tv [untitled] February 28, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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in libya opposition forces closing in on colonel gadhafi as some experts suggest that revelations about his relationship with the west could be revealed if he's trying to the international court of human rights. brings in an exclusive report from the heart of libya on the poor face wired for a nurse trapped in the violence and chaos some of whom are unable to leave thoughts . boil is the most valuable resource on the planet today at the controls is extremely important the escalating on the rest of the arab world has sent the price of black gold skyrocketing setting the stage for
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a renewed oil rush by global powers. and a public outcry in the u.k. over the involvement of controversial us security contractor along to lead margin in britain's national census leave night in a debate on confidentiality and ethics. and russia's proposal it can barely is set to sign agreements with foreign companies by the end of this year and we're in business in twenty minutes. but from our studios in moscow you're washing our teeth thanks for joining us now opposition forces in libya say that they're planning a final assault on the capital tripoli well it's essentially the last part of the country that remains under the control of longtime leader colonel gadhafi and protesters say that his days in power are now numbered or recent u.n.
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resolution has referred him to the international criminal court for war crimes but some say that there are details of his recent friendship with the western countries that neither washington or london would like to be revealed. correspondent in the middle east peter all of or all over has more for cairo or peter now we see that the opposition has taken some cities in libya and now they're saying that they're preparing for a final showdown in the capital but also we know about what's happening over there are lots right the current front line in the battle between opposition forces and those soldiers still loyal to colonel gadhafi is the city of zawiya at the moment that surround fifty kilometers to the west of the capital tripoli the opposition in control of the majority of the city of the country if not all of its their headquarters based out of paying gardy the second city in libya in the east of the country now the fighting is county as continues we are hearing of peace in tripoli
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at the moment quiet there as armed militias controlled checkpoints on the streets but it's on saturday the united nations imposed imposed sanctions on the gadhafi regime these included a travel ban the freezing of assets of goods after he and his family and close associates as well as an arms embargo also included in those sanctions was the referral of colonel gadhafi to the international criminal court in the hague now this is caused some experts to to look twice at this at what could come out of those investigation should be or any of his associates testify after the course in the hague now over the past few the past decades the gadhafi has been in power in libya he's been something of a pariah especially to washington and to london now in recent years this is we've seen him stated in the eyes of those rehabilitated in the eyes of those governments somewhat what revelations could come out in
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a trial in the hague could be embarrassing to both of those countries. i think the americans and i don't know people like tony blair would be very fairy frightened of nicolas sarkozy or mr berlusconi of italy would be quite frightened about an i.c.c. trial because then at the end the regime and the people that are still supporting him in tripoli in their bunkers will be able to tell all the stories about everything from could be see how american and british arms companies were involved in propping up that regime and then have a string of e-mail that have an e-mail trail i don't think the americans or an under nora brussels would very much want that to come out in court you. well we heard the lockerbie bombing mention then that's just one of a number of incidents in a checkered history of relationship between the west and colonel qadhafi we also look at the one nine hundred eighty six bombing of a west german discotheque that was targeted killing u.s.
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soldiers have resulted in the u.s. air force sent and marine airplanes bombing the libyan capital tripoli however in recent years we have seen this rehabilitation of good southie in the west among western governments we've seen him used as an ally in the area. during the iraq war we've also seen contracts for arms deals and also oil deal struck between western countries and libya so if anybody does appear before the hague on trial for crimes against humanity for what has happened during this violence in libya will be very interesting to see what comes out of those investigations. violence has been going on for almost two weeks now a lot of people have been trying to escape now what is the ok peter we'll have to get back to you i'm just going to interrupt and the human rights council they're holding a regular session in geneva and russian foreign minister is about to give
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a speech well now let's hear from him right now life. is of course the do a story they will develop into grest policy across a series of democrats as asian and the comprehensive modernization of society the mass protests across the middle east and north african countries which have exposed . problems that have been related over decades poverty unemployment so it's over so short and economic rights in general it's a huge problem should be addressed by the peoples of the countries themselves without coercion or external interference peacefully and within the framework for the national dialogue and public consensus on the ways for long overdue transformation. it's usually the use of military force against civilians is currently acceptable as long as what you've just heard in that libya question are some hundreds of civilians step through russia condemn such violence demand such a media sensation and influence as international humanitarian law. when it we have
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clearly expressed i think you towards those events in ukraine inside the president of the russian federation and the ministry of foreign affairs as well as in the drawing russian authorities your statement of your twenty fourth apart from every answer today to girls in the united nations security council. but he just we also welcome the principled stand taken by the human rights council because that's true tasks decision and matters ration face not only individual countries but the entire system of international relations or level realities and emergent mutants carer's poly centric world record good choir it's obviously relevant as multilateral institutions crucial promotes equitable co-operation yes and a joint search for solutions to emerge and precious few solutions should it strength from but more global rule of law ensure adequate democratic procedures both watching the master and international affairs and would contribute to if you
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will general observance of the universal declaration of human rights as well as of other interests universally since it was instrumental as well as revealing being created potential of civil society and health increase its responsibilities to the united nations human rights council was established precisely is going to confess that usually formulating this because of the council five years ago we believe that good human rights were cornerstones of the current world order and united nations activities along with security service and resolution six disruptive to five one communication is not a general assembly of publishing accounts or but it cleared of principles such as equitable dialogue the elimination of double standards the improper unification rights arguments the advance in our political interests and what you call attention to all human rights cadre of ordering understand economics as i say she is cultures and religion is wrong it creates this commons human rights of various brands and with your capital for national and always to muster to get eritrea's groups
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received such an effect it will go after the monitoring mechanism as it would be doing is more universal clear out of you which has already proven its presence had really agree to part of the russian federation has undergone with procedure and is taking steps to incorporate a genius recommendation from your city into its ongoing national average deck human rights and. develops civil society should we expect other countries to say also take on the presentations by the human rights council is a serious amount but we should go we're going to accept that and we also of must look more closely at the rights of national minorities in particular in color there is a chronic problem of statelessness we need to ensure full implementation of the corresponding resolutions. so we are simply ill and the third the most we believe that we could also have a contribution made understood by religious zealots as the human rights council
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which has shown that fidelity and its ability to take effective it's essential to the adoption of the code of conduct has strengthen the framework pretty countries and for the security special rights pair of federal representatives experts and with new groups read the nature of its work in style has also changed characterize around by broad based dialogue department of countries concerned and a search for consensus we considered it was critically important to strip continue improving the work and methods of the council and to avoid colleges ation of its topics as a instrument of political pressure of attempts to divide states into bad good pupils to preserve and to dilute the intrastate nature of the council are counterproductive and can only harms a multilateral cooperation it will cause loose issues require increased attention in the context of the ongoing h r c review it was actually quite serious our main task as being to preserve the constructive potentials and
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a positive atmosphere which had been ruled out shows difficult to achieve the company council should not shy away from his issues but some of them should be approached on the state's right stage basis without and mounted attacks or cavalry charges so as to avoid a negative impact on the process of building your confidence that everybody is interested it's going to be once this. if it results in the form of real improvements and human rights situation that is indeed the approach we should take if however some are interested mainly in broader and mass media coverage that has to do with cosmic relations rather than cooperation with this but mr president last year we celebrate as you suggest an arrest release of jews keep advancing the recent history of mankind would be a great victory in world war two and establishment of the nuremberg international tribunal for the prosecutions of major nazi criminals the tragedy of that what convinced world leaders of the need to establish an arab nation of stuff for the
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united nations' great came the cornerstone of modern international law a fundamental code of conduct three states and it's not a level organizations and lay down a foundation in support of your current system but for motives and protecting human rights the president of the nuremberg tribunal charter we also supported by the united nations general assembly incisions as universally recognized principles of international law it which provided a basis for the a further development of standards on the norms of war crimes crimes against humanity including genocide and for defining consistent elements of the crime of aggression it's our common duty is to carefully protect this international legal fund that conversation for current relations between states in its entirety because this is going worked out by peoples as the main lesson the world way to which the little speculation attempts to distort his genesis nature and consequences to the quake victims with much it which is a liberator is with aggressors and to challenge the outcomes of the nuremberg
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tribunal are invisible such attempts are nothing but a mockery of the memory of millions of people from all countries who fell in a fight fight against an autism and they created a breeding ground for a new ideology is just patriots. when such interest rushes the rush of initiatives united nations general assembly actually adopt a resolution calling for the suppression of such attempts regrettable good aggressively some countries including members of the as he said were a coalition fuel fried to support it alluding to its prism of expression should we regard disquisition as highly dangerous of course that everyone must a little course what such shyness lead to in the one nine hundred thirty s. we are convinced that today was the main task of these international community is to prevent and such press ethnic and religious extremism and manifestations of racism and racial discrimination as well as overcoming event of columbia and intolerance. during the next declaration and documents of the two thousand and nine
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review conference in the adoption of that russia played a leading role could serve as a major impetus crustal i wouldn't particularly like and stressed the need for an interest faith agreement in the world religious leaders should stand together against its criminals and protect people suffering income for the areas where live completely right to life which is being named human right is under threat fortunately the situation in many regions of the world including the balkans africa south and south east asia and the middle east or urgently demanded a more comprehensive and nuanced approach to comedy i think religious faster and you know history such as to think of grossly bad faster which is indeed a decisive one russia has consistently quote proposals for stablish in the interreligious dialogue within the framework the united nations council of europe shanklin s. go and hear it we expect support from our count partners that will stop at all which a lot of stuff in which was there to share ensure that human rights become an integral part of our life and we have to look at three very measures taken to ensure the
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return of c values i think mar all of your religions various cultures and customs where it's referring to eternal concepts such as human dignity responsibility justice freedom. words and family it's really is morally categories have been developed over the millennia and they are easy with pillars of as the various societies and should consolidate and nations peoples and ethnic groups we are subjected to nexus between human rights and traditional values as mankind should contribute to strengthening you through the universal i say sion of the concept of human rights. russia initiated a discussion i was talking about a nation system this is a discussion with which many states responded with interest at the present session the united nations human rights council we together with the co-sponsors will table a draft resolution on the subject but we look forward to appear to adoption by consensus with some we are interested in expanding dialogue on human rights issues
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active cooperation with the appropriate crew bodies and special procedures of the h r c and of the office of the high commissioner for human rights we positively assessed listen for this it was just the high commissioner mr knightley apolo during which she met with the president maybe a.d.f. and many leading ministries and administrations and held discussions in this as for strengthened our operation the russian federation is ready to continue cooperating positively with all states in the interest of strengthening human rights and general thank you. i thank a second state i mr foreign affairs of the russian federation for a statement. there's no earth. foreign minister sergei lavrov he did mention it and talked about the modernization of particular countries of development of multilateral institutions he says elimination of double standards promoting common human rights values and he did also mention i talked about the
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a problem in libya here's what he said he said the use of force is unacceptable and russia condemns the violence and calls for its a share of that violence will we do have more on our coverage of what's happening in libya as tens of thousands of people are fleeing libya goal the international red cross has declared a humanitarian emergency on the country's border with tunisia well meanwhile hundreds of russian citizens evacuated from libya have been describing the scenes they saw as chaos erupted around the artes looks on a boy i spoke to some of them. propelled by fear held back by mayo those who boarded the last russian emergency plane from libya didn't want to leave but then decided better save this story a subcontractor for gastro alexy says he never cared much about livin politics until arguments are placed by grants it's both sides of this dangerous
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because the regime suppresses its people with. the people. they get to. run they just don't have any billing responsibility. doesn't really matter whether it's his friends. for years it was a mantra for many foreign companies ignore his quirks and you'll be rewarded in oil revenues but is the leader sleeps closer to civil war based logic no longer seems bulletproof yet even on the russian plane there were some who said that the grim projections for blown out of proportion and you know who's worked as a nurse for twenty years says she already regrets the decision to flee. the
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reports by al jazeera and all the arab language channels calls she a plan you can on the people of new bodies are taken in tripoli there is no shooting mr there could easily go to see my friends only on people supporting gadhafi hospital working as usual as all the people dance open for the everything puncheons want to leave as they can here to the country awash with firearms the current flowing violence increasingly looks like a calm before the storm that's why tripoli airport is now be easier than ever before country scrambling to pull their citizens out there are going to. he's known to prod himself on being a shrewd negotiator and i suppose given the way the back ation of foreign nationals is being carried out over the past week the government before servicing planes at the tripoli airport has more than tripled to more than eight hundred thousand dollars per plane considering that ex-pats used to make about twenty percent of the country's labor force if live from revere is growing to be
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a very good source of cash the blast in two thousand of its residents caught up in their unrest russia manage the evacuation fairly easily other countries didn't fare that well the gyptian uprising may have inspired believe beenz but it also left thousands of egyptians guest workers stranded at tripoli airport very little if any assistance from their state a few years ago many countries raced to leave been who's all reserves and biggest anaphora now these even more frantically in there trying to get out the deuce fleeing the violence see it's just a matter of time before they will be back soon as we call our see tripoli. well the violence in the arab world has sent oil prices spiraling with some suggesting that it's only the beginning of a huge hike a lot of folks a global cost of everything from food to transport and also threatens to stifle economic recovery well now some are suggesting that the u.s.
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could have a certain interest in removing gadhafi so as to gain control over libya's rich all reserves of the store has more. tunisia. egypt. bahrain. algeria. and libya protest in countries seeming to fuel one another unrest spreading like wildfire through the middle east and north africa all raging in all year rich countries that helped fuel the world's use of more than eighty four million barrels of crude a day. uncertainty over production has sent prices soaring meaning a shock waves from the middle east turmoil are being felt worldwide will is of. course. now the mideast
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crisis is hitting home for outrage americans or oil prices have skyrocketed so too have the prices people paying for gasoline are now the price americans pay upon is threatening to derail the u.s. economic recovery a surge in oil. prices will be the end of the u.s. economy not just an end to the recovery there's no more bailouts like a reality peak oil expert michael c. rupert sees happening it will hit one hundred fifty dollars a barrel which he believes is inevitable this year others predicted going to two hundred twenty dollars it's so devastating because oil. fuels more than just cars. it fuels the entire global economy. though there's no doubt that if gas goes to five dollars a gallon for americans after some predict there would be a high political price to pay for the obama administration's yeah yeah serene
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prices go up and much and for a very long period because of a very severe. year political impact yet there is no denying the u.s. has played a role in the events that have transpired in the middle east every time. u.s. president barack obama went to the podium calling for this that there must be reform political social and economic reforms that meet the aspirations of the egyptian people and calling for egyptian president hosni mubarak's resignation he was calling for an end to the status quo which means a rise and uncertainty in the rich region so did leaders weigh the toll it could take on their own economy some argue they don't have the power to kind of reining back up drag or push their back against an avalanche and i don't think we're going to hear a lot of success that may not something us from trying to take control some observers
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believe the u.s. may intervene militarily in libya or oil reserves are massive under false pretenses of helping protesting people has nothing to do with interest he. has everything to do with the interest of us corporate oil. profits either way analysts say the price of fuel going uk will simply fuel public rage and the government is largely helpless the american people are going for a very nasty ride and there's no way out of it now but i can tell you the government understands that it's time lauren mr archie new york i'll be back with a recap of the top stories but first business news with yulia. hello and welcome to the business russia's budget deficit could total just two percent of total g.d.p.
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this year that's according to the finance ministry official forecast however it still says the deficit will equal three point six percent of g.d.p. and twenty eleven finance minister alex accouterments said this will force russia to continue warring promote broader took over the death said but said the current surging oil prices will assist russia in refining its reserve fund. changed parts of russia's reserve funds me even increased use of oil revenues are instruments save. fifty billion dollars this means that for the first time after the financial crisis we're coming back to completion which is very important and high risks or today's global marshals. and the skolkovo foundation says it plans to sign fifteen corp agreements with international companies by the end will be here by novartis to porn google caught up johnson and johnson are among both expected to join the innovation development center in skulk about in the asian compounds
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already approved twenty eight projects and will finance eleven of them if that gets to be our president of the school core foundation says money is ready to be invested but we should not be sure that. we approve the budget for this year to value is around seven hundred fifty million dollars it will be spent on three main components for your physical construction of infrastructure and the development of the projects the construction of a research education center and the creation of an integrated environment where the main thing would be the support of selected projects so we plan to spend around three hundred million dollars on that this year. but see how the markets are faring that sol european stocks are all low walk on monday as concerns remain continued turmoil in libya and across the middle east we just kept oil prices high while investors also waited for the euro zone inflation data london's would say is trading down almost all the percent got franco's dax is down point two percent. and
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in russia the markets are flat to positive they are just saw a stronger opening it was a percent higher in the first ten minutes of monday's session so what are your expectations that the russian markets will continue their last weeks winning streak overall the markets are set to settle down firmly into positive territory as they track pings in the u.s. and asia and as well prices are moving up with tension in the middle east as. let's have a look at some individual share moves energy majors are mostly higher supported by high oil metals and mining sector is better than the market on high gold portals gold is climbing point eight percent banking shares are also posting gains point seven percent on the rise. now russia's biggest lenders were a bank is set to expand into investment banking c.e.o. here on graphs a decision on its strategy will be announced in less than two weeks the company says it will either buy an existing investment company or create
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a business from scratch. we plan to quickly develop sperm banks and investment banking are we have ended studying all possible opportunities that exist today of which there are two or by the time acquisition of an existing company or creating a so-called greenfield investment bank but we don't have any deals with potential market and disciplines in place at the moment and for that perhaps all the business boyden for more business news launch a website r.t. dot com slash business.
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