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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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flimsy lo and. behold rachel is winning nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's a star. to .
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the. talk about the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour now thing is certain except death and taxes right lots of course you're a big corporation then forget about those taxes and about death for that matter so we're americans finally awakened to the apocrypha see here and are you a state that doesn't like obama's health care plan well as the president says you can opt out take a look at the fine print it. then later my daily take on what could not be has to do with wisconsin here's a hint divide and conquer. labor
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protests weren't the only demonstrations occurring nationwide this week inspired by the u.k.'s uncut movement hundreds of thousands of people across the country joining the us uncut movement that's on us to speak out against massive transnational corporations that don't pay any taxes carl gibson co-founder the new movement said i have one dollar amount of wallet that's more than the combined income tax liability of g.e. exxon mobil citibank and bank of america i mean somebody is gaming the system and is gaming the system or you could add boeing wells fargo was to tax evaders as well more than one hundred u.s. uncut supporters shut down the bank of america washington d.c. on saturday so this finally the start of european type activism in america to combat the g.o.p.'s reckless austerity measures for more on this i'm joined a studio by ryan clayton washington d.c.
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spokesman and co-founder of us uncut and via skype johann hari the contributor to the nation magazine ryan johann welcome both you know tom thanks for having us really return to the show thanks for being here. i'm curious first to light. i was going to give your your u.r.l. in there i was going to throw it in and suddenly it occurred to me i know it's dad or is it us uncut or is it just on it's us got a larger orgy have you got it seems like somebody took the dot com and turned it into some kind of right wing something i always had a long time ago that's not a problem word top of the google it's now ok. let me start with you johann what what does uncut me or to come from people in britain have been told by conservatives for the past few years ever since it's deal with this must have absolutely massive cuts to public services and the people who caused this crisis just carried on partying like it's nine hundred ninety seven and say what you guys
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are being told by the tea party but what's been really interesting here is a movement is just saying actually there's a whole of the narrative of what's being done to was and the way out of it. the british people have been ripped off royally on this. dramatization of this the best argument let's just explain the conservative government is introducing the biggest cuts in public spending since the one nine hundred twenty s. at the same time as they were allowing absolutely massive tax giveaways to the biggest corporations and there was a small even of people that started bringing this together so if you want to sample because of the government introducing cuts to rent subsidies for the poorest people in britain i mean in london alone according to the conservative mayor of london himself over two hundred thousand of the poorest people being thought out of their homes so many of them will become homeless the exact cost of that six billion pounds can be met by one company vodafone one of the biggest cell phone companies in britain that by making them pay their taxes they've been refusing to pay
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a very large outstanding tax bill for a very long time and when the conservative government came to power they just canceled their now what you can cut was bring together those two things it was liberals here was demoralized as liberals in the united states and liberals everywhere else and starting last october a group of twelve ordinary people came together they were meeting in a pub you know and they were like a lot of people a lot of your viewers i'm sure they were kind of very angry and they were feeling very important and they said well why don't we just do something why don't we they were so outraged by what happened with the vodafone tax bill and the fact that this money was there not used to keep people in their homes they said why don't we just go i want to just say we'll announce on twitter and we'll go more shut down the largest branch of vodafone in london the one on oxford street and they went and they did it they just sat down in front of vodafone and they said if you want to operate on our streets you got to pay our taxes it was really interesting is it got some press coverage three days later in a different british city completely unconnected went to the local vodafone store
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they shut it down suddenly it spread all over britain the next week had fifty different cities in britain shut down their local stores and it's only grown since that. huge impact on changing the public debate firstly in showing that every single time it's you know one hundred twenty million pounds and avoided in taxes avoided innovated in taxes every year in britain because it's almost all be all sorts of cuts that are happening but also you see even changing even the conservative government's policy and the national audit office which is kind of independent you'll have to go on i have to jump in here and as we only have two minutes left and i want you all of ryan to get in on this. ryan i you know i've read about this in the financial times i i saw the british press there was some small coverage of it the us press but. you know the tea party has billionaires and multi-millionaires behind them the cokes and the and the dick armies of the world and they've got big p.r.
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firms and all kinds of stuff and that seems to generate press in the united states how do you expect to get and you know the press in the u.k. is or in europe generally you know the national press how do you expect a cover each year that will bring people out or is this entirely going to be based on things like twitter and well first of all let me say that you know on articles that inspiration u.k. uncut is an inspiration they have a powerful message you know when i first read that article and i read that regular everyday people were stopping on the sidewalk and saying hey what are you doing and they're like well we're protesting these you know corporate tax dodgers because we're doing all these cuts to valuable services and those are the people walking by on the street or like let me join you i'm going to spend the rest of my day with you doing this and i was like that is a powerful message you know if they would just pay their taxes then you know we could solve every state budget crisis without firing one more teacher and we can fix the federal budget without touching social security and we can put americans back to work and drive down unemployment and you know making that one decision i
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think that's worth it and i think most americans do too and when you tell them the facts you know people in america are pretty smart to tell the facts on this one everybody agrees with you i'm sitting with bill kerpen here for americans for prosperity and i ask. what he thinks and he says yeah i agree with you people shouldn't god their taxes you know i'm of course are not going to come down and be in favor of corporate tax deadbeats you know so if he can agree with me on his side i'm very far right you know and we can do it but not majority of americans to agree with this and if you did you guys about half the bank of america bank of america has used one hundred fifteen offshore tax havens to pay no taxes whatsoever the united states after we gave them thirty five billion dollars in the little less than a minute we have left how is how is that being replicated across corporate america can we do about it will they give america made four point four billion dollars in pretax income in two thousand and nine and they paid zero dollars in taxes they paid less money than you and i have in our pockets and faxes that should be a red flag to our political leaders that somebody is gaming the system you know and
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if that bank of america alone paid their tax bill then we wouldn't have to cut one point seven billion dollars in early childhood education for head start programs title one programs i don't really think i saw this it was going to send back into business wisconsin would be fine actually if they if they made corporations pay their tax there and unfortunately governor walker knows that and that's why he's using public sort of workers and cutting them as a scapegoat for the problems that he's created and i would encourage him to consult his conscience and think about what he's doing in the long term impact on the lives of people with wisconsin and around the country brian johan thank you both for being with us today and thank you john for having us it's a pleasure good luck i've been saying for a long time we need to bring the anti austerity protests in europe across the ocean to north america now that they're here it's time to make the oligarchy in america pay literally p a why pay for getting us into this mess in the first place all these trans national corporations are off the hook for paying taxes the rest of us are going to swindle. there's a pretty straightforward process and
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a pretty straightforward description of what's going on and it here for example stock it off in a big city scott walker is blaming this banks to disaster this this is what brought down were brought down the pension funds what has brought down the economy was massive fraud in the banking sector all over the world to be a look at what happened in iceland just now the iceland there they had a national referendum should we as a country pay back the banks or pay back europe for the money from the bankers or not ninety five percent of the people said no ireland their entire government is changes we need to be doing the same it's high time people started calling these guys out in one nine hundred eighty six savings and loan crisis reagan sent over two thousand banks to jail one of the few he didn't send to jail was neil bush you know a million bucks in the silverado but you know use of bush now is the time to do the same thing again except that these guys are very these banks these billionaire
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bankers very very active campaign donors so let's hope something can get done and it's going to take actually a lot of us pushing we need to start now. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question should fat cat bankers be tightening their belts now that us regular cats don't have any wiggle room left possible answers yes let's stand up for hardworking americans roll back those reagan tax cuts those banks could stand to lose a little money wait or no hands off wall street exacts this spite the bailout and fancy feast on payday on time are countless no you think the polls open till tomorrow morning.
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president obama announced today that he would support legislation that allows states to opt out of south before launch twenty fourteen if they meet certain requirements take a look. if your state can create a plan that covers as many people as affordably and comprehensively as the affordable care act does without increasing the deficit if you can implement that plan and we'll work with you to do it i've said before i don't believe that any single party has a monopoly on good ideas and i will go to bat for whatever works no matter who or where it comes from. the proposed legislation that the president was referring to was introduced by democratic senator ron wyden and republican senator scott brown and it allows states to create their own health care systems in lieu of the affordable care act sometimes called obamacare as long as those states cover as many people with the same benefits as that law mandates this could be helpful for
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states like vermont and oregon that are talking about creating single payer health care systems they could also put more pressure on republican lawmakers who are opposed to the health reform law to create alternatives in their own home states says president obama reading the handwriting on the wall it says the best way to a national single payer system may be through the states ron pollack joins me now to offer his take executive director of vice president of families usa ron welcome to the program good to see you tom great to have you here with us are we seeing the saskatchewan set up here for our listeners who we don't know maybe you'd like to describe better i can well first i think it's very important to understand that what the president did today is not a big departure of what exists in the current law specifically any affordable care act there really is a clear set of provisions that allows the states to do experimentation and as you indicated there are some rules that go with the first you've got to cover at least as many people as you fordable care act would have in your say you've got to
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provide at least those generous benefits at the affordable care act and it's got to protect people's out of pocket costs not what the president did today is defective twenty seventeen that's right so what the president did today was he allowed if this legislation passes for these waivers to go into effect three years early in two thousand and fourteen rather than so he sort of assessed catch one set up that i was talking about secession was the first province in canada to have a national to have a single payer health care system and within a few years and it spread across the country because of what he said hey that. really good we're going back and and. you know this seems very tenth amendment you know in a way it's it's the ultimate states' rights thing shouldn't this be one of those rare things that democrats or republicans might be able to or at least tea parties guys you know the freshman republicans in the house and democrats might agree on
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well let's be clear first the republicans are actually not interested in improving this legislation they want to they want to kill this legislation and they've already voted just so it's the way they voted to repeal the legislation in the house the senate rejected that they've they voted to cut off funding for the implementation they're not interested in improving the legislation. i think but what's critical here is that the key protections in the legislation about benefits coverage affordability included now whether it's a single payer system or another alternative and that's what's going to be really critical here and do you think that that could make it through a house that's controlled by republicans or. if you ask me to predict my answer is no i don't think it will and i don't think it will you know senator it's sold as
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the states' rights issue because that's that's how obama framed it today we're not dealing with the merits of of legislation or you know it's as senator mitch mcconnell indicated his top priority is top first second and third priority is to beat president obama in two thousand and twelve and one of the ways they're trying to do it is they try to tear down the affordable care act so they're not going to try to make it better or to tweak it. whether this actually ultimately makes it better i don't know you may have a state like vermont that wants to do something and if their attitude forever right now actually yes they are but there may be some states that are going to want to do something that goes in the opposite direction and that's why it's so important that the rules through this be clearly very saying you know we'll just pull all texas out of this thing altogether it's it's going to be a tough one in the minute we have love given this isn't suited decision given the power of big money here on both parties frankly is there anything that can be done
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other than just you know now this is that this is been passed this piece just letting it go on. this is hooly historic legislation i mean we're talking about expanding coverage for tens of millions of people making coverage more affordable for people providing subsidies for them placing ceilings on how much they have to pay out of pocket improving the quality of care this is enormously important and job one is to get this implemented as effectively as possible and concurrent with that is we got to make sure that these attacks on the affordable care act. very well said ron pollack thanks so much for being with the at home and keep up the great work with families it was great to have you republicans have always champion states rights well let's come up they want one progressive states like vermont and oregon create single successful excuse me single payer health care systems and the rest of the country may well stampede to follow suit. and still
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ahead here on the big picture of divide and conquer a new g.o.p. strategy. for flimsy low and you are a stronghold of rachel bodies and women nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's a star. the arrest.
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time now for the good the bad and the insanely ugly the good filmmaker charles ferguson ferguson and producer audrey mars won a cat any award for best documentary film last night for an inside job a film about the two thousand eight hundred enterprises and how the actions of a greedy few ruined the lives of the working class masses ferguson used a spotlight at the oscars to lament the lack of accountability on wall street three years later. i must start by pointing out that three years after own horrific financial crisis caused by massive for one night a single financial executive is going to jail and that's wrong. well said at
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least those comments brought the issue back into the headlines today they should be there every day and bad brian kilmeade he's become a regular on this list this morning on fox and friends would be or words organize chaos plastered across the screen kilmeade pose this question. if you need bargain it is breaking the public piggy bank should it be abolished altogether. bargain has nothing to do with these deficits the public piggy bank is broke because corporations and billionaires don't contribute anything to it for it and the very very ugly republicans him the former governor of minnesota is likely to run for president next year and over the weekend he demonstrated just how dangerous he is saying that a government shutdown would be a good thing. you've got to get back to certain principles and responsibilities and starting to get the budget balanced and if it takes one dramatic moment dramatic. traumatic among those kinds of blindness and moments are what we need to
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politicians pick up. and make the tough decisions for us well for veterans do social security recipients of middle class government workers a dramatic month could be in serious hardships but those people don't matter as long as you score some political points right to them that's very serious. what's the secret to how despots around the world stay in power for so long three words divide and conquer it's a military and political strategy that's used to claim and keep claim and keep power by dividing up other powerful groups in a society and turn them against each other it's a tactic that paid back to the roman empire and was used by julius caesar o'neill powers used to constantly and how the belgians took over all vonda they arbitrarily
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divided two groups of people based on the with their noses into two groups hutus and tutsis and then turn those two groups against each other it's simple if you can keep the populations anger and mistrust focused on each other you can rule without obstruction look at any despot around the world in particular moammar gadhafi playing the various tribes of libya off against each other for decades and you'll see that the secret to their decades long rule is divide and conquer. there's a lot to hang here with in the middle class right now and who can blame corporate workers have seen basically no increase in their wages in the last thirty years while the cost of living has been going ever higher now it's forcing people deeper and deeper into debt just to make ends meet we see the credit card companies that we're now beholden to take advantage of the fine print hidden charges and high interest rates to screw us over for higher profits the middle class has seen health insurance companies raise premiums in the last decade by more than one hundred
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thirty percent making genuinely high quality insurance coverage a luxury for the rich and while they struggle their bosses have been laughing all the way to the bank in the one nine hundred eighty s. a corporate c.e.o. would make about forty times more than his or her most lowly paid employee they that number is four hundred times more there's a vast underclass being created in america comprised of what used to be the middle class that is now our nation's working poor people with low wages no health insurance and i did and this raw deal that private sector sector corporate workers are getting is thanks to a thirty year war against labor unions in the one nine hundred eighty s. before reagan started union busting about a quarter of all employees in our nation belong to a union today in the private sector only seven percent that means only seven percent of the private workforce in america enjoys historically middle class benefits a good health care and pension plans are high wage because he's basically
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a comfortable middle class lifestyle courtesy of organized labor the rest of the people are growing more and more poor and angry. but instead of focusing their anger toward the c.e.o.'s who are under paying them and taking away their benefits and instead of focusing the anger on republican politicians who promote laws that c.e.o.'s get away with these abuses that anger is focused on their fellow workers their neighbors and middle class america who work for government that's what we see going on it was we in wisconsin today republican governor scott walker and his cohorts are trying to mr repetto anger and divide the middle class and pick corporate workers who are desperate against government paid workers the private sector union membership has steadily declined in the last few decades public sector unions the teachers and state and local government officials ever mean almost exactly the same for the last thirty years virtually immune from reagan's war on unions is the union busting industry has been going into private
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corporations to do their dirty. republicans want to destroy a major funder and supporter of democratic party politicians unions and the low hanging fruits right now are the still unionized government employee unions the republican strategy is simple and old as time divide and conquer by telling union busting corporate workers that all their troubles can be blamed on public sector union workers and g.o.p. is fomenting rage among a desperate population and at the same time keeping themselves out of the crosshairs angry about your low wages don't blame your boss blame the teachers angry about your lack of health insurance don't blame billionaire health insurance executives blame your neighbor the school bus driver anger the wall street bankers gambled with your pension and lost but blame the politicians who deregulated wall street but the fiery part of the union never mind the facts. you know on average public workers actually make off four percent less than the private counterparts in
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some states is this much is twenty percent less we're comparing similar levels of education and experience and as far as benefits go government employees simply enjoy the same benefits that corporate workers used to enjoy before reaganomics before republicans dismantle their unions as long as the g.o.p. and their billionaire buddies succeed in dividing the middle class against each other they can carry out their kleptocratic agenda of creating an economy of for and by the rich with little instruction this is what is happening right now we're turning against each other there's a joke going on right now about how a c.e.o. a union worker and a tea partier are all sitting at a table that has a plate on it with a dozen cookies the c.e.o. grabs and eats eleven of the cookies and then looks at the tea party or and says for the union guy he wants tea party or cookie that's exactly what's happening and
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it's got to stop we need to unite here in america those who belong to the working class or nation corporate workers and government workers pretty much all want the same thing a comfortable middle class life they want to raise their family put their kids through college enjoy some leisure time all without going in debt up to their eyeballs and as long as we're divided that quality of life will remain a distant dream for far too many people we can't let the g.o.p. succeed in dividing us but stop the race to the bottom stand with our neighbors realize we're all in this together and reclaim the american dream for workers. i think that your first night for more information you can visit our website it's on our check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash picture r t r t dot com plus we have free podcasts overrides and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it will see the.
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wealthy british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser reports.
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