tv [untitled] March 2, 2011 11:38pm-12:08am EST
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going back to the roman empire and they paid you know how much they paid us taxes zero bit over forty billion dollars profit nothing they get all these off short of visions where they hide their profits all these companies are doing this this is nuts that we should be depending on what you can't punish the oil companies for providing our our you are going to have any part in the month i want to ask. like well i'm not saying that we shouldn't be looking at other options i'm not saying that solar or wind power that those things are are necessarily adoration exploring them but i'm just saying right now. asking taxpayers to finance a green energy projects is just it's not right especially with them but i'd bet the way it is i i just got i mean i don't will agree to disagree we have to thank you thank you. if you're angry about more drilling in the gulf than what republicans did in the house yesterday should really get under your skin the entire party voted to keep tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies in the hands of the
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largest oil companies in the nation and so the most profitable company companies in the history of the world these are the same companies that have made nearly five hundred billion dollars in profits not revenue profits over the last five years and paid virtually no us in them taxes after all why in corporate welfare we can't when you can just cut billions from the middle class there's a larger issue here salt used to be something that countries went to war for if you look back over the history of human racial see you know the roman empire went to war for saul zaentz the great worker was going to war for so empires literally went to war for so the british empire saw it was so important that it was against the law. for the indian people who. say they have oceans on two sides or all the way around it is arguable that they would make salt right they would let the saw you know that when the tide comes in and they build these big wooden things in the and
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we can catch the water and dry it and they gather that salt it was against the law for them to use that salt themselves they had to send it to england and this is the salt protests and the of the weaving probes protests which is a bit of a digression or gandhi was all about he was like no i'm going to go out and make my own sought even though it's against the law so why was salt so important sol it was so important because it was strategic because an army couldn't march without salt why because they used it to dry their needs they used it to dry their food they used it as a preserve it now today's strategic you can't move without its commodities oil and in the united states right now more than seventy percent of all the people who drive their cars every day drive fewer than fifty miles in the course of a day. fewer than fifty miles now that's about the range that an electric car can
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go and refill from just a regular wall socket overnight if we were to do this or that you could refill from a solar panel or a battery if we were to drop seventy percent of our oil usage there was turn that into electric we wouldn't have to import anyone from saudi arabia we've already got it. so a problem solving you don't have to do any more drilling b. the military is the biggest user of our oil right though the largest user of oil in the us it is our u.s. military and if we were to say you know we're going to end the war in iraq we're going to end the war in afghanistan we're going to bring people home i mean we're spending over a thousand dollars a gallon to get gasoline into afghanistan to our soldiers why because the cost of transporting it there which is being done with diesel fuel and gasoline jet fuel i mean at what point do we say this is knots we're going to strip the strategic value of oil the same way that the danes are doing that building
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a fleet of electric cars are going to strip the strategic value out of it by simply making it no longer the thing that ninety eight percent of our transportation is running on but instead make it only ten twenty thirty percent of our transportation and we can we can and let ourselves. is time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think publicans have a new tactic to try to win back the white house in two thousand and twelve and as to kick president obama off the ballot in several states eleven states in our nation are now considering legislation that would require president obama to prove that he was born in the united states or to have his name placed on the state's presidential ballot or as president obama has already proven he was born in hawaii and that state has repeatedly confirmed by releasing his birth certificate but still the birth is aren't satisfied georgia is the latest state to introduce
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similar legislation as republican state lawmaker mark hatfield put it it is in a sense a response to the sitting president and his inability or unwillingness to release his original birth certificate. all right even a zero publicans like mike huckabee seemed to be jumping on board the birth or bandwagon check out this interview from earlier in the week don't you think we deserve to know more about this man i would love to know more but i know it's troubling enough and one thing that i do know is his having grown up in kenya his view of the brits for example very different than the average american when he came the bus back to where the brits you know yeah yeah great insults of the british but then if you think about it his perspective as growing up in kenya with a kenyan condren grandfather very few of them our revolution in kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing the british were
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a bunch of imperialist to her seems to talk rant about it course president obama did not grow up in kenya so we live in states now and this guy wants to run for president of the eleven states now considering bills to require president obama to release his original birth certificate in order to run in two thousand and twelve here's today's question do you even have yours here are the possible answers yes i still have the original tiny footprints are all or no i lost the original somehow years ago and got a copy from the states around the tom hartman dot com to let us know what you think so far we're seeing about sixty percent of people saying they can't find it i can't find mine i've got to get duplicate any of the poll be open until. still ahead here in the big picture here in the u.s. we have something called separation of church and state but the state ever trumps religion when it comes to being foster parents and has in the u.k.
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there is a story coming out of the united kingdom about a couple that was denied the right to be foster parents because of their anti almost sexual religious beliefs the couple had previously been foster parents and children back in the ninety's but in a two thousand and seven interview the social worker the couple eunice and i were in john's expressed strong views on homosexuality and give a social worker reservations about putting a child in their home a judge upheld that decision and ruled that the u.k. law preventing discrimination against gays trumps the couple's religious beliefs and the britain is a secular state not a theocracy as were the judges words so is this the right choice should religious beliefs play a factor in foster care homes i propose cameron chairman of the family research
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institute joins me now to talk about this issue dr cameron welcome back to the program well thank you shouldn't there be a separation of church and state when it comes to raising foster kids. i don't think particularly if a religion is dangerous that for instance you would know that for the parents will be o.t. it's hard to religious activities perhaps not on the other hand here in great britain but also as you know in the state of illinois same question as the rains could it be that because homosexuals are protected especially caudle so does the legal bat even parents who don't have highly except in attitudes toward homosexuality aka you did not foster. absolutely not if you look at where christians do historically and do good you will find that christians
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on the whole are more law abiding they are more up your current gen yeah i know some gay christians. but i guess the charge here is do we really want bigots raising foster kids properly some big years. consider someone who is a homosexual and in the aggregate homosexuals are more apt to disturb society greater watts or are there more out that the war costly than they are doesn't realize it is those in that depend on what the society as if it's making laws against homosexuality i mean these statistics are are very bizarre because they don't states have the right to establish laws and standards for foster parents that would exclude nazis white supremacists and all of fobs well they can and the art many is now short we're in great britain here you have
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a vote by the parliament certainly not people who are old people elected to parliament in a. well. it's not it's not the mockers the same sense that in the states. and the real issue is there i don't think that there are any direct democracies anywhere in the world are there so engaging criminality there are more apt to be that way so you're saying that the u.k. the other that there are other states that are more democratic than the united kingdom i don't know you know to the best of my knowledge the last time there was a pure democracy that is where all the people participate was it was athens greece it took six thousand and one people to show off the policies that was what that was called to to show up to make any decision and if they didn't get that six thousand one people which was you know more than fifty percent of the population of citizens of athens that no vote could take place and in fact the people who didn't show up or called it
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a year. which is where the word india came from are you suggesting that there are other countries where back kind of direct democracy has been is is being used and that because the united kingdom has a representative democracy like we do here in the united states that that they don't have the right to say that having bigots care for children who are literally wards of the state were done upright your kids are now talking about adoption which are my children who've been placed in the care of the state i mean because take care of them is an ok thing. you're people who got a group of homosexual bigots i would say to say they are being actually empirically sensitive to reality and we do have some data yours and you can go online there's a new study out it's called my daddy is stronger and it's about donor children but it also picked up early on kids being raised. it's an interesting read as with almost the all the other state you see resident kids are
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a tad more apt to have a scraper law it's had more apps to have not all health care concerts with all due respect a studies i've seen show that there's absolutely no difference in the kids who grow raised in gay households vs but we're not talking about that we're not talking about health i mean you know i can program to you the fact they gave an interview a few percent less likely to be obese than straight men in the united states that's not the issue the issue is or should kids who are wards of the state be in the bigots about it much more apt to have sexually transmitted diseases such as h i b and furthermore for the kids can last for posterity with the puck not through a sovereign she's bigoted would not what's good for the kiddies and the kids you never really are with a man or woman hope what you do to her two kids do better when they're in a household that's filled with hate and fear. oh i don't know it's me but i hate
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and fear well people who hate unfair gay you're right you're an astute observer these people are going to interview i am talking about past people i'm talking about tossed her parents who ate these people. well it could be but for more speak almost this is out of big talk. and if you're talking without the state. discriminating against christians who had a lot to group building and making a great perk but if he is in favor of people who are. only flowing we are living pure luck that they were talking about people who hate gays in foster parents not about whether or not you know what but whatever it may be i think we both are constructed talking thank you so so much for joining us tonight. as quickly as you probably noticed bigotry is alive and well in america
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and apparently the u.k. particularly among insecure white men. as moammar gadhafi mo's down his own citizens and fighter jets and helicopters in libya today american corporations are busy securing their profits in the region are used to a moral standard of business in today's globalized world moral considerations have been thrown out the window and profits are apparently the only thing that matters libby has always been regarded as a rogue nation and we know for certain they could aki played a role in the terrorist bombing of pan am flight one of three that killed one hundred ninety american citizens. and yet u.s. based corporations are openly doing business with gadhafi and libya and have been
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since george w. bush made a legal in fact if you go online you can find a guidebook for u.s. companies written by the state department the department commerce and titled doing business in libya commercial guide for u.s. companies may as well be called here's how to get rich doing business with a brutal dictator one person instrumental in normalizing business relationships with libya back in two thousand and eight was david welch a u.s. diplomat under george w. bush after succeeding in opening doors to libya's markets welch went on to become the vice president of bechtel a corporation that is currently building a new car plant in guess where libya talk about a revolving door even in a nation like iran american corporations find a way a tech company honeywell has received twelve billion dollars in federal contracts but has been routinely doing business in iran a crema troll in factories and selling security equipment to the regime through a british subsidiary and they're not alone hundreds of corporations do the same
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thing with other pariah regimes all over the world for example before he became vice president dick cheney was c.e.o. of halliburton which probably way was i was bankrupt when he became vice president and all these contracts for the record i kind of brought it back but halliburton at the time when cheney was running it was then doing business with both iran and iraq while both were supposedly under both the us and un sanctions aren't these guys traitors but that's the obvious stuff more subtle are dictatorships like china and vietnam that routinely imprison and kill their political dissidents but welcome american companies and american executives seems so enthusiastic to go there for example that same honeywell that found a way to do business with libya has also moved their factories to china a country of other american companies. you know the only real difference between china and libya is that china's human rights abuses are overt and clumsy the
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chinese in their companies even hire american p.r. firms and former members of congress to burnish their images there are probably hundreds of such american shills right here in this town in washington d.c. alone that's why american companies didn't pull out of china with won the nobel prize last year and was unable to attend the ceremony because he's a political prisoner or when fox comes at a company that makes i phones among other things installed naveen all around it's building are on the second floor of its buildings so people could no longer just jump off the rooftops to commit suicide because by the net and they wouldn't. seventeen of them committed suicide. i think was last year earlier this year commie chinese communist party chairman who. was given a rock star welcome by the white house while back home in china he was torturing dissidents and basically enslaving workers on behalf of american millionaires and
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billionaires it's time to send today's dick cheney's of the world the ones using off short of visions to do business with the most brutal dictators to jail and and to at the very least shame the ones like apple steve jobs who are making fortunes in the sweat shops of china how and the insane free trade laws that make the soft possible and go back to the protectionist policies that's right everybody thinks it's a terrible word that's bad about protecting american workers who built this country from the time of george washington until against ross perot's warnings we join nafta signed gak and created to join the world trade organization. it's time to pull out all of that today and that's the big picture for tonight more information and visit our website. check out our you tube page egypt dot com slash the big picture of our t.v.
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and also our to dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it will see it on. wealthy british. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report.
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as colonel gadhafi once again refuses to be price from power a humanitarian crisis is being played out on the libyan border. we've come to the region she signed on to qatar thousands of people are looking as they see basically lives join us in a few moments simple. as uprisings in the middle east and north africa is seen refugees flood europe world prices spike up there's a threat of radical islam a look at what implications beyond just the public far beyond the region. and the war of words between america and the world. the us or think hillary clinton
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says the u.s. is in an information war with more in the media and is losing it on goals war winning the war she named our team i'll be back with more in just a few minutes. a live from our studios in moscow you're watching over to you thanks for joining us now the libyan leader colonel gadhafi is promising more violence if us or nato forces dare to intervene willis's latest salvo as he bids to cling to power well meanwhile the u.n. is warning of a humanitarian crisis as thousands of libyans flee across the border to. to tunisia now let's get more from marty's goals leader who's in the region for us now paul according to be you and at least one hundred eighty thousand people have already fled who are libya and there's more arriving at the tunisian border can you just
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tell us what the situation is right now rebel but we're seeing the same figures as you at least a hundred and eighty thousand people who have so far failed libya and some seventy five thousand of them arriving here in tunisia most of them are foreign labor as they are being housed at the border points in tents where they receiving food and medical supplies aide workers who are on the scene are warning that this is reaching crisis point and we're hearing reports of crisis and chaos at these border points as god's struggle to keep the situation under control now the fighting is continuing throughout the country at several times between forces loyal to the leader moammar gadhafi and with all forces particularly in those areas around the libyan capital tripoli government forces are struggling to retain control and create create and keep in place a buffer zone around what is still the leaders stronghold there are increasing the fears that the situation could deteriorate into civil war all right well there
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paula there are reports of fighting obviously continuing and in the east which was dominated by be of protesters there are reports that the programmer fear forces are gaining momentum is a bit too premature to say that to be his regime or for any time soon what's the where is the balance to bring up this point. well it does seem a bit premature in his latest televised address at race more moderate as he warned against international intervention he said that thousands of libyans would die if they was any kind of international forces on his soil he also said that he was simply a symbol that the real power was in the hands of the people and as such he could not meet their cause to dissolve the government and to implement any kind of constitutional reforms it also vowed in quite a strong statement that he will fight until the last man and the last woman to remain in power and other stations are continuing at the united nations over a proposed no fly zone over libya now and this idea has been suggested by the
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british prime minister david cameron if indeed he goes ahead and commit some south to it in essence britain will be committing itself to shooting down aircraft now the idea has been rejected by many in the international community including russia they say that it is for libyans to determine their own fate and their own future it is worth noting though that british troops are in the libyan town of then ghazi they've been there for nearly two weeks and there are also growing concerns that they might take over chemical weapons stockpiles that are in that town and this is because london has indicated that it has fears that gadhafi might use these stockpiles against his own people the official reason though for those british troops being there is humanitarian reasons it's also also the official reason that's been given by the united states for warships that it's into the region it's that it is warships might be used or at least are planning to use them in humanitarian efforts but that all options are on the table and this has raised concerns here that they might be behind the scenes some kind of plan for
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international intervention despite libyan saying that they do not want to have those who are thank you very much for that update as we continue to cover events in the region thank you paula. well as the libyan crisis rages saunas some foreign powers are weighing up whether to get involved well phyllis bennis director of the washington based think tank the institute for policy studies he believes that nato is military intervention is unrealistic but its recent posturing is showing off. this is an old story in washington where humanitarian intervention is the excuse of the day i don't think we're going to see the possibility of troop deployments or even necessarily ship involvement i think this is partly a show of force to intimidate gadhafi and to make nice as it were to the new leadership that will be rising in libya to create a new government when gadhafi is overthrown there is no doubt that people in washington and london and elsewhere are scurrying around desperate to figure out
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ways of ensuring that they get in on the ground floor these new governments that are going to be in power that their oil companies get it and that it chevron and b.p. rather than russian or chinese or other oil companies the people of libya face and even harder challenge than the people of egypt and tunisia and other countries that have existing governmental institutions in place that they can take over and use as the base in libya there are no such institutions there is no parliament there is no constitution all of this is being created whole cloth it's an incredibly exciting moment for people in libya but they're paying a huge price in blood to make that possible the democratic revolution that is underway in libya are indigenous home grown revolutionary processes and they don't need you u.s. government forces to teach them about democracy they are claiming it on their own and that needs to be respected. more on the continuing developments in the middle
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east and north africa our first real look at what else is ahead for you this hour a global war of words u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton more taxpayer cash to fight back against information also lost from the foreign media. have to step back a whole millennia and follow our teams close a team as we tore the rich cultural legacy of yet a slab of. all the unrest in northern africa and across the middle east may have far reaching implications especially if nato members such as the u.s. and the u.k. resort to using force in libya are. the situation. let's look at the implications of the ongoing unrest in the northern african region and what it means for the rest of the world geographically libya tunisia algeria egypt and these are just some of the countries affected by the civil unrest there just across the sea.
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