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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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headline slight european powers turn their back on a bomber and his supporters of the u.s. president refuses to rule out a military intervention in libya. there are fears to give a sin u.k. could use force to influence what's happening in the country even means in good luck as protesters demands gadhafi step down. british p.r. firms come under fire for helping whitewash some of the world's most unpopular regimes including get the thieves. it's not easy biggest place but a crew of six sit down for a stellar exam in the moscow region to prove they've got the right stuff to lead the next mission the suspects.
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this is r t very good evening my name is kevin owen it's now eight pm here in moscow our top story tonight for you fierce battles are reportedly raging across libya between opposition and gadhafi forces with dozens said to have been killed in the town of zawiya west of the capital in the capital itself tripoli security forces have used tear gas and live ammunition to disperse hundreds of protesters who poured out onto the streets after prayers witnesses say the largest oil rich port rustler an officer under attack from heavy artillery tonight and in the town of bint ghazi thousands have gathered demanding gadhafi is removal on the so-called day of rage interpol's issued an international alert for the libyan leader and some members of his family in a move to help him for some. against his regime of the developments thing u.s.
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and u.k. are becoming more isolated as they refuse to rule out intervention in libya germany has joined international voices opposing any foreign military action washington bassinets forces off the libyan coast claims it's keeping all options open to others ready to step in if the crisis deepens he's paula slip reports. but i'm standing here on the border crossing between two nazir and libya. and it certainly is a growing sense here that as the situation in libya deteriorates so too does the possibility for foreign intervention grow now the u.s. president barack obama in his strongest words so far against the libyan leader moammar gadhafi said that gadhafi had lost all legitimacy to rule and mask it down he also said that he had approved the use of american military equipment to assist in the evacuation of egyptian and other refugees from libya the latest word from washington is that they are not ruling out a no fly zone this is in contrast to what the pentagon chief said short time ago he
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said they're doing this would be an act of war it would require the bombing of libya's air defenses the latest word from president obama also was that they were considering all options on the table washington of course has asked british special forces who are in libya to secure several tons of mustard gas and other potential chemical weapons that are forced to be in the country there is concern here on the ground as there is an international community that as the situation deteriorates under the guise of humanitarian assistance the united states the u.k. and other players who are motivating for some kind of intervention will go ahead with it the responsibility to protect is a very selective principle just a week ago twenty nine demonstrators there were peaceful demonstrators were killed in iraq by a government that is being propped up by thousands of american troops at the same time there have been demonstrations in the rain for weeks now. we're thirty's have
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been firing tear gas and shooting on protesters the united states has not come out and said anything about thirst many people suspecting because it has the hit quarters of its fifth fleet there now the argument that the international community has a responsibility to get involved and stop gadhafi from firing at his people does not hold that much weight when you need to remember that while android's of libyans have been killed just a few weeks ago when three hundred egyptians had been killed in response a better time from washington was for restraint on both sides and not for any kind of international intervention libya has the largest oil reserves in africa at the same time european energy companies are invested deeply here this is why in many an international community suspect that the reasoning behind the those in the international community calling for some kind of intervention is motivated by personal reasons rather than anything else violence has continued throughout the day today friday the government troops have been firing and wiggle forces particularly in the east of the country with the leaders say that they will not
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give in and told gadhafi steps down the latest word from gadhafi he is s. defiant as ever he says that he is going nowhere in several countries around north africa and the middle east there have been calls for protesters to take to the streets today has been dubbed a day of rage and we expect demonstrations and clashes particularly around the capital city of tripoli here at the border at the moment it is closed the last time it was open was last night thursday thirty five thousand bangladeshi came through as i'm talking to you there are about sixty thousand people here they simply don't know where they're going or not they doing and the latest word we hear is that there is complete uncertainty as to when this border will be open and what indeed will happen here in the coming few hours of his paula slayer with the latest for the area just across the city from libya is turning into a launch site it seems may be for possible when a tree intervention obama show strength is growing with. small ships no position
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near crete where four hundred american marines have already been deployed all of the same time britain is considering sending typhoon fighters to cyprus if no fly zones give the green light out is an italian of a conference there with more but u.k. is increasing its military presence here on the island of cyprus there are two military bases here and we have seen a large number of planes landing at the bases supposedly bringing military force to the island now initially was the u.k.'s idea to stablish a no fly zone over libya but right now it looks like the u.s. officials are also speaking in favor of the idea of tensions grow high in the region as a cue year u.s. warships are already heading. towards the mediterranean sea they just passed by this so ask now we also know that some four hundred u.s. marines are currently located on the greek island of crete and it does
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look like it's good that it doesn't step down the united states is willing to provide military support to his opposition. the usual has come out of this a day the director of a top u.k. universities quit so vincent shushan links to gadhafi regime it comes after revelations that the london school of economics received libyan donations worth millions of dollars it's the latest scandal in a string of reports of dirty money infiltrating the u.k. from dictatorships in the arab world and result is reports london p.r. firms are cashing in on the rest. the influence of p.r. companies in distorting the truth is well known in hollywood movie wag the dog a p.r. agent engineers a war to distract from the president's philandering. to show the world it's a country. and sometimes truth is stranger and much more damaging than fiction spin has been crucial in middle eastern politics for many many years i mean spain
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is what took britain into the iraq war for example those crass headlines about weapons of mass destruction and within forty five minutes p.r. industry experts reckon the majority of the arab states in turmoil bahrain egypt libya have some kind of representation in a london p.r. firm and the reason they come here a lack of regulation while in the u.s. if a p.r. company takes on a foreign government it has to register the fact with the department of justice in the u.k. there's no such rule. if you're a foreign government looking for representation in london get no further than bell pottinger based in the building behind me although very cagey about who its clients are is believed to represent the bahrain deliveries to the exiled russian tycoon bodies but is still ski defense also been writing to journalists in recent days on behalf of a member of the libyan royal family and it's all based certainly representing governments elsewhere in the region bellport and she declined to give us an
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interview for this story but they've assured r.t. in the past that p.r. can influence questionable regimes for the better the country from modify. its actions. in order to free. having better relations with. but that doesn't always happen libya for one has used london's p.r. machine before with misleading results in one thousand nine hundred five u.k. based p.r. agency was paid four million pounds. to try and subvert the evidence that pointed towards the libyan involvement in the case and this is what has led to all sorts of alternative theories about lockerbie although of course all the evidence to point to the fact that he in london female were actually responsible so you know how to play these rules they know how to play the game and it's transparency that's lacking in u.k. p.r. information appears in the media but people have no idea who put it there and the
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only way one can be really sure about all the information that will be bombarded with on a daily basis is where does it come from and is that person partial or impartial and in that way we get a much clearer idea of what it is that we're being told although there is a new body in the u.k. designed to regulate the p.r. industry declaring clients is still voluntary london's soho is the heart of the p.r. industry in the capital where images of bird nest and the unpalatable becomes palatable london's top p.r. firms are known to be working on declared for some of the world's most unpopular regimes but their expertise could be being used to shape the future political landscape of a vulnerable region nor of its artsy london. now to poor heresies analyser of the news website axis of logic dot com he's joining us on the line from ontario canada or even she thinks a big with arsinoe your website so it's got a number of articles on it speaking out against the intervention of u.s.
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and western countries of libya what's the main threat then as you see it where do we stand tonight do you think. well from our perspective first of all what's going on. it appears on so we're going on news reports that are coming are not at all clear. the good for. america. the position of working. as a libyan it has nothing to do with any going to. know for most. one of your earlier reports that there is a. some indication that the united states are interested in your least problem. there is a belief that this results from the need for oil and quite frankly i think it doesn't understand. we really need to read a little bit yesterday but if you believe these reports talking about the say some
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of the information coming out a bit confused. surely these people the americans the u.k. may be the going in under a humanitarian banner of faith do it or there are people there that need humanitarian help on there where there probably are but you know if those same countries are interested in humanitarian aid were they in the sudan were they in the democratic republic of congo neither of those have the interest in the because of course because of all the oil in libya all right but look ok do you think they are actually going to step in maybe oil is a thing we should be talking about is prevention over the last couple of days maybe this is the driver here do you think it will drive them take it over that limit where they do actually go in. i'd have to guess at this point yes they probably are going to be quite frankly i'd be a little bit surprised to find that they're not already there. but if they do interfere many people before this program is saying they are going to make the
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situation worse how much worse can it get. well that's hard to say because it's difficult to tell what the situation is on the ground as we speak right now i just this morning read on your. or your website an article referring to a number of russian transportation workers who've just been evacuated from libya and they're indicating the situation on the ground is not nearly so difficult as much of the western media is claiming president obama's touching back on what you've been talking about just no president we've heard his strong rhetoric over the last four and i was calling for you to step down we haven't as you've been saying been hearing calls for negotiations and a peace settlement have way or the exception are from showbiz and we have as well who proposed such a thing only to have it rejected. egypt the action is that of ousted their leaders and they haven't achieved any real change could they not prissy you think the way the west sees it anyway other work in the arab world absolutely absolutely this is
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not democracy is not something that's exclusive to the rest of the world now are saying as the west sees it as the west sees it democracy is the west sees it well i suppose what part of the west you're talking about is what matters here you know certainly france and the united states don't have the same form of government. they both could declare themselves to be democracy but at the same token soldiers more good africa ok polaris could hear your thoughts on the line up from ontario canada is not thank you. now a little later get ready for a brand new trip across russia a complete change of pace for you coming up artist closer seed heads to the city of dallas love of explorer age old traditions and breathtaking landscapes have been transformed into a lucrative business that's coming feel a little bit later in the program. but to the news now the world headlines in brief for you china will boost its military defense budget by thirteen percent to almost ninety two billion dollars next year the rise in spending has raised concerns among
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rival powers of the country's increase ignite the. the world's second largest economy as it is been developing stealth why does it advance missile systems and could soon launch its first aircraft carrier beijing insists its army modernization program is entirely peaceful and is solely for defensive purposes. but the news from r.t. protests have been staged in sarajevo over the arrest of former bosnian general was detained in vienna airport after international warrant was issued. but the great authorities want him to face charges of religious war crimes to be executed of participating in an attack that killed dozens of serbian soldiers at the start of the ninety two poznan war is due to appear in a vienna court and friday. north korea blocked the return of twenty seven of its citizens seized by the south the group were detained after their boat drifted across the western seaboard last month the communist state is demanding the relation of the entire group including four who had requested to stay in seoul
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tensions between the two countries increased since the mall shelled at the southern island in the last year killing four people young and claims it was responding to military aggression from the south. now says attempts launch a rocket carrying as they deserve observation satellites ended in failure setting off from california the glory satellite trouble six billets in when a technical error resulted in the rocket slowing and then being unable to reach its orbit it's likely to have crashed into the ocean near the antarctic cost of four hundred thirty million dollars the satellites purpose was to gather new data on factors that affect the earth's climate. meantime cosmonauts syria russia hoping to be cleared from all but all missions of the international space station international crew of the main and backup flights are undergoing final exams at russia's star city now that is really crucial reports from the training center. the examinations will take place over the next two days at the team will have to pick
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out a special examination take it in x. out according to the instructions in their ticket and they will be graded not just on their performance in usual circumstances but also they will be able they will have to be able to perform well in emergency situations essentially they will have to be prepared for anything that may go wrong in space on route to the ice says or at the international space station but when we spoke to them they did say that they have spent the last two years training together they are psychologically and physically prepared for this mission and they're really looking forward to it and they believe they will perform to the best of their ability now after the are done with their examinations they will have several days left before they go to kazakhstan to baikonur cosmodrome where they will take off into space on march thirtieth now again the team is very excited about this particular date because because this comes on the fiftieth anniversary of the first manned flight into
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space and the man of course being you to guide and and everything this year because at the baikonur cosmodrome and that the ice says is going to be about essentially the celebration of the anniversary of your garden's first flight and in fact the timi two one capsule is also bearing the name of your garden also will bear his image on the body of the capsule and the cosmonauts are very excited about the fact that they will be flying off into orbit on the end of verse three and they consider to be a great honor but at this point they are going through some examinations that and like i said earlier they're absolutely certain that they will perform rather well. going to go to the full our top stories blogs analysis and video log on to our website or to call me is the taste of what we've got online for you right now a fairy tale russian villain is about to be brought to my. in three d. find out why children will be wary as this angry look. makes
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a way to big screen. and the oscar winning actress who's never been tempted by the bright lights of hollywood juliette binoche gets the full interview on our website . plus today's history famous russian writer dies in mysterious circumstances and the legend of in death still talked about this day discover the details that are. caught. well it's hard not to take a bit of a close same invite she want another journey through the beautiful regions of russia.
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ok to some three hundred kilometers away from moscow jaroslav is one of the oldest cities in russia but apart from beautiful landscapes and story buildings it's also a major player in the country's industrial kinship. takes a look at how locals have taken the initiative and turned it into a major tourist attraction. i whether it's fast motors historical real estate or funny fount the people of the jaroslava region are not short of space for their robust emissions take the landscape for example almost thirty seven thousand square kilometers covered in snow in the winter months so back in the one nine hundred seventy s. reuss can mechanica set up a factory in rubinstein churning out man's new best friend in the area the russian made snowmobile in russia actually that is not the trails for the snow mobiles writing. we have a. territory that's ok you can write anywhere. now the company is the number
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one snowmobile manufacturer in the country with seven hundred employees every machine is fully tested before it leaves the factory down for customers who include even the local police. over four hundred thousand of these have been manufactured since the company began in one nine hundred seventy one and with the winter olympics hitting softly in twenty fourteen it's hoped that they will be used exclusively in running those winter games. moving at a slower pace is the sleepy village of yachts go investor all a jar of showed me around and told me why he left a career in science to create a tourist destination in an almost forgotten place he wrote about just a few years ago he has sunk a cool million dollars into an antiques museum restaurant hotel and revive neighborhoods to attract travelers seeking the russian for eventually experience.
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i've been handling this project for the last four years and the local populations change their attitude radically they're now confidence in me this market has very much economic potential and the people living here are now keeping our potential ally promote. traditional russian lifestyle choices from baptizing their babies. to the way to keep warm or rediscovering country life styles only were a russian stove in their house faced with ceramic tiles and brick it's widespread i give thirty years warranty that can ribands children are on the minds of creative companies working in the drive world business pavel gavriel laugh a children's book illustrator thought of another canvas for the characters he created on paper and started adapting man into felt the funny thought company is now something between art and factory mass production it employs single mothers so they can work from home and raise their families. this region is well to do
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compared with other regions you see this is around many people with artistic minds or is of course insisted on ways to lead them the manifest it often is difficult to find how to do that. with our many people a idea of socially important and. new they don't understand what it means by believe it's to feature a screeching. whether it's. history or art there seems to be something here for everybody who wants to make a buck and create new ideas in the aristotle region when de france r.t. . i heard this an update from the continental hockey league playoff series in a sport that's come up about twenty minutes met a load of joy and others in the conference semifinals about an hour ago so what more with roman to cover but it's not business first with dmitri. because shareholders have decided to postpone
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a decision on whether the british russian joint venture wants to consider the p.p. and was never arctic aspiration deal the meeting was held in berlin on friday after it was initially pushed forward from the original date of february twenty fifth jus to b.p. failing to turn up r.t. correspondent than your boss or brings us the latest. but we're closer in the sense that the two sides have met because as you say last week b.p. actually failed to turn up and obviously feel somewhat stuck in a corner in a split of a lose lose situation on the one hand obviously has a case against b.p. the stockholm arbitration course court has suspended b.p. rosneft deal while the two sides iron out their differences on the other hand if b.p. does give up control of this. it would of course lose a great deal of the profits that it has a shadow hanging over all of this is the russian government energy minister. says he actually backs b.p. in the b.p. rosneft deal of course rosneft chose b.p. because it has unique expertise in exploring in difficult conditions and that is
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one reason why they want b.p. to go ahead with the deal the thought in the side really for b.p.'s head bob dudley the new head of b.p. really hoping that this deal would mark the next level of development for the company after its troubles of course with the all spill in the gulf of mexico not just for the company but also for the world he told me that to mourn for energy costs the world's expected job forty percent by two thousand and thirty and the arctic is a key way possibly to maintain and fulfill that demand as any additional reporting there and prime minister vladimir putin says inflation in russia will reach around six percent i jus however an example of if you are going to be capital says despite the forecast being realistic the government will have to make an effort for this to happen. i would say it's it's a. fair instrument forward for the first half of their over the year inflation from
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where we would be going i would expect a little bit more than the six percent by by the end i think the real tolerance level is really double digits and they go into a trade to central bank and try to keep it down and we expect prison when trickles and the very good step that the central bank need is waiting in the post corridor recently which allows it to run more independent my interest was in tanking not. so good at the markets now we start with the united states unemployment dates of birth show the third consecutive month of decline in the right to eight point nine percent that's nearly two year low we're going to be added one hundred ninety two thousand jobs in february but factory orders increased just point seven percent in january the weakest showing since october and therefore we're seeing the data kalina percent but nasdaq also correctly point not. known for us being european traders with positive going to point to data from the u.s.
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the reports have already had that optimistic status so the folks here in the dax are also losing close. here in russia be obvious to my sex in the red at the end of friday's session profit taking taking place there overall the week so far was strong as commodities are still high the mice experienced one percent price actions they are just four point one percent are saying so far because they will be trading on saturday it's a working day in russia more info on the stocks for friday's sessions burbank has seen quite a roller coaster ride this week the heaviest trading stock is down one point six percent and friday's session is also also down after this recall rally and lukoil is bucking the trend itself point three percent at the close and why is that luke oil is sold more than the heart of its gas stations in the united states one of russia's largest oil producers all the third. of nine hundred gas stations to be u.s. based cambridge petroleum group which started its u.s.
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expansion back in two thousand. six hundred thirty five gas stations in the country and the save the cheerleader selling knowledge in the u.s. is going to be in the decision is financially justify. it. cast from lead the north stream consortium has secured almost three and a half billion dollars for the construction of the second phase of the fight line he generated funds are worth thirty percent financed by shareholders and seventy percent from international financial markets with twenty four banks involved construction of the second phases to start this may well as the first gas the livery through the pipeline first phases to commence in september nord stream is planned to deliver gas from russia to europe will be the longest pipeline in the world well once it's completed of course. i'm back next hour with an update join me then if you can for the headlines.
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