tv [untitled] March 4, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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smoko poem of the clubs full circle sochi olympic gold circus or chill to see if ski creek in that ski planet's reticent this is true or kempinski might go twenty two look you can own. no sort of. european powers turn their backs on obama back on obama and supporters after the u.s. president refuses to rule out military action in libya. they will feel the u.s. and u.k. could use force to influence what's happening in the country even means him good luck as protestors to monta kentucky step down. british p.r. firms under fire for helping to drive wash some of the world's most unpopular regimes including moammar gadhafi. it's not easy being to spaceman a crew of six sit down for a stellar exam in the moscow region to prove they've got the right stuff to lead the next mission to the i assets.
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news around the clock from around the world four pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on our t.v. the u.s. and u.k. are becoming more isolated as they refused to rule out intervention in libya germany has joined international voices opposing foreign military action washington massing its forces off the libyan coast claimed it's keeping all options on the table that are ready to step in if the crisis deepens archies policy or has more. plans ending here on the border crossing between china sea and libya every year and it certainly is a growing sense here that as the situation in libya deteriorates so too does the possibility for foreign intervention grow now the u.s. president barack obama in his strongest words so far against the libyan leader moammar gadhafi stated he had lost all legitimacy to rule and must step down he
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also said that he had approved the use of american military equipment to assist in the evacuation of egyptian and other refugees from libya the latest word from washington is that they are not ruling out a no fly zone this is in contrast to what the pentagon chief said a short time ago he said they're doing this would be an act of war it would require the bombing of libya's air defenses the latest word from president obama also was that they were considering all options on the table washington of course has asked british special forces who are in libya to secure several tons of mustard gas and other potential chemical weapons that are thought to be in the country there is concern here on the ground as there is in the international community that as the situation deteriorates under the guise of humanitarian assistance the united states the u.k. and other players who are motivating for some kind of intervention will go ahead with it the responsibility to protect is a very selective principle just
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a week ago twenty nine demonstrators there were peaceful demonstrators were killed in iraq by a government that is being propped up by thousands of american troops at the same time there have been demonstrations in the rain for weeks now we have protests have been firing tear gas and shooting on protesters the united states has not come out and said anything about this many people suspecting because it has the hit quarters of its fifth fleet there now the argument that the international community has a responsibility to get involved and stop gadhafi from firing at his people does not hold that much weight when you need to remember that while hundreds of libyans have been killed. just a few weeks ago when three hundred egyptians had been killed the response of better times in washington was for restraint on both sides and not for any kind of international intervention libya has the largest oil reserves in africa at the same time european energy companies are invested deeply here this is why many an international community suspect that the reasoning behind the those in the
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international community calling for some kind of intervention is motivated by personal reasons rather than anything else finance has continued throughout the day today friday the government troops have been firing on recall forces particularly in the east of the country because leaders say that they will not give in and told gadhafi steps down the latest word from gadhafi he is s. defiant as ever he says that he is going nowhere in several countries around north africa and the middle east there has been calls for protesters to take to the streets today has been dubbed a day of rage and we expect demonstrations and clashes particularly around the capital city of tripoli here at the border at the moment it is closed the last time it was open was last night thursday thirty five thousand bangladeshi came through as i'm talking to you there are about sixty thousand people here they simply don't know where they're going or what they doing and the latest word we hear is that there is complete uncertainty as to when the sport it will be open and what indeed
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will happen here in the coming few hours. is now talking about establishing a no fly zone over libya something proposed earlier this week by its nato ally the u.k. or his italian overcover is in cyprus with more. but u.k. is increasing its military presence here on the island of cyprus there are two military bases here and we have seen a large number of planes landing at the bases supposedly bringing military force to the island now initially was the ukase idea it says the published a no fly zone over libya but right now it looks like the u.s. officials are also speaking in favor of the idea tensions grow high in the region as two year u.s. warships are already had to go words that it's rainy and see they just passed by this so ask now we also know that some four hundred u.s. marines are currently located on the greek island and it does luke like if gadhafi doesn't step down the united states is willing to provide military support to his
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opposition. the director of a top u.k. university has quit over his institution's links to the gadhafi regime this comes after revelations the london school of economics was involved in the libyan donations worth millions of dollars is the latest scandal in a string of reports of dirty money infiltrating the u.k. from dictatorships in the arab world and beyond sorties more and it reports london p.r. firms are cashing in on the rest. the influence of p.r. companies in distorting the truth is well known in hollywood movie wag the dog a p.r. agent engineers a war to distract from the president's plan during. the education. and sometimes truth is stranger and much more damaging than fiction spin has been crucial in middle eastern politics for many many years i mean spin is what took britain into the iraq war for example these crass headlines about weapons of mass destruction and in forty five minutes p.r.
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industry experts reckon the majority of the arab states in turmoil bahrain egypt libya have some kind of representation in a london p.r. firm and the reason they come here and lack of regulation while in the u.s. if a p.r. company takes on a foreign government it has to register the fact that the department of justice in the u.k. does no such. if you're a foreign government looking for representation in london no further than bell concert based in the building behind me although very cagey about who its client is believed to represent the problem with the bahrain calories and exile trust in the tycoon bodies but he's guilty because also you've been writing to journalists in recent days on behalf of a member of the libyan royal family and it's all based certainly representing government elsewhere in the region well put into declined to give us an interview for this story but they've assured r.t. in the past that p.r. can influence questionable regimes for the better the country frequently will
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modify. its policies. sometimes. having better relations with. the balance but that doesn't always happen libya for one has used london's p.r. machine before with misleading results in one thousand nine hundred five a u.k. based p.r. agency was paid four million pounds. to try and subverts the evidence that pointed towards libyan involvement in the lockerbie case and this is what has led to all sorts of alternative theories about lockerbie although the evidence to point to the fact that al macgraw in london female were actually responsible so even knows how to play these rules they know how to play the game and it's transparency that's lacking in u.k. p.r. information appears in the media but people have no idea who put it there and the only way one can be really sure about all the information that will be bombarded
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with on a daily basis is where does it come from and is that person partial or impartial i mean not way we get a much clearer idea of what it is that we're being told although there is a new body in the u.k. designed to regulate the p.r. industry declaring clients is still voluntary london's soho is the heart of the p.r. industry in the capital way images that burnished and the palatable becomes palatable to london's top p.r. firms are known to be working on declared for some of the world's based on popular regimes but that expertise could be being used to shape the future political landscape of a vulnerable region nor and its all see that. sure to stay with us here are coming your way a little later get ready for a brand new trip across russia. parties closer to the city of euro slava where we explore how age old freshens and breathtaking webspace have been transformed into a lucrative business that's coming through with.
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russia would be soon which brighter if you move the song from fines to oppression. stop totty dot com. wealthy british style. market trying to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. saying
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with us here on our team ten minutes after the hour last hour and u.s. state department wants billions of dollars from congress to fight an information war against media outlets including our team secretary of state hillary clinton admitting that the u.s. is losing the battle and needs to launch a counter attack journalism professor christopher chambers thinks washington will fight true according with pure propaganda. the corporatization don't mess to clean of american news has basically thrown out the whole need for news gathering and real reporting in exchange for punditry and entertainment and sensationalism because that's going to deliver the demographics to the guys who pay for the commercials what's happening is we've opened up these huge gaps because we're more concerned with reality t.v. and people arguing and people attacking the president than we are with having people on the ground finding out what the problem the problems are and when you do that you can produce
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a product that people here and around the world are going to respect the amount of money we're talking about she could literally set up an entire. voice for america on steroids a real state run news network she's not that's not what's going to happen they're going to try to go into these countries and probably try to bind news basically be a true propaganda arm rather than a news gathering and reporting outlet which is what our t. al-jazeera and the chinese network are going to be yes they're going to have their messages but they're real news networks they are pretty much where c.b.s. a.b.c. n.b.c. where thirty years ago before things fell apart and require pretty. taking a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe china will boost its military defense budget by thirteen percent to almost ninety two billion dollars next year the rise in spending has raised concerns among rival powers over the country's increasing rate the world's second largest economy has been developing stealth fighters and advanced missile systems that could soon launch its
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first aircraft carrier beijing insists its model its army modernization program is entirely peaceful and solely for defensive purposes. retired f.b.i. agent who went missing in iran nearly four years ago was alive and being held in southwest asia but according to the u.s. state department robert levinson disappeared during a business trip in march two thousand and seven while staying on the island of kish the u.s. secretary of state has made a new appeal to tehran for help in the matter iran however has repeatedly denied any knowledge of what happened to. nasa as an attempt to launch a rocket carrying its leaders to earth observation satellite has ended in failure setting off in california the glory satellite met trouble six minutes in when technical errors altered in the rocket slowing unable to reach orbit it's likely to have crashed in the ocean near the antarctic at a cost of four hundred thirty million dollars the satellites purpose was to gather new data on the factors that affect the earth's climate. meanwhile cosmonauts in
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russia are hoping to be cleared for an award of the mission to the international space station the international crew of the main and backup flights are undergoing final exams at russia's star city or he's arena has more from the training center. and examinations will take place over the next two days at the team will have to pick out a special exam nascent take it in x. out according to the instructions in that sequence and they will be graded not just on their performance in usual circumstances but also they will be able the will have to be able to perform well in emergency situations essentially the will have to be prepared for anything that. may go wrong in space on route to the ice says or at the international space station but when we spoke to them they did say that they have spent the last two years training together they are psychologically and physically prepared for this mission and they're really looking forward to it and they believe they will perform to the best of their ability now after the are done
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with their examinations they will have several days left before they go to kazakhstan to the baikonur cosmodrome where they will take off into space on march thirtieth now again the team is very excited about this particular date because because this comes on the fiftieth anniversary of the first man's flights into space and the man of course being used to guide him and everything this year because at the baikonur cosmodrome and that the ice says is going to be about essentially the celebration of the anniversary of yuri gagarin's first flight and in fact the timi two one capsule is also bearing the name of your garden also will bear his image on the body of the capsule and the cosmonauts are very excited about the fact that they will be flying off into orbit on the anniversary and they consider it to be a great honor but at this point they are going through some examinations and like i
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said earlier they're absolutely certain they will perform rather well. remember you can always find more on our stories blogs analysis end video on our website r.t. dot com here's a taste of what's online right now. a fairy tale russian villain about to be brought to life in three d. find out why children will be wary as this agri looking bobbish guy makes their way to the big screen. from the tough streets of brooklyn to the vast depths of russia american rapper plans and i mean we can journey across the world's largest country in search of musical inspiration. and stay in history a famous russian writer who dies in mysterious circumstances with the legend of his death still talking about the day discover the gory details of r.t. dot com. it's. time for
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a tour now as our close of team invites you on another journey through the beautiful regions of russia. some three hundred kilometers away from moscow jaroslava was one of the oldest cities in russia but apart from beautiful landscapes and historic buildings as also a major player in the country's industrial future art is losing friends takes a look at how locals have taken the intuitive had taken the initiative rather and turned it into a major tourist attraction. whether it's fast motors historic real estate or bunny felt the people of the jaroslava region are not short of space for their robust emissions take the landscape for example almost thirty seven thousand square kilometers covered in snow in the winter months so back in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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rusco mechanic factory and rubinstein churning out mans new best friend in the area the russian made snowmobile in russia actually that is not all the trails all its normal bells writing. we have a north territory yes i think you can write anywhere. now the company is the number one snowmobile manufacturer in the country with seven hundred employees every machine is fully tested before it leaves the factory grounds for customers who include even the local police. over four hundred thousand of these have been manufactured since the company began in one nine hundred seventy one and with the winter olympics hitting saki in twenty fourteen it's hoped that they will be used exclusively in running those winter games. moving at a slower pace is the sleepy village of yachts investor all
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a jar of showed me around and told me why he left a career in science to create a tourist destination in an almost forgotten place he read about the. asked a few years ago he has sunk a cool million dollars into an antiques museum restaurant hotel and revive neighborhoods to attract travelers seeking a russian prevention experience. i've been healing this project for the last four years and the local populations change their attitude radically and now confidence in me this market has very much economic potential and the people living here are now keeping up potential live by promoting traditional russian lifestyle choices from baptizing every piece. to the way they keep warm people are rediscovering country lifestyles and they want a russian stove in their house faced with ceramic tiles and brick it's widespread idea thirty years worry that in ribands children are on the minds of a creative couple working in a die will business partner would have real live
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a children's book illustrator thought of another canvas for the characters he created on paper and started adapting them into felt the funding felt company is now something between art and factory mass production it employs single mothers so they can work from home and raise their families. and this region is well to do compared with other regions this isn't as if there are many people with artistic minds or is in polls and surveys to find ways to lead them the manifest it often is difficult to find how to do that. many people your idea of socially important and separate national is all new they don't understand what it means and i believe it's a feature of this region. whether it's sports history or art there seems to be something here for everybody who wants to make a buck and create new ideas in the jaroslava region linsey france r.t. . coming away a little bit prepared to be dazzled by all that sparkles from the russian crown
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jewels to the latest in fashion diamonds moscow visits the training is jewelers in the capital and also explores some unusual designs. the story is the latest trends and he said to him hans you'll smile you'll look like a star with a temporary crystals or diamonds results of the last. with russia sponsored history regarding jewelry buying a dissolute from the juice you'll see. on six weeks. of the road i didn't. know how so it's something. we have it well but. fortunately it's gypsy. jews and all that glitters coming your way in just ten minutes first know that the
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first now let's take a look at what's going on in the world of business with me tonight but then go and there is yet another twist over all control russia's mining giant north that's right the company is fighting with roussel over the ownership once again offered a buyback of twenty shares in the company that's been rejected by more than that in just a second first of all friday will c.t.m. cavies shareholders needs to decide the fate of the joint venture between b.p. and. russian in the joint venture t a k b b claim that a recent deal between the british oil major violated that exclusive agreement with b.p. and russia the three sides have since to try to end the conflict with b.p. this week offering to replace b.p. in their deal with rosneft now correspondent daniel bushell has the story. he wants to follow the british thrown out all the rules and if deal chief. the journalist claims it can easily raise the eight billion dollars plus needed the trouble is
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both and the russian governments want p t a k b p because only its has the expertise to develop conditions the store called patrician called suspended p.p.p. those nifty agreements while they sort out their disputes b.p. spokesman of libya boyan of says it will consider any t a k b p but has serious concerns with the financial operational and strategic aspects of the proposals russia has become the polar p.-p. caught live with and called nuclear without a culture provides a full twenty five percent of its worldwide profits picky shareholders a rid themselves of th a p t russia boss told lee of the saying he favored the british soil but also accused b.p. of blocking international expansion of the joint venture now this threatens to derail these new exploration plans in january the head of b.p.
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told me how important the arctic was to the future of the company if you look out to the year twenty thirty the growth in oil production will be fairly limited its value though will be high but world will need forty percent more energy by twenty thirty it's going to be something the world meet both sides have said they hope they can make progress towards settling their disputes in the talks today the world's largest element producer roussel has rejected doris nichols offer to buy out twenty percent of its own shares saying it wouldn't be in the best interests of its shareholders last month or risk offer to buy twenty percent of its shares from roussel for twelve point eight billion dollars which would leave the other medium giant majority bites i could never get it passed i would have thought if percent stake commenting on decision now is nichelle said it will make no more office to sell meanwhile no stake. it's heading for another extraordinary board meeting on march eleventh where the fates of nickel giants leadership which shifts once again
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. look at the markets now we start with europe european stocks are higher this hour as positive things are from wall street day and age overnight spread so european investors u.s. labor department set to release its monthly jobs report in february in just a matter of minutes the optimism is growing that the data will finally show solid pick up in job growth now all my change of a couple of the minutes coming in the blood rushes of the as my stocks are right now in the red the r.c. is down point four percent my six point three percent take a look at some of the stocks in more detail norilsk nickel is gaining more than two percent is blocking the general trend on that news that roussel has rejected the offer to sell twenty percent of its stake in north nickel to the company now apparently investors are pretty happy with this decision because this will not create any financial problems for those nickel would require out never tech shares seeing a profit taking up to the rally was never this down point six percent gold is also
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down half a percent of very strong performance over the week here's more of the anticipation of labor data from more groups that. today is a very important day for the markets because we're going to get i guess the most important piece of statistics coming out reunited states and this is there are statistics from the labor department regarding the labor market for february the market is expecting to see a very significant number of jobs added in february the consensus now is plus two hundred thousand jobs this is going to be a very significant number if we see indeed i think we're going to see a number you are higher than that and this is certainly going to be very positive for the markets. mazda is considering building its first assembly plug in russia this comes after the japanese car maker said it may curtail its u.s. production due to a drop in demand now the said the new plant will produce up to thirty thousand cars
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a year and create one thousand new jobs recovery he's said head said entering the russian markets is now part of the company's new export strategy. and lukoil has sold more than half of its gas stations in the u.s. one of russia's largest oil producers sold a total of nine hundred gas stations to the u.s. based cambridge petroleum oil which started in the u.s. expansion and back in two thousand still owns six hundred thirty five gas stations in the country on the same trillion selling margin in the u.s. the sense of you know a decision is financially justified. so often i'll be back next hour with an update some maps next with the headlines to stay with us.
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download the official placation q i phone the i pod touch from the i choose out story. see life on the go. video on demand tease mine comes an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the. lives of spain to the thirteen republic. center of russian defense production. live in the aussie heads to central russia. sunday crops and become an industry. the harsh winter makes players even more enjoyable. and when everyone can train to be a stomach.
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