tv [untitled] March 1, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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this is the only. button below to show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mercy we're going to live out of washington d.c. now is the u.s. positioning itself to attack libya we'll tell you about the moves that america is making and how the rest of the world is working to stop gadhafi and what about the battle brewing at home from her scott walker amps up the budget conflict in wisconsin so find out what else is on the chopping block i what we think should be cut to save the budget then we'll introduce you to the latest political movement us on cuts there the liberal version of the tea party movement and one of the founders
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is going to join me to explain what they're all about and a group of house democrats are calling on republicans to investigate a law firm and contractors for working on a disk information campaign against enemies of the chamber of commerce but is there any chance that we'll actually see it happen and is a financial terrorism partly to blame for the economic crash of two thousand and eight report commissioned by the pentagon says so so we're going to look into it and see if it has any teeth. today secretary of state hillary clinton spoke before the house foreign affairs committee on capitol hill and in light of all the unrest in the middle east and north africa many members of the obama administration are trying to figure out how to approach these delicate situations with a constantly changing position on good versus evil we can't help but wonder how our policies will change day in and day out our case christine for us out finds out. afghanistan iraq egypt. libya.
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when it comes to u.s. foreign policy this country's hands are not just full they're often tied secretary of state hillary clinton charged with the task of laying out a plan for the future generations of americans including my own have grown up successful and safe because we chose to lead the world in tackling the greatest challenges but now clear signs that the challenges and the times are changing and a lot of people in this country have come to the conclusion that our policy overhaul has been inconsistent that sometimes we support the guys and the bad guys become our enemy. when eleven has been a major year with major shifts in prominence and power in northern africa and the middle. and signs the u.s. will influence maybe we need just days before the regime of egyptian president
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hosni mubarak fell both secretary clinton and cia director leon panetta called it stable until i was. there are also in consistencies on the war in afghanistan in afghanistan integrated military and civilian surges have helped set the stage for our diplomatic surge to support afghan led reconciliation that could end the conflict and put al qaeda on the run but robert want cans of senior. un official just said quote it is fair to say that security in the country is that its lowest point since the departure of the taliban even secretary of defense robert gates said this just last week to a group of cadets at west point in my opinion any futures defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big american land army into asia or into the middle east or africa. should have his head examined as general macarthur so delicately put it there is also the
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matter of money our own economy weak and losing leverage to other powers like china and brazil another frustration voiced by lawmakers doesn't make any sense at all for us to be borrowing money from china and giving it to other countries especially giving it back to china. now when it comes to iran there is a clear position given by the state department the denial of human dignity in iran is an outrage that deserves the condemnation of all who speak out for freedom and justice but in many other regions like the rain albania and most prominently iraq where many many more people are killed at the hands of u.s. allied governments the silence is deafening. and as the landscape changes daily in libya cracks in the foundation here grow deeper we must maintain
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firm ties with our allies and enemies must be clearly identified it is a constantly changing position on good versus evil and increasingly diminishing power to influence what's next in washington christine for is now r.t. . a looks like the international community is gearing up for something big and libya after passing sanctions freezing at thirty billion dollars worth of libyan assets rumors of plans for a no fly zone or elsewhere like how the u.s. has deployed naval and air force units around libya some officials have even said that no options have been ruled out at this point so are we about to see a war or some kind of military intervention or is it all just tough talk and a lot of pressure here to discuss with me as lawrence wilkerson retired u.s. army colonel and former chief of staff to colin powell our thanks so much for being here so it's right now what do you think is going on right now we've sent air force . the naval units you know it's
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a common circle libya and clinton is saying that it's just for humanitarian purposes but at the same time we're hearing but all options could be on the table might we see some kind of military intervention we could i think it's posturing right now and i don't mean that in a pejorative sense it's posturing to try and convince moammar gadhafi to get out to step down i don't object to this i think it's probably the right thing to be doing i do however have real problems with putting u.s. marines or u.s. soldiers on the ground would be. but if this were to happen let's say that i say you don't object to it but the problem is that it would have to be some international consensus right nato would have to count while destroying human security council would rest would have to get involved but china and russia have already said that they wouldn't support such an action i think given what's happening to your un security council already i think those are probably feeble protests i think the groundswell would be for action particularly if there was
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a lot of bloodshed on the t.v. if we really have something this no fly zone idea for example great idea but i don't see anything flying very much i don't see anything in for performance or helicopter inflicting casualties if that starts then yes it might be good to implement a no fly zone if you have intelligence saying that it's about historically to be good implement the no fly zone before it starts so you can stop it but i got to see a little more in terms of what is going to actually happen in libya before i would say yes it's a good idea to put force on the ground this has got to be the libyan people just as in cairo and elsewhere in the middle east in the moderate in northern africa in western asia if we're going to have democracy we're going to have representative government it's got to be the people that want it and the people that bring it about we can help to prevent bloodshed we can help as best we can to stop violence but we don't need to interfere in this process because we will corrupt and pollute this process if we do now p.j.
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crowley the state department spokesman was actually asked whether the u.s. had ruled out the idea of arming rebel libyan forces and he said no that's not off the table because at this point quite frankly nothing is off the table all options are still have to be there but my question is who exactly what we are right i mean it's not like there is a unified opposition group here no options are off the table or all options are on the table is like saying we don't know that's what they really say we don't know what we're doing yet maybe you'd be a little bit better in. more convincing and transparent they said that might not be big with the international community or the american people so they don't say that but frankly as i said before this is got to be handled very carefully because we're seeing u.s. policy collapse u.s. policy has been shaking hands with tyrants in order to protect oil that policy is falling apart on the other hand the us had for at least the last twenty years i
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could argue for the last sixty five years a nother policy and that was to breed freedom and democracy to bring about this sort of movement we now succeeded in that in the sense that we had something to do it so we've got a band in the one policy even as we're helping the other policy to be other than stillborn and we've got to make sure we don't get too close to the other policy could cause it to be corrupted in polluted and we've got to abandon the other policy was some discretion because all the dictators haven't fallen yet. i want to say going here very quickly to a speech that defense secretary robert gates gave last week at west point academy where basically he said you know gone are the days of these massive land wars and prepare for a future where we see more air and sea conflicts is this really a huge departure the statement that he's saying here i read the speech i hope he's not saying and i don't think he's saying if you read between the lines of the coin counterinsurgency failed states and american intervention is the future i do think
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he's saying in a budgetary sense and that's usually what secretaries of defense speak here is i think we're going to have to rely on the navy first perhaps air power second and the land forces third and therefore the fifteen thousand marines we're going to in the twenty five or thirty thousand army we're going to and subsequent cuts are going to be explicable in the light of the stradivari really saving any money because you know the difference for you if you are against any talking about cuts but at the same time the the overall pentagon budget is still expanding and while he may be cutting some military and some reeds now there is more money going towards more submarines towards more navy vets he has talked about one hundred billion dollars over the next five years though and he for the most expensive element unquestionably so what do you do you budget right now roughly sixty percent of these people equipment is a lot cheaper than people people have to be paid over the long haul they have to be paid a pension and so forth people are very expensive and most importantly they have to
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have health care and that is skyrocketing in terms of costs for the so this is a cost this isn't necessarily saying that hey we were we were wrong all along with these massive war conflicts that we've gotten are so well there's some of that too but it is always bottom line about money well i guess it's about time we start talking about money now and one point two trillion dollars a year now if you add it all up it's all about all right thanks so much for. thanks for the. now coming up next he got hung last week so now to wisconsin lawmakers want to make prank calls illegal. and then have you heard of us such can you prove this organized dozens of protests of bank of america locations over the last weekend so what's the message and are they the left's answer to that in thirty states but armand you are not going to see uncut co-founder and.
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h. l. martin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. a. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. nothing that is so. weak the political. posturing mostly on our t.v. just.
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let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think. the the one well. we have to go over the shows here keep them safe get ready because of the intensity of the plague. hey guys welcome to shell and tell. which part of our guest star to say on the topic now i want to hear our audience just go on to the video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday in the show your responses playboy.
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all everyone's talking about wisconsin their billets hacking workers unions there's a new piece of legislation that quite frankly is just too ridiculous to overlook it turns out a two wisconsin republican state representatives have written a bill that would prohibit tricking a calls recipients into believing the caller's someone they are not for malicious purposes and other words they want to ban frank calls and can anybody guess why you don't think you know it could have something to do with governor scott walker getting prank call by somebody pretending to be they were coke i'm not sure if you guys caught it when it first happened just a week ago the b.b.c. and murphy called walker's office posing as one of the koch brothers because walker was refusing to give any interviews and murphy learn the whole it takes is the right name to get walker on the phone because it once he thought he was talking to the real david koch he gave his two cents on everything about the union battle in
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wisconsin take a listen to some of the snippets from this twenty minute long prank call. the first . yeah. yeah well you know what else could we do for you. but worried about. yesterday there were seventy thousand probably two thirds were against the war seventy thousand people. fifty to thirty thousand but i remind our warriors because five and a half million people stayed you know just because a bunch of nerds you can jump off of work or the unit rolls at me the rest the people you district want think your question is. more groups that are encouraging people not to show up or to call me. and tell me haim firm i'll tell you what scott once you cross these bastards out fly you out to cali and really show you a good time car that would be out there. if not my get knowledge starts on tape
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and if you're interested you can find the entire prank call on line but let's get back to the issue at hand here i guess the walker didn't like being punk so he probably had some of his cronies run up some silly little legislation about banning prank calls but if anyone else out there think that people are overreacting i mean hell everyone is a victim of a prank call if some point or another even when sarah pailin that prank call by canadian radio host acting as french leader nicolas sarkozy. i love to documenting the day made in your life you know. oh no thank you. that's was really edgy. you. you see sarah took it in stride and the prank call is talking about her being in a porno but let's be honest who out there hasn't some point in their lives prank
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called someone. is all over their. clothes off. ok we have to have a little fun let's go back to that prank call banning legislation the state lawmakers so where did they did not write this bill because of what happened to governor walker but i think we all know that's not true but the craziest thing here is that if this were to actually get passed can you imagine how many elementary and middle school students out there are going to get locked up i mean really prank calling is probably one of the best forms of entertainment when your kid so this legislation is a fun killer not to mention a violation of your first amendment rights if you ask me because governor walker and his staff were dumb enough to fall for someone else's prank and the constitution should just go straight out the window you gotta love republicans they never manage to miss an opportunity to show themselves as hypocrites and haters of
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fun. ok now let's get serious about wisconsin governor scott walker is not relenting and his plans to take away collective bargaining rights from public sector unions as a way to what he says balance wisconsin's budget and in fact today he revealed even more plans for how to conquer the state's financial woes with deep cuts for schools and local governments but let's get real what if we stopped making the middle class take all of the hits focus on special interest tax dodging or ended some of those tax breaks the governor walker has resulted in the state's financial mess guess what doing that would balance the state's budget you're discussing with me is a reporter and blogger for think progress dot org and the progress support at the center for american progress action fund so thanks so much for being here thanks for having me you know if everything we've been hearing from governor walker all of his media appearances the speeches that he's given have you once heard him go back
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to some of the policies some of the legislation that was enacted it while he was governor those tax breaks that i think for the most part everyone agrees helped wisconsin's budget problems well here's the thing right when governors not only walker case numerous others throughout the country they're telling us that there's these are facing budget deficit so the way that they're going to solve these deficits is what slavery the middle class by slamming main street america will take you where you need rights here teachers firefighters policemen but they're not telling us about the corporate tax rates they passed about the special interests they have carved out their own tax loopholes in the tax code and other big corporations and big really wealthy people were not paying their fair share a world b.s. that they have so easy just to forget about all of that and target state employees isn't it well you guys over at think progress you came up with a list of just a few suggestions when it comes to some of these tax breaks or some of these loopholes you know which could fix wisconsin's budget deficit so tell me of some of them are so for example. right now we have
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a lot of tax dodging and i mean there was one for wisconsin's future which is a think tank of the state actually i mean there's about a billion dollars of taxes going on in the state right now there's one hundred thirteen million dollars every year the state loses just from tax. businesses basically these businesses that are under reporting and no one's calling them either ones are getting them so that's one place that we can go there's other places that have special loopholes for example community hospitals or call community hospitals but they produce eighty nine percent of the revenue of the hospitals they say these are really really big chains you know they're working the state of about more than a hundred million dollars a year from their own tax dodge and we have some loopholes are just ridiculous because they're written for one place there is a large storm in the university of wisconsin madison campus that gets a quarter million dollar tax rate every year i mean this is a tax rate of supposedly written for universities across the state but it's literally written just for one dorm and this is this is a really egregious example of tax that's happening all over the state we're not addressing any of this instead we're going after main street america and that's wrong and you know one of the things that you have to also note here is you pointed
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out a few examples when it comes just to the state of wisconsin but if you think about it this is happening on a national level if you think you know that bank of america exxon and some of the largest multi-billion dollar corporations him pay a single penny and federal income taxes last year that just seems preposterous to me to seem fair at all you know it's not fair and this is what i want your viewers to do only to open your wallet and look at what's in there if you have anything at all in there you pay more taxes the bank of america page two thousand and nine more tax than exxon mobil paid in two thousand and these corporations that bought our politicians and manipulated the tax code in a way to rip the rest of us also they don't pay their fair share and we're continually asked to pay and all i'm saying is that everyone needs to be paying their fair share everyone should be asked to sacrifice not just middle class americans have already sacrificed too much but you think that part of the problem why and we don't hear about this more often is that because they well it's not just republicans that are down to give you know corporations tax breaks but democrats are and aren't absolute is a bipartisan problem and. today they had
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a vote in the house of representatives for appealing as well subsidies that we give to big oil doesn't pay his taxes and twelve democrats actually sided with the republicans to remove those to bring in the wrong direction so this is definitely a bipartisan problem the responsibility of ours as well well unfortunately these days it looks like corporations own our government and both parties think government said thanks so much for joining us thank you. now this past saturday of movement a movement called u.s. uncut organized protests more than forty different branches of bank of america across the country all to shine a light on the tax evasion of multibillion dollar corporations so local activists protested inside and outside of bank of america branches conducting teachings about corporate tax avoidance and theatrical bail they stopped passers by to ask do you pay your taxes bank of america doesn't and washington d.c. and san francisco protests force the early closure of major bank branches and san
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francisco protesters also presented bank tellers with fake checks made out from bank of america to the united states of america courtesy of tax paying citizens it's the liberal version of the tea party and i'm just wondering why it took so long for it to form here this president with me is armand you're not a d.c. uncut co-founder and ron thanks so much for joining us now tell me about us and what what's the overall goal here all u.s. and what is a new grassroots movement that organizes through online social media twitter facebook us on or and what we're really protesting is demeaning corporations pay their fair share just like the rest of us you know i pay your taxes i pay my taxes why don't they pay their taxes and we're hoping that the corporations will own and and their practices of corporate tax avoidance so that all of us don't have to face the severe budget cuts that we've been all been facing at the state and federal level for so long that's what's slated to be slated to be on the docket very soon
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let's get a. corporations are never going to own up to it on their own right that's why the public has to come out that's why you have to put pressure on them so you know what do you think could happen with us and do you see this having a possibility of expanding of becoming a larger movement you know like the tea party but i guess the progressive version really getting that you know what i mean keep in mind that we only started about two weeks ago and the response that we got was amazing i mean there's a lot of anger out there as i think all viewers know and all of you are share majority americans share that view and i think that you know we had over fifty actions in cities across the country last saturday and we're not going to stop and there's certainly people want to stand against budget cuts because that's what politicians as i've only been putting on the docket for for being budget deficit the majority americans did not cause what took so long to happen and like you said it only started two weeks ago you know the tea party started a while back you could say right after the crash in two thousand and eight after
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all the big banks were bailed out so why they take her presence so long to come around to this i think one thing is that budget cuts they take a while to actually be enacted so the recession when the recession hit. or i'm sorry state revenues still continue to not be that bad but now we're really in the trenches we're at the bottom of the recession. as some economists may say and budget cuts are really coming to a head now and we're also now being asked to do more budget cuts at the federal and state level as you can see wisconsin also is an indication of the real anger that's out there and i think that among for aggressive we're this is the voice i think this sort of direct action is is kind of our bread and butter this is what not only progresses but everyone with a majority of americans can can see directly connect through direct action to these corporations. budget because they're not paying their fair share of taxes we all feel the brunt of them and i think this is a rallying call now is the moment. do it and i think americans are going to join in
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on this but i'm with you there that it shouldn't just be a progressive cause this should be something that all americans or at least all working class americans really do you know get behind it do you think that there is a class war that's really happening in our country right now i don't argue that it's more corporations warn americans middle class all americans i mean our futures are at stake and politicians in obviously the lobbying of corporations to avoid having to pay taxes in the encouragement or not cracking down on loopholes by government i think that all americans really do feel the pain that corporations are are causing all of us so we see that the former budget cuts for example college aid is slated to be cut how keating for the poor we see that through teachers firefighters policemen you know our safety responders libraries schools they're all
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slated to be cut even further four hundred fifty billion dollars has already been cut from state budgets since the recession began one hundred twenty five one hundred fifty billion dollars or this is are slated to be cut as we move forward and president obama's budget doesn't look much better one point one trillion dollars in cuts primarily to social services over the next ten years if we if we eliminated corporate tax dodging we could recording to government budget statistics we could gain one hundred billion dollars a year that's one trillion dollars over ten years that will you know that will cut that would save a lot of because obama is slated to propose and i save a lot of jobs probably to save a lot of teachers save a lot of money that comes to education now i just want to so i'm assuming also that this was inspired somehow by the british version you expand but they then again you know saw austerity measures coming their way much sooner so now we're really seeing it come to the forefront in the u.s. the quickly what are the next plans you have this big demonstration this last saturday i hear that perhaps taxes. i think next well we're going to have
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a number of actions as we move forward tax days definite going to be a big all out i don't want to go big all out assault if you will as far as protesting against corporations since they pay zero taxes i mean in two thousand and bank of america they just released on friday to the i.c.c. that they're not paying they made zero taxes in two thousand and so as we move forward we're going to have actions visit. us and orgy find out if there is going to be an action in your in your city or town if not start one we're all in it together get the facts facts they are joining us on facebook and twitter and we're moving forward so bank of america other corporations who don't pay their taxes you're forewarned america and the majority americans are ready to stand against budget cuts and are demanding that you pay your fair share especially right around tax day is that the rest of us ought to fill out our forms and pay the money i think we all want to make sure the corporations page i'm on thank so much anyhow much for having me. now so come tonight our tools time winner involves
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a rich drug addicted spoiled and the media stick around for that and it's been reported to you that's chamber of commerce wanted to discredit those who attacked them during the midterm elections for spending a large amounts of money mostly for g.o.p. candidates but will the g.o.p. actually investigate those claims i'll speak with jane hamsher founder of firedoglake dot com just. what drives the world of fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to put it through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is you who with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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