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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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you know live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. a. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find on mainstream news. coming out of the so called me all the political. posts and more on our team just lost. your flimsy lowen back you guys told rachel about these women nothing people are
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suggesting she's told her no she says she's a porn star. please . love.
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time for tool time and it's real time award goes to the georgia congressman paul broun out of town hall on tuesday this congressman as asked by an elderly man in the audience who's going to shoot obama that's right a man in a town hall with a congressman asked that question and the only way that anyone even found out about it was in the comments section of the athens banner herald where somebody posted a comment detail of the incident so you would think that the proper response would be to immediately condemned this lunatic right to condemn violence against elected officials especially considering the tragedy that just happened in tucson arizona but if you thought that that was the only sane response the congress would have to a question about assassinating a president then you would be wrong because according to two witnesses who spoke in a talking points memo the congressman laughed at the question along with the majority of the people inside the town hall that's right he laughed at the idea of
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the assassination of the president now he then went on to seemingly validate finance crazy question by saying the following he said the thing is i know there's a lot of frustration with this president we're going to have an election next year hopefully will like somebody that's going to be a conservative limited government president who will take a smaller and who will sign a bill to replace written rip. he'll obamacare so instead of calling this person out for his question he agreed a lot of people were frustrated with the president and then built a little pitch for why we needed someone new in office i say that it's high time for elected officials on both sides of the aisle to stand up to their fringe supporters stand up to these crazies i think agrees office is now realize that as they since issued a statement calling the question of warrant and you know what guys i think that it's a little bit too late and that's why georgia congressman paul broun winter nights
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to a time lord. anyone who's crushing hard on the heidi from work may have heard about the latest app to his facebook it's called waiting room and it's a great way for you to monitor the relationship status of your crush online here's how it works so you sign up for the app and you indicate your interest in a person who's already in a relationship that person then gets a notice in their inbox that you have a crush on that and if or when that person becomes signal single your identity is revealed now there's no way that this thing works i'll believe it all because personally i haven't done any notices in my inbox yet but all joking aside to say we also out there think that this app might cross the line i mean not only does allow stalkers to keep better tabs on your relationship status but the app also kind of encourages someone's you consider ending their already existing relationship with apps has this comment on it they say if you're already in a relationship waiting room will give you the confidence to become single again if
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that's what you really want now i don't know about this i mean this sounds even more bizarre than the breakup notifier app that had to be taken down after three days because people were so weird out by them personally i think this gets a very high rating on the creepy meter frankly makes me uncomfortable that there's an app out there that hints to people in relationships that there are other options out for them and i mean you know just kind of sounds a little weird if you ask me but let's not forget this thing also is a stockers dream so look out well i might sound like fun to you to find out that someone out there has a crush you may wish you had broken up with your significant other on the identity of the person who's crushing on you does finally become revealed. now despite efforts to cut back on defense spending the u.s. has just awarded a thirty five billion dollars contract to create military refueling tankers and i guess the contract comes as no surprise granted to the air force has been talking
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about this project for years and many knew that the government expressed interest in strengthening their bond with europeans by giving them more government contracts but some analysts were a little caught off guard when they learned that boeing was the one to actually wind it rather than eads as most people originally assumed saliva change well it turns out that it all comes down to lobbying each dropped about three million to convince lawmakers boeing actually spends seventeen point eight million dollars just in lobbying efforts that is a massive amount of money especially for a company who is facing a serious financial problem just a few years ago an air force secretary michael donley claims of the distress signal was made through a thorough and transparent selection process but looking at their lobbying efforts you tell me if this really seems thorough and transparent to you now keep in mind back in two thousand and eight when word first got out about getting government contracts there was a big backlash especially guess who. and in fact they were so angry about the
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europeans that they issued five press releases stating all the flaws in the government's decision and they practically begged to reconsider their decision and that said let's shed some light on the air force's history with violent back in two thousand and two emails were exchanged between pentagon officials on talk of building these refueling tankers first came up and if from the pentagon made it sound like the air force was deal would it be with boeing that they just had it in the bag they said we all know this is a bailout for boeing why don't we just bite the bullet now boeing was struggling financially at the time and this deal was looked at as a way to save the company from going under even if it was more costly for taxpayers . but an investigation of coast pushed those original efforts under the rug until now and when boeing magically suddenly has enough money to lobby their way into a thirty five billion dollars deal because it always helps when you have the air force on your side. senate majority leader harry reid shocked everyone but here
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now thirty he thinks the time has come for nevada to outlaw prostitution during a speech in carson city he got for the senator in the audience who are a brothel owner legal prostitutes and illegal industries. so according to reports his speech just bought he heard cricket it takes and despite the fact that prostitution was just a tiny little portion of the overall speech it was the only thing the reporters wanted to ask about afterwards and the move was pretty odd for reid who've never taken a stance before but considering the state faces a one point five billion dollar deficit he decided to make it a matter of economic development the businesses couldn't believe they'd be setting up shop in a country where the largest vary county excuse me where the largest business is legal prostitution but could nevada be missing a much bigger opportunity here to cash in by taxing the sex industry earlier i
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caught up with dennis hof owner of the moonlight bunny ranch and the love ranch and he's also been seen on h.b.o. cat house i first asked him why he thinks harry reid made that statement there's no legislation on the books he's never taken his version before so it doesn't really make any sense. i hear you get his roots you know he grew up when he cared. your notice will his mother. who will work in doing laundry he brought all girls to forty years that you know. he's never probably all it all you know old because the legislature or there's a big problem or i think it is is is just a smokescreen. because you know that. the issue is we need more who came in voting. hello text your spics percentage wise it's a ton of money what's local here who tonight city of new orleans and all that so
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everybody syntax the game a little more the other thing is the minute it was for united it is free from some deals they made with the state of hundred twenty years ago paid very little we need more but here is kids a lobbyist for the right industry so taught don't look at me and ask for money for my an ungainly look at them workers over there let's get rid of the hookers and it's an absolute smokescreen the only thing i think it is is that it's a bit of a payback because during the last election of the seventeen counties in the bat. fifteen rural parents of the fifteen rule counties only one would carry so i'm sure he's say oh you know what let's think of it this take a look at what he would see how they could have ambulances there in my county last night county and say the biggest it killed was all the ambulance and then once the medical in my little boy's landcare he is all the police cars in the medical center
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all over the state it's like it was money is it really needed for the rule carrots say you think there could be a little bit of payback as i was wondering if aristide i mean harry isn't getting any younger we could say maybe he was getting a little more conservative with his views because you know one of her statements that he made as to change was almost a factor of shame in saying that parents didn't want their kids and their school buses driving by caracal as are growing up in a city that had the wrong kind of red lights what do you think about that police just told it was because they're in outlying areas that it typically did just illyria's there's exome also there is those schools already it is just it's a small stream it is the said was that it is better business. development just fuel development in the better and he used the example i bet. you want to go to this that does your car and he said well he didn't tell you that
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a mile from us was walworth it is center in the united states the biggest ship in receiving said here that there are very very southern baptists religious organization also didn't tell you that because of the never do yesterday company that you talked about signed the contract in. part as are they going to go for it they said you know what sort i call the northern nevada development authority who were also rather somebody that is very right no absolutely not in all the years i've done this job nobody's ever said there. well they do say use some of the strobe by the place will these be ok as series was filmed to see that place is unique it's a tourist attraction in itself. and napoli is using but i wonder too you know what isn't unique right now is that say nevada itself has a one point five billion dollar budget deficit states across the country are all in financial trouble right now do you think that if more states have
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a legal brothel in the street one that also could be tax and i know the if you fought many times in the state of nevada that you could also be taxed there to be able to contribute and that would help you know fill up some of those budget gaps absolutely w's those their constituents there is this say going to be sure says there's thirty two thousand prostitutes work illegally so the game nobody three thousand their kids it was just a joke he's a forty seven percent in each one of those cases is possible six hundred thousand dollars to we care for instead of ten million a year policing prosecution we can take here twenty five million in taxes into these if you can do it across the nation is going to hell is going to be the cure all but it's a social problem that needs to be dealt with the better we're all here is right the rest of the he's all. right there are clearly very is
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a desire there for prostitution for this industry and i've been to some of the ranch is i've been a chicken ranch out there in in nevada and i got to say that it was a clean place with a nice place the girls that i spoke to were happy there because they called like they were safe and they were out on the streets but how do you get the rest of america actually have an active discussion about this i mean it is very taboo. saludos it was. peter and i talked to everybody so they will also leak was beth hughes and i know everybody is. so we're talking politics from talking to senators . all or if they're all agreed you would you like to limit exploitation of women in america and the sex was as yes would you like to get z's of the workplace of the sex workers yes you want to take drugs out of the workplace assessment yes it will right down the line until you say who would you want to be the first of all tell
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your kids or your church group your progress that you should all get a state nobody's got a word to say nobody is just dummy up and apparently harry reid has now joined those ranks but we'll see if that backfires for him politically that is thanks so much for joining us and you know because like with business over there. then he read then harry reid. oh i've got one more break on the program but when we come back we'll have our fireside chat about how obama has abandoned the rhetoric and ideas of his campaign and it's time for happy hour a look at everything from mom putting her naked daughter on the internet to charlie sheen's latest rant that finally caught. the look. at what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to didn't break through that sort of being made who can you trust no one who is
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interview with the global machinery see where are we heading state controlled capitalism it's called the satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. leg. lifts. the. lists. lists. the things oh the the so.
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hey guys welcome to shelley tell me alone a show we heard with our guests not to say on the topic now we want to hear our audience just go on to you tube the video response or the twitter first part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday with the show your responses we've played your voice. in tonight's by inside your home. as we've been watching protests take place in wisconsin for eleven days straight spread to other states over collective bargaining rights for public unions there's one question that's
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been on many minds where is obama to the president so far made only one statement in respect to this issue calling it an assault on unions and ok that worked first a couple of days and what eleven days into tens of thousands of americans coming out on the streets is that really a no well it definitely isn't if you consider this video that's come out from two thousand and seven when then candidate obama was still on the campaign trail he made quite a lofty promise there take a listen. but the workers are being their right to organize and collectively what on the one of those. comfortable pair of shoes i. think. isn't that something i'll walk into a picket line with you with a comfortable pair of shoes well guess what collective bargaining rights are being
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threatened american workers workers are picketing and the president is nowhere to be found he's not planning on walking with you he's going around on air force one and in fact he's not even planning on visiting the consulate period what a difference a few years can make right well actually i say wrong. see i don't honestly believe that obama has changed since he was campaigning but he now faces two tough but political situation to act on his work now i just don't think that he ever meant it because much like most politicians don't need a whole lot of what they say these days the line is that all politicians lie and they all make promises that they don't teach and for some reason we just accept them as if it's standard practice as if it always has been always will be that way and there's nothing that we can cue about it so they just go on doing it telling guys making stuff up to make you and i feel good when we're listening to them speak when we're in the crowd getting all wrapped up in their charms their beautifully written speeches floating all to some dream like and hoping that we will ever have
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to come back to reality and you know that that was the case for a lot of voters in two thousand and eight but i'm calling b.s. on it politicians do not have to get away with it if we don't let them and we don't just lie down and take it make some noise get a write letters post videos call him out and make him show us his walking shoes. we're learning a whole journey will you marry. peter will you marry me it's friday what up. well you might want to i want to laugh but i would. really really.
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thank you for your. book especially the uniform. speaking of the internet by the way everybody. today joined by jenny churchill and peter happened after grace was with her presence because her mother is putting her on the internet right now as we speak right now. this is really just horrible because there's this chinese mother who posted a video of her twenty six year old daughter like getting out of the shower naked online because she's trying to marry her off and basically she's saying like what's wrong with you you know i don't you describe your back anymore husband should you better your husband it's not tiger mom like poor mom yes a little crazy i mean first of all when you watch the video she walks up to her and has this video camera face and the woman just goes about her business like if my mom god forbid were to walk up to me with you know a camera phone in my face i'd say mom what are you doing i have you know i'm
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watching one and secondly this woman is obviously not going to go mother of the year although i did i may be able to i would give her my diaries yes we're trying to tie her to the extreme here yeah i mean i think that it just shows a vast difference in culture you know in china apparently it's something exceptional to do things like this probably not that there's been outreach all over asia but you know i think that in china people are supposed to get married younger if you're not married by a certain age it's weird and people get upset. here in america people kind of try to hold out as long as they can especially men i guess and actually men are equivalent might be like putting a picture that your mom put on your picture on my space or something or they see your match dot com i'm sure there are some parents out there that have created some match dot com profiles for their children but i means business. naked shower video is that really necessary the part that gets you we're talking about is the other day to you is you know china has
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a serious shortage of the males right now thanks to their one child policy that the entire population is so even so i mean there's kind of be something wrong when you have to post videos of her and it can get very is a surprising thing apparently this is a chinese actress she went and posted on her blog and really yes she admitted to it yes she wrote a blog and she said you know guys i can't yes my mom made that video i'm not mad at my mom because she's my mom it was probably not the best thing to do you know whatever i want to get at the moms in on the entire scheme this is all just to you know promote her popularity as an actor and she got her video got three million hits there's. obviously work to go mom smarter than i packed my dear mom is trying to cash in on her daughter gets all those tracks now moving on this is something you know we talk about media a lot the development of it so rockville central is now going to become the first face book only news outlet they take in their entire local news blog i just posted
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it all on facebook so you don't have to go to a blog anywhere you just log into your facebook account is that the way of the future or is that just kind of cheap i mean it's interesting because when you look at the new sites now you know c.n.n. dot com new york times dot com the first thing you see is this interaction with facebook you see what your friends are looking at and you see you know that you can sign in with your facebook account and this is taking it to the next level i mean to me and makes a lot of sense because we spend all our time on facebook we get our news from people's postings why not go where the fish are i mean i get you're saying i think there's definitely a point to that however they have to give up all their advertising revenue this is no longer a money making venture so i mean because you can't have your own ads i have a stock facebook can still i guess maybe you can get some tracks from facebook but you have to give up all. well your average and they say it's kind of a you know an experiment in community experience that's what makes it so much
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boring they're not even making money off of a hope you know it's not boring they have to actually charlie sheen charlie sheen charlie sheen everyone's favorite train wreck totally an entire region all those others in my book even going crazy and he went on this rant on alex jones radio show last night which in result is going fired we have a little clip that we're going to fight to the audience. but i got i got my take i got poetry much bigger. after. you know i mean that you can bro and i why would destroy you and here are. over eighteen bro . this includes naps like you and i don't believe he could do more napping than we . and his i can turn ten cans of gold i think but it's actually kind of sad because charlie sheen clearly has a problem and you know we'll see work goes the next couple days now apparently the news late today was that h.b.o. offered him his own show for five million dollars an episode well that's what he
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was claiming but then i thought that was denying that because you know he obviously has some beef with the driver and we see so he was saying i give five million an episode but i can say about us when our highest paid actor on t.v. is a prostitute loving drug doing lunatic i don't know well i mean that image really works for him and one of the reasons it really works for him it was because that was the character that he was playing on the show he's kind of this rare exceptions where it was a matter of getting to the end i was enough so for not acting basically i think what really bothers me is when charlie is accused of domestic. and you know hiding hookers in the closet and we see it's like oh and charlie two week break then he criticizes the creator of the show and they're like but you know cross the line. goodbye wow that's just that's right you don't criticize your boss for the razor good i like that in his interview also later in the interview he talks about major
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league which is one of my favorite movies and says that he's going to make a third version of the movie which makes me really excited so i hope he sobers up and you know i love that just shows you how much he's still living you know in those delusional glory days of when charlie sheen was actually a hollywood star thanks so much for joining me for happy hour cheers juristic happy friday i'll be throwing up there tonight show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back on monday the latest news from wisconsin i mean union battles that are shaping up across the rest and the meantime don't forget to become a fan appeal or show on facebook and all of us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch all of the dot com slash the a lot of show where you post the interview as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the us around.
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the official publication. called touch from the i.q. . life on the. line old comes. just feeds. on the com. a telemarketer broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. if
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