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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2011 10:38pm-11:08pm EST

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threat to our national security but so problematic with what the f.b.i. is that it came in and destroyed the community cohesion it destroyed the functionality of the community that would be the eyes best ally in protecting this nation security and we want to do that because we this is our home we have no other get a mission also raises concerns about the government's attitudes towards muslims historically if you look at the situation in states fifty screwups religious groups ethnic groups are always targeted because of their their faith their ethnicity but the japanese during world war two but i stand by what i said all day long muslims killed us on nine eleven and there is a huge muslim problem in the world if you are an eighteen to twenty year old. you should be scripture for must work out for islamic terrorists in our country for the for the virgin muslims and for to cooperate with the police as many politicians and pundits continue cheaper tree muslim communities as american breeding grounds for
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terrorists. has a lot of work to convert these american sense of alienation to one of trust in los angeles. r t. well looks like even more legal troubles now brewing for the f.b.i. today care the council on american islamic relations an a.c.l.u. announced a lawsuit against the f.b.i. for violating the constitutional rights of us their faith the top e.p. is a twenty year old u.s. born citizen who last year discovered a g.p.s. tracking device on his car but it turns out it was planted there by the f.b.i. and this device was discovered by a mechanic but if you took a scoring for an oil change a friend then posted the picture online asking if anybody knew what it was and a couple of days later as the eye agents showed up at the door and demanded that he return the device to the euro now according to a ruling last year by the ninth u.s. circuit court of appeals it's now legal for law enforcement to secretly place
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a tracking device on a suspect car without getting a warrant even if a car is parked in a private driveway but the big question here is why was afifi being investigated he feels that his muslim faith might be the only answer earlier i caught up with yasser fee theon american muslim citizen and college student and zahra billoo executive director of the san francisco chapter of the council on islamic american islamic relations and i first asked yasser why it is that he's suing the f.b.i. after all this probably isn't going to be an easy fight. well i'm suing them because you know that you purchased the rights to my car they're probably my rights and it's affected me it's going to affect me in the long run if i want to get. on or googles my name you know he's going to think twice before hiring means already happened and i mean find a way to get over that quickly so you've already been denied a job or had to bring it up in an interview actually yes verbal you brought up in the interview and the clients write me
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a statement saying the same thing do you have any idea why you would have been under investigation why g.p.s. tracking device would have been on your car is that the i given you an explanation yet they haven't given a clear. nation i myself have done nothing to provoke them and in any sense but i'm guessing i'm feeling some type of profile for them. you know i'm twenty years old i mean you think i can muslim living here alone in the u.s. i travel overseas a lot on the phone overseas sometimes i even transfer money overseas to my brothers how much you're living in egypt right now so you think it directly has something to do with the fact perhaps like you said that you're muslim that you travel a lot that you have family overseas that doesn't make you feel someone who is an american who was born in this makes me feel like they're treating me like a terrorist or criminal and they're not giving me my my rights as an american citizen i was born and raised here so i feel different and it's not a nice feeling and tell me about the details of the day when the f.b.i.
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actually showed up at your house and decided to get that tracker back off your car well they did in common knock on the door and they were sweeter or they came by with two s.u.v.s and the f.b.i. saying next to my car and they were really intimidating they were threatening me with arrest if i don't give them any price back. you know finally i get an invite to ask me a couple questions and they were there out they left me alone and since then i haven't heard from them but just the fact that they had it the device under my car following me sometimes i can feel paranoid and i have the right to feel that way you know. you know even sometimes when i'm driving i could i could see the same car driving behind me throughout the day so that's just a little bit scary sometimes can get somebody you know to feel really nervous so you have a little problem now perhaps trusting your authorities local authorities or even perhaps the federal government definitely since they probably have my freedom
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rights and my privacy you know i feel like i don't have any privacy if i'm talking over the phone or from e-mailing somebody how do i know somebody is not listening or monitoring my conversations why are they doing that i gave them no. and. now i want to switch to you very quickly you know we just showed the audience a picture of another lawsuit going on between the care and the f.b.i. and a lot of people they were saying that they feel like this has somehow hurt the unity within the muslim community that now there is a lack of trust involved there and you know have you have you seen any signs of that i mean the l.a. lawsuit is slightly different because the fact that there was an informant involved there really did undermine sort of the trust in the community and you know one may allege is is a strategy exactly for that reason i think the concern around trust with yasser is cases specifically trust between the community and law enforcement this idea that to really fight crime law enforcement needs to partner with the community and instead what we're seeing here is that they're treating community members like suspects really without any cause or even any substantial allegations so do you
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think i actually have a chance of winning this battle against the f.b.i. you know we wouldn't file if we didn't think the law was on our side we really need to we are asserting we really do believe his fourth and fifth amendment rights were violated a warrant should have been obtained before tracking him in this way and the fact that it was not was a politician his constitutional rights all this california law you know has a lot of people upset a lot of people are pretty surprised that a g.p.s. tracking device can they secretly put on your car without a court order even if it's on your private personal driveway so also is this case you know a good opportunity to start challenging that ruling absolutely so it is and that's why we're filing the that's why we filed the complaint right to exactly highlights of the discrepancies in the lies that ended in the d.c. circuit you're not required or you are required to have a warrant in the ninth circuit which includes california you're not required to have a warrant and so there's a difference in the laws and you know it really is our assertion that the constitution here would require a search warrant but it's also an important case the important point that you bring
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up is that the california case is actually an older case right and involves another community was an american muslim and so it's really important for us to highlight that the civil rights concessions. and issues that are at stake here don't just impact american muslims right if the law is about it impacts everyone and you know the civil rights that we have certainly we protect our you know our client as american muslims are really the impact is much larger but how are you looking at perhaps some of the greater moves not even you know rulings like this one in california but the fact that there has been a lot of protest over simply building mosques in america the fact that now we have muslim radicalization hearings coming to the congress absolutely and the concern is that a lot of those a lot of that sentiment comes from fear of the unknown comes from not understand islam and muslims but is also stand or sort of flamed by individuals like congressman peter king and also by policies like this one of the f.b.i. of targeting innocent american muslims and so really what that does is that stokes
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fear in the community and leads on the outside muslim sentiment are want to thank you both for joining us. good luck with their case and we'll see where it comes up i definitely wouldn't want any kind of a tracking device placed on my car and i'm from california so i don't like the rolling either thanks guys thanks very sorry. still to come tonight free speech or hate speech the supreme court reached a decision over the westboro baptist church protesting the funerals of soldiers here in the u.s. and that the cozy relationship between d.c. and hollywood or research center is now going to head the motion picture association so why do politicians get a sellout for big lobbying money when their careers are over both look into that in the. a charmer over here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like thank you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free hi paula the videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. nothing so the meat of the political. posting on our two dogs just. after flimsy law and bakiev crystal the rachel that he's with it does not think people are suggesting she's a mother no she says she's
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a porn star. the love. the love the it's the love. the lead. the lead. the lead. we've heard their message we've seen their absurd and hateful protests and i think that everybody agrees when i say that oh pretty
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much nobody out there is a fan of the westboro baptist church now in case you're out of the loop the church out of topeka kansas was founded by the phelps family and they spread a very hateful message out of the most inappropriate places that they can find to take a listen to a message that they claim comes from god. every man should warn his neighbors this is taking my neighbor me the purpose of this is not very anybody is to condemn the world like no it is. now the group has slogans like thank god for dead soldiers they say that their deaths are a punishment for america's acceptance of homosexuality and they don't hide these thoughts they took their protest to a funeral service for matthew snyder who died in iraq in two thousand and six the family many others at the funeral felt that this protest was so inappropriate as
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they took the case to court and now after passing through federal courts the case of snyder versus phelps finally reached the hands of the supreme court and their decision in an eight to one ruling the justices decided in favor of the bout this side of their protests are protected under the first amendment documents from the decision explain all these messages may fall short of refined social or political commentary the issues they highlight political and moral conduct of the united states and its citizens the fate of our nation homosexuality in the military and scandals involving the catholic clergy are matters of public import ok so these supreme court justices ruled in favor of protecting the first amendment which i think is a great thing but can live just just this once i got to say i really wish that these westboro about his critics instruct well yes they have the right to spread their message instilling fear or see that they have no problem attending delicate
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very personal events like soldiers' funerals free speech is a blessing but sometimes you gotta admit there are just a few people out there who you wish didn't get to take advantage of it and hate me think i'm crazy but i'm just being honest. now it's public sector union employees and those joining them protesting across the country well a lot of people out there are wondering where their support in washington is why the big democratic names aren't getting behind it that's probably because they have much wealthier and more exciting people to lobby for and another example of the revolving door between washington and special interests yesterday former democratic senator chris dodd it was renamed or was named excuse me the new chairman of the motion picture association of america so basically he's now hollywood's guy in washington all this despite insisting a number of times that he would not work as a lobbyist after leaving office so what are the perks that come with selling out
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well joining me to discuss it is chris freights reporter for politico chris thanks so much for joining us you know i've heard some rumors that this perhaps is the most prestigious job on k. street being hollywood's guy would you say that's true it's a very good job some of the person you get with this job the last president of n.b.a. made one point three million dollars a year he had his own private screening room where he can bring in celebs to show first run movies before they're out in theaters officials love the come into those kinds of events watch a movie rub elbows with tinseltown celebrities and then get a lobbying pitch from the n.p.a. so this is a very fun job you get a cab you work it's you fly around the world talking about the importance of copyright protection and promoting what is one of america's biggest exports which are movies. i'm with you there that back kind of sounds like fun getting to go to the academy awards having your own private screening room but the thing is the guy
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that said rip heatedly had a number of interviews that no i am not going to become a lobbyist after i leave the senate so i mean i should we be shocked or should we just say this is the way the washington words no surprises well you know he was saying that as he was coming under a lot of fire as he was putting the i-man chill regulation bill together a lot of folks are saying he was in wall street's pocket and they wouldn't be surprised if you took the job as a lobbyist for the street he said. so without any hesitation i will go lobby clearly he's reversed his position there and he's gone to hollywood instead of wall street and that's absurd a lot of liberals they have said like this god made us a pledge he's now broken we're not surprised but we're not happy about it now the one thing folks should know at home is that he can't technically lobby anybody in congress for the next two years it would be against the law what he can do is you
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can be the public face of the motion picture industry he can tour around he can go on television he can even plot strategy for some of his love use in his office to then carry out for him but he can't do it directly until twenty thirteen but that sounds a bit like a technicality right i mean this guy already is a washington insider he already knows everybody already has the connections so he could just be having a friendly get together union lunch or a reunion dinner and well probably lobbying isn't that right well absolutely and a lot of watchdogs in washington believe that this is a problem systemically not just with chris but the other example that comes up a lot is tom daschle former senate majority leader very close to president obama and a guy who is not registered to lobby even though he works for one of the big is lobbying law firms in town and people look at that and they call it the dash will exemption and chris dodd is certainly falls into that category of big time big name
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rainmaker who gets the job because he has the connections and he has the relationships but he's not doing the down and dirty in the trenches lobbying a lot of people say well that is just a technicality and maybe we should address it now of course right now with the unrest in the middle east a lot of attention is being thrown on those people who it turns out have been perhaps lobbying for some dictator is that like you said there's a lot of anger at those who may have lobbied against the law straight out of the financial crash into. thousand and eight so is hollywood a step up is that kind of the better person to lobby for rather than a four indicator or a wall street well certainly if you are lobbying for hollywood you have a lot going for you but a lot of consumer rights groups are not very pleased with a push is the kinds of policies they push on the hill these are movie studios remember they want to keep control of the content of their movies for as long as
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possible and a lot of consumer groups say you know you should be able to for instance download a movie and you should be able to watch it on your i pad on your i pod on your tivo you should be able to watch it anywhere you like and the film studios often try to control where you can use that content so it's not always glamming glitz there are some kind of down and dirty business issues that he will have to deal with that will put him against some of the consumer rights groups that he worked closely with in congress and i guess you could probably say against a lot of young people to well this definitely is going to be a change for died you know somebody who used to be a senator now is going to have some bosses to answer to but i think that he also has the american people to answer to here and then a lot of us are quite upset with this thanks so much for joining us on this and my pleasure. now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day fox news suspended rick santorum and newt gingrich today saying those two men are moving
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closer to running for president in two thousand and twelve and the network said about move would avoid a conflict of interest so tonight we wanted to tweet to fox news hey you guys are just shut down until after twenty twelve because you're just the mouthpiece of the g.o.p. fair and balanced my ass now is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in at maytree come back tomorrow an experience from the young turks will be back on the program also it was reported today that bradley manning was charged with twenty two new counts including a capital offense of aiding the enemy will look further into those charges related to wiki leaks tomorrow in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of be alone or show on facebook and all of us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all the you tube dot com plus the long show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. from.
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it's summer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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poems are and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture wisconsin is in a stalemate it looks like the republicans may get their way in ohio so if unions lose their will mean for workers across the nation and speaking of america's dirty lands not exactly well known for its home truths so why was this video aired during a wisconsin segment on fox news.
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you need you need to know this yesterday was constant sheriff david moore hony told his deputies from patrolling the entrances of the state capitol in madison saying they shouldn't be in the position to be callous guards seems appropriate since governor scott walker is acting more like a king these days than a governor in an address of the joint session of the state legislature yesterday walker vowed to continue fighting to end collective bargaining rights and warned that if he doesn't get his way he's going to punish wisconsinites by dumping twelve thousand people onto the unemployment rolls although he's keeping his tax cuts for was constance richest people and companies in place now even the republican controlled wisconsin legislature is getting into the act it has to build today that finds missing senators i are dollars in day meanwhile in ohio republican governor
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john k. sick and republican state. lawmakers have had such a huge majority that their democrats can't even flee across state lines or shut down the writers later it's single party rule in ohio the party of the billionaires it wants to end forever those ask the unions as a result republicans at ohio will soon pass an anti-union bill it's even worse than the one in wisconsin as many as forty thousand protesters showed up at state capital yesterday columbus the largest protests in that state since case extended his dirty work two weeks ago so if the labor movement loses in ohio which is likely will be able to keep up the momentum to stop other anti-union measures around the country here with us here with us with some answers is james p. hoffa general president of the international brotherhood of teamsters mr have great to have you with us and to be here first of all that question ohio it looks like a since you were there i would argue as ok we had forty thousand people was excited a lot of great speeches and
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a lot of people are fired up about you know every their jobs taken away and demonstrating that they want to fight back and they're mad as hell about what's going on public employees losing their right to negotiate right to collective bargaining that was the issue and it was a tremendous demonstration the same thing i was also in madison wisconsin the same thing we had a tremendous demonstration there and last saturday there were over one hundred thousand people showed up in madison so we're speaking out and the people are speaking out but we've had such a overwhelmingly republican majority in the house and senate in these various areas it's hard to put it back so what we've got to do is to demonstrate that this word out create a buzz to talk about what's about fairness in america that's what we got to talk about you know that if there is a problem with the budget like we talked about you know in wisconsin in wisconsin the public employee said ok there's one hundred thirty eight million dollar deficit we'll sit down and we'll talk about it we'll feel that. we want to do that and the
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governor said no that's not enough i want your collective bargaining rights so it shows that it's not about budget the budget is just a cover story the real story here is not about budget it's about union busting and that's what this is about as a unit of the unions once and for all that's what's going on there it's going on in indiana it's going on in michigan it's going on in missouri going on in maine there is you know thirteen states have right to work pending and they were almost plowed simultaneously there is a conspiracy so called rights or absolute for the call and it's right on for less is what yes there you go yeah you have a right to work at wal-mart as if you can once unless the u.s. conference of bishops came out today and said that collective bargaining is a moral principle their word and a principle of justice and this was in a letter to the bishop the archbishop of milwaukee actually in the u.s. conference of bishops can you speak to them or rally of people like walker and
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basic trying to deny people their rights to collectively bargain i talk about it in the term of equality of sacrifice and justice i mean what is the justice you know justice is economic it's a right to live with dignity it's the you know you know freedom from. from you know having the four freedoms freedom of speech to freedom to you know be have a comfortable home you know to live with dignity that's what they're taking away you know if there is a problem in let's say ohio or there is a problem in wisconsin what about the equality of sacrifice in other words you want to go after some teacher who's got four years of college that's making fifty thousand dollars a year are you going to go after d.m.s. driver or you're going to go after a fireman or you're going to go after you know different people a nurse. there are going to settle it well what about the corporations and what about the may. what about the millionaires and the billionaires who it is not about
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those people and why we all be laid out this both together you know it's like if there is a problem let's do it together you know if we're which have a tax on the rich it might be for a couple years but let's all kid money you know if you're going to take money out of my paycheck and i'm a teacher and i have a family ok what about a billionaire how much is he going to give the guys a gated community get a private jet you know ok what are you going to kick in now to me that you know if you did that you say well ok elope we have a problem patient but that's not what's being done they've selected these people and they're trying to turn people against each other they're trying to say that the private sector we have the teamsters or in the private sector we have a lot of public employees that we should not be with the public sector but in the labor movement we have the same injury to one is an injury to all if they take it away from the public employees we're next and everybody knows where this is going it was so transparent where this is this is union busting plain and simple all
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reagan began the process with patco he's sort of the super hero of mr walker and and now you know in the last decade we've seen the top the top tax rate the maximum tax rate if you make billions on wall street at fifteen percent that's the highest income tax you can pay but if you're a long haul truck driver something like that you make a pretty good livin used to be anyway you can pay up to thirty six percent income taxes i mean it's this is this is nuts this is absolutely nuts you're right it's a shared sacrifice and they aren't buffett said you know he says that my secretary more as pasteboard taxes than i do and he's one of the richest men in america and she does and he's going what's wrong with this picture there same thing with corporations you know one of the big pushes now by the right wing is going to lower the corporate rate it's thirty five percent in america be all this is one of the highest anywhere in the world we can't believe this is going out but when you look at what they actually do you know boeing hazy.


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