tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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now with all of you what. al-jazeera is winning. the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive the war of words begins or how is it already been long in action well as obvious as official is now drawing new battle lines in the war of information. and since the international media seems to be winning that war the us started its bid to catch up and get back to what it's best so what exactly is that this is. what's so problematic with what the f.b.i. did is that it came in and destroyed the community cohesion it destroyed the
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functionality of a community and because of that claim the a.c.l.u. and care are launching a lawsuit against the f.b.i. here's how one american muslim communities that was unfairly targeted and how members were even tracked because of their religion. it's thursday march third seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our. well it is a war of the words and according to secretary of state hillary clinton the u.s. is losing losing to who may ask well according to her really losing the international media al-jazeera and yes even r.t. it's a far cry from the old days the good old days according to many during the cold war when the u.s. won the war because they simply have the best propaganda when it is your contacts a look inside the message machine. war declared the us is now officially in an
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information battle with foreign media which provide alternative views on world news views which often running contrast to the coverage of events by the us mainstream media we are in an information war and we are losing that war i'll be very blunt in my assessment al jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have a productive english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive we are cutting back and the b.b.c. is cutting back some five years ago western media outlets including v.d.c. and c.n.n. had a near monopoly in the coverage of world news things have changed since then more and more viewers across the world tuning in to various foreign media to get a fresh take on events clearly the united states feels on the fences in part
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because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of you know the soroti in these countries but also the terms of the debate there's other information out there there are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view or should be the only point of view r.t. presence on you tube is one example almost three hundred million views as opposed to c.n.n. that has around three million archy's constantly growing audience is already an indication to many that the days of media monopoly are over and people demanded more people or approach to news in a little real commitment to the kind of freedom of the universe speech that we really needed for going to be a democracy at home and in a you know a community of nations oversee is too many hillary clinton speech a few weeks ago on freedom of internet seemed contradictory to the treatment that
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sources like we can leaks are getting us legislators are not crafting a law that would give the administration increased flexibility to go after week in leaks and the likes and now the administration is seeking more funding to step up u.s. propaganda efforts of bright during the cold war we did a great job in getting america's message out after the berlin wall fell we said ok fine and after that you know we. we're done and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it but many say the lack of funding is not the reason why us media are unpopular among world audience the us is new scenery and has been for years losing popularity and respect around the world but that's not a result of its failures media communications it's a result of u.s. foreign policy last year the head of the agency that manages the us government or an international broadcasting asked for more money for his department we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies the list of enemies included
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russia china iran and venezuela walter isaacson the head of the sea which runs with america among other media outlets later backtracked on this statement isaacson speech for more funding seemed even more unconvincing considering his agency has a budget of seven hundred fifty million dollars and it's way more than the budget of r t iran's press t.v. and venezuela's tell us we're combining probably money alone can't provide global water isaacson's speech last year sent messages to foreign media exposing shortcomings of the worst things for the sector a clean slate clinton made it a push on the us is fighting a global information war and i'm going to hope our reporting from washington r.t. . our rights and our bad making an impression at the highest levels so only there are some interesting so we say impressions of this country here's one thing i thought it was interesting secretary of state clinton brought up this run in that
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she had an afghan man take a listen the only thing he thought about americans is that all the men wrestled in the women walked around a bikini because the only t.v. ever saw was baywatch and worldwide wrestling so time to amp up the message machine i guess and who better to talk to about this than radio host alex jones. hey there alex lots of talk about secretary of clinton obviously fighting for more funding for the state department's media budget but she says we are in a quote information war she wants more money than most of the other international stations combined your take alex on the sides the many sides i guess of this war. well it's good to be here and obviously i have the website infowars dot com so we're focused on this i want to be clear i'm an american patriot i believe in my constitutional republic i get a tear in my eye when i go to a football game and hear the star-spangled banner when the state department talks
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about losing the info war and getting media dominance again in the world they're talking about the select group of offshore globalist that the last fifty years have used the united states as an engine of their own private corporate war against sovereign countries and taking over the planet this is all admit it and so what's happened is some called us television and print media the washington post the new york times have lied about w m d's that didn't exist have lied about terror threats to the former head of homeland security governor ridge wrote a book last year admitting they would issue fake terror alerts for political gain and so the american people realize that our media doesn't speak for us and is being used basically to propagandize not just us but the world and so it's not just people in other countries that aren't buying into quote us media it's the american people and the globalist are out of bullets and i just last year when they were demonizing rand paul in his senate run politico called me and they said well what
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do you see being able to stop rand paul i said nothing i'm not a big supporter of his constitutional ideas but i said eve you endorsed him in the mainstream media endorsed him that would hurt him i said you guys are out of bullets no one buys into or supports what you're doing you have lost the war for the hearts and minds because people don't trust you anymore i want to reply really quick one for one what secretary of clinton that are very clear about who is winning this war. al jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive all right but let's be honest this is not to pat us on the back this is more to drum up support on why she says the state department needs more now so she's watching alex we hope she is and like to hear
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your advice to secretary of clinton both on what the message should be and how to better get it out there. well again the people that have hijacked the united states in the last five decades to be conservative do not speak for the people of america and america has become. the demon of the world instead of being the apple of the world's i because the world has realized that we are now predominantly have become an engine of evil and you're right to say that all hillary is doing is hitting the panic button and saying give us more funding i mean it came out years ago that tens of billions of dollars a year is spent domestically and internationally to implant globalist messages corporatist messages in movies and t.v. news and in newspapers and radio and the jig is up they know people are aware of that so i would tell the state department stop lying stop engaging edition from asia and stop attacking freedom stop attacking other sovereign nations stop being
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propaganda stop being modern joseph gerbils nazi propaganda ministers and people might start thinking you are thinking of us trustworthy sources you guys use the public faith and used it for the point of if you even tell the truth no one believes you i mean if the us government controlled media tells the public the sky is blue they think it's red if they tell people something's up folks think it's down to explain why no one believes this or well in propaganda system anymore and we should mention of course to our viewers that there are government funded channels here in the us in fact there are seven of them that broadcast around the world the problem is audiences are dwindling with nothing coming close to make war on par not like they want our two killing four to have more on whether or not us by the way is still having an impact on the luck. language since nine hundred forty two the u.s.
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has broadcasted its cloture and politics around the world. how possible ways. washington got that transmitting in over fifty languages to the tune of seven hundred forty five point five million dollars per year but what happens when people just start tuning out more and more u.s. funded media outlets designed to promote america's image abroad are channels in search of an audience but taxpayers are still footing the bill. for the two nominal alleged america has sunk one billion dollars into al food and arabic language news network author and professor phil steve says the network's model is stuck in the past when american news was welcomed by the competition within the arab world dominated by al-jazeera. that there really isn't much of the audience outside of iraq. fifty three percent watch al-jazeera only half
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a percent of air of viewers watch out for that which is broadcast from suburban springfield virginia its credibility and the arab audience the most or all stay clear about themselves from other arab critics say that from day one there was a major disconnect executive who didn't speak arabic staffing the network with lebanese christians to broadcast to its overwhelmingly muslim audience. and audience that associates a channel with the u.s. the architect of the iraq war soon a new television service will begin providing reliable news and information across the region and supporter of unpopular and repressive regimes throughout the middle east but even now when a small viewership is a lot to go for another u.s. network say they must the. host the oscars. they say washington. for twenty six years randy and david marty have fallen on deaf ears in cuba as
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cuban journalist my lean alone so challenging. it's hard to talk about the impact of radio and t.v. marti because on television it's not seen on the radio it's practically unheard of and on top of that in cuba the signal is jam the congressional reports point out the miami based channels quote failure over many years to adhere to generally accepted journalistic standards somehow number one so i'm not talking about a radio show that tells people to go into cuban leaders from the point of view of journalistic ethics it's very troubling and i had a fifteen million dollars budget in two thousand and eight to pay cuban dissidents on the island as its reporters and rent fuel and fly to gulfstream planes that circled the island to broadcast t.v. marti and the us isn't just paying for a new u.s. state department dollars also financed eagle for an afghan police drama former marine jake tiller barito says shows like this send a subconscious message to support the military support the police force in this
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sort of thing and in many ways it does on a broad scale what twenty four did here in the united states ten years into the u.s. war in afghanistan deliberate those those forty five percent of the media is run by rupert murdoch's news corp. creators of twenty four a series designed to drum up support for the war on terror in the u.s. twenty four was also created to support the doctrine of torture much of much of eagle force propaganda is out of afghanistan's trying to mimic that trying to say that confronting insurgents and confronting terrorists and what it is is a good thing and afghans who support but what's on screen in afghanistan contrasts with the reality off screen with little sign of afghan support with a staggering one point four trillion dollar deficit at home and propose cuts in everything for medicaid. i just came from americans are saying that we should switch up international broadcasting i let the rest of the world watch what they
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would be watching any rob ford r.t. washington d.c. all right so clearly i like there's not a there is not money being spent is not like there are not channels out there at the end of the day it's. propaganda matters for money for influence and do you think most americans realize this no americans were brought up in front of television sets basically trashing whatever they were told but they're beginning to realize that understand and that's why the audiences as you mentioned earlier are dwindling alternative media that gives a different view its ratings are going up like archie and others as the state department is but moaning about the old line propaganda channels are completely and totally discredited let's just look back four months ago it came out that hundreds of billions of dollars of banker bailout money was given to us and european media as a direct cash payments this isn't just cia or state department run channels targeting
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afghans or the arab world our media here is show laced with it and it's so cartoonish and show over the top that even the most braindead people are waking up to it and that's why the empire is striking back and the us media is calling for an internet kill switch google changes algorithm last week to start watching and for wars dot com they are striking back at a camp to not shut the media off like egypt did overnight but slowly start to choke it down and i know as you have positioned yourself as an alternative media and we've had you want our t.v. for years but you know we've got to bring this up you have been noticed quite a bit lately by the mainstream media and i want to play a quick clip that features you and then we'll talk about it. but charlie's tired of being held up like the devil with the t.s.a. put their hand on people's pants him cold war stuck on covers it all we've got the banks bankrupt and we know we're actually way way way steak and let's take what
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charges that's way to price not exactly is bad news sascha i was guilty of a program i've always heard here it's a test figure out what is happening with charlie bass or where china. alright so certainly charlie sheen is in the news that another stand off at least a couple of questions regarding that i mean first of all do you think that he said what he said on you or so because you're not like the rest because you give a platform for people to not have to be peace for and i'm wondering what you think about the fact you're being so sought after now because of it well just to be clear i'm not bragging he thought this was a five minute interview i'm going to talk to charlie he was calling me during that last video clips i'll be talking to him within minutes i'm friends with charlie going back six and a half years i did not know he would do that on my show that was not planned but yes he seeks me out because he likes the alternative media and charlie is bigger than the whole middle east situation right now probably shouldn't be that way but
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it is but i absolutely i mean if i could have three million radio listeners a day a million web visitors a day and that's that's a conservative number if i could put films out that are seen by hundreds of millions for free on the web this is the new paradigm and that's why the military industrial complex that created the internet. here in the united states is moving to try to start incrementally curtailing it and shutting it down but if we can get all the new media and the alternative media to talk about this attack on the web they'll be unsuccessful just like egypt show the attack on the internet and free speech and true challenges because the state department's cia propaganda machine is gone the fight is on the alternative media is winning so the system is coming and trying to censor us right now oh right well alex you know when you do call charlie back please the thought of our apologies for making him wait also let him know if you'd like to come on our so we can certainly give him a different platform than he's been on on all those nails mainly other places he'd
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say as he'd say winning all right well we'll take it as always radio host alex jones. well a group of muslims in southern california claim they've been unfairly targeted because of their religion now they're taking on the f.b.i. with a new lawsuit which they hope exposes and huge violations of the constitution artie's rondell in their shows us how a paid informant is causing concern about the government's tactics in the war on terror. as american muslims prepare for prayers but the remains that worship or next to them by all of. this is especially true in southern california where peer formants have fractured cohesiveness of a law abiding community and fearful retaliation. i and my wife fears and my family
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fears and i fear that. you know the f.b.i. is going to come down pretty aggressive with us after i found out he was being spied on he felt betrayed by his country and now he feels alienated because fellow muslims are now suspicious that he might be a spike twenty six year old southern california native was approached by f.b.i. informant craig months he'll presumably because of his devout muslim faith now the a.c.l.u. and the council of american islamic relations are teaming up against the f.b.i. suing the agency for what they say is its attempt to incriminate people based simply on where they pray something they consider a by a lesion of the u.s. first amendment freedom of religious worship yet be a insists that it doesn't ask it's important to target people for their religious affiliations so be muslims are finding it hard to believe this is one of the
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mosques where prayed manteo came to pray and socialize with other muslims it was during a car right here where he started making some very suspicious comments. off alarms and local community members reported it to yeah yeah a little did they know that the f.b.i. was actually paying months he'll so watch them he was always interested in. other topics in jihad and what i thought about. things of that nature what his cover was blown it was revealed that man till was paid one hundred seventy seven thousand dollars over teen months to collect personal information on hundreds of muslims even though there was no suspicion of them committing any crime became says he wrote in the already shaky relationship between the f.b.i. and the drug law abiding muslim community it is extremely ironic and sad but here in america today we have to stand up here to challenge
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a government agency that is taking us but. and to a time when people feel that we're living in a police state montel told the media that his handlers tried to instill in him that islam is a threat to our national security but so problematic with what the f.b.i. is that it came in and destroyed the community cohesion it destroyed the functionality of a community that would be f.b.i.'s best ally in protecting this nation's security and we want to do that because we this is our home we have no other mission also raises concerns about the government's attitudes towards muslims historically if you look at the situation in states faith based groups pollutants groups ethnic groups are always targeted because of their their faith their ethnicity like the japanese during world war two but i stand by what i said all day long muslims killed us on nine eleven and there is a huge muslim problem in the world if you are an eighteen to twenty year old. you
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should be strip searched for must look out for islamic terrorists in our country look out for the fact that urging muslims before to cooperate with police as many politicians and pundits continue to portray muslim communities as american breeding grounds for terrorists yeah yeah i has a lot of work to convert these american sense of alienation to one of trust in los angeles and i'm telling the party. so here we have this community where members say they're constantly looking over their shoulders any time a new person enters their mosque and it's not just here this is going on the fear and distrust is spreading joining me now to talk more about this is eunice abdulla mohamed is chief analyst of islam policy dot com and he is in iraq oh hey there you know as i think you know some people might be surprised to hear about f.b.i. informants infiltrating these houses of worship simply because of who this religious religious group was worshipping to try to gather intelligence but i think
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many more might call this a sign of the times i want to get your take on this case and the bigger picture here. it's portrayed as though this is something new or something rare in the american phenomenon early have to do is look for historical parallels as the brother overheard someone if you just. one hundred forty early warning with the attorney general of california delivered a speech where he talked about how wonderful america was because immigrants were constantly floating in there to reject what they witnessed in their own country and to come for a better way of rights by one thousand and forty two list of war and we're going to turn the general who is creating concentration camps in which america with how the japanese were perceived to be threats of terrorists much like most of our good so what we have to understand from that we also have the right to phenomenon of increasing. domestic cherokees is where the f.b.i.
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themselves are responsible for getting a tolerable use and misleading and mr reckoning in a manner that would suggest that they are creating media that allows this persist within the american society having a broader intention justifying their award by person is nothing new this is typical teenager to me rhetoric of democracy freedom of speech and only goes so far doesn't a program. but it also gives rhetoric. you know about reaching across the world to our muslim brother and in this case sort of highlights out of this example of american not even being able to respect other americans who happen to be one who live in this country what do you think about that. well everything that's happening in america right now for just our structure the ghost of the army and whatever that might be doesn't respect general american citizenry whatsoever i mean look at the parse words the rage financially right now by government and financial power is
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that right it's really it's a sign of the times and it's. to imagine that we're living in a world where the missions become secondary to financial interests with a constant lead and i was people across the room to mobilize them out of where we are going to propel france and we are no longer violence rhetoric we must look at the actuality or legal systems of what is professed to be democracy we have to look at the essence of things and read through that we realized immediately. hypocrisy common unarmed i want to bring up a couple other cases going on right now including one right now in new jersey two men they're u.s. citizens have pleaded guilty to conspiring to murder people outside the u.s. by joining us somali terrorist group with ties to al qaeda but there's more to the story here these two men apparently have been followed by the f.b.i. since two thousand and six i think one of them back then was sixteen years old and
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the f.b.i. recorded them thanks and pretty shocking stuff about their desires to kill and their attorney argues that you know these are just kids talking that in many ways this is not a mystery solved it was entrapment i don't know if you're familiar with this case in particular but i want to get your reaction to this. well of course we're familiar with it and they run very very similar trends when you look at any case that then suggestion because homegrown terror travelling that united in a narrow but we perceive this to be a bit of a difference from a different perspective and own opinion and as we look at cases like we are not in a lesson case we wish to carry in groups like that and back our aim to replicate muslims in america where it's passionate about the sending the millions of muslims in brand us is occupying or invading that high ground right violated their homes it's mental their privacy completely nullify this break and with millions of.
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unfortunately the problem we have persist with any reform community where muslims are living in america are more concerned or most concerned with proving that they're more and more american than this is the this is the biggest problem that we have years potential not just to file countersuits against the f.b.i. but for people to participate in a social movement that advocates for real change now from actually a perfect example based in one apartment during the era. in alluding to the problems of mobilizing the black community and then repression against racism and he said quote once the black man thinks and i'm compromising steps and realizes that he's with him is right when his own freedom is being jeopardized to use any means necessary to bring about a new screen young or put a halt to that injustice i don't think you'll be buy and sell the receiver same thing to muslims or any oppressed conflict living in america if you rise and it
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becomes more about defending yourself against oppression and advocating for freedom and a laugh about proving that you're just a good old american then you have a chance of seeing an empire and that you get a possibility of motorbiking a noose like iraq and. in the direction that. something else. roger than buying. insurance or government informants. other forms of confronted whether they be ideological or actually violence in the region are some pretty interesting historical examples brought up eunice abdul mohammad a chief analyst of islam policy dot com and that is going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered our web site r.t. dot com slash usa we also have a very popular you tube page you tube dot com.
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