tv [untitled] March 4, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST
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the small. should listen. to them. as washington moves warships and troops close theirs in libya there's growing concern the u.s. the u.k. could lead a military intervention in the country. absolute power of bialys or goals from that course in the middle east and north africa it's british spindles is being recruited to wash away the blogs. and as america's top diplomat recluse ink on brings up a long drawn out or busy america is losing the media war we look at how well the west is currently spend the cash for make washington's message.
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a very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow there's increasing speculation the u.s. and u.k. could intervene in libya with the use of force president obama said he's keeping all options open and just ready to act if the crisis deepens while washington has already increased its benefit presence in the region sending warships on rings he's promised korea has more on the situation. the u.s. has already sent will ship sent have reached the mediterranean and are making their way towards libya we're hearing that four hundred u.s. soldiers are in the mediterranean right now really to board these warships at the same time the bush is prime minister david cameron calling for a no fly zone there are many of the international community who are against this including the arab league as well as russia they say that it creates an area where
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you have to have some kind of short term solution being put on the table but no long term prognosis in terms of how this will play out we are hearing the same from locals here they are against any kind of international intervention with opposition leaders saying as much they say that it will spread the conflict it will undermine the democratic movement and at the same time we're hearing that a no fly zone will involve military attacks on libya's air defenses now this was done in other countries such as iraq and then it proved that it is unlikely to halt the regime's helicopter and ground operations if anything as runs the risk of expanding the violence here as gadhafi will then have the justification he needs to merely step up is fighting and his campaigns against people who oppose him there was renewed fighting between government troops loyal to leader moammar gadhafi as well as opposition forces according to residents and eyewitness reports there were
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new airstrikes in the town of brega the town was briefly taken over by government forces of i'm not we here it is clear me back in the hands of the rebels it is not nearly two weeks of violence and one hundred earthly is losing control over the eastern half of his country that he has vowed to stay in power and continue fighting. washington's also not ruling out. a fly zone able libya which has been proposed by nato allied pay just recently the pentagon said such a move that or as it requires the bombing of libya's air defenses were lost in that area north of kabul reports now from cyprus where purton has two major bases. the locals here are saying that they have seen unusual activity around the two minutes or bases that are located here on the island of cyprus they're saying betts large number of planes have been lending roza be bringing military forces through the
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islands in order to be on standby to be sent off to libya however that information has not been confirmed by any of the fish and we do know however that so far to us where ships have already passed through the suez canal we also do know that some four hundred u.s. marines were dispatched to the u.s. base on the greek islands of crete some leads of countries a saying that's about the time to impose an air embargo over libya but in order to do that they would have to have a clear mandate from the u.n. security council and russia in that respect has a vote so right russia has already spoken against such a decision and we do know however that the u.k. soldiers are currently helping. to flee the country but the question remains whether the u.k.
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intentions are purely humanitarian in the region or whether there is a political agenda to it or lindsey german from the start of the rule coalitions the countries considering intervention in libya should learn from the previous mistakes and stay away from the region. i think we international community should actually keep well away from what is going on in the middle east the people of the region in tunis here in egypt in bahrain and all these places have shown with great courage exactly how you do get rid of dictators and they have to be allowed to do this in libya the international community of the rule of the people who backed hosni mubarak right so with the people who sold it after the hour and weapons which is now using against their own people and it's simply a fact that you cannot trust them to intervene we've already seen in iraq we've already seen in afghanistan the terrible mess the americans and the british have
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made and they really should not be even thinking about trying to intervene in any way here. or without you still to come on the program losing grounds r.c.u. looks at where bins of dollars allocated to u.s. media are being pounds in the hague getting the message across. and we will wait three hundred kilometers north of nonstate to show you how one of russia's oldest tells it's keeping up with the twenty first century. and when it comes to revamping a damaged image p.r. is the weapon of mass destruction whether it's a bloody dictator or shady business then they will turn to certain companies to help polish away that sen pretensions and as are more amateur reports there's no such thing as daschle money. the influence of p.r.
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companies in distorting the truth is well known in hollywood movie wag the dog a p.r. agent engineers a war to distract from the president's plan during the week to shoot the war it's a pageant. and sometimes truth is stranger and much more damaging than fiction spin has been crucial in middle eastern politics for many many years i mean spain is what took britain into the iraq war for example there's cross headlines about weapons of mass destruction and within forty five minutes p.r. industry experts reckon the majority of the arab states in turmoil bahrain egypt libya have some kind of representation in a london p.r. firm and the reason they come here and lack of regulation while in the u.s. if a p.r. company takes on a foreign government it has to register the fact that the department of justice in the u.k. does no such. if you're a foreign government looking for representation in london no further than bellhops
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instead based in the building behind me they're very cagey about who its clients are it's believed to represent the club with the bahrain ballerinas and exiled russian tycoon bodies but is guilty because also you've been writing to journalists in recent days on behalf of a member of the libyan royal family and it's all based certainly representing government elsewhere in the region bellport injured declined to give us an interview for this story but they've assured r.t. in the past that p.r. can influence questionable regimes for the better of a country frequently will modify. its actions and its policies in order to free. what the sometimes. having better relations with. but that doesn't always happen libya the one who's used london's p.r. machine before with misleading results in one thousand nine hundred five a u.k. based. our agency was paid four million pounds to try and subverts the evidence
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that pointed towards libyan involvement in the lockerbie case and this is what has led to all sorts of alternative theories about lockerbie although of course all the evidence to point to the fact that al macgraw in female were actually responsible so you know how to play by these rules they know how to play the game and it's transparency that's lacking in u.k. p.r. information appears in the media but people have no idea who put it there and the only way one can be really sure about all the information that will be bombarded with on a daily basis is where does it come from and is that person partial or impartial in that way we get a much clearer idea of what it is that we're being told although there is a new body in the u.k. designed to regulate the p.r. industry declaring clients is still called a tree london's soho is the heart of the p.r. industry in the capital where images of burnished and the civil becomes palatable to london's top p.r. firms are known to be working on declared for some of the world's most unpopular
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regimes but their expertise could be being used to shape the future political landscape of the region nor abbott's r.t. london now america is losing the war of words to a new play is being one of them us time to promote hillary clinton has lamented the foreign english language media hoeing news networks to shame she's asked congress for more cash rewrote america's agenda rules artie's can afford investigates whether money is actually going. since one thousand nine hundred forty two the us has broadcasted its culture and politics around the world. to look beyond the full plate. transmitting in over fifty languages to the tune of seven hundred forty five point five million dollars per year but what happens when people just start tuning out more and more us bonded media outlets designed to promote
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america's image abroad are channels in search of an audience but taxpayers are still footing the bill and. america has sunk one billion dollars into al gore to an arabic language news network author and professor phil see that says the network's model is stuck in the past when american news was welcomed by some competition in. the arab world. that there really isn't much of the audience outside of iraq. if the three percent watch al-jazeera only half a percent of arab viewers watch al florida which is broadcast from suburban springfield virginia for its credibility. arab audience for the most or you're about. oh arabs critics say that from day one there was a major disconnect executives who didn't speak arabic staffing the network with
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lebanese christians to broadcast to its overwhelmingly muslim audience. and it audience that associates the channel with the u.s. the architects of the iraq war soon a new television service will begin providing reliable news and information across the region and supporter of unpopular and repressive regimes throughout the middle east but even now what has small viewership is a lofty goal for another u.s. network marketing. victory was from the south and. for twenty six years david martin has fallen on deaf ears in cuba says cuban journalist my lean alone so. it's hard to talk about the impact of radio and t.v. on our t.v. because on television it's not seen on the radio it's practically unheard of and on top of that in huber the signal is jamming congressional reports point out the miami beach channel's quote failure over many years to adhere to the generally
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accepted journalistic standards on all of them like i was talking about a radio show that tells people who go into cuban leaders from the point of view of journalistic ethics it's very troubling to me it had a fifteen million dollars budget in two thousand and eight to pay cuban dissidents on the island as its reporters and rent fuel in flight to gulfstream planes that circled island for broadcast t.v. marti and the u.s. isn't just pain for news u.s. state department dollars also finance eagle for an afghan police drama former marine at j. dilla barito says shows like this send a subconscious message to support the military support the police force in this sort of thing and in many ways it does on a broad scale with twenty four did here in the united states ten years into the u.s. war in afghanistan says forty five percent of the media is run by rupert murdoch's news corp. creators of twenty four a series designed to drum up support for the war on terror in the u.s.
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twenty four was also created to support the doctrine of torture much of much of eagle force propaganda and sort of afghanistan's trying to mimic that trying to say that confronting insurgents and confronting terrorists and what. is a good thing and afghans who support what's on screen in afghanistan contrasts with the reality on the screen with little sign of afghan support with a staggering one point four trillion dollar deficit at home and propose cuts in everything from medicare. education so merican they're saying that we should switch out international broadcasting and let the rest of the world watch what they would be watching anyway cameron for a r.t. washington d.c. or us secretary of state hillary clinton is raising the alarm and appealing for funding at a time when republicans plans can't have a comment about it but media professor of the chambers says he doubts the money will be used to produced factual reporting as american news outlets are falling
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victim to. the corporatization don't mess to clean up america new has basically thrown out the whole need for news gathering and real reporting in exchange for punditry and entertainment and sensationalism because that spin to deliver the demographics to the guys who pay for the commercials what's happening is we've opened up these huge gaps because we're more concerned with reality t.v. and people arguing and people attacking the president than we are with people on the ground finding out what the problem the problems are and when you do that you can produce a product that people here and around the world are going to respect the amount of money we're talking about she could literally set up an entire. voice for america on steroids a real state run news network she's not that's not what's going to happen they're going to try to go into these countries and probably try to find is basically
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a true propaganda arm rather than a news gathering and reporting which is what forty al-jazeera and the chinese network are going to be yes they're going to have their messages but they're real news networks they're pretty much where c.b.s. a.b.c. n.b.c. were thirty years ago before things fell apart and record. well for a lot of stories blogs and analysis and video you log on talk about scientology dot com if it takes so what's online few right now disgruntled and suspicious because of religion america's muslim community blames f.b.i. agents for on fatties calling on gossip it sounds. the second verges on live with the future of russia's places that program rules in life and put the son of the most advanced avionics on the players who are about this and it's a big flying machine on all the websites. everything international headlines under retired f.b.i.
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agent disappeared in around four years ago is a long night and being held in southwest asia according to the u.s. global levinson disappeared during a business trip in march two thousand and seven all staying on the island of kish the u.s. is also around to make humanitarian goods to safety to his family around however however he should be denied any knowledge of what to have. here and security council housing and civil group could return to ivory coast off the moments of political deadlock. holidays and right internationally recognized as the winner of last day venders presidential election though incumbents need in the all bug or refuses to step down this is racial has become increasingly unbothered as it was the two bed repeats of the crunch the un says fifty people died this week. including six women short of rally on. israeli extreme right wing
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activists in settlements advocates and expressed anger all to convince and block a stick to discuss crowds of protesters the groups that blow groves but tires and challenges slogans are there so we would stay of range in the patients of crosses rather than. the protest i'm from televisa decisions dismantle an illegal jurist. in the west bank settlements are made the stumbling block in peace to get a solution to. the teenager at the center of the trial of its highly in the prime minister silvio berlusconi has made an appearance in the vietnam war. movie invited to the ritz event by a seventy eight year old really their business man whose past guests include paris hilton and the list guy me will stand trial in april they were charges he paid the girl she was on the age of then he used his influence to cover it up but if you deny having a sexual relationship. unforgettable experience
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russians have been pals as we take you close up. he has traveled three hundred kilometers north of more stage of the yard to the main sound is a thousand years old but its residents a certain piece of the twenty first century it's only one of the largest oil refinery plants in the country employing. the smallest towns i will say to have revived dying crawls of more content roots because it comes to a close in the driving business. whether it's fast motors historic real estate or any fount the people of the ya saga region are not short of space for their robust ambitions to take the landscape for example almost thirty seven
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thousand square kilometers covered in snow in the winter months so back in the one nine hundred seventy s. rusco mechanica set up a factory in robbins churning out man's new best friend in the area the russian made snowmobile in russia actually that is not all the trails all the snowmobiles writing. and we have a huge north territory yes i think you can write anywhere. now the company is the number one snowmobile manufacturer in the country with seven hundred employees every machine is fully tested before it leaves the factory grounds for customers who include even the local police. over four hundred thousand of these have been manufactured since the company began in one nine hundred seventy one and with the winter olympics hitting soft u twenty fourteen it's hoped that they will be used exclusively in running those winter games.
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moving at a slower pace is the sleepy village of yap sco investor only showed me around and told me why he left a career in science to create a tourist destination in an almost forgotten place he wrote about just a few years ago he has sunk a cool million dollars into an antiques museum restaurant hotel and revive neighborhoods to attract travelers seeking a russian prevention experience i think. the whole thing began as a hobby gradually evolved into a way of life and then to business projects we can describe it as a social experiment of sorts into reviving our culture in historical heritage i've been hailing this project for the last four years in the local populations change their attitude radically with a now confidence in me that this market has very much economic potential. and the people living here are now keeping up attention on my back noting traditional russian lifestyle choices from baptizing their babies to the way they keep the more
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. i learned how to make stills and fireplaces from or a grander people are rediscovering country life styles and they were a russian styled in their house faced with ceramic tiles and brick generally new villages are that way and it's widespread they like it thirty years warranty your grandchildren will live long enough joys you know. that your advanced children are on the minds of many to working in the world business. a children's book illustrator thought of another canvas for the characters he created on paper and started adapting them into felt the funny felt company is now something between art and factory mass production it employs single mothers so they can work from home and raise their family. people are very different new role here this region is well to do compared with other regions. this is a this is around many people with autistic minds well is imposing is used to find
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ways to lead and be manifest it often is difficult to find how much in and out. of all the many people the idea of socially important and his own new they don't understand what it means i believe it's to feature this region. whether it's. history or art there seems to be something here for everybody who wants to make a buck and create new ideas in the outer slava region when the frats are to. on just a few minutes a look at the global food supply and the severe shortages millions of first.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business update the world's largest producer also has rejected nichols' offer to buy back the twenty percent stake a computer assigned by bruce brewer to review the offer recommended it to be rejected saying it was not in the best interests of the company and the stake worth twelve point eight billion dollars has become the keystone of the long running conflict between the two mining companies some media sources. will continue to receive income by dividend payers payouts from the world and they feel that holds the stake. on the news that russell has rejected be off the show as a result rose three point nine percent in hong kong. moving on and friday we'll see
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. orders need to decide the fate of the joint venture between b.p. and was snapped and she was size concluded the deal in january but forced to put it on hold after a rb russian partner in the joint venture to be claimed the deal violates its exclusive agreement with the british oil majors in a final bid to end the conflict. russian will venture heart owned by b.p. said it can raise the financing it may need to replace the british oil giant in an alliance with state run snatch all correspondent has the story. k. b.p. wants to pour the british out of the rosneft deal chief financial officer jonas to new york claims they can easily raise the eight billion dollars plus needed the trouble is both rosneft and the russian government wants b.p. not seeing k. b.p.
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because only its has the expertise to develop conditions stockholm of attrition called suspended that b.p. was left agreements while they sort out their dispute p.p. spokesman led to me boyan of says it will consider any t a k b people for but adds it has serious concerns with the financial operational and strategic aspects of the proposals has become the poll of p.p.p. caught live with and caught live without the contre provides a full twenty five percent of its worldwide profits bikies shareholder a rid themselves of t.n. k b t russia boss dudley of the saying he favored the british side they also accused b.p. of blocking international expansion of a joint venture now this threatens the rail these new exploration plans in january the head of b.p. told me how important the arctic was to the future of the company if you look out
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to the year twenty thirty the growth in oil production will be fairly limited its value though will be high and the world will need forty percent more energy by twenty thirty it's going to be something the world needs b.p.'s chief executive they're both sides have said they hope they can make progress towards settling their disputes in the talks today. let's have a look at the markets now japanese stocks followed us equities higher in early friday trading with exports focus shares outperforming after a better than expected to as jobless claims report nikkei is up one percent versus our hong kong shares also climbed falling solid as night gains on wall street banks and energy producers among the big game this. and to the often isn't was also seen in russia on fast a movie r.t. has crossed the psychological benchmark of two thousand points and one point seven percent in life it's ended the day after point four percent on the rise recruitments time for much more i've seen says the upcoming trading may see some
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profit taking. and we haven't seen the markets going high this week after their short correction last week and earlier this week and we could face a situation where you know we'll buy on the rumor and sell on the fact so we might see some profit taking in number comes in very strong and i still think that if we see some profit taking them to bars a likely to step in and there is indeed profit taking the correction or their decline is going to very mild. so have time for now join me unless someone else time for more business news here on our team. the.
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