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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST

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night you were eligible for the annual we have done a lot of work that we needed to finalize and concluded they were going with me anything for them with the d. with a head in exchange of views of the looming on the print edition of our national economies and projects so if we stay there for a little bit difficult and i even made a remark here in our discussion when one of our partners of them was talking to me on this i got the impression this isn't you but i'm actually sitting at the cabinet meeting in russian because everything he said just must be a word for word what we see in our meetings in russia in moscow film which and so on the whole this is quite a good one but the good of this indicates that we are thinking in the same way we are considering the same problems and looking for solutions in the same way and what often our approaches to these difficult problems coincide forest they should put in them is that the we have similar iraq we are facing similar problems and this is a difference here i see economies and it really is the way it will go to do not
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from suss to integrate our activities that will be discussed as it used to be we discuss the summit of the joint along the service in the areas for developing some industries like a migraine culture and food is there a car made a game of the industry medical industry pharmaceuticals of then if. we can create some strategic alliances here and use of the and actually visa lines that are already emerging and we also use because that is simply more user switched to the use of free travel yes gorton told in russia and he believes the european union once again i would like to see a death in the future but if they can my office meet with even the even a peace european business nation it is mostly our european partners who are racists issued time and again and they point out the mere good i see you for the visa to be so rishi aimed in the pits there is a real obstacle in the way we hear of economic development and growth we shouldn't put it. definitions of another priority of our cooperation to use music of energy.
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as with the frankly not to be heartless earlier he rushes in major supply of families or resources into europe and this is a special responsibility and we realized that you know we are interested in having very unequal conditions for all of our news in the market if you move to the scene of the race the issue of the third energy package should go about. and we are told and we are lead in we are concerned with some of the parameters of this initiative this is not a secret mean anything for months that we have exchanged our positions or i was going to use you here there are other colleagues are really going to send. me some of the finer details of the way that you this initiative is being implemented which in the names in the so we may do what you hope and then we will find solutions that would be acceptable to both russia and our european partners expect to go there are possible that by the way. as far as energy is concerned our european more than
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yours. the russian energy ministry and the european commission for energy that have agreed in the jay sekulow they have agreed to signs that for a very important agreements and will not but i will in the city of which will in the helmet birth defect to the system off early warning concerning possible disruptions and that's in the mood of not going to but they will help us find. solutions to those problem is and most importantly they will help us find common with the mid-east. map of cooperation that we use the with the which in question is how we can cooperate in this crucial in the securities area an area which is crucial both for russia for our european partners some talking about a road navea for the region but i for yanna juke operation between russia and the european union until twenty fifty and this road map is so. really worked out you
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know if you can we expect our partners to consider our proposal seriously you can you believe i would like to think you're going to see this but you know but only president of the european commission of mr barroso in all of our europeans who ordinarily switch you can talk to you for who would be very constructive indeed we had today. will be doing a school and i'm going to dance so i said engineering beginning over meeting the leaders of lima venture in. how much further develop our relations in zen you will need in priest given you a serious impetus but overly is just part of the difficulty to process things that are happening again on africa we need to coordinate our actions in foreign policy and in this the well enough illumination he mentioned this year is what we discussed today in our meeting for success one thank you very much. thank you prime minister we're going now to take a few question i receive more than twenty five request for questions and i'm afraid
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because of. the delay of this press conference so we will be able to tell you if you agree with the president and prime minister for questions so sorry if i cannot i'm not able to take all your questions but i think there's a call to see we we could start by by russian lady if you agree. president i see you wanted to. ask a question first. welcome to the press room. thank you very much my question is. russia and the you have been unable to sign your framework cooperation agreement could you please explain in more detail. what are the main stumbling blocks and whether this list includes we are
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regime thank you. those whom. we believe. the. that the. crucial condition for signing this framework agreement is that russia joins the w t o. second we think that this should be a framework agreement. and defining the principles so far cooperation. from industry to end your story should be reflected in the interview jewel agreements but regularly we are bringing our positions closer to them but considering the fact that the previous agreement is still in effect. there is a non-problem level and with our relations not being regulated we have regular the
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regulatory framework for our relations and i agree with mr burroughs that if we are not of signed to get a new agreement we need to work on it well first we need to be well prepared to be well prepared and we considering the various areas in our activities we made serious progress towards signing such an agreement of you with what prime minister putin just said in fact. we are making progress the question is the following we have a legal basis for our relations so this is not. really a big problem if we have to wait some more months. but in fact we believe it will be important to conclude this comprehensive agreement now there are some differences about what exactly should be the topics to be covered by this comprehensive agreement we are working on that and i believe at the end we'll find as always a convenient compromise for both parties one thing is sure. we can
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call it one way or another but i think there is on both sides of the standing of the importance of strategic partnership let me tell you about this that i've read recently and in seeing article of prime minister putin speaking about a common area from lisbon to vladivostok you understand it very very much like that reference in terms of economic space in fact this is something very important to have this emissions. to have the possibility of having a common economic space in fact for all europe and we believe that this agreement can be an important part of this movement for deepening our economic and not only economic but also deepening our economic relationship. the president david made the second day v.d.'s in the
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center. from from from reuters a question for prime minister putin and he mentioned your concern about oil prices i wonder how much you are concerned that the unrest in the arab world could inspire islam as militancy in the caucasus and what contingencies have. to guard against that and also following on from this also from president. what scope to use see for cooperation between the e.u. and russia in dealing with fallout from the rest in libya and elsewhere. yemen was what i said but need to do with the future can i ask you to raise your hand moved to decide on the severity i want will be able to communicate with you and where i take it. ok here and there you are upset and safaris the events in the
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morning i'm forgetting the arab world are concerned and there is a possibility prophecies are taking place in the russian north caucasus ways of the bridge where we are concerned about this or it was of which unless we are concerned . first of those are the number of victims. some would you know i mean syria in the north here for you and us. i was aware it was a mission and we are also concerned about going a wee sheer because despite the it is the people of the world some statements that are being made about. what a rolling influence of radical groups if they're in the north african country so even though some see this is. probable we are still concerned about such a possibility and if this does happen this will affect other regions in the world
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including of course the north caucasus. he would know it was you know as that which in this we see we are concerned about things happening in libya is not the following. i gave the north african with because it doesn't wish to sell at all faced with al-qaeda is also concerned about what is happening in libya . so you think this is a coincidence. your puzzle is to be. in a school with good or i would like to go bad in history a little bit with richard according to the former leader of the iranian revolution the issue then where did he leave how many he lived in paris and on the whole were those that by that he was supported by the western community focus now the entire western community on the program fights against the iranian nuclear program yeah that's him you know i remember just recently in the national party you were with
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are are there is weren't very effusive in supporting a. democratic election in the palestinian autonomy would be very good and hamas won he would and immediately they declared hamas a terrorist organization and started fighting against it. and then the same we need to give the vehicle a chance to determine their future and themselves. that there was more than we need to give them an opportunity to take a natural weight without any or foreign interference to build their future of those in the. good people should progress to towards democratic institutions. toward sweeting self-regulated. if that is not in practice of peace on internal processes so should the law here in the where we are knowledge
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russell's it's a wonderful country and i see you know and years now that the people in russia know a lot about what this country should be praised it's important. and i have been a critic of there is no central government actually would i remember when we had our democratic elections in am certain republican in north caucuses for who would actually put in each school principal it was based on the f. to be principal and eventually. this side that won. it was the one that had more votes which the same night of them were the same size the people in the took up arms and started shooting huge at one another and so some people were killed this situation surgical procedure and there are taught with different beginner just mechanically copy some of the methods and i see it's that we need to respect. them for the police would do any good you in the to respect what happens in other
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countries in other parts of the world but different other forces and we need you cue to support some things that are promising a careful look what we cannot do interfere are we concerned about what is going on in north africa can this affect that you can get you in the us this can this have some negative consequences for the in office is an awful war so we are going cerny but this is good but it would have negative consequences for other parts of the world as well including iran through with the new and that's why we paid so much attention to this issue to d.n.r. the foreign ministers made a joint statement on this issue. yes in fact. foreign minister lavrov and. hundred percent of the cathy ashton were part of a meeting and i know that every group some common positions regarding the recent developments in libya and indeed in the arab countries at the same time the dupion union and russia as. members of the middle east quartet of international mediators
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have been working very very closely i want to in the line what i believe is a very constructive relationship between those foreign policy and security issues where we very much. welcomed extremely good relationship that we are keeping with our russian partners i believe it's critically important to have these common approach for the middle east process and i also believe it is very very important not to have as much as possible a united position of the international community by the way it was expressed as you know by the united nations security council in a joint statement of the security council and now this is about what's happening in libya so my. direct answer to you is that yes we have a very good cooperation. on these matters. but question yes please could you identify yourself for those who don't know you yet.
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i guess that the folks you're going to interfax will say to the so you are sure you already said something about this but i would like you to ask again but the events in the arab countries how this can affect. what you know what europe's economy you mentioned high oil prices for the global economy what consequences schools vance might have and with. another question that. mr putin will in the. european partners tell you about the third package you said that some solutions may be possible one. those solutions more than even you get you. all right on the negative consequences for the global economy because of what is happening in north africa that's what you're seeing right now about having seen dollars a barrel you're good and then the experts say it's going to be more than that the announce that we do you ask that this will mean in the very serious trial it will
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be to give the world economy that starts to shrink here are a couple that petrochemical industry. but at the end of them were exploring in the international markets fifty percent sixty percent of the united states and europe it will also start to shrink so and we're all nothing good will come out of it so we're very serious because we are not with interested in the. energy prices growing other than without limit you know what nature everything is interrelated and the unlike other areas producing countries are economies more diversified only and we're actually emphasizing in the view to be industry and says it will be a good thing we did how can we deal with those no. which the huge block when you praise it you we hope that this will not happen would be seized by the women of blackish say that for all our projects i mean does that infrastructure projects and deliver our hardware carbons the ruble and i say to europe each of the european
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markets are using the book to the north history of south stream are just a question for you now but good as the age of this situation will not be as aris for europe had we had guns and shooting raw chicks already were pushing this do you believe novel reduced book fifty do any there will be we will and that we would have lesser concerns and actually prices would have been a little for the lower despite existing problems you wouldn't with them for the good and we talked a lot about that to be the work and without this because there are so you probably and look at that we would have just considered the same problem didn't we see. thank you bill schneider in the third in origination accuracy and i try to explain to our partners who that it contradicts the existing framework agreement would apply think it's article what it will do to your point watching you it says and it repudiate the qtip it is the operation of our businesses should not deteriorating in our partners in that you do marches and the third package is going on so you
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want to mine but if it is so why are energy companies because with their properties going to be confiscated it is you know of a ship russian and german partners and or actually following your laws who dismiss the leech room. till i don't want to see you you will be make about it is the game we have this is envisioned with our european partners we presented our position to. once again this is a discussion and our discussion was very constructive proposals here but it's actually assumed i even can field to all of our european partners who we believe that. we can you should go to let it go but the mechanic implementation of it is a package you can actually cause with amusing to prices to grow on the european market and if we call other european harder industry besides energy are not interested in this is what so we had
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a very frank discussion very constructive discussion of unix and at the professional level at the level of exports we'll continue this discussion with you for example i think still that in the park there is no permission from the german regulator and. because of it we will leave a third energy back each i hope this problem will be solved very soon our partners will listen to us and we will work together and when with a shot i think we will find a solution gradually a solution that everybody will just happy with the following in fact we believe our third. internal market energy package is nondiscriminatory and in fact what we are asking foreign companies is to of course accept the same rules we are implementing to our own companies and as prime minister putin said in fact
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there are differences the way we look at this search and that your package that there was a very frank and open discussion also on this matter and i've highlighted also one important fact is that in the search and the internal market energy package there are even more provisions and second want to address some specific concerns so i be . leave the. internal energy market has. instruments to address some of the concerns expressed by by russia i once think is sure we want russia to remain our most important partner namely terms of guess what i said earlier thanks to russian gas many of our we just his work our house rules are warm but you pay for it and you play well we are very good clients in your opinion so i think it is in the interest of both. russia and europe union to have a predictable. approach to those issues that is why there is
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a very good cooperation between the minister of energy of russian federation commissioner. has promised to put in said there were several agreements important ones signed today and i'm looking forward their cooperation so that any kind of i misunderstanding can be solved but once again let me tell you very frankly we believe our third internal and market energy package is fully of course compatible double to rules is nondiscriminatory and also compatible with our bilateral agreements. the moon is a puzzle she should read and if you don't mind i think it would be your right. to let people know about your position it's not that difficult and it's not secret what you're doing it let me explain to you what is actually happening this is what i told our gardener city that they tell us what you can if you own gas you
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shouldn't own the transport system all right gasol and its european partners. germans and dutch they have built a pipe under the sea to tell us to let somebody else own it in the how can we do that we produced gas in russia together and then we transported through all our joint property how can we let third party and where will the third party get gas they tell us all right. essentially enough would you sell gas at the pointy edge of the european border and then we'll have a third party going with the goons us guess but even these drills marty buys this gas that he will have to add on margin of what that man made he has to profit from this business and from that was so immediate with prices with pro after that little gas it will go through on the blow pressure pipes with the transport of the drugs
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european countries you know this is what you transport good business and within minutes and doesn't pay a lot the easiest eight to ten percent of the profit meal to meal so all those are going to build small pipes are sold as small companies they will have to survive somehow that they have not and they will immediately and we should impose extra tariffs on gas transportation so oil prices will continue to grow it's a very simple sears and at the place he for that matter but you know this position of our partner is used good east on the fact that during the crisis of them companies prices for long term contracts were higher then prices on the spot want us to do them in use by us now and that's built on the situation is different now the prices on the support market are actually higher than those in the longer service contracts. completely missed the need that is the fundamental interests of the european economy so when you look at an issue mean you could not only related to our resources it was indeed our partners are also interested in having tables of
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lies this is the most important thing stability nor a fetish of us but once again i would like to recondition it and usually the final choice would agree and. the wade should be regulated in this report subject to the european commission to decide it's hard to translate but you are loyal partners we will go through present a positive aspect so while reproach they will set you in their position and once again i would like to retreat i. convinced it will find a solution that would be acceptable on several solution but let me just also for transparency explain the following we have adopted the surge energy package because according to our understanding and european union not only the commission but the member states this is now approved legislation we are in favor of unbundling and there are several models of unbundling and in fact the member states can choose
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at least one of the three unbundling models for scene in the gas directive and so some of our member states ever drop that let's say the toughest let's put it like that one in fact completely separates production from distribution and i understand of course to concerns expressed so clearly so we know jessica lee i will say because we are discussing energy by the russian side but at the same time we. have i lighted the following points this legislation is not discriminatory it applies to russian companies as to applies to norwegian companies or to any of possible companies and it applies to you pm companies itself ok we may have some disagreements about the way to implement competition rules and that's fair enough but i think this principle can
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set a date was infective very open discussion i think we have understood correctly the concerns of the russian side and in fact some work now is going on to say to see in which way we can address those concerns of course in full respect of our. legislation. thank you the last question i would give to your if you would like to introduce yourself please. color from the spine is nice but off on a half a couple of questions for prime minister putin. did in the last decade russia has been but interested in having economic relations done extensive trade relations with libya so i was one presenter for example rochelle through italian company any high center in the libyan he went to market so my question is today taken into account what's going on in libya russia still interested in having
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a relationship going on with relations we've got his regime and a second question how would you call you qualified. to through his people for example yesterday a high commissioner for human rights. said that it might be a crimes against humanity i think it. would be. actually but he's going to win i answered the question by russian journalist i think i already we will be clear picture of what i think about what they what they have not installed and what we may have to face. the issue of which of so once again i would like to see. our foreign ministry and. the european counterparts for the morning ministry have coordinated and signed a joint declaration if you believe on events in libya we will
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emerge in which the so you should carefully read it and as you did lose everything get a sense of well we delve into the position it expresses our concerns about the victims months of billions. because that was the best for you konami cooperation. and look at these numbers here i think it would. not be politicized or ideology i just. we all love is the dando. from where you go in there but i see scheme easier than those who plan to get russian intel you are going to see had to work together in the us couldn't get. libya to market leave cannot be carried out by the who goes to libya to see we are actually evacuating army people from libya much to miss with a lot of plane and by sea tim cook is looking so let's wait and see what the.


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