tv [untitled] March 1, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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well i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. it seems wisconsin governor scott walker has it out for teachers and others more proof and his two year budget proposal with a wall democrats and protesters for days literally the labor movement when it was strong numbers the koch brothers and their money certainly don't think so in fact charles koch is defending his support of walker but take a look at his wall street journal op ed today and how do you get the best congressional committee money can buy just as dear all i said is money has
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a lot to do with this. you need to know this even though as union busting agenda has stalled thanks to a wall democratic state senators governor walker in wisconsin un veiled his two year budget proposal today and guess what its part is teachers i know you're a stone walker is proposing a nine hundred million dollars cut to education and more than two thousand teachers have received layoff notices as a result and walker is also pledging more layoffs this week if senators don't return to ask his so-called budget repair proposal by today basically walker is telling his government workers they must accept losing their collective bargaining rights or i'll be fired or boss he's catching some blowback down one of the
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nation's largest labor unions asked me has filed a labor complaint against going over alleging that he's violating fair labor practices because unwillingness to negotiate with workers over their basic rights also walker's attempts to lock the doors of the states. capitol and prevent more protests was shot down today when a judge ordered the doors to be reopened during business hours and more bad news for walker a new york times c.b.s. poll shows a sixty percent of the untrue it up poses is plans to limit collective bargaining rights another poll among wisconsinites fifty two percent said they wouldn't vote for him would not vote for him if the gubernatorial election were held today president obama finally waded into the wisconsin waters saying this history so i believe that everybody should be prepared to give up something in order to solve our budget challenges and i think most public servants agree with that democrats and republicans agree with that in fact many public employees in your respective
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states have already agreed to cuts. but let me also say this i don't think it does anybody any good when public employees are denigrated were vilified or their rights are infringed upon. with the latest on what's going on in wisconsin i'm joined with someone boots on the ground in that state lisa graves executive director of the center for media democracy and in the studio any croll associate editor of mother jones magazine annie lisa thank you both for joining us lisa first what are the details of what happened in wisconsin today particularly last couple of hours. well earlier this morning a court ruled that the governor's new plan to limit access to the capitol were barred by the constitution in the state in their temporary restraining order but the state house was and was defiant they refused to let protesters in basically having a quota for protesters meanwhile business lobbyists with tickets in their hand were
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let into legislative session to see the governor and bail his budget and i can tell you the budget that he unveiled is unbelievably cruel and unwarranted it's a budget that basically cuts university hospitals it cuts the school system in this in this state and unfortunately it curdles some of the changes that other governors pressured into office by the republican governors association and others who are funded by the koch brothers have pushed into place are trying to push into place i'm assuming he's in his new budget keeping intact his millions of dollars of tax breaks for koch industries various adventures in the state and other big corporations. well the fact is that he already gave away from major incentive to do earlier this earlier this year one of the things that this budget does is it gives him almost one hundred million dollars budget to create a business channel made of anyone he choose it is so be more largesse were his that kept body and more harsh for hard working americans in wisconsin it's really an
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unconscionable budget amazing ending the democratic party was constant has filed an ethics complaint against scott i mean walker they're planning to file a probe this week essentially saying that walker possibly valid over campaign finance rules or ethics rules in his conversation with the fake david koch if you will you know walker alluded to g.o.p. senators g.o.p. lawmakers in some areas sort of being under attack or wavering about their support on walker's sort of union busting the repair bill and so as walker you alluded to these people could use some support he was attempting to conspire to to to to get a big owner to to bring some money in in a way that was a violation of law it was cancer it's about the ethics laws that's what the democratic party is looking at you know it was you coordinating with these this massive donor to run some ads or some kind of support campaign for these on the fence republicans very interesting what lisa how long do you think that the
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wisconsin fourteen will be able to hold out and and given that the governor was successful today in blocking people accept the back half of the tickets from getting in what does this portend for the future i also understand that there was a that there was something very recently where the the chief of police turned over was capitol police or what so that he wasn't going to have his officers be the it wasn't praetorian guard what was a palace guard for the governor. that's right so the governor is actually in plame to the citizens of the state even further today by the nine them access to the state capitol here which basically has been open for the last two weeks until the until the capitol police and the local police decided that they weren't going to show up in protest of their fellow citizens down on site on sunday so here you have a situation in which as scott walker continues to behave like george w. bush jr unilaterally dictating what the rules will be in this state using his
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buddies in the legislature to try to crack down on basic rights to protest and then he unveils this incredibly cruel and shocking budget but further cuts public services basically is that if david koch won his campaign for vice presidency back in one thousand nine hundred eighty when he ran a libertarian candidate trying to kill public education trying to get basic health and human services for ordinary americans this budget is part of the fulfillment of david koch's dream but i'll give you grant i think me the argument that he's been running basically a shadow government behind the republican party for years ever since election reagan and i'm wondering your thoughts on. we can talk about ohio if you have any knowledge of this or or maybe lisa you do i understand john case it's the current governor who used to be a sales guy or a senior partner i guess or a manager with lehman brothers the firm that went down and then ohio lost hundreds of millions of dollars or well over one hundred million dollars in that lehman
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failure that he wasn't directly involved with that but i mean did the citizens who are really realize that this guy was a failed banker and hostler of. you know according to rolling stones today he had to eat of illegal profits on the criminal. case that has a long history where he was in the financial services industry at lehman which of course what completely belly up you know flawed unfair. really complex financial deals you know involving swaps involving municipalities and schools many of which went bad somehow that either glossed over or the public just didn't tune into it in the election because he got the state house yet he has this and this horrible past and he's cut from the same mold as walker is in terms of you know stripping away public services going after public funding for schools and utilities and privatizing as much as you can the bill that's going to do that the actions in ohio are basically on par with the ones that wisconsin it's another battle of the same
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kind and it will be probably six eight ten more to come we got a lot of republican governors lisa andy thank you both for being with us tonight i thank you very much thank you republican lawmakers in ohio are facing a wisconsin like backlash led by their governor john casey they are pushing a bill similar anti-union bill and as a result more than thousand people showed up outside the state capitol to protest the bill actually i've heard some larger crowds as large as forty thousand it looks like the labor movement now has the momentum in this nation. is time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think if wisconsin democrats don't return today governor scott walker says he's going to lay off two thousand teachers so here's today's question will his divide and conquer strategy work or possible answers are yes in order for his agenda to work the middle class
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needs to be turned against one another or know his plan will backfire because fifty two percent was confident said they wouldn't vote for this guy right now if the election was held again today log on to our list of what you think will be open until tomorrow. still ahead here on the big picture mirror mirror on the wall who's the crony capitalists of all i'd say charles koch but it seems his wall street journal op ed disagrees with me plus more money more problems well not for their allies seems assembled a committee staff with deep pockets to take down government regular. exercise lindsey lowe in fact he has told the preacher about these women and nothing people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's
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his corporation's role in speaking out in favor of that funding wisconsin governor scott walker articles entitled why koch industries is speak you know crony capitalism and bloated government this is from the article they said crony clapp capitalism and bloated government prevent entrepreneurs from producing the products and services the big people's lives but are actually the subtitle in a coke writes for many years i and my family and our company have contributed to a variety of intellectual and political causes working to solve these problems because of our activism we've been vilified by various groups despite this criticism we're determined to keep contributing and standing up for those politicians like wisconsin governor scott walker who are taking these challenges seriously be continues by criticizing what he calls kuoni capitalism saying crony capitalism is much easier than competing in an open market and he should know
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that it erodes our overall standard of living and stifles entrepreneurs by rewarding the politically favored rather than those who provide what consumers want . and. so it runs to us quote talked about when he references crony capitalism should he perhaps be looking in the mirror reporter and blogger for think progress leaf on is with us and has the answers he joins me now lee welcome back and thanks for having me tom great to have you here what was the essence of charles coke's op ed today or did we pretty much capture it that's and how does it contra how is it contradicted by reality well it's a little bit of a patronizing tone but you just look at the if you look at the substance he was denouncing government spending and crony capitalism but i think sigmund freud had a term for this it's called projection and if you look at koch industries and how they make their profits a lot of it's just demanding government subsidies exploiting government programs
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and really just engaging in crony capitalism where they're buying up politicians and getting kickbacks and special loopholes that they've made billions off of for example. just to be just to start with the business it began in soviet russia the franco put father of the company received contracts from joseph stalin to build fifteen oil refineries in the soviet union but going forward what is it iis guys inherited their fortune from money made by their daddy working with joe stalin yeah the worst kind of government planning soviet style i literally i. know it's a little ironic that they cast themselves as champions of true free market libertarian principles but going forward. never really left the company because over the years they thought of the chamber company georgia pacific which exploits government land and has the taxpayer basically pay for roads to new virgin growth
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forests for them to chop down all in taxpayers' dime basically the their matador cattle company uses federal land they were caught in the. eighty's stealing oil from federal land and not paying for something the former coke employees called the coke method of trimming oil off the top but just going to go down the list was it was true you will love it well basically when you use a an oil well from an indian reservation or federal land. to either pay wrote to you but you also have to accurately measure the amount of oil you took so they were basically rounding down and doing this systematically hundreds of different different times so they basically stole three hundred three hundred million gallons of oil without paying for it. it was a twenty year court battle and they eventually settled admitting. and i believe paid a sizable fine but this is a long history in just
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a few hours ago republicans in the house voted down a democratic amendment to us yet the us house. an amendment to the c.r. the continuing resolution which would have closed the massive multi-billion dollar oil subsidies benefit from coast allies in the g.o.p. congress voted unanimously to kill that amendment so that they take advantage of these federal programs to take advantage of special oil subsidies and across the board. you can find examples that are just completely glaring to give you another one obviously koch industries through their front groups fought health reform tooth and nail they ran ads they compared health reform for the holocaust and these tea party rallies they had all their think tanks producing junk studies but as soon as the law passed one of the first benefits was a special subsidy to companies to help retirees bridge the gap between their actual
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retirement date so when they can qualify for medicare koch industries was one of the first companies a lot of been asked for that health reform subsidy. that's incredible. real quickly remember a couple of weeks ago. maybe a month ago or to emote the koch brothers and i asked you if you'd seen the movie client number nine about eliot spitzer i don't know if you've seen it yet but i'm actually ok i mean you really do it's a fascinating documentary about how an angry wall street billionaire took on a politician and i'm wondering if these guys come after you. you know i can't comment on that i know that koch industries has hired was happy doesn't p.r. firms to respond to my stories they have my name on their website coke facts to respond to some of the articles i've written a coke lobbyist name nancy phone hire has been trying to place pieces against jane mayer lining both her work and my work but that's all i can say the moment or keep
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up the great work thank you to the fun thanks so much for dropping out tonight and boys great great reporting thanks for having me. it is remarkable. speaking of crony capitalism there are allies as assembling his committee staff and there seems to be a common theme among these new aides they all have ties to transnational corporate lobbyists i says team it's hell bent on taking down government regulations that he has to big oil polluters and other harmful industries include several people with ties to the cult brothers and another four that were previous lobbyists for the same industries that isis is taking advice from like the alliance of automobile manufacturers and dow chemical so is this what we should expect from the guy who's in charge of government oversight or is this officially the best congressional committee money can buy that maybe has been following the issues the regulatory policy analyst at o.m.b. watch and he joins me now in the studio matt welcome back to be here and i pronounce your last in this. map first of all give us an overview of what's what's
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going on here with the with their allies well. ever since even before chairman i took the reins as chairman he sent out a letter to industry lobbying groups they say they're sending them to business but it's really just the lobbyists and asking them for a hit list of regulations so he may second term very early on they wanted to target regulation and now we're finding out that a lot of people on the committee staff have a history of working in this the why does his staff matter and why does it matter who is who is on their offices well what's interesting is a lot of the staff some of the staffers have ties to the koch brothers or others as you said when a normal kind of small lobbying group has a complaint they can write a letter as they did in response to this invitation lose ended up being made public
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when it's something like the koch brothers when they know people on the inside they don't have to have a public out or they can just make a phone call they can just somebody at lunch. i have a lecture remarkable dow chemical you mention or or it was mentioned in one of these sort of guys is that yes one of these guys is associated with out chemical is this is there are a longer list of companies or are we just beginning to find out i mean is this. and is this something that you know is this kind of like the way congress has been doing business for a long long time and we just just got kind of got our rages when i say god put it in our faces or is is he has he stepped over some kind of line here i think this has been going on for a while you know committee staff whether democrat or republican are are overworked and so they sort of farm some things out to these lobbyists and organizations and so the line is really bill werde between who are the real advisors to the
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representatives and who are the outside interests that i understand this is probably two or three years old we had somebody from one of the ralph nader groups so you know once you start i forget which one on my radio program and they say this person said that about ninety percent of all the legislation it is to the house is actually written by lobbyists and then run through the office of a of a particular member of congress who might find it a little bit is that is that's just a reasonable based on your experience and and if so should i give us even more cause for concern that the that the lobbyists are now with members of the staff of the of this very very powerful congressman and the richest guy in the house of representatives by the way yeah yeah that's right i absolutely think it's it's cause for concern and people were going to start questioning not just the voting booth but when you're watching a hearing thinking about a debate over an issue who's really behind this is it really a representative with your best interest in mind or is or somebody else prone
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restraints thinking we used to call this kind of thing bribery and corruption. there's a fine line and i think as i said there's a line that we're going between what's government and what's not but it's you know to have. let me just get this straight here's the guy who's in charge of the government oversight committee which is arguably one of the most powerful committees in congress doesn't appropriate money but he can make things happen he's the guy who can do the investigations this is the committee if my recollection is right that brought down bill clinton right with all the investigations and what he was all about and he's got all these former lobbyists and crony capitalists on his staff i just i'm astounded that that this kind of thing is allowed is this this is something that in the last thirty years is called out less fifty years as it always been this way it is go back to ulysses s. grant we have any idea and is anybody trying to pass any laws against this i know
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brian baird tried one last year but then he decided not to run for congress yeah i mean it raises the question who's overseeing the overseers right i don't know for i don't know that we know for how long this has been going on but. the things that have to happen at the very least is disclosure of what these kinds of conflicts of interest on the staffs are and that's not that's not right at least that you're doing that disclosure thanks so much for being there was that my great great having the. koch industries spent more than forty million dollars in the last three years lobbying congress to kill e.p.a. regulations now with cronies on isis staff they can save that money for twenty twelve and buy a new politician but this actually goes deeper than just the coax let's take a look at just how far isis tentacles could reach in the corporate world check this thing out this is this is the this is from they rule dot net is a website that's been around for
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a while it need databases actually from two thousand and four so this is a little bit out of date i keep hoping that a group like maybe the center for american progress will create a similar one of the more modern you know but today database but just for example let's look at the two thousand and four years georgia pacific which is now owned by the koch brothers and chemical which is you know so we've got a koch brothers guy who's on the dura wise a staff and you've got a doubt chemical guy and they're all isis staff and so when we look at these companies. on here. and so this is a this is a real experiment here and we look at their directors ok who are the directors here and then we can almost as a matter of the individual names we just say ok let's see let's see companies this guy's on ok so he's on and c.r. and he's on bell south and what companies is this guy on it turns out he's always
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constant energy and fidelity national and manpower and. certainly and so ok georgia pacific who you know. one of the koch brothers is of course now a director but here are the directors and or they were in two thousand and four and let's just pick one by random here. as there so this is an experiment. where we go ok and this guy is on the board of caterpillar texas instruments are thick some are there are three southern and delta airlines here's another one here this person's on sun trust banks genuine parts and on coca-cola and here's where his really interesting at the directors for coca-cola and you discover that there is a direct line through this guy back to dog chemical and and through this guy back
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to georgia these are basically the people who rule america and you can see the companies that they're on here's a man power over here some trust banks and again you just take any one of these people and you say ok what companies is this guy represent oh dell computer and and general electric and chevron texaco what a surprise all of this tied into their all isis staff. it's really it's really quite remarkable when you get that there is this relatively small number of people who are on a lot of different corporate boards who basically run the country who make the decisions and who if if scott walker in wisconsin for example has his way will also muttley be making all the decisions and many states already are.
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crazy alert pizza wars a piece of shit piece of shop owner in philadelphia came up with a harebrained scheme to get rid of his competition he set out to infest competing pizza parlors with mice yesterday nicholas galiot pose walked into the bathroom of the verona pizza restaurant students well it was a paper bag filled with mice above the ceiling boards he then bought a bag of chips and walked out sensing something was amiss about the visit were on a pizza owner francis. went into the bathroom piling them ice and all of that so police officers who happened to be dining is restaurant who then promptly arrested galiot sophos and police called the case to terrorism by mice personally i think that this whole thing is a huge misunderstanding maybe golly it's out so it was just trying to help out.
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or maybe not. still ahead here on the big picture a lot more money fewer problems u.s. and europe of seized the u.s. and europe at sea is the libyan funds so this bring about the final chapter of gadhafi plus the travel lodging and food sounds like a great deal right it seems some sort of supreme court justices may have thought it
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was a great deal also explain how it's putting their impartiality the question. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. than here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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