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tv   [untitled]    February 26, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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on see gadhafi protesters take control over most of libya as the country slides from. the even crisis triggers the oil price hikes and threatens to derail global economic recovery there is concern in the u.s. over how it will affect the situation at home. the u.k. is under fire for the court decision to extradite join us to sweden which experts say exposed as they can prophecy of a justice system that provides asylum to a number of suspected more criminals and terrorists. basic truth you should read through a soil because if anybody can come here provided you. provided i got lots of money
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. out of the files straight from the first race of the twenty fourteen winter olympics as a winning mascot for the sochi games is due to be announced later. this is are to live from moscow with me marina joshie the bloodshed in the arab world continues as the leading army is once again reported to have fired live rounds at protesters and crippling forces loyal to longtime leader colonel khadafi are said to have lost control over most of the country's territory and some theory it could descend into complete chaos here all over our correspondent in the region has the latest. to get out the forces on the protesters have of arrested power away from us to control the way from. most of libya they are in control of the
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majority old the country starting out in the in the east of the nation in benghazi that's where they have a main stronghold they've spread that influence across the country leaving really only tripoli the capital in the hands hold the loyalists now there are those gadhafi loyalists that have been firing off protesters and its ability in using live rounds also mercenaries in the capital who would be using violence against these people wanting gadhafi out of power now the son of colonel gadhafi saif has said in a television broadcast that he and his father will not leave tripoli a life they will not leave libya a little while they were alive so would be his that they are trying to make a final stand as it were against these these protesters who want to see kind of about the step down now tripoli at the moment is ringed by tanks there are there are soldiers on the streets there now these soldiers being told have been warned by
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the united kingdom today that if they go defect from gadhafi they could face walk crimes charges for also hearing from a former u.s. diplomats at the country is descending into chaos gadhafi has made sure that no there is no other powers or the army is not power all the army is not a force for stability there is a very small book less very few are educated people in egypt so we're looking out across correct order chaos in libya that we were going to do you and the egypt and that's a very fearful thing if you continue to get worse and worse and. not just a few thousand but tens of thousands of people were killed so. we're looking at the complete integration of the country well if the country does completely collapse then the big question comes up what next. for libya colonel gadhafi is was no we friend of the west in the past few years he had developed relations with countries
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the united states and countries in the e.u. however he was stable and if he is toppled what comes in his place could it be a rather radical islamic state could we see something else there could we see another dictator military dictator take place. again so really if colonel gadhafi is removed from power a lot of questions arise about the future of libya the united states imposed sanctions on colonel gadhafi and his family and other libyan officials now it's being conned by the international community however that condemnation is being criticized in some circles is coming far too late and it's only words. are all of our reporting there are political journalist and any while told r.t. the west is advocating the spread of democracy across the region to control the politics of the arab world. western style democracy in its current state is far from what i would consider to be something that we should want it any of
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these countries i think i think if there's going to be democracy it should be democracy with a real change and a change that reflects democracy that actually benefits the people today's democracy is nothing more than a mainstream control mechanism through which the vast majority of the public can do nothing or are emotionally engaged in in situations that they don't even really realize what it is that they're voting for or approving and if you think that democracy which is supposedly what the u.s. is out there pushing and driving home for these people who need so much the philosophy of what they've developed and put together in any in the u.s. for example take a look at look at what they're doing any building bases in hundreds of the over one hundred different countries you know basically putting at the end of a gun the word democracy and shoving it down their throats i mean this is not democracy this is abuse this is nothing more than a system that is doomed to failure and as long as central banks continue to stand side by side in a democratic system like we have printing endless amounts of money which is devalued by devaluing by the minute we're not going to have anything more here than
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chaos that is used to mask that evaluation process and hopefully distract people from the overall fraud that's been perpetrated on western societies and that's democracy who'd want it. there less than barrel a former deputy editor of the british newspaper the nepad and thinks that the armies of libya's neighbors could intervene to oust gadhafi. because if the pulitzer continues if the days turn into weeks i do think there is a case where it's false we might look to some of this is to see if. there is very little army but it's mainly the police that mean. holed up in this season were people think years. of conclusions truth and good theater konami be almost seen as people who clearly it's a little getting rid of mubarak and they would be treated i think
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if they came in to try and get rid of three there is a possibility that we would be seen as a very very friendly force to come into such a general and also have your say about the situation levy and the fact that it will have for the region our website our t.v. . now in our online poll we are asking who could benefit from the rides in the arab world and these have been the results of the voting so far just under a third of that our people themselves stand to gain votes as they could be rewarded with democracy twenty five percent think that oil exporters will be the main beneficiaries sixteen percent say islamic radicals will profit from the chaos probably equal numbers fifteen and fourteen percent believe arms producers and the media will be benefiting the online voting as i'm going to have your say at any time by logging are there a website. turmoil in libya has sparked fears of oil prices jumping to a new high affecting the global cost of everything from transport to food with
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prices per barrel reaching a peak of one hundred nineteen dollars in the past few days analysts are warning of a threat to the economy of if revolts spread further in the region artie's davis asking explains how the problem is playing out in the us. three little letters. could have dire consequences on any. and here in the united states at will is sometimes also accompanied by three big words. and with those three words you got yourself a politically entrenched powerhouse will drill new wells shore and we'll drill them drill baby drill a dream. and the crisis in the middle east has only inflamed it so what we have now are soaring gas prices and fears of a relapse in the already weak economic recovery and on the heels of the unrest crude is heading for the biggest weekly increase in two years and when oil prices
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soar the price of food also skyrocket and so a vicious cycle begins for many americans a reality that is once again rally the base and its spokespeople but perhaps for the wrong reasons and whenever there's a crisis either here at home or abroad it's usually exploited politically by the government or the media it loves to hate gadhafi is now threatening to burn up the oil fields experts are predicting a worst case scenario of two hundred twenty dollars a barrel if that happens i don't believe that this this particular interruption of oil supplies will last very long so if you're trying to tie drilling offshore with what's happening in libya i think it's a bit of a stretch a stretch that some are all too willing to make the oil fields are on fire and we have no backup plan. well he has lifted the moratorium in the gulf for drilling oil sales to cast sunstein know all new permits have been issued the permits and backup
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plans aside what's really going to happen in an already ravaged economy are we see this in the middle east. and this in our very own midwest. so the last thing you need is the people who are. in the worst economic shape are the first ones to get hit by a gas prices and this will cause a lot of discomfort to a lot of people who don't need this bad news bad news recently at code by vladimir putin russia's prime minister said that the unrest in libya has driven crude prices beyond fair market levels endangering the global economy but here concerns of violence spreading to other oil producing nations in the region have been overshadowed and instead of asking how americans will cope with this are asking the question that never gets answered but at the same time seems to never get old who
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are our friends who are our enemies for our tea dina kosofsky. editor of foreign policy magazine steve levin believes that oil prices will reach their peak if the unrest in libya spreads to other countries in the region. the markets have been calm down over the last twenty four hours how do you arabia has gone around and quietly assured everyone we not only can add more volumes to the market but we have added these the falling the difference that would create a situation in which prices would really skyrocket if another country went online so you've lost a million barrels a day it is our run from libya if algeria which is also having trouble if it runs that would bring saudi arabia right up to its capacity to to substitute for volume then you would see i'm not sure two hundred twenty i think that's probably
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an analyst trying to get a headline but but maybe one hundred fifty that which is still pretty high. and the situation in the middle east has prompted others around the world to speak out of those policies and the u.s. is no exception with thousands in one or the state protesting against benefits cuts later this hour the president asked people on the streets of the big apple how we feel about those and ordinary incomes paying for the mistakes of others. for a not for the that type of coverage. we it would not be neither of these things either the middle east things or the things going on with the states would be quite as hard as say or do you think that people in the middle class are responsible at all for where the economy is that right now now it's wall street and bush. doing assigned as preparing to appeal among them courts ruling that he can be
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extradited to sweden well rape allegations but we can expound ourselves the charges are baseless and of have it over he will leave he won't face a fair trial artie's or ever the reports now and why britain's agreed to extradite assange granting safe haven to those one of them far more serious charges. but he leaks founder julian our songs learned the court has ordered his extradition to sweden to face questions over rape allegations and he's got some interesting questions of his own lawyer is it. that i am subject. to nonprofit free speech activists who were three hundred and fifty thousand dollars bail. why is it that i am. on the electronic alpharetta. when i have not even been charged in any country he's not be only one asking not particularly as the british government has a history of crime saying asylum system fairly controversial carrot says recently
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the immigration minister admitted one hundred thirty nine suspected criminals had been given the right to settle in britain permanently that thought to include former henchmen of saddam hussein an afghan official who tortured prisoners and rwandan genocide perpetrators basic tradition relating to asylum is that anybody can come here provided they are known to be provided i got lots of money we will let them in because we want them in with their money and therefore it's not particularly the russian magnets and all the dogs are welcome here i would shakes. my have a jew b.s. criminal record as it were of torture yet they're allowed just want to round london and knightsbridge but it's water where ever since the second world war the u.k. seen only two successful convictions but war crimes and despite recent retrospective laws that allow suspects to be brought to justice in this country
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according to anti torture campaigners redress so far nothing's been done people like that should be investigated by the u.k. police authorities. and if the sufficient evidence found for prosecution. should be prosecuted here in the u.k. they always are bringing these people can't these suspects but it seems very little is being done the list of the rich and powerful on interpol's wanted list resident in the u.k. is long and around people wanted by russia alone and living here in two thousand and three alleged chechen terrorists. was granted political refuge the same year asylum was granted to russian tycoon buddies but is not ski convicted of embezzlement in russia it shows here the hypocrisy of the british courts. quite clearly being involved in the mafia over the years all sorts of very serious
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offenses which actually quite literally equate with terrorism and yet he is not being extradited and yet we see here what appears to be anyway a trumped up charge of rape which hasn't actually even come to charges in sweden this certainly does appear to show political interference in the court system here in britain and total hypocrisy from the british justice system while julian are stars looks set to be cast from the safe harbor of the u.k. into choppy waters it's unlikely he'll think for trace just yet he may not have billions in the bank to buy himself out of trouble so he'll just have to hate his friends in high places have influence and start his defense team has vowed to now take his case to the highest courts in the land in the hague preventing his extradition meanwhile some of the world's nastiest people suspected torture is terrorists and war criminals remain at large in the u.k. under the protection of the state's door and it's r.t.
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. so i had for you later this hour here in our city mind over matter the u.s. army investigators were forced to one of its units needs psychological plugs on top politicians from one final. plus the future face of the next winter olympics find out what the master card. for the twenty four games posted by the southern russian city of sochi the body will lie in a few minutes time. in a situation is returning to normal in russia's republic of coverage you know car yet after a series of coordinated god attacks other capital knowledge from there are to examine the picture of brings us the latest. we're here at the back of the gas station that was attacked early on saturday morning armed gunmen reportedly shot the station and a deadly blast was prevented almost thanks to the fire crews quickly rival this follows a series of similar militant attacks here in the capital of russia's republic of korea just a few hours earlier that could have resulted in
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a major bloodshed after twelve people simultaneously attacked several locations including a traffic police post and the office of federal forces for the plans to cause havoc in that you have clearly failed the fact that there were no fatalities and just long policeman injured shows that there has been a turnaround from the last two weeks dramatic events in the volatile republic gruesome attack on the two wrist minibus last saturday left three people dead and two injured through this cable tower it is skill leaves in a resort was blown out and home sales in the village near five group vacuum ways and when a car bomb was discovered well the incidents forced this story just to pose an anti terror operation on the region in that time and to terrorist forces have eradicated of days with where from supplies and enraged explosive device now you know kyra lies in the world of trial north caucasus police says that islamist terrorists
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operating in the region could be behind the latest attacks some experts say the way they were carried out heat in several locations at the same time follows the pattern used by islamists operate internationally. in the grass there's a growing anger over the size of the tax burden for middle classes being forced to shoulder quickly coming to haddest hands of browsers have been protesting in one of the northern state over plans to cut worker benefits this week the president asks new yorkers how they feel why they're asked to make sacrifices that the super rich don't have to. people across the us are protesting proposed legislation intended to slash benefits for the middle class are they really protesting the fact that every day people are being asked to make sacrifices while wall street just continue to profit even more this week let's talk about that i'm
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a member of the squeezed middle class and we say. we work for the all those and first same friday we work for ourselves at stake. do you think that people in the middle class are responsible at all for worth it connelly's that right now no it's wall street and bush. so why isn't wall street paying more and why aren't they being asked to contribute more to health plans because the government would prefer to buy their pay or muffin and bailing out the upper class probably pays ninety percent of the taxes or more in new york city and new york state it's probably the same thing in wisconsin i don't know the numbers but i think everybody's paying for it paying to keep the government moving so why are there isn't one whiles out that if it if it seems like so clear cut to you why is everyone so in a fit right now where people don't want to give up what they've got were it not for the news coverage and or the social media and i'm not saying it's bad but we're not
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for the that type of coverage. we it would not be either of these things either the middle east things or the things going on with the states would be quite as hard as they are no matter who you think should be paying for the distressed economy the bottom line is that if you ask a middle class to relinquish benefits it's only fair to ask the same of the upper class as well. and a top u.s. commander in afghanistan is ordering an investigation into claims that an army were . the ground was using psychological manipulation on visiting satirist to get more money and troops for the war the report was published in the rolling stone magazine which says the practice is illegal as psyops can only be used against hostile foreign groups now americans are his military contributor thousand shows that the truth about the campaign as long been hidden from the public inadvertently the
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slate is sort of relations about the. scandal in afghanistan regarding the american leadership back in washington d.c. has also revealed their hypocrisy regarding the public coverage of the american occupation in afghanistan despite the say that half a year ago this psychological operations has been rebranded into the military information supported peroration in essence the whole american global information or could be personal use this information campaign remains the same that is the most important and under reported the hard old news growling and unfolding drama regarding the american general unauthorized psychological operations against its political and military leadership back
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in washington d.c. . well they could be one of the biggest stars of sorties three fourteen winter olympics the russians will be voting later as one of ten candidates to become a tournament mascot and an enduring icon as are reports the competition is intense . an olympic race but no medals up for grabs it's the search for a mascot these children want to know little part to be the symbol which sums up the world they were allowed to decorate the statue in one of the city's parks to show their support for a species under threat to his sister on this animal is a world we want this animal. this is because it's very special animal the only four slowly of course living in forty's wildlife preserve but drawings of these animals have appeared in dozens of the entries in the national contest to find the mascot for the two thousand and fourteen winter games in southern russia the election of
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the olympic mascot started with hundreds of ideas and you can see some of these drawings here in sochi olympic information center eventually the games out of this stuff turn rate here these are the methods that made it into the finals among the entries are two bears slowly accords father frost and the mayor of sochi his personal favorite of the open all ski special hotline was set up in sochi to answer all kinds of questions about the turtles and jean winter games and right now mascot one of the hottest topics. our colors are people from all walks of life and many of them are locals who would like to support their citizen whirls one of the mascots for instance represents the black sea and the snow and the mountains. can be the issue you know borders and another couple of candidates reflect the famous russian stereotype of beers from cork making the final shortlist it brings back fond memories of misha the bear the mascot for the nine hundred eighty more for lympics
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remains and i couldn't brush up but its creator victor to chicago says it wasn't easy for misha to become a legend you know so i had a call from the organizing committee and they said you're aware it's just been approved by the central committee of the communist party so imagine how scared creature was passing. just. this time is up to the public to decide on the muskets although the caption will select the place special consisting of celebrities i'm sure for you were supposed to see when you're going to keep russia during the trial the boys. i'll bring you live coverage of how the vote goes that's at six pm g.m.t. on saturday evening and remember you can always visit our web site at archie dot com for the latest on the twenty four team sorts of winter olympics bring you special interviews with a mascot candidate what's their goal and practice their dance and find out what part of hamas does in a spare time. plus of those that didn't quite make it made zoid satirical
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furry prog is mascot aspirations didn't quite meet the standards. now for a look at some other major headlines from around the world four people have been killed after militants stormed iraq's largest oil refinery plant in blogs and setting it on fire the governor of the province says that the plant has now been shut down there is firing is credited with producing almost half of iraq's petroleum as sports and the past it was controlled by regional cotta cells who used it to finance attacks. the confirmed death toll from the earthquake in new zealand has risen to one hundred forty five with as many as two hundred still missing
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rescuers and more got the chance of finding any more survivors under other rubble are slim emergency services in christ thirds are working to restore power and clean water to the city police are also on high alert amid reports of looting at two hundred this trail you officers have been sent to help maintain order the earthquake was new zealand's deadliest natural disaster of the eighty years. of peace twenty two people have been killed and her roof as a passenger bus plunged into a one hundred eighty meter deep ravine he was traveling from a city in the andes to the top of a liver police say the gospels were taking out a ban when the driver lost control more than thirty people were injured in the accident. robberies up today here in r.t. i'll be back shortly what had once.
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will lead you to. believe the blizzard of winter blues you just slopes and try out some chance though she's got a little caliber excitement in its southern melt stretched triggers to keep you in top form and they'll watch the wind on the lawn carving the trail to sochi tell you what she. thinks the young days here. we've got the future covered. close up team has been to the a clergyman republish. the center of russian defense production. now while she heads to central russia. because of some become an industry. quite a harsh winter makes most people more enjoyable. on the west everyone can train to be a stomach. if the other small. russia close
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up on the hot seat. for. the show would be soon which bryson if you knew about song from fails to mention it's. nice for instance on t.v. don't come. morning news today violence is once again for.


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