tv [untitled] March 3, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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welcome back to the big picture and tom hartman coming up in this half hour sick of those t.s.a. love pats well new hampshire's got something for it but will a state law have any authority over a federal agency and while the to unionize t.s.a. do for you safe travels or not so friendly skies will debate and then later they're back to its birth thursday in legislation form in almost a dozen states will their bills make it through capitol hill.
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say lawmakers new hampshire proposed a bill that would classify t.s.a. pat downs and body scans as forms of sexual assault because sponsor of the bill andrew news said the of his legislation but let's put their name on the sex offender registry and maybe that will tell them new hampshire means business so this is a good idea anyway and what else can be done about the church off porno scanners and the want to be propped just who run the t.s.a. joining me now is alaska state representative sharon system who has her own story to tell about the t.s.a. representative system welcome to the program. thank you very much thank you and i do have a story it was a very short story because it was my realizing that i was up again right in front of bad scanner and was i going to have the ability to actually
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follow through on the decision i had made and that was if i ever saw that again i was going to say no and i actually i was able to do it yeah yeah and you're apparently quite a hero in alaska for doing it you're a breast cancer survivor and because of this you came into a collision with the t.s.a. q what you want also the story of those. yes the i had gone down to seattle which many alaskans have to do we have a very scattered population over a huge area and so we have access issues to especially some of the bands and medical things and we go down to seattle for health care other places too and i came back again after a horrible experience having gone through the the new it was right after it had
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been initiated the full body scan and then had been built up and i'm sorry they say pat down i say belt and i promised myself right afterwards that i would not go through that again it wasn't until having to make a quick trip down to seattle and heading back to the legislature in the middle of a busy session and having blocked it from my mind and all of a sudden i'm right there walking into the full body scan and realizing that i had promised that promise to myself that's the really big thing and there i am facing a woman afterwards telling me that because i had had breast cancer she didn't know that necessarily that i'm on my chest and was irregular and she was about to tell me that i was going to have a pat down and i knew that that had downed wasn't that and i started saying no
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right after she started talking and i stuck to it i told her to call the people she needed to call that i needed to be walked out of the airport i needed to do right now that because i was not going to be felt and that's what i stuck with and you. have to up to alaska and my understanding is your constituents met you at the ferry with basically a parade. yes it was wonderful flowers and and smiling people and the sun came out and you know and it was it was a home of congress representative i'm sorry we just have a minute left i'm wondering what should in your mind what should we do to balance the needs for security and privacy do you have any as a consequence of this experience i'm certain many many conversations about it thoughts on maybe even introduced to same sex offender legislation in alaska and
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the really important part here is we're talking about government and when we're talking government we need to do it well we haven't looked at the the t.s.a. folks are trying to do it what's happened is they haven't looked at how this is affecting americans and i'm hearing from across the country huge numbers of of correspondence and certainly many stories in my own state we've got to deal with this and we've got we're we're injuring we're gamma ching people with federal money and that can't happen we've got to get out there and as a country we've got to rise up and make sure we're listened to we've got to have safety the t.s.a. has to give us a what we need to be saved as well we're being insured very well said representative system thanks so much for joining us today and whether the hampshire's legislation
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works or not i think it's a good idea to call airport growing checks and chertoff porno scanner peep shows what they really are sex crimes maybe if other states jump on board the t.s.a. will be forced to abandon its ridiculous safety theater and this just teaching americans to behave like sheep frankly. but while i'm fired up about the junk groping in the porno scanners some on the right are fired up about the new threat within the t.s.a. your audience the chief of the t.s.a. john pistole granted some like the guardian rights to forty thousand t.s.a. screeners namely the ability to bargain over minor things i think asian timeshift scheduling and of course the republicans are irate and leading the pack is the usual suspect the richest man in the u.s. house of representatives made much of his four hundred million dollars fortune manufacturing car alarms in communist china general i said he said this about t.s.a. unionization i am concerned a duty or a change in policy t.s.a. may need union approval to sign off on critical and swift adjustments to airport
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security protocol calls so unclear what the basis of his claim is but could i say be right will t.s.a. unions lead us to a less secure air travel an american hero offer his take on the issue of net patterson contributor at pajamas media that welcome to the program british and i see you what is it that you hate about democracy. unions are democratic institutions in the workplace workplaces are not democratic well actually that's not true i mean i feel that the union movement in america has been very anti-democratic for a long time people like their leaders the they voted on their own rules they vote on on whatever they're going to ask for whatever they're going to give up its majority rule with your i don't know you mean much more democratic you're getting state senators in wisconsin who are elected to do it who flee for them because they're union members not a member of a union. but they're fleeing democracy to pay their union masters who don't want them to vote for this wisconsin whether they're not a member of a union first of all and secondly i don't know that it has any do with their union masters union message even though you don't think that by the way have either shall
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we call scott west or you call david coca scott walker's master well i mean you're of authority on poodles i'm just wondering why don't you have unions gave four hundred million dollars to democratic candidates in the two thousand election cycle would you hadn't it that that makes them a credit politicians poodles for unions. so then what you're saying and i don't entirely disagree with. shepard smith was right when he said if you look at the ten largest campaign contributors in american the last cycle seven of them were billionaires or large corporations they all gave to republicans three of them were unions and i'll get the democrats if we can just get rid of the unions they'll be no more democratic party we can have one party rule the billionaires make out like a fortune i bet it's and you know all the people that they've promoted and what not to very well so i guess i just noticed there where you have against billionaires. i thought why is it ok for a union to get more i think it is not a billionaire in a nation where one in five children live in poverty and you've got billionaires
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right you've got a problem but what is the problem that some people have way more than they need and some people have way less than they have and you think that's never been a problem in any other type of society or a system i think that in the united states for a long time during the eisenhower administration for example good republican administration dried as an arm sure you know about the letters that he wrote to his brother edgar about this. to eisenhower thought that a ninety one percent top tax rate did two things we want less and inequality and it did by the way we were far less unequal then we are now every c.e.o. made thirty times what the janitor does now it's anywhere from five hundred to five thousand times as much money in history and to eisenhower felt that having that high tax rate would discourage wild speculation by c.e.o.'s and encourage them to keep money in their companies and we went for forty years of the top tax rate for the first time in the history of america since george washington without having a bet panic within a fifteen year period so was john f. kennedy wrong when he cut the marginal tax rate he actually raised taxes and he
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talked about that with nixon in the nixon kennedy debates encourage you go back and listen to the kennedy talk about how he was one of those guys who was supposed to pay the ninety percent tax and nobody paid people are paying forty fifty sixty percent as are so many loopholes he wanted to close the loophole and raise it up to seventy four percent he actually actually he didn't do it it was l.b.j. as you know it happened a year after kennedy died so it was johnson who lowered that tax rate but he raised taxes on the rich and increased revenues. you raise taxes on the rich you raise the raise the amount of money that was collected from the rich that's right by lowering the marginal tax rates he write more red nose in the loopholes so you what you're saying is by lowering tax rates the government gets more revenue where you know i'm not going to regulate our loopholes if you look at what reagan did reagan lowered tax rates you created such a disaster that he had to eleven times raise taxes on working people in order to make up for the disastrous drop of taxes on millionaires and billionaires and on top of that he ran up a three trillion dollar trip that i guess i'm just curious i am trying to
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understand why you think it's ok for the government to have ninety percent of our money but not a billionaire to have money that they make through their own ecus the government is us in a democracy the government is yes it's an endless non-cancer the george washington a month where the who or the citizen either had lain on the line for the people are millionaires and billionaires are they a part of this democracy but they have the right to make what they want to me i think i think that they do and we have and we as a society as a society collectively have not only the right but the obligation to say you know you're using an outsized amount of the commons every you know sort of maintain that . democratically we do through our representatives that's how it happened and not with you know the koch brothers funny narrative tradition the cato institute and buy an unlimited amounts of advertising on television to get on with democratically we all together and said you know tom we're going to take you show it from you it's not fair that you have a t.v. show and others don't and we decided that collectively we actually really would that would that be ok we actually already have there are community stations all
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over this country that came about as a consequence of that some are doing quite well so you would be ok if we all got together and voted to take you off here i would be fair. first of all that's not what we're talking about we're talking about tax cuts exactly what we're talking about you have just made the argument that it's ok for other people if they get together and decide to take someone else's private property you've just made for the public good yeah well it is due to it's in the system and that's what i want to try reading the concept of public. in the fifth man to steal taking some people yes that's an absolute that's how do this and when has it who is just our example eisenhower visit our highways he'll just our get on television for the moral certitude of death for the public good yes that's fantastic yes it was naive it was a concept of the founders it's as i said it's written into the fifth amendment of the pet owners laws on a man the founders wanted us to run if there was something related or where you know you know lincoln built the railroads you took private property you do it b. b. b. for highways all over the country they took private property the fisherman requires
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you reimburse people for it but you know is if the government can get together and collectively decide to take all your wealth from you why can't they get together and say a word we're going to grope you and they are white or white decided well you that frankly i think that's where it's gone too far that's so there is a limit and that's why i think if we had there's a limited government power if we had a yeah yeah there actually as there should be in the data where i think that if the if the t.s.a. was unionized and had some say so that they could talk back to the guys who are running it and say you know we're sick of this stuff well i think it would be better for all let me just say that i'm sorry matt we're flat out of time i'd love to hear it next it will have to be next on my plate thanks so much the conservatives are pretty consistent in talking points democracy in the workplace is bad democracy in america bad more about that today's reality.
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it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think a new poll shows that eighty one percent of americans say they would support higher taxes on millionaires to reduce the deficit so here's today's question will republicans listen to the public. possible answers yes they don't want to be rich people in a poor country or no they already have guards in mind for their guarded communities their gated communities and you know when america becomes a third world country so far the results are almost unanimous the majority think of you think that the republicans will continue to be a livia's to public sentiment so log on to thom hartmann dot com to let us know what you think the poll be open until tomorrow. still ahead here in the big picture republicans have a plan to win back the white house and one in twelve and it has to do everything to do with kicking obama off the ballot plus more on higher taxes for millionaires.
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are trying to keep president obama off the two thousand and twelve presidential ballot in several states around the country eleven states are considering legislation that would require president obama to prove he was born in the united states in order to have his name placed on the state's presidential presidential ballot georgia is the latest state to end internews birth or legislation and even mainstream republicans like mike huckabee seem to be jumping on board the birth there bandwagon check out this interview from earlier this week don't you think we deserve to know more about this man i would love to know more but i know it's troubling or not but one thing that i do know is his having grown up in kenya his view of the brits for example very different than the average american when he gave us back to when spiritual yeah great insults of the british but then if you think
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about it his perspective as growing up in any with the kenyan father and grandfather their view of the mountain our revolution in kenya is very different than ours because i think probably grew up hearing in the british were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted our ground about it. course has been widely reported that president obama was another born nor did he grow up in kenya and huckabee confuse the situation even more yesterday when told bryan fischer from the american family association that i have said many times publicly that i do think obama has a different world view and i think it's moldable averred different experience those of us grew up going to boy scout meetings that our communities were filled a rotary clubs not madrassas. so what's really motivating the earth years here to offer his take help work attorney and creator of the website obama crimes dot org philip welcome to the program my pleasure how are you i'm fine i'd like to
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get it at the core of your beliefs of what you have what you have or ordered or think you have obama was born in kenya absolutely he was born august fourth one nine hundred sixty one his paternal grandmother sirrah obama as stated and we have it on our website obama crimes that come that she was in the hospital when he was born all this one thousand nine hundred sixty one ok one has put forth the biggest hoax against united states of america in our history he's a fraud he's a phony he's an imposter and it's a disgrace how congress hasn't looked into it and also how the national media has not and he's a citizen you write of indonesia. absolutely he was adopted or acknowledged in indonesia and his name became barry soetoro if he hasn't legally changed his name since that time then his name is barry soetoro you can use an alias but not for doing purposes and that's what he's doing so the name isn't even barack obama and
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now i really believe it's barry soetoro and out and out huckabee said he grew up in kenya not indonesia's huckabee wrong yeah he's wrong on that and i've used one ok so was his mother in on the conspiracy. i don't think it was a conspiracy i mean there's no conspiracy because i think it was a good article in the hawaiian papers about it without a conspiracy because my children live in different states i recently had a grandson born i put in announcement in the paper here in pennsylvania that doesn't mean he he was born in pennsylvania listen to me because he doesn't want to be in the us i don't have any way to get to the announcement say that he was born where he was actually born. now you know answer just said oh you baby was born so you think you think that barack obama's mother in kenya called two different newspapers in hawaii and asked them to place an ad wired them some money or something or some or maybe has her and her instead of some relatives or friends now you know i think what happened was after she delivered she went back to hawaii and
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then registered him which you can do burst out of the out of why you can register up to that one year after the birth and then you're giving a certification of live birth and i'm talking about the newspapers here but because once you file a sort of here's my birth that's issued by the state that goes into the newspaper ok well who's who is behind this you know i this is this is first of all how much does obama obviously something's going on here how much does he hate america and and how do we know i think obviously aids and one other president united states has gone around the world apologize united states one other president apologized. he's apologized for actions the united states to many in many of his speeches overseas that's incredible and as a possible he's also the anti-christ well i don't know that for i'm not sure but but you know the thing is what i what i like you know you exist white red blooded white americans do about this phony black guy in our white house well first of all
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it's not a racial issue i'm a big huge saying it's a right wing i'm not suggesting you're senator. bunning up with a kid i'm out of here as a regular seriously i'm a lifelong democrat i ran for governor and u.s. senate in pennsylvania and democratic primaries the party people don't want me because i want to say that but but why else are all his records sealed why is he spent two million dollars plus in hiding by a very good question still i've got a i've got a theory have you ever seen a debt or a dead pigeon or a baby pigeon. yes you have that they're actually they're actually a dead pigeon or a baby pigeon nobody's ever seen a dead pigeon or a baby pigeon and whenever important people gather there are huge flocks of pigeons i think there were body spies spies the planet xenu and i think that the pigeons have something to do with obama does this make sense well now i don't think that i think the if you really think about it who controls the united states it's not the
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politicians it's the money people behind this is george soros and other people go out of money remember rock obama when he first in office he said can i keep my black berry no one else has had a black where you saw those people went looking for a kenyan and i think been one of the people who went and said phil berg and other people are right but you are not constitutionally eligible to be president you want to be presently go to playboy our way and i think he's controlled by white people now there was a big shift recently chris matthews who has stood firm waving a documentary around saying this is the birth certificate about a month and a half ago came out and said a document i says a person if it is not it's only receipt obama put forth your. personal i yeah we're out of time i'm sorry but you're right and you know a lot of states are saying we we want to see the original and it's fascinating as i said i'm convinced it's a pigeon's philbrick thanks for being with us my pleasure the republican party is
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playing frankly to the crazies in its voting base rather than correcting those who think the president was born in kenya the republicans want to use them just like they've been using white supremacists since nixon's southern strategy was much. we are not a leftists i'm not a leftist let me repeat that i'm not a leftist i'm used to talking of those who believe taxes should be raised on millionaires or i'm speaking of those. those of us who believe the tens of billions in tax breaks and corporate welfare to peak oil pollution polluters a waste of money to those of us who believe workers have the right to organize and
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collectively bargain those of us who believe programs like social security medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut or privatized these are the folks who are generally called leftists if you hold these beliefs though and i hold all these beliefs apparently we're not leftists despite we're billionaires and they're polluters poodle shills of the mill in the media today may call you here's why this is the american political spectrum. it's left to right pretty straightforward from socialists the democrats the moderates and by socialist i mean like social democrats like they have been in in northern europe you could put communists way over there but there's you know the commies part of the us has like three hundred members and there's there's really no serious left in the united states now moderates republicans and libertarians ok so check out these results of a new wall street journal n.b.c. poll it was seventy five percent of respondents identify themselves as moderate or
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somewhat conservative moderate liberal somewhat conservative basically people middle to the right when asked if a surtax should be placed placed on people who earn over a million dollars eighty one percent said yes of course the billionaires wouldn't want their poodle republicans wouldn't let him touch any sort of tax increase on the ten foot pole but as to the bush tax cuts for people making more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars should expire sixty eight percent said yes and yet these poor republicans unanimously opposed letting the bush tax cuts expire in fact be held hostage the tax cuts for the middle class to force tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires when asked to subsidies for building a big oil company should be cut seventy four percent of americans said yes republicans voted down the bill unanimously in the house on tuesday that would have eliminated those subsidies remember we all said yes we think skip these act was that when asked to public employees should have collective bargaining rights seventy seven percent of americans said yes that's despite word reporter republican
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governors like scott walker do it all around the country let's flip it now. when asked to social security should be cut seventy seven percent of americans said no and when asked that medicare should be cut seventy six percent said no yet poor republican budget chairman paul ryan wants to do exactly these things and has the majority support of his party when asked of medicaid should be cut sixty seven percent said no yet poor republican governors from arizona to texas computers of the koch brothers are doing just that cutting people off the medicaid rolls and to people in arizona have died as a result they asked a federal student loan assistance should be cut fifty nine said no but republicans want big cuts to student loan programs in their budget and when asked about employment insurance should be cut fifty five percent said no garrett publicans of the senate filibustered unemployment insurance extensions throughout last year and the ninety nine er's people of unemployment more than ninety nine weeks they still
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have nothing and when asked even whether whether planned parenthood should be cut more than half of americans said no fifty three percent republicans cut them anyway last week. so how can we be leftists now that we've heard from the middle i mean jordi of americans and the important issues facing our nation today and they agree with us we're not the fringe i'm not the fringe these guys the republicans they're on the fringe and sadly the extremists are in power and they're hell bent on doing whatever they can to represent their constituency the millionaires and billionaires and we call this a democracy it's time for the common sense middle in our nation to stand up and be recognized and for the corporate media's stop pretending that the positions people like me are taking are left when they're really stream that's the big picture for tonight for more information you can visit our website it's on arbonne dot com check out archie dot com and youtube dot com the big picture our tea and also we
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