are eligible for the contest art not only does this information help you get your details straight on your
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contest but it also provides enough details to obtain full social security numbers which could help google you know for marketing with this private information now this doesn't prove the google is going to actually sell the personal data but then again do you really think they would just sit on all of this valuable information along reddit why are parents willingly giving out their kids personal information for a doodling contest what's wrong with you people and i think the evidence speaks for itself if google didn't absolutely need that private info those social security numbers then why did they request them in the first place i think the company knows well enough what digits they do and do not need to keep submissions from contestants in order they brought i just want to see how long they can get away with it before someone really noticed but i say shame on google it's one thing to attack adult privacy which you've been doing but it's an entirely different one to go after the children. now senate majority leader harry reid shocked everyone when
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he announced that he thinks the time has come for nevada to outlaw prostitution during a speech in carson city too bad first senator reid and the audience were a brothel owner legal prostitutes an illegal industries state lobbyist so according to reports in his speech bob he heard crickets and despite the fact that his portion on prostitution was just an event think part of the overall speech it was the only thing the reporters wanted to ask him about afterwards now this move was very odd for reid who had never taken this stance before but considering the state faces a one point five billion dollar deficit he decided to make it a matter of economic development the businesses couldn't believe they'd be setting up shop in counties where the largest business as legal prostitution but couldn't about to be missing a much bigger opportunity here to cash it by taxing the sex industry we're going to ask that question tomorrow. now earlier in the show we brought you all the latest
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on the union strikes in wisconsin but we did leave out one key aspect the media with so many americans getting their information from their televisions the way the messages are framed makes a big difference and homeric can see this issue so what is the union that all being waged in wisconsin really look like through the lens of the media correspondent important i it takes a look. in case you haven't noticed the state of wisconsin has been making some noise of late. there are fights over collective bargaining rights for unions has morphed into a politically polarizing smack down between mainstream media bigwigs the battle in wisconsin the far left seems to be losing i'll tell you what bothers me about the conservative right now this is what happens when you disagree with the left wing in america republicans understand that the business interests that support them have always wanted to get rid of unions public workers in wisconsin are fighting to
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retain union rights to negotiate wages and working conditions seventy thousand demonstrators have turned out showing solidarity with protesters a peaceful movement one reporter actually equated to a national security threats if the country is ever attacked like it was nine eleven we all respond with a sense of urgency to what's going on balanchine's throughout the country is the same type of attack from exaggerated analysis to verbal attacks news coverage over the wisconsin protests has gotten downright personal between opposing voices within the landscape of american journalism go on it it's not about what you want your case it's about what can be afforded bunch of people who feel entitled to be free loaders pay rush why don't you read your fat ass on the floor clearly commentators have taken sides over the wisconsin debate a debate that has some of voiding reality by asking how dead presidents would
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handle the issue nine hundred eighty one newly elected president ronald reagan faced a similar scenario with the air traffic controllers union the reagan got tough how would teddy deal with the unfairness that seem so pervasive in our country today and today as tens of thousands of americans rallied to retain unions as an effective force this fuckface glenn beck. unleashes a confusing tirade or two is it a little hard to deny that radicals islamicist a communist socialist will work together against israel against capitalism and they'll try to work together to overturn stability who in the media is telling you this to you. where are they how can they possibly deny it at this point and why wouldn't they tell you these things why why because the wisconsin protests have absolutely nothing to do with religion karl
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marx or terrorism it's about the voice of the american middle class a collective voice arguably being muted by the occurring broadcasters. artsy new york. now before we go tonight it's time for our tweets of the day christine o'donnell has officially been asked to participate in the next round of dancing with the stars she even posted the idea on her facebook as very eager for input from her fans so we were wondering what would tom delay tweet about this life changing decision what we thought he'd say does this mean that i will no longer be the most disgraceful dancing politician in history about that sarah palin's already setting up a fake facebook account as you can call mental christine's wall tell her how wonderful and gracious she really is now is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make she come back tomorrow we'll have kevin paulson the senior editor for wired news on his latest book. how one hacker took over the billion dollar cyber
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crime underground so the incredible story of max butler and i'm vicious hacker who stole access to one point eight million credit card accounts now in the meantime don't think it's become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and apologise on twitter and you missed any of tonight's show or any other night so you can always catch it all the you tube dot com slash the on the show we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety we have next was the news of the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the. wealthy british sun. spot on. why not.


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