tv [untitled] February 26, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EST
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well again this is our signature for the headlines at half past the hour. sorting apart colonel gadhafi his forces trying to gain stanzi government protesters again bringing the overall death toll and the raging and rest a little bit of bread crumbs and. as bond and spreads across the oil rich middle east the world faces a surge in fuel prices threatening to try to economies into a new meltdown. not one but three mascots have been chosen as the symbols of a soldier twenty going to the winter olympics a stroke that put one of the most but followed by a code of back and
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a nationwide public followed but across russia. the wiki leaks founder sounds british justice by handing him over to sweden stocking up musicians of the book you say over how do you take shelter facing the most serious charges julian assange plans to appeal a court ruling to extradite him fairly he will not get a fair trial and start. as the headlines up next and following to be transported with al gore no and today in this shooter's you get me such a no escape president of the institute of the middle east in moscow is discussing the current turmoil in the region.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight the internship an r.c. i'll bring up on today we're talking about the iranian turmoil after a relatively peaceful change of power in tunisia popular unrest started spreading over the arab world the long standing regime in egypt after weeks of bloodshed the regime of gadhafi is fighting violently to keep power in libya what's behind these riots and what may the change in regimes mean for the rest of the world lets us to give you need such a law school the president of the institute the middle east. after forty years
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in power libyan dictator colonel gadhafi is very close to defeat the military machine feel almost against his own people has left hundreds dead yet the demonstrators are standing firm the libyan revolt is part of the unrest which rippled through north africa and the middle east in russia the leadership is warning the chaos in the arab world could become fertile ground for terrorists prime minister putin says that if islam has get more reforms hold in the region they will easily be able to reach the caucasus in russia's south. home is the circle of skin the welcome to the show thank you for being with this first question is what do you think are the fundamental reasons this popular because it's not as easy as al-qaeda started their work washington less to write good they're. all they're a different answer or something to question someone to think that maybe this all
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lost connection of united states or maybe he's real some of it's a year of. radical islamists some alyse rather the muslim movement somebody or something or another are the real answer everybody in something against their reborn in this world sometimes the situation is so glad. the little summaries and of for this effort events such stable regimes this interim measure are huge and some super steerer as we can see before but may be not so true in libya are united states and europeans democratize their regions through different phone be shows and person out as just sorrow of this false system which try find new jobs for people.
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reason for the nation after colts' of the soviet union this will call the world who gains georgia and russia and china and india and the muslim regimes in this conference priests in this congress time it's our greed the twitter revolutions of all of them the brothers most of them whole decaying it's all work and work and work really hardly against the i'm a regime seems huge for example you can a couple of more specific question libya is could there be history or does he have means to to to to cling to power. they have no chance no trials. i'm not sure that anybody legal forget this situation when libyans were killed by people from africa people from clooney share somebody when. you started warming your own capital and some other cities you're not more load it was
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a mistake it was the not the mistake for bethia that was the principal ideal of these gentle men which means is not the leader of revolution he's a dictator i'm out of all believe been put in of his own but he's still he still is there what's his support base who supports or. he's still the year because. he have some small resources but even his truck not taught was for the conductor there are some leaders sort of for his clan or against him or he is not supported by any board even iran's school not true in his regime like they try to do this again siege of the not touch can breath in the crowd and the brothers muslim shit out of there we think of credit and must be killed because of all this blood on the streets of libyan cities what its regime and some resource
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us any regime will be saddam hussein regime or cheney's regime will remember the main. square of all iranian regime if we say about the ahmadinejad i'm going green revolution which will source. but it was very religious what happened in iran. years ago we remember it yes but it's had a very very strong religious flew what's happening in the middle middle east now despite the muslim brotherhood it's not religious at all or maybe i'm mistaken you're mistaken in both cases because in iran the situation when the first and second generation of the ayatollah send their children who pushed by the generals of the military service a little bit not initially and what i mean the support there's like nine hundred thirty seven the great terror or in our own country in style and are also well they
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are taught on our bolsheviks but. the same in libya illicitly. is not so clear because up to my view step by step. two years later five years later ten years later maybe twenty five brothers most will take power in their hands. and absolute it was over the restoration of one of the key because the the the royal family of living here they live in london and they say they're ready to come back to. the knows what would all be for some period maybe there was such a discussion about the afghanistan but we remember what was the was the taliban movement or was pascola moment also some religious and the ultra religious groups in college and was army maybe in college was a local tribal leaders maybe in college and was more maybe a step by step they'll move clue is than a zation of all this and then we'll have the situation where we're. over the last
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week several hundred russians have been taken home from the turbulence situation in libya spotlights the media has more in. the uprising in libya is during the into the bloodiest google the arab several hundred and. bill repeated dead and over four thousand injured in the first week of violence one more khadafi poor mr rivers of blood for those trying to work through his regime she reportedly ordered the army to use it strikes against the demonstrators something he denies though several european countries including russia have sent special planes to the troubled north african country to bring their citizens back home most still yeah they're shooting there it's pendulous to go out after five pm in some places there have even been bombings. it was a risk getting to the airport because after four pm it's already curfew i was lucky
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that a friend of mine one of the locals agreed to take me to the airport little bit which when it all began you know so he can really scared and in a way it is a civil war some clans playing in it when you sit at home and he machine guns shoot you that's really scary but most all of the people who they did had to leave their jobs behind and said they were hoping for a peaceful solution to the conflict and an opportunity to go back we'd be has been open to russian investment since two thousand and eight when prime minister putin visited the country with a delegation of businessman and several deals were struck. to russian all giants have been working in the country and they have to and grasp room the russian real ways company on which to be poor in libya for building a high speed rail will in there was due to be finished in two thousand and twelve taken a pro max perth is built more than six hundred kilometers of electricity transmission facilities in the country now the future of the russian projects in libya is under
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question. well this actually was a good question give gainey do you think russia and officer western countries will they keep go look at these contracts that they got out of the khadafi regime really will say. we have so many contracts in iraq before the iranian revolution i have so many contacts with the europeans before the russian revolution and then as i understand well more censure really we normalize our relations with europe. much of it will be libya as one camp three major centigrade yes because some people want when a part of the country is there the revolutionary control the other product interests and that is controlled it may be a fall apart you think it's possible everything is possible in this world look at iraq look at afghanistan are no more countries. there are territories where the formal one got to look at sudan which is an official formally not one state and
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that's not the end look at the african troubles looneys also the african country and the african borders will change dramatically and so so you think we live in a period of this integration we live in interesting times like cheney's see god help you not to lead an interesting time morally the times of change also i would say. you give me such an upscale. spotlight today and just a reminder that we're talking about the situation in the middle east again it's a dusty is the president of the institute for middle east mr spotlight will be back after we take a short break we'll continue this interview in the studio in less than a minute so stay with the.
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plan. won't go into the. period in the blizzard of winter blues you get to slopes in try out some to check the snow shoes got a little caliber excitement in its southern melting. trainers to keep you in top form and watch the wind on the go along carving a trail to sochi twenty four to one technology update here on r.g.p. we've got the future covered.
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welcome back to the spotlight i'm outgrowing of and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is eve guineas that i lost the president of the institute of the middle east and we are talking about the situation in northern africa in libya where the revolution is there now and also in other countries that have been the places after popular unrest and through most old may become such places in the near future but first i want to ask you guinea
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what may be the consequence of the a libyan revolution for the world markets for the oil and gas market because gadhafi says he'll be he'll be switching off he'll be shutting down the pipelines europe is also all reacting already by a rise unprecedented rise in prices will this continue. this will continue god help us it's not here to algeria. but charles maybe it's possible in this case the european markets will rule well and the us from the northern africa is so important for france for italy for spain are the. most dangerous for the talent balance of economy around twenty percent of all italy have a little bit more than that's not only economy look at refugees. it's the nearest future hundreds of thousands of people can come from from asia
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a leap year the territory of european countries what will europeans doing with this well let's hear what prime minister putin had to say about the rising oil prices. and their own nothing good will come out of it so we're very serious because we're not interested in energy prices drawing them without limit what little everything is interrelated and unlike other in producing countries our economy's more diversified and we're actually emphasizing in the v. to be destroyed is how can we deal with those but we hold that this will not happen by the way i was glad to see that all our projects and you infrastructure projects to deliver our carbons we would say to europe to the european market evil the north stream south stream are especially important in
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this situation would not be as released for europe with a good credit we had these two projects already working. well the prime minister of russia speaking in brussels seemed concerned about the situation well he may well think he should have been glad because russia is a good world gets confusing country but. still despite the concerns of mr putin is it still good news for russia in the short run can russia exploit the situation to confirm its reputation as a as a reliable partner. as some cherished others give us some possibilities sometimes over a border crisis in every possibility we have. general troubles on the security with the middle east and problems on all on caucus and muslim areas it's very dangerous for russia not only for the structures we have
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hundreds and hundreds of radicals who come back from my last car university or maybe in future from the muscles from pakistan and all tried estable our severe shame in our own church we have all these gaps in our barges so where are the railway the companies and the electricity companies and sounds and sounds and so on the move to belong conscious will be ruining lives in other countries maybe and there's a good new we have some possibility club greed will new world markets process for oil and gas this is the balance of use there is nothing good in bed there is something which we maybe can use for obama to above the limit of negative value is so. well. you already said you give me that you think that we are witnessing a time of. this integration and islam is asian of
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the arab world in north africa births in there for the time being what kind of regimes will replace the following dictatorships in these countries what would you say home washing line bras or things that will be silent or less than style democratical regime. and so on up to my mind that will be part of all coal regimes was a breeding a level of political islam is was are greedy and serious. are all of the talk and you autonomy are of the glue good and they are bill gun and iran based not on their ideas of approval lucian but on their years off. she parsing in pyar new nationalist imperio like we look at the lebanon in syria in more return air. long distance from the iranian border us
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for the declare its the whole arab world and maybe the whole united nation for only on the israeli palestinian and israeli arab. that is the minimal mini moral conflict of the whole region this is practically nothing if we look on the millions and millions of refugees we have now one sudan and afghanistan one for iraq it's a million refugees was nobody given the status of refugee so if the arab world itself and the world community not understand what's in the region and will not work with the normalization situation in summit this will be a little beginning and libya will be not the last on this long or wheat in list of the revolutionary situations what regina's could be lex to for the train yemen maybe saudi arabia maybe even jordan where situation is a very very unstable saudi arabia. is on the list and if that will be so the small
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monarchies of the gulf will be in huge thing here are a look at algeria civil war there was a whole bulma while ago the efforts of president put a flicker were there result character of margaret there are some other countries there is experience of people in tunisia libya egypt are that's a very dangerous situation and if it will be some phonology or is something serious on the libyan level and i'm sure that can america will be such stable as it now practically the whole world from america to pakistan from some only wish just now is destroy to the russian border is under attack of the revolutionary deals it's like it was in europe after nine hundred seventeen we're there with new monarchies and new republics on the whole europe which was a photographer russia gave the world an example that. a revolution was in their very traditional societies don't necessarily lead to
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modernize ation of the society in social modernization well the. do you think that what we're witnessing in the arab world which is a very traditional society will it really lead to modernization to what americans call democracy the new wife new attitude or will i would be just a change of elite you know will be change of really in the middle east the democratization mean the rules of the big group or destroy the small groups that small the rules of minorities democracy that's one of the rules of personality democracy look at the iraq this is the example of what i mean the old position in the traditional arab world even in the more than and secular state morsi led in calling them where it was for these serious democratic centralism that.
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radicalism of all pipes and islamism of all types the corruption of all types a new one saddam hussein but one small son one percent on his place this the blue solution big block millions of refugees first of all religion minorities and intellectuals that is the result of such type revolutions you're remarkable men hugh you agreed to talk about the future so how the continuing asking questions about the future what do you think will be there could be revealing ideology of the for the decay to ship more to this land maybe like integrity liberalism relational as socialism or commission of the century will be so one of a type of socialism and there are worlds fringe the type of or nationalism of the secular time the next generation will have no success with will be.
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more than a liberal political reddick the revolutionary terrorists. while some barbarian because the army isn't a like intolerable. movement. margaret hall knows different corners will have different possibilities i'm not sure there will be some holy fuck like programmers . different countries different nations it will trouble time and trouble place for the do you think. will will be able to capitalize on these events are doing one hundred percent the only question is the whole party that's brand and that's corporation which is dead central lines there's not one tire political movement in different countries and different areas in margaret marsh there are different al qaida leaders and of course this no soffit targets lawmaker radicals will take everything they can from their subject well as we see even even
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a strongman like thing is not able to to. stay in power in case of such wild particle unrest so the only thing as it seems to me is for the oil rich did this these in their world to try to roof or of themselves are they capable of reforming themselves or they are do it hundred percent it's possible it is learn a question of time in our conference and later. they have time and what the only thing we have in this planet is time. three generations meaning around seventy five eighty years and the reason will be more or less normal all better than not thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest on the show today was give guinea set announced the president of the institute of the middle east and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your sales force right just drop we'll be back with more
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