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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST

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welcome bagnall here's a recap of the top stories we're covering on r t do you want to suspends libya from its human rights council following the government's aggression against protesters the u.s. is moving its naval forces closer to libya triggering speculation of possible strikes newquay is also involved moving out the use of force. as the unrest in the middle east and north africa is shaking the world america's foreign policy is changing course along with its future direction top the agenda
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for us something terry of state hillary clinton at a meeting on capitol hill this week. and the soviet union's first sunglass president celebrates his eightieth birthday. this considered the badly put russia all the possible worlds democracy. will next we'll look at the history of car bombs that it's running at century well that's coming your way next. bombing is going on and i repeat my. homemade explosives slipped across the atlantic into the hands of the ira. the world's first full scale car bomb or was now ready to begin. and the material to make the bombs was lying around in every farmer's barn in ireland. china callaghan was
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a senior ira bomb maker at the time my understanding is that the ira was running up explosives and yes but yeah yeah really great difficulty in getting hold of the military commercial explosives to get small amounts which could steal from quietly you could not get. your money not to extend next night and this probably the biggest commercial for them so they actually called the government edition complete one faction. the british took countermeasures to make it more difficult for the ira to make and for. simply boiling up fertilizer to make explosives no longer works. but the ira also found ways around those restrictions. and ramped up their car bomb or. tommy gorman was one of the ira's top bomb makers in belfast and the one nine hundred seventy s. . tommy's job was to assemble the bombs
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set the timer before handing over the device to the bomb team who drove the car to its target in the city center. it was people who did not think of that because they heard that steve and he got someone who's nervous another start to panic i think it held up traffic but about women all of us were just as good as men so i better know . one of those women was marion price i mean i i didn't i didn't from even the time i was too young and i didn't have a license but i'd been in a car that was laden with explosives that have been brought into belfast and we were stopped by the british army and at that time we had the exposed in the lower part of the car. and so when he opened the door for me and i said to you no no no no no i can manage and when i got in the car because i'm going to manage he i think he was more interested in the case than he was with the car. most of the time the
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ira called in warnings. that the ira say was economic terrorism buildings not bodies. under their own rules killing civilians was wrong. but planning car bombs is not an exact science. and when the ira messed up people lots of people die. on the afternoon of the twenty first of july nineteenth seventy two the ira planted twenty two car bombs in the center of belfast. all time to go off within minutes of each other. bloody friday was the world's first nascar bomb attack. the ira phoned in warnings of one bomb prematurely exploded in oxford street bus station.
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killing six passengers. many others were horribly mutilated. are you ashamed of what happened and bloody friday. five. there's no way that the security forces could have cared because this display of bombs are everywhere. but the slaughter on bloody friday did not stop the ira. the bombing campaign accelerated. in one nine hundred seventy two there were one thousand three hundred eighty two explosions. the ira leadership was now ready to bring the car bomb on to the streets of london. it was our job to go and pick the targets and plan the operation. on march the eighth one nine hundred seventy three the ira attacked aligned for the
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first time and planted four car bombs. nineteen year old marion price was leader of the bomb team. we went along on the morning that the bombs went off and the driver and the person he was to set the time thank god up at six in the morning. the bullhorns to their targets and it was planned by the time the bombs week wolf that afternoon at three o'clock. we've little. marion chose for spectacular targets including the old bailey courthouse. but the most prestigious target was new scotland yard. peter gurney a bomb disposal officer was on duty that day. and i found a ford car here and the number plates on the car did not relate to that thank you vehicle the proof locker but in time for with so we decided that what we would do
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we would go into the booth through the rear seats were entered in you would see that it was packed with exposure of. both two hundred eighty pounds of explosives the problem was moving forward from exposure to the initiator we had no idea how long it was there on the cloth what we just to sort of through with to take the explosive away from the bomb on the flight reporting byard five pound bags are exposed you have to put them on the other saw the roads or the bomb went off or give us a go through. of the building hadn't been evacuated and no face was crushed or the windows fourchon those were what was the significance of this bomb these were the first car bomb used in the. two bombs did explode. the irish war was now on the streets of london. marion spent the next decade in prison but over the next twenty five years the ira would explode thousands of
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car bombs. just one bomb could destroy a small town or blast the heart of a key financial center like the city of london. bomb disposal officer mike calder it was called out to diffuse the biggest ira bomb of all. round about ten twenty seven when the something the morning. tremendous blast of a truck out there in bishopsgate three hundred thousand kilograms i exploded. so in a blast wave that ripped all the windows out of the whole area. the ira deliberately planted the bishopsgate bomb on a saturday morning knowing that most of those city offices would be empty. it was economic terrorism which will probably be shortage bishopsgate with around about one billion pounds. imagine twenty times the amount that was rationed in
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city centers around the united kingdom. the ira never won their war in ireland but the british lost their ears on the streets of the city of london. did you think this was going to change the politics of northern ireland when this bomb went off or no doubt about it and i saw the devastation and realised how to launch those plans were ushered in eighteen months we'll be talking peace. at the height of the troubles the ira churned out car bombs as if on a production line. but you don't need a secret army to launch a car bomb attack. even the smallest terrorist cell can make a one off fertilizer bomb. in one nine hundred ninety three the same year as bishopsgate
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car bombers would return to america and strike again at new york's financial district. the target was the world trade center. on friday feb nineteenth a massive explosion ripped through the underground parking garage of the north tower. david williams was the chief f.b.i. investigator. were we walked into the trade center it was kind of like walking into a cave. you hear people screaming in the background rescue workers basically you had a crater that was five stories. the one nine hundred ninety three world
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trade center bombing was the first major terrorist attack on american soil since the one nine hundred twenty s. on wall street. the f.b.i. was in charge but local police forces like the new york city bomb squad were part of the team. don saddam was sent into the bomb crater on sunday afternoon forty eight hours after the blast to help a forensic chemist team take samples. but then saddam we spotted a strange metal fragment crumpled and twisted by the power of the explosion. but was unusual was the damage it was so ripped in twisted i've been to scenes in organized crime where people were killed with car bombs and completely blew a car up but i've never seen the undercarriage blown out into pieces as as i was looking at there so i knew that this had to be either right next to or possibly the vehicle that would bring such a watch vehicle born in here and i took my gloves off and as i ran my thumb inside
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i could feel like i can a cripple it was a star shape letters letters numbers numbers numbers and in this ended in a starship and i knew that this was a confidential than them. confidential vehicle identification numbers are inscribed on different parts of a car by the manufacturer to help police identified stolen vehicles. at that point i made a decision and i said to the team we have to take this this is out of here i know it's against the law it is and i see gone and you know carrying a stretcher up i'm thinking as i get closer i see that they have a piece of metal on the stretcher i started to raise hell because they were moving evidence before we were up and running with it over the control center but soon forensic teams confirm said always hunch. it was now just fifty hours from the time of the explosion and the hunt for the bomb and the bombers was rolling.
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and that led to a break in a case that was obviously a great great great case because we were able to trace the number back as before connell i think owned by writer readily tutsi and traced that particular van to jersey city where it was last rented to the individual by the name of muhammad solomon. salomé was part of a small cell of islamic terrorists incensed by america's support for israel. the attack on the world trade center was their declaration of war. salomé was arrested. the trail led to a storage facility packed but making it much. but the real mastermind the bomb maker ramzi yousef had fled to pakistan on the night of the world trade center bombing. ramzi yosef was basically the lead explosive instructor. in
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afghanistan teaching other folks to be teachers of builders of palm. and you could certainly see a bomb or signature between the roof and the ninety three crates in a. solemn maze amateurish attempt to reclaim his cash deposit would end in a record two hundred forty years. jail term. but there was nothing funny about useless plan for the twin towers. the bomb van was deliberately parked near one of the towers key structural supports. his aim was to bring down both towers. we got a good blow by sunday night two days after the bombing the slurry foundation would have failed it would have allowed some of the hudson river and cause tower one to collapse most likely into tower two causing it to collapse. ramzi
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yousef was finally captured in pakistan two years later and extradited back to the united states. he was taken by helicopter to the southern district of net app for rain and as the helicopter flew by the twin towers one of the agents point out the cowers and says they're still standing. around he also takes a glance and looks back stoically it says more money and more time and they would not be and he was pretty correct. good is why again in one thousand and twenty. you so struck in one nine hundred ninety three. a car bomb was back on american soil in every major government building was now a target. when i first came to washington tourist clipper for the white house and take pictures in ten of the capitol was to make it an open place that americans
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could come walk around drive around it's all gone you know it mean this is a city under siege. it's thanks to the core of the. naive i always thought the threat would come from overseas never from the heartland of america itself and in oklahoma the dream of the car turned nightmare. on the morning of the nineteenth of april one thousand nine hundred five eight p. murrah federal building in oklahoma city in the midwest was destroyed in an explosion. a massive bomb killed one hundred sixty eight mostly government office workers and shocked america. this was born in the usa terrorism. on the orders of president clinton dave williams was again assigned as chief
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investigator. oklahoma city i mean effect when you're absolutely. some of the things that i saw in the y.m.c.a. which is cross the street from the mara building and it was blood spatter and there were little children handprints in there and it was the children stay care center and there was blood everywhere chocolate milk and cookies and teddy bears were fingers in here. and that's terrorism when you come right down to it. within that first hour my swag my scientific wild ass guess was that four thousand pounds of van full was used very simple combination of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel one of the good brakes was that within minutes jim norman who was
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an f.b.i. task in oklahoma city heard the blast saw the blast got his car and drove down and as he's running up to the belly here someone calling his name and it turns out to be a fireman and he shows him a rear axle with a differential housing and says this looks like it was probably part of the vehicle bomb struck a fortune also on that on the differential housing is a matrix number which identifies that make model year and owner of that vehicle turns out it was another ryder truck and was rented out of. kansas by a fellow with the name of robert cloying. playing turned out to be an alias but f.b.i. agents obtained a detailed photo fit and appealed for information on t.v. . and we got a call from the dreamland motel in kansas who said they stayed here. by cross
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referenced. calls made from the room and criminal records the f.b.i. raible to adana fi a key suspect. on the day in perry county oklahoma about eighty five miles north of oklahoma city and he was in jail for of course we're going to call the jail to see if he's still there and it was so funny that the individual that answered the phone there said yeah we have a fake here and it's walking by going first bail hearing please hold on to. they was arrested just two hours after the bombing as he made his get away it was a routine traffic offense. he was stopped by a state trooper charlie hanger for not displaying a valid license plate he was carrying a concealed weapon. how do you know. he was
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a right wing militia fanatic who thought the us federal government were tyrants. it was a cold misplaced rage. but with a rented truck and some cheap ammonium fertilizer they would bomb oklahoma with the same power as an f. sixteen fighter bomber. in two thousand and one mcveigh was executed by the federal government. still at eight hundred dollars ago there is no end to other potential timothy mcveigh. but the next attack by a vehicle borne improvised explosive device would shake the world.
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the nine eleven hijackers turned civilian aircraft into bombs joe. by crashing them into the twin towers. it was truly a vehicle borne improvised explosive device a plane. after nine eleven the united states invaded iraq and afghanistan. but in these new wars the car bomb became the key tactical battlefield weapon. militarily the us invasion of iraq was a perfect blitzkrieg. in just three weeks and allied force of three hundred thousand defeated an army of a half a million seizing a country the size of california for the loss of just one hundred thirty nine men.
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but this stunning victory turn once coalition forces occupied iraqi cities. to car bomb became king of the road. former u.s. marine colonel thomas hammes served in iraq and is a leading military analyst. what did the car bomb mean for iraq. i think the car bomb change the basic cataclysm choice in iraq successful counterinsurgency is based on being among the people close to them when you start bombing and you start to withdraw both government forces the police in iraq and u.s. forces in behind bomb barriers you cut off communication the people the car bomb separated the government from the people and at the same time it's like a casualties so it was the other big piece of an insurgency and other it's convincing american people we're losing car bomb can't be stopped how to get up.
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insurgents use car bombs against any target the u.n. religious shrines police stations and street markets. the blast of the car bomb turned blitzkrieg to defeat. to counter the car bomb the u.s. military has established gyde zero joint improvised explosive device defeat organization. with an annual budget of four billion dollars. most of joe's work is top secret it vance to electronic countermeasures to jam remotely detonated bombs. but some of it is just good old fashioned intelligence. will we defeat the car bomb or i don't think you can ever say that our car is a commercial entity you go buy a car and then if you want to go get some fertilizer if you've got a few stray rounds of one five five shells such
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a found i mean just suddenly you can make a car bomb and so it's not something that you're ever going to be able to eliminate from the battlefield because the components are all there. across the world governments are hardening their buildings putting up bomb barriers defenses against suicide truck bomber. downing street in the white house are turning into fortresses . the car bomb is it the greatest terrorist weapon. yes in my opinion a car bomb is it wreaks terror in everyone any truck any car any vehicle that prized by you could be a bomb laden vehicle. i can only see it getting more enhanced by any chemical biological or nuclear material with it yes a vehicle bomb is probably the most devastating most impact a terrorist could have and indiscriminate killing how do we stop it i don't believe
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we can. there is one sure way we could defeat the car bomb. we could walk. but we won't and we can't. the car is as basic a tool of our civilization as a knife. the car is no longer a dream of freedom it's are a necessity. but as long as there are cars there will be car bombs. truly the car bomb and it's make your own simplicity and it's perfect invisibility is and will be the decisive weapon of conflict.
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hungry for the full summer we've got it first the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. that's become normal and global is to meet the creation of the job of the food system but no one food system is not created to feed the people of the world is created to maximize the profits. gernot trading the actual cash physical grain or trading promises for grain to be delivered
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a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. for reasons madi likely silver or gold that can be negotiated and heard of some degree of. place. yet or. possibly it's not traded now. but it could be in the future.
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in taiwan multis available in the landis typee which sounds minimal gulden typee the how it pulls a hotel tonight be sure sometimes the hotel hotel one shall his the groom photo the show which has shown some world to misty typee hotel kuvasz photo photo from the hotel resort evergreen the old photos like the grand victorian hotel and glory of prince hotel choice hope springs resort and spa tycoon hotel while she plans impulse of the town you know to toto the west in taipei evergreen plaza hotel in thailand thailand just her tell time ambassador find peace.


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