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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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lindsey lowe and he has told the rachel. nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's a learned star. a . lead.
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it's time for tonight's big picture rumble joining me on the panel jamie weinstein director and deputy editor of the daily caller a new sheet hosain author activist and contributor to forbes woman and can gain or vice president at the business and d. institute welcome to you all let's get started thanks and thank you governor scott walker's union busting proposal passed the wisconsin state assembly house in the wee hours of the morning will be one step closer to becoming a lot of the land in that state so if walker is successful in busting up unions in his state how much longer until republicans succeed in their alderman goal of destroying unions around the country and thus destroying the largest funder of the democratic party and put into place one party billionaire rule in america. but
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again it's ludicrous it's kind of hard to knew where to begin. i mean they're not trying to bust you'd still be able to go take it out to end the union what they're trying to do is roll back a muscle in the massive union power that we've established unions will basically end up with the with the power to have a teacher there's a reason why the unions are controlling basically the public sector because unions turn out voters in the primaries which means basically the our operatives for the democratic party which is why do we they are just so powerful in this country we are taxpayer dollars tartuffe. i just think it's absolutely ridiculous i mean unions are the backbone of america that in fact own a democratic parties and i just think it's one more example of how the republicans are using any opportunity they can to not only work with this administration but really cripple anything that this administration wants to move for is there some truth to what the republicans say you know well they've got billionaires to fund. democrats by and large don't they get unions if you look at the shepard smith on
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fox news a couple and so you look at the top ten funders of the last political campaign seven or more billionaires or big corporations three were unions three unions course once again records to get rid of unions we're toast well exactly i think it's a really smart move on the republicans part but you never know if you heard but some egyptian protesters over last week actually sent people to the wisconsin protesters and i just think it's an example of how around the world we're seeing a thirst for people fighting for their rights and for their democratic right and will and who polices rush over the first ludicrous example of even. compared to compare egypt dictator in power for thirty years to what is going on the public is going very much only having like a dictator actually that's ready to be a dictator in a time when a democratic president some power that really makes a lot of sense but what happened in wisconsin is that they are free to let me know who voted for scott like a true verdict i thought were going to rebut the trog language where we were comparing people to hitler i think that was the the problems that we have are the. u.k. yeah ok for us the man who should be helicopters is it's time the fact is what
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scott walker is doing democratically elected in this state and what he was elected to do is trying to save his state from critical calamity and what we have seen across the country is the case that we were going to say give it away for what we see only about three million of us this country is tough governors like walker and christie and cases taking what needs to be done which isn't always popular it's not there's not a long track record of people going against these kind of pensions and getting elected these are third. politics and they're doing it not because it's popular or because it's necessary and that something is should a priority to the lowest common denominator and there's no possibility i'm assuming a discussion of care for those that especially nobody's going to be rich people run away i mean to kill her disgust with people who run for the state are too cowardly to actually say well i would say the republicans had there for two years and as i say this is because they actually did. the end of this and say my take on it is we largely already add billionaire rule in america and it's just going to get worse
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until citizens united the supreme court gets overturned maybe the make up of the citizens of the supreme court changes scott walker our next topic scott walker was punched by an editor of buffalo beast poison his billionaire david koch this week now the sheriff in madison must have a chat with walker about some of the things he said i just plan to plant rabble rousers in the union crowd to cause trouble so the question is what will happen to walker now that he's been exposed as a corrupt politician and why do you have to be a billionaire to be able to chat with the guy and the rest of the g.o.p. for that matter genius i mean i thought it was also because barack obama has never had a union boss like andy stern in his oval office so we know what he had him more than anyone else he would never take up he's probably had we were playing with words he was never so you would never pick up the phone from warren buffett a supporter you know what i bet he would he would never have said he would so would i so the idea that he picks up a phone of a big industrialist a man who has you know many ideas to discuss any business there is to discuss that matter is not revolutionary barack obama meets with wealthy business people all the
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time and i don't think it's a topical water wouldn't talk with any of the democrats there in that garden is an isolation with so-called koch was how there was only one democrat that he would talk to because he thought he could manipulate the guy i mean i think it was cool isn't it that he came across were willing to negotiate with him now i'm sure he would be actually willing to talk to them before he would you know you know that they would tell him his location in the illinois i'm sure he would be he would go there or they would come back and maybe talk would be great but they're out in the shitter. so. thoughts on this it's you know i mean i think it was really hilarious and i think it speaks volumes to show that this man actually hung this congressman into convincing him he was somebody else and he goes to show exactly where the republicans interests are and it also goes to show that they have absolutely no intention in working with their democratic colleagues then the party billionaires it's ridiculous if it's somebody called you were someone named george soros called the white house he'd get through to the forty thing is the thing that
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is not getting right what you're saying david david kokoda when you get through this is this is is this part of the problem in america that billionaires all over this report when you walk or did all this talk that he is co-sponsor to all the friends of terms that the left could use you for because they don't know how to pronounce the word coke you know all those terms he didn't know that's the that's the beginning and end of the story and he would always sounded like he was doing a job interview. everybody everybody is trying to get business interests in their states of a have jobs we have nine percent unemployment and everybody on the left and the right think that's a bogus leno number sure so so he's trying to boost the business use of a state that's really money to believe there are ideas or question from a picture what why would you want the democrats to negotiate with walker what he is mubarak i thought you want the protesters overthrow the. i refer you to my previous answer the billionaires are consolidating their power in this country buying off politicians funding so-called thing to promote their business interests and keep their taxes down i just called me
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a skeptic in new york and in philadelphia in philadelphia this week two separate fires killed three people including two children firefighters in both states are now suggesting the budget cuts that closed fire stations down made you need to blame for those deaths right now tax rates in the country are at their lowest in fifty years especially tax rates for the rich and corporate tax payments which were around thirty percent of total federal income during the eisenhower administration are now less than seven percent of total income so it comes. balancing the budget should we raise taxes on billionaires and profitable corporations like exxon mobil most profitable corporation the history of the planet going back to the roman empire that paid no us taxes last year first before cutting critical of urgency services that lead to dying children b.s. is another one of those first. budget cuts somebody is missing somewhere this person died this thing happened it doesn't assume it's true it just makes a good talking point you know you can't have only limited government which is what
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really we almost have in this country. the national what is almost twice what it was when bill clinton left office so we've already had it just overwhelmingly increase in spending the rest of the debt i mean the dead has gone out of the actual budget but three point seven trillion. trillion dollars worth of nine point seven trillion dollars of that was run up by three republican presidents and i guess what i do we're not saying a word about what republicans i said things we talked i say things about bush bush spent too much there were cuts ignored unchecked you know how that's going to be much and then the democrats want to spend more time why do you want to keep the status quo that's going to kill children down the road many more children as we can't fund those services because we're bankrupt i want to tax with millionaires and billionaires and corporations the way we did during the eisenhower administration so that we can build infrastructure like we did through i don't see it i want to grow how do you emergency services i mean what you're seeing is the republicans taking everything all opportunity they have to make really any and
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every issue about abortion we saw them not only of their oh i mean for planned parenthood federation but we're also seeing them take the battle on to the international level they have zeroed out by name for the united nations population fund for unit ph this house republicans are really about abortion it's the mother of all legislation and regulations it's interesting most of the whole social agenda as long as the billionaires control the public dialogue can overwhelm the media with their messages from paid bloggers mercy and i mean it's a. credible to millions of political ads kids will die while billionaires won't fight the politicians play golf or on the wall after the break. for a flimsy low end game has told them reach home obviously with nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's
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a star. and welcome back to the rumble here with me jamie weinstein deputy editor of the daily
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caller a new shade hussein author activist and contributor to forbes one and dan gainor vice president of business and median strip ok let's get back to it one georgia republican state lawmaker wants to force women who've had a miscarriage to prove to the government that was caused by natural circumstances this is just one week after republicans the u.s. congress continue the war against planned parenthood by defunding that program so what's the next g.o.p. proposal targeting women are they going to force women to have pregnancy tests every thirty days just to make sure nobody slips through and has a miscarriage it only doesn't get noticed this is exactly what i was saying it's another example of republicans taking any opportunity they have to make every single thing about abortion and now we're seeing republicans try to give people more rights than women and i mean this is more human than women are this is what's the deal with big obviously haters who want to make in our bedroom isn't this isn't just going to have a very miscarriage is just because they want to investigate athena of a crime it's occurring inside your uterus this is like an imaginary issue this is
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one guy down in georgia who proposes kind of loony bills all the time as if this is just going to go to measure and out of it kowtow to. this is this is i would not in fact it was that he was a very good aeration lighters and now we're seeing truth on social issues during this election abortion is hardly the number one there and he really no job there to try to this is just another table if you know your all because i think that everybody would rather he says you know this you know you just don't know dan you should just made the point in south dakota they just they just knock down the law i mean this was a serious proposal theory make it legal to murder an abortion that's a good leader try one of the horrors of the bible. the comments that they made about the one that we didn't see that is the case in georgia he no longer is no more speaks for the g.o.p. or the conservatives then he speaks for them when he calls michelle malkin a mash up with the stick so you know you're in your own words you know you're not going to be a regular obvious already you know army type about abortion rights though let's talk about maybe the case of the us philadelphia the doctor who is now being
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charged with murder different people one of seven children who are supporters of murder and i don't this is that's who i mean your activity is the one that's saying paranoid is it is illegal in america but the republicans need to remember as we already have title ten we already have the hyde amendment we need to federal funds cannot go towards abortion activities when we need to do is a yes and there you go and millions of dollars isn't on the planet this is why this is not what the national media is about. everybody else and they're making it about i've already consulted with conservative religious leaders on this issue they say the bible is the infallible word of god and in paul's letter to corinthians he says anyone who prays should wear a veil burkas are next. anyway the price of oil is increasing one hundred twelve dollars a week because of unrest in libya of course this works so well for the g.o.p. after all prices mean higher profits for their big polluting oil buddies will hand over fatter campaign contributions back to them plus it will hurt the economy which
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republicans can then blame on obama so the g.o.p. had a difficult time hiding their excitement or are they worried that the price of oil may get too and make renewable energy more viable jamie i'm just wondering when would the someone's going to debunk this story about this this saudi nexus to keep the price of oil high like they did during the bush administration when the when the price of oil went up it was because of that supposedly because there's evil connection going to saudi arabia bush you saw the front page of this financial times saudi arabia comes to the rescue basically they're opening the spigot straight up with the idea that when prices rise there is something to do with an evil connection with the president only seem to be something that has. during the bush administration not going to fall evisceration the factors which turmoil in the middle east crisis of oil have risen as you said there is one decent side effect of that and that is that more incentive is given to find a way to have a new ball of energy resources i'm impressed and i think it's time you know nobody ever seems to me is concerned about what's going on in the middle east and so the average american until you know oil and gas prices start rising and we really saw
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it this week and i just think that. i think maybe it's time for us to tap into their emergency sources of parts resources used drilling and more drilling off the coast which broke a bone and not let us which was the reason why it they're just going to guess in the over my light is like over as easily as you were over here three forty nine because we won't rule in this country we have coal around supposed to droop not supposed to my coal we won't build nuclear power plants we won't even build windmills and now the left is going to have to make a run at solar power we're not supposed to have energy i mean supposed to have solar for years ever since i don't remember years have you said to me years i'd love to survive this year when you start saying we'll take a decade because if you started with that would be would not be a decade from now if you if you start now the decade will go quickly pulling out more carbon and throwing it in the atmosphere i believe it or should i believe it all i believe i believe you have to get our resources we have to tap every resource we have and also hope that we have entrepreneurs better integrated snowmageddon is right now we're having we're having weather circumstances we've never seen before
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that's not the reason i was sittin saturday that's all the center national oceanographic research and so that's not true scientists not just the week i mean the journal came out and said this is this is absolutely it was it is not it's a nailed down this is it's well it's a lot we will leave that it benefits from this in my opinion the oil guys from the coax to cheney to bush they don't care about the politics they make a fortune every year no matter what and then invest part of their fortune their pet politicians frankly in both parties to keep themselves getting richer and richer backstopping in tennessee a republican state. maker wants to make a practice of shari'a law punishable by up to fifteen years in prison bill claims that any adherence to shari'a law which includes religious practices like feet washing and daily prayers is treason so is the g.o.p. suffering from paranoid delusions and then jesus washed the feet of his disciples yes he did but i don't believe what he's trying to go after i think we all sort of talk about this should be a law in the instituted in europe is already causing problems but he's right in his
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head that off it when you try to. i am hoping that you actually understand how sharia law is being used in europe it's basically the virtually the same exact same thing as in the catholic church when a couple has a problem or a crisis they come in they say ok what are the catholic rules for this. news are you going to. courts in europe do not have any legal power but there are failing our faith and that's the same thing while that's my point this is the thing with the church it constrains society you know i mean it's the same thing with polygamy you constrain not talking to a polygamy but here i was holding auditions when you talk about we had some force in europe other places in the world is really insurance to society should you pass and i suppose it was ours and i suppose also we saw for this too there's two issues one is that israel are going to come to america you know it's not a large scale in a legalized way but in europe there are sections of control would that have people
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or groups within where they have been forced their own versions of sharia law which scolding has seemed to be have happened but it's there is it will people here are going to absolutely but sometimes against a lot of your young guy you know and i really i don't see why we need a log in sure i don't think that i can go through another do you think you should get your out here secrets earlier i think it's not a g.o.p. tactic that spread here and spread islam phobia but isn't the united states has its own must realize now can interfere with that i think you just mentioning it to people just scares the population and then you get right here in the population to the fact that we do have issues with radical islam in this country we keep having people arrested that's going to be likely heralded as the point is. why and i don't want to is exactly why i have twenty states proposals on the books or in some cases even was banning something the week that jamie you say it's never going to happen here. and only the serious concern of a large oh no he says educational build up i think it's designed it's got national to get people to talk about the problems we have with the other bills really freaked out over not only already having wasn't stone we already had a lobbying instituted places in the middle east. for example reduce the risk of
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another perspective terrorists the texas again so far nothing to do it but it has to do with the problem of radical islam and i think that's what he's trying to raise the issue for. radicalizing because even if we stop driving around town there are not many civilians where you are where we disagree that's ridiculous there are dropping bombs is not what radical i am going to try to block canada but they could be trying to build a party where i want to travel x. ray but you just base and send troops to iraq so that's that's the reason why we went to the coalition why is it why did not. because we tried to help kuwait we didn't push so i'm adequate we were we weren't in afghanistan before we want to hear but why did they pick up the towers. because osama bin laden wanted to go from a little to a small time thug with maybe twenty thousand followers to be nobody should drop and that's would use a drop or two by somebody gave terrorism just ok it's actually it's not it's a really hard with regard to israel actually i'm frankly a little more worried about christian and jewish law both exodus and deuteronomy
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the source of the ten commandments say explicitly that a boy who speaks up against his father should be stoned to death and my son is kind of uppity we have a question republicans going to force me to follow christian concerns final question quickfire as we mentioned earlier scott walker was prank call this week but he's not the first republican politician to suffer from the sort of embarrassed and we all remember nicole nicolas sarkozy who's nailing kalen prank against her appeal and he doesn't question is who's going to be the next prominent republican pranked a glenn beck receiving a phone call from the muslim brotherhood and buy into their secret socialist take over of europe be rand paul receiving a call from the n.w. c p s going to be the keynote speaker at their next conference or see michelle bachmann receiving a call from gerber's asking her to be the next most woman for their free about breast pump get away from ocean. jamie oh i'm not a mind reader i can't i can't say. i said none of the above none of. it was going to be i think it's going to be noted above but i think it's going to be
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getting her dream call to join dancing with the stars oh interesting. well i think it could be i think the people really get the people who are all working for george soros and are going to be out there protesting for morrow in fact i think around the country if you want out organising operation i thought it was a grassroots organization just you were talking about all billionaires the left is the clear are you going to put your own house first or anyone actually i think the answer is and it's going to be john boehner who was recently prank called by his tanning salon take a look. here hello speaker boehner i'm calling from capitol hill to insulate you know unfortunately with this continuing military for continue to discount from. jamie weinstein and your show hussein gainer thank you all for being.
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the providence rhode island school board just said no terminations letters to two thousand teachers no city essentially telling them that they could lose their job before the next school year this is the latest attack on teachers around our nation as states struggle balance their budgets following three decades of tax cuts for the very rich but are teachers really the problem when it comes to budget deficits are they the ones who are overpaid real. back in two thousand and nine the american people were outraged a few months earlier they just handed over seven hundred billion dollars to wall street at the behest of president george w. bush and former goldman sachs c.e.o. then secretary treasury and paulson who warned that if the taxpayers didn't pay up our economy would collapse the market had frankly already tanked caking with many
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of the state's pension funds and other investments creating huge budget crises that persisted this day with a few months after one firm on wall street i.g. the firm cash their check from us taxpayers they turned around and paid their traders over one hundred sixty five million dollars in bonuses and they in turn then bailed out goldman sachs and paulson's old firm to the tune of over thirty billion dollars ever a.g. was on the verge of bankruptcy just a few months earlier but after the cash infusion they suddenly had enough money to pay thousands of their employees the people who crashed the system millions of dollars needless to say a lot of people were upset so democrats had an idea confront what they saw as a clear waste of taxpayer funds they proposed a bill in congress and went through the house of representatives it would assess a ninety percent tax on all bonuses paid out to banks toure's who earned more than a quarter million bucks a year to discourage the banks from just taking our money and put it in their
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pockets and it dried perfectly with the mood in america at the time it was the right thing to do well more than half of the republicans in congress more than half disagree and voted against the bill and even though they were claiming at the same time that our nation was broke they voted against the bill so lacking a law that said they couldn't just give our men into it to themselves he's very same banks toure's row bonus checks to themselves for over a thousand million a billion of your dollars. so now let's fast forward two years since today states are facing budget deficits because of an economic disaster caused by the very same banks toure's who got bailed out and paid themselves massive bonuses but unlike two years ago republicans they do think that someone is overpaid and let me give you him they're not talking about the banks tears and target about teachers from chris christie in new jersey and john case that you know how to scott khadafi he's the walker in wisconsin republican governors are going after teachers claiming they've
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been paid too much and they've lived off the gravy train for too long that it's time to cut back and these governors have the support of republicans in congress like speaker of the house john boehner two years ago better voted against cutting bank executives bonuses today he supports cutting teachers' salaries his republican chris christie the governor of new jersey talking about it to a teacher in his state. he would. say let me hear you and you're. right. i. can see the need for my education and you're not compensating me for my experience that well you know what that you don't have to do it. then you don't have to do it but who's going to do it governor and here's scott walker earlier this week on public employees and teachers. it's time for us to balance the budget
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one of the best ways we can do it is tackling these public employee wage and benefit issues and for us we're asking for something that is bold politically no doubt about it any time you chairman says quote it's going to be bold as we've seen in the past week but bustin unions isn't all that bold if you're a republican governor that on my show this week i had a reporter from the conservative web site the daily caller who wrote a piece claiming that teachers make more money than they're letting on. take a look at what he had to say. how much should he make. that's not for me to decide but the point is that even people why should he buy should he not have to pay for his benefits when the rest of the country does is he special because he's a teacher or a company is broke in wisconsin they can't afford to give these kind of benefits to teachers anymore which any public sector employees so this is the message is coming from the right we simply can't afford to pay teachers a middle class salary anymore so who do you think is to pay too much but wall street executives who got bailed out and paid them selves of billions of dollars are the average teacher was constantly takes on forty five thousand
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a year plus of care in a pension which one of these people can the american people no longer afford to support with their tax dollars but wall street executives and major republican donors who gambled with our money and swindle our nation into a depression are the teachers in wisconsin minor but not irrelevant democratic donors who educate thousands of our children and prepping for jobs in the future it's pretty obvious stuff folks i mean out of all that the average teacher with his or her salary of forty five grand is paying an x. rate of around twenty five percent plus around thirteen percent in social security taxes yet most of the wall street banks there's got a special break in the bush tax cuts so while the average income for the top hedge fund managers and wall street is two billion a year these guys only pay a tax and income tax of fifteen percent and are less than one percent social security taxes so who should be making the sacrifices in this time of fiscal uncertainty the republicans have made their choice it's time for the rest of us to make ours let's stand up for our teachers or cops or firefighters or janitors and
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working people all across the nation and put an end to this economy of the rich by the by the rich roll back the reagan tax cuts and don't forget democracy begins with you ted your it get out there to act as you. the bulk flu. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the last series on the future of coverage. wealthy british scientists. let.


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