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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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colonel gadhafi refuses to give up power in the media and tries desperately to shift the blame accusing the song to a lot of inspiring revolt. as the u.k. prepares to shift joint songe off the sweep of the stand trial for the sexual assault you will have who profits from damaging the reputation of a man behind weaken leads. russian deals and visions proposals to modernize its armed forces both k. plans bed around six hundred fifty billion dollars a good a ten year old weaponry will have blue details on not be coming out. and the world
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prices climbing again on friday after hitting a twenty eight month high on thursday but the situation of instability in the middle east and north africa continues to test investors' nerves globally for analysis and business in twenty minutes. at one pm in the russian capital you're watching r t a marina joshing devious leader colonel gadhafi is desperately clinging to power despite facing more defections from his own rule is battling to shore up control of the capital tripoli and western areas with protesters consolidating gains in the east of the country cannot be told to stay t.v. that of solomon and his followers are to blame for the uprising and claim for testers were given drugs to incite them to revolt. the overall number of dead after ten days of unrest has been difficult to determine with estimates ranging from
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several hundred to over two thousand the e.u. is considering sanctions against libya for its leader of bloody crackdown well the un human rights committee has condemned the reported mass killings meanwhile the swiss government has ordered the freezer area locally held assets belonging to gadhafi of libya following the revolutionary path of tunisia and egypt experts say resource rich arab countries are an obvious target for terrorist. revolutions rolling over the arab ruled one can shove to another some of those countries are preacher a sure region mineral resources reach an oil gas and of course hard cash prize for all the jihadists so these resources can easily be used by terrorists to stage unprecedented scale attacks in many european countries and the united states the still think in terms of colonial times the. overestimate the influence over the
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internal situation one first to understand the nationalism is the major driving force because of the region in those countries people see a chance of the worst to push. easily ridiculize the station and this chain of revolution will never end russian prime minister about the reporting has warned western countries against attempts at meddling in the arab world to try to impose democracy speaking after talks with the e.u. leadership he said that previous efforts along those lines had led to victories for governments the west is now fighting to contain. it was good and today we say we're concerned about things happening in libya please note the following that the north african cell of al qaeda is also concerned about what is happening in libya do you think this is a coincidence that i'd like to go back in history a little bit the former leader of the iranian revolution where he lived he lived in paris and there's a whole he was supported by the western community now the entire western community
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fights against the iranian nuclear program i remember just recently our partners were very active in supporting a democratic elections in the palestinian autonomy and hamas won and immediately they declared how mass a terrorist organization and started fighting against it we need to give people a chance to determine their future themselves we need to give them an opportunity to take a natural way without any foreign interference to build their future folks that the popular uprisings in tunisia and egypt started the domino effect that spread around the arab world while there is fresh hope in it outside of the region for a brighter future and a democracy some theory it could just be a false dawn there are reports from cairo. they forgot. they bled. many died. the protesters who took over central cairo had a clear goal the removal of a dictator and establishing a free country a mortuary as an activist and one of the organizers of the revolution that toppled
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on the bottom he believes that egypt can make the transition from dictatorship to a democratic state the thing is defining democracy no on terms that were here i mean everyone look at it and it's own terms but we are going to it our terms that we want to see in this country our country there does stuff that we want to feel like here there are some way of getting it and we're going to get their support for a democratic egypt has come from governments around the world however some of those leaders who have been quick to congratulate the revolutionaries may not be so pleased with the possible future for the country basically. we want democracy but we also want states that will be friendly to us and do what we want for almost certainly democracy. less comfortable for the rest of the arab dictators are autocrats are. those dictators have been swept aside by people who after years
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of injustice finally had enough. the truth is many egyptians live in conditions in an interview with a major newspaper the minister for social solidarity good idea for leaks said that unless the people receive the required help that they need the next revolution in the country could be a revolution of the hungry the past years have seen the major cities in the north become wealthy while the south of the country has suffered with social problems such as unemployment and education some of the poorest people in the egyptian capital live in the area of cairo here many are hopeful that democratic egypt will help them out of poverty however others express concern that they may see the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. i'm worried things could get worse for the poor if the motor city is not implemented i pray god will keep egypt safe. while the west may have been convinced egyptians were fighting for democratic principles
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they may be in for a nasty shock when they find out of the people who simply want to change peter all over cairo egypt still have a sour here in r.t. an alliance without a mission i think takes a look at how new continues to function without a clear goal or common ammi. he has his critics but ukraine's president's first year in office takes on a rosier glow after the release of new figures on the economy. i rob or stamping process that's how whistleblower during the sars described the london court's decision to extradite him to sweden on sept allegations he said the ruling didn't catch him by surprise and that he's going to appeal i guess calen for charts the rise and fall of the we can leaks founder. when julian assange emerged let's leave year ago with this video.
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showing u.s. troops going down on armed civilians into reuters journalist video games he was not as a hero of transparency. and anti war ally and human rights defender r.t. america interviewed his sons on the day of collateral murders release what keeps people and more people. from going through on the stand how the world actually works. in the form of spirit to get information out about the real world and the second is to comment on it and to think about but we need sources. on the part of a nomadic computer expert with a cache of two hundred fifty thousand classified cables. catapulted into the front page of virtually every newspaper in the country working with wiki leaks wiki leaks wiki leaks wiki leaks to his foes is a cyber terrorist and work time he's guilty of sabotage espionage crimes against
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humanity he should be killed but to withstand a soft spoken as that there's the potential to radically reshape the geo political landscape by the people as time's man of the year our commitment to our forces is not just to protect. it's not just to publish the material it is to get the maximum . possible. today if the political impact of illegal and not the leaks that has gripped have been. allegations of sexual misconduct by two swedish women infighting within wiki leaks for us in fact it has started the nation particularly in the obama administration and the cia they want to start with you league's third. doing all sorts of extraordinary actions stopping. or leaning on paper mastercard and other private corporations to allow donations to be made to wiki leaks the once
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heroic figure now hawking mugs bumper stickers and t. shirts to pay his legal bills who profits from the meaning of meaning. obviously it's the u.s. government which is really out to get him makes no bones about it through under the bus by the newspaper that once eagerly used his leaks initial impressions are going to. send up some red flags some in a list say assigned and wiki leaks has been effectively neutralized consumed by litigation rather than leaks i think what the american government wants is to have mr songe in custody so that ultimately he can be extradited to the united states to face charges for the release of those documents you can't court rule that julian assange should be extradited to sweden but his attorneys say the next stop for the thirty nine year old computer programmer could be here in the united states where science could face espionage charges and even the death penalty as the sun faces jail time the future of wiki leaks hangs in the balance and its ability to be
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a place for whistleblowers and it beacon of transparency in fort artsy washington d.c. and i wrote a piece for the u.k. a fantasy party jared barton has hit out of the british justice system saying join us on his extradition legalize kidnap. what mr science cries does illustrates the fundamental problems with the european restaurant which i've been talking about now and it was introduced in two thousand and four he's an australian citizen and i want to actually go to sweden but this affects every british citizen and anyone who's a guest in our country and what it does it removes the fundamental rights of the english courts to protect its own citizens and guests in our country because they are not simply not allowed to look at the primer for a sheer brilliance in a cold case like this and take it into account it's what the lawyers call today to what justice and i would now so i've been saying now for some time to vision which is now called judicial surrender has been reduced to a bureaucratic formality and now i'm saying that it's actually nothing better than
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legalized kidnapping well i'm just i'm going on that's been going on for a month from i haven't figured out what the charges are you an interest if i can say about what's going to happen in sweden they're going to use a very very rarely used mechanism here to try this case in secret so we won't even be able to hear what's being said what the allegations are what the charges are and all the full evidence because that's going to be done in a secret hearing which is absolutely a standing. guard biden there are a member of the european parliament for the u.k. and panels party and we'll be following that story here in our team and also remember that you can go to our website our data com for more analysis. russia has revealed details of its ambitious plan to upgrade its army over the next ten years moscow is planning to spend six hundred fifty billion dollars on a project are due south currents reports. huge amounts of money these are the large scale spending plans that are paid on felt by the defense ministry and so we need a main focus of the spending that's going to take this up to twenty twenty five is going to be the development of
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a strategic nuclear weapons i know months some of the stuff that the defense is beginning to be purchasing again here on a hundred ships a thousand helicopters around six hundred planes and they submarines that again to be equipped with new generation missiles as a huge amount of purchases that against the may that she going to be the first time that russia has full military equipment from a take member is going to be purchasing two helicopter carrier ships from france that we have heard the russian government saying that is not planning on buying a huge amount for the rules but what they do you bring in is where they feel the russian military is lacking right now and then they can then fix on developments as well this is of course all part of this push by the government to modernize the military because the start treaty is now in place and that agreement between the u.s. and russia with the slash that week here also goes by does the what it doesn't say
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is that the countries are not allowed to upgrade their also will say this is completely within the terms of the katie doesn't actually called you take that tool and as you said that's really been yes this is a huge amounts of money if this really needed president has come out and said that he really wants the military now is those a bit of a should other trying to upgrade and steam like that or that he feels it's not will the spendings all about. tariff reporting there and twenty years ago the members of the warsaw pact agreed to end your alliance originally formed at the height of the cold war as a terror into nato it was no longer deemed necessary once the soviet union collapsed nato carried on and as artie's lauren lister reports the organization is having trouble justify its existence. it was an alliance born of fear originally supposed to define defend western europe against the soviet union but the fall of the verlyn wall changed all that now decades later the military
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alliance for and against the soviet threat long deprived of its enemy has been. the answer fumbling for a clear cut mission the north atlantic treaty organization has been fighting for justifiable reason to be but that hasn't stopped nato from continuing to pursue a global reach it's been twenty years since the warsaw pact formed in response to nato dissolved but even without its main rival nato has continued to aggressively expand and to date it has operations spanning several countries with troops and resources in the sudan the mediterranean sea kosovo iraq afghanistan and the horn of africa in november they redefined their goals going forward at the summit in lisbon wanting to tackle everything from nuclear disarmament to terrorism and cyber security. it was all adopted and it's protests on the streets. today now out of time we need a world of peace and justice is not going to prepare for yet more wars and already
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nato members have been divided over the near decade long war in afghanistan nato has not prevailed there calling into question the alliance mission. there's every expectation that with the end of the cold war nato would be disbanded instead what happened in fact and in violation of even the accords and the agreements at that time was nato aggressively expanded critics say it's u.s. defense companies benefiting most from this expansion with the sales of weapons to every new nato member and the building of every new base and that growth allows other tools to be used as it's changed altered militarily to become also a very powerful. political entity that is used to pressure countries to bow down to nader's agenda nader's agenda being primarily a u.s. agenda it's an agenda some countries see as a threat and critics of that agenda right in the u.s.
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say it's global expansion must be stopped i don't believe there's anything that justifies nato has contributed systems. in terms of security own assault to the peace that nato wants pledged it was formed to keep lauren lyster archie new york o'keefe up to date on our website r.t. dot com here's a taste of what we've got for you right now. as the u.s. state of wisconsin moves into a second week of protest against budget cuts we bring you in-depth coverage from the front line of the demonstrations and. russia with a lot of american air fields interview with a country over the ocean doesn't spare his voice or yourself his audience. has learned russia's national anthem here more.
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well he is going in office for a year but opinion remains split on the success of ukraine's president because it's one thing that has improved though is the country's economy which has seen a rapid turnaround from a deep slump to steady growth and. he looks at the reasons for the revival. one victorian of which campaign for the presidency a year ago he pledged to revive ukraine's crippled economy twelve months on some in ukraine accuse him of not keeping his word however the annual economic report paints a different picture in twenty ten ukraine registered a four percent g.d.p. growth one of the highest figures in eastern europe was the year before that the country's economy was devastated by a fourteen percent slump. crain was among the country's worst affected by the global recession and while experts say it has not yet fully overcome the low res
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fears of the economy so a double digit growth in twenty ten with the industrial sector being a firm leader in the. thirty percent growth has helped us to avoid financial damages this year exporting our products is what can save our economy now in the post crisis year our company exports up to eighty percent of what we produce and the russian market is our priority. as ties between kiev and moscow moved from strains to warmth demand from the russian market increased industrial production increased by more than eleven percent there was an increase in demand for chris machinery from russia that were the major the terrible one for. very impressive growth in machinery more than thirty percent of all saw gives us. but he's used to exposure to a strong performance for the economy in the current year the government still has a lot of issues to address ailing social structure ineffective banking sector and
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poor agriculture but this political analyst is sure that it's only a matter of so i. think your previous administration lived in a dream world with him and he wanted the whole country to live with. this regime stands firmly on the street and deals with the real problems we must give it another year to see how they would fill in the many projects that. the opposition is still rigorous in accusing the new power circles of. something of a new round of political infighting within this post so you state the experts assure you for calling you continues to receive at the same rate come next year many critics would be silenced by witnessing that promise to better living conditions next year a sure ski odyssey for you from kia ukraine. and a quick look now at some other stories from around the world and hopes are fading of pulling any more survivors from toppled buildings following tuesday's devastating earthquake in new zealand one hundred thirteen people have so far been
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confirmed dead and rescue crews in the city of christchurch have failed to pull anyone alive from the rubble for more than a day some two hundred people are still missing and start as many as one hundred twenty of those are inside just one collapsed building. a college student from saudi arabia has been arrested in america on suspicion of plotting to bomb ex-president george w. bush's house hydrologist sorry who was studying chemical engineering at a university in texas came to the f.b.i. as a tense and after buying bomb making materials and posting as an american messages online authorities say they found diary entries planning attacks on several sites around the u.s. if convicted of sorry could receive a life sentence. a last minute computer glitch almost derailed the thirty ninth and final launch of the space shuttle discovery on the ship and its six crew did manage to blast off incessantly from the kennedy space center but it was just three
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seconds remaining at its critical launch window the launch had been for late for three and a half months due to cracks in an external tank discovery's final mission will be to deliver supplies and a module to the international space station. identified gunmen in northwest pakistan have attacked and torched at least twelve fuel trucks leaving for death the tankers were all root to supply nato forces in afghanistan when man armed with rockets and guns opened fire on the convoy causing the vehicles to burst into flames trucks carrying supplies to foreign forces in afghanistan frequently commandeer attacks in pakistan where militants have destroyed hundreds of vehicles . well we're up to date and i'll be back in just a few moments with deeds before that we'll take a look what's happening in business with you and stay with us.
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that's right time for your business day it's a very well welcome world prices are climbing again on friday after which reaching slightly from a twenty eight month high late on thursday earlier the international energy agency said it was prepared for a resurgence miles to cover any shortfalls resulting from the turmoil in the middle east and north africa light sweet crude is over ninety eight dollars a barrel off point four percent brant crude is trading at over one hundred twelve dollars a barrel up twenty three percent. now b.p.'s deal to jointly develop bridge arctic will ferrell's with may finally get the green light on friday the british world major is meeting with the russian part most of the joint venture. to try to persuade them that the deal doesn't violate their rights and laws may have to include the deal in january but were forced to freeze it after it drew up position from alpha axis room over consortium to keep b.p.'s russian shareholder the
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consortium claims the deal violates its exclusive agreements with the british royal company. let's take a look at how the markets are performing so far european stocks have halted the falls over the last few sessions needs relief well prices have moderators brought some individual stocks are still doing badly lloyds banking group is down thirty percent after it warned business would be tough this year as the u.k. economy slowed also aerospace and defense for an e. eighty s is down almost three percent after losing a key u.s. tank of contract to rival boeing and here in russia the r.t.s. in the minds of our lives energy stocks are struggling as investors take profits after several days of gains other sectors such as ranking and retail that have been under pressure are climbing investors will be looking for direction from some key data later in the day that's german inflation along with you money supply you play g.d.p. figures and u.s. g.d.p. data and consumer confidence let's look at some individual share moves here in
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russia energy majors mostly retreating from their first days gains because i was more than hundred percent lower rosner after is losing over point seven percent but banking stocks are on the rise peter b. is up one and a quarter percent helped by news it has acquired in stake in five of moscow. prophethood russian internet for male dogs are euros sixty three percent last year to one hundred twenty four million dollars the company says the result was due to fast spread of the internet in russia and growth in advertising and money news that reps and central bank is raising the key interest rate for the first time in two years to step up against inflation refinancing great will increase twenty five basis points to eight percent consumer prices are up three percent so far in twenty eleven fueling concerns and little will be higher than usual because for eight
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percent. and finally russia's great surplus jumped around eighteen percent in january year on here it's reached roughly nineteen billion dollars with the country's exports up twenty five percent the growth was mostly driven by high energy prices well and gas sales made up most of the exports. that's it for now europe today too you can always find more stores small outside our to dot com slash business.
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