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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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i think. either one well. we never got the live shows the keeping safe get ready because you're free to. h.l. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new web site gets twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the
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ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for downloads. and stories you may never find mainstream news. so. the political. posts aren't. you guys welcome to show and tell on the obama show which part of our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on you tube the video response was a twitter first part of the questions that we impose on you tube every monday and on thursday so long the sponsors that we laid. out. tied to a time of war where
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a man has collected this award several times the fort former arkansas governor fox news host and possible twenty twelve presidential candidate mike huckabee and mike has a bit of a habit of saying. pretty thick comments when he's on the radio and we already showed you his obama grew up in tehran earlier this week but his latest target wasn't president obama nancy pelosi or harry reid no this time he has issues with actress natalie portman portman there's no hard talk about her winning an oscar last sunday night and being pregnant and unwed doing it. since troubling people see a natalie portman or some other hollywood starlet who broke posters you know were having children were not married but we're having these children are doing just fine but there aren't really a lot single moms out there who are making millions of dollars of your movie and i think you can see distorted image you know it's not everybody. caretakers and
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nurses most single moms are very poor undereducated can't reach out and if it weren't for government assistance tributes would be starting to help here and the story that we're not seeing and it's unfortunate that we war are and why arise. out of children wedlock. where do we even begin here my first of all i'm pretty damn sure the natalie portman could care less what you think she just won an oscar so she's hollywood royalty at the moment but she's also engaged to the baby's father and she paints him on stage for him giving her the best role of her life that of being a future mother there unless they're planning on getting married so why exactly are you hating on this couple also might since they are not married what do you think portman should have done to she have done an abortion that's perfectly legal but i think you also seem to have a problem with that and i also have to ask you. where was your criticism of bristol
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paling in two thousand and eight sarah palin and john mccain had absolutely no problem taking bristol who was unwed and knocked up to the g.o.p. convention and in fact they even had levy johnston on stage at the convention while circulating the story of the young couple was going to way we all know how that and personal is still a single mom and levi went on to do a little bit of porn in playgirl so i guess that's family values one o one for the and so for being a hypocrite making a few stupid statements every now and then mike huckabee is tonight's tools and i'm there now four decades after banning our o.t.c. from its campus harvard university welcome the program back today harvard is the first elite school to welcome back the reserve officer training corps which was kicked off campus at the height of the vietnam war recently harvard and other private schools use the military's ban on gay soldiers serving openly as a reason to keep r.t.c. off campus but with don't ask don't tell being repealed by congress and signed by
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president obama many schools are forced to take a second look at their o.t.c. program after their official reason for banning it no longer existed now a lot of people on the right have complained of the ivy league schools have been slow to allow r.t.c. to return claiming of the ivies are simply elitists who don't support our armed forces but harvard finally says that the time is right now to harvard have been allowed to join r.t.c. but up until now they have to commute to mit in the boston university for the program so now the harvard has agreed to allow the r o t c to return expect many more schools to follow yale has also expressed strong interest in hosting r t c program and debate over whether to open its doors has intensified at columbia the scene of some of the largest university protests during the vietnam war. now tonight we have a special guest on the program so there's no need for an introduction about just one story we've got a lot of ground to cover here from the labor protests in america the drug war going
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on in mexico to under-estimate libya and the options that our government is weighing when it comes to action so joining me to discuss it all is congressman dennis kucinich of ohio congressman thank you so much for joining us to be with you thank you let's start with what we're seeing go on across the u.s. right we're seeing protests in wisconsin in ohio and indiana and other states across the country but how do you really categorize this i mean is this beyond a matter of just right and left is this a class war. where there is a class war going except that the working class middle class is lost and the wealth is being ready to the top in the attack on public workers in ohio where i joined the workers last week and wisconsin in indiana and other places is really a reflection of an attempt to try to take the wealth that the workers had created. and privatizing if you look at the ohio legislation it's very clear with they're trying to do is to break the unions to force them to strike to say will replace you if you do strike and the right to privatized the jobs which inevitably drives up
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the cost of the taxpayer gives them less service to the workers less and increases corporate profits do you think that americans are going to let it happen or are we going to see this continue this wave of protests the state by state but in masses the american people look at this they realize that for most people their wages are stagnant or they're being knocked down that they don't have any control over their benefits anymore their health care may not exist even if they have a job their pension benefits are subject to attack so people are looking at this and after wonder is going to be next so i think there is a. there's a closing of ranks occurring among people whether they're part of a union movement or not because they're starting to identify with the police the fire and the teachers who are out in front of the state capitals and or saying look what are you attacking us we teach your children we police your neighborhoods we put out fires in homes we serve the elderly who serve serve in day care what are
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you doing and i think that when people realize that what is actually under attack is the idea of government of the people itself then i think the american people are going to respond and they're already responding quite favorably to those who are under attack so this isn't necessarily the and this what you're saying oh you really see anything union membership dropped dramatically and the u.s. and so if these republican governors these republican state legislatures we in right now take away the collective bargaining rights from one state to another you know could that be the end of union membership well it's a challenge to public unions right now remember the unions and private companies took a hit with the passage of nafta and gatt and china trade because those trade agreements did not include the right to organize a right to collective bargaining the right to strike some of the jobs that were shipped over to see. notably to china to keep workers they don't have any rights so the corporations can make bigger profits workers are paid less sending the goods back to the united states and people realize all the industries we've lost now
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what's really happening here is an attempt to undermine the democracy and replace it with a corporate plutocracy or something that's profoundly anti-democratic american people are starting to see they're like the canaries in a coal mine on this issue they're starting to smell the poisonous gas of fascism creeping into into our country so my question is where are all the democratic leaders where is the president on this i mean you could say that it's a state by state issue but as we see it happen in a number of states and we see workers rise up in states across the country in support of workers in other states then where are the democratic leaders why is no vomit taking advantage of this i mean to get his base fire i'll be sending a message to the president next week we're all going to be calling on him just to physically stand with the workers not rhetorical you not to tell campaign workers get out there that's fine but to keep the commitment that he made about being there physically present with workers would send a tremendous message across the country if the president went to columbus ohio and
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stood with the workers if you want to wisconsin and stewarts workers and indiana so that he shows where where his sympathies lie because what's happening is all of government is being used to accelerate the wealth upwards and if we stand back and the corporations or their adherents at a state level. crush people's ability to organize or bargain collectively knock down their wages take away people's ability to have any say at all in their health care and their pensions and the working conditions then what you have is something that's not their credit so we're really fighting for our democracy or this goes beyond labor this goes to the essence of our democracy and yet our democratic president isn't necessarily saying much about it i want to segue here to what we're seeing happen of course across the middle east and libya specifically there's a lot of talk right now as to whether a no fly zone should be implemented whether the u.s. should intervene here and it seems like we have a bit of a divide with the military officials robert gates defense secretary saying no fly
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zone means military intervention that means a military operation is that all we should be doing right now starting another war well. america's. what some of called intervention itis. we intervened based on lies in iraq we intervened based on a misreading of history in afghanistan are we going to rein in pakistan we're going to call virtually across the globe it's time that america began to realize that these interventions have not made us more secure they've made us less secure every occupation fuels an insurgency in the case of libya and intervention would be disastrous would be intervening in a civil war now certainly we should be concerned about what happens to the people in libya but we do not have a right to be able to pick who's going to win or lose there because the minute we intervene let's say we intervened on behalf of those who are protesting and the
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horrible activities of because the government then khadafi would turn around and say see their us pawns and it would really undermine the ability to create change within the country of libya so the united states has to take a more modest approach in and work with the world community on matters of human security we must move away from this this notion of a you know polar world a top down approach where every whatever we say has to go because that people aren't buying that you see what happened in egypt. it was an authentic change that occurred as a result of an authentic expression of the people the same the same thing. has happened in other countries happening in other countries too so it was an example i ask you that hillary clinton test and i was speaking in front of the senate foreign relations committee the other day and she was speaking about china and saying that china is beating out the u.s. and she essentially said let's talk real quality china goes around doing whatever
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they want in their best interests let's like oh this humanitarian we want to be good and do everything and let's can't. real do you think america's at some kind of a turning point the obama administration is at a turning point when you either try to be the winner or you try to be the nice guy but realize you can't be at the top anymore in this world military issue with china when you really go shit to china trade agreement and you and you have china give workers the right to organize a right to collective bargaining the right to strike the right to decent wages and benefits have prohibitions on child labor and slave labor and protect the air and water quality if you do that then you'll start to see the united states industries a little bit stronger because we have over two hundred billion dollars trade deficit with communist china and what that would mean is we would be in a slightly stronger economic situation right now we're borrowing money from china to finance a war in afghanistan china is buying up hard assets around the world they're even turning away from investing in u.s. debt we need to have
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a relationship that has economic strength and isn't based on the idea that somehow we have to strengthen ourselves militarily as a last straw in order to maintain our supremacy when china isn't scared to go into perhaps some of these other countries and to make deals with them to buy up their resources because they don't have any promises to anybody in the world they're not trying to you know to spread democracy or bring some type of humanitarian cause and is that what's going to make us lose out well china is very very clear they've been very dedicated to economic growth and they've got in ways where they've taken money that we've helped to provide them through this trade agreement and they've invested it around around the globe they haven't been building up their military the way the united states those were spending close to seven hundred billion dollars every year we'll spend trillions of dollars on wars in collectively in iraq and afghanistan china didn't get into that china is putting their money into growing their economy and into growing their national economic profile we've taken
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a different thing we've thrown money away investing in wars and investing in a growing military we have we have a military we spend more money than almost the. rest of the world combined for our pentagon what's that about it's sinking america's but it's beyond and i'm sure i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight i wish we had more time we'll have to have you come back and thank you thank you so much. also to come on and i still have our friday fireside chats and that it's happy hour it's so good the logo for the two thousand and twelve summer games in london be a racist symbol that in a lot while an argument is getting churchill and lucy top it up join me there are stories that you'll be talking about in the cars this week from. a charmer and her broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find on mainstream news. of the. week the political. posts in most aren't you just touched. your flimsy low and keep paying them for a child that is when they think people are suggesting she's told her no she says she's a one stop. and
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tonight by inside your home. there's a video that's been circulating this week that quite frankly makes me sick to my stomach it should make anybody feel nauseous because it's ugly it's hateful and it
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couldn't reflect any worse on americans and the video was from a charity event in orange county california last month this charity event was on survivor a muslim group and tea party members other protesters decided to bombard the people entering this event the families with their children with these words. go back home terrorist that's a move heard in that short clip but there are some other things that were shouted that included mohammad was a pervert and do you beat up your white jew are you a molester after seeing that you tell me that islamophobia isn't a problem in the us of a thing is that this video gets even worse he wasn't just
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a bunch of crazy cartier's and other prejudiced people that are crying out these chants you know there are elected officials there cheering them on. republican elected officials represent the very miller told the crowd but he was proud of them and what they were doing there for polly a council woman from the park took it even further. to build it that is your. anyone can hear. i don't even care if you think i'm crazy any more he. wouldn't let a nineteen year old son of the united states know we. did it but if you do we can see if you're going to take these killings it's only meeting in paradise. she doesn't even care if people think that she's crazy anymore
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when she calls an entire segment of the u.s. population a group of people evil and terrorists and says that she knows a lot of people that wouldn't mind killing them she doesn't care because not enough americans do not enough people are speaking out to stop this kind of behavior and next week or even seeing hearings start on capitol hill about the radicalization of muslims in her home does anyone else out there find this to be not only disturbing but eerily reminiscent of horrible events in history when groups were singled out when people were so overflowing with their hate for them that people die people got rounded up our put into camps now this obviously is not the holocaust so let's not let it go as single inch farther let's please wake up let's come back down to reality and not wear an anti muslim sentiment take over this country and be what
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the rest of the world thinks up when they hear the word america. ladies good evening evening so colors of b.y.u. in the players' balls have in common tell me the blue. cube is a. good one ok story of the day. they explain forces of course basketball player b.y.u. has now been kicked off the team because he had sex with his girlfriend biggest crime of all time when reality in reality they have a honor code you are you a mormon university and here's what i got to say about this if you can have your
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religious beliefs about sex and premarital sex and all that good stuff but i really hate on her it's i just think the honor codes are the biggest load of horse crap i've ever ever come in contact with in my entire life that's because i had some experience with that i went to a boarding school which is not a religious institution but had an honor code in the way this honor code word is that well if you tell on people that you get brownie points for you know the favorites get to break the honor code all they want i'm sure that there are you know professors at this university they're banging some of their students but on her cousin doesn't apply to that the sad thing to me about this whole thing is that the dude was blige in the honor code by being honest about screwing his girlfriend ensure you get the mindset that why don't you get points for you know obeying the code but i mean the one serious point i want to bring up the sort of the contrast in the parker city where you have star athletes who are like kobe bryant or you know that you converse or lacrosse team who don't get any trouble for say rape or
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some sort of worse egregious crimes but the poor guy you know gets laid at a time when fewer people our age are apparently getting leave you know i mean this is a couple i mean come on it's an honor code and if you're going to have an honor code then you have to enforce and the rules are meant to be broken no no no but having you know you have three like you agree that you're going to hold this honor code and if you're not able to uphold that honor code then you shouldn't go to be why you and you should agree to dishonor code and you should be a person of your word like he was and i. to say i really commend him whether or not he was forced to admit that this happened through circumstance or if he didn't on its own he broke an honor code that he agreed to and i think that it's actually really commendable i think that it probably gave him a little bragging rights because he got to say you know yeah i did get laid ok we got. a very there's a little bit of controversy over the logo for the olympics in london that are coming out some people have compared it to a swastika some people or iran actually is now threatening to boycott the olympics
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because they think that it secretly spells out the subliminal message of zine on and so. that it's lisa simpson giving head personally i could give more looks like her looks more like weeks of simpson taking a bong grip you guys have again i don't know dude it's an idiotic logo i have to honestly when i was prepping for the two seconds i had to prep for the segment i had to google what the heck it stood for because i just didn't realize that it spelled out twenty twelve but i mean it only if i was a run that you have the threat of inflation you have your neighbors up in revolution and uprisings you know you have the u.s. pushing for increased sanctions i mean aren't there kind of bigger issues to worry about out there than like what who looks like they're getting a header is really no because it looks like in the lawyer. it's just really sad because this is something that's been going on for four years now we've been talking about this logo and it's so ridiculous i'm sorry unless it's a sign that you know. that nazis are going to show up at the olympics and have
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a protest harry potter and the goblet of fire style i don't care this is stupid ok let's move on to something that actually affects people's lives there was a couple in britain who were trying to adopt a child and they were denied this adoption because they are christian and because they said that they wanted to teach their kids that it is homosexuality is immoral what do you think about that i mean i have to say that i personally. you know agree for once with the pope and i think this is actually a really gross case of discrimination and i think that you know i think that everyone should be able to adopt i think that there should be there should be a situation where you evaluate people based on their ability to be a parent not on their religious beliefs and i think that you know gay couples as well as christians as well as muslims should be able to be false and it happens if this kid let's say he's gay and then the parents i don't know he has to grow up living this life of shame where they make him feel bad about it what if they decide
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to get rid of him so into a foster home because of it i feel like it's a tricky problem because on one hand it's sort of this first world problem i mean you know we can sit there and worry about the ideological leanings of the parents and how would it affect the cycle psychology of a child at a time when a lot of children you know can barely put food on the table have no parents no sudden sort of standard of living and actually really do need homes to be adopted into so i kind of see your point on that and on the other hand i mean what are you going to do is it ok to adopt you know by that logic to send children to i don't know k.k.k. sympathisers sympathizers or you know westboro baptist preachers or child molesters i mean i would do who decides what's right and wrong and how do you. think it's actually my problem is i don't think that were you know here to be judges of what people's beliefs are ok and i think that just like a gay couple should be allowed to adopt i think that people who are muslim should be allowed to adopt without people having fears us they're going to have the guy did turn into you know an al qaeda operative who practices who.
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was living say that your child might turn into an al qaeda operative because you're muslim it's quite different to discriminate against an entirely different portion of the population saying that their sexual preference in life who they are is immoral and wrong at least that's my take on it we got to wrap it up ladies i want to thank you both joining me this happy hour happy friday and have a great week and here's. all right that's a pretty nice fellow thanks for joining in make me come back on monday in the meantime to forgive my family rochelle on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always trashed all that into comics last year on the show we posed the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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lead. will. remain you delete some signs and signals from around the world. we're going to cover. well for british style. time it was funny because. markets finiteness come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to congress report
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on our. back. for. more news today violence as well so.


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