tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST
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points pushers and i would print search will be slim the original in touch with her children taught your religion a good how would international floods achieve every green laurel for children in total. colonel gadhafi still hangs on to power in libya growing speculation the us on the u.k. was forced to intervene in their vaults is open the floodgates letting refugees pour out onto the border. a human avalanche will say reaches a europe that to rising oil prices and fears of radical islam we look at how the rest of the region could impact the wider world. in the media empire destroying. the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says the u.s. is in a name formation war with foreign media and is losing it among those who are winning
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the war she named r t i'll be back with more in just a few minutes. and the oil measure to tell is buying a twelve percent stake and russia's independent gas producer not of the company in ten st crees it's takes you up to twenty percent in the next three years more in business in twenty minutes. very warm welcome gee this is like from moscow a key town in libya's oil rich east is reportedly told as it is i asked giants once again today after forces loyal to colonel gadhafi took control of it but were later forced out by the opposition after finding continues to warning of a humanitarian crisis as thousands in the country meanwhile the libyan leader's promised more violence. if u.s.
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or nato forces there to intervene are these appalling clear has more on the situation in the. least one hundred eighty thousand people who have so far fled libya and some seventy five thousand of them arriving here in tunisia most of them are foreign labor as they are being housed at the border points intense where they receiving food and medical supplies aid workers who are on the scene are warning that this is reaching crisis point and we're hearing reports of crisis and chaos at these border points as gods struggle to get the situation under control now fighting is continuing throughout the country at civil towns between forces loyal to the leader moammar gadhafi and with all forces particularly in those areas around the libyan capital tripoli government forces are struggling to retain control and create creating keep in place a buffer zone around what is still the leaders stronghold there are increasingly fears that the situation could deteriorate into civil war now discussions are
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continuing at the united nations over a proposed no fly zone over libya now this idea has been suggested by the british prime minister david cameron if indeed he goes ahead and commit some stuff to it in essence britain will be committing itself to shooting down aircraft now the idea has been rejected by many in the international community including russia they say that it is for libyans to determine their own fate and their own future it is worth noting though that british troops are in the libyan town of bint ghazi this gloomy for nearly two weeks and there are also growing concerns that they might take over chemical weapons stockpiles that are in that town and this is because london has indicated that it has fears that it definitely might use these stockpiles against his own people if fishel reason though for those british troops being there is humanitarian reasons it's also the official reason that's been given by the united states for warships that it's into the region it says it is who should might be used or at least are planning to use. in humanitarian efforts but then all options
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are on the table and this has raised concerns here that bin might be behind the scenes some kind of plan for international intervention despite libyans saying that they do not want to have this but the libyan crisis rages on some foreign powers the way up whether to get involved there is bannister director of the washington based think tank the institute for policy studies but he's nato's military intervention is unrealistic and his recent posturing is just showing not. this is an old story in washington where humanitarian intervention is the excuse of the day i don't think we're going to see the possibility of troop deployments or even necessarily ship involvement i think this is partly a show of force to intimidate gadhafi and to make nice as it were to the new leadership that will be rising in libya to create a new government when gadhafi is overthrown there is no doubt that people in washington and london and elsewhere are scurrying around desperate to figure out
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ways of ensuring that they get in on the ground floor with these new these new governments that are going to be in power that they are or oil companies get that it chevron and b.p. rather than russian or chinese or other oil companies the people of libya face an even harder challenge than than the people of egypt and tunisia and other countries that have existing governmental institutions in place that they can take over and use as the base in libya there are no such institutions there is no parliament there is no constitution all of this is being created whole cloth it's an incredibly exciting moment for people in libya but they're paying a huge price in blood to make that possible a democratic revolution that is underway in libya are indigenous home grown revolutionary processes and they don't need us government forces to teach them about democracy they are claiming it on their own and that needs to be respected.
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well more on the fallout from the rest in the middle east in north africa in just a moment but first a look at what else is ahead for you this hour the world was hillary clinton called for reinforcements saying americans back will pause and minds is being lost on the move to t.v. news for me it's. step back a whole millennium follow also use plague salty was weasel rich cultural legacy of gotta stop. the ripples caused by the under arrest in northern africa and across the middle east and now being felt on why. not sell the situation. let's look at the implications of the ongoing unrest in the northern african region and what it means for the rest of the world geographically libya tunisia egypt a large area and these are just some of the countries affected by the civil unrest there just across the sea from europe and estimated hundred forty thousand people
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have already fled unrest in libya into neighboring tunisia and egypt but the likelihood will actually stay there is rather slim it's only has already received as many as ten thousand refugees who continue to pour into the country france greece and spain may just be next in line even before. the prospect of massive immigration has always been europe's wars. in real terms it has never been substantial we have always been below thirty thousand . possible and every year. clearly the overthrow of the governments poses a whole different set of issues in what europe will be able to do. it depends on the ability of actually cordingley among some of the governments most affected i mean imagine if time coral gadhafi is not overthrown i mean business cannot proceed
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as usual after something will have to be done if we work on the map of libya in terms of oil production facilities will see that eighty percent of that oil producing territories right now are under rebel control now europe takes over eighty five percent of libya's career exports more than thirty percent of libyan oil goes to italy fourteen percent in germany ten percent to china in france and five percent to the united states and the rest has already promoted a spike in oil prices which climbed it to over one hundred dollars a barrel the highest point in two years and this summer analysts say is just the beginning all prices have a knock on effect. the cost of. most items because of course you need energy to. make products and deliver to the shop so. if prices continue to state a state that will have significant inflation pressures. on europe
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and the world finally if a civil war breaks out on libya with the country breaking apart geopolitical implications for the region and for the world cannot be underestimated the major peril now is coming is the islamists already call islamist interpol on all over the region you know these revolutions in egypt and syria in tunisia all of the arab speeds they have been. you can see thirty million radical islamist parties have been suppressed by previous regimes muslim brotherhood in egypt for instance. in libya you know very strong in libya libyan people have been people acquired is one of the strongest of the world maybe the circle strongest after the persone one one of the greatest dangers is that. you could use that hooks to try to get use of the situation so they're highly volatile situation in this northern african region
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really bears significance not just really big. but really for the rest of the world is going to. well we're interested in your opinion over the question of who has the most to win from the wave of unrest gripping the arab world do you vote now on our website that's r.t. dot com. now the target of the global media outlets america is taking hits and losing ground to the new kids on the block including r t the warning from top u.s. diplomat hillary clinton was coupled with a plea for hard cash to get americans message back on track and is going as you can report the secretary of state doesn't believe the home grown news channels are up to the top ask here is what we have learned from hillary clinton's statement we are officially at war information war by we i mean english language nonu west one media which provide alternative views on world news use which often running contrast to
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the coverage of events by the worsening stream media story clinton was the finding her department budget in congress is as a major reason the state department needs y.b. is because the u.s. is losing the information war and among those media who are winning that war hillary clinton named arche we are in an information war and we are losing that war i'll be very blunt in my assessment al jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive mrs clinton says she's leading an effort to spread u.s. propaganda through new media with twitter feeds in arabic and farsi but on global stage the u.s. trail when it comes to television basically said the u.s. should step up propaganda efforts and get back quote and they gave of doing are quote what we do best here is more we are engaged in an information war you
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know during the cold war we did a great job in getting america's message out after the berlin wall fell we said ok fine enough of that you know we've done it we're done and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it and our our private media cannot fill that gap in fact our private media particularly cultural programming often works at counter purposes to what we truly are as americans and what our values are i remember having an afghan general tell me that the only thing he thought about americans is that all the men wrestled in the women walked around a bikini because the only t.v. ever saw was baywatch and worldwide wrestling from five years ago western media outlets including b.b.c. and c.n.n. basically had a monopoly in the coverage of world news things have changed a lot since then more and more viewers of crossed the walled tuning into various foreign media to get a fresh take on the events our t.v.
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presence on you tube for example is a real hit almost three hundred million views. something like three million al-jazeera the coverage of the unrest in the middle east and in north africa has outdone the u.s. presentation of the events while many are happy to see this emerging media variety of the head of the u.s. agency that manages the country's government one international broadcasting is basically called those who are media enemies. i'm talking about water isaacson's last year's infamous page to get more funding for his agency which among other media outlets of america later he backtracked on the. understatement hour and said he was nice and i did phone statement last year's pretty hostile message to foreign media trying to trying to provide a fresh perspective on world news but but this was a factor of state hillary clinton basically confirmed it saying that the u.s. is at war at an information war with foreign media all journalist and filmmaker
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danny schechter says the u.s. is not saying and alternative points of no longer hold but we're not really on inflammation united states feels on the defensive in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of you know the sarti in these countries but also the terms of the debate there's other information out there are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view or should be the only point of view so hillary clinton one day is the offending the internet the next day the administration is proposing all kinds of regulations and ways to cross the internet if possible in a little real commitment to the kind of freedom of the you versed speech that we really need if we're going to be in a democracy at home and in a you know
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a community of nations overseas we can't dictate what people believe anymore. for more stories do you visit our web site dot com there's plenty of analysis impinges you to explore their. own garages democracy and the owner of the nobel peace prize mikhail gorbachev and see find out what is the means of the country and . to films almost as conquering the external eyes of the south pole that that in foreign bases and drinking exotic iceberg beer you can read more about swords and all sik adventures it has only assholes and ducks caught. the second prototype of the future of russia as a fighter jet program has successfully completed its maiden flight this plane made plane to the skies for about an hour well the jet had to be equipped with some of the most advanced avionics on the planet it will be able to land on short runways
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and fly in any other it can carry up to a medium range option long range best selves an internal base their jets first version in its maiden flight last january the first generation items expected to add service in russia in twenty p. the price tag is estimated at one hundred million dollars. now at some of the international headlines this hour under fishel in the lives of states they don't expect to pull any more survivors from collapsed buildings following a deadly earthquake in the end of the day the death toll currently sits out one hundred sixty one most died in multi-story buildings which came crashing down in the city of christchurch authorities say their goal is to macabre as many bodies are possible here the final count may rise as high as two hundred and flinching. lawyers for the head of wiki leaks julian assange launch a filed an appeal against last week's extradition ruling a london courtroom agreed to hand over the whistleblower web site founder to
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swedish authorities to face questioning of the sex crime allegations it comes as the u.s. intelligence agent two it's believed supplied us on a drove of documents twenty two new charges brought against him by the u.s. one of them included being an enemy of the state and carries the death penalty. astronauts on board the space shuttle discovery took a final space walk around the international space station to get the outpost ship shape before the shuttle program ryan sub discovery is headed into retirement after this flight and in two more shuttle trips remain an endeavor and then atlantis the crew used a trip outside to repair a broken pump as well as remove an experiment part for the shuttle will remain at the space station until sunday. ok get ready now for an adventure as our closed up the repairs a nother exciting trip around russia. will
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cost three hundred kilometers north of moscow lies the millennium old town of yacht us level which prides itself on its rich history and breathtaking views despite its considerable age the tunnels managed to preserve many of its original buildings its churches and monasteries now attract thousands of tourists who want to absorb the skirt of ancient history and styles amazing scenery also appeals to the cinema industry is lynsey france found out. it is said that one thousand years ago at the place where the volga and the coach or so rivers meet prince yaroslav the wise killed a local sacred bear with his battle axe. and then founded the town of gauss's law the town and region its name for has been known for drama ever since a local filmmaker yuri vacs man gave me
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a tour to show me why the most prestigious it's not to go to some fifteen to twenty historical films with short rushing the area where we're walking we've been going to this location to recreate moscow in nineteen forty one. driving around in this car from the kremlin to the church of the prophet elijah to the embankment time has stopped in a frame of a camera what makes the hours of a region so attractive to filmmakers is that the sets have been standing for centuries nearly perfectly preserved so in studio so doubt their location scouts to fight a great historical setting. is ready for its close. and so is its talent alexander petrobras in the business of setting scenes with paint and a heavy dose of romantic realism. he adapted ernest hemingway's the old man and the sea into an animated film on twenty nine thousand painted plates of glass and snagged in one nine hundred ninety nine academy awards for animated short film he
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showed me how he shot the frames with a custom made motion control imax camera system. i've made several films here here i've raised my pupils and now to separate in the making of my films i hope that soon they're going to have their own ideas and will start working on their own projects and my dreams come true. other movers and shakers in the industry are generating peoples of their own but in a much more physical way romana carts in hollywood and russian movie career has taken his stand store guard film to a whole new level. to get over the past five years we've been. training people mostly boys and men who want to master this profession they come from all over russian training for four of times a week with conflicts starts it's very intensive new talents and real start going aboard here on this campus but there are more ways to jump into the movies than playing with fire in jaroslava just go get
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a bite to eat one of the local cafes one of the most famous of all soviet films was even better to live rich changes profession a spoof on ivan the terrible in it the moscow of the sixteenth century was played by the yaroslavl town a rough stuff and here that you want to celebrate restaurant customers get a full cinematic experience the scenes of the film are set throughout the restaurant but if you'd like to sleep on it the attached hotel is what you'll fall for it caters to the movie mind it when it's time honored blockbuster themed rooms evander seal of which being the most popular for his part yuri vacs men's recent film hydraulic is packed with blockbuster action but his other local repertoire is not it's that of the theater. new city of yaroslav or is the cradle of russian theatre the finest theatre founded short of all course was the first national theatre that opened in russia it reached the heights of creative and professional
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force in its time. and that may be but as long as the one thousand year old city of yaroslav will is internationally protected as a historical site it will forever be known as the silent ingenue gracing the background of thousands of cinema and television screens the world over the hundreds of movies made here in the region over the last century it's made a huge impression on the locals and here to give us a better idea of that is local movie lover elise us about how low the lowest year give us an idea of what the movie making industry has meant to you here you have thought. there were a lot of morris the worst. oh here and there will be more i think but i was a small school girl they decided to look and feel most proper my school it's was with a very famous russian actor and i was so here when i saw the whole group there and the later when i saw it on t.v. i was really impressed because it was the arabs this was the place i know from my
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real life it was great we'll have much more for you here from the close up team in central russia exploring a region. where they try to. gauge the american reaction in the arab blow outs of the closer report first day of business not to. hello and a very warm welcome to the business update global oil major hazard create to buy a twelve percent stake in russia's independent gas producer novacek to increase its share in the company to up to twenty percent of the next three years cho-cho has also acquired a one fifth stake in the bushes liquefied natural gas project on the peninsula
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correspondent study over has the details. the deal will benefit both companies to tell will become the first and the main international investor in the to participate in the development of vast gas resources of the amal and insular while another task will benefit from the investment and experience of the international world giants now it has to be said that this is not the first time that a child is trying to buy into another tag in two thousand and four the tile already tried to y. twenty five percent but failed never takes shares have grown thirty percent in the past three months only raising the value of the state to four point seven billion dollars adds today's prices which is obviously more than in two thousand and four however the c.e.o. of the of french company christopher demar jury said that the tile is paying around
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four billion dollars for those twelve percent stake which they hope to increase to fifteen percent within a year and to nineteen percent within nineteen point four percent within three years. r.t. is the area of protocol reporting analysts are in unison about the potential cho-cho and knowledge at deal house for both gas companies whether alexia corker natural sleep says knowledge or is set to gain a lot more than its french partner. for no it's there is the first time a consumer starburst itself was a major international player since. a russian oil and gas companies are not allowed to export gas right part once directly and know what there is no exceptions or front. of them suddenly it has the potential to reemerge or exporter or for looking for natural gas some through storage agree or some of the access to that knowledge would know what we have so far. let's have
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a look at the markets now european stocks are higher both the footsie and the dax are adding about one point four percent as high close on wall street and a decline in oil prices for which investor sentiment the markets in europe are awaiting the interest rate decision from the european central bank and revised the euro zone g.d.p. figures later in the day investors are also digesting a string of earnings reports insurance group of the third gained three point one percent after it said its twenty turns profit surged forty four percent in the energy sector shares of irish oil and gas exploration company are rising three point seven percent as the company confirms it encounters a major light oil filled offshore ghana. and the russian markets are continuing their rise tracking asian gains and as world prices are pushing up energy shares the archie has crossed the psychological benchmark of two thousand points and is now gaining one point seven percent from my six is about one percent on the rise
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that's now have a look at some individual show moves while the tech shares shot up more than four percent in morning trading on the vocal music but francisco child is buying a stake in the russian gas major how whether a quick profit taken has cut early gains dragging the shares down point six percent higher oil prices the backing investor interest in energy shares look well is up more than two percent silver star is cent higher on the my six and that's after new . that's russia's biggest still make it a group to sell three of its five u.s. based on profitable still plans to run a vast as also largely ignored it companies fourth quarter twenty ten loss of more than three hundred fifty million dollars silver star also says its growing demands of both and growing demand in both home and overseas markets will boost sales and production and twenty eleven. but wraps up
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maximize the profits. gernot trading the actual sissoko grain your trading promises for graeme to be delivered a month or six months or twelve months or eighteen months in the future. stories of moderate light silver or gold that can be negotiated and accorded some degree of. place. yet or. possibly it's not traded now but it could be in the future. if mine in russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about sound from finest impressions. means.
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