tv [untitled] March 7, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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voice face to face with the news makers on. the. force could be grounded britain and france reportedly pushed through a draft u.n. resolution to impose a no fly zone. president obama said military involvement in libya it's possible but more on this going we got a check on for washington in just a few moments. of the whole story the media reporting from libya is accused of blowing the unrest out of proportion to get headlines as conflicting reports keep the truth hidden from view. and the massive inflow of illegal immigrants from violence torn arab countries feels anti muslim sentiments in the european countries taking them in.
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life from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day international pressure is growing against colonel gadhafi president obama says the u.s. and nato is considering military action against libya if violence there continues and the u.k. and france are said to be drafting a u.n. resolution aimed at and posing a no fly zone but also suggestions america has asked saudi arabia weapons to position fighters let's get the latest now from ghana she's artie's correspondent in washington d.c. it seems like pressure on gadhafi is mounting certainly on your side of the ocean. well bill president obama said military involvement in libya is possible he did not specify whether it was talking about direct or indirect involvement the u.s. is reportedly asked saudi arabia if it can supply weapons to rebels in benghazi the saudis have been told that the ponens of khadafi need anti-tank rockets and mortars
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is the first priority to hold off attacks bipedality his armor and the ground to air missiles to shoot down his fighter bombers the situation in libya is critical as it is with hundreds of people dead and with gadhafi saying he will fight until the last man standing and this recorded armed supply that could come from the saudis upon the request of the united states could inflame the situation even more it has been it has also been reported that supplies could reach within forty eight hours that we could we could be some two days away from a full fledged civil war in libya with the involvement of western powers for several days now the u.s. surveillance aircraft have been flying around leave and sort of making assessments declaring a no fly zone over levy is one option that the u.s. policymakers are sort of considering right now we know the goal the option means of potentially protracted and costly military campaign and the international community has already started speaking out on this and we have heard the russian foreign
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minister who said any military involvement in libya would be unacceptable who are with us on or is being overthrown across the middle east and africa home desperate is the u.s. to maintain its influence in the region. both secular state hillary clinton said one of the biggest concerns that the u.s. has is libya becoming a giant somalia that means power vacuum radical forces all around and no more or less credible power to deal with and i would say having that kind of a vacuum in leave is very inconvenient for the u.s. considering levy is rich with oil it has the largest proven oil reserves in africa it's very hard to predict who will get hold of the riches if gadhafi is ousted the u.s. . doctors later joined european powers in response the early asian weeks we're going to leave us all well now that the bed that dealing with kodachi is no more an option experts say the u.s. could try to influence the situation in
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a different way reports say it could very well be a military way through our being the rebels but history shows that the practice of arming the other side of a conflict not only does this not stop the violence but inflames it even more and here is what makes this arming the rebels possibility even more alarming americans themselves have estimated that levy especially the is some part of the country which is where the rebels have reportedly gained control is home to a large number of jihadists they have they make a fifth of the world's jihadist it's quite enough to say that one of the one of the rebel leaders in the northeastern gulf he was once all some of the a lot of private driver the question here is whether the u.s. is going to end up putting weapons in the hands of really cause and destabilizing the region even more governor thanks very much indeed for that no doubt more from you there he goes on that's our team is going to live there from washington d.c. well for more on libya i'm now joined live by simon tisdall who's
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a foreign affairs columnist for the guardian newspaper in london thanks so much for joining us here in r.t. will the u.k. and france or draw thing a no fly zone resolution against libya we're hearing that today for those who want to short exactly what that means can explain how you see this working. well this idea was first floated by the british prime minister david cameron about a week with the help from the australian prime minister kevin rudd and they didn't specify how it would be implemented in fact they seem to be suggesting that others plans for the united states might like to do that. that's a plan a proposal got quite a stiff reaction from the country country for gates who said that didn't people understand that if you want to impose a no fly zone you first have to destroy a piece ground offenses and most of its aircraft has some bits of military bases as well that be tantamount to there for a fleet war so it seems that they are currently slapped down by these american allies but then the idea popped up again later in the week and now a bomb under
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a lot of pressure has been hearing in washington to show the united states is doing something and taking the lead in stopping this violence against the libyan people is now not ruling it out in fact he said today that nato allies were discussing a no fly zone among other military options in brussels and that as you say as you report britain and france are tabling a possible draft resolution at the u.n. which would be put up for a vote if certain triggers were incurred by you know after such as a more massacre that libyan people how it would actually work in practice is extremely contentious some of them american the chiefs have been saying this is a very large country with a very difficult terrain and that it would take an awful lot of hardware even by american standards to clamp down in a way that the allies clamped down on iraq in the one nine hundred ninety s. when saddam hussein was in control saying the suggesting it might be quite hazardous and that the libyans have a lot of. missiles from the russians
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a few years ago and the force of much luck. and it's also unclear how you discriminate between libyan military aircraft which might be a tenth or tracking a target commercial aircraft and the humanitarian operations run by european countries so it's not a straightforward proposition and it is fraught with risk while talking about risk you mention in a recent article in the guardian that overreaction by the u.k. and the u.s. raising the prospect of a military operation would be risky at why and what would the consequences be. well in that case we're not just talking about a no fly zone we're talking about for direct military intervention in some way so just to just to qualify sorry to interrupt but in some ways you're saying a no fly zone would constitute having to bomb even aircraft and ground bases in fact that is military intervention isn't it. well i would say so but john kerry the democratic senator chairman of the senate foreign relations argued at the weekend
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that actually the no fly zone wouldn't very military intervention he defied military adventurism i suppose is boots on the ground you have to ask so what is what are the consequences boots on the ground because you are saying this could be very risky then what could the consequences be if we do see military intervention on the ground. well there all the they are potentially disastrous for a start you'd not replying to affix handsome but you'd be able to he would be able to bolster his argument that this is a this revolt is not indigenous that it's caught up by western powers and al qaida it's a form of recall of isolation of libya that number one consequence number two consequence the rebels not be discredited in the sense that they own their revolution. interrupted by the americans and the british and they would be a proxy for it would revolt it will group also a lot of sympathetic our opinion around the world trying not to strike you if you're not might also with the troops on the drive through or. in europe and then
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of course you have the military implications if this is not necessarily a war that you win i mean we've had this before in iraq and afghanistan and elsewhere not easy to get into a war in the middle east that is to control events once you're there with to get out of it so they transferences and ramifications are almost endless and what some people in london and elsewhere been arguing is that the powers that be the british and other governments involved in this need to think very careful about what they're getting into and i think they would be much more. oh if you like your brother close on this subject one of our men who showing i think notable caution about getting involved in you have another middle eastern war which you know we don't really have a great strategic interest in libya we are interested in their oil fields and they're open to. the belief not the wrong sort of borders when important countries in the relief want to go on and they are good for getting involved but they're not
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one of you also stronger when it's very interesting to hear what you have to say we appreciate time someone says the foreign affairs columnist of the guardian newspaper joining that live in london thank you for being with us here on r.t. . well the fog of war is subtle over the ongoing unrest in libya there are conflicting reports on the number of killed their strikes by gadhafi forces even the number of cities controlled by the opposition last week a wave of reports suggested the opposition was in control of almost the whole country. he was doing well are to use the border went to opposition held benghazi to find out why these turned out to be exaggerations the best. of war in comprehensible as it sounds it's present in any conflict just days ago these parents feared for their children's lives today they're taking their pictures in front of the tanks it desire to be captured the last thing in the face of danger is even stronger in the journalists and the conflict in libya is providing
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a perfect setting for a un t.v. screens been ghazi will look like the center of the rebel resistance the country is waking to another day of chaos gadhafi may have lost about half of his country they watched these bombs fall from the skies but in reality it's more like a seaside resort than a conflict zone hotels a fully booked with journalists and residents go about their daily lives here boys are looking for new things to play with toy guns are in council supply. some reports from going ghazi refer to fitri sion in eastern libya as war another conflict zone where rebels are engaged in sporadic and are slated beach battles with pro get out the forces but an all out war moammar gadhafi is striking back forces loyal to libyan leader moammar gadhafi appear to be advancing libya's leader moammar gadhafi has fled the country with rebels professing their readiness to fight good after his regime to the bitter end no wonder news reports
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a caring predictions of in an uncivil war yet as the rebels inability to mount a fully fledged offensive becomes more apparent so is the unbalanced nature of the cooperates. oh rather than being impartial observers stop short of directing the protesters but here the out you see our crew is warming up the crowd it's time for that next life. you know was one of the first reporters to arrive and because the several days she's been traveling with the rebels about two hundred kilometers west of the city at some point the pro-government forces opened fire at her crew a focal point of her report there is a war going on and where the real like it or not there is that there is a frontline you know and there are people with guns and there are two sides fighting these channels know the gunfire and explosions snake for strong t.v. but they also can help to blow things out of their social because with journalists
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and leave you can see reports freely from tripoli and all the gadhafi controlled parts of libya son can find themselves stuck in the rebel side of the story there are those are just opening up to journalists they just love them and. just whenever they take one city we go with them and then we go into into the other city but reporters need to travel to here in the opposition's press center and then kasi internet access isn't restricted and because the appealable twenty four hours the message is on the wall and sometimes finds its way into reports usually. government forces. in many of these an aging one of these cities the weapons depot had already been taken over by the rebels and it was a government beginning to get over but when get out of. the enemy and he will see it did he see terrorist canadian forces marched into washington d.c. and came together and we responded nobody will call me
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a terrorist government for protecting our own interests many people think that being at work or respond to takes a lot of courage and hard work but actually. it's much. easier and fun more intro of all the routines are on a list because simon's especially when they were sitting side a star comedy to the problem of hearing it being god he is that some reporter is became not only part of the story but in its main driving force and instead of hoping that full blown confrontation and bloodshed can get her i think that almost calling for a couple of like artsy got the am. and american radio host stephen lemon told me that the white house is using the country's media to put a spin on events in libya the people ok very genuine these people want something different and you realize that they have a different situation than the gyptian and the outs your use of the tour. they
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realize that the worst thing that can happen to them is west and. if the west gets control their country and especially america it will be much much worse they are very wise to one answer from america and from the west elite is going to stay probably good in a very expensive crisis is the lead instrument is the new york times and i literally call the new york times the closest thing in america to an official state ministry of information and probably good that it is so graceful reports of what he's going on in libya what people want egypt they don't say very much what we know and you really you. know we've been reporting on the other countries. and while the feds expect stephen cohen says what's happening in libya won't necessarily bring about democracy there's
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a full interview with the new york academic in the next hour here on our team. i can state it intervene militarily in so many countries in my lifetime very rarely because it worked out for the better american intervention or discredit your target of the tyranny of it anymore were thrown because it appears the tyrant was overthrown with the backing of the united states then the portion of the favorite western democracy we saw that in addition what we're witnessing in egypt and in libya. it's not clear who these are pro-democracy movements here or user and. they're spotting them so they want to get rid of the dictator but getting rid of a dictator or a woman in any country because it will be a servant for democracy that's a process. thousands of illegal immigrants escaping political turmoil in north africa continue to arrive on
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the southern italian island of lampedusa their presence next likely to feel the feeling that multiculturalism has failed and europe also seeing a resurgence of the far right and now entering the debate is the german new minister of the interior who question islams presence in his country and all of these correspondent daniel bushell has more now from brussels. islam does not belong in germany according to the country's new interior minister hans peter friedrich i did that immigrants must learn to speak german first and foremost and knode germany's quote western christian origins countries four million muslims are . decrying a slap in the face for almost lives and it comes off charles langley merkel and britain's leader david cameron said the efforts to create a multicultural society in europe had failed the arrival of thousands of immigrants from the middle east and north africa fleeing that violence has inflamed
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a population already suffering from record unemployment and general economic hardship in neighboring france the extreme right national front party will take first place in the first round of elections there next year according to a new poll penn is expected to get twenty three percent of the vote that's ahead of president nicolas sarkozy the incumbent and the socialist opposition as world party the national front has called for three million europeans to be sent out of the country to give you a flavor of their program both here and in belgium also in france there is next month expected to be positive or law banning the full four years face veil the defenders of the law say that it's to stop violent protests for example recently many protesters have performed veils to protest against various things and they say it's not targeting the muslim population but of course many muslims are up in arms
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about that neighboring italy has perhaps been the worst affected many immigrants have fled there just across the shore the mediterranean from north africa and the middle east and there's been the staunchly rise in right wing politics there as well. it is. this turning big. unemployment is a near record high and analysts believe much needed economic growth might still be years away more of a fresh scandals engulfing prime minister berlusconi are being reported on a daily basis fueling italians traditional distrust of politicians bad news yes but not for everyone grassroots political movements rather than parties cashing in on this grim state of affairs among them neofascist ones you know this is italy's cause a pound is about our plan to take everything this is this queen of water the multicultural
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multiethnic parts of the bustling community of asian middle east and north african residents living side by side here in this six story building sense the headquarters this is most prominent it's a fast growing radical right concept. named after a u.s. poet as a pound and unwavering supporter of mussolini's fascist regime this building is home to seventy of the movement's members as a pound support has grown and inside the unemployment rate he will delete as a country of all people it is hard for the young to find a job or make their voices heard we're not only a generation deprived of our future but also of our present. because abounds present with its brand of revamped third millennium fascism is one of rapid growth through its intense agenda of discussion forums is splitting rock concerts and swat actions the movement is on the other not we believe that fascism was a grand period in italy's past well of course your own artistic splendor we can't
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label ourselves as fascist we are witnessing the end of the political parties rule movements such as this one will prevail against them members also claim there are an anti racist anti discrimination movement but they just playing the political correctness game the movements members deny any wrongdoing. the media and leftist politicians are misrepresenting the disconnect between all the kids in the electorate in its early years growing with an opposition virtually dominated by uncivil a school your rhetoric and a shattered ruling coalition seemingly more focused on its leaders legal issues there on the country's fate to some here even. a dead dictator seems to be more appealing matches stevens rome for artsy well of course liberals dominating the news and will keep you up to date with all the events happening there but in the meantime let's have a look at the other headlines from around the world we get the latest business news
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for dimitri after years of hiding behind presidential immunity the former french leader jacques chirac has gone on trial for corruption is accused of masterminding a scheme mayor of paris in which public money was used to pay for work benefiting his party chirac and his close associates have already been linked to a number of corruption scandals but he's never been convicted. of u.s. space shuttle discovery's undocked from the international space station began its last journey back to earth earlier the crew said their goodbyes to colleagues on the assess their now orbit the earth for one last time taking a few scenic pictures along the way upon landing the spaceship will be ferried off to a museum and the almost forty years of flight. a critical lapse of one of hawaii's most active volcanoes ascent molten lava hurtling into the sky it was matched by dozens of small earthquakes killer whale has been erupting constantly for almost three decades with varying intensity every has now been cordoned off in a nearby park close despite reassurances there is little danger. well
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as promised the business update coming up in just a few moments stay with us here on r.t. . no you want your business starting with me to be sure of that this year russian farmers are expected to plant the fewest wheat fields in four years a survey by bloomberg says that's because farmers cannot plant water to grain export ban and high diesel prices and analysts say this will have an impact on the international grain market and that russia's role cannot be overestimated over the last two years specially if one looks back over the course of the last decade then russia's importance in terms of being a reliable
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a very competitively price exporter for feed greens has really been growing very very rapidly and this is really meant that you know from last year as you came to see the efforts you countries are russian particular being the source of the most competitively priced feed rate in the world so you know with the russian ballet in place especially from the last two years have to see countries of the middle east in importing countries egypt for example which additional resources are russian wheat having to import from more expensive providers like the us a part of the e.u. so there has been a pretty big reaction in terms of international prices and russia is one of the countries which is actually crucial in terms of the export side of the dynamics of the global week mark it well prices are keeping last week's places fighting in libya rages on with concerns the unrest may spread to other nearby oil producing countries but investment bankers say the price is higher than real production costs . the world market is many ways is a perfect what is my concern the long term price is the term and normally for the
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long term much of the purchase price for the first time i get on each of those but that will. cover the oil prices much higher result it is certain premium and better than the world price from the fact that there is a lot of political instability around the world but fundamentally you know the shows that eighty dollars per barrel is about the right margin production cost of oil and that's the sort of where with respect to. the floating around of the world . stock markets now in just a reminder here in russia the markets are closed for a public holiday until wednesday stocks finished their last trading session which was saturday in the black history chips were higher last week with bank the t.d. up more than one point two percent at saturday's. during twenty eight and six international banks announced they want to cut back their presence in the russian banking sector morgan stanley sold its russian mortgage business last year barclays says it's pulling out while spain's santander has left the retail mortgage sector
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but analysts say the russian banking industry is becoming more competitive for international players state comptroller banks have become more aggressive in lending. in these more competitive much more competitive market. of scale matter so what. barclays didn't have enough scale can be seen doing so they decided to me for that reason but that does not mean the russian market became an attractive still very attractive place more competitive. russia's ranks fifty nine from the list of the world's most competitive countries in terms of tourism report come by and by the world economic forum took into account the environment infrastructure and natural resources of one hundred thirty nine countries switzerland tops the list with germany in second place followed by france russia go behind months for its nature and culture but as yet soon prove
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