tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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i pulled touch from the. video and to my. mind. this is for you now with the palm of your. comb. hello i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture two opposing strategies are underway in wisconsin the stalemate democrats want some republican senators recalled and the republicans want a fourteen a wall democrats arrested for side went up and is union busting causing wealth inequality a recent study says yes then later do you want to be poisoned i don't think so but
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what if i told you that's exactly what some republicans are trying to let the chinese do to you. you need to know this the labor battle in ohio is largely lost last night republican senators in that state passed gov john k. six plan to strip public workers of most of their rights even with six republicans voting against the bill kaisa got his bill through the senate chamber it was packed with full of teachers and firefighters and chanted shame down at the lawmakers that the bill was passed legislation now moves to the state house where swift passage is likely and once government basically puts its signature on it and the rights of more than three hundred fifty thousand state workers will be wiped away just like that back it caught was. johnson there's
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a tale of two political strategies unfolding democratic effort at two recall republican senators is underway all democrats need a roughly twenty thousand signatures against each of nine republicans to force recall elections to get back power in the senate and stop walker's agenda for good meanwhile republicans in the state senate passed a bill that instructs the sergeant at arms to arrest the fourteen missing wisconsin democratic senators that's on top of docking their pay and restricting their staffs use of the capitol copy machines so what's next and how long will this standoff last year and more with this developing story as mike tate the chairman of the wisconsin democratic party might welcome thank you for having me on great to have this here with us have you here with us what exactly is going on in wisconsin i'm hearing stories like the former staffers of the democratic senators have now been reassigned to republican senators they might get fired that these guys are going to be arrested well no no it's really not a rest it's a it's a detention in jail with i mean let's go with we it's really it's i i described it
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earlier it's turning into almost a banana republic it is just absolutely an incredible scene you know they've revoked the democratic staffers parking spaces we can't use copy machines you know but more and more importantly they barred access to the capitol the state capitol which under the state constitution is required to be open to the public a judge ruled that the governor walker had open a couple of people and he's still in defiance of that order. going into their state capitol so you know i heard today from your communications director the very patient structures of my radio show. later that. day was difficult to get into the building he had to be escorted to the press room by a police officer who stood with him while he talked to the press this is his credits communications officer yes are these capitol police or the state police has as good as. scott walker gone. out and gotten his own.
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guard someplace is there an hour there the capitol police and they report to the governor's administration they brought to his secretary administration who you know is taking direct orders from the governor that they got tired of having people protesting what this awful bill was going to do they just rolled out of state budget by the way that's you know we thought this collective bargaining bill was bad the state budget is just atrocious and what it does to the state of wisconsin and people are upset and they didn't they don't want to hear about it anymore more tax cuts for billionaires more screw the average working per person in. this pool for the billionaires scott walker what's his end game he keeps talking about ronald reagan do you think that he's been in his mind he thinks of himself as the two thousand and twelve presidential candidate or two thousand and sixteen at the top of target you know i think you guys and i think that when you have someone who is so blatantly left the states values and traditions you know tommy thompson was no fan i'm no fan of tommy thompson during his time as governor he would never have done this he would never have got it k.
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twelve education would never of harm the university system like he's doing and look tommy thompson used to be supported by the state employees unions this guy walker it's so hard to say what he's in game is but it's nothing that's in the best interest of the people of wisconsin and i think it is something on the national stage maybe he's the next sarah palin who knows isn't there a kind of timing battle going on here that if you can get three republicans thrown out of office basically through a special election by early june you have then at the end of june is there some sort of blow up time there and i'm for for the what is the annual budget of walker's going to do well but is this where yeah the biannual state budget p two year operating budget for the state of wisconsin is due to be completed june thirtieth the governor just introduced it the other day what citizens from around the state have filed the last forty eight hours a recall petition so we have sixty days to collect roughly twenty thousand signatures a district court a lot of time lot of money but if we can get those signatures. we're going to have
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an election in the six week period all of this stuff going to come crashing down towards at the end of june right on top of each other at the same time now that's assuming that walker doesn't. somehow. basically throw those fourteen democrats out of office and change his his former car is up possible it's not he can't throw the fourteen democrats out of office the only way you can get tossed off a short of committing some sort of absurd felony is through a recall election we've got a recall of a statute in wisconsin it's a high you know high court or you've got to get twenty five percent of the voters and as i told you i don't know about that i would want to say that you know we've got one state senators eight months pregnant is a single mom in the group you know these are you know some people that are getting on in years you know it's tough for them to be away from home. you know young people learning about unions for the first time for generations my grandfather's generation you know nine hundred thirty five the great flints sit down strikes people shooting at them yeah it is a walker a gift in some ways i think he's
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a gift to the labor man i think he's a gift to the democratic party i think that we're seeing a tremendous growth and enthusiasm and excitement and people who are just stepping up and saying this is too much you know billion dollars at the k. twelve education taking rights away from public employees and it's just too much you know he is saying he's ending the state's recycling program after twenty years he's just saying it was a wisconsin is no longer going to recycle i mean it's just it's gratuitous and it doesn't make any sense it absolutely doesn't mike thanks so much for being with think you very much i appreciate. there's a consequence to union busting is called wealth inequality take a look at this graph. published on think progress today it shows the rate of union membership in our nation steadily declining since one thousand nine hundred eighty seven and with the paychecks of america's middle us it's simple without the ability to negotiate better wages and benefits workers have holes in their pockets. and
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their money is slipping through those holes but card me and into the hands of the rich bosses this is what scott walker and the rest of the poodle republicans want i think brutal as in googles to the koch brothers and rich guys at a show where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer joining me now to talk about unionization and when wealth inequality is edge aligned a reporter a blogger a think progress that thanks so much sense for having me. pardon me i don't know what happened there. warren buffett you know famously talks about i was secretary pays income tax and i twenty's and teens. this this change in tax policy since reagan has been paralleled by a tax or a change in the nature of employment since reagan and the consequences been a graph that we just showed everybody that you published today at the center for american progress is progress to work and you tell us about this so basically
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what's happening right now is conservatives all over the country conservative right wing legislators are saying that we have to start cutting down on our collective bargaining rights here to start attacking unions and the reason why is it can also take a whole lot of money what two of my colleagues at the center for american progress they carla water the david madeline of the american worker project basically what they did is they put together a graph of union membership over the last thirty years and they matched it with what happened to middle class incomes as you can see they both fell dramatically and they fell at nearly the exact same time and what just how this is that unions actually i mean a very very strong force for the middle class and that as unions like mine so does the middle class so that what the right wingers are tying us right now that unions there are hurting as hurting taxpayer hurting middle class americans appears it appears the history says i'm back with up to like the current stabilizer. why does nobody talking about this is it is it because the reporters by the time they get to the network level are so rich that they don't want to see their taxes cut is it that their bosses are millionaires and billionaires is it that the politicians are
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afraid that billionaires will destroy them politically you probably know the story of our robinson peter de fazio of oregon were to hedge fund billionaires decided to take out a democratic congress. i mean it's really unfortunate it's almost like unions and organized labor have been written out of our popular culture out of our media i mean the last time a labor union was portrayed really positively you know it's a problem in that movie norma rae came out you know which my father probably remembers a lot more than i do in that he emigrated this country back in the seventy's so you know i think what wisconsin's doing in wisconsin is gravy and what was said it which really inspired the nation is put the focus back on unions and their ability to provide good middle class income benefits good middle class retirement middle class pensions which a lot of non-unionized workers unfortunately haven't gotten and a lot of the people who work at those networks unfortunately are never going to come into contact with unions their kids away at a college or people who are white collar professionals sort of their times their interns their people who have never been exposed to labor and the power that it has
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but no it seems to me that most of the people who have been out there fighting for the unions union members talking about unionization are people who came of age in the fifty's sixty's maybe early seventy's when they were when we were twenty percent zation that's just going down from thirty five percent. it was best. is this bringing is this what weakening an entire generation of kids who came of age maybe even. well i hope so because you know as you mentioned actually most union members right now are between the ages of fifty five and sixty four and the age bracket where the fewest union workers are between eighteen and twenty four but i think we're starting to see a lot of people waking up i mean in the past few years we've seen unionized workers over at starbucks and where the workers tend to be very young we've seen unionized workers in a lot of sort of blue collar industries and david sirota has a great chapter in his book about called the world unite where he's actually talking about temp workers who tend to be quite young you know i think i think
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young people are really starting to see the value of discipline work and knowing that they don't have to be by themselves out in the workforce they can they can form up with other join up with other members of their employer and they can demand the fair wages benefits and they don't have to continue to be in america continues to grow more and more to an equal which is what's happened over the last thirty years that unions have declined. when you guys look at these stats did you see anything other than union membership that might be influencing seems like you know economic activity might have accounted for some of the but they but they both bumped and dropped at the same time well i mean obviously unions are not the whole story i mean the trade policies are part of the story of taxation policy is part of the story but really the best most direct way for people to demand better wages and benefits and retirement and working conditions there are to have a union to be able to collectively bargain and we're going to that's how other countries do it sweden who actually has one of the best income distributions in the entire world and that's part of the quality of ninety percent of workers are unionized that country that country doesn't even have a minimum wage but it's wages are great because everyone's in a union blue collar and white collar employers and employees and in germany any
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company with over a thousand employees is required after its board of directors made up of representatives you know line. it's remarkable with the europeans to figure out what we have in a republican so you know it works exceptionally stupid it seems so july thanks so much for being with us. extreme wealth inequality like we're seeing in america today is a sign of a diseased nation and unions play a big role in overcoming that disease over the past thirty years both here in the kingdom as richard wilkinson and kate pickett have documented in their book whose spirit level and their website. any quality try for you quality trust or the u.k. as unionization has collapsed and thus any quality increased a whole bunch of social ills have emerged and we just go through these really quickly first of all over the past thirty six thirty years we've seen union membership drop any quality has soared as you just saw along with that social
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mobility has collapsed social mobility means that. the class the socio economic class the amount of wealth that you're born into is pretty much the same that you'll die as a this nation used to be a nation where people could easily move up socially it no longer is we are one of the three most regina fide countries us the u.k. and singapore in the entire developed world whereas we used to be thirty years ago we were one of the five or six most mobile countries so social mobility has collapsed the middle class has largely become the working poor unions have been played a very very large role in reducing that inequality. when wilkerson and picketed literally thirty years earlier of research that used to university folks who wrote the brilliant best selling books available english now as well it's called as i said the spirit level they said that if we simply cut any quality in half in the united states we would have numbers the looked more like many of the european
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countries where there inequality was fifty percent of ours or we would have numbers to look like the united states as did thirty years ago when we had lessee and when our inequality was half of what it is now thirty and forty years ago we would see our murder rates would cut in half we would see that our milk meant. illness would reduce by two thirds we would see that obesity would have imprisonment were used by eighty percent teen births would drop by eighty percent levels of trust among people would increase by eighty five percent this is just the beginning of a long list of social ills that are caused by income inequality that they've documented so brilliantly on the website enough well you should check it out we have to do something about this in the united states. still out of the big picture safety regulations are a good thing right but some portals for billionaires would say we're wrong i have storage.
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screwed hall of us who don't want to be poisoned republicans are trying to defend an on line database set ups set to launch in a few weeks defund an online database at the launch a few weeks that would make companies safety violations visible to everybody with a computer hooked up to the internet bogans argue the database will lead to companies having to pay to fight lawsuits currently safety complaints are kept secret on top of that republicans are working to increase the import of toxic products from overseas claiming to do otherwise would cut into the billions of their c.e.o. buddies these guys and asia are the more than eighty americans who died from the blood thinner heparin which was manufactured in a dirty farm in china and contained lethal chemicals for the thirty six hundred dogs and cats that died because their pet food also made in china contain a poisonous chemical melamine or the twenty five million children's toys found in
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america's stores that were laced with illegally high levels of lead toys that were manufactured in you guessed it china how about the four hundred fifty thousand faulty tires with what from china it could have killed american drivers what's going on here how can you defend the foreign poisoning our consumer goods well here to do just that seat motley president of less government. and big industry poodle to get us through yeah i'm just this is my new member yes scott walker is the koch brothers political and you know except he didn't even recognize he didn't even know as wasteful enough to know that it wasn't scott walker they would tell you i would have a hard time not interrupt you and i thought maybe i'd share with you this is some factor it's you can have your own glass i drink it it's like natural rhythm or a.d.t. i don't i don't have a need to. prove it. you know but i'm sure doesn't taste as good as the grasshopper cookies you know it doesn't anyway. excuse me in your libertarian
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world how do we protect ourselves from predators well i think this shows again how . unbelievably inept government is doing inspections all of these products which you're right had led in bad tires themselves or were all approved by the government for entry into the country this was after the bush administration cut back on the number of inspectors radically cut back and what fossil was a radical was it was minimal second of all the government's terrible at what they do as i said this is why i was so i don't get this years you're saying what i had a problem because the government didn't do its job you don't want the government right i want you out you know i want these i want these companies to be punished when they do something wrong the inspections obviously don't work as you just demonstrated very aptly because you're having the government do the inspection so should you i think you can get together a conglomerate of. importers and have them hire a private third party why haven't they already but we already know that we
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appreciate that you want the government one why would you want another layer of bureaucracy can you know when when we lived in vermont we bought an old house i walked out of the corner hardware store and bought a thing that i just scraped away would turn purple if there was light in the paint and it's not like there's a shortage of these things or one of those everybody carry around a lab kit in chester arthur road with big government is that it makes everyone think was there a program for that or isn't there when government is so present in our lives it makes everyone think first of all it grows compassion out of people if you see someone who's down on their luck there is no program for you and it's the same thing with with government inspections simply letting you know the government for if you see somebody laying on the ground this is evidence all below their only listen who doesn't trust shouldn't be you know who doesn't the most conservative christians and they're the ones that are most charitable and have the most money to charity various al gore with his even dollars a year they've already for the government programs that's not his have stayed home because they go to drive a story was yes because they get some private charities and they give their
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churches and they help out themselves who gives a hundred a year and two hundred thousand dollars in income but i think that there's a. there's a real belief i think the reason for that is that there's a real belief among progressives liberals that this is the role of government that's appropriate care for the least of the on iraq and there's no constitutional mandate for that there's no cause or manner that just what was going you know about the first general of all item and says congress shall not do this and then the tenth amendment says if it's not in the first nine it's belong to the states or the people it's not in the constitution one of the first of all. of the bill of rights is twice the custom and yes you can quote the preamble as i did and not cite it for constitution it's like it's quite a sterile office quarterly introduction to a book it's not there's a general welfare clause there's not a clause to go to congress and from there says that every hour to two to acquire funds to tax to spend those funds to promote the general well within the confines of the first nine amendments and you know
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a lot there is not is it doesn't say within the country yes it certainly does no it doesn't where does it where does it give what does a specific because remember the enumerated powers are limited the under the if it's not limited it is not enumerated in the constitution it's not given where does it have numerate in the constitution the federal government to do welfare i'll give you an example where it says that the way it was late way it was real mail or well thirty three hundred yes no there wasn't yes there was no horse washington was the first president to sign a bill to care for poor indigent homeless people george washington and then we don adams also cited us in the not true then the absolutely not and the first veto of the james madison administration james madison's first veto was when they wanted to change that from a being a government program to the government giving the money to the churches to do and james madison because his initial took well that was his first veto he said he and the reason why was he said churches shouldn't be involved in this this is a civic function of government this is the guy who's the father of the constitution yeah you need to check if you need to check your facts because what you're saying
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oh my wife's more thought is you've written a lot of books i've read these not all right these guys they you know. they can't know they were only carrying within the federal city you know in washington d.c. because that's what they thought they were responsible for but they were doing it they ran the poor house in washington d.c. it was paid for with federal money or tariffs actually. there's no constitutional call for it they were doing it they were wrong i think you're overstating they were out of constitution yeah and they were wrong and they then they wrote the words general welfare and you know sometimes you for example understood without not ok for example when was housing and urban development created it has nothing to do with washington. look what i think was developed there i don't know whether in the concentrated more so it will this is a minimal program and pass and it shouldn't exist we have just a minute. these these large pro these large part now you got me to actually i know i don't government bad news the programs that would protect us from chinese poisons
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where we all run for even american pro poison. but the alternative is what that would lead to we have everybody that we have how we will i open easters know you proud and you come with me to dinner tonight and you taste my food before i arrived at the crime analyst of privatizing get cancer how the private companies can get together their important different ports and hire companies third party companies to do it see there's a great business opportunity for if there's really a demand for it ayers you don't think you can make a fortune while the keep the government of the way the is an opportunity well see that as a government contract you see the other money to government is doing the job so there's got to be an opportunity because if it's a matter of human enjoy it no you really should it's good for her the less is the less is a pretty obvious here maybe we should stop buying from china and start building stuff in america again where we can easily check and regulate it too much to ask for what and paid for prudent politicians and greedy c.e.o.'s apparently.
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it's the good the bad of the very very ugly first the good wisconsin state assembly democrats since state republicans are defying a court order and blocking public access to the capitol building and madison democratic lawmakers are moving their desks outside in freezing temperatures in order to meet with their constituents at least one party in wisconsin is listening to people the job of bad republican lawmakers in ohio who are trying to pass the most restrictive abortion one in the nation the law would outlaw abortion once a harpy just detected but in their efforts to pass the bill republicans called for the testimony of a fetus so yes it ultrasound was piped to the committee hearing take a look. standing room only and hearing room one sixty eight to see this a sonogram performed on heather robonaut live images of her fifteen week old fetus
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broadcast on a large screen it's hard to beat the little flashing dot course this is nothing more than a publicity stunt by radicals who want to roll back the rights of what country and the very very ugly glenn beck and his radio show today back said it's just a matter of time before the labor protests around the nation will rear their ugly heads or rear of the ugly head of anti-semitism. i will go i would bet you that fifty percent of them are anti the organizers literally because in the end. the cold pinks of the world is definitely going to use real liberal yeah but now there's been a lot of that's. right this coming from the guy who's list of american enemies and you can instruct ford every day and he saw a lot of us look at this we have this person look at this person all about when he was related to sigmund freud you know his list. of enemies is comprised nearly in fairly of jewish people seeking out anti-semitism one back look at america one
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that's very very. crazy a large attack of the killer on the right for new species of zombie like making fun guy. video korda ceps but we can be a court of substance capsules your health food store and discovered i don't think the same thing had been discovered in the atlantic forest in brazil these fungi are the sworn enemy of tropical ants and other insects infecting them and causing unusual behavior scientists believe that answer infected with a fun guy either leave the colony after the infection of their own free will or are kicked out by other ants then anchor themselves in place by biting down on the
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underside of a leaf or plant and then this happens. like something out of science. the fucking body of the court is set up from the am. three weeks to grow and when finished the schools who from it. then and the and from the senate will be in serious risk. let's see control fungus son usual behavior maybe now we know the rest of the story about what happened to scott walker. still ahead here on the big picture well you can't see london or france and mostly see your underpants but now in new hampshire bill is fighting back against the t.s.a. pat downs and body scans plus a unionized t.s.a.
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