tv [untitled] February 24, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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can we guess that it might be used against our own president well you know i could be very careful here for a number of reasons first i think there are some things that are troubling in the current news cycle first off the president announced yesterday is not going to do is not going to support those just doing nothing regarding the defense of marriage act well that's that that's going to be both the exec of the legislative branch and the judiciary just deciding to do it in addition obamacare one of the other tenets of his first two years has been by some judge thrown out saying it's not constitutional but they're just there decided to extend funds anyway to move forward and now that you had all the time right when obama just decided to put american citizens on assassination list they're deciding as another story and i think that's a very valid area put journalists on a list and then copy all their information when they're entering the border and i think that's a valid area of concern and frankly there is a problem with george bush and president bush had some issues relating to two issues where he did signing notices of how he would implement laws so no one is
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perfect here but the timing of all these things at once is troubling and yes it appears that the current executive branch leadership is willing to go against the other branches of the co-equal branches of government because of their own objectives thank you so much for being here is definitely a very interesting story and you wonder who else is being manipulated out there now so to come on tonight's show americans and other state claims that they're protecting their citizens from creeping shari'a law. time and the rallies and stand up night in wisconsin for a plan to end collective bargaining rights for public unions. in their reports the family's personal story and how the cuts one of them.
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this is also see the headline. u.k. court ruled the founder of the whistle blowing web site we can make should be extradited to sweden to face thanks crimes education and someone claims the charges amount to which turned up to his side released thousands of u.s. diplomatic cable. prime minister putin tells top level he you know meeting arab countries in the midst of political upheaval should be left to find out own from across the fields from foreign interests intervention taken down to the use of force while in western countries to be more consistent when they advocate democracy and. the t.v.
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is more than a minute and refugees fleeing they came on prepared to descend on its shoals and found all incredibly nations for assistance many feared criminals and terrorists could bear none of the problems already in the country. and space shuttle discovery the last song from cape canaveral and you are from its final mission after almost three decades of little travel that's to leave the russians so you spacecraft had the only london lifeline to the international side. as the headlines this hour now we can return to washington for part two of the. my. all time for tonight's tool time ward the spread of islamophobia is continuing across the u.s. and this time it's landed at the capitol building in nashville tennessee some g.o.p. lawmakers have decided that shari'a law is such
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a threat to the state they want to ban it altogether tennessee state senator bill catron thinks that sure real law quote continues to blag the united states in general and tennessee in particular now personally i was unaware that there was a rash of sharia law cases in the volunteers state but this lawmaker sure does seem to think so but here's the best part of catron senate bill ten twenty eight it says and here it's to the illegal political military doctrine of shari'a law is treasonous and a felony punishable by fifteen years in jail treason and fifteen years in jail can you just seize above a police officer in tennessee charging the muslim with this new law because they just don't like those people down south now the backers says that would not apply to anyone who practices peaceful islam but the law would require the state attorney general to investigation riya compliant groups again please somebody point me out just one single example of how shari'a law is plaguing the united states right now
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i'm i'm genuinely curious just give me one but it should be pointed out that a companion bill filed in the tennessee house was model legislation written by the tennessee eagle for they are a right wing pro-family advocacy advocacy group dedicated to self-government and public policy making so a hate group teams up with g.o.p. lawmakers in tennessee it is spread islamophobia and to make laws about nonexistent threats that's why they are tonight's told time when. well it's day ten and protesters are still rallying in support of state workers rights in wisconsin to g.o.p. politicians mitt romney and tim paul and he have openly come out in support of the governor but that hasn't stopped the people from picketing as they continue to fight for their bargaining rights they're facing threats of pink slips from governor scott walker but the threat hasn't scared away the people just the opposite protesters are growing by the thousands and public sector workers are
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being joined by private sector employees from other states to stand firm for their cause as our t. correspondent tells us these employees are fighting for more than bargaining rights they're fighting to protect the working man no matter what the personal sacrifice. the battle of wisconsin rages on. a union busting politician forces work or standing up for their rights that's come up for some business that will eventually get. to be as simple as a battle long got personal families mothers and children have been staying here for days eating sleeping and fighting their battle for democracy stories of how close to the hearts being here for these people is are in the thousands then this edwards drove five hours to get his son here to witness history in the making the middle class saying enough if you look back on your life when i could name the top ten
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people that shaped your life i would say six or seven of the my future my sister is a teacher and she's been a teacher for about twenty four years and to say that she's older pain is ridiculous these students have been camping inside the capitol building for an entire ten days of protests they feel duped by the governor they believe no one ever thought that if we vote for this guy he's ever going to take try to take away these basic rights emily and her daughters lauren and we'll have been in the heart of the protests. for days and i've heard but i can't get in the service of people rising up at all it's like that's the time i want to be this protester says he actually gave up his education and dropped out of college to be in wisconsin and fight for the education system of america ok meir a week ago yesterday i decided it's getting way more important would it be scott walker because if we don't know what kind of
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a school system are going to have the governor who launched the battle against unions in wisconsin and sparked an uprising of the middle class here and in other states calls these people troublemakers who will eventually tire. but everyone here begs to differ this is our city these are our teachers our nurses our transit workers. we're not going to get tired because this is our place. not going away. the thousands that are here are not just numbers but real people and they're committed to fight till the end and they say forty madison wisconsin. that's happening more and more often under the obama administration journalists lawyers stop at the u.s. border when there were turning from trips abroad being detained for hours having their laptops their cameras cell phones confiscated and all the material on the
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copy and when asked why they were told that they are on a list but is this in violation of the first and fourth amendments treating people like criminals without giving them justifiable cause or the a.c.l.u. says so and earlier i caught up with catherine crump attorney with the a.c.l.u. speech privacy and technology program and i first asked her if the a.c.l.u. was aware of how often this was happening not even necessarily the one time searches but people who experience this treatment time and time again whenever they cross the border. that's a really good question unfortunately there isn't the public answer to that question but we've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence of people coming to us and complaining about this and it seems like sometimes when you're search once perhaps even randomly that just leads to a cycle where you're singled out more and more where any idea what this list is you know some of these journalists who get stuck on the border are just told that well you're on a list. you know we really don't we've heard reports of journalists and it's you
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know it's not just a matter of journalists it's other people who cross frequently who seem to be singled out all the time often it seems to be that there are people who for perfectly innocent reasons may come into contact with someone who the administration could potentially be interested in and every time they travel they're subject to these kinds of searches but do we know do we have you know proof that this is coming directly from the obama administration. you know we do the obama administration issued a policy in august of two thousand and nine authorizing to purely suspicion the searches and even the copying of people's laptops at the international border that was a pretty disappointing development from our perspective we had hoped that when the obama administration took office it would replace this bush policy george bush and issued to same policy and we hope that the obama administration would bring change
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but unfortunately that hasn't been the case but i don't understand i mean how is that legal you know it's one thing i guess you're used to these days when you're traveling that you might be you might have your belongings searched in terms of you know your clothing and your luggage and you might be questioned but to copy people's personal private information off of their laptops off their cell phones or cameras even journals. well in our view it's not legal and in fact we filed a lawsuit in an attempt to put an end to the practice we represent an individual in a couple of different organizations who are challenging this is fish in the search policy we think it violates a couple of different provisions of the constitution where they could buy later the fourth amendment restrictions on unreasonable searches and seizures and also the first amendment as you were saying people carry all sorts of deeply private and personal information on their laptops and their cell phones from their family photographs to their financial records and the idea that the government has the absolute right to go through all of those documents simply because you're crossing
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the border seems contrary to the values our constitution protects yeah not only going through them but then copying them and getting to keep them it sounds absolutely absurd to me let's talk about some of the dangers that this brings up specifically with journalists you know i've heard some of these stories that these are people who might have confidential sources that actually put their trust into these reporters and you know that could be threatening that that connection because if you think that well the government gets to just go through it and identify who you are afterwards no one's going to give you an interview. that's right one of the groups you represent in our lawsuit is the national press photographers association they're concerned about exactly that they're concerned that they're going to go overseas and talk to people who are confidential sources and they're not going to be able to guarantee confidentiality if they know that when they cross the border there's a chance the government is going to go through their documents but this isn't just a matter of concern to journalists other professionals are also concerned businesspeople from some of america's largest corporations are concerned because
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they cross the border with confidential business information and they don't want a random government agent going through all of that data when they cross the border and lawyers are also concerned colonel defense lawyers often have to travel overseas in order to gather information relevant to cases and the idea that they would cross the border and then have to show that information to the very government that's prosecuting their clients is a really serious problem for them and we we think a problem that's actually an unconstitutional violation by the government now it sounds like quite a problem how many lawyers feel that this is happening to i mean are we talking about people that are representing detainees at guantanamo bay. this is have been to quite a few different lawyers that we've heard about but the problem is broader than just those people who are searched and any lawyers travel with the training plan and other privileged information and it effects every lawyer who travels overseas because they simply can't take the risk of exposing their secrets and they've
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promised to keep secret to the government i'm just curious quickly has any of this information that they copied from someone's you know personal belongings never surfaced anywhere else. we're not aware that it surfaced anywhere else but the policy is very vague in terms of the government's ability to turn this information over it provides for a number of exceptions where the border patrol can actually give this information to government agencies and we all know about electronic data electronic data once it's out there it's very hard to control so who knows. people's the contents of people's laptops are ending up now it's definitely a very disturbing story and especially you know when you think about the obama administration that promised so many changes after the bush administration and yet again or seeing them continue their policies catherine thanks so much for joining us thank you. we're taking a break but coming up show and tell and also you support wiki leaks now you can show your love for the web site and look fashionable all explain all that
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the explosions were troubling. these grants nutritious and religious products on the price of healthy eating. lead to testes toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition and for environmental contamination don't you feel like a law brought some consider the experiment each human treatment tragedy i believe significant differences between the g.m.
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fact that they both at the don't g.m. . but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one carrier if you ask one question you could be uncertain and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's really end of your career. down the official ante up location to go on the phone on pod touch from the. life on the go. video on demand all cheesemonger old calls and already just feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com.
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ok so it's time for your show and tell on tonight's program now on monday we want to get your opinion on the union strikes in wisconsin so we asked if you thought governor scott walker was a union buster or if the public sector unions are the ones responsible for driving up state debts so here's what you had to say steve price weighed in on facebook saying i don't believe the unions are the cause. of states being in financial trouble i think it's more failed federal funding and they need to cut somewhere and blame something for what an opportunity to bust the unions now must achieve a says union reform is necessary as unions themselves job security benefits workers comp this is a necessity we will protect our lives some unions are ruined by corruption not debatable but realistically when a corporation exploits workers collective bargaining is
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a must dave castro also took to facebook to say they should respond to these un-american terrorists by sending them to get a pretty strong statement there and on you tube we heard from irag an ex who said it's one thousand percent union busting it's wrong and it needs to be stopped and then joe eighty one replied it's obvious from the self manufactured crisis that walker is trying to bust unions while exempting the few the baptist campaign although it may or may not be an issue in wisconsin some union pension plans do need to be reassessed many are getting a retirement packages the rest of us only dream up and police and prison guard unions they often retire very early due to injury with a full pension that far exceeds their salary now thanks to you as always for your responses we can tell this is clearly a divisive issue here in the us but here's our next topic for discussion we've spoken extensively about libya how it's affected the people of this country but what about the global impact many financial analysts have warned of
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a spike in oil prices due to the unrest in the middle east and with the threat of gas reaching five dollars a gallon by this summer we wanted to know how you think the u.s. government should react what's know if you think how should the u.s. take this matter into its own hands should they use the drill baby drill approach or should they invest in alternative energy options you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air . now we've spoken to many times about the various ways that people can support we q leeks cause if they feel so inclined mostly monetary donations have been the preferred method but what if i told you the you can be politically motivated and stylish at the same time apparently or wiki leaks has launched its own clothing line and they offer politically savvy items for everyone in your family there are men's t. shirts which have a wide variety of inspiring quotes. check out this first one that says only a free and unrestrained press can effectively exposed to separating government
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ironically that from the supreme court or how about this one during times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a universal act or the w t f acronym that stands for leaks task force and finally a quote from the leader himself joining us on what to censorship reveal it reveals fear now does this clear just make you want to go out and fight for free speech and i'll tell you this is just scratching the surface there are a lot of other items you can buy like buttons hats tote bags even umbrellas but i do wonder since that week the leaks is the number one enemy of the us government what are they going to do when people on the streets are wearing their ski or are they going to snatch you up are they going to try you for treason they wish anyway i just thought that we'd let you know that fighting for free speech never seems to go out of style. and now it's the case of one hacker versus sony george hotz aka geo hot is
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a twenty one year old hacker from new jersey and he was the first person to jailbreak an i phone and last month he was the first one to fully hack the p.s. three console he released this code online along with a how to video and now finds himself broiled in a legal battle with the major corporation and it seems like he's got them pretty ticked off this week george released a blog entry asking the media supporters anybody for financial help but what exactly is his cause and does he think that he can win well joining me from our studio in new york is electronics hacker george hotz george thanks so much for joining us now i just mention that you were the first person to jailbreak the i phone you did it with the i pad two now you have p s three are you trying to get famous here. i mean i have to say but it isn't totally selfless but what's more important to me is you know the freedom to use the devices that you paid for in any way you see fit so is that where you say your cause is
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yeah i'd say my cause is to you know if companies want to put these security measures on these devices great good for them but if we want to come in and we want to remove these security measures so we can do legal things with our devices that i think we have every right to and i guess that's my cause but you know i think that one of the problems that sony has is that people could start using this with pirated video games if they are opened up. well they can use my stuff with pirated video games i made i made a special effort when i released my stuff to not support pirated video games but more pressing the matter is just the immensity of the press and you know attention sony has brought to this issue that has never affected more than a very small segment of their customers why i gotta say sony really is seems to be taking this. very difficult way this is seems very harsh on them because they're going after it they basically just want to control the entire internet i know that they asked the judge if they could erase this code from the internet that you put
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out there but do they not get the ones that information's out there it's out there you can't just wipe it clean i mean they're using they're using fear mongering tactics they clearly say on their blog you know we're banning everybody who uses any hacks put everyone else you can can can you playing without fear of the fact that they use the word fear like they're just you can't suppress information once it's out there it's out there but i'm wondering is some of that fair working i mean you are one individual a hacker going against so many this is a mega corporation. i mean you know every day i wake up and i do think about the lawsuit you know there is there's a small element of fear but on the whole fear doesn't win and that's been proven time and time again and it's a lesson they don't learn why i think it seems to me like you're having a little bit of fun with this also because you did release a rap video which i find very amusing and we have
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a little clip of it that we're going to play for our audience. i should be here for comic relief. work for a show like a sugar free to all your children like that because i'm sure your book is money going to. help me. now george i would say you keep your day job but it doesn't seem like that was going so well for you either considering getting sued what's the deal with their absolute was that just for fun or are you really trying to send somebody a message there i mean you know i think about the lawsuit a lot and i wanted a creative outlet for my for my energies that wouldn't harm anyone just in good humor and i think it was pretty well received well what's the worst that could happen i mean what's the maximum fine is there a prison sentence what are you really up against you know it's a civil lawsuit i mean look i'm right here do you really if somebody really wants something from me come ask me for it i really don't think they want you know my car
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which doesn't work and now the money i've accumulated in the last few years what they want is to send a message and it's ridiculous i mean i think we should send me the opposite message back you know i bought a sony experience a couple days ago and i'm looking into the security on that i'm going to look into the security on the experience play because you know in the end freedom from i can't believe that you're being sued by sell any i think you're going out there spending your money buying more sony products right now i think is preposterous to me. i bought it used i didn't support sony directly you know put on the whole i like sony i think their products are pretty good i think they have some issues that they need to work through in management and you know hopefully hopefully after this blows over that you know take a look at what they did how they can do better next time so you really think this is going to blow over you think that you have a chance of beating them. oh without a doubt i think i do not i think i will beat them. i mean i think the reason they
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brought the suit is just to harass me and just to you know this is what happens to you if you accept any products and i think you know beating them in court is just a start ok so i'm curious you did the i phone the i pad now you have the p s three under your belt what's your next project. you know i don't want to talk too much about my later products a lot of my and my later projects a lot of my energy now is being focused on sony you know both in the courtroom and out of the courtroom but you know i'm excited for the i phone five all right so you're not really even going to tell us now lastly i just want to ask you you put a video out there asking the media asking people for funds and clearly it's not cheap to fight a corporation like sony and are you getting a lot of good responses according to our technical you have friends with very deep pockets. so i read in the comments somewhere i have
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a lot of friends with shallow pockets and i was amazed i put that up in two days i covered my legal costs and more i'm not going to go into exact details on the numbers but i feel very confident monetary only. going to beat me by you know so they're not going to rob you blind as they are saying well it seems like there are a lot of people out there supporting your cause and apparently the code is out there so he can't do anything about it but they are putting out threats that anybody who uses a p s three console that has been hacked. will now be kicked off the network not really sure how they're going to do that but george thanks so much for joining us and we'll continue watching your lawsuit as it unfolds. thanks a lot for having me. now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day rapper kanye west took to twitter last night to talk about abortion and he posted a few things that we aren't allowed to say on air but he said that he knows and
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word guys who spend fifty two it down alison g.'s on abortions and call those women gold digging bitches now just coming to realize that gold diggers are looking for abortions they want to baby for eighteen years it's called child support that's where all the money is so tonight we think that all gold diggers should tweet to kanye kanye give it up you're just pissed because nobody wants to r.p. now that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure to back tomorrow kevin paulson a senior editor for wired news on his latest book kingpin how one hacker took over the billion dollar cyber crime underground about the incredible story of maxwell taylor an ambitious hacker who stole access to one point eight million credit card accounts in the meantime don't think it's become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash the longer show where you post interviews as well as a show of its entirety coming up next is the news with the.
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