tv [untitled] February 26, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EST
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the enclosed in the radio the leader should be the children's church in new delhi who took the money maybe the to seriously remove the clothes and. made in search of . the leader medicine cheerfully was punished with a precocious cut. on the back here with our t. here's a look at the top stories as a government on the rest of the arab world reaches a critical point to libya with protesters in control both parts of the country and call but they are tribes and forces previously roils a longtime leader of colonel gadhafi are believed to be switching the lives of the growing numbers. to be a crisis triggers oil price hikes affecting the global cost of everything from transport the food and their viewers in the rail canonical covering the u.s. and around the world. and. the u.k.
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is under fire for your decision to after dr julian assad to sweden over rape allegations massacre and say it exposes the opposite of a justice system that provides asylum to number of suspected war criminals and terrorists. the banisters whilst rape of first brings up the point watching the winter games as a winning mascot for the sochi olympics is due to be announced later ten candidates are currently running netting their final solution why the contest. doesn't have eyes here nancy coming up the president of russia's institute of the middle east how sad some light on the turmoil in the region and north africa and the factor will have on the region and the world.
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hello again the welcome to spotlight the interview show on our state i'll bring up and today we're talking about the i radiant turmoil after a relatively peaceful change of power in two nations popular undressed started spreading over the arab world the long standing the regime in egypt fell after weeks of bloodshed the regime of gadhafi is fighting violently to keep power in libya what's behind these riots and what may the changing regimes mean for the rest of the world let's ask to give guinea sat down last night the president of the institute for the middle east. after forty years in power libyan dictator killing a gadhafi he's very close to defeat the military machine launched against his own
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people has left hundreds dead yet the demonstrators are standing firm a libyan revolt is part of the unrest which rippled through north africa and the middle east in russia the leadership is worried the chaos in the arab world could become third trial ground for terrorists prime minister putin says that if islam has get more of a foothold in the region he will easily be able to reach the caucasus in russia south. home is the circle of skin the world coming to the show thank you for being with us first questioners what do you think are the fundamental reasons this popular is because it's not as easy as al qaida started it or washington better rounded they're. all there are different answers on this question somebody thing that maybe this all us commission of united states or maybe he's a real somebody is
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a year of. radical islamists somebody's brother muslim movement somebody or something or another are but the real answer please everybody and do something against everybody in this world some plans the situation is so bad. there that little sum arisen of for this effort in such stable regimes this include leisure egypt or some super of stairways we can see before but may be not so true in the lead our united states and europeans democratize the region in a different foundation and person notice that i can draw. well this waltz system which try find jobs for people. reason for the nation after colts' of the soviet union as well all of the world against georgia in new greener
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russia and china and india and the muslim regimes in this concrete its police in this concrete tunnel it's the revolutions of them the brothers most of them whole dipping it's all work and work and work well hardly against the former regime seemed huge for example you give me a couple of more specific question libya is could there be history or does he have means to to to to cling to power. they have no chance no trials well i'm not sure that anybody really be able to get this situation when libyans were killed by people from africa people from cronies years somebody who when we you start born in your own capital and some other settlers you're not mellowed it was a mistake it was the not the mistake for there was the principle ideal of these men
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which means he's not a leader over illusion he's a dick latterman for all the living who can have his own people but he still he still is there what's his support base who supports him. still the year because. he hath some small resources but even his truck not will cause for the credit for there are some a leader's sort of for his clan or against you or he is not supported by any broad even iranians who will not ruin his regime like they tried do this in the siege of the not touch us in the car and the brothers muslims are there with things that can breath and must be killed because of all this blood on the streets of libyan cities what if regime have some resource any regime will be saddam hussein regime or cheney's regime will remember the plan and main. school year. or
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iranian regime if we say about the ahmadinejad and the green revolution which also was president but it was very religious what happened in iran. years ago we remember it yes but it had a very very strong religious flu what's happening in the middle middle east well despite the muslim brotherhood it's not religious at all or maybe a mistake of. the a mistake in both cases because in iran we have no situation when the first and second generation of the ayatollah send their children who pushed old know the general saw the military service a little my initial and there are many support them this way to nineteen thirty seven the great terror or in our own country stalin done also well at all as an oddball surely as well through prayer as absolute for saying in libya the situation is not so clear because up to my view step by step. two years later five years
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later ten years later maybe twenty five the brothers mostly we'll take power in their hands you sure and maps a little bit of the restoration of the turkey because the the royal family of living here they live in london and they say they're ready to come back to me when i was what would all be year for some period made me although there was such discussion about the afghanistan but we remember what was the taliban more rounds and was tossed all of them a lot also some are religious and the ultra religious groups in coalition was army maybe in college and was local tribal leaders maybe in question was market maybe a step by step they'll move to islam is ation of all this and then we'll have the situation what will. over the last week several hundred russians have been taken home from the turbulent situation in libya spotlights ago of the need of has more
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in. the uprising in libya history due to the bloodiest dougal the arab several hundred. bill repeated dead and over four thousand injured in the first week of violence one more could laugh eeprom mr rivers of blood for those trying to work through his regime he reportedly would be army to use this strikes against the demonstrators something he denies though several european countries including russia have sent special planes to the troubled north african country to bring their citizens back home month relearned they're shooting there it's dangerous to go out after five pm some places they have even been bombings. it was a risk getting to the airport because after. it's already curfew i was lucky that a friend of mine one of the locals agreed to take me to be able to look it up at the bridge when it all began and you know the city can really scared i don't know
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where it is a civil war or some plans play is it when you sit at home and he machine guns shoot you that's really scary. most all of the people who had to leave their jobs behind and so they were hoping for a peaceful solution to the conflict and an opportunity to go back to be it has been open to russian investment since two thousand and eight when prime minister putin visited the country with a delegation of businessman and several deals were struck. to russian all giants have been working in the country and after and gas boom the russian ruiz company you are the big project in libya for building a high speed drill whaling there was due to be finished in two thousand and twelve taken to promote spirit has built more than six hundred kilometers of electricity transmission facilities in the country and now the future of the russian projects in libya is under question. well this actually was a good question you give me do you think russia and also some western countries
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will they keep the look of contracts that they got out of the khadafi regime really will see or not we have so many conflicts in iraq me for the iranian revolution i have so many contacts with the europeans before the russian revolution and then as i understand well more century later we normalize all relations with europe. i'm not sure that will be libya as one can't really leave disintegrate just because some people well when a part of the country is there and the revolutionary control the other product interests and that is controlled it may appear for part of you think it's possible everything is possible in this world look at iraq we could have got us there are no more countries. there are terrorists where the formal one got down saddam which has been officially formally not one state and that's not the end look at the african troubles let me also the african country and the african borders will change
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dramatically so so you think we live in a period of the center gratian we live in interesting times like cheney's see god help you not lead an interest in a child to live in times of change and. you give me such enough ski. spotlight today and just a reminder that we're talking about the situation in the middle east again sometimes he is the president of the institute for middle east based here last spotlight will be back after we take a short break we'll continue this sense of you in the studio in less than a minute so stay with us don't.
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play. well into the. period in the blizzard of the winter blues get to slow sin try out some new ten rushes got the olympic caliber excitement in its southern melting. trainers to keep you in top form and watch you walk on the goal line carving the trail to sochi twenty four to one technology update here on our we've got the future covered. plus a team spain to the clergy and republic. center of russian defense production. if you know how while she heads to central russia. city crafts become an industry. club the harsh winter makes posts even more enjoyable plunge whenever you can train
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welcome back to spotlight i'm outgrowing oven just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is here guinea supply lawsky president of the institute for the middle east and we are talking about the situation in northern africa in libya where the revolution is going now and also in other countries that have been the places after popular unrest and troubles all may
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become such places in the near future but first i want to ask you if guinea what may be the consequence of the libyan revolution for the world markets for the gas market because gadhafi says he'll be he'll be switching off he'll be shutting down the pipelines europe is also all reacting already by a rise unprecedented rise in prices will this continue. this will continue. so it's not here to nigeria. which maybe is possible in this case and european markets will rule or oil and gas from the northern africa so important france for spain are the. most dangerous for talent balance off economy around twenty percent of. from a little bit more than that's not only can i look at. what's in the nearest
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future hundreds of thousands of people from tunisia and libya to the territory of european countries what will europeans do with this well let's hear what prime minister putin had to say about the rising oil prices. here all nothing good will come out of it so we're very seriously we are not interested in energy prices drawing of them without limit everything is interrelated and like other in producing countries our economies more diversified and we're actually emphasizing in the b. to b. destry is how can we deal with those but we told you that this will not happen by the way i would like to see that in all our projects. infrastructure projects to deliver our carbons c. to europe to the european market even the north stream south stream especially in.
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this situation would not be as restrictive for europe had we had these two projects already working. well the prime minister of russia speaking in brussels seemed concerned about the situation well he many would think he should have been glad because i russia is a big gas producing country but. still despite the concerns of mr putin is it still good news for russia in the short run can russia exploit the situation to confer its reputation has there as a reliable partner. those with some cherished us give us some possibilities sometimes a reward a crisis in every possible nuclear we have. general troubles on the security with the middle east and problems on oil not on calculus
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and muslim terrorists that's very be an issue for russia not only this characters' we have hundreds and hundreds radicals who come back from our universities or maybe in future from the bomb damascus from pakistan and all tried estable are severe in our own church we have through all these gaps in our budget where the real way i mean is the electricity companies and songs on science and so on the mood to belong conscious will be ruined in libya in other countries maybe and there's a good new we have some possibility to agree on the world market so the process for them against this is the balance so use there is nothing good and bad there is something we should we maybe can use for obama you know above the limit of negative view is so big oh well. you already said guinea that you think that we are witnessing a time of. this integration and islam is
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a shoot out of the arab world in north africa but in. the time being what kind of regimes will replace the following dictatorships in these countries which is a home washing line brass of things that will be assigned more or less than style democratical regimes sound science and so on up to my mind that will be part of all our coal regimes was a breeding a level of political islam islam was upgraded in serious. all of the chocolate you oughta moment are of the little girl and there are no gun and. based not on their peers or for islamic revolution but on the ideas of. she parsi in pyar me you nationalist in power like we look to lebanon in syria in my return air. long distance from the iranian borders
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for the decay of the whole arab world and maybe the whole united nation for it was only on the israeli palestinian and israeli arab. that is the minimal mini moral conflict told the whole region this is practically nothing if we can be millions and millions of refugees we have now on sudan and afghanistan and for iraq its million refugees was nobody given the status of refugees so it's once up eith the arab world itself and the world community not understand what's in the region and the will to work with the normalization situation in summit this will be only the beginning and libya will be not the last oh so long or wheat in least of the revolutionary situations what regina's could be next to for the train yemen maybe so directly and maybe even jordan where situation is
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a very very unstable saudi arabia. is on the list and if that will be so the small monarchies of the gulf only in huge danger are look at algeria civil war the wars all dolled bio the efforts of president put a fluke but their results there of margaret there are some of the crowd as there is experience of people in tunisia and leave the ship are that's a very dangerous situation and if it will be something like something serious on the libyan level and i'm sure that the morrow will be such table as of now practically the whole world from america to pakistan from someone i wish just now is destroyed to the russian border is under attack of the revolutionary deals it's like was in europe our third nineteen seventeen we're there with no more reason no republics on the whole europe which was stable after you guinea russia gave the
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world an example that. the revolutions in their very traditional societies don't necessarily lead to modernization of the society any social modernization will. do you think that what we're witnessing in the arab world which is a very traditional society will it really lead to modernization to what americans call democracy the new life new attitude or will i would be just a change of elite you know will be a change of really in the middle east the democratization wein be a rules of the big group or destroy the small groups that's not the rules of minorities democracy this and all the rules of personality to democracy look at iraq and this is the example of what i mean democratization in the traditional arab world even in the more them and secular string worse than letting them there but
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there it is for these so democratic centralism. radicalism of all plumps islamism of all types of corruption of all types new once a bump or soon but one small sub one percent on his plate is this the blues ition big block millions of refugees first of all religion minorities and intellectuals that is the result of such prohibitions your remarkable men you agreed to talk about the future so i'll be continuing asking you questions about the future what do you think will be the prove the revealing ideology after the former dictator should moderate islam media local charity liberalism relational ism socialism or communication the center will be salon or the type of socialism there are worlds french the type of or nationalism of the secular. the next
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generations will have no success but it will be islam more than a liberal political reddick the revolutionary terrorists. well some barbarian type of slimy islam awaken taliban. movement a sharp marble crowd of margaret hall knows different corners will have different possibilities i'm not sure there will be some color from. programmers. different countries different nations it will trouble plan and trouble place for the do you think. will will be able to capitalize on these events they go eleven hundred percent then the question is home is there the brand that's corporation which is death central rounds there's not one tire political movement in different countries and different areas in margaret marshall there are different type of leaders and of course this plant islamic radicals who will take
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everything they can from this subject well as we see even could death even a strong can their faith is not able to to. stay in power in case of such wild rattle and rest so the only thing as it seems to me is for the always did this these in their world to try to surveil reform or of themselves are they capable of reform the themselves where they are do it hundred percent it's possible it is learn a question of time in our comptroller and originator so they have to do what the only thing we have in this planet is time. three generations minimum around seventy five eighty years and everything will be more or less normal all better than our thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest on the show today was give guinea second nasty the president of the institute of the middle east and that's it for now from all of us
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here if you want to have yourself part life just drop or walk hoover back with more first our comments on what's going on in and outside russia and they are hearty and taking a sip. good summer. excellent professional. extravagance bunch possessing an extra ordinary car. the doctor who helped many people in his country. political criminal responsible for thousands of deaths. was it an attempt to repent. or just escape
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