tv [untitled] March 2, 2011 11:08pm-11:38pm EST
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percent i think carnival cruise lines for one percent the other ones pay two percent one percent caterpillar all these different companies are selling all you want because they know how to get the deed auctions and they don't pay that rate so why would we rate you know you people already have it you think they would want to change thirty twenty five percent for you know what they're doing with their pay now they've given up the system but you and i can't do that we can't and average workers can't and don't and that's why we have corporations who are paying about a third of the total of the federal government during the eisenhower administration up and about seven percent it's a disaster i remember in the sixty's we have ninety percent tax rate yeah yeah right up you know what you're not a rich people didn't seem to bother him and we had a strong middle class james thanks so much for me to see you great to see you great to have you with us democrats in wisconsin may have a few tricks up their sleeve as well today was consonants took to the first steps to recall eight republican senators who favor walker's anti-union legislation sixty
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days to collect roughly twenty thousand signatures and senators district to force recall elections if they can dump just three republican senators and the democrats to take back control of the state senate was constant and put an end to walker's ideological war against you it's. still out of the big picture fox news unfair and completely unbalanced when it comes to this bit more creative reporting . matters lindsey lowe and keep. the preaching that these women young people are seeing she speaks she's a mother you know she says she's a stock. parks
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news is sticking to the republicans anti-union agenda earlier this week on the o'reilly factor fox so-called news aired some year old footage apparently of violent union protesters in wisconsin take a look on how many are professional left wingers around here just regular folks. it's tough to tell when you get to the weekend you get a lot of out of towners
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a lot of people are bussed in from my not just wisconsin but a lot of surrounding states talk to someone who was from california who sleep in the capital throughout this process so you've got a real mixed bag well who brought them in who bus them in. some of the different labor organizations have brought people in and it would take a long time for me to explain each and every organization that's brought the tokay so you. but many people are quick to notice something odd about that video there's no snow on the ground and there were pong trees in the background palm trees don't exactly dock the landscape of wisconsin so i was trying to box trying to pull here course this is the first time fox has employed creative reporting last year they played gated footage of tea party protests in d.c. to make it look more like more people showed up at the demonstrations that were actually there take a look twenty plus thousand people showed up were you surprised as i was. absolutely i was we had no idea complete word of mouth and their estimates are
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anywhere between twenty and forty five thousand people had a sample. not really according to washington post every other media outlet that covered the rally in d.c. there were about ten thousand people gathered capital that day later it was revealed hannity's producers used edited footage from the glenn beck rally in washington d.c. in that segment to show a larger crowd supposedly protesting the health care bill box's coverage of the protests in wisconsin has been riddled with false words a few days ago reporter mike tobin said live on the air he was hunched play of protesters a crowd chanting fox news lies gathered around him during his live stand up box never produced a video evidence of tobin's claims even though it happened during a live on air segment and toby was quoted as saying he was just too nice of a guy to press charges for the assault but yesterday the website live leaked out released video shot by a witness at the scene of the alleged punching incident it shows what coburn claims was a punch could best be described as
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a patter poke on the shoulder at the very most here judge for yourself. he told me she hates me because it makes me feel that situation here. you know why he could put you in this situation because you're being surrounded here and yeah you're being in there is your family is here. ok let me just let you know all right. and she just last week after gallup released a poll that shows sixty percent of americans opposed scott walker's plan to limit collective bargaining rights talking head brian kilmeade reversed the poll results and said sixty percent of americans were in support of walker. i think gallup of relatively mainstream poll has a differing view and here's the question that was posed should you take away or will you favor or are you in this favor of taking away collective bargaining when it comes to salaries for government workers sixty four percent in favor of taking
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away thirty three percent oppose six percent still up in the air many states don't have courts of bargaining and that's the right way to go. i guess the real results don't jibe well with the talking points of the day so isn't there a belated bias in covering the events in wisconsin enough evidence to prove it's past time we remove the word news from fox joining me now to offer his take dan gainor vice president and t. boone pickens free market fellow at the business media institute then. fox couldn't find a pilot so they had to make it up our series plenty of violence declined in the first of all let's talk about the first video it's an entirely correct video anybody who has a problem with it they're the ones who are being on balance this is a union protest related directly to the wisconsin event so of course it's appropriate video footage it does show somebody from the union side pushing around somebody from the other side story and we could show what know that that first video was from the writers' strike that there was
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a person of three hasn't there with the day we're talking about how do you have to get it from that's when this current cycle is that's a current video with the palm trees because you guys going to protest some were some were down south i don't remember exactly but you just heard well the county like that was right out in front of the universal studios house angeles i used to my radio show everybody across the country are we was that was last year let's talk about the c.w. a guy who who hit in the face a freedom works blogger a girl ok let's talk about her harassing represented michael capuano calling for you know every once in awhile you need to get out in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary that's thomas jefferson call her about the daughter . it's all about the crowd with consummate state senator glenn grothman because you know you've got a cousin list here because it got so bad so out of control going to democratic politician and intervene some of the people the crowd at the start chanting that
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you know that they were could be violent because the crowd get so out of hand that it was so threatening to the through the it was that it don't you think of somebody came along and said you know dan we're just going to screw you and we're going to create a you know we're going to it was every day with all of the border where where you are where you are basically no longer a legitimate employee you you are you know you can be dismissed it will be like all the rest of us shock trip and i really hope so then it's not all the rest of us about seven percent of the private workforce is unionized this is it was basically there was thirty five percent just majority of people who are paying those people can be dismissed so what you're saying is the tragic condition of the wal-mart workers and you know the rest of us is that earlier some are workers it's over that should be the condition of everybody i'm saying that every nobody should have it i'm saying people perfectly perfectly right to have a union in the private sector but the public sector leads immediately to corruption
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as the you is the liver's your votes in the primary the union becomes part and parcel to the democratic party you look i see all these people complaining about the coax and you go down the list of the top donors and the cokes aren't on there it's all the democratic you funded and they were very supportive i mean you need machine i actually when i when i watched fox the other day shepard smith told me that the top seven contributors were corporations and millionaires and billionaires and the top and then the three below that out of the top ten with unions you but you and that you're going for the leader also look really what this is all europe honestly i mean just honestly really what all or all this is about are the republicans is an attempt to destroy the last group that is offered significant funding to do this is like show me the money don't you know we have been a shock and now we've been. nation that can not pay the amount of money we have to pay and as long as we can be taxing millionaires a fifteen percent maximum income tax yes of course so you know it's conflict. you know like a group also funded many of these protests are sort of sort of floating let's not
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say you're here and if you're an effect you get to bet against the world i doubt it well i think it's you know you know he said it's i would say to find out i would say any billionaire who wants to flee the united states because it ought to pay the taxes good riddance but then then he was in it so much i mean a reason you end up serving good for her in the process you know what why is it then dan that when when when taxes were at ninety one percent you know in the fifth in the forty's the fifty's the sixty's the seventy's and at seventy four percent in the early our way up to the early eighty's we had the best economic conditions will be or is one hundred percent different than it was that now right now yeah right now you're going to see those to get the five hundred times you know workers are or should have been they were taking gravity times look at glu absolutely require that now we're no matter what we compute it complete on a global scale with people who you know with countries a totally different economic systems totally different tax policies if we don't get that we don't have any jobs bill if there's already regularly on the nuff to chase
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a lot of our jobs offshore we don't want to teach the refs that i think i'm completely getting your logic here not only should nobody have a union and everybody should be actually that's not research group easily but but at the same time all of the american workers should live in fear that their job is going to go to some as it were about china that's provided three dollars an hour to go to public union leads to and has led through in many cases of this country there is a lot of it here was fox news. fox news ninety one percent of fox news viewers believe that the stimulus legislation actually lost jobs not true seventy one percent believe that health reform was going to increase the deficit i suppose you probably argue that seventy two percent believe the economy is getting worse it's been getting better steadily since that night but that's got applause a sixty which is a group. well in china climate change isn't isn't occurring. they the when you look at well for example eighty percent of us believe that al qaeda was collaborating with iraq that weapons of mass destruction were found and the u.s.
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invasion was favored worldwide all three of these not true only twenty two percent of p.s. viewers watch this is the time for fox news to take news out of the word fox you're being completely ludicrous the bias in the mainstream media c.b.s. a.b.c. n.b.c. p.b.s. n.p.r. c n n m s n b c it's so ridiculous it isn't because. they but they are part and parcel of the news the part of n.b.c. so and so you can find still not like i used to call it so now under all the entertainment division so we could see if he likes the sunni ways in which news the parts with those reporters vote democratic so you think liberal spin the news so you think that if somebody calls themselves news and they tell over lies that says i don't need to tell you what i thought he puts i think you're pretty nice i think yes exactly what you're doing right now it's going to be my second is absolutely to think that if somebody just you know becomes genuinely a real sort of somebody you know as they saw the news and lies is that ok. if you're sitting there lying so you think you think the government should stop no i'm
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not going to go get involved in the breast center did that it ok but i think you know i think that's the biggest mistake is they have to go to the free press because it's not speaking for ok thank you. it's time we put news my opinion back into any organization that uses news as part of its name proport story newscast for example here wonder why other developed countries like canada and the countries in europe don't have tea party crazies who vote against their own best interests and believe things that aren't true simple answer it's against the law in virtually every developed country in the world to lie on the air and call it news you pretty much only see that but in a republic dictatorships and in the united states since ronald reagan it's pretty straightforward stuff. there was there in canada for example there's a bunch of right wingers have been trying to do a fox news kind of network for canada. and in canada it's against the law the richard was right in the dark or he wrote sun t.v.
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news which had been dubbed fox news north was just a rumor is modeled on america's number one news network and and it will feature a pushbutton about pushing conservative agenda advanced by a nice crazy bundle of mangled packs we can generalizations and any good news being insinuations ok so that's that's what they want to do in canada now it was against the law because you can't call something news if it's not actually news in canada so the sort of stephen harper the prime minister says well let's just change the law the canadians are not going along with it and so this in fact the canadian radio act says you may not broadcast any false or misleading news it's against the war so much like our fairness doctrine which reagan blew up in one nine hundred eighty seven which had nothing to do with determining whether i or or rush limbaugh quoted couldn't be on a particular radio station it had to do with public broadcasting in the public interest publishing the play in the public interest sure and simple the fairness
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doctrine required that in order to get your radio or television and more recently cable to get your license to use the public airwaves or the public through waves for cable wire or to get that renewed every year you had to demonstrate you were serving the public good in a way to serve the public good was by actually getting news that you called news which is why the news divisions of a.b.c. n.b.c. c.b.s. all lost money up until reagan blew up the first stone. and then they were able to bring them under the under the umbrella of the of the entertainment divisions and start using them as shills for other corp other parts of the corporation so hey you know our parent company owns this movie company so let's let's promote this movie let's hit this movie star on all this kind of stuff and in any case in canada they've got no fox they've got no sun they've got no lies tragically boring frankly we could use a little of that here either. it's
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time for the good the bad of the very very extremely ugly first up the good the progressive change campaign committee and democracy for america not to be outdone by tea party groups funded by billionaires who are meddling in wisconsin these progressive groups have sponsored a new t.v. out of wisconsin that puts a face on the governor's on the word excuse me of the workers the governor scott walker is going to. governor walker and the republicans just gave over one hundred million dollars in tax cuts to corporations and now they're asking teachers and nurses to pay for it and attacking workers' rights to negotiate for fair benefits that will probably cost a speech with forty five with one income try good politically but just.
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not selfish it's the survivor i'm just the secretary and this bill that clockers proposing and it's going to cost me over three thousand dollars a year not to mention more down the road when we lose our collective bargaining rights i blew the issues that are being discussed here in madison or not you teach too bad a city or state of wisconsin these are national issues parties be taken away from workers and the tax breaks given to these corporations this is republican class warfare an attempt on the middle class disadvantage we need to be and. i didn't see the palm trees in the video but what the g.o.p. needs to know this is a nationwide struggle we need to realize it too and unite behind all workers around the country and this advertisement gets out that message the bad fox and friends talking head steve doocy and gretchen carlson seem to have gotten the talking points this morning and the government shutdown is actually a good. i think. they've done a study to show that the public needs to be let in on
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a little secret we can survive when the government shuts down for a short period of time we can survive and that i think would raise a lot of other questions about whether or not there's bloating in the federal government yet again if we can in fact survive for a short period just pay them all on our wages i know the high paid anchors of fox don't work for the government don't need services the government provides but there are millions of people who do the other hand if ice news were to shut down then i think he would be right people would realize that we really don't need that giant mechanism and a very very ugly republican senator jim de mint in a radio interview yesterday tim ensure this pearl of wisdom about unions in the united states. so many of the things that would make america better still choose a more choice an indication or for over nation teachers unions but even franklin roosevelt said if government unions collective bargaining if you have no place in america. jim de mint quoting f.d.r.
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i think that's going to explode he and his tea party base don't seem to believe in democracy and would rather see corporations running the show and that's very very. crazy alert return lindau puppy puppy a three month old puppy named wall he was euthanized over the weekend put to death due to overcrowding at an animal shelter in oklahoma after he was confirmed dead while he was tossed in the trash bin be collected the next morning. but perhaps by divine intervention wally arose again the next day an animal control officer noticed some commotion in the trash bin and sure enough there was wally just as healthy as can be veterinarian is now caring for wally until a new home can be found for him so far hundreds of families have responded to
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wally's finder dot com profile shows a reasonable medical explanation for why all these resurrection but i'd also like to offer this possible explanation. along the guy that. i was double crossed by a dirty rat actually this rat was a dog but his car ran me down i just flew out of jail i just got back that this is hard to explain may i speak to your son theory or. something well either way i hope the prospective parents realize the wally is now a packaged deal you get him plus his twelve helping to apostles. still way out here on the big picture all while the issue is first deepwater drilling permits since b.p. is disaster last year. but will lead to anything to slow down the rise in oil prices or is he just pandering to big oil now to. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions.
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back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour drill baby drill you may feel some pain at the pump soon due to rising oil prices should the u.s. really start drilling in the gulf again then later a christian couple in the u.k. is being denied the right to be foster parents because of anti-homosexual views is this a good thing or a bad thing. big news in the world of oil crude oil futures climbed to their highest prices in two and a half years today on the heels of ongoing unrest in the middle east absent response
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to these high prices president obama yesterday issued the first deepwater drilling permit in the gulf of mexico since the b.p. disaster last year noble energy will resume drilling seventy miles off the coast of louisiana at an even deeper depth than the b.p. oil well environmental groups are wary of more permits being granted to move off they contend not enough has been done to prevent another deepwater horizon and the full effects of last year's spill are still unknown so far republicans are given a lackluster response to this new perm. in the gulf but in senator david vitter whose state was devastated by the b.p. spill said well one deepwater permit as a start it's by no. means reason to celebrate so this is a good move by the white house or is it giving an interview oil lobby and further sudden our nation back when it comes to clean energy investments on this issue i'm joined by a man to carry a reporter at the daily caller matter welcome write me for having me nice to see you why hustle for more offshore drilling when any new wells that get opened are
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going to take ten years to produce well first ours is the economy to think about is the local economy and i call opening retailing down there is going to have put thousands of people back to work that offers rock where i'm paying that's arguably hundreds to thousands i mean there's tens of thousands of people working in the area who are still drilling. and all that but so i did study at least i know if the back thousands lost their jobs in the more time with but i have to that's one reason for being ninety percent of our energy consumption comes from often feels like the natural gas and oil i mean why would we had a real protocol when this last week some for oil companies finished a welcome permit from so if another still happens we can as well that ninety percent will first of all if we were to develop the entire eastern gulf corded part of interior it would produce a point two seven four million barrels a day we would increase production by that that translates into
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a five point four percent increase which is a point three two percent increase in the world supply less than one percent. we're importing about seventy percent of our oil i mean. shouldn't we are you pointing out how dependent we are fuels george bush talked about oil addiction kind of. and he's you know he should know about addictions i guess. we should. we be doing something about our addiction we're spending we're literally handing a billion dollars a day off to people we don't why. shouldn't we instead be instead of instead of you know trying to get that extra one percent or point three two percent i mean absolutely very i mean there are steps we should there's things we should be doing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and like nobody is saying that drilling for oil in the gulf of mexico is going to be this ultimate panacea through our oil problem to our energy problem but it's there why not go for it if it's going to be
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safe if the companies have taken steps to make sure it's safe and make sure that we don't have another disaster like we had last spring why not do it if it's there i mean for us to go to saudi arabia and say give us more oil and by the way give it to steve when we're not even willing to drill for it first of all because it's going to take ten years before we get it hopefully but why not add years if any do you know nuclear power one hundred percent nuclear power industry is the result of government investment government funded investment in price anderson and government insurance the nuclear industry would not exist if it wasn't for government subsidies and supports why not do the same thing with the solar wind industry because the hasn't some results i would source seven are you considering a chad percent of all the electricity in denmark is produced by windmills and that's just in the copenhagen are you there national is that look at what happened in spain just a lot more two thousand mark is not having a problem mr look we're having to stand as last december there is national in fact just it's below that is looking into the fact that spain is producing electricity like there's no tomorrow which harmonize even some i have to go up to new nuclear i
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harp government as i mean by that i don't know the way the germany did it was that people borrowed against their homes to put solar panels on their roofs ten year mortgage paid more for gas for the american family they paid more for their looks the when they sold the electricity the power company power company had to buy the electricity is seven times the normal rate at the end of the ten years there were back to normal and this is the old german program at the rate we're back to normal and so people had taken a. extra money from selling the electricity electric company used it to pay off the mortgage on their solar panel so they were essentially free in ten years they own them fifty year lifespan and they were able to get two gigawatts of the original goal was to get a watts of power the whole goal was to build not have to build to one go on nuclear reactors they ended up there just right now they're scaling the program down because in the last six years they produced an gigawatts of power they didn't expect anybody would be jumping on this i don't and germany is the second cloud used country in all of europe but we confess. there wasn't dollar lost by the
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government because we pay and are in today's economy asking taxpayers to pay for something that they're not going to see results from for ten years well that's what i'm saying about oil and with the if you put a solar panel on your house and you start selling the electricity of the you to the utility company it's seven times retail because that's about the cost yes i did build a nuclear power paid for oil exploration and for drilling in the gulf of mexico you think that nobody pays for it just magically appears you are i mean the oil companies are the paper if not finance i have fair and where well i mean we were given forty three dollars billion dollars for the subsidies the oil companies yesterday all you are saying going to have a look at is every single republican in the house of representatives voted to keep giving that three billion dollars a year to the oil gas and oil and that's just the reality i don't listen to disaster x. owners the most is the most profitable company in the history of the world.
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