tv [untitled] February 28, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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new website with twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find funding stream moves among themselves we want to listen to. posting more on our two dogs just. for flimsy low end vacuum has told the for a child that is when nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's
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a couple of g.o.p. lawmakers and tennessee now these two g.o.p. lawmakers in the volunteer state of introduced a bill that would for bid teachers from speaking about homosexuality in public elementary and middle schools the don't say gay bill and yes it's actually called that it says that teachers in public or elementary public elementary or middle schools can provide any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality now this bill was introduced in both the tennessee house and senate are republican states are there stacey campfield and republican representative bill done both of knoxville and they claim that it's a parent's job to talk about homosexuality not to teachers now my question for the two lawmakers is do you really think elementary and middle school students don't already know about homosexuality and you basically have to live under a rock to not know that it exists even if you're young there are t.v.
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shows there are movies with gay characters they have gay politicians gay actors gave musicians plus there's that thing called the internet with a simple few keystrokes on google you can find about just anything that you want to know. it's really not a secret the gay people exist in the world so maybe it can. field dollar just hoping that you know if you don't talk about gay people they'll just go away i've got to close their eyes and pray for a world free of gay people at night and you know that is that's called being homophobic not to mention their bill is biased against gays travels on free speech and is a case of over gov overreaching government but the bigger issue here is that lawmakers are wasting it taxpayer money and time on stupid legislation like this tennessee currently has a nine point one percent unemployment rate last year nearly one point six million residents and businesses filed for bankruptcy in the volunteer state and the state only has a sixty percent graduation rate for its students so is this really something
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a lawmaker should be focused on for attending the gay people don't exist that's why a tennessee republican state senator stacey campfield and republican representative bill done are tonight's tool time winners for their stupid don't say a bill. now it's nothing new for robotics to have a role in military operations but there's one company that's really been at the forefront of innovation these days austin dynamics the company has been working on a series of robots to work through rugged terrain to aid soldiers when they're on the battlefields so take a look at some of the different designs and robotics the boston dynamics has already created.
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oh it's creepy how all those things move isn't it a get this now the tech company is going to take their efforts a step further they've been awarded the contract from darpa they plan on building the robo cheetah yeah it's essentially going to be exactly like these other of art that we showed you but much faster and it could possibly have a head and a tail robotic of course and she has designed to be a four legged robot with a flexible spine an articulated head and it's designed to run faster than the fastest human i guess that's why they need the cheetah now aside from aging soldiers in battle the designers say if the cheetah could be used for more domestic things like helping firefighters even agricultural projects although those descriptions are a little bit of a a little boring we imagine something much more exciting like the robot she does chasing enemies through the desert but this does take us right back to a question that we brought up before the rise of the machines we've spoken about how watson school the humans are in jeopardy now we just might have robots
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schooling our soldiers on the battlefield at least when it comes to speed. now over the last few weeks we've reported on the show about the g.o.p. assault on women's reproductive rights taking place across the u.s. a true war against women and in recent weeks lawmakers in south dakota nebraska and iowa have all introduced bills that would have expanded justifiable homicide statutes to cover killings committed in the presence of an unborn child and critics and law enforcement officials voiced concern that these measures could invite violence against abortion providers possibly even provide legal cover for the perpetrators of such crimes but it turns out of those bills in south dakota nebraska and iowa were very similarly worded and for good reason according to mother jones dot com a washington based group is behind these bills and in fact they even helped write them americans united for life is an anti-abortion group and they were invigorated
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with republicans swept into power last november in the house the g.o.p. also had big gains on the state level and that's when americans united for life went to work they began pushing bills that promoted a culture of life and it's half the rights that women have fought for for decades they've also been behind efforts to defund planned parenthood which passed in the house earlier this month and on their website they have a plea for money so they can lobby congress to cut off all funding for planned parenthood for good now they don't tell you is that all funded money that planned parenthood gets is it used on abortions it's used to help protect women's health for screenings use a test for s.t.d. as cancer to educate people so it looks like all these bills which attack women are just bringing up organically in states around the country though they're not just one off incidence they are being written and cautioned by a lobbyist group out of washington d.c. and thanks to the investigative journalism being done by mother jones there is no way that anybody can deny any longer that there is
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a national campaign being waged against women. now is the entire u.s. government a giant ponzi scheme bernie madoff the man who ran the largest ponzi even in history says so in a new series of interviews with new york magazine steve fishman after calling fishman collect from prison where he's serving one hundred fifty years of sentencing it seems like made off on him to get a few things off his chest personally he says that he's a good person and he can't believe that nobody wants to hear about all the good things he did as a successful businessman despite the fact that he also is now known as the world's worst swindler when it comes to wall street at banks government regulations he likes to spread the blame again calling out the banks that he worked with saying if they had to know that there were problems saying that it's unbelievable that no one from goldman sachs has any criminal convictions after the financial crash at which point he also called the new regulatory reform of wall street a joke and called the entire government a ponzi scheme with a good person quote is
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a little bit questionable when it comes to wall street and the government is he right joining me from our studio in los angeles is richard as those senior fellow at the campaign for america's future now richard thanks so much for joining us knew when you hear bernie madoff say that the u.s. government the entire u.s. government is a ponzi scheme what do you think he means by that. well it's actually not that obvious because it sticks out it's separate from everything else he says and his interview look. bernie it's like asking charlie sheen for dating advice you know i mean i don't know where you go with bernie exactly except that phrase when people say that the government is a ponzi scheme they're usually talking about social security and nothing could be further from the truth but he doesn't explain what he means by that he says all sorts and odd things he says his father invented the joe palooka boxing toy that
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i played with when i was a kid and i won on the internet i couldn't find any proof of that his father was a stockbroker so you know bernie's bernie and i think when your producer first said let's talk about what they're bernie made off had to say i thought what on earth could he say that was of interest but it was interesting to hear him say that banks had to know what he was doing and that the money he was putting in their our accounts wasn't legitimate and about that i think he's probably right they did know there's evidence that of internal memos morgan chase and maybe citibank as well so that part's quite interesting actually well yeah you're right of bernie aviva necessarily the person that you know most people would look to you for advice or they definitely want to hear you know pointing fingers and criticizing other institutions but in certain cases do you think that he has a bit of a point when he says that the new regulations on wall street are a complete joke you know when he says that that wall street is also reads even for
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investors does he have some points there and like you mentioned the fact that the banks have to know what he was doing. oh absolutely first of all no i wouldn't call the regulations a joke the new regulations but they're not nearly enough and you know you always go to a guy like bernie made off to find out how to get around something and is it easy to get around and i think that there are ways to get around the new regulations and i think he would know that i think that in terms of other people knowing what he was up to as i said like morgan chase. they should've known there were certainly every reason for them to know and in terms of defrauding investors look there's no question i mean we have to be careful what we say on television about individuals but if you go through as i have done and read the testimony in the evidence on let's say a i.g. which is a company where i used to work it's illegal to make false statements to investors
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on an investor carl and yet there is evidence after evidence that the auditors were sent out of the room people knew the numbers were right that they hadn't been tracked and then one on phone calls with investors and said everything's fine it's all how i did it amazes me that nobody's been indicted for that and i think in that sense old bernie has a point where i mean i want to and i guess you could wonder bernie is this a little bit bitter because he's the one it's sitting in jail and no one else has been accountable for the same time what is the excuse and what is the excuse for the fact that now one single person from wall street has shown up in a courtroom or has been put in jail for the crash of the economy in two thousand and eight. look it's astonishing and it's it's terrible i mean i think the excuse that people would get is there's no clear evidence of wrongdoing there's a lot of bad judgment and so on i would argue first of all that there's pretty
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clear evidence of wrongdoing and we know for example wells fargo bank a unit there was laundering money for the mexican drug cartels and there's pretty good evidence but as one senate investigator said about that situation they these banks are too big to fail they don't like to create an indictment that might cause a financial institution to go down so i think what's really going on and i think it's a tragic mistake but i think people have made the decision that to indict certain individuals would destabilize the financial system i'd say the opposite is true i'd say that as long as you let people get away with criminal fraudulent behavior they'll do it again because they have no reason not to and that's what really stabilizes the economy and you wonder you know i mean our european counterparts have done this they have gone after people and i feel like there really is no excuse for the fact that the u.s. government hasn't and you know it's a little ironic but one thing that i found funny that bernie madoff said is that he
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was really complaining that nobody remembered all the good things that he did as a successful businessman and yet that's the way that our government really is treating these banks and these financial firms that are too big to fail if they're only looking at their successes and perhaps that one of their failures richard thanks so much for joining us. absolutely. now still to come tonight show and tell plus goodbye craigslist online hookers have a new place to find customers find out where we come back and then protecting your online privacy would you be willing to sell your personal information and out what rights to discuss all of that just in. the uk. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one will is imbue it with the global machinery see where are we hiding state controlled capitalism it's
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hi guys welcome michel and tell the show we've heard our guests talk to say on the topic now we want to hear. just go on to you tube to video respond or to twitter reply to the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is. all right so it's time for show intelligence program last time we spoke about unrest in the middle east and the fact that it's had on oil and gas prices prices have already gone up and it's protected continue to increase throughout the summer so we want to know what you thought if the u.s.
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should approach this matter by using the drill baby drill approach or by investing in alternative energy options and here's what some of you had to say on facebook chester long agrees with the ira he said china is investing in green energy why not us joshua last integrate said i do not believe that we have a significant enough supply to justify the potential damage to the environment alternative energy is the way to go christina jaded barham says now is the time to invest in alternative energy options before we don't have an earth left to live on now z. a canine cod disagrees he's with the motto drill baby drill thomas vickers was looking for a middle ground he said both and alex can't respond that on you tube saying that in the budget aspect all oil exports are should increase production to offset the shortage in the middle east supply due to the revolutions green energy cannot substitute oil in the short run however lesson learned we cannot depend on oil thanks as always for your responses and here's our next topic of discussion we just
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spoke about the latest interviews from bernie made off then then he passed the blame for his ponzi scheme called the new regulatory reform of the big banks a total joke and then claimed that the entire u.s. government. is just a ponzi scheme those are some bold statements are made up but we wanted you to sound off on his comments so do you think that the u.s. government is a ponzi scheme you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. now do you remember the days when craigslist was the place to go if somebody was searching for a one night romance you could simply pretend that you were looking for a couch and then surf the night away looking at men or women and in their casual encounters section you can find somebody who is ready to get it on simply by showing what kind of encounter you prefer but thanks to lawmakers hearing about it those days are over that entire section was removed from the site and now it looks like escorts have moved their business to a new web site and surprisingly we're talking about facebook that's right according
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to a recent study at columbia university eighty three percent of sex workers now rely on facebook to advertise their business now i know you're thinking how can people advertise themselves without being obvious well it turns out that it's easier than you might think take this profile of a girl named eva for example her profile picture she is clothes well still pretty scandalous but check out her employment information says independent escort the one you prefer and if you go to her about nice action she gives a pretty vivid description of herself and mentions that she likes guys and gals now the study also shows that the shift to facebook is actually great business wise to their sports and not only give a preview of their services on facebook but they'll usually provide a link to their personal website where they can offer of a better description of their chops kills so while the facebook is benefiting from all these scandalous traffic i have to ask could this be the end of craigslist you
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know these days everything craig those can do facebook can do just as well if not a bit better and now hoopers have moved on it is could be symbolic of the sun setting on the popular web site looks is a facebook is truly turning in to the wal-mart of the internet you can do anything keep in touch with old friends sell things even look for hookers now that we've told everybody ladies let this be a little bit of a warning to you if you see your boyfriend spending more time than usual on facebook you might not just be friending all of college buddies if you catch my drift. now in this day and age where you do everything from shopping in banking to socializing on the internet your habits your preferences your personal information are all out there and you have no idea where they might be ending up but how much would you pay to keep your personal information private away from the hands of online marketing companies or better yet how much money would it take for
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you to be willing to sell your personal information to those same companies these are the questions that most startups and technology giants alike are getting answered as they start pushing privacy as a product all this according to a report from the wall street journal so could this be the final shift where privacy from this point on forever and always be a commodity instead of well just yours here to discuss with me is ryan ratting associate director of technology studies r.p. competitive enterprise institute thanks so much for being here first of all how much is going to cost for you to sell your private information online there we are price can you be bought i can be bought i think it depends on the information that it depends on the price and who is going to be protected but i think this notion that we can share information we can make some money off it is a good thing the fact that we're seeing new companies emerge means consumers are going to have more choices and hopefully if they can make a few bucks off their information they'll be willing to share more of it and information sharing is a lot better than the alternative of information poverty which means you get ads
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you don't want to see for instance which i think people are tired of we have to tell me you know about some of the options that are out there how how how would this work exactly do you only have to work with one company and you pay them and all of your you know doings on the internet and all of your information out there is private or is it every individual web site that you work with how is this really happening. there's a whole range of options the industry one example is that all the websites you visit are tracked by a single company sometimes this can work through your internet service provider these are companies like for the way that works is by tracking what types of websites you visit these companies can serve all relevant ads so perhaps you can save a few bucks off your internet bill other instances or where you give your personal information choose to mark and company they then use that information and sell it to other companies so they can target so you'll say this is my name my address this
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is and these are my hobby use my income these are things i'm interested in buying and all these things involve the customer earning potential of a few dollars or more a month and change giveaways information first just a few bucks if i tell somebody what my hobbies are i just get a couple of dollars in return and see my thank you to me. when you think about it you've already been doing this for a lot of years when you're on facebook if it goes your hobbies they don't pay you anything but are giving you a free service similarly with gina g. google is scanning your e-mails and using that to target ads based on what's inside your e-mails it's not that there's some individual who's sitting off from some place far away snooping on these computer algorithms trying to do things like serve you better ads or provide you with better deals on products and i want to buy so this might seem insidious but this this is really a market that makes a lot of sense for consumers especially is going to continue to expand and when i find interesting is that you know this is these aren't entirely i'm charted
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untested waters there are a lot of these firms that sprung up you could say during the original dot com boom you know back in two thousand but they didn't really find any success that because there didn't seem to be the consumer appetite for it so you know what what's changed have we finally just woken up better and realize that this is the way that it's got to be or. you know what is it exactly that didn't work the first time a couple things first the internet today is. so much more credible than it was a decade or so ago and now people realize how gazin these tools like facebook google social networking sites you tube can be they're more willing so use them and i think some people must realize there's this implicit would prob where you're getting what might appear to be a free lunch but it's really an exchange going down another key is that we're we've got a lot better at partnering as using these algorithms that used to be that figuring out how to use information was tough and it still is tough companies like twitter have all this information they can figure out how to monetize even facebook despite
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its huge valuation still has fairly small revenues but the fact investors are valuing these companies at such high levels indicates that there's the opinion that over the next few years we're going to figure out a way to better connect buyers and sellers use information people get more comfortable with that gradually you know they're still sort of a factor i think that's going away over time it's a good thing overall for consumers i think they have it but if you compare let's say the u.s. and the u.k. in the u.k. they have certain laws on the books right that if you tell a business that you don't want them getting your personal information to marketers then well it's law they have to comply whereas we don't have that so perhaps our government regulators not doing enough to help out you know the average internet user of people like you and i you know to keep our information private if we want it to be that way actually the problem with the u.k. model here in the us we have something called notice and consent once you hand over your data as long as you've been given notice that your dad is going to be
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collecting used by clicking through some terms of service agreement or hitting ok even if you don't always read it back considered if your dad away whereas the european approach is a much more restrictive approach where you have you very explicit to your users what you do with their data and they often have the ability to take it back the problem with i don't like the sound of that what if i did change my mind it sounds good but when you look at information as a property right you don't have the right to can. well what people know about you if you give it away now i certainly think that if you are comfortable with someone how do you usually write not to give it to them in the first place and i also think you should have the right not to give information to companies that are willing to say we'll let you come back and delete some companies always claim that if you want to say do we offer server you're not going to retain them other companies are willing to make that assurance the problem with wiring every company to have to give that data back to you mr hassle and also flips the property but patients as i have seen on its head when someone sees walking on the street best not information
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that you are troll why is that when you said a computer requests a web server you can call it that information because it's my computer and i don't want somebody you know what about it know exactly the interesting you know change and will see but i think that you know if you do not want anyone to have your information you shouldn't be forced to have to pay for it you should just be able to say notables are this guys thanks for joining us right things now before we go tonight we have are tweeting today google has struck again the company says that they accidentally deleted all the e-mails and contacts for about one hundred fifty thousand users and i say they're working to correct this issue so tonight we think google c.e.o. eric schmidt should tweet no worries i have all that private info stored on my p.c. at home that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow that jilani from think progress will be on the show to discuss the real waste and wisconsin budget woes and the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the launch show on facebook and the always on twitter and if you missed any night's show or any other night you can always catch all the you tube dot com
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