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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2011 2:08am-2:38am EST

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on the ability to actually court some of the government's most affected imagine if time is not over thought i mean business could not proceed as usual after something will have to be done if we work on the map of libya in terms of oil production facilities will see that eighty percent of the oil producing territories right now are under rebel control now you are up to eighty five percent of libya's crude exports more than thirty percent of libyan oil goes to italy fourteen percent in germany ten percent to china in france and five percent to the united states the unrest has already promoted a spike in oil prices which climbed it to over one hundred dollars a barrel the highest point in two years and this summer analysts say is just the beginning all prices have a knock on effect to the cost of. most items because of course you need
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energy to. to make products and deliver to the shop so. if prices continue to stay high that will have significant inflation pressures. on europe and the world finally if a civil war breaks out on libya with the country breaking apart geopolitical implications for the region and for the world cannot be underestimated. is coming is the islamists already call islamist interpol one all over the region you know these revolutions in egypt and syria in tunisia all of the arab speeds have been. thirty million radical islamist parties have been suppressed by previous regimes muslim brotherhood in egypt for instance. in libya you know al qaeda is there is strong in libya libyan department is one of the strongest of the world. maybe the second strongest after the pull to stun you with one of the
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greatest dangers know is that a. jihad is their troops try to get you through the city so they're highly volatile situation in this northern african region really bears significance not just fully be egyptian on syria but really for the rest of the world if you know our. own interests a few weeks the sense in asia spread throughout the arab world and there are growing fears it could go further still have concerns that it's nomic radicalism will come to power but a political analyst from islamabad says the threats are vastly overestimate it i'm one of those people who are very skeptical about for example. the strength of al qaeda in the afghanistan pakistan region we believe in pakistan the al qaeda is very very dissipated very very weak right now in fact if we count the actual numbers of members of al qaeda suspected ones who might be on the ground in either
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of gunstar pakistan currently right now i think that would be of a figure much much less than even a figure like two hundred it is premature to speak really of any religious or any extreme is groups of any sort really taking over what is largely a popular discontent about issues such as governance and politics and the performance of politicians i just suspect that some off the reports that we read in the media particularly in the western media in the in the american media the british media sometimes exaggerate the strength of al qaeda and in order to serve their own strategic interests there are extremist groups but we don't see any sign really that any of them really have the capability to seize power in vibrant countries such as egypt or tunisia. i was a make a rush political expert from islam the god there of course who are interested in your opinion over the question of who has the most to win from the wave of unrest grip will be our world will vote now on our website that's our t.
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dot com. now america is losing the information war two for an english language media like al-jazeera china see it c.c.t.v. and our t.v. well that's the concern of us secretary of state hillary clinton who was asked congress for extra cash that the wrote the us agenda around the world are these going into account reports from washington here's what we have learned from hillary clinton's statement we are officially at war information war by we i mean english language non us one media which provide alternative views on world news use which often running contrast to the coverage of events by the u.s. mainstream media story clinton was defending her department budget in congress is as a major reason the state department needs money is because the u.s. is losing the eve formation war and among those media who are winning that war hillary clinton named r t we are in an information war and we are losing that war i'll be very blunt in my assessment al-jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened
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up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive mrs clinton says she's leading an effort to spread u.s. propaganda through new media with twitter feeds in arabic and farsi but on global stage the u.s. trailed twenty comes to television she basically said the u.s. should step all propaganda efforts and get back quote in the game of doing oh quote what we do best here is more we are engaged in an information war you know during the cold war we did a great job in getting america's message out after the berlin wall fell we said ok fine enough of that you know we've done it we're done and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it and our our private media cannot fill that gap in fact our private
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media particularly cultural programming often works at counter purposes to what we truly are as americans and what our values are i remember having an afghan general tell me that the only thing he thought about americans is that all the men wrestled in the women walked around a bikini's because the only t.v. ever saw it was baywatch and worldwide wrestling from five years ago western media outlets including b.b.c. and c.n.n. basically had a monopoly in the coverage of world news things have changed a lot since then more and more viewers across the world tuning in to various foreign media to get a fresh take on the events our t.v. presence on you tube for example is a real hit almost three hundred million views. something like three million r.t.s. cost and growing viewership is already an indication to many that the days of media monopoly are over and people demand multi-polar thinking al-jazeera is coverage of the unrest in the middle east and in north africa as outdone the u.s. presentation of events while many are happy to see this emerging media. all right
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he is the head of a u.s. agency that manages the country's government run international broadcasting and basically called those foreign media enemies i'm talking about walter isaacson's last year's infamous pitch to get more funding for his agency which among other media outlets runs voice of america later and he backtracked on those on this statement though and said he was under your eyes a sensation in london you're sent pretty hostile message to foreign media trying to trying to provide a fresh perspective on world news but this once they started of state hillary clinton basically confirmed it saying that the u.s. is at war at an information war with foreign media well journalist and filmmaker danny schechter says the u.s. is not open to alternative points of view so can no longer hold the monopoly on information. the united states feels on the defensive in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of you know the sarti in these
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countries but also the terms of the debate there's other information out there there are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view who should be the only point of view so hillary clinton one day is defending the internet the next day the administration is proposing all kinds of regulations and ways to cut off the internet if possible you know the real commitment to the kind of freedom of the you versed speech that we really needed for going to be in a democracy at home and in a you know a community of nations overseas we can't dictate what people believe anymore open more stories visit our web site r.t. dot com there is plenty of analysis and interest for you to explore including i'm very precise and i swear for others it's
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a bite every us between the haves and the have nots cons of gold. pancakes are ready for tossing in russia as the country gets down to traditional celebrations mark the end of winter and the start of spring or find out more about the country's oldest holiday at our t.v. dot com. a quick look now at some other international headlines about armed with a handgun has attacked a bus carrying u.s. air force troops at frankfurt airport in germany killing two when wounding two others the attacker was identified as a twenty one year old costs about who worked at the airport he apparently began shooting following an altar cation with a man when he boarded the bus and was caught by police while trying to flee the scene. officials in new zealand have stated bay don't expect a. well anymore survivors from collapsed buildings following a deadly earthquake a little over a week ago but the death toll currently sits at one hundred sixty one most diving
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multi-story buildings which came crashing down in the city of christchurch authorities some say their goal is to recover as many bodies as possible fear of the final count may rise as high as two hundred forty. for the u.s. army private believed responsible for supplying a trove of documents to whistle blowing web site wiki leaks has had a twenty two more charges brought against him they include aiding the enemy which can carry the death penalty although prosecutors say that they won't apply for it intelligence analyst private bradley manning is currently being held at a military jail in virginia he faces a hearing in may or june to determine whether there's enough evidence to try him. astronauts on board the space shuttle discovery took a final space walk around the international space station to get the outpost shipshape before the shuttle program winds up with discovery is heading into his
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head into retirement after this flight and only to roll shuttle trips remain by and over and then with the atlantis well the crew used the trip outside to repair a broken pump as well as remove an experiment for the shuttle will remain at the space station until sunday. when i get ready for an adventure as our close of team prepares another exciting trip around russia. just three hundred kilometers north of los cole lies the eleven year old child of lettuce labile which prides itself on its rich history and breathtaking views all despite its considerable age that's how it has ravaged the service betty of its original buildings its structures a lot as trees that were dropped balls of tourists want to absorb the spirit of ancient history and got us all those amazing scenery also appeals to the center of
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history as art is risen friends found out. it is said that one thousand years ago at a place where the ball got a new coach or so rivers meet prince yaroslav all the wise killed in local sacred bear with his battleaxe. and then founded the challenge of yaroslavl the town and region its name for has been known for drama ever since local filmmaker yuri vacs men gave me a tour to show me why malls are still the pulse of what some fifteen to twenty historical films from short rushing the area we're walking and leaving this location to recreate moscow in one hundred forty one we started being driven around in his car from the kremlin to the church of the prophet elijah to the embankment time has stopped in a frame of a camera what makes the arse of a region so attractive to filmmakers is that the sets have been standing for centuries nearly perfectly preserved so in studios send out their location scout stuff i did great historical setting ghetto slava is ready for its cost. and so is
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its talent alexander petrovitch in the business of setting scenes with paint and a heavy dose of romantic realism. he adapted ernest hemingway's the old man and the sea into an animated film on twenty nine thousand painted it's a glass and snagged the nine hundred ninety nine academy award for animated short film. he showed me how he shot the frames with a custom made motion control imax camera system. and one of you will have made several films here here i've raised my pupils and now participate in the making of my films i hope that soon they're going to have their own ideas and will start working on their own projects so my dream has come true for. other movers and shakers in the industry are generating pupils of their own but in a much more physical way roman courtesans hollywood and russian movie career has taken his stand schoolyard film to
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a whole new level and they need to get over the past five years we've been training people mostly boys and men who want to master this profession they come from all over russia training four or five times a week with complex stunts it's very intensive new talents and real stunt men aboard here on this carpet but there are more ways to jump into the movies than playing with fire in jaroslava just go get a bite to eat at one of the local cafes one of the most famous of all soviet films was even busy lubitsch changes profession a spoof on ivan the terrible in it the moscow of the sixteenth century was played by the yaroslavl town a rough stuff and here at the iran this elaborate restaurant customers of thought cinematic experience this seemed of the film are set throughout the restaurant but if you'd like to sleep on it the attached hotel is watch all fall for it caters to the movie minded with its time honored blockbuster themed rooms evander seal of
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which being the most popular for his part yuri backs men's recent film hydraulic is packed with blockbuster action but his other local repertoire is not that of the theater you're going to have to work in the city of the iris lobel is the cradle of russian future the finest theater founded here by short of all was the first national theatre that opened in russia it reached the heights of creative and professional forth in. that may be but as long as the one thousand year old city of yaroslavl is internationally protected as a historical site able forever be known as the silent ingenue gracing the background of thousands of cinema and television screens the world over the hundreds of movies made here in the outer salva region over the last century it's made a huge impression on the locals and here to give us a better idea that is local movie lover at least about how low a bonus to be here give us an idea of what movie making industry has meant to you
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here yet most awful there are a lot of more reserved for show here and there will be a more i think when i was a small school girl they decided to shoot and feel most awful my school it's was with a very famous russian after an hour or so here when i saw the whole group where and then later when i saw it on t.v. i was really impressed because it was jaroslaw it was the place i know from my real life it was great we'll have much more for you here from the close up team in central russia exploring the region. all coming your way is an in-depth look into a libyan crisis from a former russian ambassador to the country but first let's have a look at all the latest in business with yulia.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business update our top story this hour europe's third biggest oil company total has agreed to buy a twelve percent stake in russia's independent gas producer novacek to join the arctic liquefied natural gas project to expand and russian french oil major also intends to increase its share in the company to almost twenty percent in the next three years and now we're joined live by our correspondent but it has the details hello to you josh so how big a milestone is this deal for the two companies. well the deal is likely to benefit both companies while tile is europe's third largest company and number
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tag is russia's largest independent gas producer now they will both join in russia's arctic l.n.g. project now this is not the first time that a tile is trying to pay over to buy a stake in russia's not attack back in two thousand and four they were trying to buy twenty five percent of the tag and right now but the deal back then has failed and since then the value of the stake has risen another tech has gained about thirty percent in the past three months and. raising the value of the stake to four point seven billion dollars according to the c.e.o. of the tile christopher de margerie the company is buying the stake for around two billion dollars and they plan to raise the stakes to from twelve to fifteen percent
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within a year and to nineteen point four percent within three years the. c.e.o. of the tile christopher to marjorie also said that he believes it's. very good investment the current situation in oil and gas producing countries in northern africa show that this is indeed a very good investment and that they need to be in russia russia has safe conditions for investment russia's prime minister vladimir putin has also said that this is a great deal that has a great deal that has a lot of potential russia can you tell us a bit more about the project which talks are also going to stake and. that's right the you mild peninsula above the arctic circle is one of the richest sources of hydrocarbons and russia is making is hoping to make out of the main center for
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production of the quick five natural gas the project the year mile and l.n.g. project aims to start producing liquefied natural gas in two thousand and sixteen in five years and the project needs about twenty billion dollars of in mass investment now. the project is designed to reach output of fifteen million metric tons a year and another tax c.e.o. said that the company will soon seek other partners but. will remain the main partner in the project that's now listen to what the c.e.o. of nova tech with his son has had to say. we are considering bringing in several other foreign partners into the project they will be able to get up to forty nine percent we're now negotiating with a number of possible partners and we expect to make a final decision by the end of the year however towle will stay as the majority
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shareholder in the project. most analysts agree that is great that the child was paid and that to tell us participation will compliment the implementation of the project. national thank you very much for this indeed to all correspondence died of course pushing on the deal between french so child and russian over time you're to say now join me less and want to stifle more business news here on r.g.p. . download the official anti outlook haitian children phone the i pod touch from the point you shops to. lunch on life on the go. video on demand policies in mind bold colors an r.s.s. feed now in the palm of your. question on the call to
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call. the world. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future of coverage. welcome back here's a quick look at all the top stories we're covering today the u.n. is warning of a humanitarian crisis as the uprising in libya sees at least one hundred eighty thousand refugees clear across the border to tunisia but most of them are foreign laborers being post intense. as colonel gadhafi once again refuses to be prize from power in libya he's threatening more violence if the u.s. or nato forces into the newborn with me with five year olds until the last and the
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last one. and america's losing the information war to foreign media like al-jazeera china c.c.t.v. and r t the us talk diplomat hillary clinton voicing concern as she asked congress for extra cash to promote the u.s. the drugs are around the world. starts he sits down with former russian ambassador to libya to discuss the potential routes the country may follow that interview was next. because up is a refusal to peacefully has seriously changed trend of the revolution in the middle it's every next uprising in the arab world risks becoming more radical and the moderates far more on the fast moving events i'm joined by the former russian ambassador to libya. hello and thank you you must mr gaddafi in person lots of times what impression did you make on you. soon
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a liberal of all political and laughter is a very purpose oriented politician he sets himself a goal does his best to achieve it the knowledge of how he should go. out on the one hand on the other he's not a blinkered politician when he makes mistakes he knows how to analyze a new situation to draw conclusions and to find a way out of what sometimes seemed totally hopeless predicaments so it's not for nothing that he's been the head of libya's and nine hundred sixty nine longer than any other leader of the world over thirty was going to be you said he was an achiever or was this at any cost what would some office of mean only cost in politics you always keep in mind the price that you should pay to get out of your patiently went far but it wasn't too far and whenever he did that he soon realised that he was going too far well just. as the middle east uprising spread it seems they're different leaders became harsher in their response into an easier the
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president came out with concessions in egypt concessions came with attacks then in bahrain was so violence now gaddafi promises to fight to the last drop of lot. if you prevails other dictators will know which chorus to follow. your when you deal with this that would support i wouldn't draw up a cause and effect sequence like this you see each case is unique what happened in genesee or in a palace coup was superimposed on popular protests the chief of staff came to the president and said your time is up your plane has been filled with fuel and they're waiting on the airfield it was the army that didn't back the president in egypt the army remained neutral till mubarak stepped down but no one least of against the protesters but in carlow there were different things too in algeria were students unrest began it was dealt with in a sufficiently ruthless manner the same thing happened in yemen you see i wouldn't draw a direct connection here neither would i say that libya will be an example for others
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variously of. what forces are likely to replace got out his gun which seems only a matter of time not was it what you see there is a grave danger in this respect that comes from the fundamentalists libya has two major opposition groups it's not certain that they will come to power but the chances for her rather boards as the london based national front for the salvation of libya and its leader is my guard of. he himself isn't an islamist the leading group among those affiliated with the anniversary as the muslim brotherhoods the other organization is the libyan islamic fighting group that draws its support from libyan immigrants in europe as early as nine hundred ninety six it sent its militants to libya in an attempt to start really warfare in syria neysa a third point is al qaeda and islamic emirate has been proclaimed a deryni as you perhaps know al-qaeda is now focusing on libya which is only natural libya looks like
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a weak link what al-qaeda may gain success. not only did they proclaim an arab but also a former guantanamo prisoner as it's hat what consequences could this have yes it will but it will embarrass them if the fundamentalists come to power the consequences will be serious they are not moderate fundamentalists like in egypt or tunisia they are extremists they're radicals this means that inside the country they'll attempt to impose a dictatorship on their own people fought for to put into practice their principles an islamic state and islamic economy etc it's yet another egalitarian utopia and utopias are always imposed only by means of a dictatorship and only by force of foreign policy earlier will be what we've repeatedly seen before thirty attempts to export islamic revolutions and wherever possible to support fighters for the fate show and the fact that libya is chock a block with weapons and that libya has financial fonds so the consequences of the
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fundamentalists come to power all the most negative let me emphasize this if because their coming to power is not anything certain but such a possibility does exist. yes still there is a view that democracy in the middle east is the right of the majority to suppress the minority and the democracy there is seen differently than in the west do you agree with the word i mean if you see the americans believe don't seem to believe even now that it's enough to build in another capital a white house and everything will be ok they did so in baghdad what's the result a civil war that lasts since two thousand and three until this day the problem of democracy in the arab world is a very complicated one what is going on now is determined by two factors that are linked to democracy as they operate not only in libya but elsewhere in the arab world one is there a new generation a well informed generation that's been brought up on television radio and the
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internet a generation of people who want to be citizens whether than subjects when one well is it likely that a united libya could end up being broken up. we did lose there in the territory of libya yes of course live years facing two grave problems just as a country libya exists since the time of the italian occupation the name libya itself was invented by the italians before that there were three turkish provinces which a politician here syrian they say and. and the regionalism plus the separate his moods and syria needs to have never ceased to exist with their own money tribes and they're locked in rivalry with each other why has gadhafi helped power for so long because gadhafi belongs to a small tribe the kid up for his tribe took power in a town it's because it was unable to penetrate all pause to control the entire state secure the balance between the tribes and in that it was the could not.


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