tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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don't you love scott brown's supercilious love you guys insult historical hotels of risky culture in the city in the sky because malls. may do as a good up until the club is struck for mr tropicana hutto. fresh fire fights break out across libya as the country spirals towards civil war incumbent one look at garfield time soon extinguished the upsurge of opposition force amidst fears of a mounting threat from abroad we have the latest for you tonight. the u.s. is amassing its needles this is getting closer to libya as international voices continue to raise concern as a sign intervention. we are in an information war and we are losing that war the u.s. state department says it needs billions of dollars to fight off the onslaught of global media outlets including
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a party. and you know russia close up series this half hour we take you to the ancient city of gatos level chosen his story taste good. very good evening from moscow i'm kevin owen you're watching the r.t.e. news channel at eleven pm moscow time how top story the international criminal courts launching an investigation into the actions of libyan leader moammar gadhafi and some of his supporters for alleged crimes against humanity is the first time the courts launched a probe into an ongoing event in libya meantime the battle for the oil rich east continues with reports of airstrikes over the town of brega rebels claim they took one hundred gadhafi supporters hostage during the fighting the country's witnessing the most deadly of all the arab revolts with over two thousand. reported killed
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during more than a fortnight of fighting so far the international community has condemned the harsh methods used to crack down on the opposition this comes as the u.s. deploys troops to do with ships already approaching libyan shores a move through the foreign intervention meanwhile the un has warned of the growing humanitarian crisis from a chilled new zealand border where hundreds of thousands are stranded after fleeing libya paula fleer reports from tunis tonight as the capital struggles to cope with the huge influx of refugees it's now see. some one hundred eighty thousand people have fled libya with seventy five thousand of them already reaching here intern is yet another thirty thousand are waiting at the border to follow through after what today thursday there was a new fighting between government troops loyal to leader moammar gadhafi as well as opposition forces according to residents and eyewitness reports there were new airstrikes in the town of brega where just yesterday fourteen people were killed
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and now the town was briefly taken over by government forces before not we here it is firmly back in the hands of the rebels it is now nearly two weeks of violence and moammar gadhafi is losing control over the eastern half of his country but he has vowed to stay in power and continue fighting against this backdrop it is becoming increasingly imaginable but there could be some kind of foreign intervention in libya the u.s. has already sent warships that have reached the mediterranean and are making their way towards libya we're hearing that four hundred u.s. soldiers are in the mediterranean right now really to board these warships at the same time the british prime minister david cameron calling for and no fly zone there are many there in the international community who are against this including the arab league as well as russia they say that it creates a scenario where you have to have some kind of short term solution in court on the table but no long term prognosis in terms of how this will play out we are hearing the same from. locals here there are against any kind of international intervention
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that opposition leaders saying as much they say that it will spread the conflict it will undermine the democratic movement and at the same time we're hearing that a no fly zone will involve military attacks on libya's air defenses now this was done in other countries such as iraq and then it proved that it is unlikely to halt the regimes helicopter and ground operations if anything as long as the risk of expanding the violence you know as gadhafi will then have the justification he needs to merely stick is fine and his campaigns against people who oppose him. poor sliver of the latest on the situation in north africa lindsey german from a stop the war coalition told me she thinks western military intervention in libya will worsen the situation. why is there so keen to intervene for example haven't they done so in bahrain where the government refusing down protests
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including women and children in the camp a couple of weeks ago there is no question of doing it they're doing in libya because they want to keep hold of the resources of libya particularly the oil and gas which over their old their feet are on himself in exchange for or in gas that is the rotten deal with been done particularly by the british although by the americans the main issue is that the libyan people like many other people in the arab world of paralegal for their rights are trying to create democracy they may be support and solidarity of the west they definitely do not need military intervention this will simply make the situation worse and most importantly it will not allow the people of libya to make the real democratic forces that they now need . well again i russia is a finished evacuating its citizens from libya together with nationals from twenty six other countries who are working for russian firms in the troubled region president dmitry medvedev has praised the ministry of emergency for the
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professionalism and success of the operation. that libya is on the brink of civil war and our task was to save all our citizens before it turned into chaos the fact that we managed to do that fast and according to plan deserves the highest praise we were the first country to start the evacuation others were late and face difficulties as a result. coming up in a couple of moments time exploring russia's greatest cities this time of low seventeen visits to the central russian city of garros love will stay with us to find out why this cultural hub is off. and the cars ice is mounting civilian casualties in the afghanistan war a serious problem which washington is not doing enough to address the afghan president made a statement during a video conference with barack obama on thursday he comes a day after nato apologize for the deaths of nine children in afghanistan preliminary alliance findings indicate the boys all under twelve years of age were
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killed in an accidental airstrike estimates suggest nato is responsible for over nine thousand afghan civilian fatalities since two thousand and one political activist says innocent afghans have now become the target of the u.s. led war on terror. it's very difficult to translate these apologies. into really meaningful. things to victims' families these are casualties that have been happening for too many years and there are too many civilian casualties the people of afghanistan civilians are the victims of both nato civilian casualties that need terrorists who said bombings and what. targeting of civilian areas and the people of afghanistan are tired of both the hearts of the people of afghanistan or at the hands of two incompetent players players in the international community and one player is the afghan government and both players
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are incompetent and ignorant about the true meaning of hearts and minds the intention of this war was to fight terror but the people are have become the victim of terror the united states and coalition forces have to do much better and they have to also hold the afghan side also at a higher standard in this case what the afghan government and the international community are held responsible in their eyes and in the eyes of people up on the. next the us is losing an information war to alternative media outlets including r.t. that is the message from hillary clinton to congress members who are questioning the state department forty seven billion dollar budget request for next year and that is going to come reports the u.s. secretary of state says washington needs to step up its propaganda efforts were declared the u.s. is now officially in an information battle with foreign media which provide
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alternative views on world news views which often running contrast to the coverage of events by the us needs free media we are in an information war and we are losing that war i'll be very blunt in my assessment al-jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive we are cutting back and the b.b.c. is cutting back some five years ago western media outlets including v.d.c. and c.n.n. had a near monopoly in the coverage of world news things have changed since then more and more viewers across the world tuning in to various foreign media to get a fresh take on events clearly the united states feels on the fancy in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of you know the soroti in these countries but also the terms of the debate there's other information out
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there there are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view who should be the only point of view r.t. presence on you tube is one example almost three hundred million views as opposed to c.n.n. that has around three million archy's constantly growing audience is already an indication to many that the days of media monopoly are over and people demanded more control or approach to news in a little real commitment to the kind of freedom of tell you versed speech that we really need if we're going to be in a democracy at home and in a you know a community of nations overseas too many hillary clinton speech a few weeks ago on freedom of internet seemed contradictory to the treatment that sources like we can leaks are getting us legislators are not crafting a law that would give the administration increased flexibility to go after week in
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leaks and the likes and now the administration is seeking more funding to step up u.s. propaganda efforts abroad during the cold war we did a great job in getting america's message out after the berlin wall fell we said ok fine enough about you know we. we're done and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it last year the head of the agency that manages the u.s. government run international broadcasting asked for more money for his department we can't allow ourselves to be out communicating fire enemies police defending me is included russia china iran and venezuela walter isaacson the head of the agency which runs with america among other media outlets later backtracked on this statement isaacson's page for more funding seemed even more unconvincing considering he says he has a budget of seven hundred fifty million dollars and it's we've more than the budget of r t iran's press t.v. and venezuela's tell us we're combining probably money alone can't provide global
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media clout walter isaacson's speech last year sent quite a hostile message to foreign media exposing shortcomings in the us mainstream but separate clinton statements made it official the u.s. is fighting a global information war and it's cool so i'm going to start our reporting from washington r.t. . prefer sort of journalism christopher chambers is on the line from the u.s. capitol this changes even so the why is the u.s. losing the information war we have the secretary of state what makes the likes of stations like us are taking such a threat to washington do you think. well primarily because of the corporatization of media internally in the united states basically you have news and entertainment in the united states that has merged and is serving basically one of maybe three or four giant corporations and all they are concerned about is not gathering is not reporting do but commentary on the news punditry if you will
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and entertainment slant on the new so the more sensationalistic the more that they can deliver a demographic to their sponsors all the commercials in other words that's all they care about they don't care about getting the facts they don't care about having people on the ground to talk to the players on the ground or to get the real story so you have a lot of in after your reporting you have a lot of incomplete reporting but it serves the corporate purpose because all they're really geared up for now is to make money and deliver commercial demographics of customers to the sponsors basically you're saying a lot of it is is just that same journalistically may be these channels in america paying the full picture perhaps that is putting this through is not even perhaps that is that washington is scared of new competition like us and if it were channels like oh i love my source of the tells the stories american media would prefer to keep in the shadows oh i know doubt i mean because you have that goal
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mystically in the united states artie's the domestic audience has grown significantly al-jazeera has domestic audience specifically for the unrest in the middle east has grown specifically because people are not getting real news they're getting rehashed commentary and a lot of entertainment and that's and that should scare washington because there's a cultural angle to this too when nobody is getting the real story on the ground say in afghanistan or egypt or libya but they're getting american. sized entertainment images that are just escaped the nonsensical that that is a kind of a learn to punch a double whammy that undercuts american authority and prestige and the ability to project what is our message which is still you know according to the president a pretty good message about freedom and opportunity except her but it's being drowned out by a lot of commercial nonsense these are actual sons of money the secretary of state
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is talking about here is to. billions of dollars to fight this information where the t.v. is cheap it isn't but that's a breathtaking of out of money what why so much. i don't know i mean i've studied this for quite some time and i'm a professor of journalism and i'm still scratching my head i don't know why the infrastructure needed to really put into place what they need to do does not command all of this money unless they're planning to set up their own super sized version of voice of america or copy what our t.v. or al-jazeera are doing and they're not really equipped you know either physically or philosophically to do that so i have no idea where this money is going unless they're going to try to preempt or co-opt local sources in other countries and basically. media really does very very best and there it goes it disappeared where you got the gist of the story there that was before it got switched off from the
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u.s. capitol professor of journalism christopher chambers i think we're a long time just where nothing serious right quick look at some other international news now let's see what we've got for you first off a suicide bomber has blown up a bank in northern iraq it's killed at least eight people eight others were wounded in the blast and the. reports say the terrorists targeted people queuing at the bank to collect this salaries security personnel were said to be among those killed and it's thought to be the first major attack in the town since october two thousand and nine then five were killed by a suicide bomber. over three hundred christians took to the streets in pakistan to protest against the assassination of the country's minorities minister charges that he was killed on wednesday with militants in his car this is the second assassination in two months of a high profile opponent of the country's strict blasphemy laws meanwhile elsewhere in the country a powerful explosion targeting police in northwestern pakistan killed at least three officers and four civilians. in new zealand the storage fees and i've given
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up hope of finding any more survivors after last week's devastating earthquake hit the city of christchurch official saying there are no switched from a rescue to a recovery operation and will now look for the remains of victims and the death toll currently six hundred sixty one but police are estimating the final figure could be as high as two hundred forty most died in multi-story buildings that came crashing down moving away from the rescue operation now also allow the teams to use heavy machinery on the collapsed building. and your judge has delayed the trial for the russian businessman viktor booths suspected of trying to sell weapons to a terrorist group the defendant chose a new team of lawyers who requested additional time to study the evidence the judge also ordered a move to a better detention facility and now i have an extra month to submit motions before the hearing takes place in the beginning. october could speak of not guilty to all of the charges brought against them conspiracy to kill u.s. nationals the russian businessman was arrested in thailand in two thousand and
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eight on similar charges at the request of american officials but he was found not guilty however last year he was extradited to the u.s. to face another court action if convicted he could face a life sentence russian governments complained that his extradition was unlawful and political. on a lighter note if you're in the mood for some traveling we've got just the thing for you coming up next our brand new edition of close up takes you to the cultural treasure chest of the largest country in the world and we go. looking at the map this is where we head located three hundred kilometers north of moscow this time the yellow slab has got some of russia's oldest landmarks the most stunning sites with a history that dates back a thousand years it's no surprise the list of top tourist destination to locals take great pride in their commitment to preserving the city's architecture with
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eurostar the home of russia's old this theater and as artie's lindsay france is about to find out history and cinema there go hand in hand in this cultural. it is said that one thousand years ago at a place where the ball got in a coach or so rivers meet prince jaroslava wise killed a local sacred bear with his battle axe and then founded the town of gauss law the town and region its name for has been known for drama ever sence local filmmaker yuri vacs then gave me a tour to show me why. the thoughts of some fifteen to twenty historical films were short right in the area where we are walking we've been going to this location to recreate moscow in nineteen forty one with stalin being driven around in this car from the kremlin to the church of the prophet elijah to the embankment time has stopped in the frame of a camera what makes the ass of a region so attractive to filmmakers is that the sets have been standing for
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centuries nearly perfectly preserved so in studio send out their location scouts to find a great historical setting carol slava is ready for its close. and so is its talent alexandra petroff is in the business of setting scenes with paint and a heavy dose of romantic realism. here back to ernest hemingway's the old man and the sea into an animated film on twenty nine thousand eight hundred plates of glass and snag the nineteen ninety nine academy award for animated short film he showed me how he shot the frames with a custom made motion control imax camera system. i've made several films here here i've raised my pupils and now participate in the making of my films i hope that soon they're going to have their own ideas and will start working on their own projects so my dream has come true. other movers and shakers in the industry are generating pupils of their own but in
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a much more physical way romana courtesans hollywood and russian movie career has taken his stand store guard film to a whole new level and i think it's a bit over the past five years we've been training. mostly boys and men and want to master this profession they come from all over russian training four or five times a week with complex stunts it's very intensive you talents in real stunt men aboard here on this carpet but there are more ways to jump into the movies than playing with fire in jaroslava just go get a bite to eat at one of the local café one of the most famous of all soviet films was even to see live it changes profession. and ivan the terrible in it the mask of the sixteenth century was played by the yaroslavl town of rough stuff and even to say the great restaurant customers at the thought cinematic experience this seems of the film are set throughout the restaurant but if you'd like to sleep on it the
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attached hotel is watch all fall for it caters to the movie mind it with its time honored blockbuster themed rooms evander seal of which being the most popular for his part yuri vaccines recent film hydraulic is packed with blockbuster action but his other local repertoire is not that of a theater. in the city of yaroslav all it's the cradle of russian theatre the finest theatre founded here but short of all course was the first national theatre that openly in russia it reached the heights of creative and professional thought in its time. that may be but as long as the one thousand year old city of yaroslav all is internationally protected as a historical site able forever be known as the silent arjen knew gracing the background of thousands of cinema and television screens the world over in yaroslavl all around the france r.t. what types of those top stories now a bit later this hour my skies are mysteriously
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herber on location in beirut for you have been reporting on the lakers or prices in the geopolitics and saudi energy got to come from a close reporting shortly but if those are my business from moscow next. thanks very much kevin alone welcome to business r.t. global oil major troops allies and lead agreed to buy a twelve percent stake in russia's independent gas producers know would say i need to increase its share in the company to up to twenty percent in next three years so it's ours also acquired a one fifth state can the ambitious liquefied natural gas project on the year now been insular artie's correspondent that it was given as an. do you will benefit both companies to tell will become the first and the main international investor in the to participate in the development of vast gas resources of the american insua while another tack will benefit from the investment and experience of the international world giant the c.e.o.
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of the of french company christopher to marjorie said the tile is paying around four billion dollars for those twelve percent stake which they hope to increase to fifteen percent within a year and nineteen point four percent within three years. is a very attractive country for investors which is even more obvious than with the instability that we're currently facing the ammal ellen g. aims to start production of the ellen g. in two thousand and sixteen and is designed to produce around fifteen million tonnes of gas per year the project needs twenty billion dollars of investment and the c.e.o. of the another attack me his son says that they will soon start soon start looking for other participants in the project we are considering bringing in several other foreign partners into the project they will be able to get up to forty nine percent
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we're now negotiating with a number of possible partners and we expect to make a final decision by the end of the year however towel will stay as the majority shareholder in the project the analysts say that it is good that intel was picked as it is it will only compliment the implementation of the project. analysts are in unison about the potential of the total and over to your house for both companies. so there would circus arts again a lot more than it's french but. for now we're turkish the first distribution shoppers are. from. since. russian oil and gas companies are not allowed to export gas right pot plants directly no one takes no exceptions or front. of them suddenly it has the potential to be in niger exporter. because from natural gas through sports you can also have the access to technology that no one really has served from. look now at late so the thursday
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trading in the united states and it's positive as the labor department said the first time claims for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level since may two thousand and eight that was way better than expected therefore we see down as that put up more than one point seven percent optimism also seen in russia at the close of the session are two years across the psychological benchmark of two thousand points and was getting one point three percent of the close my six point four percent on the rise over sixty has a short stop more than four percent in morning trading but slipped into the red by mid sessions a close one point one percent down lukoil was up almost a percent so the close on still high commodities and sent us dollars point three percent high on the crisis. the market showed some resilience to some profit taking bad. was about to begin this morning and the bars came in and the dynamics changed completely to the positive russian market went again spirit world prize today and
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that's a good sign. there was a batch of strong market products into six coming out of united states later in the afternoon and from that morning russian markets are build on the gains. and that it's a major in during their late morning. that's it from the business desk the first day the headlines are next on don't go away. the the.
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the goals of the cooling you the latest in science technology from the realm flux we've dumped the future coverage. to something to explain to the country and republic. the center of russian defense critics now while she heads to central russia. ukraine. some become an industry. the harsh winter makes pillows even more enjoyable. and when everyone can train to be a stomach. they are a small. pressure close up on oxy. today violence is.
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