tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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growing use by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is human deal with the global machinery see where are we cutting state controlled capitalism schools sections when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. leg. lifts. lifts. the load at the end. of
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the day. hey guys welcome to shelley tell me i'm going to show we hardly are just time to say on the topic now i want to hear are just going to you tube video response or the twitter profile of the question that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show is going to sponsor. playboy.
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all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and it's a story that's getting a lot of attention today northwestern university professor concluded a discussion of bondage and other sexual fetishes in his human sexuality class by having the woman take off all her clothes climb on the stage and graphically demonstrate the use of a sex toy this demonstration took place last month i think inclusion of psychology professor john michael bailey's class on human sexuality so according to those who attended the demonstration involving a couple and the sex toy they were warned about a half a dozen times that this was going to be graphic and that's when jim marcus and his fiance faith girl climbed on stage in front of about one hundred students and used a motorized device but had a dildo attached to it and the university is standing by the professor and the sex show saying that it falls within the guidelines for what is acceptable in this course or not everyone is so pleased with the demonstration many students and complain to the local media who descended onto the northwestern campus near chicago
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to cover this story. by the warning that was given to think was strong enough i think for all the students when would you ever think that you would see something like this in an academic environment. now i'm going to call a foul on these students that are actually complaining about this especially the young guys who got to see a free sex show one of the students have to do that they hurried home to download some corn and of course. some of those on the right are outraged conservative bloggers were busy today posting this story glenn beck site the blaze had the headline campus shock college sexuality professor presents live sex show for students and this story had hundreds of comments most of them were very stunned by this event over michelle malkin's website the headline read it worth western universities idea of her stimulation and the people were also very very outraged but what part of the human sexuality course are some students and conservatives
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missing here what did you expect the course to teach abstinence i think it sounds like a very creative way to keep her class engaged and that's why all those completely shocked by the live sex show are tonight still time winners. now are you tired of dealing with nut jobs in your state when arizona some residents and lawmakers have decided that it's time for them to see that's right some people in yuma county arizona which is in the southern part of the state and includes the city of tucson want to become arizona the fifty first state of the union the area has about a million people and it's more politically moderate than the maricopa county to the north which includes the capital of phoenix so a lot of people in this case are tired of the policy decisions being made on the state level they're frustrated with the solu of recent legislation passed by the republican led state legislature arizona has cut organ transplant coverage for medicaid recipients the state senate voted to allow arizona to nullify or just
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ignore any threat or a law that a panel of lawmakers unconstitutional but the main sticking fish issue here is immigration the state passed the papers please bill which would require police to check the immigration immigration status of people if they have reasonable suspicion and that law has been stayed all the federal government and the state battle it out in court over the legality issues and it's a pretty safe bet that some residents of arizona are just plain old and varus by their elected officials and for good reason they have a wing that for governor and a grossly old man as a senator. we have done everything that we could possibly do. we have. i did what was right for arizona i would be very sorry
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that if some of that happened. i would regret it but i also regret. that really it's not just the murder of robert krantz it's the people whose homes and property are being violated it's the drive-by that are the drivers of cars that will be illegal senator they are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway but our borders are not secure. we're still not sure exactly what john mccain was talking about that last clip we showed you but those are just a few of the highlights of what it's like to live in arizona and have crazy politicians represent your interests no wonder some people want to become a separate state so good luck on the effort not sure it's going to work but i say it's well worth a try. yesterday the u.s. army announced that they were filing a twenty two additional charges against bradley manning was accused of leaking
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thousands of documents to wiki leaks the most serious of these twenty two charges being aiding the enemy which is a capital offense now this charge which can be used only for a member of the military is pretty broad but the definition of the crime as described under article one of four be describes the offense as the accused gives intelligence to or it communicates or responds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy either directly or indirectly so i guess that leads us to ask the question who exactly is the enemy that bradley manning is accused of aiding his wiki leaks now an official enemy of the united states joining me to answer this question is jane hamsher founder of firedoglake chain thanks so much for joining us again this week so let's get this straight who's the enemy here how are they officially declaring wiki leaks an enemy but you know the interesting thing is that twenty four hours after this news came out no journalist who has question jeff morell the department of defense talks person or anybody. has asked that question
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who are they talking about when they say the enemy they all kind of been as it already knows who the enemy is it's al-qaeda but what does that mean if crowley manning you know sort of if he gave files to somebody with the knowledge that you know they'd put it on the internet and that qualifies as giving it to al qaeda then how does that differ from anything that the new york times does on a daily basis i mean we should all be really concerned with that that's truly next not funny and if i on the other hand he means we could mean wiki leaks then they should say that too because that's pretty earthshaking wiki leaks is now you know and the enemy. i with you there suddenly either week is the enemy and you know as we mentioned of course this charge only goes towards members of the military but the new york times the guardian every newspaper out there prints this information that could get in the hands of al qaida or that's how the band so essentially they would be you know just is guilty to them happy that you mention just morale because
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he has been doing a bit of a a media tour with this and he's been on t.v. today and it seems to me that he was tonight everything he denied the fact that bradley manning is being held in solitary confinement he said that he's not being treated differently than anyone else at quantico and geoff morrell even said that he personally visited it with bradley manning but are any of those things true well i'm going to go by bradley manning's attorney david coombs who were blog post today saying that morale is not telling the truth when he says he met with manning. did not happen at night is clearly what they indicated this morning on morning joe when you when you were speaking with them and i got three on m.s.n. b.c. it sounds like he went to the went to his dog and pony show that they put on for him and came away thinking that the place is really satirically run evidently nobody told him that they fired the great commander a couple of weeks ago and bradley manning was actually put on suicide watch as
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a punitive measure which is strictly against military code according to jim. and then d.c. so i think that he's a master dissembler here and he clearly has that in or far left bloggers who care about the civil liberties you know someone who has not actually been tried and convicted so how how horrible of people right it's a care about someone that is still supposed to be innocent at this point but you know what else is so interesting and you've mentioned this and what you've written people like joe biden you know we've had other defense officials as well who have all said that none of the documents released by wiki leaks have actually caused any real harm that they were just embarrassing for the u.s. and yet now they want to charge bradley manning with something that is a capital offense. charge she did you know it looks poorly on the military he leaks things that reflected poorly on the military so basically we're going to throw him in life you know throw him in jail for life because he leaked
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things simply that were embarrassing to the military i mean that's absolutely next only and you know nixon col daniel ellsberg. ellsberg of aiding and abetting the enemy and not is it a fact what the obama. administration is saying about bradley manning they don't like people who leak things that are embarrassing to them and i don't think they've been proven that bradley manning did these things but you know they have. the you know the way that people are talking about him the way that he is being charged they are checking to try him in the crowd before he has a chance to have a fair trial in a courtroom and i just don't think that's you know that's un-american as far as i'm concerned i why would they eight months later add twenty two additional charges i mean to use that some kind of a sign that perhaps they're getting desperate here because before you know it was coming out that they couldn't find any type of a connection between bradley manning and join us on it and that's being reported
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again today that a justice department is been unable to find any connection between assad and bradley manning so they're accidently upping the ante and trying to you know accuse manning you know spending the rest of his life in prison for these things and they seem to want to squeeze a concussion out of him against chilean assigns because otherwise they have no signs it's a real banana republic you know tin pot dictatorships stuff here and it really is beneath the united states to be engaging in tactics like this i mentioned that richard nixon once called or said that they are all very it was also aiding the enemy so let's think about how bradley manning might be seen a few decades from now because now they also has looked upon as a hero do you think that things could change for bradley as well well that you know i was on a conference call with ellsberg today. and he said you know back i find it sort of late in life rehabilitation of my image to be really interesting and it's all being done to disparage bradley manning because people are trying to say oh well what
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daniel ellsberg did in his time was great radley and that's not the same thing and daniel ellsberg said no it's almost exactly the same thing and you know the reason to be saying anything nice about me is because we've got a democratic president who's doing this and they're trying to find a distinction between something you know the left has traditionally found to be respectable heroic even and what bradley manning is three and so it can justify the way he's being treated and there is no justification i was british right. i want to thank you very much for joining us and of course we'll continue through washington here thanks so much. now show and tell coming up just ahead and we'll get a unique take on the westboro baptist decision the supreme court made yesterday and comedian breaks down then is a possible lockout of n.f.l. players by n.f.l. owners can crazed fans survive without games this fall and what will the fallout the first city is left with large polka stadiums and no wrestling back in the.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is imbue it with the global machinery see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning.
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hey guys welcome to the show and tell on the obama show we've heard our guests talk to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on you tube the video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we've posted on you tube every monday and on the first day of the show is going to sponsor. playboy.
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ok it's time for show and tell on tonight's program now the last time we discussed the latest interview coming from bernie made off in those interviews he made several claims he spread the blame on to everybody he also accused the entire u.s. government of being a ponzi scheme so we wanted to know what our viewers thought do you think of the u.s. government is a ponzi scheme and here's what some of you had to say jonathan it mohanned said on facebook the u.s. government operating as part of a ponzi scheme it's a pyramid investment swindle involving regulations by government for the fed's twenty four seven printing press and big banks bail out for their mistakes so the profits are paid to early investors corrupt officials for money actually invested by later participants angel hernandez chime in my saying the intentions are good but the way they go about that is all wrong culberson gave us his thoughts and said the current capitalism paradigm is the issue ponzi schemes are just
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a symptom of the system itself individualistic values create an environment of dog eat dog take what you can as fast as you can with no regard to the damaging social effects caused by these activities and then alexander cattery no disagreed saying no government is a ponzi scheme because a ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation when you pay taxes you're not investing your funding operations for the common good of the community and finally we heard from dave miller who said all government is a ponzi scheme. now thank you for your answers as always and here's our next topic of discussion earlier in the show we discussed how the u.s. and other countries are considering implementing a no fly zone over libya as a means to protest get out these actions and while it's clear the president and our military are at odds on how to approach this situation we want to know how do you think how you think do you think a no fly zone should be implemented and you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows the response just might make it on air. now yesterday we
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told you about the supreme court ruling in favor of the what the westboro baptist church after a long battle with the family of a fallen soldier that snyder now even though the westboro baptist were saying offensive comments the supreme court back at church saying of their protected on the under the first amendment and free speech now i already gave you my opinion yesterday fully in support of the freedom of speech but that damn it sometimes you really wish people like the phelps family didn't get to take advantage of it and you hate but comedian breakstone is urging me to change my mind so let's hear your reasoning. thanks a lot to the westboro baptist church when the supreme court decision allowing them to continue protesting at funerals with their god its agenda well that's right such many people it's a courtroom ever that all speech must be protected to have a free society i recently interviewed a phelps who is the son of westerly or fred phelps nate escaped there with a literal minute he turned eighteen i asked him if he felt his father sold a phobia might be explained by shame over again spirituous youth now i have no
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proof that fred phelps ever had a sweaty rendezvous with a handsome young coed who probably could have saved a whole lot of trouble if you just called for it back or think that fred's been chasing the field for fifty years by having secret encounters with strange men in trucks that bathrooms but i can ask the question thanks to freedom of speech but i'm not saying i know that fred phelps ever told larry craig literally or figuratively or that he's a male hustler. but i can say this fred phelps is a male hustler and i can say that thanks to parity law since i'm clearly joking something else i've noticed in my travels with the westboro church is that frank's granddaughters seem to truly a little bit differently than the rest of the church they left in my jokes soften their tone some people even describe it as flirting now is that because i'm the only male outside their family to show them attention i don't know but i do know this several female members of the westboro baptist church and probably
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a few men may very well have graphic sexual fantasies about me can i prove it of course not but i can sure say thanks to freedom of speech and if it was a surely we were going to look like in twenty years i might even be flattered so remember the same supreme court that allows the westboro baptist church to protest funerals or switchback in stores allows me to say that fred phelps lost his virginity to his mother in an outhouse back to. brick i guess you have a point as long as i can pay to the westboro baptist church stock that they're all angry and i bet that is the mean for god and i guess they can have their freedoms. now some people were calling it's d.-day for the n.f.l. as the current collective bargaining agreement was set to expire tonight at midnight they've now made a twenty four hour extension and if no new agreement is made in those twenty four hours that means a lockout i means no football for fans no games per stadiums and
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a lot less revenue for many american cities so what we expect to happen and why the hell are millionaires fighting against billionaires going to cost hardworking americans their money and their favorite pastime joining me to discuss it is brian frederick executive director of sports fans coalition brian thanks so much for coming back on the program my pleasure so twenty four hour extension has now been passed i mean if they haven't gotten it done by this point i don't know how much more is going to be done in one day so is it just a matter of you know when and if there's going to be a lockout yeah they're actually debating an extension of an extension so right now it's it's hard to tell but i really think that we're headed for a lockout of some kind i think that within twenty four hours we'll know the union will be certified which means that the union will despair and the players will despair and and then just sort of lawsuits and it's really going to be an ugly situation also what happens when this goes to court i mean could that also be more favorable for some people because they can get some nice you know lavish
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settlements out of this that is a really not well what they're all going to be basically antitrust lawsuit so that the players and the three that are named drew brees and peyton manning and tom brady they will be filing suit against kind of important exact date again clearly pick the best names for for this lawsuit but they will say that the the n.f.l. owners are acting in collusion because there's no players' union so they're going to file these antitrust lawsuits and then as a result that's going to happen and you'll see extended court battles and in alternately the parents are going to lose what we hope will be a season. so if there's any if they're going to court and you have to assume that this is going to be drawn out it's going to probably take months so there will be no football you know last time we were talking about how much money might actually be lost in each city and there was a little bit of a debate over the numbers is there now you know a solid unified answer as to how much money is going to be lost you know there's
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actually really not nobody and that's what's that's what's problematic here one is that nobody's actually looking at the impact that such a work stoppage would have on our cities because our cities have really been transformed into these sort of sporting zones where what passes for public policy now in public planning is putting stadiums in various cities and bats your public planing well if there's no games going on then suddenly these cities a lot of them industrial you know post industrial cities there's going to be. some real problems for those cities now how would you compare what's going on here this is a collective bargaining agreement that's expiring to what we see happening across the country in wisconsin and ohio and indiana and other states as a kind of frustrating to watch these billionaires versus billionaires like i said to battle it out when a lot of americans out there are just trying to you know keep their jobs and pay their bills and put food on the table yeah absolutely and that's why the president weighed in today and said you know people had a real blow last august because we have a perfect clip of the president saying about let's roll it. owners most of whom are
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worth. close to a billion dollars you've got players who are making millions of dollars. my working assumption the time when people are of and cut back for my eyes and. worry about making the mortgage. you know paying for their kids' college education is that the two parties should be able to work it out without the president of the united states or. i couldn't agree with them more that's a great you know these are two sides it's the n.f.l. has never been more popular never been more profitable it's a nine billion dollar industry and yet they've had two years to come up with an agreement and they still can't do it so that's why we think it's up to fans to go to save next season dot com really get involved we're going to put up the pressure and ratchet up the pressure in the next few months on these guys because clearly they can't get it done themselves and you know i also had this was
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a press conference that obama was getting with the mexican president felipe calderon who is visiting we're talking about a drug war you have unrest in the middle east we're fighting two wars already and yet he's being forced to talk about this and f.l. lockout but you know is that how is this the most popular sport i mean people call baseball america's pastime is this the biggest money maker oh absolutely no without a doubt this is the most popular and the most profitable and that's why this is so frustrating for so many people is that they're not arguing over a failing business here they have such a profitable business and so we really hope to see a resolution quickly because we've put in as taxpayers six and a half billion dollars around the country so clearly our investment will be lost if there's not a season now really quickly i know there are some shady business they came out about the owners and that they were actually planning for this lockout to happen and that's what gave the players some leverage can you quickly explain to me well exactly here yes so basically the t.v. contracts were written so that in case there was a lockout the owners would still get the money from the t.v.
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but the problem is the judge ruled just recently that you know they had done that with the expect expectation of a lockout and so as a result the judge said you're not going to have access to that money and so the owners are actually in the process of appealing but it's clearly a big bargaining chip one way or the other whether the owners have four billion dollars so to the rest on while this house. well this lockout options are whether you know they're both there both sides are going to have to pony up their own money for this all right well i think at this point in time i'm going to go with the players i'm on their side but hopefully there will be no lockout period but usually only for years i think you should be on the right your eye when that bad through you are joining us now before we go tonight it's time for our tweet of the day if you hear that some students at george washington university want charlie sheen to be their commencement speaker at graduation i mean really tuition is not cheap g.w. it's about fifty three thousand dollars
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a year so i'm sure their parents are just going to love that idea so we think maybe the parents would seat it was their second choice the market off each they both know that they make about the same amount of sense for tonight's show thanks for coming in of a tree come back tomorrow congressman dennis kucinich will be on the program to give us his thoughts on everything from doing in protest spreading across the u.s. to the drug war going on it right across our border now american guns and our drug policies are part of the plate now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of below nischelle on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight or any other night you can always catch it all at the dot com slash we want to share what we post the interview as well as michelle it's entirely coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the us home.
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