tv [untitled] March 2, 2011 4:08pm-4:38pm EST
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if you follow as we follow all of the websites that are looking at what's happening in the middle east you see a constant drumbeat that the united states is going to invade libya to take over the oil and we can't let that happen well we are not going to do that. that was actually a sound i obviously from a factory of state hillary clinton that was yesterday at the house foreign relations committee saying that you know while we're talking out on the internet and people think that we're only interested in libya for oil let's talk about that i mean there is so much going on around the world of disturbing horrific violence in africa and yet the u.s. is saying we can't stand by and let this happen in libya well the amazing thing is is that the united states has very little oil from libya most libyan oil goes to europe but we also know that president obama had a very close relationship with b.p. they gave him a lot of money for his campaign and we had the fact that b.p.
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gave khadafi twenty billion dollars to get access to the libyan oil fields when libya began opening up when i was in libya in october of zero nine construction everywhere the the europeans the south koreans the chinese were moving in the americans are not so much with the construction but clearly. the money centers of europe and the united states in asia we're looking at libya under control so there's a lot of entrenched interests that were backing khadafi and now qaddafi's the person out he's as i say he the problem with the united states and britain talking about going in there with no fly zones and putting troops on the ground is that just like with ahmadinejad in iran when they see a foreign invasion. they will rally some people anyway will rally again around a dictator and i'm afraid that after the u.s.
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started making this war talk or least wasn't consistent and its message we saw the start to launch offensives and i think this is a problem the united states needs to speak with a single voice we've got bob gates the secretary of defense saying one thing it would take more than. planes and we could put on one aircraft carrier to go in to. put in a no fly zone and we have hillary clinton kind of waffling on the issue and david cameron of course now looking like a fool because he said something about a no fly zone and now we have the arab league saying they mean it's one that the arab league doesn't have a military structure where are they going to get the planes from certainly does seem to be another case of not exactly knowing how to react here but let's get back to this point about you know when you turn on the television what you see out there some of the chatter i think we have some clips from the different cable networks. but we are expecting this coalition opposition forces to ask the united states to declare enforce a no fly zone. over libya is this what that is meant to counter the idea that
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libyan planes are are bombing their own cities hundreds of tanks and anti-aircraft artillery pieces have turned the city of two million into a fortress anything of value that they did have was stripped from them at the checkpoints being run by get deaf is militias. when libyan planes bombing their own people as city turned into a fortress is this the beginning of something and. i mean what do you think about honest chatter that's going on when we know more recently secretary of state clinton said that when she's oversea she sometimes watches r t and she finds it very instructive she said al jazeera r.t. and the chinese t.v. are really eating our lunch on coverage and she thinks that course she's trying to get more money for the state department's propaganda efforts in this respect but i think it's important what she did say though and i hope she's watching this because i think. the problem with american news coverage they're always looking for the
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next war movie and we saw that with iraq we saw it with afghanistan and now we see some networks trying to do this with the libyan situation libya's nothing is totally different than these other situations as i said khadafi was considered almost so now why the united states in some respects the war against al qaeda we hear we hear khadafi talking about he's under an invasion from al qaeda and hillary said the same thing that libya could be open up the al qaeda these mitt mixed messages are really making us look foolish in capitals around especially around the middle east but also around the world right when and where nothing will keep you here for a little longer to react to our next report you may have heard about this the u.s. army's alleged use of psychological operations on congressman to try to secure more military funding and support for the war in afghanistan and this is creating quite a stir here and has posed the question of who can be trusted that answer has the
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story. were u.s. lawmakers brainwashed by the military when making key decisions on supporting the escalation of war in afghanistan that's a question posed by rolling stone magazine which alleges lieutenant general william caldwell the man in charge of training in afghanistan ordered psychological operations against visiting senators and congressional delegations to manipulate them into backing more funding and troops for the war there they have a special unit that conducts psychological operations now term information support operations said he was told to provide quote the poor and now losses of pressure points we could use to leverage the delegation from more fronts and my job in science is to clear with people's heads to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to be. and from. people when you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressmen you're crossing
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a line and moreover it's illegal to do so according to the defense department's own definition psychological operations imply the use of propaganda and psychological catholics to influence the motions of behaviors and are supposed to be used exclusively on hostile foreign groups. but instead of fighting afghan insurgents holmes and his team were systematically ordered to use their training to influence u.s. members of congress it is a methodology used for enemy yes this is not something you do without who are members of your own government tasked with oversight responsibilities of your operation that's why the senators were there not to be pals not to be partners but they have oversight over what the pentagon was doing because the pentagon not wanting that every oversight as much and wanting to extract more resources from the senate to support their meant mission and used one of the techniques they used against the taliban against the united states senate that's that's incredible the
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long list of high profile targets included carl levin who's the chairman of the senate armed forces committee steve israel a member of the house appropriations committee senators john mccain and out franken i don't see how it could have affected my positions to. see what happens but back in january last year steve clemons reported on the sudden shift of some senators views after their visit to afghanistan was a very big jump in shift and i felt that there's something i wrote about and i called while this is like a confidence game it's you know you feel as if the military is manipulating people but i didn't know about hastings article at the time or about psyops one example is senator al franken who in january last year went to ghana's then with strong doubts and criticism but came back quote feeling much better but some say the reported use of psychological tactics to influence politicians could be happening not only in
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afghanistan but here in washington as well there's. tends to be a belief that you can't necessarily trust what if the leaders are going to war but you can't trust the military commanders behind a war that's not really the case not the military is just as eager to step in advance. to its own benefit. like congress or alternately. now the pentagon is looking into the matter experts say they're going to try and downplay the effect of this report listen in general caldwell has already been night i've been given such orders but if troops khamenei it's going to be a for the testament to the loveliness of civilian control over the military in today's america i'm going to shut down r t russia in these. so then what do you think about this these allegations that lawmakers visiting afghanistan were the sort of psychological target of an army general desperation deceit something else
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well i believe that why should members of congress be immune to something that the entire american public has been subjected to pentagon psyops programs about nine years ago when it was discovered that. the u.s. army psyops unit at fort bragg north carolina actually was putting in turns at c.n.n. headquarters in atlanta and they were working on news stories and then later it came out that a similar program existed with national public radio n.p.r. so we hear we were all subjected to pentagon psyops programs the pentagon denied it but they had people on the record that admitted to it this gets into the whole issue with us public diplomacy we we claimed stories overseas we had the iraq media network planning stories in iraq newspapers unfortunately some of this stuff was being picked up and fed back to the united states through the auspices of places like fox news of course so we have been subjected to the program the answer isn't
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to have the pentagon officials deny things and say they didn't do it it's to not take a scalpel to that budget item but to take a butcher's knife to it and get rid of a lot of these science programs in the pentagon in the state department and elsewhere it's pretty interesting i mean what about this concept that in addition to not being able to trust everything you see on t.v. on the mainstream media even people with them is that this man can't trust their own people i mean what do you think the facts of this thing raney's are that these are the people in congress who actually have the ability to cut these things out of the budget so where are they they expressed you know what we heard senator mccain say it wouldn't change his. policies but we've seen mccain go from two thousand. and to be you know he was a fairly moderate person to a sort of a right wing lunatic. in a period of ten years and so i would say that all these members of congress are
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obviously subjected to the psyops but the other question is what these psyops entailed we know that the military through the n.s.a. has access to some of their most guarded phone calls and could they be also blackmailed by the military i want to take this back full circle for you when you when we were first talking we were talking about libya and just overall looking at what has been said and what has not been said and talked about libya there's you know reports of five killed and six killed one about the fact that just very recently a few days ago or yesterday i think nine children were killed in a nato attack what about this conflict of what's being said versus what's not being well absolutely all the attention is on what he's doing and it's good we should have attention and he's doing to his own people but we have our ally in yemen president ali abdullah saleh killing people in his country with the support of the united states and we have other u.s.
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allies around the world look at the top of government in iraq killing people out protesting thought iraq was a democracy what you're not allowed to protest against the government there that's not being reported by the fox news is because you know iraq was their war they loved it and they supported it all right investigative journalist and r.t. contributor when that well we had previously reported on the growing gap between the rich and the pour in the united states in light of the economic crisis while now as food prices continue skyrocketing we take a look at how this is playing out in two very different spectrums very lucky few persons and many more are a lot less fortunate arches in the south are going to take a look at the dinner table of two very different americans. america the land of plenty but these days that twenty is only reaching a few with one country split into two planets it's a tale of two americas right now new york city a place where the number of people on food stamps is soaring at
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a record three million but it's also a place where one hundred seventy five dollars buys wall street fat cats a burger a black truffles and meanies with gold leaf or martini for ten thousand dollars at an exclusive new york hotel at ten thousand dollars a month costar mark because they're crying in space to be buying the experience this is you know it used oracle site and what makes you. unique in-store special here we're going to. the desert for staggering one thousand bucks nobody has ever had pirates remorse that's that's for sure with a forty eight hour advance order is thousand dollars sunday is purchased five times a month again with the edible twenty three carat gold leaf gold doesn't really have a flavor but it does have a very cool texture so free caviar and i did pull sugar flour which takes eight
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hours to make and the rarest and most expensive chocolates in the world the ice cream is served in a crystal goblet similar to the one used at the vatican yes in the past couple of years people are suffering and they're saying you know why would you have a thousand dollar ice cream well you know why would you have a bentley a short ride across town a degree in the mail been a water garlic onion fairly. healthy like this one for the money that's from new york to spend on a dessert is seen as a lottery where a thousand dollars over a thousand. over a thousand close to two thousand individual would have gotten a meal a fifth of the number of people this place feeds a month but the amount of people that. he got in. with over a million people fled here last year and one hundred percent increase in demand for food this place knows the face of hunger demand for any available produce simple
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food such as can't beat stew and peas has been skyrocketing and pantries like this one as the gap between rich and poor is at an extreme so is the number of people who need any help they can get to put food on their tables sixty year old said regina is on disability and a father of three in a family with a regime that couldn't be simpler sweet potato juice. ground with. my family members. or we. more or less. kill a retired single mother of three on a cold war and i'm from exchange cabbage on disability after being born in an explosion she struggles as food prices continue to rise produce vegetables it's dark. i mean it's our wages but our.
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bread for these people luxuries not even a dream survival is their only priority there's just something amazing about and just ingold face giving a very nice and it gave out we didn't get a hand but i got a big turkey and a lot of food so it's pretty cool netspace giving might not be so lucky for carol and millions of others as experts predict the gap between those with an empty stomachs. and since the turkey r.t. new york. so this tale of two tables it seems to be a tale told time and time again these days of this widening gap between the haves and have nots in america the differences are stark and i want to talk about some of the causes and effects of it all charlie mcgrath is the founder of light awake news done. ok there charlie you know we just showed the story that highlighted some extraordinary cases and i'll read you the description of something in new york
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right now called richard nouveau burger japanese kobe beef topped with gold flakes black truffles a fixed slab of fog gras and age career cheese one hundred seventy five dollars and served in a cafe on wall street this of course just one example of the tale of two americas i want to get your take talk about the bigger picture here. well you know the story's not not that surprising i think will happen. and that the years. it definitely raises crime in the planet and now we're seeing results you know. happier and healthier than ever before because of two hundred dollars. dollar lunches and you know the crime that was committed on not only the american people the world a lot of people in the alternative media were going to pay a price and i think that's what we're seeing you know when you have stories where. the number of people on the new york writes
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a few years where we go from that leap into rates and seven million people on it now and the anger and outrage is being generated being directed towards one another now rather than it brought us all this failure in the game and i think that the you know the the number one prominent in the radio program is ninety nine ers and they're about to run out of unemployment they're on two years of this point and they just don't know what they're going to do because they can look in the you know corn has doubled in the last month. doubled or will double but you know living rules is the short. commodity. and words are now being waged in the world because people have rebuilt the story and.
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i think it's so important to bring these various cases and and you know i know i get along sometimes playing the blame game but we got to look at some of the different places people are pointing these fingers on and there are some who blame wall street of course and have specific ideas about you know goldman sachs betting on cannot commodities but is also in this article by the washington times according to some of their sources it was actually terrorists that had a hand and waging a war on our economy i'm curious what you think about this. well i did a commentary video on that article and i start out the video by reading the headline and thanks to the mainstream media the truth ended at the headline everything. they blame everybody and anybody on the planet other than in my opinion the true financial peril. economy and the world economy i think we have people
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dying in the middle east right now and the direct result of the monetary policy action of the banks. and you know it's really interesting charlie all you have to do is turn on the t.v. to see that change is in the air i'm wondering let's talk we talk about cars and talk about the fact do you think this inequality is playing a role you know here in this country from wisconsin to even think that in columbus ohio absolutely one hundred percent it is a direct result you know you're a half ago people started writing stories. about the austerity will come and i believe i truly believe in the last we have seen social unrest in earnest. and it's not based on what's coming down the road it's unrest based on the austerity implemented on the people the most terrific article that when i when i watched it i see the mainstream media with articles that were posted just
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a week ago where how did somebody on the right at the least robin edition and then they put out another article about the on the left it's kind of. the problem is it works too well as blame game and getting at least one another absolutely i think the indignation is right in the sense that we should be we need to look at the two products and until we have some integrity in our government none of this is going to change we need a lot of these financial terrorists abroad and it certainly is interesting to watch the discussion on various cable outlets as they start to point to the labor unions and you know sort of the different talking points on the different ideas on who's to blame certainly allied range of ideas out there charlie mcgrath founder of line of age news dot com. and that is going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our team dot com slash usa also check out our you tube page you tube
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will. bring you the latest in some instances the answer from the world. of the future are covered. culture is that so much of the good news really made a lot of the play area look as he turns a little child's legacy season most abroad in loath to home as glasnost and perestroika become distant memories we.
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my name is bob baer. i used to be a cia agent stationed in the levanon during the civil war. it was chaos. but the real threat was always car bombs. but until now the car bomb secret history has never been told. who invented it who developed the. and who killed. i've come back to the one city where car bombs have forever shaped our history. beirut. i love pharaoh. it was a great place to be a spy. and then the embassy got hit.
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by a suicide car bomber. sixty three dead americans dead lebanese six of my close colleagues friends in the cia were killed there. carsten to vet saw the bomb go off. as suddenly asked why this. is why start over the old embassy and then of course the bank and then when i looked up. and they went over and there i saw death and destruction and chaos. it was a stunning assault and one man with a car can wage war in the united states ironically with an american truck. there is one man who knows a lot about lebanese car bombs. mahmoud crush. a top expert
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who defused dozens of bombs. christian car bombs palestinian car bombs muslim car bombs. and a long drawn out so well. i guess i'm then i was the only experts who has this monthly income homes in lebanon. russia became too good at stopping car. and then his adversaries decided to target him. when they then left the boom especially for me. it was activated by remote control and as soon as i touched the bomb. they blew it. one february fourteenth two thousand and five a former lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri presidential cavalcade was destroyed
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by a two ton. c.c.t.v. camera captured the vehicle this white truck. in the traffic. as hariri is black mercedes through alongside the bomb went off. really was one of the world's richest man a billionaire. his mercedes was armor to the hilt the six. the best protection level there is. truly the root is the whole of the modern car the car bombs we're seeing today interact with were developed on the streets suicide car bomb shell three least twenty to baghdad pleasure don't sleep until years and six police officers. to get into the war in iraq we saw. dozens of lebanese crossing the border into syria. and it was only
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a matter of time before a car bomb started on. the car bombing might have become a lebanese national custom but the lebanese never created the car bomb. like a lot of other things in the twentieth century car bombs are an american invention . by the one nine hundred twenty s. new york had become the financial center of world capitalism. but then in september one thousand twenty wall street was rocked by a massive explosion. it was the world's first car bomb. where we're walking right now is exactly where if you've been standing here on september sixteenth nineteen twenty you were.
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