tv [untitled] February 25, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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reports of multiple casualties are being dismissed in the city of russia's republican. and f.s.b. security services building a shell for groups of militants of course have taken part in the attack. also this hour i'll tell you the u.n. says the death toll in libya could be in the fall things as the government steps up the battle against protesters as the west pushes for democratic change in trouble bridgend fears grow their interference will add fuel to the fire. ukase accuse of double standards by agreeing to extradite we can each founder julian assange overrate claims that refusing to do the same for international terrorists.
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live from a studio in central moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day we start in russia's north caucasus region the capital of the republic of covered in a cholera came up with simple changes attacks by several groups of militants who opened fire on security targets confronting the trevor has more we can live. from a concern is the situation in the republic under control now what we know about the victims of these. calls you know that russia's comes the terrorism kidneys has been seeing things taking the situation on to control clean record suggest it does from time to talk to top people got interested in a series of terrorist attacks carried out a notch in the capital of russia's the republic of the virgin that will carry about the president of the republic dismissed. the records turns out that only one
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policeman was slightly injured oh they have caught us all the local departments about the speed the country's largest to must excuse the agency will spied and also several tried to police checkpoints hold it up as being had orders were. more shelled with grenades launches putting reports suggest that none of the police officers was injured and three police checked boys were also fired all of them almost simultaneously one off for another world headquarters will fire to the town minutes after the supposed checkpoint was attacked and then two other attacks took place just twenty minutes after this is it was an unprecedented act of terrorism a gruesome one and all business world planned with a similar attack was care adult all night she called the same city in spain two thousand and five but islamic militants attacked state and now it was the military
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police that happens before orders hold so almost simultaneously twelve civilians were killed and as a result of these national ration carried out right at the school ninety five terrorists were eliminated on the day that russia's republican voted in the courage it's been subject to a number of terror attacks recently doesn't tell us more about those and it seems that what we're having now is a wake of a spot of terrorist attacks he's in russia just last week in the same there is a public health a very do not vote very group of militants stopped at car with two rays from a stove and they fired the car with the assault rifles killing three to resent injuring two others and shot me off to the terrorists blew up a cable car leads into mali to tell the truth the whole village was just a nation with skiers all this not so good through a characteristically robust approach approach from the government the president called in a session of russia's counterterrorism community where he again reiterated his
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position that. terrorists that russia's law enforcement officers will continue to hunt terrorists down and will eliminate them if they refuse to make peace. and the president also stressed that the strikes on terrorists will be carried out not in refereed nationals only but also as a preventive measure of how those that should be overwhelming have a does that many are because the stair is stuff that had been previously traded walked out you certainly remember last year's moscow metro forming switch kerridge the lives of locals mostly people and also january's attack was some attack at the idea of the apple the country's largest. and maybe believed that the terrorists who have carried out the attacks had been trained abroad and also whose have been financed and rules to carry out those attacks and now would be balanced. with the events happening so close to russia's border that was russia's believes that obviously are on high alert because they suspect that al qaida and allied groups
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may now be considering which allocating their assets and seeking new targets and what the russian president has been saying that while the west is speculating where highs it might be moving not russia has to do with what is real what is fear and what is not the acts of terrorism carried out of the russian soil different effects without any trouble bring us the latest on these similar ten u.s. attacks that rocked russia's self the seat. of the news colonel gadhafi forces have opened for in the protesters in the libyan capital the last bastion of the embattled leader of these four people have reportedly been killed would be one official death toll of the ten days of revolt standing at over two thousand and that is promising to shore up control of the west as demonstrators consolidate gains in the east of the country international momentum is building to punish the libyan leader for his violent response to the protests russian president dmitry medvedev has called on the authorities to prove. tensions are escalating any
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further and stop the bloodshed we want in iraq at least eleven people were killed as people took to the streets protesting against the government and calling for reforms with gentleness and funny while told r.t. the west is advocating the spread of democracy across the region to control the politics of the arab world. western style democracy in its current state is far from what i would consider to be something that we should want in any of these countries i think i think if there's going to be democracy it should be democracy with a real change and a change that reflects democracy that actually benefits the people today's democracy is nothing more than a mainstream control mechanism through which the vast majority of the public who do not think are emotionally engaged in in situations that they don't even really realize what it is that they're voting for or approving and if you think that democracy which is supposedly what the u.s. is out there pushing and driving home for these people who who need so much the
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philosophy of what they have developed and put together in a need in the u.s. for example take a look at look at what they're doing and building bases in hundreds of over one hundred different countries you know basically putting at the end of a gun the word democracy and shoving it down their throats to me this is not democracy this is abuse this is nothing more than a system that is doomed to failure and as long as central banks continue to stand side by side in a democratic system like we have printing endless amounts of money which is devalued by devaluing by the minute we're not going to have anything more here than chaos that is used to mask that devaluation process and hopefully distract people from the overall fraud that's from perpetrated on western societies if that's democracy who would want to. now where two weeks after the popular revolution swept from power president hosni mubarak demonstrations continue with tens of thousands calling for reforms the ministries in control there until elections can be held peace to all of the reports on the difficult transition from dictatorship. the
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people of egypt have once again occupied central cairo here at the here square the at the center of the revolution that failed kanzi mubarak the people up back out in great numbers in order to lend their support to a number of causes some here to show solidarity with libyan people and calling for western governments to do more in order to help the people under the gadhafi regime the majority of the people who come here want to see not only mubarak gone they want to see the main figures of his regime who are still in power removed from those seats of power namely omar suman and the current prime minister major feat was a symbolic gesture from the part of a corrupt government just removing the bike and if you business going to scapegoats so we get busy with this thinking justice has been served but this is totally symbolic and it's not functional on all levels the man for a change that was fulfilled by the president being sort of resigning or cutting down it's only for the fun level but not the entire system made as it is the
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ogunnaike says all these protests a calling for millions of people the millions that we saw at the height of the revolution a month ago to come back to tell us where to go back to the center of cairo to the streets of cairo and call for a democratic egypt and we can now hear my reports and want to democratic egypt could mean to the people. they for. they pledged. many died. the protesters who took over central cairo had a clear goal the removal of a dictator and establishing a free country. as an activist and one of the organizers of the revolution that toppled and he believes that egypt can make the transition from dictatorship to a democratic state the thing is defining democracy no on terms over here i mean everyone look at it and it turns but we are going to it our terms of that we want to see in this country our country there does not want to feel like there's some
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way of getting it and we're going to get bad support for a democratic egypt has come from governments around the world however some of those leaders who have been quick to congratulate the revolutionaries may not be so pleased with the possible future for the country one basic we see in this is. we want democracy but we also want states that will be friendly to us and do what we want but almost certainly democracy. less comfortable for the rest. of those dictators have been swept aside by people who after years of injustice finally had enough some of the poorest people in egypt in capital live in the area of cairo here many are hopeful that a democratic egypt will help them out of poverty however others expressed concern that they may see the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. i'm worried things
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could get worse for the poor of democracy is not implemented to create god will keep egypt safe. while the west may have been convinced egyptians were fighting for the democratic principles they may be in for a nasty shock when they find out that the people simply want to change each other r.t. cairo egypt. well for more on the uprising in libya and across the arab world we're now joined by john graham he's a former u.s. diplomat at the american embassy in libya thanks so much for joining us here on our team now you got to experience the rise of gadhafi firsthand when you were based in libya so what do you think is going to happen to him now. well first of all i am very happy to be here be here with you. and my. theory is that libya is. many years ago i was there the night of the revolution. and i was a young diplomat based in the embassy in tripoli but i was also that liaison
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officers who were huge sprawling nato base just outside of tripoli and so i was there i was there one day when cut off he took power many of the people on his side were young air force officers whom i knew so when he took power he was a complete oh no i mean nobody knew who he was not not the cia that's the k.g.b. not egypt intelligence nobody knew he was born in a tent to the desert he came out of nowhere so of course my country was. very desperate to find out who he was because we were getting to pump oil out of the country. and also this huge nato base was on top of his real estate now so who was he i say this is a bit of background but i'm sure your viewers will understand saying why i'm smiling a bit because the one thing that my country cared about in those days which was the
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middle of the cold war was was cut off the soviet who in other words was the in the employ of the soviet union which would be very very bad for us so they sent me out there to find out who he was and i found out very quickly that he hated the soviets as much as he hated being clear what he was was and is not was a zealot a fundamentalist and in those days that was considered good news but anyway that was my job and i was given one week to do so i came up with a page and the key thing perhaps for today's events is that it was clear that he was strong will. he was charismatic. he was very curious very changeable. and he had a deep sense of injustice of things that he didn't like for example when he when american warplanes bombed tripoli killed his daughter two years later and nine
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hundred eighty eight cut off he was behind the. pan am one hundred three the american airliner over scotland who did that a vengeance for his daughter's death so this is the who the man was then and i think it's who the man is now ok well now we know who he is this is surprise you the way he's behaving now in comparison to the way we've seen other leaders in similar positions behaving with their people we're seeing him using great force against his own people what do you make of his behavior now. i think it is deferred and it's of great concern to your country as well as mine. he he came to power and i think sixty nine is a twenty seven year old who saw himself as the savior of his country and in many ways it was he was a very good thing in those days. but he continued to see himself as the savior of the country is now he's sixty eight sixty nine years old and he sees himself as the
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father of his country a father figure and now is disrespectful children if you will that is to say to people of libya are are just respecting him they're they're there they're disobeying him and he's furious with them and he's lashing out and that's what we're seeing a thing it really happens ok we're seeing that now but what happens if he does. you as a diplomat in your experience what he's seen in these countries the west really does fear that maybe radical islamic fundamentalists could come to power in place of the likes of. barack and and other leaders so what do you make of that fair is that justified do you think and does that justify western interfere. and what's happening there at the moment in the middle east i think is country by country i'm pretty convinced now that the. revolt the revolution in egypt for example the muslim brotherhood is it is only
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a minor part of it and even then the muslim brotherhood. is a long ways away from being what it was thirty years ago as their strong fundamentalist islam has force so i think in egypt perhaps we're ok tunisia or perhaps ok libya i don't know. the fact of the matter what's important to know in libya is not whether or not the islamize will be in control or it's like what would oppose them now in egypt there is a very strong army which is a very turned out to be a very stable for if you've seen the revolutionaries congratulating army officers and targets where for example so the army is a strong force there's also a strong middle class a pretty strong civil society a lot of educated people so there are some there is some stability in the country libya not like that. gadhafi has made sure that no there is no other powers source the army is not powerful the army is not a force for stability there is a very small middle class very few are educated people in egypt so
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we're looking out across correct order chaos in libya that we were in tunisia and in egypt and that's a very fearful thing if it continues to get worse and worse and the civil war erupts and not just a few thousand but tens of thousands of people were killed so. we're looking at the complete consideration of a country cannot especially cannot quickly also you have got a lot of time but i want to ask you you were tipping that you were part of a government that was actually supporting leaders like it baffling mubarak of a many many years do you feel a sense of regret even a sense of hypocrisy the fact that you were part of western governments supporting these regional leaders who have now turned against their own people and you'll now calling for peace i mean people might say you were part of a hypocritic regime itself. well guess you can say that i'm not going to for attack of course we can save. the soviet union on the good old days of the cold war as
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well yes it's true when you look at the way president obama hesitated when the events in tahrir square began to erupt he has a day because mubarak was quote on our side he was our. friend in trying to gain peace between israel the palestinians and obama didn't know what would happen and no one seemed to know what would happen on those for a few days so he hesitated if i was in his shoes i would be hard pressed not to hesitate a bit too but the overall question you raise an extremely good run america is often cited. with dictators and all of prats because well i mean in the in the days of the cold war we did it because we wanted their vote in the united nations against the soviet union and of course your country did exactly the same thing so we didn't think gave the allies in the cold war and now we do it again help in fighting terrorism to stabilize oil sources those sorts of things and that's.
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where i feel it whether it's hypocritical yes it's hypocritical. and also a realist i wish it were a better world so what should so what should u.s. foreign policy be now what should western european policy be now towards the middle east north africa these areas which are now suffering from terminal leave them alone or interfere but that's all has been suggested if interference does happen that could actually add fuel to the fire what do you make of that the next step i think there's a third path i don't think we want to interfere that will certainly backfire and some of the quotes from people in egypt if you read before i came on demonstrate that they don't want anyone telling them what to do and that's perfectly fine staying completely out of it is not a good thing either. i mean look look what happened the criticism of obama when he started to help. try to stay above the fight in the first few days you know i think
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what restaurant nations can do is simply offer assistance first of all humanitarian assistance the person needed in libya it may very well be needed but second of all to see the marc rich the naturalist as a good idea going back to you know our founding documents reveal the declaration of independence and all of that but also for the first time to see the assistance of people to be democrats as a good strategic choice that is to say we will be better off the united states and western nations will be better off in the long term. if people are not subjected to autocratic rule if they have a voice ok but other credit rule automatically means instability and that helps nobody john graham very very interesting to talk to you today here in r.t. we appreciate your time thanks for joining us former u.s. diplomat to libya john graham joining us live from the usa thank you thank you.
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other news now julian assange is preparing to battle to overturn a london court's decision to extradite him to sweden but we can leaks founder insisted there was no truth to the sex crime on occasions against him and that there was not enough evidence to justify the court's decision came forward looks at the cases mystery and intrigue. when julian assange emerged less than we've year ago with this video. showing u.s. troops getting down unarmed civilians into reuters journalist video games he was lauded as a hero of transparency. and anti war ally a human rights defender r.t. america interviewed his sons on the day of collateral murders release what keeps people and more people. from going through understand how the world actually works so. in the fourth grade it used to get information out about the real world
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and the second comment to think about it but we need sources who can get. through the problem a nomadic computer expert with a cache of two hundred fifty thousand classified cables assigned catapulted to the front page of virtually every newspaper in the country with a week's wiki leaks wiki leaks wiki leaks which leads to his foes is a cyber terrorist and war time he's guilty of sabotage espionage crimes against humanity he should be killed but to his fans a soft spoken activist with the potential to radically reshape the geopolitical landscape by the people as time's man of the year our commitment to our sources is not just to protect them and we've never lost it's not just published material used to get the maximum. possible but it's our city it's the political impact of illegal
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and not the leaks that has gripped. allegations of sexual misconduct by two swedish women infighting within wiki leaks for isn't fake accounts stalled donations particularly in the obama administration and the cia they want to start with you leaks they're doing. all sorts of extraordinary actions stop in our pay pal or leaning on pay pal master card and other our private corporations to to allow donations to be made to wiki leaks the ones heroic figure now hawking but stickers and t. shirts to pay his legal bills who profits from the mean meaning. in obviously it's the us government which is really. makes no bones about it they're under the bus with a newspaper that once eagerly uses the national impressions if you're going to. send in a list say assigned and wiki leaks have been effectively neutralized consumed by
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litigation rather then leaks i think what the american government wants is to have mr science in custody so that ultimately he can be extradited to the united states to face charges for the release of those documents or u.k. court ruled that julian assange should be extradited to sweden but if attorneys say the next chapter the thirty nine year old computer programmer could be here in the united states where science could face as the united charges and even the death penalty as a sound basis jail time the future of wiki leaks hangs in the balance and its ability to be a place for whistleblowers and it beacon of transparency and ford r.t. washington d.c. . before the business news with kareena let me just remind you of our breaking news story this hour there's been an attack on and first be security services building in the republic of comedy. the president of the republicans dismissed reports that thousands were injured and some killed insists that only one police officer was wounded in the attack russian authorities are on the hunt for the culprits who are thought to be up to four groups of militants this comes just days after three tours
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were killed in the same region after militants attacked a minibus heading to a ski resort well of course be bringing all the latest on this breaking news story as soon as we get it on r.t. so as promised green is next with the businesses. come to business with me camille again thanks for joining me global equity markets seem to be breathing a sign of relief as oil prices notter its prices for crude retreated late on thursday from their twenty eight month highs above friday's session and seen them climb once again news that saudi arabia could pump more oil to compensate for the loss from libya has taken some of the heat out of the market light sweet crude is trading below one hundred dollars a barrel while brant crude is well off the one hundred eighteen dollars early in the week of the rest i could just be temporary many analysts predict the rally could take. now in the short term high or prices are good for the russian economy
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and for energy shares but with even worse of course from north capital warrants the negative impact on the global economy in terms of slower growth well ultimately be hard for even for the world's biggest energy exporter. oh one word been there done that we'll know for a judging by experience of the two thousand and eight that i think deteriorate if there will take place however it's not going to happen overnight it will take approximately four to six months for the tremendous all economic impact to happen during this time obviously investment in their energy resources will stay attractive however what's good for russia is not so good for joram and so to say they're for right now the question is how long this euphoria will last for russia it's not going to last for more than three or four months right now would you say that there's going to be in flaw or foreign funds positive rating bonds there's
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going to be zero deficit of the budget and obviously will cause more consumption more luxury cars on the streets more exotic travelling however it's not going to last for for a year i am absolutely confident in that. the meeting between b.p. and alpha axis renaud but as russian partners b.p. did not go ahead as planned on friday executives from the british all major were due to hold talks with a r about its plans to jointly develop the arctic with russia's biggest oil company ross net u.k. however did not turn up for the meeting and it's now being postponed until march the fourth and b.p. and last night sealed the deal in january to swap shares and join explore all in russian arctic shelf they are has strongly objected to the plan saying it while its exclusive agreement with b.p. . nursery to look at the markets wall street is heading high in may day trading as low prices stabilized after weeks and john the dow jones is up help i've boeing
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shares rose two point eight percent after the air force awarded buoying a thirty five billion dollars contract for nearly two hundred two for refueling tankers european markets have had a rough week affected by continued unrest in the middle east and north africa on friday divorces finished higher investors focus on world trading below one hundred a barrel gains were broad based go financial stocks and miners rallied notably one of the worst performers and london was lloyds banking group down around five percent after one business would be topped this year as the u.k. economy slowed. and here in russia markets also closed higher priority r.t.s. surged over one to have percent of m i six gain just under two percent energy stocks are struggling as investors took profits after several days of gains of banking and retail shares kind and that's all we have time for but you can always find more stories on our web site that's artie dot com slash business have a nice weekend. to.
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