tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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it can be a lot of show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mercy we're going to live out of washington d.c. yesterday hillary clinton made quite these strong statements when she said that the u.s. is losing the information war to international media outlets so investigate why u.s. media is playing second fiddle to the rest of the world including r.t. when it comes to reporting the facts and then the president finally speaks out on libya details on what obama had to say today we also want to know could there be
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a disagreement on the issue between obama and the military then it was mike huckabee is the latest remark considered an apology after misspeaking about president obama's trial heard the fox news host made new statements today that they weren't much better so i have to ask if huckabee should really consider running for president when he comes off as such a bigot a new charges for p.f.c. bradley manning after being held in solitary confinement for ten months the army has laid out twenty two new charges for the private including aiding the enemy so who exactly is that enemy and then it was almost d.-day for the n.f.l. a twenty four hour extension has been made before a lockout will take place so how do we compare this labor dispute with what's happening across the country a look at and to all of that and more but now let's move on to our top story. secretary of state hillary clinton has been talking about another war recently a war of words and according to her the u.s. is losing losing to al jazeera international media outlets even our team that's
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a far cry from the old days when the u.s. won the war because they had the quote best propaganda artie's guy in a chicken has more on the word words. war declared the us is now officially in an information battle with foreign media which provide alternative views on world news views which often run in contrast to the coverage of events by the us mainstream media we are in an information war and we are losing that war i'll be very blunt in my assessment al jazeera is winning. the chinese have opened up a global english language and multi language television network the russians have opened up an english language network i've seen it in a few countries and it's quite instructive we are cutting back and the b.b.c. is cutting back some five years ago western media outlets including c.d.c. and c.n.n. had a near monopoly in the coverage of world news things have changed since then more
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and more viewers across the world tuning into various foreign media to get a fresh take on events clearly the united states feels on the fancy in part because it can no longer monopolize not only the terms of you know the soroti in these countries but also the terms of the debate there's other information out there there are other points of view and those points of view are profoundly damaging to a country that believes that its point of view is the only point of view or should be the only point of view r.t. presence on you tube is one example almost three hundred million views as opposed to c.n.n. that has around three million archy's constantly growing audience is already an indication to many that the days of media monopoly are over and people demand a multi-polar approach to news in the real commitment to the kind of freedom of the universe speech that we really need if we're going to be in a democracy at home and in a you know
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a community of nations overseas to maybe hillary clinton speech a few weeks ago on freedom of internet seemed contradictory to the treatment that sources like leaks are getting us legislators are not crafting a law that would give the administration increased flexibility to go after weiqi leaks and the likes and now the administration is seeking more funding to step up u.s. propaganda efforts of broad during the cold war we did a great job in getting america's message out after the berlin wall fell we said ok fine enough of that you know we've. we're done and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it but many say the lack of planning is not the reason why u.s. media are unpopular among world audience the u.s. is losing and has been for years losing popularity and respect around the world but that's not a result of kids failures in media communications it's a result of all of us foreign policy last year the head of the agency that manages
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the us government who on international broadcasting asked for more money for his department we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies. the list of enemies include russia china iran and venezuela walter isaacson the head of the sea which runs ways of america monger the media outlets leader backtracked on this statement isaacson speech for more funding seemed even more unconvincing considering his agency has a budget of seven hundred fifty million dollars and its wave more than the budget of r t iran's press t.v. and then as well as tell us we're combining all the money alone can't provide global will be a cloud walter isaacson's speech last year so i don't have a message to foreign media exposing shortcomings of the us mainstream but separately statements made it official that the us is fighting a global information war and schools and i'm going to start our reporting from washington r.t. . so why is the u.s.
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losing this information war right here in this castle with me is christopher chambers georgetown university professor and author of the blog turner's revenge chris thanks so much for you here for starters do you think there hillary's right are we engaged in an international information war and is the resolution yes. no to the first question yes to the second one we're losing but it's not a global war she made some very good points it's great to get a shout out from the from the surge. but i'll take it that she actually misunderstands one point dorothy al jazeera the new chinese network they are legitimate real news outlets that have been able to exploit holes in coverage that fox which i don't even consider news anymore it is a propaganda arm c.n.n. n.b.c. a.b.c. have top of what works have wolf fully cleared the table and of allowed these networks to come in i mean al jazeera for the middle east unrest a loon you know these are real news networks which she's talking about is getting
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money for propaganda operations like voice of america all the money she would literally better off taking that money and start. being a state run real news operation the trying to be for voice of america's propaganda arms which are not really catching on overseas i do you think that's why it's there not catching on overseas i mean as a guy and it was mentioned in the piece here seven hundred fifty million dollars a year that's not a tiny little budget that's has seven of these channels and i consider what i do every day to be breaking the news about the news to be uncovering the stories that the mainstream media is touching is you know doesn't want to go near so what exactly are these voice of america and al gore are doing wrong world first of all they are propaganda arms all who it is comes out of springfield virginia a lot of the correspondents are lebanese christians and they're they're being their message towards the muslim world they're not going there not on the ground they're
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talking to people asking them what are your problems what are your crisis is what are both sides of the the issue that's news that's what these news outlets like al jazeera t.v. are doing all first a newscast the ring reporting analysis like put the networks here we're doing maybe thirty forty years ago when you had walter cronkite and john chancellor and all those people not with the networks are doing now certainly not with the twenty four hour cable news is doing these propaganda outlets that the government is running it's just basically putting on fluff programming and kind of phony programming and the people overseas you don't have to be that smart to see through that you know if that's the thing i mean it's not genuine but clinton mentioned. maybe was lamenting the days of the cold war here in this speech and say you know during the cold war we did it we won the propaganda war and then we kind of well we let it drop off and now we are at reading it how do you ask do it then you know why why did that work
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then propaganda where it is arguable whether she's right or not i mean there are a lot of other circumstances that contributed to this you know look to the fall the berlin wall and all that kind. stuff that really had nothing to do with the constant barrage of propaganda really being that it cuba for as long as i've been alive and castro still there but i think what she's talking about is a more directed approach towards real quote enemies we don't really have that now we have a global economy a global culture on some levels and you can't have that same kind of focus directed be moved of kind of anti soviet or rich a knees sorts of messages anymore i mean it's absolutely and the coalition black and white. world is brown basically minutes and then you have our corporate media which is totally news gathering news reporting for entertainment for fighting pundits for attacking the president that
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kind of stuff for you know keeping you know sarah palin and mike huckabee on the payroll till they decide to run for president and then saying i'm going to yank their contracts so you can look like you're unbiased i mean that's the kind of stuff we're dealing with and that has hurt us overseas and the spillover effect that stuff is heard is domestically now it's hurting us overseas because our news networks are not dealing with real problems and reporting them so she's got a point there but fixing it through a propaganda arm is not going to work you just need some real new this this is the wonderful thing about the where does that you can no longer just project that this is an enemy and everyone must hate because now you have a world where everyone is connected to the internet or you know me and you have options exactly chris thanks so much for joining us. now speaking of the media we want to mark the anniversary of a major media event that happened twenty years ago today it was shortly after
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midnight march third one nine hundred ninety one when something happened on a street in los angeles and it started the movement of citizen journalism george holiday heard police sirens outside his apartment he grabbed his video camera stepped out onto his balcony and recorded a very grainy video of the los angeles police department beating an unarmed motorist now here's a clip of the beating of rodney king that changed the city of los angeles and the u.s. forever four police officers were later found not guilty in the beating of king and that set off days of rioting across l.a. where more than fifty people were killed since that video shot by george holliday citizen journalism is now an all time high and today's high tech world smartphones allow all of us to record video take pictures alas of course it's illegal in your state to do so now video taken by everyday citizens have become a valuable part of the criminal justice system cell phone cameras are rolling in oakland when a transit officer shot and killed an unarmed man. oscar
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grant was killed by a bart police officer on new year's day in two thousand and nine video recorded by several people at the scene eventually helped convict the officer in the shooting but only of involuntary manslaughter not guilty of second degree murder but this video by citizens prove that the officer had no reason to kill oscar grant now in some cases even police video can come back to haunt departments that happen in columbia missouri during a drug raid were two dogs were shot by police when they entered a home take a listen. once that video shot by police turned up online the department received. death threats please only found a small amount of weed inside the house not even enough for any charges to be filed
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and the man who owned the dogs has now filed a lawsuit in this case now those are three examples of how video camera and everyday citizens changed journalism and hopefully the police now even more so than ever police and law enforcement are much more aware that their every move could be recorded some states even now consider videotaping police officers a form of wiretapping and in maryland for killing an officer is illegal the man who shot rodney king could have been charged with a crime think about that that shows you how fearful the police are of citizens videotaping their actions so don't let law enforcement get away with acting like they are above the law. also to come on tonight's show talk of a no fly zone over libya is rounding up here in d.c. do americans realize that a no fly zone needs of the u.s. perhaps the launch of another military operation well discuss that in a moment and then mike huckabee says the media is being tough on him after he made comments about proper obama growing up in kenya that he made another stupid comment proving he's a bigot started to speak with atticus varying from the young turks about that this
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is a return to. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through that sort of who can you trust no one who is you know you with noble machinery see where are we hiding state controlled capitalism it's called session so when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more of. the same.
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oh. hey guys welcome to the show and tell me alone a show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now we want to hear are you just going to you tube to video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday in the show your responses later your voice.
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say obama announced that all options are on the table when it comes to libya he said that he authorized the use of u.s. military aircraft and chartered civilian aircraft to assist those fleeing libya to return back home to tunisia egypt and other countries he also said that he was looking over a full range of military and nonmilitary options including enforcing a no fly zone but the thing is that the pentagon doesn't really seem to be on board here with defense secretary robert gates reminding everybody that a no fly zone means military air strikes. there's a lot of frankly loose talk about some of these military options and let's just call a spade a spade a no fly zone begins with an attack on libya. so what's going on could we be seeing a disagreement between civilian and military leaders on how to act joining me to discuss it is scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine scott thanks so much for joining us what do you think
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is happening here because we're seeing of course secretary of state hillary clinton say that nothing has been taken off the table upon the saying all options are off the table that the military is caution here that this would be white and they can make and sell are they as apt to say that i was thinking about it really hard or are we seeing some kind of disagreement. but it's actually typical in recent years that professional military men are poor more research in their views about the use of military force them politicians arms but i think what we're seeing here is a division i say we can see three camps out there one we have the neo conservatives people like charles krauthammer bill kristol who have been arguing aggressively war robust deployment of military forces they view a no prize own as the absolute minimum that the u.s. could do they'd like to see more i guess they think they're so delighted with the
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outcome of the point of the greater forces in iraq and afghanistan a think a third american land war and the middle east would be great then we have the political leaders of the administration president obama but much more actually it's been secretary clinton who taken the all options are open they're all options are on the table approach and there are that you don't see clear that they're committed to actually using no wise tone as a tactic but they definitely want to to to chill. the gadhafi regime has used military force and frankly we have a career military people and secretary gates also general mattis and others they've been. why don't spoke of gears saying that there is irresponsible talk in the media about this kind of people need to understand that if you're going to use or no fly zone it's going to start with an attack on the air defense assets of the country
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in question and that no matter how you cut it that's an act of war under international law so it's not something to be played too lightly once or the u.s. experience with no prize owns hasn't been great and we go back and look at the no fly zone that was opened up in the north of iraq of ninety ninety two would maintain there for many many years we actually only had two aircraft taken out in that entire action and they were american aircraft helicopters that were mistaken for rocky aircraft and shot down with the loss of more than twenty american lives so then why is this being a thrown around as so lightly or perhaps irresponsibly like you mentioned i mean let's be honest i asked this question yesterday i ask it again does this just have to do with oil because we've seen many humanitarian crises go on in the world go on in africa where there wasn't all this talk of international intervention and a no fly zone as a moral imperative to do something about it. well i think certainly he's certainly
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that figures in the mind of some people i mean certainly if you look at what's been written by kristol and krauthammer in the past it's clear that they're driven by geopolitics i think people i think really do have humanitarian concerns in mind and you don't seem to photographs of book planes being ordered to drop bombs on peaceful demonstrations and they don't want to see that happen well in fact nobody wants to see that happen but the question is whether you have to reach to know why zone to accomplish that end and i think there's a lot of skepticism particularly with american military leaders the skepticism that you need to do this and in fact what i think russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov put it well when he said the security council has adopted a wide of measures right now and there's no reason to think that those measures won't work now i'm curious suddenly we hear hillary clinton and moammar gadhafi
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using the same line when they're warning about the threat of al qaida getting a stronger foothold or taking over in libya if gadhafi is out of what's what's the reality of that make you believe that we're seeing them use the exact same excuse. well you know this is. a concern that's been articulated by the by the counterterrorism establishment so to speak in the united states for a long time but actually most analysts strongly discount that i mean it's quite clear that this this rebellion like the one in tunisia the one in egypt were not driven by al qaida and fact a number of analysts said said that this must be very disturbing because they're on the sidelines it's driving right past them and in fact what we're seeing throughout the middle east is the emergence of a new generation with new attitudes with people who by the way really don't think
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that their concerns about education and having a meaningful life with a job are going to be answered by voting in reciting lines from the koran i've got a lot to thank you very much for joining us and of course we'll keep on following this as the international community weighs its options out. great to be with you. mike huckabee has been making news this week for all the wrong reasons he first gave an interview to right wing radio host the walbert where he claimed that obama lived in kenya child don't you think we should know more about this man i would love to know more of what i know is troubling and one thing that i do know is his having grown up in kenya his view of the brits for example very different than the average american when he gave the bus back to. the great insults of the british and if you think about it his perspective as growing up in
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kenya with a kenyan father and grandfather very few of them out revolution in kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing the british were a bunch of imperialists to persecute all grandpapa. now that obviously caused a media storm because it was a great lie and everybody knows that obama in fact never visited kenya as a child huckabee spokespeople later said that he misspoke but it was a mistake although clearly i think it's a little different than just a slip of the tongue when you base an entire theory about obama's foreign policy on a false premise but the thing is that instead of trying to redeem himself huckabee made two more statements are right wing radio host bryan fischer show and this is the one that should make everyone squirm. most of those groups want to poison. you know our communities were filled with rotary clubs. so not only has he proven himself to be a revisionist historian and a liar but i also there say he's
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a bigot and this man might even run for president so earlier from our studio in los angeles i caught up with from the young turks to talk about it and i first asked her to well over the fact that so much of this centers around a bust of winston churchill. yeah it's incredible so obama decides to move the bust and he moves it to another room in the white house and everyone panics ok well everyone doesn't panic mike huckabee uses it as a way to blow things out of proportion and draw. some crazy foreigner who's an enemy of the state who's living in the white house. it's actually i mean if this is a bust honestly i don't understand the funny thing is so many people have mentioned here is that he replaced it with lincoln who is an american president and yet we're using you know britain are allied with churchill as a reason to paint obama as anti-american but let's take more on the way that huckabee has been acting here first who thought that you know maybe he could redeem
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himself after the first comment then he went and made more comments and he painted himself as the victim and said that the media attacked him baselessly just for the fact that he misspoke and they have a double standard because when obama once said that he. visited fifty seven states they didn't attack him in the same way but i think the two are pretty different. the two are extremely different ok i'm pretty sure that the president of the united states who graduated at the top of his class from harvard knows that there are fifty states in the u.s. ok i'm pretty sure the president missed misspoke when it comes to huckabee he said that barack obama grew up in kenya and he claims that when he said that he misspoke he meant to say indonesia. that's complete b.s. because right after he said that he misspoke he went on to make this quote ok he said well americans grew up with boy scouts the president grew up in the madrid. that is absolute b.s. you can't say oh i'm sorry misquote i misspoke i misspoke but by the way obama grew
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up in these religious is long schools you know if obama was actually educated by the taliban. he did not misspeak and that was completely on purpose i'm with you there i think it's absolutely absurd but you know if you get deeper into it what he's doing here is he's examining obama's bringing and trying to use it against him the fact that perhaps obama has a different upbringing than some americans but i don't understand how it can possibly be looked at as a bad thing and painted as anti-american just because we have somebody representing us that i don't know maybe has a more worldly view and hasn't only lived in neighborhoods with rotary club the never left the country. right it's incredible because you would think most americans would be happy to have a president who so culture for instance bill clinton was very cultured i mean he was known as the president of the world because of his curiosity and you know his
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intellectual ism that's the type of president that we need right the reason why mike huckabee is doing this is the same reason why the birth of war questioning obama's birth certificate they want to fear monger they want people to be afraid of the president because he has brown skin he's a. foreigner he's anti american right mike huckabee is doing this because he has his eye on the two thousand and twelve elections he wants to do whatever he can to cast obama in a negative light and make people scared of him and you know what he's a massive failure at it i know that americans are smart enough not to buy into it do you really think they're smart enough not to buy into it because that's where i think i'm kind of a little torn right now of course there's a lot of speculation that huckabee is going to run in two thousand and twelve and you wonder whether comments like this whether you know him like continuing to spew hateful bigoted remarks is going to hurt him in the long run or whatever you know truly represents the views of a lot of americans and that will get some people on his side and get them to vote
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for. there will be some people on his side people can't think for themselves and investigate the crazy claims that he's making but i think when you look at the overall picture of my cook huckabee has received a tremendous amount of criticism for these crazy things that he's been saying about obama and i think that the majority of people look at what or how could be saying and they laugh at it i mean he's just a massive clown i don't think anybody can you know. look at his claims listen to his claims re disclaims and think like oh yeah. he moved the bus anti-american it just doesn't make any sense i hope you have perhaps more faith than i do is there any question still left in your mind as to whether he could be is going to run and he you know hasn't been suspended from fox news the way that santorum was. i think that he is planning on running my question to you is do you think that fox news would suspend him during the election. i guess not right he makes
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a little bit too much money. but yeah i am writing to the u.r.l. sees what i quoted me with them on it he would use fox news as a platform for his crazy ideologies well hopefully maybe there will be some legal obstacles to that and i thank so much for joining us thank you. so to come on tonight's show alive sex show has some on the right outrage so we'll call them out in a moment in tonight's cool time of war and then twenty two new charges have been filed against bradley manning the man suspected of leading thousands of u.s. documents from wiki leaks so it's time to look at charges he's facing and the case of the government is building against him. what drives the world the fear.
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